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24 - 26, Octubre, 2018

Quito, Ecuador

XViii Congreso Latinoamericano
de Control Automático

CLCA 2018

© Cada uno de los autores sobre sus respectivos aportes, 2018
Chair: IPC-Chair: Co-Chair:
ISBN: 978-9942-35-525-6 Danilo Chávez Jaime Moreno Oscar Camacho

Comisión Técnica: Dr. Patricio Cruz, Dr. Paulo Leica, Dr. Marcelo Pozo, MSc. Luis Morales,
MSc. Jorge Luis Medina, MSc. Marco Herrera.

© EPN Editorial | Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica Miembros

Escuela Politécnica Nacional, 2018
Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica
Departamento de Automatización y Control Industrial Paulo Leica (EPN) Iván Escandón (UPS)
Jackeline Abad (EPN) Mariela Cerrada (UPS)
Diseño y diagramación Patricio Cruz (EPN) Diego Arcos (ESPE)
Centro de Multimedios Javier Urquizo (ESPOL) Ramiro Brito (UIDE)
Escuela Politécnica Nacional Douglas Plaza (ESPOL) Diego Ordoñez (UTE)
Cristian Basurto Salazar César Martín (ESPOL)

Portada | Diseño y diagramación

Centro de Multimedios Comité Internacional del Programa
Escuela Politécnica Nacional
Cristian Basurto Salazar
Adriana Amicarelli (Argentina) Gerardo Espinoza (México)
Fotografía portada Vicente Mut (Argentina) Hebertt Sira (México)
Fís. Marcelo Arias Erazo Gustavo Scaglia (Argentina) Javier Sotomayor (Perú)
Profesor Titular Escuela Politécnica Nacional Víctor Hinojosa (Chile) Carlos Smith (USA)
Pablo Rivadeneira (Colombia) Rafael Fierro (USA)
Ladrón de Guevara E11-253 Roda Correa G. (Colombia) Sandip Roy (USA)
PO-Box 17-01-2759 Diego Patiño (Colombia) Alberto Sánchez (Ecuador)
(+593) 2 2976 300 Orestes Llanes (Cuba) Diego Benítez (Ecuador)
Quito, Ecuador - 2018 Carlos Ocampo (España) Andrés Rosales (Ecuador) Pedro Albertos (España) Marcelo Pozo (Ecuador)

Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra, por medios conocidos o por
conocer, sin la autorización escrita de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional. Se autoriza su uso
académico, debidamente citado.


El XVIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático (CLCA 2018) tiene lugar

en esta ocasión en la bella ciudad de Quito, Ecuador, entre los días 24 y 26 de Octu-
bre de 2018. Esta edición sigue a la realizada en Medellín, Colombia, en 2016, y es
auspiciada por la International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). Nos acoge
el Departamento de Automatización y Control Industrial (DACI) de la Facultad de
Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional.

El CLCA 2018 cubrirá todas las áreas de control automático y es el espacio natural
de reunión de la comunidad científica latinoamericana que trabaja en esta área.
Este evento será un catalizador para aumentar el interés en el área de control y
a su vez una inigualable oportunidad para explorar y compartir los avances en la
investigación, aplicación y enseñanza en esta fascinante área del saber humano en

Con cerca de 63 artículos sometidos, de más de 14 países, esta XVIII edición del
CLCA constituye un paso más en la larga serie de encuentros de la comunidad de
control en Latinoamérica. Cerca de 30 revisores han estado a cargo de la evaluación
de la calidad técnica de los trabajos sometidos. Como resultado, se recibieron unas
150 revisiones, que condujeron a la aceptación de 41 artículos, que constituyen el
programa final del CLCA 2018. El Programa del CLCA 2018 consistirá en seis con-
ferencias magistrales, una de las cuales será realizada mediante videoconferencia, y
se realizarán también sesiones técnicas. Además se impartirán 3 Workshops sobre
redes inteligentes, identificación de sistemas y redes industriales. La organización
de los tres días de la conferencia se ha arreglado para albergar un programa rico en
conferencias magistrales y presentaciones técnicas. Además, el CLCA 2018 se rea-
lizará en la Ciudad de Quito, que es Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad, y ofrece
amplias oportunidades de enriquecerse de su acervo cultural e histórico.

Dr. Jaime Moreno


mensaje del chair clca 2018

“La práctica sin teoría es ciega y la teoría sin práctica es estéril”,

Kant 1793

El Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático CLCA, es una de las reuniones

más importantes de Control Automático a nivel de Latinoamérica, que reúne a los
investigadores, profesores y estudiantes, así como a representantes de la Industria.
Esta ocasión se realiza por primera vez en el Ecuador, en el campus de la Escuela
Politécnica Nacional, contando con el trabajo decidido y entusiasta de profesores,
alumnos y personal administrativo del Departamento de Automatización y Control
Industrial (DACI) perteneciente a la Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica

Cabe resaltar el apoyo de las autoridades de la EPN, quienes brindaron las mayores
facilidades para la organización de este evento, así como el apoyo de la IFAC en la
difusión de este evento.

Agradecemos el apoyo de todos los expositores nacionales e internacionales que

dieron relevancia a este evento, así como al comité organizador tanto nacional como
internacional que coadyuvaron para el éxito de este evento.

Estamos seguros que será un punto de inflexión en el desarrollo de todas las activi-
dades de Control Automático en el Ecuador, tanto a nivel académico con el fortale-
cimiento de redes de investigación y colaboración, asi como a nivel industrial donde
nuestra labor es impactar en la matriz productiva con la incorporación de ingenios
en los procesos de la industria y empresa, y así hacer posible una cooperación más
efectiva para que rinda los frutos esperados.

Danilo Chávez
Chair del CLCA 2018
Escuela Politécnica Nacional
Quito, Ecuador


Predictive Active Disturbance Rejection Control using LMI...........................................................................3
Aboukheir H.

Fault Tolerant MPC Controller For Electric Heater Control............................................................................5
Alzate R., Martínez D., Mena J., Sabogal B., Tombé J.

Impulsive Multi-Model Model Predictive Control for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.............................................7
Caicedo M., Rivadeneira P., González A.

Algebraic IDA-PBC for Polynomial Systems with Input Saturation: An SOS-based Approach.......................9
Cieza O., Reger J.

Efficient solution of nonlinear model predictive control by restricted enumeration method.......................11
Isaza J., Muñoz D., Alvarez H.

Proportional-Integral Controller Design for Selective Harmonic Mitigation.................................................13

Magossi R., Han S., Oliveira V., Bhattacharyya S.

Una Técnica para la Admisibilidad de SD tipo LPV a Tiempo Discreto.........................................................15

Ríos A., Sotomayor J.

Diseño e Implementación de un Sistema de Información al Usuario Usando Algoritmos de Planificación

de Rutas para el Transporte Público del Distrwito Metropolitano de Quito Caso de Estudio Sector
Centro Norte..................................................................................................................................................17
Suárez D., Rosales A.

Controladores PD/PID para sistemas con retardo, inestables y ceros de fase mínima.................................19
Vásquez C., Marquez J., del Muro B.

Aplicación de MPC por Zonas con eliminación de offset ante variaciones paramétricas en pacientes
Villa M., Rivadeneira P.

Multi-variable PID Control of a Coupled Tank System: A comparative study................................................27
Coelho S., Santana H., Almeida O.

Actuator Fault Tolerant PI-Control Design on TITO Process..........................................................................29
Córdova-Claros J., Sotomayor-Moriano J., Pérez-Zúñiga C.

Optimizing the Biogas production of an anaerobic reactor throughout Model Predictive Control..............31
Hernandez A., Sanchez J., Machado M.

An Extended version of the Super Twisting Algorithm..................................................................................33

Jauch G., Moreno J.

Modelado de base fenomenológica del secador ATM-52 empleado en el proceso de producción de pasta
López A., Walteros M., Rivadeneira P.

Collaborative Control Strategy Applied to an Aerobic Reactor....................................................................37

Morales K., Alvarez H., Francisco M. Revollar S., Vega P.

Real-time QFT Control for Temperature in Greenhouses..............................................................................39 SISTEMAS DE POTENCIA
Núñez R., Corzo C. Decentralized Passivity-Based Control for Microgrids....................................................................................79
Ávila S., Montoya O., Espinosa G., Garcés A.
A passive fault-tolerant control strategy for non-linear system: An application to the two tank conical
non-interacting level control system..............................................................................................................41 The Extended Kalman Filter in the Dynamic State Estimation of Electrical Power Systems..........................81
Patel H., Shah Vipul A. Cevallos H., Intriago G., Plaza D.

Control por modos deslizantes de un sistema de intercambio de calor: validación experimental...............43 Control of a Switched-Capacitor Quadratic Boost Converter for Fuel-Cell Systems.....................................83
Pérez-Pirela M., García-Sandoval J. Diaz L., Leyva J., Langarica D., Morales J.

Detección automática del nivel de daño de la cenicilla polvorienta en hojas de cucurbitáceas a través de Robust Regional Pole Placement Synthesis Applied to Structured PSS Design.............................................85
firmas espectrales..........................................................................................................................................45 Giglio de Andrade G., Pellanda P., Mota A., Silveira B.
Rivera-Romero C., Palacios-Hernández E., Trejo-Durán M., Vite-Chávez O., Morales-Saldaña J.
BLDC Motor Controller Response to PWM Compensation...........................................................................87
Criterion for model order reduction of a gasification reactor.......................................................................47 Gutierrez C., Sahonero G.
Santamaria-Padilla L., Alvarez-Icaza L., Alvarez J.
Análisis de un Sistema Anaerobio de Producción de Biogás en Dos Fases..................................................49 Active Disturbance Rejection Control Applied to a Low-Cost Educational Prototype..................................93
Vargas A., Sepúlveda-Gálvez A. Luna J., Maldonado J., Garrido R.

MECATRÓNICA Y ROBÓTICA Data analysis and tools applied to modeling and simulation of a PV system in Ecuador..............................95
A Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for Planar 4-Cable Direct Driven Robot ....................................................55 Benavides D., Jurado F., González L.
Aguas X., Cuaycal A., Paredes I., Herrera M.
Entorno virtual de Simulación de un Sistema de 4 Tanques Acoplados........................................................97
Aids based on speech recognition technology for people with motor disabilities and reduced mobility.....57 Soto M., Sotomayor J., Pérez G., Cruz C.
Armas C., Álvarez R., Romero L.
Root-Locus Analysis of Delayed First and Second Order Systems ................................................................99
Event-Triggered Control for a Three DoF Manipulator Robot.......................................................................59 Ríos M., Márquez J., Del Muro B., Aranda E.
Benitez S., Villarreal M.
Modelling of Learning Styles in Relation to University- level Lectures.........................................................101
Trajectory tracking for spacecraft attitude control.........................................................................................61 Cueva R., Salazar D., Grijalva G.
Cortés R., Rodriguez H.

Control of a mobile robots platoon based on a time-varying gap separation...............................................63

Domínguez C., Cruz R., Rodríguez A., Velasco M.

Cognitive social zones for improving the pedestrian collision avoidance with mobile robots.......................65
Herrera D., Giménez J., Monllor M., Robertí F., Carelli R.

Robotic Exoskeleton for Therapy of Rehabilitation Through Passive Mobilization of the

Tibioastragal Joint...........................................................................................................................................67
Mejía J., Sánchez D. Gonzales E., Muñoz C.

Concurrent design of a lower limb rehabilitation mechanism........................................................................69
Muñoz J., Villareal M., Corona L., Castro R.

Fractional Order Modeling of a Nonlinear Electromechanical System...........................................................71
Rendón J., Mejia C.

Access Control System Based on the Side Profile of a person using Machine Vision....................................73
Rodriguez J., Alvarez R.

de control
18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

Predictive Active Disturbance Rejection Control using LMI

Aboukheir. Hanna*.

*Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt. Ciudad Ojeda, Venezuela

Abstract: On recent times Active Disturbance Rejection Control has drawn both the attention of
industrial and scientific community due to its capability to handle uncertainties and nonlinearities without
using an explicit model of the system; on this paper a modification of the ADRC algorithm is presented,
first an Extended State Predictor is calculated and later, a controller is built using the LMI approach, the
proposal is evaluated through simulations on the Cayley-Rodriguez representation of the Monoaxial
Keywords: State Estimation, Linear Matrix Inequalities, Process Control, Digital Control, Kalman

x (kT  1)  ~x (kT )  u(kT )  K E ( y(kT )  C~ x (kT )) (4)
The value of KE is obtained by solving the Ricatti Equation
On this paper, the Extended State Observer is transformed Åström et al (1998) , Tanaka et al (2015):
into an Extended State Predictor; taking as starting point the P E  Q  TE PE  E  TE PE ( R  ET PE E ) 1 ET P E (5)
works of Miklosovic et al (2006) and Tanaka et al (2015), a
Kalman filter in prediction mode is built, this done to deal not Where E  C T and  E  T
only with the unknown dynamics and disturbances but also The gain of the predictor is described by:
unknowns time delays. On the other hand, the controller is 
K E ( RE  ET PE E ) 1 ET P E T (6)
obtained by using the LMI approach as systematic way to
tune the controller not only when the dynamic of the plant is with Q  0 and R  0 .
unknown but also if the process is presented in polytopic

2. EXTENDED STATE PREDICTOR Once the Extended State Predictor is designed, the following
step is to build the corresponding controller. Consider a
In order to build the corresponding ESP, consider the reduced representation of (3), which is controllable and
following unknown second order transfer function: observable:
y( s)

b0 (1)  T
1 T 
u ( s) s 2  a1s  a0
x(kT  1)    x ( kT )  b0 2 u (kT )
This is written in the following state space representation: 0 1  b T 
 0 
0 1 0  0
y (kT )  1 0x(kT )
x  0 0 1 x  b0 u (t )
(2) On this work b0 is considered as part of the system to be
0 0 0  0 
controlled, the control law that stabilizes the system on (7) is
y  1 0 0x obtained by solving the following Linear Matrix Inequality
Equation (2) is discretized assuming a non-pathological with P>0, Stoorvorgel et al (1998):
sampling period T according to Miklosovic et al (2006) using T P  P  QC T P   x (8)
Åström et al (1998), this is: xT u T   T
 P
   0
 ( RC   P) u 
 T2  T

1 T b0 2  Where the control law is expressed by:
2 
x(kT  1)  0 1 T  x(kT )   b0T u (kT ) (3) L  L1 L2   ( RC  T P) 1 T P (9)
 
0 0 1  0  From the values of (9) the parameters of the ADRC controller
   
are obtained according to Zheng(2009) adapted for discrete
y (kT )  1 0 0x(kT )
time on this work from Jantzen(1998), this leads to:
On this work is proposed to use (3) with a Kalman Filter on
prediction mode, for this reason, consider Åström et al (1998) u(kT )  L1 r (kT )  x1 (kT )  L2 r (kT )  r (kT  1)  x2 (kT )  x3 (kT ) (10)
where the system is presented as a one step ahead predictor of
the form:

SiSTEMAS DE CONTROL 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

4. CASE STUDY who can reject disturbance and track the desired reference, on
future works a physical implementation of this controller is
In order to study the Predictive ADRC controller presented considered on test system..
before, the Cayley-Rodriguez representation of the Fault Tolerant MPC Controller For Electric
Monoaxial satellite found in Sira et al (2005) and REFERENCES
Andymar(2006) is selected: Heater Control
Z, Gao.(2006). "Active Disturbance rejection Control a
x1  0.5(1  x1 ) 2 x2 paradigm Shift in System Control Design" Proceeding Raul Esteban Alzate, Diego Martı́nez Castro,
1 American Control Conference 2006, Minneapolis, Mn, Juan Carlos Mena, Bernardo Roger Sabogal Abril,
x2  u (11) EUA.
J Jimmy Tombé Andrade ∗
Q, Zheng.(2009). ”On Active Disturbance Rejection Control
y  x1 Stability Analysis and aplications in disturbance ∗
e-mail: [raul esteban.alzate, dmartinez, jcmena, brsabogal,
Where x1 is the orientation angle of the satellite respect of an decoupling control”. Phd Thesis, Cleveland State jtombe]
oblique’s axis and x2 is the angular speed respect the University. Grupo de Investigacin de Sistemas de Telemando y Control
principal axis, J is the inertia and u is the applied torque. The Q, Zheng. Z, Gao.(2010). “On Practical Aplications of Active Distribuido - GITCoD. Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Cl. 25
first step is to build the discrete time representation of the Disturbance Rejection Control”. Proceedings of the 29th #115-85, Cali, Valle del Cauca.
unknown system, assuming a sampling period of T  0.1s Chinese Control Conference, Beijing. China.
and considering b0=0.01 substituting on (3). The P, Teppa. M, Bravo. G, Garcia. (2012). "Control por rechazo Abstract: MPC Controllers are good achieving zero steady state error even if the controlled
Matlab/Simulink toolboxes where used for all the activo de perturbaciones del nivel de líquido de un system is affected by disturbances. But MPC strategy by itself was not intended to endure
calculations. According to Sira et al (2002) the Output of the sistema de tanques acoplado" Revista Faraute de Ciencia proper operation under faulty conditions. Fault tolerant control consist of control algorithms,
system is x1 and its desired reference is x1=1.5 with J=90 y Tecnología, Vol 7, No 1,10-18. fault detection and compensation strategies. In this work a MPC controller is implemented
Andymar(2006), the simulation is presented as follows P Teppa. (2012). "Notas en control por desigualdades using dynamic matrix control strategy. Also a model based residual generator is developed
against a disturbance of the 50% of the nominal value: lineales matriciales", Universidad Simón Bolívar. to detect fault occurrence. Artificial neural networks combined with band pass filter allows
R, Miklosovic. Z,Gao.(2006). "Discrete Implementation and fault quantification to compensate the MPC behavior under faulty operation. The implemented
generalization of the extended State Observer", compensation schema improved the controller’s recovery time significantly.
Proceeding American Control Conference 2006,
Minneapolis, Mn, EUA. Keywords: Fault tolerant, Fault detection, Fault diagnosis, Predictive control, Quadratic
B, Alexander. R, Rarick. L, Dong. (2008). “A novel control, Dynamic modeling.
application of an extended State Observer for High
Performance control of NASA’s HSS Flywheel and 1. INTRODUCTION With this was possible to analyze how the system’s model
Fault Detection” Proceeding American Control is affected due to a fault. It was observed that a grid
Fig. 1: Predictive ADRC with unknown model Conference 2008, Seattle, Washington, EUA. Nowadays robustness is a very important characteristic in voltage drop only affected the linear model gain while the
R, Tanaka. T, Murakami. Y, Ishida.(2015) “Model Matching control design. Controllers able to operate properly even time constant remained unchanged.
As shown on (Fig. 1), the Predictive ADRC effectively Control Based on Discrete time improved ADRC under faulty conditions can reduce cost and avoid critical
regulates the system and also has the capability to reject Θa − Θ
considering plant input disturbances”. 2015 Third damages to the controlled system. This is why fault detec- Θ̇Cw = k1 u1 + + u2 h(Θ)(Θa − Θ) (1)
larger disturbances. On the second experiment, the discrete International Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, Rth (Θ)
tion and correction capabilities are becoming a key aspect
nominal linearized model of (11) is used, assuming x1=1.5 Modelling and Simulation. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, for controller design. Despite MPC technique has shown to
and x2=0 as equilibrium points, the discrete linearized model Malaysia. be a very successful technique, it lacks fault detection and
with sampling period T  0.1 is presented as follows: K, Astrom. B, Wittenmark.(1998). "Computer Controlled correction capabilities. The latter becomes more critical
Against the same reference signal and disturbance, the system System: Theory and Design", Prentice Hall. due to the controlled plants model will become inaccurate
is shown as follows: E, Kaszkurewicz. A, Bhaya. (2006). "Matrix Diagonal under fault conditions. To extend MPC capabilities under
Stability in Systems and Computation", Birkhauser. faulty conditions, this work proposes and test a fault
D, Xue. Y, Chen.(2009). "Solving applied mathematical detection and correction scheme that aims to improve
problems with Matlab" CRC Press. the MPC robustness. Experimental results showed that
M Oishi.(2008). "Global quadratic lyapunov function", additive compensation offers a superior performance when
Lecture Notes, University of British Columbia. compared with the proposed schema which updates the
G Hermann.(2006). "Linear Matrix Inequalities in Control", MPC model according to the fault magnitude. The present
Lecture Notes, Leicester University. work concludes that it is better to invest more effort to the
T, Alamo Cantarero.(2012). “Minicurso LMI”, Lecture development of additive based compensators rather than
Notes, UNED. strategies based on updating the models employed by the
Fig. 2: Predictive ADRC with Nominal Model Fig. 1. Heater-Cooler system used to implement the MPC
A, Stoorvorgel. A, Saberi.(1998). “The Discrete Algebraic plants controller.
The response is improved when the overshoot is reduced; this control and fault compensation schema.
Ricatti Equation and Linear Matrix Inequalities”. Linear 2. METHODOLOGY
is because the controller has more information of the system Algebra and Its Applications 274:317-365. The fault detection was achieved computing a residual
than the unknown model presented before. J, Jantzen. (1998) “Tunning of Fuzzy PID controllers” signal as the difference between the measured temperature
In order to implement a model based fault compensator a
Technical University of Denmark, Department of non linear model was obtained for the plant using classical and the calculated with the model in equation1. When the
5. CONCLUSIONS Automation, Bldg 326, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark. residual signal is around zero, the system is in fault free
thermodynamics. In figure 1 is depicted the water heating
Tech. report no 98-H 871 (fpid). system used for the present work. The systems’s model is operation. When the residual signal exceeds a threshold
On this paper a modification of the typical ADRC algorithm a fault has occurred. For this work the threshold was
H, Sira Ramires. R, Marquez. F, Rivas. O, Llanes. (2005). shown in equation 1. It can be seen that is a non-linear
is presented, first an ESO is used as a predictive estimator set as ±1.4K based on experimental data. In order to
"Control de Sistemas Nolineales", Pearson. system.
that feeds the ADRC controller on discrete time, which is quantify the fault faster, the residual signal is filtered with
R Andymar.(2006). "Uso de GNU Octave para simulacion de
tuned using the LMI´s approach, resulting on a controller Afterwards faults were induced in a controlled manner a bandpass filter. This filter performs a derivative action
sistemas Nolineales", Tesis de Grado ULA.
using a variac connected in series with the heater resistor. and cleans the residual derivative from unwanted noise. In

4 5
SiSTEMAS DE CONTROL 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

figure 2 the residual signal is depicted with red color while

the residual derivative is represented by the blue curve.
Impulsive Multi-Model Model Predictive
Control for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Michelle Caicedo ∗ Pablo S. Rivadeneira ∗
Alejandro H. González ∗∗

Departamento de Energı́a Eléctrica y Automática, Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, Medellı́n, Colombia (e-mail:
INTEC-Facultad de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica, UNL-CONICET, Santa Fe,
Argentina (e-mail:

Abstract: Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic and autoimmune disease that affects over
25 million people around the world. Recently, several control strategies as model predictive
Fig. 4. Experimental results comparing recovery time with control (MPC) and PID have been developed for the implementation of the artificial pancreas
and without fault compensation schema. With fault to accomplish blood glucose regulation. However, a realistic and robust approach to treatment
compensation represented by green curve. without for T1DM is still needed. In this paper, a new impulsive robust model predictive control strategy
Fig. 2. Residual signal (red curve) and band passed resid- compensation represented by blue curve. based on a multi-model scheme is presented, to avoid hypoglycemic and severe hyperglycemic
ual, experimental results.
magnifies the fault to the MPC, hence the counter action events against meal disturbances, plant-model mismatch and parametric variations which lead
An Artificial Neural Network was trained to compute the is also magnified. to hypo and hyperglycemia when an MPC with a nominal plant is used.
heater gain changes according to the residual derivative
It can be seen that the recovery time is improved, IAE = Keywords: Artificial pancreas, blood glucose regulation, parametric variation, model predictive
maximal value, which is proportional to the fault magni-
4040. This is not a successful result due to the MPC was control, robust control, multi-model control.
tude. Once the actual gain is known under fault operations
not updated with the actual gain under fault condition.
conditions, the MPC linear model is updated.
The latter motivated tests with an additive compensation
In this work was also considered another alternative schema, inspired in Noura et al. (2009). This compensation 1. INTRODUCTION the state and the impulsive input at times τk consists in a
scheme, which is an additive compensation strategy. in this strategy showed better results, the obtained IAE was 3718 set of linear impulsive differential equations of the form:
scheme the residual derivative is used directly, hence the and the fault occurrence at t = 1500s was imperceptible. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is a chronic and au-
artificial neural network is not required. This strategy is This result is better than showed in figure 4. toimmune disease that causes progressive destruction of ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + E, x(0) = x0 ,
depicted in figure 3. pancreatic β-cells. The consequence is a decrease in insulin (1)
production resulting in a dysfunctional glycemic regula- x(τk+ ) = x(τk ) + Bu(τk ), k ∈ N,
tion and therefore the risk of hyperglycemic events. One The impulsive system (1) is then characterized at times τk
Updating MPC models according to the fault magnitude of the limitations for developing an artificial pancreas is and τk+ leading a discrete time version of it.
did not provided the expected performance. In Noura et al. the lack of robust control algorithms for the regulation of
(2009) is presented an additive law using the residual BG under several scenarios of plant-model mismatch, per- 4. PARAMETER SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS
signal. Using such approaches the system’s robustness turbations and parameter variations (Bequetteb (2005)).
can be greatly improved when compared to the method In this work, the problem of the robustness is addressed For this case, glucose sensitivity with respect to insulin
presented in this work. The latter is clearly show when from a different point of view. First, insulin pumps do sensitivity (Si ), the rate of self-regulating (K), the time
comparing the obtained IAE indexes. Also it is important not deliver insulin continuously but in small pulses, which constant of the insulin concentration (tmax,IA ) and time
to notice that the computation time is lower since the means that the problem could be taken as an impulsive constant of glucose levels after meals (tmax,G ) are studied.
ANN are not necessary for the additive compensation. system. Second, fixed model-plant mismatch and intra-
The present work suggest that it is better to opt for 5. MULTI-MODEL DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANT
patient parameter variations are considered by means of a
additive compensation strategies rather than MPC model multi-model uncertainty scheme, which is essentially dif-
correction. Further works in this topic should aim putting The model used for predictions is augmented with a
ferent and less conservative than the uncertainty schemes
this additive correction into a firm mathematical ground. constant state disturbance to account for the mismatch
Fig. 3. Control scheme to compensate fault inspired in the of the traditional RMPCs.
between the model prediction and the real plant. In this
additive compensation scheme. paper, the multi-model formulation is developed following
2. GLUCOSE-INSULIN MODEL the idea of a stable formulation using artificial variables
Noura, H., Theilliol, D., Ponsart, J.C., and Chamseddine, considering a finite collection of linear (augmented) models
A. (2009). Fault-tolerant control systems: Design and According to Ruan et al. (2017), an affine model is con- for predictions.
practical applications. Springer Science & Business sidered with 5 continuous state variables representing the
Updating MPC linear model did not improved recovery Media. three subsystem dynamics describing blood glucose, in- 6. IMPULSIVE ROBUST MPC
time. The performance index IAE was approximately 5820 sulin action and absorption.
for both cases. To see if updating MPC model could have The optimization problem cost solved by the MPC takes
any impact in the recovery time the MPC was updated into account only the predictions corresponding to the
with the quarter value of the actual gain (that is, the fault 3. LINEAR IMPULSIVE SCHEME
nominal model, as follows (Ferramosca et al. (2017)):
was magnified to the MPC). The result is shown in figure 4
in which 40% fault is induced at t = 1500s. The blue curve Consider the inputs as impulses applied by means of a
VN (x, d, x•T s
; u, ua , xa ) = (2)
is the response without compensation. The green curve drug bolus, instead of continuous delivery. The dynamic
is the response when the proposed compensation schema system of interest which relates the state at time τk+ with VN (xno , dno ; u, uano , xano ) + Vest (xa , x•T

6 7
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The optimization problem solved by the MPC at each time Khalil, H.K. (1992). Nonlinear Systems. Macmillan, New
k is given by: York.
Kirchsteiger, H. and Del Re, L. (2013). Robust tube-based
PRM P C (x, d, x•T
predictive control of blood glucose concentration in type Algebraic IDA-PBC for Polynomial
1 diabetes. In 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, 2085–2089. Systems with Input Saturation: An
min VN (x, d, x•T
; u, ua , xa ) Kovács, L., Maszlag, C., Mezei, M., and Eigner, G. (2017).
u,ua ,xa
s.t. Robust nonlinear model predictive control of diabetes
SOS-based Approach
xi (0) = x̂i mellitus. In IEEE 15th International Symposium on
xi (j + 1) = A•i xi (j) + Bi• u(j) + E • + di (j), Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 55–60. Oscar B. Cieza 1 , Johann Reger 2
di (j + 1) = di (j), Maeder, U., Francesco, B., and Morari, M. (2009). Linear
xi (j) ∈ X , u(j) ∈ U , offset-free model-predictive control. Automatica, 45, Control Engineering Group, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany,
xi (N ) = xai , 2214—-2222. (e-mail:,
xai = A•i xai + Bi• uai + E • + di (j) Muske, K.R. and Badgwell, T.A. (2002). Disturbance
JN (xi , di , x•T
; u, uai , xai ) ≤ J˜N (xi , di , x•T
; ũi , ũai , x̃ai ), modeling for offset-free linear model predictive control. Abstract: The necessity to deal with partial differential equations (PDEs) and the dissipation
Journal of Process Control, 12, 617—-632. condition are the main adversities in the application of Interconnection and Damping Assign-
7. STUDY CASE Ozyetkin, M.M., Nath, N., Tatlicioglu, E., and Dawson, ment Passivity-Based Control (IDA-PBC). Recently, an algebraic solution of IDA-PBC has been
D.M. (2012). A new robust nonlinear control algorithm explored for a class of affine polynomial systems by using sum of squares (SOS) and semidefinite
The performance of the controller presented in Section 5 for the regulation of blood glucose in diabetic patients. programming (SDP). In this work, we extend the previous method by incorporating actuator
is tested in simulation using the virtual patient adolescent In IEEE International Conference on Control Applica- saturation (AS) and two minimization objectives in the SDP. Our results are validated on two
001 identified from the UVA/Padova metabolic simulator. tions (CCA), 1057–1061. polynomial systems.
The impulsive multi-model MPC is evaluated under pa- Pannocchia, G. and Rawlings, J.B. (2003). Disturbance
rameter variation. models for offset-free model-predictive control. AIChE
Journal, 49(2), 426—-437. Keywords: Port-Hamiltonian Systems, IDA-PBC, Polynomial Systems, Sum of Squares,
Penet, M., Gueguen, H., and Belmiloudi, A. (2013). A Actuator Saturation.
robust receding horizon control approach to artificial
glucose control for type 1 diabetes. In 9th IFAC 1. INTRODUCTION PBC at the expense of an adequate parametrization and
In this paper, a novel impulsive robust MPC is presented.
Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, 833–838. selection of the Hamiltonian. To the best knowledge of the
The offset-free model was proposed to eliminate plant-
Perriello, G., De Feo, P., Torlone, E., Fanelli, C., Santeu- The standard Interconnection and Damping Assignment authors there is no definitive solution to the AS design
model mismatch and write down the multi-model ap-
sanio, F., Brunetti, P., and Bolli, G.B. (1991). The Passivity-Based Control (IDA-PBC) method requires a problem with IDA-PBC. The underlying work shall now
proach. Parameter sensitivity analysis is made in order to
dawn phenomenon in type 1 (insulin-dependent) dia- two step procedure: energy shaping (ES) and damping also incorporate AS and two SDP minimization objectives,
know how parameter variations affect glucose. Simulation
betes mellitus: magnitude, frequency, variability, and injection. The first step depends on the solution of partial extending the algorithm of Cieza and Reger (2018).
results show robustness when the controller is tested under
fixed model-mismatch and meal disturbances. dependency on glucose counterregnlation and insulin differential equations (PDEs). Therefore, methods such as
sensitivity. Diabetologia, 34, 21–28. constructive procedures (Romero et al., 2017), implicit 2. IDA-PBC FOR POLYNOMIAL SYSTEMS
REFERENCES Resalat, N., Youssef, J.E., Reddy, R., and Jacobs, P.G. port-Hamiltonian (Castaños and Gromov, 2016) and also
(2017). Evaluation of model complexity in model pre- algebraic approaches (Batlle et al., 2007), among others, We consider the class of polynomial systems given by
Atherton, R.W., Schainker, R.B., and Ducot, E.R. (1975). dictive control within an exercise enabled artificial pan- have been proposed. The second step together with zero Γ(x)ẋ = f (x) + g(x)u (1)
On the statistical sensitivity analysis of models for creas. IFAC PapersOnLine, 50(17). state detectability guarantees asymptotic stability. Here, and the desired closed loop port-Hamiltonian system
chemical kinetics. AIChe Journal, 21(3), 441–448. Rivadeneira, P.S., Ferramosca, A., and González, A.H. dissipation in the under-actuated degrees of freedom, see    
Badgwell, T.A. (1997). Robust model predictive control of g⊥ (x) F1 (x) 1 ∂z  (x)P −1 z(x)
(2015). Mpc with state window target control in linear (Gómez-Estern and Van der Schaft, 2004), may also turn Γ(x)ẋ = , (2)
stable linear systems. International Journal of Control, g  (x) F2 (x) 2 ∂x
impulsive systems. IFAC - PapersOnLine, 48(23), 507– out an obstacle for the implementation of IDA-PBC. In
68(4), 797–818. 512. addition, it has been shown by Batlle et al. (2007) that a where g⊥ is the full rank left annihilator, Γ is nonsingular,
Badgwell, T.A. and Muske, K.R. (2002). Disturbance Rivadeneira, P.S., Ferramosca, A., and González, A.H. two step IDA-PBC may be restrictive in some cases, thus and Γ, g, g⊥ , z, g⊥ f are polynomial functions. Addi-
model design for linear model predictive control. In (2017). Control strategies for non-zero set-point reg- introducing a single step procedure. tionally, we use Prop. 3–5 from Cieza and Reger (2018),
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 1621– ulation of linear impulsive systems. IEEE Transactions rephrasing them into new Prop. 1 and 2 (see full paper 3 )
1626. It is well-known that actuator saturation (AS) may lead s.t. they meet our requirements. These propositions expose
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Bequetteb, B. (2005). A critical assessment of algorithms to closed-loop instability. In this context, for instance, Wei sufficient conditions for synthesizing the control law
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and challenges in the development of a closed-loop arti- and Yuzhen (2010) analyzed saturation in the damping u = (g  g)−1 F2 (∂x z) P −1 z − g  f (3)
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ficial pancreas. Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, injection term, Macchelli et al. (2003) developed a variable
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sau, E., and Doyle, F.J. (2014). Reducing risks in type under AS. Additionally, in polynomial systems the sum
Schaller, S., Lippert, J., Schaupp, L., Pieber, T.R., Schup- and some conditions exposed in the full paper. Then we
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1510–1518. 1 Support by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Germany, F2 as general function s.t. (4) is satisfied, granting more
Hamby, D. (1994). A review of techniques for parameter and by Programa Nacional de Becas y Crédito Educativo, Peru.
sensitivity analysis of environmental models. Enviro- 2 Support by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innova- flexibility at the expense of computational cost.
mental Monitoring and Assessment, 32, 135–154. tion program, Marie Sk€lodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 734832. 3 For brevity, the reader shall consult the full paper for Prop. 1–4.

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The new obtained Prop. 1 and 2 extend the results of 0
Cieza and Reger (2018) so as to also consider AS. For
Xh Efficient solution of nonlinear model

this purpose, we introduce Prop. 3 which entails additional predictive control by a restricted
conditions such that the control law (3) is constrained to −5
a set Uc = {u ∈ Rm | u Su−1 (x)u ≤ 1} with Su (x)  0 for enumeration method
any x ∈ XP ⊂ Xh .
Jhon Isaza ∗ Diego A. Muñoz ∗∗ Hernan Alvarez ∗∗∗
Following for example the works of Ichihara (2013) we
use the polytope or polytopic saturation model within the −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
algebraic IDA-PBC to state Prop. 4, which implies that, if x1

Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano de Medellı́n, Facultad de
there is a solution to the conditions of Prop. 1 and 3 with Ingenierı́as. Cra. 65 N 98 A-75, Medellı́n, Colombia. (e-mail:
a modified (4), then there also exists an (asymptotically) Fig. 1. Sets XP , Xh , Uc , and phase portrait for 10 extreme
stabilizing control law with F2 in polytopic representation. initial positions.
Optimización Matemática de Procesos ÓPTIMO, Centro de Ciencia
Básica, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Circular 1, 70-01,
Afterwards we adopt the independent input saturation, 5. CONCLUSION Medellı́n, Colombia, (e-mail:
see (Ichihara, 2013), given by usat-i = sat(ux , u, u), where ∗∗∗
KALMAN, Grupo de investigación en Procesos Dinámicos,
ux is calculated by Prop. 4 and u, u are maximum and In this paper we provide an algebraic solution for IDA- Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Medellı́n, Facultad de Minas.
minimum values of u in Uc . Additionally, to reduce 2m−1 PBC that is able to also resolve problems from AS and Cra 80 N 65-223 Medellı́n, Colombia. (e-mail:
inequalities and polynomial matrices, we select a new optimization objectives. To this end, we restrict the design
saturation function usat-n which depends on all the inputs. to a class of polynomial systems that yield conditions
which are solvable with SOS and SDP. Additionally, we Abstract: This work presents an alternative method to solve the nonlinear program (NLP)
Prop. 1–3 only guarantee a solution for P and F2 (x) enjoy features as: no need to solve a PDE, dissipation for nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) problems. The NLP is the most computational
without any (maxi-)minimization objective in the SDP. in design and one step IDA-PBC. Simulations of two demanding task in NMPC, which limits the industrial implementation of this control strategy.
Therefore, we define the following optimizations polynomial example systems validate our approach. Therefore, it is important to consider algorithms that can solve the nonlinear program, not only
• Optimization 1: volume maximization of XP by in real time but also guaranteeing feasibility. In this work, the restricted enumeration method
means of maximizing the minimum bound of P , and REFERENCES is proposed as alternative to solve the NLP for NMPC problems, showing successful results for
• Optimization 2: volume minimization of Uc which pH control in a sugar cane process plant. This method enumerates in restricted way a set of
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of SOSTOOLS and SDPT3. To validate our results we use Systems (MICNON), 366–371. are nonlinear, in some cases, the performance of linear iii) heuristic methods such as genetic algorithms, Bacterial
two examples: a nonlinear second order system and a third Gómez-Estern, F. and Van der Schaft, A. (2004). Physical MPC has been suitable (Rao and Rawlings, 2000; Mayne Chemotactism (BCh) and simulated annealing. Although
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E1 Prop. 1 with Opt. 1, Ichihara, H. (2013). A Convex Approach to State Feedback to nonlinear MPC (NMPC) (Chen and Allgöwer, 1998; procedures allow the industrial implementation of NMPC.
E2 Prop. 1 and 3 with Opt. 2, Synthesis for Polynomial Nonlinear Systems with Input de Oliveira Kothare, 1996). The main disadvantage of The aim of this work is to propose the restricted enumer-
E3 Prop. 1 and 3 with Opt. 1 and Saturation. SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and NMPC is the complexity related with the resulting non- ation method to solve the nonlinear-nonconvex optimiza-
E4 a small comparison between Prop. 1 and 2. System Integration, 6(3), 186–193. linear optimization problem, which is usually nonconvex tion problem of NMPC to increase the possibilities of its
Macchelli, A., Melchiorri, C., Secchi, C., and Fantuzzi, C. (Mishra, 2011) and must be solved in real time (Chen and implementation in industrial processes.
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which shows sets XP ⊂ Xh , XP ⊂ Uc , and the phase por- solution to solve the resulting nonlinear program (NLP) in
In European Control Conference (ECC), 1309–1314. 2. METHODOLOGY
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x 1 x 2 + u1 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 45(5), 1017–1027.
0 0 1 ẋ3 timization problems for NMPC can be classified in three the highest computational cost, in particular when the
x 2 x 3 + u2 Wei, A. and Yuzhen, W. (2010). Stabilization and H∞ con- sub-groups: i) Direct enumeration, which is not very ef- considered model and constraints are non-linear. To this
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most important contribution of the OER method is its In this section we briefly summarize a design constraint
10.1007/978-1-4419-9640-4. r(t) + e(t) u(t) y(t)
on the error transfer function and present the proposed C(s) P (s)
algorithmic simplicity, which is easily programmable in Rao, C.V. and Rawlings, J.B. (2000). Linear program-
industrial control equipment such as the PLC. Thus, graphical design. −
ming and model predictive control. Journal of Process
industrial implementation of advanced control techniques Control, 10(2-3), 283–289.
based on optimization is enhanced. 2.1 H∞ Norm Constraint on the Error Transfer Function
Richalet, J. (1993). Industrial applications of model based Fig. 1. Unity feedback under disturbance.
As a future work, to extend the control horizon for multi- predictive control. Automatica, 29(5), 1251–1274.
We summarize the results in Han et al. (2018). Thus,
steps ORE, the number of possible combinations that this Vatter, V. (2008). Enumeration schemes for restricted per-
consider a unity feedback control loop with a disturbance Consider the general dynamical plant of interest illustrated
method requires to solve the optimization problem must mutations. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing,
input to the plant as shown in Fig. 1, where r(t) is the in the Fig. 2. Let Yd (s) be the transfer function of yd (t) in
be reduced. A predictive controller with enough dynamic 17(1), 137159. doi:10.1017/S0963548307008516.
reference input, u(t) the input to the plant, d(t) the the closed-loop system, then assume that the disturbance
information of the near future of the plant will have more Xi, Y.G., Li, D.W., and Lin, S. (2013). Model predictive
control - status and challenges. Acta Automatica Sinica,  We acknowledge the financial support of the Brazilian National is a linear combination of sinusoidal signals, for fixed
possibilities to correct errors or future disturbances. In frequencies ωd ∈ {ω1 , . . . , ωnd }, thus:
other words, it is not the same to excite the prediction 39(3), 222 – 236. Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) under  
Zenem, Y., Chehade, H., and Yalaoui, A. (2012). New Ciência Sem Fronteiras Program grant 400401/2013-4 and São Paulo  Pd (jωd ) 
model once and to keep the control action value during |Yd (jωd )| =   Ad (4)
the prediction horizon, than to excite the model with a restricted enumeration method for production line de- Research Foundation (FAPESP) under project 2016/25017-1 and
1 + C(jωd )Pu (jωd ) 
sign optimization. volume 45, 1347 – 1352. 14th IFAC grant 2017/21577-5. This paper is an extended abstract of a regular  
variable control action, which allows the model to exhibit paper submitted to the XVIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Control
Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manu- =   |Pd (jωd )|Ad (5)
dynamic characteristics of interest, and such that there is Automatico (CLCA 2018) 1 + C(jωd )Pu (jωd ) 
greater predictability on the part of the controller. facturing.

12 13
SiSTEMAS DE CONTROL 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

= |Su (jωd )| |Pd (jωd )| Ad . (6) 3. RESULTS

Let us consider the following continuous-time LTI plant:

d(t) s−5 Una Técnica para la Admisibilidad de SD
Pu (s) = , (13)
10 s2 + 16 s + 2 tipo LPV a Tiempo Discreto
and the disturbance transfer function as:
Pd (s) 20 s2 + 8 s + 1
Pd (s) = . (14) Addison Rı́os-Bolı́var ∗ Javier Sotomayor-Moriano ∗∗
10 s2 + 16 s + 2
yd (t) ∗
Universidad de Los Andes, Facultad de Ingenierı́a, Escuela de
The reference input for this system is a unit step and it
Sistemas, La Hechicera, Mérida 5101, Venezuela.
yu (t) + + is subject to a disturbance signal d(t) = d1 (t) + d2 (t)
u(t) Pu (s) y(t) with d1 (t) = 0.6 sin(2t) and d2 (t) = 0.4 sin(3t). Suppose ∗∗
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Departamento de
P (s) that the specifications to be attained are the amplitude of
Ingenierı́a, Av. Universitaria 1801 San Miguel, Lima 32, Perú.
the harmonic at 2 and 3 rad/s less than 2. We found the
complete set of stabilizing PI controllers for a given plant
Fig. 2. A detailed look of P (s).
using signature concepts (Bhattacharyya et al. (2009)) and
applied the proposed method, the • is the designed point Resumen: Cuando se combina el modelado de procesos fı́sicos considerando parámetros
Let Ed be a desired upper bound for the amplitude of the to be selected to satisfy all the specifications as shown in inciertos, surgen dinámicas que representan SD con incertidumbres. Ası́, en este trabajo se
harmonic at frequency ωd on yd (t), that is, Fig. 3. aborda el análisis de la admisibilidad robusta para una clase de SD a tiempo discreto y con
|Yd (jωd )| < Ed , (7) incertidumbres de tipo politópicas en los parámetros dependientes. Los SD se consideran con
thus, 0 incertidumbres paramétricas de tipo politópicas y con perturbaciones externas, tal como se
describe por:
|Su (jωd )| |Pd (jωd )| Ad < Ed E(ρ)zk+1 = F(ρ)zk + Buk , hk = C(ρ)zk
Ed donde ρ es la variación paramétrica. El análisis y sı́ntesis se fundamenta en el uso de las
⇔ |Su (jωd )| < (8)
|Pd (jωd )| Ad caracterizaciones de las normas H2 -H∞ como LMIs, que surgen de funciones de Lyapunov
dependientes de parámetros. La clase de SD son aquellos donde existe una aplicación lineal que
representa la inversa generalizada de la matriz E, que permite transformar el SD dependiente
which has the same form as (3). Thus, it is possible to -15 de parámetros a un sistema LPV tı́pico. La existencia de la transformación lineal garantiza
design a controller to compensate each harmonic present que los resultados del análisis de las propiedades del sistema LPV transformado se trasladen
in the disturbance by requiring the magnitude of the -20 a los modos finitos del SD dependiente de parámetros original. De igual manera, el diseño del
frequency response of the error signal at ωd to be less control robusto, para el sistema LPV transformado, es garantı́a de satisfacer la admisibilidad
than γd . In the next subsection we graphically design a y el desempeño robusto para el sistema SD de origen. Ası́, se analiza la condición para la
PI controller. -20 -10 0 10 20 realimentación estática de la salida (SOF) sobre el sistema LPV transformado. La sı́ntesis del
controlador por SOF se obtiene considerando ı́ndices de desempeño en H2 y H∞ , descritos como
desigualdades matriciales lineales, LMIs, bajo la presencia de incertidumbres y perturbaciones.
2.2 PI Controller Fig. 3. Stabilizing set with harmonic mitigation con- Para obtener la ganancia de SOF extendida se considera una ganancia de realimentación para
straints. la salida, y una ganancia de realimentación para su derivada discreta.
The classical PI controller is given by:
ki 4. CONCLUSION Keywords: Descriptor systems. LPV systems. Discrete-time systems. Static output feedback
C(s) = kp + . (9)
s (SOF). Robust control.
In this paper, the error transfer function was used in
Assumption 1. The plant has no jω axis zeros located at order to design the PI controller to mitigate the unde-
ωd , which yields sired harmonics present in the system. We showed that 1. INTRODUCCIÓN buscan soluciones numéricas a través de LMIs de manera
|Pu (jωd )| = 0. (10) the subsets lie outside of ellipses in the stabilizing set. eficiente y simple, Chaabane et al. (2011); Yoneyama et al.
Assumption 2. r(t) is a step function with arbitrary am- Future work include the application of the graphical design (2012).
plitude. procedure to PID controllers, data-driven control and also Desde su introducción en Luenberger (1977), los sis-
other performance objectives simultaneously. temas descriptores (SD), denominados también sistemas 2. FORMULACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA
Now, write Pu (jω) = Pr (jω) + jωPi (jω) and following the singulares, sistemas de semi-estado, sistemas diferencial-
steps in Han et al. (2018) using (3) we can rewrite (8) as: REFERENCES algebraicos o sistemas generalizados de estado-espacio; han Se considera el SD
sido uno de los campos principales de investigación dentro
Aguiar, C.R., Bastos, R.F., Gonalves, A.F.Q., Neves, de la teorı́a de control. Desde entonces, un considerable
(ki − c1 )
(kp − c2 )
R.V.A., Reis, G.B., and Machado, R.Q. (2015). Fre- progreso ha sido hecho en la investigación de tales sis- E(ρ)zk+1 = F(ρ)zk + B1 (ρ)ωk + Buk
+ >1 (11) quency fuzzy anti-islanding for grid-connected and is-
a2 b2 temas, Duan (2010); Feng and Yagoubi (2017). hk = C(ρ)zk + D1 (ρ)ωk (1)
where landing operation in distributed generation systems.
IET Power Electronics, 8(7), 1255–1262. En otro orden de ideas, los sistemas lineales a parámetros yk = C2 zk
−ωd2 Pi (ωd ) −Pr (ωd ) Bhattacharyya, S.P., Datta, A., and Keel, L.H. (2009). variables (LPV, por sus siglas en inglés), son referidos
c1 = , c2 = , entonces se establece:
|Pu (jωd )|2 |Pu (jωd )|2 Linear Control Theory: Structure, Robustness, and Op- como aquellos sistemas dinámicos lineales cuyas represen-
(12) tationes en espacio de estados dependen de parámetros no Problema 1. Diseñar un control uk para el sistema (1)
ωd 1 timization, volume 33. CRC press.
a= ,b= . estacionarios exógenos Shamma (2012). tal que el correspondiente sistema en lazo cerrado sea
γd |Pu (jωd )| γd |Pu (jωd )| Han, S., Keel, L.H., and Bhattacharyya, S.P. (2018). admisible y el efecto de la perturbación ωk sobre la salida
PID controller design with an H∞ criterion. In 3rd Los principales resultados en el análisis y sı́ntesis de SD controlada hk sea mı́nimo con criterios de normas H2 -H∞ .
which is equivalent to kp , ki lying outside of the axis
−ω 2 P (ω )
IFAC Conference on Advances in Proportional-Integral- dependientes de parámetros se basan en funciones de Lya-
parallel ellipse with center at |Pud(jωi d )|d2 , |P−P r (ωd )
u (jωd )|
2 and Derivative Control PID, 400 – 405. punov paramétricas, que permiten minimizar el conser- La metodologı́a para la solución consiste en transformar
2 2ωd vatismo de las funciones de Lyapunov clásicas, cuando se (1) en un sistema LPV, utilizando la inverse generalizada
principal axes γd |Pu (jωd )| , γd |Pu (jωd )| .

14 15
SiSTEMAS DE CONTROL 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

de E(ρ) para luego diseñar un controlador robusto medi- para i = 1, . . . , l, donde Φ = GAi + BXC2i + BY C2 Ai y
ante SOF extendida: Υ = GB1i + BY C2 B1i . Las ganancias de la realimentación
uk = K0 yk + K1 C2 zk+1 , (2) son:
K0 = MZ −1 X; K1 = MZ −1 Y (9) Diseño e Implementación de un Sistema de
mediante la caracterización de las normas H2 -H∞ como
LMIs, Pipeleers et al. (2009); Hilhorst et al. (2014). donde GB = BZ y M = I + Z −1 Y C2 B.
Información al Usuario Usando Algoritmos
4. CONCLUSIONES de Planificación de Rutas para el
DESCRIPTORES LPV DISCRETOS Transporte Público del Distrito
Las contribuciones de este trabajo están centradas en
Los resultados principales surgen del sistema transfor-
la sı́ntesis de controladores para una clase de sistemas Metropolitano de Quito Caso de Estudio
descriptores lineales a tiempo discreto y dependientes de
mado: parámetro. El diseño de los controladores está motivado
Sector Centro Norte
por la admisibilización robusta de los sistemas descrip-
xk+1 = A(ρ)xk + B1 (ρ)ωk + Buk tores. Se ha considerado un modelo de sistemas descrip- Denisse E. Suárez, Andrés Rosales ∗
hk = C1 (ρ)xk + D1 (ρ)ωk (3) tores lineales a parámetros variables en todas las matrices

que definen la dinámica del sistema. Luego, se ha presen- Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ladrón de Guevara, Quito 170517
yk = C2 (ρ)xk tado un análisis de admisibilidad robusta para una clase Ecuador (Tel: +593 9 928 73745; e-mail:
donde de sistemas descriptores inciertos, definida por aquellos
∂Γ(ρ) donde existe una aplicación lineal que permite transformar
A(ρ) = F(ρ)Γ(ρ) − E(ρ) ρk+1 . Resumen: Los algoritmos de planificación de rutas son muy usados en diversos campos como:
∂ρ el sistema descriptor incierto a un sistema LPV regular. El
la robótica móvil autónoma, enrutamiento de paquetes, mejora de la gestión de transporte,
Proposición 2. Sea el sistema (3). Si para todo ρ el par diseño del control en el sistema transformado, es garantı́a
entre otras aplicaciones. Uno de los caminos para usar estos algoritmos es modelar el problema
(A(ρ), B) es controlable y el par (C2 (ρ), A(ρ)) observable, de satisfacer la admisibilidad y el desempeño robusto para
usando la teorı́a de grafos y resolver uno de los problemas más frecuentes que consiste en
entonces el sistema (1) es finito estabilizable y controlable el sistema descriptor original. La sı́ntesis del control se
encontrar el camino más corto entre dos puntos de un grafo. En este proyecto se plantea aplicar
de impulso; y finito detectable y observable de impulso. ha realizado por medio de la realimentación estática de
estos algoritmos para mejorar las funcionalidades de un sistema de información de transporte
la salida extendida, lo cual se hace por la obtención de
público, en el que se implementará el algoritmo de Dijkstra para calcular la ruta más corta
Como consecuencia, el problema de admisibilidad para SD una ganancia realimentación para la salida y una ganancia
para llegar desde un punto A a un punto B dentro de la ciudad de Quito, usando como caso de
tipo LPV se transforma en un problema de control robusto de realimentación para su derivada discreta. Esas ganan-
estudio las rutas de buses del sector centro norte.
de sistemas LPV. cias se derivan por estabilización y desempeño robusto de
sistemas LPV, mediante el uso de las caracterizaciones
de las normas H2 -H∞ como LMIs. La técnica de diseño Keywords: Sistema de planificación de rutas, sistema de transporte público, movilización
3.1 Estabilización y desempeño robusto urbana, algoritmo de Dijkstra, teorı́a de grafos.
permite, además, imponer especificaciones multiobjetivos
El control, entonces, a considerar es, Rı́os-Bolı́var (2014): y ubicación especı́fica de polos.
−1 1. INTRODUCCIÓN facto propuesta por Google para organizar la información
uk = (I − K1 C2 B) (K0 C2 (ρ) + K1 C2 A(ρ)) xk (4) REFERENCIAS de transporte público. (Google (2012))
para lo cual, el sistema en lazo cerrado es: En Quito, aproximadamente el 73 % de la movilización El tener la información organizada en este formato per-
Chaabane, M., Tadeo, F., Mehdi, D., and Souissi, M.
(2011). Robust admissibilization of descriptor systems de los habitantes se la realiza usando transporte público. mitirá el uso de varias herramientas libres para graficar
xk+1 = Ac xk + Bc ωk by static output-feedback: an LMI approach. Mathe- Por otro lado, debido a la baja calidad del servicio, el las rutas en un mapa digital, adicionalmente permite or-
hk = C1 (ρ)xk + D1 (ρ)ωk (5) matical Problems in Engineering, 2011. número de vehı́culos privados en la ciudad incrementa a ganizar datos sobre el viaje como: horario, frecuencia, la
Duan, G.R. (2010). Analysis and Design of Descriptor un ritmo anual del 5.7 % (Sanchez et al. (2015)). Este cooperativa que presta el servicio, tarifas y caracterı́sticas
Diseño en H2 Linear Systems. Springer, New York. problema generado por la falta de planificación de rutas adicionales de la ruta.
Feng, Y. and Yagoubi, M. (2017). Robust Control of Linear afecta directamente a: ciudadanos quiteños, turistas; y,
Teorema 3. Sea el sistema (3). Existe una ley de control Para validar los resultados se usó la información de rutas y
Descriptor Systems. Springer, New York, USA. migrantes extranjeros o nacionales.
(4), que garantiza un desempeño sub-óptimo H2 para el paradas del sector Centro Norte del Distrito Metropolitano
sistema en lazo cerrado (5), si tr(W ) < µ2 y se satisface Hilhorst, G., Pipeleers, G., Oliveira, R., Peres, P., and Se desarrollará e implementará un sistema de planificación de Quito, que limita con la parroquia Mariscal Sucre al
    Swevers, J. (2014). On extended LMI conditions for de rutas en formato digital que procesa archivos estanda-
G + G T − Pi Φ Υ W C 1i D 1i sur-este, la parroquia Belisario Quevedo al sur-oeste, la
T H2 /H∞ control of discrete-time linear systems. In Proc. rizados de transporte público, analiza la información en parroquia Rumipamba al nor-oeste, la parroquia Iñaquito
 ΦT Pi 0  > 0, (C1i ) Pi 0  > 0, (6)
19th IFAC World Congress, volume 1, 9307–9312. IFAC, base a un modelo matemático y algoritmo especı́fico; y, al nor-este.
Υ 0 I (D1i ) 0 I Cape Town, South Africa. entrega resultados útiles para los usuarios. A través de
para i = 1, . . . , l, donde Φ = GAi + BXC2i + BY C2 Ai y Luenberger, D.G. (1977). Dynamic equations in descriptor este proyecto se demuestra la importancia de los sistemas 3. PRUEBAS DE USABILIDAD
Υ = GB1i + BY C2 B1i . Las ganancias de la realimentación form. IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 22(3), 312–321. de planificación de rutas digitales en la movilización de los
son: Pipeleers, G., Demeulenaere, B., Swevers, J., and Vanden- usuarios. Se realizaron pruebas con usuarios reales del sistema im-
K0 = MZ −1 X; K1 = MZ −1 Y (7) berghe, L. (2009). Extended LMI characterizations for plementado, donde se compara del tiempo usado para es-
donde GB = BZ y M = I + Z −1 Y C2 B.
−1 stability and performance of linear systems. Systems & coger una ruta usando el planificador de ruta en contraste
Control Letters, 58(7), 510–518. 2. METODOLOGÍA
con medios no digitales o con un sistema que solo indique
3.2 Diseño en H∞ Rı́os-Bolı́var, A. (2014). Control de Sistemas Lineales: las rutas de manera estática. Ası́ también se hicieron prue-
Realimentando la salida. Editorial Académica Española, Para la construcción de un planificador de rutas de trans-
bas de usabilidad dónde se analizará qué tan fácil resulta
Alemania. porte público, se usó el algoritmo de Dijkstra para calcular
Teorema 4. Sea (3). Existe un control (4), que garantiza ingresar origen y destino, ası́ como procesar la información
Shamma, J.S. (2012). Control of Linear Parameter Vary- el camino más corto optimizando en base a la distancia to-
un desempeño en H∞ para el sistema en lazo cerrado (5), entregada y usarla para movilizarse.
ing Systems with Applications, chapter An Overview of tal recorrida y se creó una aplicación web para presentar al
si   usuario la información necesaria para completar su viaje. Para realizar las pruebas de usabilidad con los distintos
G + G T − Pi Φ Υ 0 LPV Systems, 3–26. Springer.
 Yoneyama, J., Takada, R., and Uchida, Y. (2012). Ro- usuarios se definió la siguiente metodologı́a y herramientas
Pi 0 (C1i ) 
 ΦT  > 0. bust control design of uncertain discrete-time descriptor
La ubicación de las paradas y rutas disponibles se obtuvo
de apoyo:
 (8)
0 γI (D1i )  del sistema de mapas abiertos OpenStreetMap. Esta infor-
Υ systems with delays. INTECH Open Access Publisher.
0 C1i D1i γI mación se usó para la creación de GTFS, un estándar de Se definirá 3 tipos de usuarios

16 17
SiSTEMAS DE CONTROL 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

Cada prueba de usabilidad tuvo una duración estima- Este método les resulto más cómodo a todos los usuarios,
da de: 10 a 15 minutos. debido a que no requerı́a conocimiento previo de trans-
Cada prueba de usabilidad estará compuesta de tres porte público o de la ciudad para realizar la búsqueda de
fases: rutas, solo necesitaban tener claro el origen y destino. Controladores PD/PID para sistemas con
Primera Fase: En esta fase se le preguntará al
usuario las rutas de transporte público que conoce 5. CONCLUSIONES retardo, inestables y ceros de fase mı́nima
para llegar del punto A hacia el punto B.
Segunda Fase: Durante esta fase el usuario debe El algoritmo de Dijkstra (algoritmo para encontrar la ruta C.D Vázquez Rosas ∗ J.F Marquez Rubio ∗
identificar las rutas existentes del punto A hacia más óptima) constituye una pieza fundamental en la cons- B del Muro Cuéllar ∗
el punto B con el apoyo de una hoja de rutas de trucción de sistemas automáticos para brindar información
Street Maps; y, comentar su experiencia durante la ∗
de rutas y paradas; lo que facilita la movilización de los Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), ESIME Unidad
prueba. usuarios de transporte público dentro de un perı́metro Culhuacan,Santa Ana 1000, México D.F., 04430, México (e-mail:
Tercera Fase: Para esta fase el usuario debe ingre- especı́fico. carlos daniel
sar los puntos A y B al sistema de Mi Bus; y, nave-
gar por la interfaz para interpretar los resultados, Es indispensable contar con herramientas digitales que
al final el usuario deberá comentar su experiencia. permitan procesar la información del transporte público
en formato GTFS de manera eficiente. Además, se debe Abstract: En este artı́culo se presentan de manera explı́cita las condiciones suficientes que
Para realizar las pruebas de usabilidad del sistema se reconocer la importancia de centralizar y estandarizar la aseguran la existencia de un control tipo PD/PID que pueda estabilizar y controlar sistemas de
definió 3 tipos de usuarios: Turistas, Migrantes Nacionales información de las diferentes rutas de transporte en este alto orden, con un polo inestable, n polos reales y estables, m ceros de fase mı́nima y retardo en
y Extranjeros, y Ciudadanos Quiteños. formato (GTFS); ya que, permite integrar datos, reducir su dinámica. Dichas condiciones están expresadas con base en la posición de los polos y ceros
costos de investigación e implementación; y, construir del sistema, ası́ como el tamaño máximo de retardo. Se presentan simulaciones numéricas con
En base a la descripción de los perfiles, el siguiente paso fue
sistemas con mayores beneficios para los usuarios. un ejemplo para mostrar la efectividad de la estrategia de control propuesta.
definir los destinos del Centro Norte de Quito y plantear
los escenarios de trabajo para cada tipo de usuario. Por otro lado, este proyecto comprueba la importancia
y la necesidad de validar el funcionamiento del sistema Keywords: Retardos, ceros, inestable, PID, PD
implementado a través de pruebas usabilidad con distintos
4. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN perfiles de usuario. 1. INTRODUCCIÓN utilizado en plantas estables [6]. Con otras perspectivas,
diversos autores han realizado modificaciones a la estruc-
REFERENCIAS tura original propuesta por Smith para contrarrestar sus
Para comprobar la usabilidad del sistema se realizará una Los retardos de tiempo siempre están presentes en los limitaciones, en [7] se proponen modificaciones con el fin de
prueba manual, que será contrastada con la información Agencia de promoción económica CONQUITO (2016). procesos fı́sicos, una definición de tiempo de retardo en el estabilizar sistemas de primer orden inestables con retardo
proporcionada por cada Servicio del Sistema y validada Bus UIO una alternativa emprendedora que promueve contexto de sistemas de control es ”El intervalo de tiempo en su dinámica, en [8] se propone un esquema de control
con el Planificador de Rutas de Google Maps. el uso del transporte público. http://www.conquito. desde la aplicación de la señal de control hasta cualquier con dos grados de libertad para procesos inestables. En [Último acceso: 17 Septiembre 2017]. cambio observable en el proceso” [1]. Si además del re- [10] se muestran las condiciones suficientes para estabilizar
Para realizar la prueba manual se localizó todas las para-
Antrim, A. and Barbeau, S.J. (2013). The many uses of tardo, el sistema a lazo abierto es inestable, es un problema sistemas lineales con un polo inestable, n polos reales
das entre los puntos seleccionados y se analizó sus IDs y
GTFS data–opening the door to transit and multimo- de control difı́cil de abordar debido a su complejidad y lim- estables y n − 1 ceros de fase mı́nima, sin embargo, esta
sus costos (distancia en kilómetros entre las paradas).
dal applications. Location-Aware Information Systems itaciones en cuestiones de estabilidad y comportamiento. técnica se limita a tener un sistema con el mismo número
Luego se realiza la búsqueda usando el sistema implemen- Laboratory at the University of South Florida. Podemos encontrar este fenómeno en sistemas biológicos, de polos y ceros en su dinámica, lo cual limita el tipo de sis-
tado y se compara la respuesta obtenida del procesamiento Cormen, T. (2009). Introduction to Algorithms. MIT transmisión de material e información, procesos quı́micos temas donde esta técnica puede ser utilizada. En estudios
manual obteniendo la misma respuesta. Press, Massachusetts. e industriales [2], etc. Es común dentro de la industria más recientes [11] se aborda la estabilización de sistemas
Google (2012). Referencia de la especificación general de procesos,encontrar el caso de sistemas inestables con inestables de alto orden (un polo inestable)con “m” ceros
En base a los resultados obtenidos de la prueba de usa- de feeds de transporte público. https://developers. retardo, un ejemplo es un reactor de tanque continuamente de fase mı́nima utilizando un control proporcional para
bilidad se puedo observar que el sistema de información [Último acce- agitado [3]. La presencia de retardos de tiempo en un hacer la estabilización del sistema.
al usuario de rutas y paradas de transporte público si
so: 28 junio 2017]. sistema de control regularmente causa efectos indeseables
ayudó a los usuarios a encontrar diferentes opciones para En este artı́culo se muestran de manera explı́cita las
Google (2014). Feedvalidator. dentro de su comportamiento dinámico como oscilaciones,
movilizarse en bus dentro a los diferentes puntos dentro condiciones suficientes que aseguran la existencia de un
google/transitfeed/wiki/FeedValidator. [Último poca robustés e incluso inestabilidad. Diversas estrategias
del sector centro norte de Quito. controlador tipo PD/PID tal que pueda estabilizar un tipo
acceso: 30 Julio 2017]. de control han sido propuestas para resolver el problema
Durante la primera etapa de la prueba, en la que el de sistemas inestables con retardo: el método de Ziegler- de sistema de alto orden, inestables con retardo, con un
Masse, M. (2011). REST API Design Rulebook: Designing polo inestable, n polos reales estables, y m ceros de fase
usuario daba información de cómo movilizarse en bus Consistent RESTful Web Service Interfaces. O’Reilly Nichols modificado [4], controladores tipo Proporcional
usando su conocimiento actual, se pudo notar que las (P), Proporcional-Integral (PI), Proporcional-Derivativo mı́nima utilizando como herramienta de análisis el criterio
Media, Inc., Sebastopol, California. de estabilidad de Nyquist.
personas que han vivido menos de 2 años en la ciudad Pimploi Tirastittam, P.W. (2014). Public transport plan- (PD) y Proporcional-Integral-Derivativo (PID) son am-
les resultó muy difı́cil poder dar nombres de rutas para ning system by dijkstra algorithm: Case study bangkok pliamente utilizados para la estabilización y control de
movilizarse a los puntos de la ciudad especificados en la metropolitan area. Engineering and Technology Inter- sistemas con retardo. En [5] se utiliza una metodologı́a 2. RESULTADOS PRELIMINARES
prueba. Las personas que han vivido en la ciudad de Quito, national Journal of Social, 8, 54–59. basada en el teorema de Hermite-Biehler para cuasipoli-
debido a que estaban más familiarizadas con el sistema de Sanchez, E., Chacón, D., and Garrica, S. (2015). Ordenan- nomios buscando solucionar el problema de estabilización
El problema principal que aborda este trabajo es encon-
transporte público, les resultó un poco más fácil poder dar za metropolitana que regula la implementación de los de sistemas de primer orden con retardo utilizando con-
trar las condiciones bajo las cuales existe un controlador
instrucciones para llegar al destino, aunque no conocı́an sitemas inteligentes de transporte, en el sistema metro- troladores PD/PID, llegando a estabilizar plantas con re-
PD/PID como la estructura dada por C1 (s) y C2 (s) re-
todas las rutas disponibles, ni las podian organizar en base politano de transporte público de pasajeros del distrito tardos considerables de hasta dos veces la constante de
tiempo inestable del sistema. spectivamente conectado en una configuración como se
a un criterio de optimización. metropolitano de Quito, Secretaria de Movilidad. muestra en la Fig 1 tal que estabilice el proceso inestable
En la tercera parte de las pruebas, cuando los usuarios Otra solución para afrontar el problema del control de (??), esto es, que el sistema en lazo cerrado presente
usan el sistema de Mi bus, se puede ver una gran mejora en sistemas con retardo es el predictor de Smith (SP), el cual un comportamiento estable. Esto lo hacemos utilizando
el número de rutas que el usuario que el usuario descubre tiene el efecto de eliminar el tiempo de retardo del lazo una metodologia basada en el análisis de la frecuencia
para llegar a los diferentes puntos de la ciudad establecidos de control, sin embargo, esta técnica no cuenta con un del sistema, dicha metodologia se basa en los siguientes
en la prueba. paso para estabilizar sistemas, por lo tanto solo puede ser resultados preliminares.

18 19
SiSTEMAS DE CONTROL 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

dinámica, limitándose en su mayorı́a a sistemas que solo

contienen un cero. En este trabajo se hace un análisis en
el dominio de la frecuencia para un tipo de sistemas de
alto orden, inestables con retardo que cuenta con un polo Aplicación de MPC por Zonas con
inestable, n polos estables y m ceros de fase mı́nima en su
dinámica.Mediante un ejemplo en simulación numérica, se eliminación de offset ante variaciones
ilustra el uso del resultado principal paramétricas en pacientes diabéticos
5. BIBLIOGRAFIA Marı́a F. Villa Tamayo ∗ , Pablo S. Rivadeneira ∗,∗∗
[1] Qing-Guo Wang, Tong H Lee, Kok k. Tan. (1999). ∗
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Minas, Grupo GITA,
Finite-Spectrum Assignment for Time-Delay Systems, Cra. 80#65-224 (e-mail: {mfvillat,psrivade}
Springer-Verlag London, ∗∗
INTEC - CONICET, Güemes 3450, Santa Fe, Argentina
[2] Liu T., Zhang W. and Gu D. (2005). Analytical
Fig. 1. Configuración del controlador C(s) a lazo cerrado design of two-degree-offreedom control scheme for open- Abstract: An application of off-set free ZMPC control to a model of type 1 diabetic patients
Ahora considere la función de transferencia a lazo abierto loop unstable processes. Journal of Process Control 15,559- is developed and evaluated. In real life, the parameters in the model are different from the
descrita en (7) y el esquema de control mostrado en la Fig 572., plant, even can vary in time generating offset, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and in the worst
1, produce el siguiente sistema en lazo cerrado: [3] Qing-Chang Z. (2006). Robust Control of Time-Delay cases, instability. Therefore, it is necessary to generate a control to compensate such effects
Systems, Springer. and to maintain the control goals. The selected model is linear, but its parameters depend on
Y (s) Qi (s) the human physiology. To determine which parameters are the most influential to the blood
= (1) [4] DePaor AM, OMalley M.(1989). Controllers of Ziegler- glucose variability a parameter sensitivity analysis is performed. The sensitivity to the insulin,
R(s) 1 + Qi (s) Nichols type for unstable process with time delay. Int J the insulin peak time, the carbohydrates-insulin coefficient and the absorption meal peak time
Lema 1 [12] Dada la función de transferencia a lazo abierto Control 1989;49:1273-84. result as the most important values. Variations up to ±30% were considered in these parameters
mostrada en (1) con P + polos inestables, el sistema a lazo [5] Silva, G.J., Datta, A., and Bhattacharyya., S. (2004). and the off-set free control strategy is applied by using an estimation of the disturbances with
cerrado (1) es estable si la gráfica de Nyquist encierra el PID Controllers for Time-Delay Systems. Control Engi- the Kalman observer. It is shown that this observer not only helps to eliminate parameter
punto crı́tico (1, j0) , P + veces en sentido anti-horario. neerEngineering. Birkhauser. variations effects but also can compensate measurement noise. The performance of the control
strategy results acceptable since the parameter disturbances and noise were rejected adequately.
Lema 2 [12]Para el sistema a lazo abierto descrito en (1) [6] Smith, O.J.M. (1957). Close Control of Loops with
Dead Time. Chem. Eng. Prog., 53, 217–219. Keywords: Type 1 diabetes, linear systems, zone MPC, off-set free control, Kalman estimation.
lim |G1 (jω)| < 1 (2) [7] Seshagiri A., Rao V. S. R. and Chidambaram M. (2007).
Simple analytical design of modified smith predictor with 1. INTRODUCCIÓN se logra alcanzar la zona objetivo y se reduce la posibilidad
Es necesario para la estabilidad a lazo cerrado de (1) . improved performance for unstable firstorder plus time de episodios de hipoglicemia e hiperglicemia. El error entre
delay processes. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry la planta y el modelo se simula con diferentes escenarios
Lema 3 [12] Dado el sistema a lazo abierto mostrado en (1)
Research 46, 4561-4571 El proyecto llamado ”Páncreas Artificial” es uno de los de variación de los parámetros más significativos en el
con P + ≥ 1 polos inestables, una condición necesaria para
tratamientos desarrollados para la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 comportamiento de la glucosa en sangre. Estos son deter-
la estabilidad en lazo cerrado de (1) es que dMdω G(ω)
< 0 [8] Márquez J.F., del Muro, B., Velasco, M., and Alvarez, (T1DM). Este se realiza a través de una bomba de insulina, minados por un análisis de sensibilidad. Posteriormente, se
para una ω ∗ > 0 donde M G(ω) representa la magnitud J. (2010). Control based in an observer scheme for first- el monitoreo continuo de glucosa en sangre y estrategias
order systems with delay. Revista Mexicana de Ingenierı́a hacen pruebas incluyendo la estrategia de control con elim-
del sistema G(ω) de control en lazo cerrado. La estrategia de control más
Quimica 9, 43-52. inación de offset, y se selecciona el estimador de Kalman
Lema 4 [12] Para el sistema a lazo abierto descrito en (1) aplicada al páncreas artificial es la de control predictivo como el observador para corregir el problema de ruido
con P + ≥ 1 polos inestables, una condición necesaria para [9] Novella Rodrı́guez, D.F., del Muro-Cuéllar, B., and basado en modelo por zonas (ZMPC). Se ha mostrado que inherente al sensor.
la estabilidad en lazo cerrado de (1) es dφG(ω) > 0 para Sename, O. (2014). Observer-based scheme for the control con esta se logra una reducción significativa de los eventos
dω de hipoglicemia (Glucosa en sangre < 70mg/dL) y de
ω ∗ > 0, donde φG(ω) representa la fase de G(ω) of high order systems with two unstable poles plus time 2. METODOLOGÍA
delay. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 9(2), hiperglicemia (Glucosa en sangre > 180mg/dL) (Grosman
3. RESULTADO PRINCIPAL 167–180. et al., 2010). El desarrollo de la estrategia de ZMPC con eliminación
[10] C.D Vázquez Rosas, J.F Márquez Rubio and B del Un factor importante en el ZMPC es el modelo de de offset al Páncreas Artificial consta de tres secciones
Teorema 1. El sistema con retardo mostrado en (7) puede muro Cuéllar, Condiciones de estabilidad para un tipo de predicción utilizado para describir la dinámica de la glu- fundamentales:
estabilizarse utilizando un controlador PD/PID si: sistemas inestables de alto orden con retardo que contienen cosa en sangre, la insulina en sangre y la absorción de ali-
ceros, Congreso Latinoamericano de control Automático mentos. Sin embargo, las técnicas de control se basan en el 2.1 Modelo de pacientes diabéticos tipo 1
(CLCA), Medellı́n, Colombia octubre 2016 supuesto de que el modelo representa de manera adecuada
|G(0)| + |min(ai )(0)| > |G(ω)| ∀ω > 0 (3) El modelo empleado, dado en Magdelaine et al. (2015) y
la dinámica real de la glicemia, lo cual no es del todo cierto
[11] C.D Vázquez Rosas, J.F Márquez Rubio and B del debido al error o mismatch implicado por la variabilidad flexibilizado en Colorado et al. (2017), es lineal y de ajuste
 n muro Cuéllar, Stability conditions for unstable high order y no linealidad en la fisiologı́a humana. Como resultado a largo plazo con datos clı́nicos. Este es de la forma:
1 1 1 1
τ< + + max( ) − (4) systems with minimum-phase zeros plus time delay., Con- de dicha suposición, cuando el control resultante se aplica
a1 bl ai a
i=2 i greso de la asociación de México de Control Automático ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu u(t) + Br r(t) + E (1)
l=1 al paciente, pueden obtenerse eventos de hipoglicemia o
(AMCA), Nuevo León, México, octubre 2017 hiperglicemia desfavorables para el mismo.
4. CONCLUSIONES En donde los estados y entradas del modelo son: x1 la
[12] Xiang C., Wang Q.-G., Lu X., Nguyen L., and T. H. En este artı́culo, se adopta la estrategia de control ZMPC concentración de glucosa en sangre (mg/dl), x2 la tasa
Lee, Stabilization of second order unstable delay processes con garantı́a de eliminación de offset para contrarrestar de insulina en sangre (U/min), x3 la tasa de insulina
La presencia de un retardo de magnitud no despreciable by simple controllers,”J. Proc. Contr., vol. 17, pp.675-682,
es uno de los escenarios más indeseables en un sistema de dicho inconveniente. Para implementarlo, el sistema se en el compartimento subcutáneo (U/min), x4 la tasa de
2007. aumenta con un modelo de perturbación y se agrega un aparición de glucosa en sangre debido a la absorción de
control, más aún si a lazo abierto, el sistema es inestable.
Pocos trabajos dentro de la literatura abordan el problema observador de estado para estimar y predecir el error exis- alimentos (g/min) y x5 la tasa de absorción de alimentos
de estabilización de sistemas que contengan ceros en su tente entre la planta y el modelo (Maeder et al., 2009). Ası́, por parte del compartimento estómago-duodeno (g/min).

20 21

Las entradas son la tasa de insulina exógena u (U/min) y

Glicemia (mg/dl)
la tasa de ingesta de alimentos r (g/min). 200 Zona hiperglicemia ZMPC sin mismatch planta-modelo
ZMPC libre de offset con mismatch
ZMPC estándar con mismatch

2.2 Diseño del observador 100

Zona normoglicemia
50 Zona hipoglicemia
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Con el propósito de estimar tanto los estados como la Tiempo (min)
perturbación, el modelo discretizado se expande con un u

Insulina exógena (U)

ZMPC sin mismatch planta-modelo
modelo de perturbación para caracterizar el error planta- ZMPC libre de offset con mismatch

modelo: 0.5 ZMPC estándar con mismatch

x(k + 1) = Ad x(k) + Bud u(k) + Brd r(k) + Ed 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
d(k + 1) = d(k) (2) Tiempo (min)
y(k) = Cx(k) + Cd d(k)
Fig. 1. Comparación del comportamiento de la glicemia
En esta formulación, se emplea el estimador de Kalman e insulina exógena sin variaciones en los parámetros
discreto como el observador de estado requerido. Por el (azul) y con variaciones del 30% al aplicar el ZMPC
principio de separación, el estado estimado se utiliza en la estándar (amarilla) y al aplicar el ZMPC con elimi-
estrategia de control. nación de offset (roja).
2.3 Diseño ZMPC con eliminación de offset estacionario y se atenua el efecto de las perturbaciones por
ingesta de comidas evitando el episodio de hiperglicemia.
El problema de optimización (3) al sistema aumentado (2) Resultados similares se obtienen ante los diferentes esce-
incluye las restricciones de los estados y de la acción de narios de variación de hasta un 30% en los parámetros,
control. En este, uref es el control de equilibrio para alcan- logrando mantener la glicemia en el rango normal, 70 -
zar la referencia, Hp y Hu son los horizontes de predicción 120 mg/dL sin ingesta de comidas y 70 - 180 mg/dL con
y de control respectivamente, Q, R, P son matrices de peso ingesta de comidas.
definidas positivas y δ es una variable de decisión adicional
que establece los valores lı́mites superiores e inferiores de 4. CONCLUSIÓN
la zona. El problema de optimización queda dado por:
El artı́culo aborda el problema de la regulación de glicemia
Hp −1
 2 en pacientes diabéticos tipo 1 para un error entre la planta
min ||ŷ(k + i|k) − yref + δ||Q + y el modelo causado por variaciones en los parámetros del
i=1 mismo. Para ello, se aplica la estrategia de control predic-
u −1
2 2 tivo basado en modelo por zonas (ZMPC) con garantı́a de
||û(k + i|k) − uref ||R + ||ŷ(k + Hp |k) − yref + δ||P eliminación de offset. El principal logro de la aplicación
de este control es mantener los niveles de glucosa en
s.t x̂(k + i|k) = Ãx̂(k + i − 1|k) + B̃u û(k + i − 1|k) sangre dentro de la zona objetivo, evitando los eventos
+B̃u r(k + i − 1|k) + Ẽ de hipoglicemia e hiperglicemia causados por la variación
ŷ(k + i|k) = C̃ x̂(k + i|k) en los parámetros al haber una perturbación de ingesta
ûmin ≤ û(k + i|k) ≤ ûmax de carbohidratos. Los resultados obtenidos, impulsan a
x̂min ≤ x̂(k + i|k) ≤ x̂max realizar estudios futuros para variaciones mas grandes de
δmin ≤ δ ≤ δmax los parámetros, a la vez que una validación en una mayor
(3) cantidad de pacientes.
A su vez, se incluye una nueva restricción para satisfacer
la referencia en estado estacionario yss = yref y conseguir REFERENCES
eliminar el offset:
Colorado, L., Godoy, J.L., and Rivadeneira, P.S. (2017).
     Parametric identification of a new model for type 1
A d − I B ud xref −Ed diabetic patients. In: IEEE 3rd Colombian conference
= ˆ (4)
C 0 uref yref − Cd d(k) on automatic control, 1–6.
Grosman, B., Dassau, E., Zisser, H.C., Jovanovic, L., and
3. RESULTADOS Doyle, F.J. (2010). Zone model predictive control: A
strategy to minimize hyper- and hypoglycemic events.
Se realiza un análisis de sensibilidad para determinar los Journal of diabetes science and technology, 4, 961–975.
parámetros que tienen mas influencia en la variabilidad de Maeder, U., Borrelli, F., and Morari, M. (2009). Linear
la glucosa en sangre. Los más importantes resultan ser: offset-free model predictive control. Automatica, 45,
la sensibilidad a la insulina, el tiempo pico de insulina, 2214 – 2222.
el coeficiente carbohidratos-insulina y el tiempo pico de Magdelaine, N., Chaillous, L., I.Guilhem, Poirier, J.,
absorción de comidas. Krempf, M., and Moog, C. (2015). A long-term model of
Al simular la respuesta con parámetros de pacientes the glucose–insulin dynamics of type 1 diabetes. IEEE
diabéticos, se logran resultados aceptables. En la figura 1 Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 62, 1546–1552.
se da muestra del efecto que tiene la aplicación del ZMPC
con el modelo aumentado para estimar el error planta-
modelo, evidenciado que se elimina el offset en estado

de procesos
18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

Multi-variable PID Control of a Coupled Tank System:

A comparative study
Stênio de S. Coelho*. Heitor G. Santana**
Otacílio da M. Almeida ***

* Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Piauí,

Teresina, Brazil, (e-mail:
** Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Piauí,
Teresina, Brazil, (e-mail:
*** Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Piauí,
Teresina, Brazil, (e-mail:

Abstract: In this paper, a comparative study was made between the techniques proposed by Almeida &
Coelho (2002) and Lee et al (2004) to achieve the decentralized proportional-integral-derivative (PID)
control of a two-input two-output (TITO) system. Both techniques were evaluated at a coupled tank
system. A process model has been obtained, the PID controllers have been designed according to the
proposed approaches, the control systems were simulated and applied to the coupled tanks system. The
results were presented for both cases, a comparison was made between the effectiveness of each
Keywords: PID control, Level control, Multivariable systems, Decoupling, Coupled devices

Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers are very
popular because of their relative simplicity and satisfactory
performance provided for a large number of processes. For
these reasons they are largely employed for the control of
industrial plants., Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)
systems are very common in Industry and the interaction
between the control variables makes the controller design
significantly difficult. Almeida & Coelho (2002) propose a
decoupling method, derived from Shiu & Hwang (1998),
based on the evaluation of decoupling matrix, designed to
minimize the effects of crossed transfer functions (G12(s) and
G21(s)), in such way it is possible to design the PID
Fig. 1. Multi-variable coupled tank process.
controllers by SISO approaches. Lee et al. (2004) developed
a method that doesn’t require a decoupling matrix; the The methodology used in this paper for the tuning of the
controller itself is designed to handle the coupling between controller parameters is based on that proposed in Pereira,
the control loops. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of Veronesi, Visoli, Normey-Rico & Torrico (2016).
the controllers design methodologies approached when
applied to a multivariable process with great coupling 3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
between the loops.
Table 1. Parameters of PID controllers.
Process KPj TIj TDj
The process consists of two cylindrical coupled tanks with a 0.3024 11.6307 2.9104
flow control valve, enabling each tank to be operated Sequential
2.6876 16.2001 4.0509
individually. Each tank has its own pumping system that Lee et al. 0.9625 12.1835 3.0468
collects liquid from a lower reservoir to the upper parts. The method 0.9453 8.4251 2.1066
columns have its own valves on which it is possible to adjust
its liquid flow to the lower reservoir. Therefore it is possible
to adjust process dynamics from a perfectly integrator to a The results of applying the sequential PID controller and the
higher order process. As each pump is an input variable and decoupling matrix in the process are shown in Fig. 2.
the level of liquid in the columns is an output variable, the
process becomes a two-input two-output (TITO) process.

CONTROL DE PROCESOS 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

Actuator Fault Tolerant PI-Control Design

Table 2. PID controllers’ performance indexes. on TITO Process
Controller Process IAE ISE J. Córdova-Carlos ∗ J.Sotomayor-Moriano ∗
Coupled Loop 1 16.0853 10.9155 C.G.Pérez-Zuñiga ∗
Sequential Loop 2 11.3222 8.5028

Decoupled Loop 1 18.5211 12.0034 Engineering Department, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, San
Sequential Loop 2 24.5298 14.5318 Miguel, Lima, Perú, e-mail: {josmell.cordova, jsotom,
Lee et al. Loop 1 5.8023 4.2388 gustavo.erez,}
method Loop 2 10.9368 7.1118
(a) Abstract: This paper describes the design of the fault tolerant control system in the actuators
of a hydraulic process of four coupled tanks, which is Two-Input Two Output (TITO) and
4. CONCLUSIONS nonlinear. A fault tolerant PI control consisting of two PI controllers, fault detection and fault
compensation system is proposed. In order to isolate faults in the actuators and estimate their
In this work two design concepts of PID controllers suitable magnitude, unknown inputs observers (UIO) were built. The fault compensation mechanism
for a large number of industrial processes with iteration allows for calculating a new control action, based on estimation of the fault, which is then
between the loops were presented. A conventional control included in the signal sent by a decoupled PI controller. Simulation tests show that the proposed
technique was used for the evaluation of a dynamic decoupler control system, operating in the presence of some partial fault in one of the actuators, exhibits
for multivariable system modeled by transfer functions, with a performance close to that obtained with the fault-free process.
the performances of the two systems (with and without
decoupling) compared. The second applied control
methodology was based on the proposal developed by Lee et Keywords: fault tolerant control, fault diagnosis, unknown input observer, decoupled PI
al. (2004), where simple close-loop operational data can be
used for controller retuning and performance enhancement.
(b) 1. INTRODUCTION of the pumps, parameters γ1 and γ2 are calculated based
The effectiveness of the methods used was demonstrated by
Fig. 2. Sequential PID Controller with decoupling applied in comparing the simulation results and the use of the on the configuration of the valves. Using mass balance
the process: (a) Loop 1; (b) Loop 2. controllers in a real application in a coupled tank prototype. Processes in the industry are usually multi variable. In
The experiments demonstrated that the method proposed by most cases the control systems for these processes are
The result of the application of the tuning method of PID designed without considering the presence of faults in
Lee et al. performance without the need to add the decoupling
controller proposed in Lee el al. (2004) is shown in Fig. 3. actuators, sensors or other components; therefore, when
matrix to the system. In future works we intend to apply other
inference methodologies of PID controller parameters and faults occur, they cause unwanted performance that can
evaluate the results. lead to losses or disasters (Pérez et al., 2017). To face
this problem, one solution is to develop of fault-tolerant
REFERENCES control systems, which have the ability to compensate
Almeida, O. M. and Coelho, A. A. R. (2002). Projeto de for faults, preserving stability and maintaining acceptable
desacoplamento em sistemas MIMO: abordagens performance even when faults occur (Zhang and Jiang,
convencional e nebulosa. In proceedings of XIV 2008). The reconfiguration mechanism used in this paper
Congresso Brasileiro de Automática.
is the method known as additive compensation of faults.
Åström, K. J., & Hägglund, T. (2006). Advanced PID
The fundamental idea of this technique is to calculate a
new control action which is added to the signal sent by Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the four-tank process.
control, Research Triangle Park, USA: ISA Press.
the nominal controller in order to compensate the effect of
Lee, M., Lee, K., Kim, C., & Lee, J. (2004). Analytical for each tank and applying the Bernoulli equation, the
(a) the fault. In particular, this work will consider actuator
design of multiloop PID controllers for desired closed- process model is obtained (Johansson, 2000), then it is
faults of the partial type, that is, the case when this
loop responses. AIChE Journal, 50(7), 1631–1635. linearized around to operating point. The corresponding
becomes less effective and provides the plant with only a
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part of the normal performance signal. The calculation of
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additional control action is based on estimation of the fault
SI/SO systems. AIChE Journal, 44, 106–115.  A1 (1 + T1 s) A1 (1 + T1 s)(1 + T3 s) 
magnitude. For this purpose, unknown inputs observes G(s) =  
Pereira, R. D. O., & Torrico, B. C. (2015). New automatic  (1 − γ1 )k1 T2 γ2 k 2 T 2 
(UIO) are used because they are an efficient solution for
tuning of multivariable pid controller applied to a
state estimation in systems subject to disturbance inputs A2 (1 + T2 s)(1 + T4 s) A2 (1 + T2 s)
neonatal incubator. In Proceedings of the 8th that are not known a priori. (1)
international conference on biomedical engineering and
informatics (BMEI), Shenyang. where:Ai , cross section of tank i; Ti , time constants, The
Pereira, R.D.O., Veronesi, M., Visoli, A., Normey-Rico, J.E. 2. HYDRAULIC PROCESS OF FOUR COUPLED positions of the three-way valves are γ1 and γ2 . The voltage
(2017) Implementation and test of a new autotuning TANKS applied to pump i is vi and the corresponding flow rate is
(b) method for PID controllers of TITO processes. Control ki vi .
Engineering Practice 58, 171–185. The process of four interconnected tanks was developed by
Fig. 3. PID Controller tuned by the method proposed in Lee Skogestad, S. (2003). Simple analytic rules for model (Johansson, 2000), and the schematic diagram is shown in 3. DECOUPLED PI CONTROLLERS
et al. (2004) applied in the process: (a) Loop 1; (b) Loop 2. reduction and PID controller tuning. Journal of Process Fig. 1. The objective is to control the level of the two lower
Control, 13, 291–309. tanks y1 and y2 , the inputs being the voltages that are The response with decoupled PI controllers for the four-
applied to the pumps v1 and v2 , which modify water flow tank system with faults in actuators is shown in Fig. 2

28 29
CONTROL DE PROCESOS 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

he response when a fault occurs in pump 1 at 400 s. This 4.3 Fault Estimation
is showed,his fault is represented as a loss of actuator’s
effectiveness of 70 %. The estimation of the magnitude of the fault is made
directly from the UIO ”j” which is constructed to be Optimizing the Biogas production of an anaerobic
insensitive to the fault in actuator ”j”. By substituting
the state vector for its estimation by means of the UIO we reactor throughout Model Predictive Control 
fˆd (k) = fd+ (x̂(k + 1) − Ax̂(k) − Bu(k)) (3) Andres Hernandez ∗ Juan M. Sanchez ∗ Maximiliano Machado ∗∗

5. FAULT COMPENSATION ∗ Centro Agropecuario La Granja, SENA, Espinal, Colombia, (e-mail:;
The fault tolerant PI (FTPI-control) proposed use the ∗∗ Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas, Universidad de Ibagué,
technique of additive compensation of faults (Picó and Carrera 22 Calle 67, Ibagué 730001, Colombia. (e-mail:
Adam, 2015), where it is proposed to add a new law of ucom
Fig. 2. System response when a fault occurs in pump 1. control to the nominal control action. Therefore, starting
with the fault detection, the total control signal is:
uf ct (k) = u(k) + ucomp (k) (4) Abstract:
In Fig. 2 it is observed that a fault in the pump 1 affects The use of renewable energy sources is a major concern nowadays, among the different possibilities
both the level of tank 1 and tank 2. To deal with these According to this new control law, the system described Biogas production from organic waste represents an interesting technology. In this contribution a
drawbacks, in this paper we propose the inclusion of two in the state-space becomes: methodology to operate the system close the optimal conditions which maximizes biogas production
stages, a fault diagnosis system and a fault compensation x(k + 1) = Ax(k) + Bu(k) + Bucomp (k) + Fd fd via anaerobic digestion is presented. Simulation results of a validated dynamic nonlinear model shows
system in order to maintain acceptable performance in the (5)
y(k) = Cx(k) that there exist an optimal condition which maximizes biogas production, whereas operating slightly
controlled variables. The proposed is shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 4 the response of FTPI-control is given for the above such condition may cause system instability. The performance of a Model Predictive Control and
level of tanks 1 and is compared with decoupled PI control a traditional PID strategy are compared during a tracking test, conclusion is that MPC outperforms PID
without fault tolerance (w/o FTPI-control) for a loss of 70 as it better tracks the optimal reference provided by the optimizer by reducing the overshoot and tracking
% effectiveness of pump 1 at 400 s. error, thus keeping system stable.

Keywords: Model Predictive Control, Biogas, Anaerobic reactor, Optimization.

1. INTRODUCTION equations obtained by mass balance of the continuous process

Biogas production throughout anaerobic digestion of organic
matter is today considered as a valuable solution to mitigate dX2
= X2 (µ2 − D) (1)
the use of natural gas, fossil fuels and to reduce greenhouse dt
Fig. 3. Scheme of fault tolerant PI control proposed gas emissions. Biogas can be used for electricity production; dS1
Fig. 4. Response of level of tank 1 when a fault occurs in = D (S1in − S1 ) − k1 µ1 X1 (2)
cooking; space heating; water heating; and process heating dt
pump 1. (Petersson and Wellinger, 2009). Several dynamic models have dS2
4. DECOUPLED PI CONTROLLERS = D (S2in − S2 ) + k2 µ1 X1 − k3 µ2 X2 (3)
been proposed in literature in order to gain insight about system dt
dynamics, cycle optimization and control design. dX1
The fault diagnosis consists of carrying out the following = X1 (µ1 − D) (4)
tasks: fault detection, fault isolation and fault identifica- An actuator fault tolerant PI control was designed on Control plays a major role regarding optimal operation of an dt
tion. The above entails in practice to perform the following hydraulic process of four coupled tanks. The described anaerobic digestor, since it involves robustness against uncer-
steps: design methodology is simply and could be apply on tainty in kinetic parameters, handling system nonlinearity and 2.1 Model validation
TITO processes with possible partial faults in actuators. defining the optimal setpoint which maximizes biogas produc-
Simulation results shown that the FTPI control displays tion. In (Antonelli et al., 2003) the implementation of a nonlin- Once the model structure is defined, the stoichiometric coef-
4.1 Generation of residuals ficients can be determined by solving a fitting optimization
a performance similar to obtained with fault-free process ear output feedback control law is discussed and the experimen-
control tal results reported, showing a good tracking and disturbance problem using an algorithm based on Sequential Quadratic
A full-order UIO observer that decouples the fd (distur- Programming (Aceves et al., 2005).
bance) fault from the rest of the system has the following rejection performance. Model based control is thus encountered
REFERENCES as a reference point to optimize anaerobic reactors as discussed
form: The model is in good agreement with experimental data (Del-
w(k + 1) = Ew(k) + T Bu(k) + Ky(k) Johansson, K.H. (2000). The quadruple-tank process: in (S. Revollar, 2015), where an economic cost objective in gadillo et al., 2018), describing the main system dynamics. In
x̂(k) = w(k) + Hy(k)
(2) A multivariable laboratory process with an adjustable the predictive control framework is implemented to improve fact, for the lowest error is encountered for methane flowrate as
zero. IEEE Transactions on control systems technology, performance of the anaerobic reactor. In this contribution a observed in Figure. 1, which is in this work the most relevant
Where wεn is the state vector of this observer obtained 8(3), 456–465. methodology to operate the system close the optimal conditions variable, since the objective is to maximize CH4 production.
by the linear transformation w = T x and x̂n is an Pérez, C.G., Chanthery, E., Travé-Massuyès, L., and So- which maximizes biogas production via anaerobic digestion is
estimated state vector, while the matrices E, T, K and H tomayor, J. (2017). Fault-driven structural diagnosis ap- presented. 3. MAXIMIZING BIOGAS PRODUCTION THROUGH
are designed to achieve decoupling of the unknown input proach in a distributed context. In 20th World Congress CONTROL DESIGN
fd . The state error estimation vector (ex = x − x̂) of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 2. PROCESS DESCRIPTION
IFAC 2017 World Congress. Elsevier. Control design for biogas production using anaerobic digestors
4.2 Evaluation of residuals and decision making Picó, M.F. and Adam, E.J. (2015). Ftc with observers We considered a simplified model proposed in (Delgadillo involve not only the design of a regulator that guarantees system
bank in a cstr. In Information Processing and Control et al., 2018) which represents a simplification of the anaero- stability but also the design of an optimizer that maximizes the
In this evaluation, the residuals are compared with certain (RPIC), 2015 XVI Workshop on, 1–6. IEEE. bic digestion of biogas production. The system of differential biogas yield, thus resulting in the control structure in Fig. 2,
thresholds using statistical methods or based on the resid- Zhang, Y. and Jiang, J. (2008). Bibliographical review  The results presented in this paper have been obtained within the frame whereas main objective is to maximize methane production by
ual vector standard, thus generating the symptoms S(r), on reconfigurable fault-tolerant control systems. Annual of an institutional collaboration between Tecnoparque Nodo La Granja and manipulating Qin disregarding possible fluctuations of S1in and
which is a simple binary variable. reviews in control, 32(2), 229–252. Universidad de Ibagué, Tolima. S2in .

30 31
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CH4 [L/d]


An Extended version of the Super Twisting
5 10 15 20 25 30

1 Gerke H. Jauch ∗ and Jaime A. Moreno ∗∗

5 10 15 20 25 30 ∗
40 Instituto de Ingenierı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Mexico City, Mexico (e-mail:
VFA [mmol/L]

20 Instituto de Ingenierı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
10 Mexico City, Mexico (e-mail:
5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (days)

Abstract: In this paper the Extended Super Twisting Algorithm is presented. The controller
Fig. 1. Experimental data and model validation for Organic structure is based on the well-known Super Twisting Algorithm. By introducing flexible
Matter (OM), Methane gas (CH4 ) and Volatile Fatty Acid exponents, the stiff characteristics of power 0.5 can be overcome and the algorithm gets
(V FA) “smoother”, nearing a linear term. First the homogeneity of the algorithm is shown. Further
Fig. 3. Performance comparison between PI and MPC con- two suitable Lyapunov functions candidates are presented and asymptotic (finite-time) stability
trollers, for variation in concentration inputs when using of the origin x = 0 is proved. Finally, simulations results of the Extended Super Twisting
optimizer Algorithm and Super Twisting Algorithm are given. It is shown that the numerical error of the
maximize biogas production is presented. Two different control controller decreases (following the controller accuracy increases) exponentially by increasing the
strategies PI and MPC based are tested and compared, in order exponent variable r. The overshoot and settling time, however, rise by increasing r.
to achieve fast setpoint tracking without overshoot. Results
suggest that MPC outperforms PI, and that there exists an Keywords: Sliding-mode control, Discontinuous control, Robust control, Super-Twisting
optimal condition that guarantees system safety and maximum Algorithm
methane yield.
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the control architecture 1. INTRODUCTION r−1
In this form the term x1  r can be made smoother,
4. MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL nearing a linear term by increasing r. The second term
The motivation of this paper is to investigate the effects
Aceves, C., Aguilar, E., Alcaraz, V., González, O., Steyer, J., x2 
will vanish for r → ∞ and |x2 | < 1.
of variable STA exponents in order to reduce the calcu-
Model Predictive Control (MPC) refers to a family of methods Dominguez, J., and González, V. (2005). Kinetic parameters Theorem 1. Suppose that ρ(t) such that |ρ(t)| < L ∀t > 0,
lation error and following reducing the chattering error
which make active use of a model of the system, to obtain estimation in an anaerobic digestion process using successive where L ∈ R is a constant. The origin in zero of (1) is
by making the algorithm “smoother”. Therefore, a new
the optimal control action that minimizes an objective function quadratic programming. Water Science and Technology: A asymptotically finite-time stable if the gains k1 , k2 are
algorithm is introduced, the Extended Super-Twisting Al-
over a prediction horizon. At each sample instant the entire Journal of the International Association on Water Pollution chosen such that:
gorithm (ESTA). The following notation is used in the
optimization problem is solved and only the first computed Research, Vol. 52(No. 1–2), pp.419–426.
action is applied to the system following the ’receding horizon Antonelli, R., Harmand, J., Steyer, J., and Astolfi, A. (2003). p p 0 1 k2 > L, and k1 sufficiently large. (3)
· = | · | sign(·) =⇒ · = sign(·) and · = · = (·).
principle’. Set-point regulation of an anaerobic digestion process with
bounded output feedback. IEEE Transactions on control Furthermore, two strict (robust) Lyapunov Functions (LF)
The optimal control action is the solution to the following systems technology, VOL. 11(NO. 4). for (1) are proposed. LF V1 (x) given as
constrained optimization problem: Delgadillo, L., Hernandez, M., and Machado, M. (2018). Math- m
δ m−δr m
V1 (x) = α1 |x1 | r − α2 x1  x2  + α3 |x2 | (4)
N2 ematical modelling and simulation for biogas production ESTA is based on the structure of the STA. By introducing
∆U =arg min ∑
∆U∈ RNu k=N
[r(t + k|t) − y(t + k|t)]
from organic waste. Int. J. Engineering Systems Modelling a new parameter r, the exponent can be varied and gives is a smooth generalized homogeneous form.
1 and simulation, in-press, Vol.10. an additional degree of freedom. LF V2 (x) is an extension of the weak LF V0 (x):
sub ject to M.∆U ≤ N Hernandez, A., Desideri, A., Ionescu, C., Quoilin, S., Lemort, 
V., and De Keyser., R. (2015). Experimental study of We consider the homogeneous ESTA (1) 1 r ϕ r(ϕ−1)
where N1 and N2 are the minimum and maximum prediction V2 (x) = γ k2 |x1 | + |x2 | − x1 x2  (5)
horizons, Nu is the control horizon, r(t + k|t) is a future set- predictive control strategies for optimal operation of organic
r−1 r
ẋ1 = −k1 x1  r
+ x2  r(ϕ−1)
point or reference sequence. rankine cycle systems. In Proceedings of the European 0
(1) = γV0ϕ (x) − x1 x2  .
Control Conference (ECC15). Linz, Austria. ẋ2 = −k2 x1  + ρ(t)
Hongbin Liu, Wenhao Shen y, C.Y. (2012). Performance The nominal case only depends of γ ∈ R>0 and is not
with the state x = [x1 x2 ] ∈ R2 , r > 1 ∈ R, and an
assessment of model predictive control in an anaerobic- restricted by the gains k1,2 . In the nominal case V2,N (x) =
uncertain function (uniformly bounded disturbance) ρ(t), V2 (x)|ρ(t)=0 , γmin has to be chosen such that
It is desired for the controller to track as close as possible to anoxic-oxic process. In Preprints of the 8th IFAC Symposium i.e. |ρ(t)| < L, where L ∈ R is a constant. The algorithm
the ’optimal’ setpoint provided by the optimizer without incur- on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, p.p. 274 – 279.  
corresponds to a generalization of the classical STA for
ring in overhooting, since it might lead to a system washout Petersson, A. and Wellinger, A. (2009). Biogas upgrading tech- γmin := max γV2,N >0 , γV̇2,N <0 (6)
which r = 2. Note that for r > 1 the exponents in the first
or instability. Therefore, a comparison between PI and MPC nologies - developments and innovations. IEA Bioenergy, equation can take the values
Task 37 Archived 29. and following L such that
controllers is performed in order to evaluate their behaviour. r−1
Results in Fig. 3 show that MPC outperforms PI due to a lower S. Revollar, P. Vega, R.V. (2015). Economic optimization of 0< <1 0<r−1<∞ (2) rβ−1
r L< (7)
overshoot and tracking error. wastewater treatment plants using non linear model predic-  The financial support from PAPIIT-UNAM (Programa de Apoyo γmin β
tive control. In 19th International Conference on System
6. CONCLUSIONS a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica) [project
Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC). to guarantee finite-time stability in the perturbed case.
IN113617]; Fondo de Colaboración II-FI UNAM [project IISGBAS-
Following, due to homogeneity, the gains can be rendered
In the present contribution a pragmatic methodology to operate CONACYT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a) [project in relation to the stable nominal case. This approach leads
an anaerobic reactor close to the optimal conditions which 241171] to stability in the perturbed case. 

32 33
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ESTA Time Signal - (r/k1/k2)

In Decision and Control, 2008. CDC 2008. 47th IEEE
0.15 Conference on, 2856–2861. IEEE.
ESTA/STA (2/15/11)
ESTA (5/15/11)
Moreno, J.A. and Osorio, M. (2012). Strict lyapunov
ESTA (9/15/11)
ESTA/STA (2/25/21)
functions for the super-twisting algorithm. IEEE Trans- Modelado de base fenomenológica del
0.1 ESTA (5/25/21) actions on Automatic Control, 57(4), 1035–1040.
ESTA (9/25/21)
Sánchez, T. and Moreno, J.A. (2012). Construction of secador ATM-52 empleado en el proceso de
lyapunov functions for a class of higher order sliding producción de pasta cerámica
ESTA (-)

modes algorithms. In Decision and Control (CDC),
2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on, 6454–6459.
Andrés López Valencia ∗ Manuela Walteros León ∗
Pablo S. Rivadeneira ∗
Sánchez, T. and Moreno, J.A. (2014). A constructive
0 lyapunov function design method for a class of homo- ∗
geneous systems. In Decision and Control (CDC), 2014 Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellı́n, Facultad de
IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on, 5500–5505. IEEE. Minas, Carrera 80# 65-223, Medellı́n, Colombia
(e-mail: {andlopezval, mwalterosl, psrivade}
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45
time (s)
Resumen: este artı́culo contiene una descripción tanto verbal como matemática del proceso
Fig. 1. ESTA Trajectories: Influence of exponent r and de secado que se lleva a cabo dentro del equipo ATM-52 para la producción de pasta cerámica.
gains k1,2 on ESTA trajectories. A través de la aplicación de una metodologı́a de modelado, se definió como objetivo poder
describir mediante una base fenomenológica la variación temporal de la humedad en la corriente
3. SIMULATION OF ESTA AND STA de salida del equipo (pasta cerámica), dado que es la variable crı́tica en el proceso. Esta variable
es difı́cil de medir en tiempo real y solo se cuenta con métodos de laboratorio para obtener
To compare the dynamics of both systems and to demon- mediciones. Para lograr el objetivo se plantearon una serie de suposiciones que permitieron
strate the “smoother” characteristics of the ESTA, the describir el modelo como ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias, siendo la más importante que
STA and ESTA were simulated in Maltab/Simulink with el fenómeno de transferencia de masa es significativo cuando las corrientes van en el mismo
the ode4 (Runge-Kutta) solver, a fixed step size of 0.0001 sentido. Una vez obtenido el conjunto de ecuaciones, a través de relaciones fı́sicoquı́micas del
seconds, integrator initial condition of 1 and a simulation proceso, se obtuvo el valor de todos los parámetros del mismo, y se realizó su verificación
time of 12.8 seconds. Different gains k1,2 and exponents r computacional. El modelo se validó experimentalmente con los valores en el estado estacionario
(ESTA) were selected (values are shown in the Figures ??- obtenidos del proceso real.
??). Additionally, the perturbation function was once set
to ρ(t) = 10sin(x, t). The trajectories are shown in Figure Palabras clave: Modelo; Balances de Masa y Energı́a; Secado Spray; Proceso; Barbotina;
1. The ESTA is equal to the STA for r = 2. Increasing r Cerámica; Transferencia de Masa.
leads to a higher overshoot and a longer settling time while
decreasing the numerical error (as shown and discussed in
1. INTRODUCCIÓN al proceso cerámico, en el cual únicamente plantean los
the following).
balances para los estados estacionarios (Ferrari et al.,
En el campo de la Ingenierı́a de Control, es de gran utilidad
Los autores, en general, expresan que la humedad es una
usar modelos matemáticos para representar los fenómenos
In this paper a new Extended Super-Twisting Algorithm variable de suma importancia para el proceso de secado,
de la naturaleza, los cuales resaltan un comportamiento
with variable exponents has been introduced. Additionally, en términos de las propiedades de los productos. Particu-
dinámico. La herramienta matemática empleada en la
two suitable LF V1 (x) and V2 (x) have been proposed and larmente, en el proceso industrial de la pasta cerámica, la
representación de dichos fenómenos se realiza a través
the existence of finite-time stability was shown. However, granulometrı́a es un parámetro que adquiere gran impor-
de ecuaciones diferenciales obtenidas de diferentes leyes
exact gain values have not been calculated yet. The mo- tancia en la etapa de prensado (seguida de la atomización).
fı́sicas que los gobiernen. Para este caso, las leyes de
tivation of the variable exponents, to realize smoother Es por esto que el control de humedad de las partı́culas
conservación de masa y energı́a.
control behavior has been achieved in simulations. al final de la atomización es crucial, pues si esta no es
Este artı́culo se realizó con el objetivo de desarrollar un retirada adecuadamente (manera y cantidad), el grano
REFERENCES Modelo Semifı́sico de Base Fenomenológica a través de final presentarı́a algunos problemas según los estándares
balances en estado dinámico, en el proceso de secado de de calidad. (Lukasiewicz, 1989) (Cao et al., 2000).
Andrieu, V., Praly, L., and Astolfi, A. (2008). Homo- pasta cerámica, con la idea de conocer el comportamiento
geneous approximation, recursive observer design, and La motivación principal de este trabajo fue la imposibili-
de la humedad de la pasta en el tiempo. El proceso
output feedback. SIAM Journal on Control and Opti- dad de medir la humedad de la pasta en tiempo real, por
es llevado a cabo en un secador spray. El desarrollo
mization, 47(4), 1814–1850. lo que tampoco es posible aplicar estrategias de control
del modelo se realizó como un ejercicio académico en
Bhat, S.P. and Bernstein, D.S. (1997). Finite-time stability a dicha variable. No se considera la identificación, pues
Colcerámica S.A.S., unidad de negocio de la Organización
of homogeneous systems. In Proceedings of the 1997 se quiere conocer internamente el modelo. Finalmente,
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American Control Conference (Cat. No.97CH36041), luego de desarrollar una metodologı́a de modelado, se logró
volume 4, 2513–2514 vol.4. Existen diversos autores que han enfrentado ejercicios describir adecuadamente la fenomenologı́a del equipo, con-
Bhat, S.P. and Bernstein, D.S. (2005). Geometric homo- de modelado para secadores spray. La mayorı́a tratan siguiendo predecir los cambios en la humedad a la salida,
geneity with applications to finite-time stability. Mathe- procesos relacionados con alimentos como la producción de basados en condiciones de entrada del mismo y acerándose
matics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS), 17(2), leche en polvo, colorantes naturales y frutas deshidratadas. lo suficiente a los estados estacionarios del proceso real.
101–127. Entre estos, se encuentran algunos que presentan balances
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sliding mode design. Automatica, 41(5), 823–830. (Yanza, 2003) pero también existen otros con balances en
Moreno, J.A. and Osorio, M. (2008). A lyapunov approach estado dinámico (Vera, 2012) (Dong, X. and Lin, S. 2005) La metodologı́a de modelado empleada en el artı́culo
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34 35
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(Álvarez H, 2014). Consiste en un desarrollo sistemático 4. CONCLUSIONES

de 10 pasos. En el paso 1 se da cuenta del objetivo del
modelo, se debe realizar una descripción detallada de lo Los resultados encontrados comprueban que se logró des-
que está ocurriendo en el proceso que se modela, acom- cribir adecuadamente la fenomenologı́a del equipo, con- Collaborative Control Strategy Applied to
pañada de una imagen. En el paso 2 se debe definir el siguiendo predecir los cambios en la humedad a la salida, an Aerobic Reactor
nivel de detalle del modelo y postular una hipótesis de basados en las condiciones de entrada del mismo y además
modelado que permite describir el comportamiento del acercarse bastante bien a los estados estacionarios del
equipo y su tiempo teórico de estabilización. También dan Keidy Morales R. ∗ Hernan Alvarez ∗ Mario Francisco S. ∗∗
equipo, considerando aquı́ suposiciones del proceso que
cuenta de un buen ejercicio de modelado y linealización, Silvana Revollar ∗∗ Pastora Vega ∗∗
tienen como objetivo simplificar el modelo planteado. En
el paso 3 se definen los sistemas de proceso, que son ambos acordes con los comportamientos del equipo real.
abstracciones del proceso que se ven como un sistema. Se destaca la importancia de la inclusión de ecuaciones

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medelln (e-mail: klmoralesr,
Las separaciones de los sistemas de proceso se realizan constitutivas, las cuales son una pieza fundamental que
cuando en el proceso existen barreras fı́sicas o cambios facilita la consecución del modelo.
Universidad de Salamanca (e-mail: mfs, pvega,
de fase: diferencias que marquen cambios espaciales re-
conocibles. En el paso 4 se plantean todos los balances REFERENCIAS Abstract: This work presents a collaborative control strategy applied to an aerobic reactor,
de masa y energı́a para el modelo, permitiendo realizar where the mass transfer global coefficient is separated into liquid phase mass transfer and specific
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un seguimiento de las variables más crı́ticas del modelo. area for mass transfer. A control strategy that is close to real process and can be implemented
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En el paso 5 se seleccionan aquellas ecuaciones de balance in large scale process is proposed. This control strategy has two layer: supervisory layer and
Cao, X., Vassen, R., Schwartz, S., Jungen, W., Tietz, F.,
relevantes para la solución del modelo. El paso 6 permite regulatory layer. The first one is defined for the main dynamic and the second layer is determined
and Stöever, D. (2000). Spray-drying of ceramics for
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plasma-spray coating. Journal of the European Ceramic
variables provenientes de la estructura básica del modelo. better performance in comparison with traditional controllers when applied to real process.
Society, 2433 – 2439.
El paso 7 permite obtener ecuaciones que no se pueden
Ferrari, A., Gutiérrez, S., and Sin, G. (2016). Modeling
derivar directamente de las ecuaciones de balance pero que
a production scale milk drying process: parameter esti- Keywords: Collaborative control, mass transfer, aerobic reactor, wastewater treatment.
conservan la misma relevancia para la solución del modelo
mation, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Chemical
y que junto con los parámetros, variables y constantes del
Engineering Science, 301 – 310. 1. INTRODUCTION separated it is possible to understand the gas - liquid
paso 6, se utilizan para el conteo de grados de libertad del
Çinar, A., Lagergren, E., and Negiz, A. (1995). Mathema- mass transfer mechanism because these parameters are
paso 8.
tical models of cocurrent spray drying. The control structure of collaborative control strategy is affected by manipulated variables in a different way. For
Lukasiewicz, S.J. (1989). Spray-drying ceramic powders. centralized and hierarchical. In this multivariable control this reason, it is important to know the link between them.
3. RESULTADOS DEL MODELO Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 72(4), 617– strategy exists just one coordinator controller. Decisions In this sense, this work proposes a model to represent
624. about set point changes are taken on the main level. In that relation and apply that knowledge to improve process
Álvarez H (2014). Abstracciones macroscópicas de la this sense, there are several control loops in the system control.
Los pasos 9 y 10 de la metodologı́a de modelado, son
fenomenologı́a para el modelado de procesos. grupo de communicated by a coordination mechanism, external to
fundamentales para obtener los resultados del modelo, que
investigación de procesos dinámicos-kalman. XXVII the controllers (Moscoso – Vásquez, 2013). In collaborative
se describen en el Tabla 1. Y la Figura 1.
Congreso Interamericano y Colombiano de Ingenierı́a control strategy there are two levels: supervisory layer and
Quı́mica. regulatory layer. The first level, named primary or main
Tabla 1. Resultados del modelo en estado es- 2. METHODOLOGY
Martı́nez, L. (2009). Dimensionamiento y simulación de controller, calculates the changes in manipulated variables
un secador por aspersión de nivel piloto. Instituto or set points of individual controllers on second level.
Sı́mbolo Valor de Estado Estacionario Politéctico Nacional. This work follows the typical methodology of scientific
Kg In order to accomplish the control objective, the control
Rw 1 0,1145 m 2s McCabe, L. and Warren, J. (2007). Operaciones Unitarias strategies selection is relevant. The way in which the local method. A review of current state of the art allows to
Entradas E w4 0,0999 mKg
2s en Ingenierı́a Quı́mica. McGraw Hill, Ciudad de méxico, controllers are organized define centralized, decentralized propose a new collaborative control strategy. This is a
TE4 873,00K 7th edition. hierarchical centralized control structure, because there
or distributed strategies, with collaborative control as a
MR 0,500Kg Vera, M. (2012). Tesis maestrı́a “metodologı́a de diseño recently introduced approach. are several control loops in the system communicated
X w2 0,0934 Kgsolventepuro simultáneo de proceso y control aplicada a un secado por by a coordination mechanism, external to the controllers
Estados ME 0,4537Kg atomización multiproducto para sustancias quı́micas (Moscoso – Vásquez, 2013). In collaborative control strat-
Y w5 0,3219 Kgsolventepuro naturaleso. On the other hand, aerobic reactors are used extensively in egy there are two levels or layers: supervisory and regula-
TE5 383,00K Yanza, G. (2003). Tesis pregrado. diseño de un secador chemical and biological industry. Obviously, the aeration tory. The first level, named primary or main controller, cal-
por atomización a nivel piloto para jugo concentrado de is essential in aerobic reactors. In this sense, oxygenation culates the changes in manipulated variables or set points
tomate de árbol. is represented by mass transfer, which is determined for of individual controllers on the second level. To implement
a volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kL a). There exist this approach, a classification of process dynamics in main
many correlations for kL a, but it is important to use one dynamic and secondary dynamics has to be done. The
that can be related with the real process. In this sense, optimization of the set points of those controllers driving
some kL a correlations do not represent the real process secondary dynamics is done to reduce the control efforts for
because this parameter is global and it does not take the main dynamic loop. On the other hand, the regulatory
into account other physical phenomena that have great layer comprises the individual controllers for secondary
influence in the mass transfer, for example the bubble size dynamics of the process. In this sense, in a collaborative
and the quantity or gas hold up (Dudle, 1995) (Bouaifi control strategy with n total control loops, n-1 control
et al., 2001). Additionally, in order to implement a control loops are passed from regulation mode to tracking mode
strategy in real processes it is not possible to manipulate leaving only the control loop of main dynamic in regulation
the kL a directly because it is not a physically manipulated mode. This strategy is contrary to the traditional principle
variable. It is necessary to highlight that the volumetric of design in chemical process, which requires to operate in
mass transfer coefficient is the product between the liquid regulatory mode fixing the set point values for all variables
Figura 1. Resultados del Modelo Lineal y no Lineal phase mass transfer coefficient (kL ) and the specific area in a continuous process.
or specific interfacial area (a). If these parameters are

36 37
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The collaborative control strategy is applied to an aerobic Table 1. Disturbances applied to the system.
reactor. Calculating the state impactability index SIIyk
from a singular value decompositon of Hankel matrix of the Disturbance /
process model, the oxygen concentration have the highest Time [day]
Magnitude Real-time QFT Control for Temperature in
index. Therefore, this variable is the main dynamic of the 0.5 Set point change From 0.5 to 2.2 g/m3
process and the concentration of the rest of compounds 1.5 Set point change From 2.2 to 2 g/m3
are secondary dynamics. The control objective is the set 3
From 15 to 10◦ C
point tracking of the oxygen set point. The other states change Rafael A. Núñez ∗ Carlos L. Corzo R. ∗∗
(secondary ones) have not a strong effect over that con- Temperature
4.5 From 10 to 15◦ C
centration. On the other hand, the oxygen concentration change ∗
Faculty of electronic engineering, Unidades Tecnológicas de
state is directly related to the current applied aeration. 6 From 15 to 20◦ C Santander Colombia e-mail: (+57 6917700; e-mail:
Obviously, the intermediate step between the oxygen con- Temperature
centration and the aeration is the mass transfer, described 8 From 20 to 15◦ C ∗∗
change Faculty of electronic engineering, Unidades Tecnológicas de
by the volumetric mass transfer coefficient. In this way, Plant input flow From nominal value to 30% of Santander Colombia e-mail: (+57 6917700; e-mail:
the coordinator controller in the supervisory layer has 9.5
change nominal value
the oxygen concentration as the fixed objective and the 11.5
Plant input flow From 30% of nominal value to
regulatory level has two control loops, one for each con- change 130% of nominal value
trollable parameter, collaborating to reach this objective. Abstract: Sudden changes in a greenhouse environment negatively impact the development
In this case, the control loops on regulatory layer are overshoot exists after applying the changes on oxygen set and production of crops, especially in greenhouses with natural ventilation when temperatures
associated to controllable parameters kL and a, without point and inputs, the oxygen concentration quickly return are low at night and change rapidly due to wet winds. To mitigate these variations, a design of
secondary dynamic controller into collaborative control. to the reference value. a robust controller based on Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) as from a Smith predictor
The first control loop manipulates the air flow to control structure for dead-time system is proposed. This structure offers a high stability based on the
kL . The second loop manipulate the air injection pressure 4. CONCLUSION gain margin, the phase margin, and the rejection of disturbances in the system output. This
to control a. The Figure 1 shows the collaborative control design was contrasted with a PID controller based on performance indices, according to the
strategy proposed for this system. The collaborative control has been applied, showing a good transient response and error in the presence of changes in the point of operation and charge
performance in studied process. It can be applied in large disturbances. Final results showed that the dynamic response of the QFT controller improved
scale process and to improve the process behaviour. More- 12%, with a decrease of 1% in the overshoot and 3% in the effort of the control signal, compared
over, the controllable parameters have been included in the to PID controller results.
control strategy, where the possibility of control parame-
ters and no states is considered in order to collaborate with Keywords: QFT controller, robust control, temperature control, Smith predictor
the main dynamic, reducing the control efforts with the
manipulated variables into physically acceptable range. 1. INTRODUCTION the duty cycle of PWM signal applied to the AC-AC ON-
The mass transfer model is very important to represent OFF converter, where dead time is L = 120.5s the system
the real process looking for a better control system. In Thus, this development was oriented to the design of a ro- time constant is T = 213.9s, and the static system gain is
this sense, the behaviour of main dynamic is appropriate bust controller based on the Quantitative Feedback Theory K = 75.4.
for the process because the response time is physically pos- (QFT) and a structure as from a Smith predictor structure
sible. Additionally, the control actions are in a range that for deadtime system applied to temperature control of 2.2 QFT Controller Design
permit its manipulation and the controllable parameters the greenhouse to scale with a heating system since this
have a good behaviour because they have soft changes and structure offers a high stability based on the gain margin, For the developed controller, an uncertainty interval was
follow the set points computed in the optimization. The the phase margin, and the rejection of disturbances in the established for the static gain K, time constant T , and
proposed methodology can be used in large scale processes, system output. Thereby, it was started from modelling of dead time L. A robust design of a Smith predictor based
tuning into a plantwide control strategy if the plant is the temperature behavior inside a greenhouse was used on the consideration of the bandwidth and a quantitative
partitioned in macro-processes with clear distinguisable to design a robust QFT controller in which the system approach of the compensator was proposed (Garcia-Sanz
process product objectives. stability and controller s behavior against external distur- and Guillen, 1999), taking on a structure grounded in
bances in contrast with a PID controller were validated. the concept of the modified Smith predictor (Garcia-Sanz,
REFERENCES Likewise, it was inferred the proposed control strategy 2017) , for a system Pr with dead time L. The structure
Fig. 1. Collaborative control strategy application. performance that showed the robust stability and rejection uses an estimated plant without delay Pˆr in an internal
Bouaifi, M., Hebrard, G., Bastoul, D., and Roustan, M.
(2001). A comparative study of gas hold-up , bubble of disturbances with minimum effort of the control signal. loop with an estimated pure delay L̂ which allows to
3. RESULTS size , interfacial area and mass transfer coefficients in mitigate the effects of dead time to facilitate the design
stirred gas - liquid reactors and bubble columns. Chem. 2. METHODOLOGY of the controller G using a quantitative approach. In the
In order to validate the case study, different simulations Eng. and Processing: Process Intensification, 40, 97–111. Fig. 1, a structure based on Smith predictor concept for
have been performed, including the application of dis- Dudle, J. (1995). Mass transfer in bubble columns. Water 2.1 Model and Identification dead time is proposed.
turbances to the process. Table 1 shows the time, kind Research, 29(4), 1129–1138.
and magnitude of the disturbances and set point changes Moscoso – Vásquez, H.M. (2013). A design procedure The RBS signal related the input and output of the system
applied to the system in order to evaluate the behav- for a supervisory control structure in plantwide control. and was configured with amplitude between [0.25 − 0.75]
ior of oxygen concentration. 14 days were simulated for Master’s thesis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. of the duty cycle of PWM signal, applied to the AC-AC
the aerobic reactor with constant conditions of reactor ON-OFF converter, with a bandwidth BW = 0.00468Hz,
influent. Two set point changes were applied to oxygen which was selected from the response of the temperature
concentration at the beginning of the test. to a step input signal of 50% of the PWM duty cycle
applied to the AC-AC converter. The sampling frequency Fig. 1. Modified Smith predictor equivalent diagram
The obtained behaviour of oxygen concentration presents a was F s = 1Hz and the number of samples was 15000. A
good tracking and disturbance rejection capabilities using first-order transfer functions with dead time was identified, The choice of Pˆr e−sL̂ is a critical factor due to Q(s)
the collaborative control structure. Even thought some which related the temperature inside the greenhouse, with degrades the system for each value that H(s) takes in the

38 39
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uncertainty space. So this, one first algorithm was pro- QFT controller response to an external variation of the
posed for a plant set selection Pˆr e−sL̂ such that |Q(s)| < temperature inside the greenhouse was validated, which
md in the frequency range of interest of the controller it was subjected to a disturbance at 4000s. Tempera-
0 ≤ ω ≤ ωBW , where md is set to 3dB, additionally from ture disturbance is based on a turbine activation that is
the second algorithm, a single plant Pˆr e−sL̂ of the set was connected to the greenhouse, which forced the external
selected that satisfied the first algorithm wind circulation, causing that the temperature inside the
greenhouse sudden decrease. Fig.2 shows QFT and PID
and allowed to minimize the cost function given by (1), controller’s behavior. A passive fault-tolerant control strategy for non-linear
where nω equals the number of frequencies of inter-
est. A(Teq (jω)) represents the model template area and
Table 1. Performance indices based QFT and system: An application to the two tank conical non-interacting
Pˆr e−sL̂ y A(T (jω)) represents nominal plant template Pr .
PID controller’s stability
level control system
Temperature 40 C 50 C
1  A (Teq (jω)) Controller QFT PID QFT PID Himanshukumar R. Patel*, Vipul A. Shah**
Icost = (1)
nω A (T (jω)) ts [s] 1000 1200 1050 1300 
Mp 2% 3% 0% 3% *Dept. of Instrumentation & Control Engineering, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad 387001, Gujarat, India.
The criterion used for robust stability was defined with Ep [ C] 0 0 0 0.5
(Tel: +91 7698308667; e-mail: himanshupatel.ic@
δu (ω) = 1.3 (Elso et al., 2017). The transfer function ** Dept. of Instrumentation & Control Engineering, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad 387001, Gujarat, India.
δω , represents the desired dynamics of the plant before Last of all, it is appreciated that QFT controller lasted (e-mail:
a disturbance. The pole assignment method was applied 850s to compensate the disturbance, while PID controller
(Houpis et al., 2003). To start with an L(jω) value must lasted 690s. Table 2 shows indices performance for tests at
be obtained which fits the inequalities established in the 40 C of temperature. Abstract: In practical engineering systems, unknown actuator, sensor or system component faults
performance specifications, where L(jω) = G(jω)P (jω) frequently occur, which results from component and interconnection failures, degrade control
Table 2. QFT and PID controllers’ indices per-
based on the controller performance specifications, in addi- performance, system stability, and profitability, and even arise hazardous situation. To avoid abnormal
formance in presence of external disturbances
tion to the transfer functions that represent the parameters activity like faults and maintain system control performance subject to faults occurring into the system,
δu (ω) and δs (ω) . (Gil-Martinez and Garcı́a-Sanz, 2003). Temperature 40 C the Fault-tolerant Control (FTC) is a realistic approach to address the unwanted situation. The two-tank
Loop-shaping technique introduces a G(s) controller that Controller QFT PID conical system is widely used in chemical and food process industries because of its greater advantages.
modifies the loop function L0 until it complies with the ts [s] 850 960 The non-interacting configuration of two-tank conical system is highly nonlinear due to its shape and
constraints imposed by the contours of the performance Ep [ C] 0 0 varying area of the tank thought the height of tank, as a consequence level control of this system is
specifications, this way the unique controller gejφ that ∆D 10% 13% extremely difficult. The paper attributes to design a Passive Fault-tolerant Control Strategy (PFTCS) for a
complies is what manages to take the function of the Two-tank conical Non-Interacting Level Control System (TTCNILCS) subject to the major system
loop L0 on the contours of each specification (Gil-Martinez 4. CONCLUSION (leak), actuator faults with external process disturbances. PFTC will increase system control performance
and Garcı́a-Sanz, 2003). Fig 1. Shows the block diagram and system stability acceptable level in the presence of system and actuator faults. The simulation results
that allows to implement the QFT controller and PID demonstrate the proposed PFTC strategy has definite fault tolerant ability against the system and actuator
The proposed controller applied to the range of uncer-
controller. In this way, to implement the QFT controller, faults also it has good disturbance rejection capability. To verify the efficacy of the proposed PFTC
tainty for the temperature system parameters, quickly
transfer function was introduced on G(s) block, and to strategy Mean Square Error (MSE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) Integral Absolute Error (IAE)
mitigated the effects of the dead time, which favored the
implement the PID controller, transfer function was intro- indices are used.
system tuning and therefore its stability. Likewise, external
duced on G(s) block. disturbances effects and changes in the point of operation Keywords: Actuator fault, process disturbance, Non-interacting system, nonlinear, Neural Network,
with minimum effort of the control signal were mitigated. Passive Fault-tolerant control, System fault.
3. RESULTS It also kept within controller performance specifications
such as settling time and the overshoot. 
distributed fault tolerant scheme is implemented on two-tank
Fig 2. represents a conventional PID and QFT controller
REFERENCES benchmark system with faults.
with modified Smith predictor response at 40 C. There- To improve the system reliability and profitability of the
fore, it is observed that the QFT controller presented an Elso, J., Gil-Martinez, M., and Garcia-Sanz, M. (2017). plant, significant research has been done to developed FTC 2. PFTC DESIGN FOR TTCNILCS
overshoot of less than 2%, besides that, a lower effort in the Quantitative feedback control for multivariable model strategy in recent years for interacting and non-interacting
control signal and a fast response was noticed in compari- For designing PFTCS, soft computing method is used. Neural
matching and disturbance rejection. International Jour- level control system. In (Patel and Shah, 2018c) author has
son with PID controller that presented an overshoot close Network (NN) and PID controller are used to design robust
nal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 27(1), 121–134. designed passive fault-tolerant algorithm for a single-tank
to 3%. The settling time of the QFT controller was close to controller structure for tolerate the system /actuator fault and
doi:10.1002/rnc.3563. non-interacting level control system using fuzzy logic subject
1000s in contrast to the PID controller that approached process disturbances. PFTCS gives remarkable results in the
Garcia-Sanz, M. (2017). Robust Control Engineering. Boca to system fault and process disturbances, also it has been
1200s. Table 1 lists the performance indices for tests at occurrence of system and actuator faults in the system. The
Raton: CRC Press. verified on experimental setup. In (Parikh et al, 2017) due to
40 C and at 50 C. PFTCS scheme is presented in Fig. 1.
Garcia-Sanz, M. and Guillen, J. (1999). Smith predictor the highly nonlinear behavior of the three-tank in series
for uncertain systems in the qft framework. In Tzafestas interconnected system Non-linear Model Predictive Control The main objective of this paper is to design Passive Fault-
S.G., Schmidt G. (eds) Progress in system and robot (NMPC) is implemented to achieve the servo plus tolerant Control (PFTC) using soft computing method
analysis and control design. Lecture Notes in Control disturbance rejection and regulatory control in presence of (Neural Network) for nonlinear system with system and
and Information Sciences, volume 253, 239–250. changing valve position which serves as the disturbance actuator faults also it can tolerate the process disturbance.
Gil-Martinez, M. and Garcı́a-Sanz, M. (2003). Simultane- input. In (Basin et al, 2015) authors has designed fault- The PFTC scheme involved conventional PID control which
ous meeting of robust control specifications in qft. 13, tolerant algorithm for a DTS200 three-tank interacting system contribute batter steady state performance. The overall PFTC
643 – 656. considering fault sources, (process disturbances, input scheme gives almost zero steady state error with perfect
Houpis, C.H., Stuart, N.S., and John, J.D. (2003). Linear conditions, and disturbances through inter-tank connections) reference tracking subject to two faults and process
Control System Analysis and Design: Fifth Edition, are verified experimentally. Authors of (Mendonca, Sousa, disturbances. To check the effectiveness of the proposed
Revised and Expanded. CRC Press. and Sa da Costa, 2008) have used Model Predictive Control PFTC scheme is simulated on Two-tank conical Non-
(MPC) and fuzzy logic to design a fault tolerant control Interacting Level Control System (TTCNILCS) using Mean
(FTC) scheme for a three-tank benchmark system to Square Error (MSE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and
Fig. 2. QFT and PID controller’s response at 40 C accommodate two faults. In (Capiluppi and Paoli, 2005)

40 41
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Integral Absolute Error (IAE). The linearized model of the Table 1. Error comparison results for passive FTCS.
TTCNILCS system is given by equation (1). Control por modos deslizantes de un sistema
Sr. Control
f1 f2 d MSE RMSE IAE de intercambio de calor: validación
No. Structure
PFTC 1.5675 1.2520 446.8 experimental
1. Without 10 - -
1.8800 1.3711 529.5
PFTC 0.8218 0.9065 176.7 M.C. Pérez-Pirela ∗ J.P. Garcı́a-Sandoval ∗
2. Without - 20% -
0.8384 0.9156 211.1 ∗
Departamento de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica, Universidad de Guadalajara,
PFTC 1.0087 1.0043 79.25 Calz. Gral. Marcelino Garcı́a Barragán 1451, Guadalajara, Jalisco
3. Without - - 1 44430, Mexico, e-mail: {,
1.0139 1.0069 86.06
*f1 denotes system fault, f2 denotes actuator fault and d
denotes process disturbances. Resumen: En el presente trabajo se diseñan, validan y comparan dos técnicas de SMC
convencionales usando superficies deslizantes basadas en el error y en la integral del error,
respectivamente, para a un sistema de intercambio de calor compuesto de un calentador
Fig. 1. PFTC design for TTCNILCS system subject to system In this paper, the passive FTC approach design for highly eléctrico de paso, cuyo objetivo de control es regular la temperatura del fluido a la salida
and actuator faults (Patel and Shah, 2018d). nonlinear TTCNILCS subject to actuator/system fault and del calentador, bajo la influencia de perturbaciones externas. Los dos algoritmos de SMC
process disturbances. The passive FTC scheme with son analizados mediante simulaciones numéricas y su desempeño se compara a través de la
conventional PID control and neural network techniques has integral del valor absoluto del error y la integral del valor absoluto de la entrada de control,
(1) been developed. It has been proved that all signals in the seleccionándose el mejor para ser probado experimentalmente. Los resultados experimentales
resulting closed-loop system are bounded and the closed-loop indican que el SMC es capaz de cumplir el objetivo de control con un desempeño satisfactorio.
system is stable even after fault occurs in the system. Also
3. SIMULATION RESULTS PFTC response of TTCNILCS tracks the reference input, and Palabras clave: Control por modos deslizantes convencional, sistema de intercambio de calor,
rejects the faults more efficiently as compared to without control no lineal.
To validate the proposed PFTC scheme subject to PFTC scheme in case they appear.
system/actuator fault and process disturbance multiple 1. INTRODUCCIÓN] de seguimiento e(t), que es la diferencia entre la salida
simulation done with different fault magnitudes and abrupt REFERENCES medida y el valor de referencia. En tal sentido (Slotine
nature. The results are tabulated in Table 1 with different Basin M., Li L., Krueger M., and Ding S., (2015). A finite-time- Para controlar sistemas de intercambio de calor, se re- et al., 1991) and (Slotine and Spong, 1985) , definen
error indices MSE, RMSE and IAE. The simulation carried convergent fault-tolerant control and its experimental quieren esquemas de control robustos, siendo un enfoque una superficie deslizante diferencial e integro-diferencial
out in sequential (i.e. single system, actuator, and process verification for DTS200 three-tank system, IEEE, International concreto la metodologı́a llamada Control por Modo Des- respectivamente .
disturbances), the comparative results presented in fig. 2. The Workshop on Recent Advances in Sliding Modes (RASM),
lizante (Sliding Mode Control, SMC). Dado que el SMC
result figures are clearly shows that proposed PFTC scheme Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/RASM.2015.7154633.
Capiluppi M. and Paoli A., (2005). Distributed fault tolerant control
tiene un procedimiento de diseño, es una de las más pode-
gives batter control performance and system stability as rosas soluciones para muchos diseños prácticos del control 3. METODOLOGÍA
of the two tank system benchmark, IEEE, Proceedings of the
compared to without PFTC. (Utkin and Chang, 2002). Se ha intentado de varias formas
44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Seville, Spain,
pp. 7674 – 7679. DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2005.1583401. establecer una técnica para el diseño de dicha superficie, 3.1 Configuración experimental
Mendonca L., Sousa J. M., and Sa da Costa J.M., (2008). Fault pero los resultados muestran criterios que funcionan a
accommodation of an experimental three tank system using manera de filtro para determinar si la superficie propuesta
fuzzy predictive control, IEEE, International Conference on permite o no la estabilidad del sistema (Sira-Ramı́rez, Para la implementación y prueba de las estrategias de con-
Fuzzy Systems (IEEE World Congress on Computational 2015). En (Pérez-Pirela et al., 2018) se desarrolló y validó trol basadas en el método de control por modos deslizantes
Intelligence), Hong Kong, China, pp. 1619–1625. un modelo dinámico para describir el comportamiento de se utiliza un intercambiador de calor a escala delaborato-
DOI: 10.1109/FUZZY.2008.4630588. rio. El sistema de intercambio de calor está compuesto
un intercambiador de calor. Basados en este modelo, en
Patel, H.R., Shah, V.A., (2018c). Fuzzy logic based passive fault por un calentador eléctrico de acero inoxidable con una
tolerant control strategy for a single-tank system with system
el presente trabajo se diseñan dos algoritmos de control
empleando la metodologı́a de SMC convencional y a través longitud de 0.29 m, que contiene una resistencia eléctrica
fault and process disturbances, IEEE, 5th International de 1000 W, los diámetros internos y externos son d1 = 1/2
Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICEEE), de un análisis de comparación de ı́ndices de desempeño se
selecciona el mejor para ser evaluada experimentalmente and d1 = 1 respectivamente, y el fluido entra con una
3-5 May, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 257-262. DOI:
10.1109/ICEEE2.2018.8391342. en un sistema real, para demostrar la aplicabilidad de esta temperatura T2,i (t) y pasa a través del calentador con un
Patel, H.R., Shah, V.A., (2018d). A Framework for Fault-tolerant técnica a un sistema práctico de intercambio de calor. flujo volumétrico (F ) de 2L/min
Control for an Interacting and Non-interacting Level Control
System using AI, SCITEPRESS, 15th International Conference 2. FUNDAMENTOS DEL CONTROL POR MODOS
on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO DESLIZANTES 3.2 Modelo del intercambiador de calor
2018) held in Porto, Portugal from 29–31 July, pp. 180-190.
Parikh N., Rathore S., Misra R., and Markana A., (2017). A
comparison between NMPC and LQG for the level control of
La robustez y el procedimiento sistemático de diseño son Basándose en un modelo de parámetros distribuidos para
three tank interacting system, IEEE, Indian Control ventajas bien conocidas de los controladores por modos el intercambiador de calor descrito en la sección anterior,
Conference, ICC, Guwahati, India, pp. 200-205. deslizantes (Slotine et al., 1991). La idea detrás de SMC (Pérez-Pirela et al., 2018) desarrollaron un modelo ma-
DOI: 10.1109/INDIANCC.2017.7846475. es definir una superficie a lo largo de la cual el proceso temático simplificado para este sistema, el cual describe
puede deslizarse a su valor final deseado. El primer paso el comportamiento dinámico de la temperatura a la sa-
en SMC es la elección de la superficie deslizante o función lida (T2,o ), mediante una ecuación diferencial ordinaria
Fig. 2. PFTC performance comparison with actuator, system deslizante que se suele formular como una función lineal de segundo orden con retardo en la entrada (y), y las
(leak) faults and process disturbances. de los estados del sistema, expresada en función del error perturbaciones T2,i y F

42 43
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Tabla 1. Resultados de ı́ndices de desempeño Tabla 2. Resultados de ı́ndices de desempeño

a cambios en la referencia a cambios en la referencia
Técnicas SMC IAE ICI Técnicas SMC IAE ISCI
I 621.0454 4,8954x104 I 7023934 3,6030x104 Detección automática del nivel de daño de
4,8954x104 3,5860x104
II 611.0164 II 694.1584
la cenicilla polvorienta en hojas de
3.3 Algoritmo de control por modos deslizante con los ı́ndices de desempeño y son presentados en la
cucurbitáceas a través de firmas espectrales
Tabla 2. El sistema con los SMC convencional oscila
durante la recuperación de la perturbación, evidenciando C. A. Rivera-Romero ∗ E. R. Palacios-Hernández ∗∗
Para fines de control se propuso el error de regulación
que la técnica II nuevamente tiene mejor desempeño que M. Trejo-Durán ∗∗∗ O. Vite-Chávez ∗∗∗∗
e(t) = T2,o − T2,r , donde T2,r es la temperatura de
la técnica I. J. A. Morales-Saldaña †
referencia a la salida del intercambiador. Para realizar las
simulaciones y experimentos se emplearon dos técnicas de Al tener la técnica II un mejor rendimiento, se elige para ∗
SMC con el propósito de regular el error e(t) = T2,o − T2,r . Centro de Investigación de Estudios de Posgrado (CIEP), Facultad
validar los resultados teóricos en la aplicación real. Se de Ingenierı́a, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosı́, San Luis
observa que en la respuesta dinámica del sistema en lazo Potosı́, México (e-mail:
4. RESULTADOS cerrado, el sistema real y los resultados de simulación ∗∗
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosı́,
muestran un comportamiento muy similar. Este resultado San Luis Potosı́, México (e-mail:
Los resultados de las simulaciones realizadas se presentan demuestra que el controlador diseñado lograr la tarea ∗∗∗
Departamento de Estudios Multidisciplinarios, División de
para demostrar el funcionamiento de las técnicas seleccio- deseada con éxito. Ingenierı́as Campus Irapuato-Salamanca, Universidad de Guanajuato,
nadas de SMC convencional. Estas simulaciones se imple- Guanajuato, México (e-mail:
mentaron en el entorno Matlab. 5. CONCLUSIONES ∗∗∗∗
Unidad Académica de Ingenierı́a Eléctrica, Universidad Autónoma
De la técnica I se obtiene la superficie deslizante: de Zacatecas, Jalpa, Zacatecas, México (e-mail:
En este estudio los resultados obtenidos de las simula- †
Facultad de Ingenierı́a, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosı́,
ciones se compararon con los de la aplicación real para San Luis Potosı́, México (e-mail:
s(t) = λ1 e(t) − ė(t) (1) las respuestas dinámicas del sistema de control en lazo
cerrado. El comportamiento sistema real y los resultados
y la entrada de control: de simulación mostraron un comportamiento muy similar. Resumen: La cenicilla polvorienta es un problema común en los cultivos de cucurbitáceas. Se
Los resultados experimentales sugieren que el controlador identificaron 4 niveles de daño (T1-hoja sana, T2-hoja en tiempo de germinación, T3-hoja con
  t   por modos deslizantes diseñado para el sistema de inter- primeros sı́ntomas y T4-hoja enferma) en hojas de Cucurbita pepo L. Se propone un algoritmo
T2,o (t) s(t) compuesto por 5 etapas para la detección automática. A través de una base de datos de firmas
u = λ1 ė(t) − k1 e(t)dτ + KD cambio de calor podrı́a ser aplicado a nivel industrial, ya
0 β |s(t)| + δ que presenta propiedades de robustez y a la vez es fácil de espectrales e imágenes RGB, se obtuvieron datos para extraer caracterı́sticas. Se planteó un
(2) implementar problema de multiclasificación y su evaluación. Se obtuvo la detección automática de los datos
de entrada en un vector resultante clasificados en cada nivel de daño de la cenicilla polvorienta.
Los parámetros empleados fueron λ1 = 1, k1 = 1,9x10− 11, KD =
5, δ = 0,9 y β = 1,7683x10− 7, los cuales fueron sinto- REFERENCIAS
Palabras clave: Firma espectral, ı́ndices de vegetación, Cucurbita pepo L., análisis de varianza,
nizados manualmente. Pérez-Pirela, M., Garcı́a-Sandoval, J., and Camacho, O. multiclasificación.
Del mismo modo, para la técnica II se consigue la superficie (2018). Development of a simplified model for a
deslizante: distributed-parameter heat exchange system for ther- 1. INTRODUCCIÓN Hojas sanas
modynamic principles-based control purposes. IFAC- 2
Hojas en germinación
Hojas con primeros síntomas
 PapersOnLine, 51(13), 396–401.

Reflectancia normalizada
t Hojas enfermas
La cenicilla polvorienta es una enfermedad común que
u = λ1 e(t) + λ0 ˙
e(τ )dτ − e(t) (3) Sira-Ramı́rez, H. (2015). Sliding mode control: the delta- 1.5
se presenta en la mayorı́a de los cultivos de las cucur-
0 sigma modulation approach. Birkhäuser. bitáceas. En el caso particular, las plantas de Cucur- 1
Slotine, J.J.E., Li, W., et al. (1991). Applied nonlinear bita pepo L. (C. pepo L.) son muy susceptibles a los
y la entrada de control: a) b)
control, volume 199. Prentice hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ. hongos Podosphaera xanthii y Erysiphe cichoracearum. 0.5
c) d)
Slotine, J.J.E. and Spong, M.W. (1985). Robust robot A través de la inspección visual se identificaron algunas
  t   control with bounded input torques. Journal of robotic
T2,o (t) 0
u= λ1 ė(t) + λ0 e(t) − k1 e(t)dτ caracterı́sticas de las imágenes y las firmas espectrales 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
systems, 2(4), 329–352. (Figura 1 de las hojas de C. pepo L.: hojas sanas, hojas Longitud de onda (nm)
0 β (4)
s(t) Utkin, V.I. and Chang, H.C. (2002). Sliding mode control en tiempo de germinación, hojas con primeros sı́ntomas
+KD on electro-mechanical systems. Mathematical problems Fig. 1. Firmas espectrales promedio y las caracterı́sticas visibles en
|s(t)| + δ y hojas enfermas por el hongo. Se propone un algoritmo hojas de C. pepo L. con cenicilla polvorienta.
in Engineering, 8(4-5), 451–473. para la detección automática de los niveles de daño de la
cuyos parámetros son λ1 = 9x10− 8, λ0 = 4x10− 13, k1 = cenicilla polvorienta a través de las firmas espectrales. 2.2 Definición de problema
1,8x10− 11, KD = 1,9, δ = 0,5 y β = 1,7683x10− 7, los
cuales fueron sintonizados manualmente. 2. METODOLOGÍA Se considera que la planta muestra diferentes carac-
Para probar las propiedades de regulación del sistema para terı́sticas en las hojas cuando un agente fúngico se pre-
2.1 Protocolo senta. El problema a resolver, parte de diseñar un algo-
ambas técnicas, se compararon los ı́ndices de desempeño
que son presentados en la Tabla 1. Estas resultados mues- ritmo para detectar automáticamente en que nivel de daño
Se realizó un análisis de los niveles de daño que puede se encuentra la planta y poder establecer un tratamiento.
tran que el sistema con el controlador de modo deslizante presentar la cenicilla polvorienta a través de la inspección
de la técnica II (ecuación 4) tiene un mejor rendimiento visual, de los estadios fenológicos de crecimiento de la
que el sistema con el SMC de la técnica I (ecuación 2). planta y de la ocurrencia de los sı́ntomas en las regiones 2.3 Algoritmo propuesto
Para probar la robustez del sistema ante la variación de de las hojas. Se identificaron 4 niveles de daño: T1-hojas
parámetros, se disminuyó el flujo volumétrico a 1L/min sanas, T2-hojas en tiempo de germinación, T3-hojas con El algoritmo propuesto se compone de 5 etapas de desar-
y el rendimiento de las técnicas también se comparó primeros sı́ntomas y T4-hojas enfermas por el hongo. rollo (Figura 2).

44 45
CONTROL DE PROCESOS 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

Inicio 2.8 Etapa de la detección automática

Base de datos de
Generación de Se utilizó el método uno contra uno (OVO, one vs one,
firmas espectrales e
imágenes T1 vs T2, T1 vs T3, T1 vs T4, T2 vs T3, T2 vs T4, y Criterion for model order reduction of a
T3 vs T4 ) que es un esquema de votación para identificar
Firmas espectrales e
imágenes sobre un conjunto de datos de prueba a que nivel de daño gasification reactor
Base de datos de pertenece cada dato. Se evaluó el desempeño del sistema
espectrales utilizando matrices de confusión, coeficientes kappa de Luis Santamaria-Padilla ∗ Luis Alvarez-Icaza ∗ Jesus Alvarez ∗∗
Cohen, exactitud, sensibilidad, y especificidad.

espectrales Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Ingenierı́a,
Extracción de Base de datos de 3. RESULTADOS Cuidad de México, C.P.04510, México
características características (e-mail:,
La mayorı́a de las caracterı́sticas de dos o mas conjuntos de
Índices de ∗∗
vegetación datos tuvieron medias significativamente diferentes entre sı́ Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa,
y se pueden comparar entre cada posible par de niveles de Departamento de Ingenierı́a de Procesos e Hidráulica,
Clasificación Detección daño (T 1−T 2, T 1−T 3, T 1−T 4, T 2−T 3, T 2−T 4, T 3−T 4). Ciudad de México, C.P.09340, México
binaria automática
Los resultados de la etapa de detección automática, se (e-mail:
Datos pueden visualizar en la Figura 3.
4 Abstract:

Niveles de daño
Fin 3 T2 The problem of reducing the order of the mathematical model representing the steady-state
2 T4 behavior of ignition of a biomass gasification reactor, using a staged representation of the reactor,
Fig. 2. Diagrama general para la detección automática del 1
is addressed. A criterion to set the order is proposed, based on the comparison of the spatial
nivel de daño de la cenicilla polvorienta. profiles of low order models against experimentally obtained data. The model is reduced from
0 50 100 150 200 36 to 24 uniformly distributed stages, the spatial profiles obtained by simulations are presented
Vector de datos de entrada
2.4 Etapa de la generación de la base de datos and compared with experimental results to demonstrate that the criterion is adequate.
Niveles de daño

3 T2
Se obtuvieron de las firmas espectrales e imágenes de hojas T3
Keywords: Gasification reactor, low order model, order reduction, approximation error
de un cultivo de 12 plantas de C. pepo L.
1. INTRODUCTION approximation error that exists between the models of
0 50 100 150 200 reduced order and nominal, by an average of the mean
2.5 Etapa de pre-tratamiento y análisis exploratorio Vector de datos de salida
Gasification is a form of thermo-chemical biomass decom- errors of each state. The approximation error is defined as
Fig. 3. Resultado de la detección automática con SVM y vectores position, carried out in the presence of a small quantity of
Se procedió a aplicar un filtro de suavizado Savitzky-Golay m
de caracterı́sticas NLS.
oxygen (or air) at high temperatures in order to optimize 1 
y se realizó un análisis exploratorio de los datos para the gas production (Balat, 2009). The resulting gas, known ea = ep,j (1)
encontrar caracterı́sticas por rangos de longitudes de onda. m j=1
Se obtuvieron la exactitud de la matriz de confusión con as syngas, is a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen,
valores entre 0.9776 y 0.9866, la sensibilidad con valores methane, carbon dioxide, steam and nitrogen.The con-
entre 0.9404 y 0.9761, la especificidad con valores entre tribution of this paper is to extend the results obtained where m is the number of fast and slow states (m = 11),
2.6 Etapa de la extracción de caracterı́sticas
0.9801 y 0.992, y el coeficiente kappa con valores entre by Santamaria-Padilla et al. (2016b), by introducing a ep,j is the mean error of the corresponding j state profile,
0.9360 y 0.9601, los cuales indicaron un número de datos criterion to determine the minimum number of uniform defined as
Se planteó la extracción de caracterı́sticas. Se calcularon de
clasificados correctamente. stages to model a gasification reactor, so that the steady
64 ı́ndices de vegetación (VI) relacionados con diferentes N
state profiles obtained are within experimental uncertainty 1 
variables como la biomasa, el área foliar, contenido de ep,j = |xj,i − x̄j,i |
4. CONCLUSIÓN registered. N i=1
clorofila, antocianinas y otros compuestos. En la Tabla 1
se presentan algunas ecuaciones.
La detección automática es útil para el manejo integrado 2. IMBERT GASIFIER where:
Tabla 1. Ecuaciones de ı́ndices de vegetación de enfermedades en cultivos. Este sistema es solución a
N is the number of stages of the model; j = T , XH2 , XCO ,
(Herrmann et al. (2017), Rumpf et al. (2010). los problemas de detección temprana de enfermedades The system of study for this work is an Imbert gasifier, XCO2 , XH2 O , XCH4 , XT , qs , qg , ρB , ρC are the dynamic
de hongos y se considera útil para cucurbitáceas con which is part of a gasification pilot plant of 10 kW at In- and algebraic states; xj,i are the states of the reduced order
Índices de vegetación Ecuación caracterı́sticas similares a las de la Cucurbita pepo L., stituto de Ingenierı́a, UNAM. In Santamaria-Padilla et al. model at stage i; x̄j,i are the nominal values at stage i.
GNDVI ρN IR −ρG como lo son la Citrullus lanatus, el Cucumis melo, entre (2016a), the problem to obtain the staged model for an
ρN IR +ρG Since experimental data is available to compare the math-
NRENDVI ρN IR −ρRE otras. Imbert gasifier in steady state, validated by experimental
ρN IR +ρRE ematical models, the comparison of the reduced order
ARI ( R1 ) − ( R1 ) data is presented. Making an analogy with N CSTR in models against experimental data is explored. To perform
550 700
REFERENCIAS series with backmixing, following the assumptions of ther- this task it is necessary to redefine the approximation
Herrmann, I., Berenstein, M., Paz-Kagan, T., Sade, A., y mal equilibrium between phases, that the gas is in quasi- error since there are only 10 temperature measurements
Karnieli, A. (2017). Spectral assessment of two-spotted steady state regime and the discretization is made by finite and 4 gas concentration measurements at the exit of the
2.7 Etapa de clasificación binaria spider mite damage levels in the leaves of greenhouse- differences (Badillo-Hernandez et al., 2013). reactor. The approximation error when comparing against
grown pepper and bean. Biosystems Engineering, 157, experimental data is given by
Se obtuvo un problema con múltiples clases: T1, T2, T3, y 72 – 85. 3. CRITERION FOR MODEL ORDER REDUCTION
T4. En estos casos, la descomposición de los datos consiste Rumpf, T., Mahlein, A.K., Steiner, U., Oerke, E.C., 1
The methodology to be followed consists of taking N = 36 ea,exp = (ep,T + ep,C ) (2)
en dividir el problema en múltiples problemas binarios. Dehne, H.W., y Plümer, L. (2010). Early detection 2
Se implementaron el algoritmo del k-vecino más cercano and classification of plant diseases with support vector uniform stages as a nominal model, then reducing the
(KNN, k-nearest neighbors) y el algoritmo de las máquinas machines based on hyperspectral reflectance. Computers number of stages uniformly and comparing it with the where eT is the temperature profile error and eC is the gas
de soporte vectorial (SVM, support vector machine). and Electronics in Agriculture, 74(1), 91 – 99. spatial profiles in the steady state and determining the concentration error at the exit of the reactor, defined as

46 47
CONTROL DE PROCESOS 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

× 10-3
3.5 1200 N = 36 20 N = 36
N = 27 N = 27
N = 24 N = 24
Experimental data 1000 N = 21 15 N = 21


T [K]

10 Análisis de un Sistema Anaerobio de
Producción de Biogás en Dos Fases 

1.5 5
1 0
0.1 0.22 0.34 0.46 0.58 0.7 0.82 0.1 0.22 0.34 0.46 0.58 0.7 0.82
0.5 z[m] z[m]
Alejandro Vargas ∗ Alfonso M. Sepúlveda-Gálvez ∗
0 (a) Temperature (b) CO concentration ∗
12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
Unidad Académica Juriquilla, Instituto de Ingenierı́a, Universidad
N Nacional Autónoma de México, Blvd. Juriquilla 3001, 76230
Fig. 2. Profiles for nominal case and reduced order models Querétaro, Qro., Mexico
Fig. 1. Gradient of the approximation error different from that of the other cases. For the case of CO
1    concentration, Fig. 2(b), it can be seen that again in the Resumen Para el modelo matemático de un sistema anaerobio de dos fases (hidrolı́tica-
eT = Tq − T q  first 0.5m there is not a big difference in the profiles, while
10 q acidogénica y metanogénica) se realiza el análisis en estado estacionario, mostrando que el
after this distance differences in the profiles of the different mismo modelo, con diferentes concentraciones de entrada, puede representar cualquiera de las
1    discretizations are noticed, observing the largest difference dos fases. Se presentan resultados de simulación.
eC = Xr − X r  for the case of N = 21, that affects its spatial description
4 r
and as a consequence the concentration at the exit of the
where q = z1 , . . . , z10 are the location of the thermocouples reactor, which is the measurement we can compare with. Keywords: Digestión anaerobia, puntos de operación, sistema de dos fases, modelo matemático.
along the reactor and r = H2 , CO, CO2 , CH4 are the It is possible to observe that for N = 36, 27 and 24 the
measured gases at the exit of the reactor. concentration values of CO are kept within the uncertainty 1. INTRODUCTION 2. METODOLOGÍA
If the models of reduced order are compared against band defined by the red bars of the graph, while for the
experimental data or the nominal model, the magnitude case of N = 21, it lies outside of the band. La digestión anaerobia es un proceso biológico, donde un El modelo contempla 7 ecuaciones diferenciales para los
of the approximation error is a little more than double, consorcio complejo de microorganismos degrada la materia siguientes componentes: X1 es la biomasa hidrolı́tica-
however the trends of increase in errors are very similar. 5. CONCLUSION orgánica presente en el agua a través de una serie de acidogénica, X2 es la biomasa metanogénica, XT es el sus-
To determine this trend, the gradient of the approximation reacciones bioquı́micas interconectadas. En las fases finales trato particulado (el que debe ser hidrolizado antes de ser
error is calculated for the discretizations chosen, by means It was shown that with the criterion of reducing the order del proceso se produce biogás, compuesto principalmente aprovechado), S1 es el sustrato soluble, S2 son los ácidos
of of the model that has ∇ea ≥ 0.002, it is enough to obtain por metano (CH4 ) y dióxido de carbono (CO2 ), pero grasos volátiles (AGV) (principalmente acetato), C es el
∂ea a model that describes the behavior of the gasification también otros gases en concentraciones traza como sulfuro
∇ea = (3) carbono inorgánico susceptible de ser transferido a fase
∂N reactor in steady state, since it was compared against de hidrógeno (H2 S) o hidrógeno (H2 ), por lo que puede gaseosa como CO2 y Z es la alcalinidad. Además deben
In Fig. 1 the gradients are presented for the case in experimental data where the temperature profile and gas usarse como biocombustible (Batstone, 2006). resolverse algunas ecuaciones algebraicas para estimar el
which the reduced order models are compared with the concentration are within the uncertainty bands. Likewise, valor del pH y la composición del biogás generado.
nominal profile and with the experimental data. It is Se ha propuesto separar el proceso en dos fases, espe-
it was shown that reducing the order of the model beyond
possible to observe that in both cases the gradients are cialmente cuando el agua residual a tratar contiene un La tasa de dilución, D = Qin /Vliq es la principal variable
what this criterion indicates, brings as a consequence that
of a comparable magnitude and that the greatest increase alto contenido de materia orgánica y mucha de ella de de entrada en el modelo, pues es ésta la que usualmente
the obtained model moves away from reality and ceases
occurs with N = 24 stages, since it is affected by the forma particulada. Ası́, en la primera fase un biorreactor se manipula para establecer las condiciones de operación,
to be reliable. The model order reduction from N = 36
value of the approximation error for N = 21, whereas once anaerobio realiza la hidrólisis del sustrato particulado a con Qin el caudal de entrada y Vliq el volumen (constante)
to 24 stages represents a 33.33% decrease in the order of
N = 18 to 12 stages, the gradient returns to a low values. soluble, que ahı́ mismo es acidificado a ácidos grasos voláti- de lı́quido en el rector. Otras variables de entrada son
the nominal model, and with this reduction the analysis of
With the results obtained from analyzing Fig. 1 the les (AGV) por microorganismos acidogénicos. El efluente las concentraciones de entrada para cada compuesto: S1in ,
the reactor in steady state can be performed with a similar
following criteria can be defined: it is enough to reduce de este biorreactor es alimentado a un segundo reactor S2in , XTin , C in y Z in . Las cinéticas de la reacción están
accuracy than with higher order models.
the order of the model until the first gradient greater than metanogénico, donde principalmente se produce el biogás dadas por modelos de Contois para la hidrólisis, de Monod
0.002 is found by reducing the order of the gasifier model (Passio et al., 2012). para la acidogénesis y de Haldane para la metanogénesis
in 3 stages, ∇ea ≥ 0.002. Existen diversos modelos matemáticos para explicar la (Donoso-Bravo et al., 2015).
Badillo-Hernandez, U., Alvarez-Icaza, L., and Alvarez, J. dinámica del procesos, desde modelos complejos como el
(2013). Model design of a class of moving-bed tubular El análisis en estado estacionario se realiza dividiendo al
4. SIMULATIONS CONSIDERING THE CRITERION ADM1 (Batstone, 2006) hasta otros muy simplificados, reactor en dos subsistemas: uno hidrolı́tico-acidogénico y
gasification reactors. Chemical Engineering Science, como al AM2 Bernard et al. (2001), que ha servido como
101, 674–685. otro metanogénico. Con ello se hace el análisis de bifur-
Since with the criterion it was determined that with base para varios estudios y propuestas de controladores caciones para encontrar que, dependiendo de la tasa de
Balat, M. (2009). Gasification of biomass to produce automáticos (Volcke et al., 2010; Sbarciog et al., 2012;
24 stages a reasonable representation of the gasification dilución, pueden aparecer distintos puntos de equilibrio, y
gaseous products. Energy Sources, Part A, 31(6), 516– Antonelli et al., 2003; Méndez-Acosta et al., 2005). Re-
reactor could be obtained in the steady state. The number la estabilidad local de éstos depende también de las con-
526. cientemente, Hassam et al. (2015) han propuesto el modelo
of stages chosen for the analysis are N = 36 for the centraciones de entrada (suponiéndolas como parámetros).
Santamaria-Padilla, L., Alvarez-Icaza, L., and Alvarez, AM2HN para incluir la hidrólisis y el efecto del nitrógeno
nominal profile, and to see the effect of decreasing or Ası́, es posible determinar valores crı́ticos para la tasa
J. (2016a). Modelado con validación experimental de en los cambios de alcalinidad con el fin de predecir mejor
increasing the number of stages from the criterion result, de dilución en función de los parámetros, que cambian
un gasificador de biomasa. In Memorias del Congreso el comportamiento del pH en el sistema.
N = 27, N = 24 and N = 21 are selected. Fig. 2(a) el número y naturaleza de los puntos de equilibrio. El
Nacional de Control Automático, Querétaro, Querétaro,
shows the temperature profile for N = 36, 27, 24 and 21 Se propone modificar el modelo AM2HN al considerar biorreactor entonces puede ser mono-estable, bi-estable,
México, 19–23.
stages, in red the experimental data are presented with una cinética de tipo Contois para la hidrólisis, tal como tri-estable y hasta tetra-estable en algunos casos. Esto
Santamaria-Padilla, L., Alvarez-Icaza, L., and Alvarez, J.
their respective uncertainty due to the fluctuations in the lo propone (Donoso-Bravo et al., 2015) para sistemas es importante desde el punto de vista operativo, pues
(2016b). Reducción de orden del modelo de un gasifi-
measurements. It is possible to observe that the profiles anaerobios de dos fases. Se hace entonces un análisis de los concuerda con lo observado experimentalmente en bio-
cador ante incertidumbre paramétrica. In Proceedings of
for all the discretizations are practically equal in the first puntos de equilibrio y se muestra que este modelo es capaz rreactores anaerobios de laboratorio, además de permitir
XVII Latin American Conference in Automatic Control,
0.5 m, whereas from that distance they begin to differ, de representar cualquiera de las dos fases, dependiendo de establecer criterios de operación segura, donde lo que se
Medellin, Colombia, 516–521.
however, in spite of this for N = 36, 27 and 24 there is not la composición del influente con el que sea alimentado. busca es que el lavado de algún tipo de biomasa no sea
a big difference. However, for N = 21, a big difference is un punto de equilibrio estable, o bien que el punto de
observed, exhibiting a trend of temperature increase very  Proyecto financiado por DGAPA-UNAM IN104016. operación sea estable naturalmente.

48 49

3. RESULTADOS de operación localmente estables, pero solo uno de ellos

representa la coexistencia de los dos tipos de microor-
Para corroborar el análisis matemático, se realizaron si- ganismos: hidrolı́ticos-acidogénicos y metanogénicos. De-
mulaciones de varios escenarios de operación del modelo pendiendo de las concentraciones de entrada de sustrato
del biorreactor con parámetros que corresponden a la particulado, sustrato soluble y AGV, y de la tasa de
digestión de lodos de purga de una planta de tratamiento dilución empleada, el mismo modelo puede ser empleado
de agua residual. Los escenarios consisten en variar las para representar cualquiera de las dos fases de un siste-
concentraciones de los sustratos que entran en el influente. ma de digestión anaerobia de este tipo. Este resultado
Ası́, es posible mostrar, por ejemplo que si el reactor es es importante, porque entonces se puede tener confianza
alimentado con una alta proporción de sustrato particula- en el uso de este modelo para el diseño de controladores
do, el reactor tenderá, para tasas de dilución relativamente retroalimentados encaminados a mejorar la productividad
altas, a comportarse como un reactor hidrolı́tico-acidogéni- de biogás. Si bien hasta ahora las simulaciones numéricas
co, y existe un punto de operación óptimo con el cual se parecen corresponder con lo observado en biorreactores de
produce un máximo de AGVs (ver figura 1). En cambio, laboratorio y a mayor escala, falta comprobarlo con nuevos
si el reactor es alimentado con una alta concentración de datos provenientes de experimentos dedicados.
AGV y baja concentración de sustrato soluble, existe una
tasa de dilución óptima con la que la tasa de producción REFERENCIAS
de metano es máxima, pero existe el riesgo de lavado de
la biomasa metanogénica si se incremente más allá de un Antonelli, R., Harmand, J., Steyer, J.P., and Astolfi, A.
valor crı́tico (ver figura 2). De la misma manera se analizan (2003). Set-point regulation of an anaerobic digestion
otros dos escenarios. process with bounded output feedback. IEEE Transac-
tions on Control Systems Technology, 11(4), 495–504.
Batstone, D. (2006). Mathematical modelling of anaerobic
reactors treating domestic wastewater: Rational criteria
for model use. Reviews in Environmental Science and
Biotechnology, 5(1), 57–71. doi:10.1007/s11157-005-
Bernard, O., Hadj-Sadok, Z., Genovesi, A., and Steyer,
J.P. (2001). Dynamical model development and parame-
ter identification for an anaerobic wastewater treatment
process. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 75(4), 424–
Donoso-Bravo, A., Pérez-Elvira, S., and Fdz-Polanco,
F. (2015). Simplified mechanistic model for the
two-stage anaerobic degradation of sewage sludge.
Environmental Technology, 36(10), 1334–1346. doi:
Figura 1. Estados estacionarios estables para un reactor Hassam, S., Ficara, E., Leva, A., and Harmand, J. (2015).
hidrolı́tico-acidogénico. A generic and systematic procedure to derive a sim-
plified model from the anaerobic digestion model no.
1 (ADM1). Biochemical Engineering Journal, 99, 193–
203. doi:10.1016/j.bej.2015.03.007.
Méndez-Acosta, H., Campos-Delgado, D., Femat, R.,
and González-Alvarez, V. (2005). A robust feedfor-
ward/feedback control for an anaerobic digester. Com-
puters and Chemical Engineering, 29(7), 1613–1623.
Passio, L., Rizzo, L., and Fuchs, S. (2012). Two-phase
anaerobic digestion of partially acidified sewage sludge:
a pilot plant study for safe sludge disposal in developing
countries. Environmental Technology, 33, 2089–2095.
Rosén, C. and Jeppsson, U. (2006). Technical Report No.
5 of the IWA BSM Task Group: Aspects on ADM1
implementation within the BSM2 framework. URL
Sbarciog, M., Loccufier, M., and Vande Wouwer, A.
Figura 2. Estados estacionarios estables para un reactor (2012). An optimizing start-up strategy for a bio-
metanogénico. methanator. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering,
35, 565–578.
4. CONCLUSIONES Volcke, E., Sbarciog, M., Noldus, E., De Baets, B., and
Loccufier, M. (2010). Steady state multiplicity of two-
Se ha presentado el modelo matemático simplificado de step biological conversion systems with general kine-
un digestor anaerobio que contempla la hidrólisis, la aci- tics. Mathematical Biosciences, 228(2), 160–170. doi:
dogénesis y la metanogénesis. El análisis en estado esta- 10.1016/j.mbs.2010.09.004.
cionario muestra que pueden coexistir hasta cuatro puntos

y robótica
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Robotic Exoskeleton for Therapy of Rehabilitation Through Passive Mobilization of

the Tibioastragal Joint

Julio Eduardo Mejía *. Didier Alexander Sánchez**.

Elizabeth Roldán González ***. Carlos Alberto Muñoz***
* Grupo de Investigación en Sistemas Inteligentes-GISI
Corporación Universitaria Comfacauca (Tel: 57+28386000 Ext. 130; e-mail:
** Semillero de Investigación en Mecatrónica-SIM
Corporación Universitaria Comfacauca (Tel: 57+28386000 Ext. 130; e-mail:
*** Grupo de Investigación Importancia del Movimiento en el Desarrollo Humano-FISIOTER
Fundación Universitaria María Cano (Tel: 57+28373085 Ext.403;,
Abstract: The objective of this research proposal is to build a prototype of an adaptive robotic
exoskeleton for the realization of preventive or rehabilitative therapy through the passive mobilization of
the tibioastragal joint. The prototype is evaluated in patients attending the physical conditioning center of
the Physiotherapy program of the María Cano University Foundation (Popayán-Colombia extension).
The development of the project has been planned in four phases, the first was related to the ergonomic
and adaptive design of the exoskeleton which was enhanced by using the quality matrix (QFD) which
allowed to know the most important characteristics to take into account for the development of the
prototype, for this purpose, different questions were asked for specialists in the area of children, the final
users of the prototype allow the development of the exoskeleton in a more precise way. The second phase
focuses on the implementation of an electromechanical system that allows performing the movements of
the system for this stage were evaluated as actuators the servomotors in order to control their speed and
range of motion obtaining acceptable results in the control of the two variables. The third phase, focused
on the development of software for the programming and control of the robotic system as a tool was
LabVIEW that allowed the interconnection between the Arduino and the motors allowing controlling the
variables of speed and angle, as well as the number of cycles that they are executed by the exoskeleton,
finally, the evaluation in patients, carrying out a case study to know the impact of the exoskeleton. The
exoskeleton design was carried out in CAD software, taking into account the anthropometric parameters
of a specific patient, with these results and using the 3D printing technique, the first model of the
exoskeleton was obtained.
Keywords: Ankle, Computer-aided design, Exoskeleton, Passive Mobilization, Rehabilitation,
Tibioastragial Joint, Therapy.

1. INTRODUCTION It is important to mention that 44% of those

injured in a primary care consultation present
Various alterations of the structures of the lower some type of scale one year after the ankle sprain
limbs may require immobilization (short or long (in the form of pain, mechanical instability or
duration), among these is the sprained ankle functional instability) (Judith, 2002),
(Garrido, 2004), which is one of the most (Zarur,2001), (Guirao, 2004), (Juárez, 2016).
frequent musculoskeletal pathologies for both the Once the correct diagnosis of the lesion is made,
athlete and the population in general (Pijnenburg, physiotherapy treatmentis started with ways to
2000), (Karlsson, 1999), (Santoja, 1996), reduce all the aforementioned symptoms, in
(Olivera, 2001). This type of injury manifests addition to preventing recurrent injuries and
itself more frequently in young people, in chronic instability of the ankle, the latter present
relation to greater sports practice. It affects more in 10 to 30% of cases of the ankle sprain. The
the female sex, mainly due to certain classification systems of ankle sprain grades vary
constitutional aspects that predispose to greater greatly on the description and the clinical basis of
laxity of the ligament in varus or valgus of the the different authors, which makes it very
ankle than in the male, and of obesity. It also common to find different types of classifications
occurs in adulthood and in relation to the foot in the scientific literature (Kawamoto, 2002),
curves or to use in women with high heels. An (Legarda, 2013),(Martinez, 2014), (Cataño,2014).
overall incidence of 2.15 per 1,000 people in a
year has been estimated (Pijnenburg,2003). The use of exoskeletons in medicine aims to help

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patients who have suffered neuro-motor, sports Phase 3: Evaluation of the exoskeleton
injuries or simply loss of strength due to the
During this phase, the effectiveness of the
natural aging of the body, to recover the
exoskeleton for the prevention and rehabilitation
movement and strength of the injured joint
of patients suffering from pathologies with the
(Ferris, 2005), (Ekkelenkamp,2005).
compromised tibial-talar joint will be evaluated.
2. METHODOLOGY In a first instance, it will be verified that the
exoskeleton complies with the normal values of
For the design of the adaptable robotic
the operation, for which the following variables
exoskeleton prototype for therapy of prevention
will be measured:
and rehabilitation by passive mobilization of the
tibioastragal joint, 4 phases are proposed which Range of movement indegrees
are described below: Time of a movement cycle (dorsiflexion -
plantar flexion)
Phase 1: Ergonomically and adaptively design Force applied by the device that generates
the structure of the robotic exoskeleton for the the movement
tibioastragal joint
In the case of design, the general characteristics 3. CONCLUSIONS
of its construction, such as ergonomics and At the end of the first three phases of the project,
resistance, are taken into account and will be the following conclusions wereobtained:
developed in four stages:
Conceptual design: it is the initial phase of the The exoskeletons applied in the medical field,
design process and is carried to the point of specifically those used in the
creating a series of possible solutions, leading to rehabilitation of patients,allow taking advantage
the selection of the best- proposed solutions. of the precision that a robot has in order to
gradually increase the speed in the repetitions of a
Realization of the design: in this phase, a sequence, the extension of the joint position or the
preliminary design is made, structuring the resistance or strength of opposition of an exercise
concept acquired in the first phase. Decisions are of strengthincrease.
made about sizes, materials, shapes, among
others. CAD design combined with 3D printing allows
the development of designs
Detailed design: In this stage, the design is that adjust to the anthropometric
taken to the complete description stage, where characteristics of patients, which helps users have
characteristics such as mechanical strength and better perceptions of the use of theexoskeleton.
weight are added to the product, making a model
of finite elements. The development of the application in Lab-
Phase 2: Development of the application View allows the communication between the
for the control of the robotic exoskeleton. Arduino and servomotors that perform the
movement of the exoskeleton to be carried out
For the development of the application in the properly. The back-flexion and flat-flexion
control system will be the acquisition of movement angle and movement speed were
information, a complete survey of requirements controlled, making them much more precise
required by physiotherapists for the compared to the therapies performedmanually.
development of therapy (angles of movement,
speeds, torques, among others). In the second
process, the delivery planning and the type of
tool most suitable for the development of the
application will be carried out and in the
development process, the codification and
testing of each one of the requirements will be

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Access Control System Based on the Side Profile

of a person using Machine Vision
Juan P. Rodríguez∗. Robín Álvarez∗

Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica, Escuela
Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador (e-mail:, e-mail:

Abstract: Biometric systems for people recognition are mainly based on the analysis of physical or
behavioural traits. The study of these features allows the design of security systems with very low
vulnerability, besides being easy to use by the user. Nowadays, the most used characteristics for recognition
systems are facial and fingerprint; however, these are not enough and that vulnerability is increasing. That
is why it is important to consider other new characteristics. In this work a new form of biometric
identification is proposed, the recognition of lateral profile of face. This characteristic is a unique physical
feature in each individual and allows to implement a biometric system using digital image processing tools
and radial base function neural networks. These tools will be used to generate algorithms that identify an
individual in real time.
Keywords: Image processing, matching, segmentation, model approximation, Radial base function networks

Digital Image Processing. The authentication of a per- son is
done through image processing algorithms. This process
Nowadays, biometric systems are widely used in security generally has 3 stages (Russell and Norvig (2004)):
systems such as access to restricted areas or to limit access to
The image was taken with a webcam and a light that light up
personal information, for banking procedures, to identify a
on the was profile, ”the brightness of a pixel in the image is
certain criminal or potential criminals. These types of security
proportional to the amount of light that reaches the camera
systems have sensors and electronic readers, high resolution
from the surface portion of the scene that is projected in that
cameras, algorithms that allow processing or authentication of
pixel ” (Russell and Norvig (2004)), thanks to this the image
all the information obtained by cameras and sensors, all these
profile is better defined and excessive pre-processing is
characteristics make the biometric systems reliable.
avoided, therefore the features profile are more relevant and
The security implemented with biometric systems take and with better definition.
advantage of the features of the human body that are unique
The pre-processing helps to improve the image to be more
(fingerprint, face, hand, iris, etc.). This way they are less
suitable for processing and obtaining the profile of the image.
vulnerable to intrusions of any kind.
This stage what is to change the image in gray scale and
The disadvantage of traditional security systems is that they immediately transform to binary to facilitate the detection of
use keys, cards, passwords. These elements can easily be edges of the image, elimination of noise, morphological
copied or be damaged or lost, being a disadvantage that makes operations of filling, separation of the object to analyse
these systems more vulnerable. (profile), etc. The propose of segmentation stage is extract the
face profile of the image and to compare with a imagae
previously stored a previously stored (authentication):
2.1 Materials Radial Base Function Networks (RBF). Artificial neural
network assimilates the knowledge of the environment that
This work for the authentication of a person a webcam was surrounds it. It obtains the stimulus though the examples of
used, a light falls on profile and the software developed. Starts the training given to neuronal network, the knowledge was
with obtaining the image through the camera, the light that acquired through an adaptation process and knowl- edge is
falls on the profile is a white light that allows obtaining the stored in the connections between the neurons of the network
image of the profile, since with the incidence of light the (synapse) (Isasi Vin˜uela and Galv´an Le´on (2004)).
profile stands out among the other objects that appear in the The authentication through neural networks first was the
image. architecture that is going to be used for this project the neural
networks with radial base function are chosen which are
2.2 Methods networks with functions located in the center of the receptive
fields, which are areas in the space of inputs that activate the

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neuron (Isasi Vinuela and Galvan León (2004), Orr et al. systems. By this characteristic, this system can have a lot of
(1996)) opening in the security market.
RBF network consists of three layers of forward connec- tion: Comparison with other biometric systems, it is very easy to
the input layer, the hidden or intermediate layer and the output implement since the system consists of a webcam, a light that
layer. Neurons in the input layer send the information to the affects the profile and the software developed, in this way its
intermediate layer. Neurons of the hidden layer are activated cost is reduced compared to other security systems.
depending on the distance that separates each input pattern
from the center that each hidden neuron stores, to which a This type of system, the advantage it has is that the analysis
radial base function is applied, it can be with the Gaussian is done of the image of a person’s profile. The same one that
form. Neurons of the output layer are linear and simply through image processing can be transformed into a
calculate the weighted sum of the outputs provided by the continuous and two-dimensional linear function. Therefore,
hidden layer (Eq. 1) Longoni et al. (2010) Rossomando et al. the analysis of image is simpler.
Adámek, M., Maty`sek, M., and Neumann, P. (2015).
Once the points for each profile have been obtained, a Security of biometric systems. Procedia Engineering, 100,
comparison is made between the two images obtaining the 169–176.
following results, for the image processing algorithms and
Cruz, L.F., Athó, F.C., and GRA´FICO, T.E.E.P. (2006).
RBF neural networks, presented in the following graphs, both
Reconocimiento del iris. Universidad Nacional de
algorithms tested with 5 test subjects Figure 1 and Figure 2.
Trujillo Perú´.
We use 12 training profiles for each subject (60 profiles to
Duró, V.E. (2001). Evaluación de sistemas de re-
training) . As a test set we used 5 additional profiles for each conocimiento biométrico. Departamento de Electrónica y
subject (25 profiles of test). Automática. Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de Mataró.
Isasi Vin˜uela, P. and Galván León, I. (2004). Redes de
neuronas artificiales. Un Enfoque Práctico, Editorial
Pearson Educación SA Madrid España.
Jagadiswary, D. and Saraswady, D. (2016). Biometric au-
thentication using fused multimodal biometric. Procedia
Computer Science, 85, 109–116.
Li, J., Jian, Z., Ferrer Ballester, M.A., Hernández, A.,
Bernardino, J., Travieso González, C.M., and Román
Arbelo, F. (2006). Autenticación de personas a partir de
la biometría de la región dígito palmar. Vector Plus. Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria: Fundación Universitaria.

Figure 1. Results of authentication by image processing.

Figure 2. Results of authentication using RBF.

The project is a type of biometric system, which under certain
parameters, with respect to the taking of the image, is a very
novel and useful system in security systems and access

de potencia
sistemas de potencia 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

Decentralized Passivity-Based Control for

Microgrids ⋆
Sofı́a Avila-Becerril ∗ Oscar Danilo Montoya ∗∗
Gerardo Espinosa-Pérez ∗ Alejandro Garcés ∗∗∗

Facultad de Ingenierı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Programa de Ingenierı́a Eléctrica e Ingenierı́a Electrónica,
Universidad Tecnológica de Bolı́var, COLOMBIA
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. AA: 97 - Post Code: 660003 -
Pereira, COLOMBIA (

Abstract: In this paper, we consider microgrids (MGs), which explicitly include the structure
of the network and the dynamics of power converters, within a model based on Hamiltonian
systems. We recover a previously reported passivity-based controller but different to Avila-
Becerril et al. (2018), we show, under a cascade system analysis that the trajectories reach
asymptotically their desired value only with the knowledge of the information provided by the
converter: parameters and variables. The performance of the controller is verified by numerical

Keywords: Microgrid control, Passivity Based Control, Hamiltonian systems.

1. INTRODUCTION The Hamiltonian MG model consists of the power con-

verters model, the interconnection lines and the loads. In
Microgrids establish a special type of electrical systems this sense, it is considered that the MG has two kinds
formed by loads, distributed energy resources (DERs) in- of buses voltage-fed or current-fed converters and loads,
cluding solar photovoltaics (PVs), batteries, etc. and local interconnected by transmission lines. In particular, we
controllers with power converters that make compatible assume that there are n1 voltage-fed converters, n2 loads,
the generated electrical energy (see Maitra et al. (2017)). n3 lines, and n4 current-fed converters.
There are two control problems: guarantee a stable op-
After present the individual models, in order to get the
eration, in the sense that voltages, currents, and powers
complete model, it is necessary to replace adequately, in
(active and reactive) exhibit a bounded behavior, and the
the port variables of the network, the voltage sources and
achievement of a prescribed power balance.
current sources with the output of the voltage-fed and
In this paper, we recover the model reported by Avila- current-fed power converters, respectively.
Becerril et al. (2017), which explicitly include the structure
of the network and the dynamics of two kinds of power con- 3. RESULTS
verters: voltage-fed and current-fed. We take the passivity-
based controller reported in Avila-Becerril et al. (2018), We recover a control strategy (see Cisneros et al. (2015),
but under two main differences namely: we demonstrate Avila-Becerril et al. (2018)), that for each of the power con-
that the trajectories reach asymptotically their desired verters solves a tracking problem for the output variables
value only with the knowledge of the information provided in the MG under the following assumption: The current IL
by the converter: parameters and variables, and we don’t and the voltage E, both port variables of the converters,
need to solve the power flow equations. The stability anal- are measured.
ysis is based on cascade theory.
Tracking Controllers
Proposition 1. Consider the complete MG model in closed
loop with the controllers
The methodology followed is usual in the design of control
schemes, that is, we start from a mathematical analysis u1 = −V −1 Kp1 x̃1 + u⋆1 (1a)
of the dynamic of the sub-systems that compose the MG u2 = −Kp2 y2 + u⋆2 (1b)
separately, as well as the complete MG model. Primary
with y2 := GT2 (x⋆56 )x̃56 , positive gain matrices Kp1 , Kp2 ,
control schemes are designed in this theoretical context to
and some u⋆1 , u⋆2 satisfying the admissible trajectories.
next verify the control proposed properties at a numerical
⋆ Part of this work was supported by DGAPA-UNAM under grant A.4 The variables of the power converters: currents x1 ,
IN116516. x5 , and voltages x6 are available for measurement.

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A.5 The converters parameters P12 and P56 are known. Avila-Becerril, S., Espinosa-Pérez, G., and Canseco-Rodal,
A.6 The prescribed voltage x⋆2 and current x⋆5 are known R. (2017). On the control of power flows in microgrids.
continuous functions, bounded with bounded second In Decision and Control (CDC), 2017 IEEE 56th An-
derivative. nual Conference on, 3252–3257. IEEE. The Extended Kalman Filter in the
A.7 The load port–variables are passive, such that: Cisneros, R., Pirro, M., Bergna, G., Ortega, R., Ippoliti, Dynamic State Estimation of Electrical
xT3z ψc−1 (x3z ) > 0 G., and Molinas, M. (2015). Global tracking passivity-
based pi control of bilinear systems: Application to the Power Systems
Under these conditions, the closed loop equilibrium point interleaved boost and modular multilevel converters.
x̃12 = x̃56 = 0 is asymptotically stable guaranteeing Control Engineering Practice, 43, 109–119. Holger Cevallos Ulloa ∗ Gabriel Intriago Velásquez ∗∗
internal stability. Maitra, A., Pratt, A., Hubert, T., Wang, D., Prabakar, K., Douglas Plaza Guingla ∗∗∗
Handa, R., Baggu, M., and McGranaghan, M. (2017).
The proof is based on cascade arguments. Microgrid controllers: Expanding their role and eval- ∗
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil, Ecuador,
uating their performance. IEEE Power and Energy (
Selection of the Steady-State Values Magazine, 15(4), 41–49. ∗∗
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil, Ecuador,
We address the problem of choosing the reference x⋆2 and ∗∗∗
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil, Ecuador,
x⋆5 . The purpose is to satisfy the load power demand (
assuming that some micro-sources have limited energy
capacity, although it is also assumed that at least one
source is capable to supply enough energy to satisfy the Abstract: This article describes the state estimation in Electrical Power Systems (EPS) using
load demand. In this sense, it is assumed that the n1 the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and the method of Holt to linearize the process model and
voltage-fed converters are fed by ideal voltage sources, i.e., then calculates a performance error index as indicators of its accuracy, this error index can be
they can supply any amount of current without modifying used as a reference for further comparison between methodologies for state estimation in EPS.
their voltages Vi , while all the current-fed converters are IEEE 14 and 30 buses test cases are employed to evaluate the accuracy of the filter.
fed by limited current sources imposing the constraint that
each source can deliver only a fixed amount of power, Keywords: Extended Kalman filters, IEEE 14 bus test case, IEEE 30 bus test case, Linear
denoted by Pdi . exponential smoothing of Holt, Performance indices, Recursive Bayesian Estimation, State
Simulation results
1. INTRODUCTION Table 1. Values
√ of standard deviation Measure-
To validate the system performance considering load varia- ment Rk . Sharma et al. (2017)
tions as well as changes in the power provided by the PV, The state estimation is an essential topic in the Energy
Management Systems for modeling, optimizing power flow, Power Injection in pu. 0.001
we contemplate a simulation time of 0.3 s. Additionally, Power Flow in pu. 0.001
we consider a switching frequency in the power electronic bad data detection, contingencies analysis and determine
Voltage in pu. 0.0006
converters of fs = 20 kHz. A power and voltage base of necessary corrective actions against possible failures in the Angle in rad 0.018
SB = 10 kVA and VB = 127 V were selected. power systems. The role of the state estimation in the
Energy Management Systems is to track the dynamics for the 30-bus system) following a linear trend of 1% over
In the simulation, we can observe that all RMS voltages of the power system through smart measurement devices the entire time interval with a random fluctuation of 3%.
remain around ±10% of the nominal grid value, the from which are obtained the states of electrical variables Additionally, measurements of voltage, power injections,
electrical frequency is around the nominal value of 60 Hz, such as voltage, phase, and power flow magnitudes. This and power transfer were corrupted with a random additive
exhibiting minimal oscillations of ±0.04%, which validates article implements the state estimation in electrical power Gaussian distributed noise with a mean equal to zero
the proposed controller with power variations. We also systems with the Extended Kalman Filter using the re- and a low level of variability, this is, with a standard
present stability properties of the closed loop power AC cursive Bayesian approach on an IEEE 14 and 30 bus test deviation (σ) according to table 1 for voltage and powers
single-phase microgrid under load-varying scenarios. cases to report its performance error indices as indicators respectively, to consider the uncertainty of measurement.
of its accuracy. These reported error indices can be used The accuracy of the Extended Kalman filter are carried
4. CONCLUSIONS as an additional reference for comparisons between used out using indices as seen in Alhalali and Elshatshat (2015)
methodologies in the state estimation of electrical power and Valverde and Terzija (2011).
In this paper, we proposed a passivity-based controller systems.
that only uses local measurements to control a microgrid 3. RESULTS
under an isolated-operating mode, we showed that under 2. METHODOLOGY
cascade arguments asymptotic stability of the tracking The proposed calculation of the error (ε), performance
error is achieved without the necessity of solving the In this manuscript, the Extended Kalman filter is devel- (J) indices and their respective standard deviation are
power flow equations. As future work, the stability analysis oped in the probabilistic framework using the Bayesian presented in table 2 for 14 and 30 buses. The figures 2
proposed could be extended for three-phase power grids as perspective, which recursively solves the state inference to 4 show the evolution of error indices (ε) and perfor-
well as direct-current microgrids operating under isolated- problem regarding conditional probability density func- mance indices (J). The figure 5 show the behavior of the
operating mode. tions. The flow chart for the Extended Kalman filter is estimation values concerning the true values of voltage on
shown in Fig.1. To simulate the slow dynamics of the bar 17 (30 buses), it can be seen that there is a tracking
test systems under normal conditions,Valverde and Terzija of the estimation signal towards the real signal.
REFERENCES (2011), the smooth load changes were obtained by running
Avila-Becerril, S., Montoya, O., Espinosa-Pérez, G., and load flow calculations under different loading conditions 4. CONCLUSION
Garcés, A. (2018). Control of a detailed model at each step. The dynamics of the system was obtained
of microgrids from a hamiltonian approach. IFAC- by varying the loads at certain predefined buses (4, 5, 7, It can be concluded that the methodology used in this work
PapersOnLine, to appear. 9-14 for the 14-bus system and 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14-30 to estimate states of an EPS is showing good results and

80 81
sistemas de potencia 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

Control of a Switched-Capacitor Quadratic

Boost Converter for Fuel-Cell Systems
L. H. Diaz-Saldierna ∗ J. Leyva-Ramos ∗
D. Langarica-Cordoba ∗∗ J. A. Morales-Saldaña ∗∗∗

Instituto Potosino de Investigación Cientı́fica y Tecnológica, San
Fig. 2. Estimation error for step k - 14 bus test case Luis Potosı́, S.L.P. 78216 México (e-mail:,
CONACYT-Instituto Potosino de Investigación Cientı́fica y
Tecnológica, San Luis Potosı́, S.L.P. 78216 México (e-mail:
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosı́, San Luis Potosı́,
S.L.P., 78290, México. (e-mail:

Abstract: Fuel cells are a suitable alternative for power generation; however, this technology
shows some drawbacks as slow dynamic response and low unregulated DC output voltage. Due
to above, a DC-DC converter is required to step up and regulate the output voltage. In this
Fig. 3. Estimation error for step k - 30 bus test case work, a switched-capacitor quadratic boost converter is proposed to obtain a high conversion
ratio. The controller of the switching regulator is designed using average current-mode control.
Experimental results of a 330 V output voltage @ 500 W laboratory prototype are given to verify
the performance of the designed regulator. A power module with polymer electrolyte membrane
(PEM) fuel cell is used as an input source. This module delivers an output voltage form 24 V
to 42 V, depending on the demanded output current. Load step changes are applied to exhibit
the robustness of the switching regulator. The system stability of the prototype is verified using
experimental frequency response.

Keywords: High-step up converters, PEM fuel-cell modules, current-mode control, quadratic

boost converter, switched-capacitor.
Fig. 4. J performance index - 14 bus test case

Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is an

The methodology for the development of this work is
attractive alternative power generator because it has a
relative small size and low operating temperature, which described in this section. As a first step, analysis in steady-
are appropriate features for mobile and stationary appli- state operation is developed for obtaining the steady-
Fig. 1. Flow Chart of EKF Algorithm state conditions of the proposed converter. The analysis
cations. On the other hand, it has some drawbacks as
low DC voltage level generation, the output voltage drops is focused on the two operation modes (when the active
when a fast electric load demand occurs (fuel-starvation), switch is turned On and turned OFF). According to the
two equivalent circuits for the operation modes, average
Table 2. Index error for EKF and standard and large time constant (slow dynamics) of the fuel-cell
delivery system devices, see Diaz-Saldierna et al. (2017). In non-linear model is obtained. Linearizing around an equi-
deviations(σ) for 14 and 30 buses librium point, an average linear time-invariant model is
Fig. 5. Voltage magnitude in bar 17 - 30 bus test case the open literature, several topologies that allow to obtain
Buses Index achieved. This model describes the behavior of the con-
REFERENCES high step-up conversion have been proposed, see Tseng
14 εv (n) ∗ 10−3 , pu 0.26995 0.13941 et al. (2017). verter to frequencies up to half of the switching frequency,
εθ (n) ∗ 10−3 , pu 0.40309 0.17706 Alhalali, S.M.O. and Elshatshat, R.A. (2015). State and it is not suitable for predicting subharmonic oscilla-
ε(k) ∗ 10−3 , pu 0.34899 0.44329
Estimator for Electrical Distribution Systems In this work, a combination of a quadratic boost (see tions due to the ripple instabilities. The controller of the
J(k), pu 0.72139 0.07470
Based on a Particle Filter. 2015 IEEE Power Leyva-Ramos et al. (2009) and Leyva-Ramos et al. (2013)) switching regulator is designed using average current-mode
30 εv (n) ∗ 10−3 , pu 1.4533 0.48266 converter and a switched-capacitor is proposed to obtain a control, which consists of two loops (inner and outer). This
εθ (n) ∗ 10−3 , pu 1.9930 0.75792 & Energy Society General Meeting, 1–5. doi:
10.1109/PESGM.2015.7286398. high voltage gain. Modeling and analysis of the proposed control scheme is a useful technique for voltage regulation
ε(k) ∗ 10−3 , pu 1.7524 0.75503
Sharma, A., Srivastava, S.C., and Chakrabarti, S. (2017). configuration are shown, as well as a control strategy is de- and for improving the dynamic performance of the switch-
J(k), pu 0.84601 0.06132
A Cubature Kalman Filter Based Power System Dy- veloped using linear techniques, specifically, current-mode ing regulators. Since the average inductor current is used
control. By using this topology non pulsating input-output for output voltage regulation, a faster response is obtained
namic State Estimator. IEEE Transactions on Instru-
currents are obtained, a reduced voltage stress on the when step changes are applied to the load. A prototype of
mentation and Measurement, 66(8), 2036–2045. doi:
the error indices reported can be accepted as referential 10.1109/TIM.2017.2677698. switching devices is achieved; the switched-capacitor con- a switching regulator with an output voltage of 330 V @
values, e.g., to compare accuracies between different meth- figuration consists of only two diodes and two capacitors 500 W is built at the laboratory for proving the developed
Valverde, G. and Terzija, V. (2011). Unscented kalman
ods employed to state estimation of EPS. Future work will (with low capacitance value), see Forouzesh et al. (2017). analysis. A Nexa Power Module from Heliocentrics is used
filter for power system dynamic state estimation. Gen-
address the study of the Monte Carlo methods deeply in The control scheme of the regulator is implemented using as an input source of the switching regulator, which de-
eration, Transmission & Distribution, IET, 5(1), 29–37.
the state estimation of EPS such as the Ensemble Kalman only two operational amplifiers. Regulation and system livers a maximum output power of 1.2 kW at an output
Filter and sequential Monte Carlo methods. stability are obtained with the proposed control law. voltage of 24 V.

82 83
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3. RESULTS Bode diagram


Magnitude (dB)
The experimental setup built at the laboratory is shown 0
in Fig. 1. Robust Regional Pole Placement Synthesis
−50 1
10 10
3 4
10 Applied to Structured PSS Design
Frequency (Hz)

Phase (deg)
0 Guilherme Giglio de Andrade ∗ Paulo César Pellanda ∗
−200 Alberto Mota Simões ∗ Bruno de Pinho Silveira ∗∗
−600 1
10 10
3 4

Military Institute of Engineering, Electrical Eng. Dept., Rio, Brazil
Frequency (Hz)
(e-mails: g,,
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Sangolquı́, Ecuador
Fig. 3. Experimental frequency response of the voltage
loop gain for a nominal load. (top) Magnitude (50
dB/div) and (bottom) phase (200 ◦ /div), x-axis in
Hz. Abstract: A recent controller synthesis technique which allows the design of output feedback
boost converter, which processes the energy generated by control systems achieving robust regional pole clustering in the presence of parametric un-
a PEM fuel-cell stack. Some advantages of the proposed certainties as well as satisfying prescribed structural constraints is applied to Power System
configuration are: (i) non pulsating input-output currents Stabilizer (PSS) synthesis. Such features are rarely jointly present in other currently available
are obtained; ii) a reduced voltage stress on the switching controller synthesis methods. This realistic robust stabilization problem involves synthesizing
devices; and (iii) the implementation of the switched- decentralized lead-lag (hence highly structured) controllers to face uncertainties in operating
capacitor is easy carried out, which consists of only two system conditions. Two numerical applications corroborating the applicability of the proposed
Fig. 1. Experimental setup. Switching regulator with av- diodes and two capacitors with low capacitance value. The synthesis technique to design structured PSS are presented.
erage current-mode control. control law of the regulator is focused on average current-
mode control. The inductor current is fed back using a Keywords: power system stabilizer, pole placement, structured controller, robust control,
The regulator response when load step changes are applied high-gain compensator and a low-pass filter. The output nonsmooth optimization
is shown in Fig. 2, as can it be seen, the output voltage voltage is fed back through a PI controller. A methodology
remains at 330 V under large load variations. The above for adjusting the control parameters is developed. This
is because the designed controller is robust, obtaining fast scheme guarantees system stability, fast transient response 1. INTRODUCTION depicted in Fig. 1, constructed as the intersection of a disk,
transient response and system stability. and output voltage regulation. Additionally, due to the a half plane and a wedge.
high-gain compensator of the inner loop, the converter In this paper, we show the applicability of a recently in-
performance is less sensitive to parameter uncertainties troduced controller synthesis technique [dos Santos et al.,
and variations of the fuel-cell stack. On the other hand, 2018] to that power system control problem. The method
the experimental results show good regulator robustness allows the design of output feedback control systems
to large variations on the load. achieving robust regional pole clustering in the presence
of parametric uncertainties as well as satisfying prescribed r

REFERENCES structural constraints. Such features are rarely jointly θ

γ Re
present in other currently available controller synthesis α |q|
Diaz-Saldierna, L.H., Leyva-Ramos, J., Langarica-
methods [dos Santos et al., 2018]. Two benchmark system
Cordoba, D., and Morales-Saldaña, J.A. (2017).
examples from the literature [Martins and Lima, 1989] are
Control strategy of switching regulators for fuel-cell
used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique: a
power applications. IET Renewable Power Generation,
11(6), 799–805. Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) system as well as a
Forouzesh, M., Siwakoti, Y.P., Gorji, S.A., Blaabjerg, F., multivariable example consisting of the Brazilian South-
and Lehman, B. (2017). Step-up dc-dc converters: A Southeast 7-bus 5-machine system. Fig. 1. Region D(q, r, α, θ, γ) for pole placement
comprehensive review of voltage-boosting techniques, Notation: For a given real matrix A ∈ R n×n
, λi [A]
topologies, and applications. IEEE Transactions on stands for the set of n eigenvalues of A. A matrix ∆ ∈ Uncertain system (1) is said to be robustly stable if it is
Power Electronics, 32(12), 9143–9178. Cq1 ×p1 , notation ∆⋆P stands for the classical upper linear
Fig. 2. Converter response when load step changes are stable for all admissible uncertainty, or equivalently, if the
Leyva-Ramos, J., Lopez-cruz, J.M., Ortiz-lopez, M.G., and fractional transformation (LFT) [Zhou et al., 1996].
applied. (From top to bottom) Output voltge vC0 eigenvalues of the state matrix (∆ ⋆ M ) lie in the open-left
Diaz-saldierna, L.H. (2013). Switching regulator using
(100 V/div), and gate voltage vGM 1 (10 V/div) (Time: a high step-up voltage converter for fuel-cell modules.
half plane for all ∆ ∈ B∆. Moreover, if the poles of (1)
40 ms/div). IET Power Electronics, 6(8), 1626–1633. 2. ROBUST D-STABILITY METHOD lie in D for all allowable uncertainty, i.e., λi [∆ ⋆ M ] ∈ D
Leyva-Ramos, J., Ortiz-Lopez, M.G., Diaz-Saldierna, for all ∆ ∈ B∆, then the uncertain system is said to be
The experimental frequency response of the voltage loop robustly D-stable. A necessary and sufficient condition for
gain at nominal load is shown in Fig. 3. The magnitude L.H., and Morales-Saldana, J.A. (2009). Switching reg- Consider the uncertain linear time-invariant (LTI) system
ulator using a quadratic boost converter for wide dc the robust D-stability analysis of uncertain system (1) is
plot exhibits a high gain at low frequencies, a phase margin ẋ(t) = (∆ ⋆ M )x(t), (1) presented by dos Santos et al. [2018].
of 130 ◦, and a 1 kHz crossover frequency. The voltage loop conversion ratios. IET Power Electronics, 2(5), 605–
613. where M ∈ R(r+n)×(r+n) is the nominal state matrix and
gain has sufficient gain and phase margins; therefore, the One of the critical problems that power system control
Tseng, K.C., Cheng, C.A., and Chen, C.T. (2017). High ∆ ∈ ∆ ⊂ Rr×r is a block diagonal uncertainty matrix
switching regulator is robust to parameter variations. engineers face is the synthesis of highly structured con-
step-up interleaved boost converter for distributed gen- whose structure is given by
  trollers, such as multivariable, decentralized, low-order and
4. CONCLUSIONS eration using renewable and alternative power sources. r
∆  ∆ = diag(δ1r Ik1 , . . . , δm I : δir ∈ R . (2) lead-lag PSS, with guarantee of a minimum damping for
r kmr
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power electromechanical oscillations against uncertain operating
This work focuses on output voltage regulation of a switch- Electronics, 5(2), 713–722. Unit ball in ∆ is denoted by B∆  {∆ ∈ ∆ : σ(∆) ≤ 1}.
conditions. In this paper, we show the applicability of the
ing regulator based on switched-capacitor and a quadratic Let D(q, r, τ, θ, γ), with γ, q ∈ R, τ, r ∈ R>0 , θ ∈ (0, π/2), recent synthesis technique in [dos Santos et al., 2018] to
denote the non-empty region of the complex left-half plane this power system control problem.

84 85
sistemas de potencia 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

3. NUMERICAL RESULTS For all synthesis plant model we have inserted a washout
filter in series with each output:
In this section, two power systems examples are used s3
to test the applicability of the method introduced in Gw (s) = . (3) BLDC Motor Controller Response to
1 + s3
[dos Santos et al., 2018]. LFT models are structured for A practical lead-lag structure was adopted for PSS designs.
control synthesis, i.e. uncertainty models which captures
PWM Compensation
Only the left half plane and a wedge were considered for
the variation of the operating conditions are obtained. robust regional pole placement, i.e. region D was set as
While for a Single-Machine-Infinite Bus System (SMIB) D(q, r, α, θ, γ) = D(0, ∞, 0, cos−1 ζ, 0) (Fig. 1). Different Gutierrez S. Carlos ∗
system (System I), the generated active power represents damping factors, ζ = 0.12 and ζ = 0.18, were established
the uncertainty, for the Brazilian 7-bus 5-generator system for PSS designs of System I and II, respectively.

Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”, La Paz, Bolivia
(System II), parametric uncertainties are taken as two line (e-mail:
reactances. Model data for both systems can be found in 3.1 System I
[Martins and Lima, 1989, Boukarim et al., 2000]. Sahonero-Alvarez Guillermo ∗∗
Controller P SS0 obtained by applying method in Section
2 to System I is given by: ∗∗
Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”, La Paz, Bolivia
P = 250 MW
P = 200 MW 29.21s + 25.18 8.948s + 31.07 (e-mail:
P = 300 MW = 0.12 P SS0 = . (4)
s + 28.76 s + 0.5923
Abstract: Brushless DC Motors (BLDCM) have many benefits for their high efficiency, small
Fig. 2 shows that P SS0 is robustly D-stable. In contrast,
Imaginary Axis

size, and low maintenance requirements. On the other hand, high efficiency electronics are
it can be shown that classical designs in [Martins and
0 usually related to the usage of ARM based microcontrollers. In this work, the behavior over
Lima, 1989] do not guarantee the prescribed performance
multiple PWM frequencies and after applying PWM compensation is studied using an ARM
in terms of damping factor for all admissible uncertainties
-5 based board. In general, performance of sensorless and hall-effect based controller show expected
P ∈ [200, 300] MW.
differences. However, by using the proposed control schema on a real plant, impactful advantages
-10 3.2 System II are obtained showing 67% performance improvement and an average of 20% torque ripple
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
Real Axis Fig. 3 and 4 depict the closed-loop pole sensitivity for
a grid of uncertain values (line reactances) belonging to Keywords: Brushless motors, Torque motors, Control accuracy, Zero crossings, Hall effect,
Fig. 2. Closed-loop poles sensitivity for P SS0 the R2 parameter domain for both centralized and de- Pulse-width modulation, Torque ripple, Sensorless.
centralized designs, respectively. Results show that robust
D-stability is reached in both cases. Squares in Fig. 3 and 1. INTRODUCTION performed for sensored and sensorless controllers using
circles in Fig. 4 refers to nominal pole location. different speeds and PWM frequencies. Also, commuta-
= 0.18
Brushless DC Motors (BLDCM) have many benefits for tion torque ripple reduction for sensorless controller was
4. CONCLUSION their high efficiency, small size, and low maintenance applied. Later, speed and current measures were analyzed
5 requirements. Also, BLDCM are becoming popular due to and compared between experiments.
This paper focused on the applicability of the robust their superior controllability, performance and small size

controller synthesis technique introduced in [dos Santos compared to single phase induction motors (Gamazo-Real 3. RESULTS
et al., 2018] to design structured PSS. The method was et al., 2010). A major factor that prevents achieving ideal
shown to be effective in designing output feedback con- performance is called torque ripple and it is generated by Sensor based controller steady state error proves the prob-
trollers having highly structured constraints and achieving imperfections in the design of the motor and inadequate lems related to this position detection method: sensor
robust regional pole clustering in the presence of paramet- control schemes (Carlson et al., 1992) (Jahns and Soong, physical misalignment delays or anticipates commutation
-15 ric uncertainties. Such features are rarely jointly present 1996). moment disturbing the speed performance. Speed result
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
Real in other currently available controller synthesis methods. On the other hand, high efficiency electronics are usually were compared between experiments where high PWM
More sophisticated methods for obtaining standard syn- related to the usage of ARM based microcontrollers. frequency controller showed minor settling time and steady
Fig. 3. Closed-loop poles sensitivity of a centralized robust thesis models are under investigation. The PSoC4 is based on a 32-bit ARM-Cortex family state error than a slower PWM frequency controller.
PSS for system II micro-controller, this device enables concurrent hardware By using the proposed control schema on a real plant,
REFERENCES and firmware editing. CY8CKIT-037 is a Motor Control impactful advantages are obtained showing 67% perfor-
G. E. Boukarim, Shaopeng Wang, J. H. Chow, G. N. Evaluation board that present a MOSFET dual H-Bridge mance improvement and an average of 20% torque ripple
Taranto, and N. Martins. A comparison of classical, and a dual H-Bridge PWM drivers, capable for drive reduction. In general, it can be noticed that sensorless
= 0.18 robust, and decentralized control designs for multiple sensored and sensorless BLDC motors. experiments have better results than the sensored ones.
power system stabilizers. IEEE Transactions on Power In this work, the behavior over multiple PWM frequencies For example, experiment with 2700 RPM as reference
5 Systems, 15(4):1287–1292, November 2000. and after applying PWM compensation is studied using point results in an steady state error above 6 RPM with
J. F. S. dos Santos, P. C. Pellanda, and A. M. Simões. an ARM based board while current and speed response sensored controller. In contrast, sensorless based controller

Robust pole placement under structural constraints. To are measured and compared between experiments. presented an error below 2 RPM. Steady state error is
Appear in Systems & Control Letters, 2018. presented in Fig. 1
N. Martins and L. T. G. Lima. Eigenvalue and frequency 2. METHODOLOGY
domain analysis of small-signal electromechanical sta- 4. CONCLUSION
bility problems. In IEEE Symposium on Application of Two different controllers: hall-effect sensors feedback po-
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
Eigenanalysis and Frequency Domain Method for Sys- sition information and sensorless based on zero crossing A speed proportional duty cycle compensation improved
Real tem Dynamic Performance, pages 17–33, 1989. point detection for commutation point were studied. In steady state speed performance, also sensorless technique
K. Zhou, J. C. Doyle, and K. Glover. Robust and Optimal general, performance of sensorless and hall-effect based improved steady state performance compared to sensored
Fig. 4. Closed-loop pole sensitivity of a decentralized Control. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey controller show expected differences. control experiment.
robust PSS for system II 07632, 1996. Step input zero-load experiments with a real plant were Finally, as studies about torque ripples, speed behavior

86 87
sistemas de potencia

Root-Mean-Square Deviation with 2700 RPM


Ripple Reduction 143KHz PWM Freq. 20KHz PWM Freq. Sensored Control

Fig. 1. Steady State error at 2700 RPM for each experi-

ment. Boxplot show median error of RPM with 25th
and 75th percentiles.

and reduction of losses were explored, it was possible

to us conclude on the improved performance of BLDCM
by using sensorless techniques. The speed response and
current phase behavior are clearly influenced by PWM
frequencies as results show that high PWM frequency
improves steady state response, accelerating settling time
and reducing high frequency torque ripples.

Carlson, R., Lajoie-Mazenc, M., Fagundes, J., 1992. Anal-
ysis of torque ripple due to phase commutation in
brushless DC machines. IEEE Transactions on Industry
Applications 28 (3), 632–638.
Gamazo-Real, J. C., Vázquez-Sánchez, E., Gómez-Gil, J.,
jul 2010. Position and Speed Control of Brushless DC
Motors Using Sensorless Techniques and Application
Trends. Sensors 10 (7), 6901–6947.
Jahns, T. M., Soong, W. L., 1996. Pulsating torque min-
imization techniques for permanent magnet AC motor
drives - A review. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Elec-
tronics 43 (2), 321–330.

en ingeniería
educación en ingeniería 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático

Active Disturbance Rejection Control

Applied to a Low-Cost Educational

J. Luis Luna Jessica Maldonado Rubén Garrido

Departamento de Control Automático, CINVESTAV-IPN, Av. IPN
2508 San Pedro Zacatenco, Mexico City, MEXICO (e-mail: garrido,
jluna, jmaldonado ).

Abstract: The goal of this work is to implement Active Disturbance Rejection Control
(ADRC) algorithms in a low-cost educational prototype based on a Radio Control (RC) servo,
and to show the viability of this device for testing advanced control laws.

Keywords: ADRC, GPI, DOB, control education, servodrive.


Evaluation of control algorithms is an important

issue when teaching Automatic Control, Robotics and
Mechatronics. It is usually carried out by means of
numerical simulations or through real-time experiments
using laboratory prototypes. Nevertheless, limiting
the students to using software like MatLab-Simulink
or web page-based numerical simulations [R. Pastor
and Dormido (2003)] may overlook some issues
like measurement noise, unmodeled dynamics, and Fig. 1. The educational prototype.
disturbances, which appear in real-life applications.
Variables q, q̇ and q̈ are respectively the angular position,
The goal of this work is to implement Active Disturbance velocity and acceleration of the servo, u is the control
Rejection Control (ADRC) algorithms in a low-cost input voltage, J the servomotor and load lumped inertia,
educational prototype based on a modify Radio Control f (q̇) is a nonlinear friction torque, k is a gain depending
(RC) servo. Experiments in a laboratory prototype show on the power amplifier gain and on the DC motor torque
the performance of the servo when applying two widely constant, and the term d¯m is an external disturbance.
known ADRC algorithms, the Disturbance Observer Model (1) has the next alternative writing
(DOB) and the Generalized Proportional Integral (GPI) q̈(t) = −f (q̇) + bu + d¯ (2)
where b = k/J, f (q̇) = F (q̇)/J and d¯ = d¯m /J. If the
2. EDUCATIONAL PROTOTYPE friction torques are assumed unknown, then it is grouped
with the unknown term d in (2)
2.1 Description q̈(t) = bu + d (3)
The low-cost educational prototype is built around with d = d¯ − f (q̇).
a HITEC RC servo model HS-485HB. Its electronics
including the control card are taken out and replaced 3. DOB APPLIED TO AN RC SERVO
by a low-cost external linear amplifier. A power supply
consisting of standard voltage regulators LM7805 and Disturbance observers (DOB) perform robust control
LM7905, a diode-based rectifier, capacitors, and an based on the estimation and on-line cancellation
AC transformer supplying 12 V and 0.5 A, feeds the of a disturbance d. They relies on input and
amplifier, whose input voltage is ±4.8V . Fig. 1 shows the output measurements, and on a nominal model of a
educational prototype. The cost of the latter including perturbed plant. Subsequently, disturbance rejection is
the power supply is less than $50 US. This price may accomplished by using the disturbances estimate to
be dropped by buying the electronics parts in large construct an inner feedback controller [Ohnishi et al.
quantities and by using cheaper RC servos. (1996)]. The proposed PD+DOB controller relies on
angular velocity measurements and assumes knowledge of
2.2 Mathematical model the servo input gain b. This control law has the following
mathematical expression
A mathematical model of this system is 1 
J q̈(t) + F (q̇) = ku + d¯m (1) uDOB = Kp (r − q) − Kd q̇ − dˆ (4)

92 93
educación en ingeniería 18vo | congreso latinoamericano de control automático


d 80 PD+DOB

Position (Degrees °)

 e   1 u 1 q 1 q
r Kp

b 60
  d̂ b s s

  s
s 20
Data analysis and tools applied to modeling and simulation of a
PV system in Ecuador
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Time (s) D. J. Benavides*, F. Jurado* and L. G. González **

Fig. 2. PD+DOB controller block diagram. Fig. 4. Responses for PD+GPI and PD+DOB controllers. *
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Jaén, EPS Linares, 23009 Jaén, Spain
Table 1. Experimental results for the (E-mail:, (E-mail:
d PD+DOB and PD+GPI controllers using **
Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, University of Cuenca, 010107 Cuenca,
 e
Kp   1 u

1 q 1 q Kp = 124.1312 and Kd = 31.2101. Ecuador (E-mail:
   d̂ b s s

Controller +ess −ess Gain ISE IACV IAC
Kd OBSERVER PD+DOB 0.07 0.06 β =15 7546 5.063 0.1609 Abstract: This paper presents a research was carried out for the management of a photovoltaic system in
x3e x2e x1e PD+GPI 0.07 0.06 θ =100 7555 8.433 0.1725 a Microgrid, with applications and the use of tools applied to modeling and computational simulation in
the Microgrid laboratory implanted in the facilities of the University of Cuenca (Ecuador). Additionally,
5.2 Comparison between PD+GPI and PD+DOB through the use of automatic learning techniques, the behavior of the photovoltaic system has been modeled
controllers in the study area based on radiation and temperature with very good results. In addition, several applications
Fig. 3. PD+GPI controller block diagram. can be made in real engineering studies such as feasibility, performance analysis, energy estimation,
Fig. 4 shows the response of both controllers using β = educational models, etc.
where dˆ is the estimate of the real disturbance d. Fig. 2 15, which is the cut-off frequency used to implement the
depicts the block diagram of a Proportional Derivative DOB and θ = 100, is the gain of the GPI observer. Keywords: Data analysis, Modeling, Simulation, Tracking on an axis, Photovoltaic, Matlab/Simulink.
controller plus a Disturbance Observer (PD+DOB) Note that the close-loop response of both controllers is

applied to the servo. essentially the same. Table 1 displays the performance
measures for both controllers. Note that there is almost 1. INTRODUCTION 2.1 First Stage - Data Acquisition
4. GPI OBSERVER APPLIED TO AN RC SERVO no difference between the performance in terms of the
Integral Squared Error (ISE) and the Integral of the This study carries out the implementation of a photovoltaic
energy estimator of a Microgrid, consisting of a set of 160 The data acquisition was developed in two sections:
When the GPI observer is applied to Active Disturbance Absolute value of the Control (IAC) indexes, and the Meteorological Data Radiation and temperature obtained
steady state error at 90◦ (+ess ) and at 0◦ (−ess ) is panels with a nominal capacity of 35kWp, distributed as
Rejection Control (ADRC), the state of the plant model directly from the Weather Stations and Microgrid Data, in DC
the same for this experiment. When using the PD+GPI follows: 15kW array of monocrystalline panels,
is extended by defining the disturbance term as new state Direct Current as Alternating AC, through the HIOKI PW3337
controller exhibits a higher Integral of the Absolute polycrystalline 15kW and polycrystalline 4kW with solar
variable x3e = d. The on-line estimation of this new state electrical variable measurement equipment. The sample size
value of the Control Variation (IAV C) index value tracking East-West, Espinoza et al. (2017), the study is carried
is performed using the GPI observer, which is also called of the measurements was executed for each minute during each
compared with the corresponding value for the PD+DOB out with the Simulink tool of MATLAB®. Therefore, the
an extended State Observer (ESO) [Sira-Ramı́rez et al. day of operation 6am - 6pm, for the two sections
controller. behavior of the system can be modeled through the use of
(2010)]. A Proportional Derivative controller plus a GPI simultaneously, during a monitoring period of 4 months.
computational tools Prasanth et al. (2018); Razman and Chee,
observer-based disturbance rejection control (PD+GPI)
6. CONCLUSIONS (2017); Rameen, (2017); Ahmad et al. (2017). This allows to 2.2 Second stage - Modeling and simulation
is described by
have a referential system with respect to the installed one, to
1 estimate the production of energy under the available solar The model corresponding to the photovoltaic system about
uGP I = [Kp (r − x1 ) − Kd x2e − x̂3e ] (5) By its very nature, the use of DOB and GPI observers
b resource. To obtain its validation through measurement tests study, is represented in Figure 2, where the model made in
for controlling an RC servo is very attractive because the
where x̂3e is the estimate of x3e . Fig. 3 depicts in each stage, a database obtained from the meteorological Simulink of MATLAB can be observed, which includes a
friction effects, which may be difficult to model, may be
the block diagram of a Proportional with Derivative station and a comparison of the actual measurements with the database of radiation and temperature of the weather station in
considered as disturbances. The experimental outcomes
action controller plus a Generalized Proportional Integral results of the model have been entered. "xlsx" format, the PV Array block with the specifications of
show that both controllers produce smooth responses
observer (PD+GPI) applied to a servo. the Atersa A250P and A250M models, in the respective
without overshoot and display similar performance. 2. METHODOLOGY parallel series configuration and the implementation of the
Moreover, these outcomes display the versatility and
5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS MPPT with the Perturb and Observe algorithm of MATLAB.
potential of the experimental platform when it is used The procedure and the methodology used for energy
A three-phase DC / AC inverter "Average-model based VSC",
for testing advanced control laws, with an easy-to-make estimation was carried out through modeling and simulation
5.1 Experimental setup in representation of the laboratory facilities of the University
reasonable priced prototype. mainly in 4 stages, as shown in Figure 1:
of Cuenca.
The experimental platform used to implement REFERENCES
aforementioned control laws is composed of a personal
computer endowed with a Sensoray model 626 data R. Pastor, J.S. and Dormido, S. (2003). Xml-based
acquisition card. The programming and real-time framework for the development of web-based
execution are performed using MatLab/Simulink from laboratories focused on control systems education. Int.
MathWorks and QUARC from Quanser Consulting. J. Engng, 19, 445–454.
The sampling period is set to 1 ms and the numerical Ohnishi, K., Shibata, M., and Murakami, T.
integration algorithm is the Euler01 method. The gain (1996). Motion control for advanced mechatronics.
in model (3) is b = 253.329. In the case of the PD+DOB IEEE/ASME Transactions On Mechatronics.
controller the servo angular velocity q̇ is estimated from Sira-Ramı́rez, H., Ramı́rez-Neria, M., and Fig. 1. Scheme for the estimation of energy of the photovoltaic
position measurements through the next filter Rodrı́guez-Angeles, A. (2010). On the linear control of system
160s 160 nonlinear mechanical systems. In Decision and Control Fig. 2. Modeling of the Photovoltaic System
Gv (s) = (6) (CDC), 2010 49th IEEE Conference on. IEEE.
s + 160 s + 160

94 95
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manufacturers intuitively, replacing the panels with greater

2.3 Third stage - Validation of results power generation, studying the possibility of changing a fixed
system in tracking on an axis, etc.
In the validation process of the model, the database of the
Microgrid obtained in the first stage was used, together with 3. CONCLUTIONS
the results of the simulation. For the process of validation of
the results, the similarities of the model and the real data were Using tools for modeling and simulation, we have been able to Entorno virtual de Simulación de un Sistema de 4
analyzed, obtaining an approximation of 95% in each observe the behavior of the different elements of the Tanques Acoplados
parameter. photovoltaic generation that participate in the Microgrid, with
results similar to their original behavior. The measurement
2.4 Automatic data analysis error with respect to the model is less than 4%, which Soto Angles Mario *. Sotomayor Moriano Javier*. Pérez-Zúñiga Gustavo*. Cruz
Advanced data analysis applications with functionality and guarantees an excellent reference for the modeled system. Olano Christian
versatility, allow managing the information of the electrical Some basic equipment specifications have been directly
related to the model, although other factors that alter their * Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Av. Universitaria 1801,
grid to analyze and extract information, for example: Lima, Perú Email: {mario.soto, gustavo.perez, a20057013};
improving energy quality, more efficient distribution, normal behavior must also be considered. The use of values
optimization, machine learning, etc. Therefore, under this and real data can be approximated to a large extent to a real
same criterion, the slogans are corrected as new information is model, observing its most influential parameters and values Resumen: En este artículo se desarrolla un entorno de simulación de un proceso de 4 tanques
known, see examples in: Chunming et al. (2017) and Mellit et implies a better knowledge in the study area. Therefore, the acoplados, para uso en pruebas de simulación de controladores. Se explica el modelamiento
al. (2009). implementation of ICTs in electrical systems allow us to matemático de un sistema de 4 tanques acoplados con las configuraciones más utilizadas en la
improve the management of the electrical grid, as well as some literatura. Se describen los requerimientos para desarrollar un Entorno Virtual de Simulación (EVS)
Linear Regression Model Monocrystalline System
techniques in the automatic learning of data in the prediction utilizando un software libre, en este caso EJS-Java. Finalmente se presentan pruebas de uso del
of some variables of interest. As a result of the modeling, some entorno para evaluar el desempeño del sistema con control PID.
When applying the linear regression algorithm with a database
advantages can be highlighted, such as the dimensioning of the Keywords: Tanques acoplados, Entorno Virtual, Controladores, Sistema Multivariable.
in 70% training percentage and 30% in validation in the
computer program Waikato Environment for Knowledge equipment, observing and controlling the abnormal effects,
Analysis (WEKA), a correlation coefficient was obtained in controlling the connection of the systems in their stationary
state, analyzing the potential and performance of the 1. INTRODUCCIÓN
94.79% of the regression model and an absolute relative error
of 19.21%. Equation (1) represents the power [W] according equipment’s, etc.
En el presente artículo se opta por utilizar simulaciones simples
to the most significant variables of the analysis in the area: REFERENCES en java (EJS-Java), las cuales permiten desarrollar simulaciones
radiation [W/m2] and temperature [°C]. Ahmad, A., Mehdi, F., Pourya, S. and Cihan, H. (2017), interactivas de forma completa en tres pasos, utilizando una
Modeling and Simulation of Microgrid, Procedia simplificación del paradigma arquitectónico, Modelo – Vista –
Computer Science, 114, 392-400. Controlador (MVC), es decir una arquitectura que implementa
840.298 (1) de manera independiente el aspecto visual, la lógica del sistema
Chunming, T., Xi, H., Zhikang, S. and Fei, J., (2017), Big data
In Figure 3a, the relationship between temperature, radiation issues in smart grid – A review, Renewable and o proceso a implementar, y las relaciones e interacciones entre
and power variables is shown through a linear smoothing Sustainable Energy Reviews, 79, 1099-1107. componentes y acciones de usuario, además proporciona una
regression model. You can see its linear relationship of power Espinoza, J. L., González, L. G., and Sempértegui, R., (2017), estructura simplificada para el desarrollo de las ecuaciones que
with radiation in Figure 13a. The results of the model applying Micro grid laboratory as a tool for research on non- representan el comportamiento dinámico del sistema (Heradio
conventional energy sources in Ecuador, IEEE et al, 2016).
equation 1 are shown in Figure 3b.
International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and
Computing (ROPEC), 1-7.
Mellit, A., Kalogirou, S.A., Hontoria, L. and Shaari, S.,
Fig. 1. Configuración básica del proceso de 4 tanques
(2009), Artificial intelligence techniques for sizing
La primera configuración conocida como configuración básica, (Alvarado, 2006)
photovoltaic systems: A review, Renewable and
fue presentada inicialmente en (Johansson, 2000) y la segunda,
Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13, 406-419. conocida como configuración modificada fue presentada Se realiza el balance de flujos para cada tanque de la
Prasanth, J., Himanshu, M., Dhanup, S., Sudhakar, T., originalmente en (Numsomram, 2008) configuración básica mostrada en la Fig. 1 y se obtiene el
Masafumi, M. and Rajasekar, N., (2018), Analysis on solar modelo no lineal del sistema (Alvarado, 2006):
PV emulators: A review, Renewable and Sustainable 2.1. Modelado de la Configuración básica
Fig. 3. Linear regression model PVS1 supervised learning Energy Reviews, 81, 149-160. En la Fig. 1 se aprecia la configuración básica del sistema de 4 𝑑𝑑ℎ1 𝑎𝑎1 𝑎𝑎3 𝛾𝛾1 (1)
(70/30) Rameen, A., (2017), Modeling and simulation of a micro grid- tanques acoplados presentada por Johansson (Johansson, 2000, =− √2𝑔𝑔ℎ1 + √2𝑔𝑔ℎ3 + 𝑞𝑞𝑎𝑎
𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝐴𝐴1 𝐴𝐴1 𝐴𝐴1
connected solar PV system, Water Science, 31, 1-10. Alvarado, 2006)
2.5 Fourth stage - Application of the model Razman, A. and Chee, W. T., (2017), A comprehensive review 𝑑𝑑ℎ2 𝑎𝑎2 𝑎𝑎4 𝛾𝛾2 (2)
Esta configuración está compuesta por un reservorio amplio en =− √2𝑔𝑔ℎ2 + √2𝑔𝑔ℎ4 + 𝑞𝑞𝑏𝑏
on photovoltaic emulator, Renewable and Sustainable 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝐴𝐴2 𝐴𝐴2 𝐴𝐴2
In order to use the referential model for the Microgrid using su base y otros cuatros tanques de menores dimensiones
Energy Reviews, 80, 430-452.
the modeling tools used, it is possible to carry out applications distribuidos en pares en dos niveles, con cada tanque del nivel 𝑑𝑑ℎ3 𝑎𝑎3 (1 − 𝛾𝛾2 ) (3)
where the feasibility of photovoltaic installations is studied in superior (tanques 3 y 4) encima de su correspondiente tanque =− √2𝑔𝑔ℎ3 + 𝑞𝑞𝑎𝑎
𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝐴𝐴3 𝐴𝐴3
places where radiation and temperature meteorological data en el nivel inferior (tanques 1 y 2). Una bomba 1, que alimenta
are known, as well as the type of solar panel photovoltaic del reservorio a los tanques 1 y 4, con su respectiva válvula de 𝑑𝑑ℎ4 𝑎𝑎4 (1 − 𝛾𝛾1 ) (4)
selected. When obtaining a model you can also make changes 3 vías para regular el caudal distribuido a cada tanque; de modo =− √2𝑔𝑔ℎ4 + 𝑞𝑞𝑎𝑎
𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝐴𝐴4 𝐴𝐴4
and study the possibilities of improving the current system, similar una bomba 2 que alimenta los tanques 2 y 3, también Donde:
con su respectiva válvula de 3 vías. 𝐴𝐴𝑖𝑖 : Sección transversal del tanque 𝑖𝑖 (𝑐𝑐𝑚𝑚2 ).
such as changing and testing different models of the panel

96 97
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𝑎𝑎𝑖𝑖 : Sección transversal del orificio de salida del tanque 𝑖𝑖 (𝑐𝑐𝑚𝑚2 ). 4. RESULTADOS DE SIMULACIÓN Root-Locus Analysis of Delayed First and
ℎ𝑖𝑖 : Nivel del agua en el tanque 𝑖𝑖 (𝑚𝑚). 4.1. Configuración básica para 𝛾𝛾1 = 0.6 y 𝛾𝛾2 = 0.7.
𝑞𝑞𝑎𝑎 𝑦𝑦 𝑞𝑞𝑏𝑏 : Flujo de salida de las bombas (𝑚𝑚3 /ℎ) Second Order Systems
𝑔𝑔: Aceleración de la gravedad (𝑚𝑚/𝑠𝑠 2 ) Se observa en la Fig. 4 que efectivamente el sistema alcanza los
𝑞𝑞𝑖𝑖 : Flujo de entrada al tanque (𝑚𝑚3 /ℎ) valores deseados de nivel de líquido en los tanques 1 y 2 para
una de las configuraciones elegidas.
M. Rı́os-Flores ∗ J.F. Marquez-Rubio ∗ B. del Muro-Cuéllar ∗
𝛾𝛾𝑖𝑖 : Parámetro de apertura de la válvula de 3 vías. E. Aranda-Bricaire ∗∗


Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), SEPI- ESIME Culhuacan,
México. (e-mail:,,
El EVS se desarrolla en Java con ayuda del API (Application )
programming interface) EJS, que proporciona un conjunto de ∗∗
CINVESTAV IPN, Sección de Mecatrónica, Departamento de
librerías e interfaces predefinidas para simulaciones de control. Ingenierı́a Eléctrica, México (e-mail:
Adicionalmente, se provee al entorno, la capacidad de trabajo
de manera integrada con Matlab/Simulink, haciendo uso del
API SoftwareLinks (Sánchez, 2005). En el EVS propuesto, se Abstract: For finite dimensional linear system the root-locus method is well established however
emplearán los datos de diseño de una planta piloto de 4 tanques for the case of delayed systems the method has some problems due to the transcendental term
acoplados (ver Fig. 2), implementada en el Laboratorio de involved. This work intends to illustrate the problems that arises when a root-locus diagram
Control Avanzado de la PUCP. is performed as well as to develop a Matlab function that provides the root-locus diagram for
delayed low order systems. In this way, some comments about the problems that should be
tackled to obtain a generalization of the computational method for delayed systems with real
m poles and n zeros
Fig. 4. Simulación para 𝛾𝛾1 = 0.6 y 𝛾𝛾2 = 0.7

Keywords: time-delay, root locus diagram, feedback control, poles, zeros.

Se desarrolló un Entorno Virtual de Simulación para un sistema 1. INTRODUCTION systems, the stability can be determined by the rightmost
de 4 tanques acoplados y se validó su funcionamiento con characteristic root Wang and Hu (2008). In this way, in
resultados reales obtenidos en una planta piloto. Wang and Hu (2008), the computation of the rightmost
Time delays appearing in the modelling of different classes
Se presentaron pruebas de simulación de control del sistema de characteristic root of time-delay systems is addressed, on
of systems (chemical processes, manufacturing chains,
4 tanques utilizando un controlador convencional en dos the basis of the Lambert W function. It can be seen that
economy, etc.), become a challenging situation from a
configuraciones del sistema con variaciones en las aperturas de using this approach is not possible to obtain information
válvulas y ante la presencia de perturbaciones.
control viewpoint that should be affronted to yield ac-
ceptable closed-loop stability and performance. Several of the complete number of poles, however the method
Fig. 2. Planta piloto de 4 tanques acoplados. Lab. de Control control strategies as well as stability analysis have been presents some advantages from analytical viewpoint.
developed to deal with time delays. When the continuous
3.1. Entorno de Simulación Alvarado I.; Limon D.; García W.; Alamo T.; Camacho E. case is considered, the delay operator can be approxi- 2. METHODOLOGY
Se obtiene el entorno de simulación mostrado en la Fig. 3. (2006) An Educational Plant Based on the Quadruple-Tank mated by means of a Taylor or Padé series expansions
Donde se aprecia las distintas opciones de utilización. Process. 7th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control which could leads to a non-minimum-phase process with The main idea behind to building the root-locus diagram
Education. rational transfer function representation Gouaisbaut and for delayed systems is based on the fact that the phase
Peaucelle (2006). With the same stability purpose analysis, condition of the system G(s)e−τ s , given by.
Heradio R., De la Torre L., Dormido S. (2016) Virtual and some works have applied the Rekasius substitution; see N (s) −τ s
remote labs in control education: A survey. UNED Madrid for instance Munz et al. (2009). It should be noticed that � G(s)e−τ s = � e = ±180◦(2q + 1) (1)
Spain. using the mentioned strategies and if a closed-loop stability D(s)
analysis is desirable, the stability results obtained are lim-
Johansson K.; (2000) The Quadruple-Tank Process; A for q = 0, 1, 2, ..., is always satisfied for the roots of
ited due to the corresponding approximations. The root-
Multivariable Laboratory Process with an Adjustable Zero. the closed-loop system. Therefore, the phase is tested for
locus method has been used as invaluable design tool for
IEEE Trans. Control System Tecn, vol. 8, no. 3. a known region of the plane s. The iterative proposed
linear systems Suh and Bien (1982). This is because closed-
algorithm consists in selecting a point in the plane s = σ̄ +
loop stability can be assured from the obtained root-locus
Numsomran A., Tipsuwanporn V and Tirasesth K (2008), j ω̄ where σ̄ and ω̄ are given. Then, left side of the equation
diagram. Root-locus graphical method is a method that
Modeling of the modified quadruple-tank process. Proceedings (1) is evaluated and it is verified if the equation (1) is
allows to analyse how the roots change when the variation
of Sice Annual Conference, Vols 1-7, pp, 783-788. satisfied. If equation (1) is satisfied, then it is concluded
of a parameter is regarded. This method has been used
that the root s = σ̄ + j ω̄ associated to the given σ̄ and
in order to establish closed-loop stability conditions and
Sánchez. J., Esquembre, F., Martin C., Dormido S., Pastor R., therefore the design of some controllers can be addressed
ω̄ is a root of the characteristic equation, and this values
Fig. 3. Vista del entorno de simulación funcionando bajo el Urquía A. (2005) Easy Java Simulations: an Open-Source Tool are kept to use it later, if the condition (1) is not satisfied
by analysing the obtained graphic. Generally, it is not easy
modo de control automático. H1→Rojo, H2→Azul, H3→Negro, to Develop Interactive Virtual Laboratories Using then the values σ̄ and ω̄ are not kept. After this, a second
to analyse the stability of time-delay systems, especially
H4→Verde, Bomba1→Amarillo, Bomba2→Magenta. MATLAB/Simulink. UNED, Madrid, España. point in plane s, is selected and the method is applied
when the systems are of high order or they have multiple
again. Since a computational program is used to evaluate
delays. Generally, it is not easy to analyse the stability
the condition (1) it is important to establish a tolerance
of time-delay systems, especially when the systems are of
in the right side of condition (1), in such case the program
high order or they have multiple delays. In Wang and Hu
should evaluate strictly,
(2008), the concept of rightmost characteristic root is used
as the root with the maximal real part of the characteris- N (s) −τ s
� e = ±180◦ (2q + 1) ± ǫ (2)
tic roots of a time-delay system. For retarded time-delay D(s)

98 99
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Root-Locus FOPTD Proportional gain to FOPTD

150 150
100 100 20<k<30

50 50
50<k<60 Modelling of Learning Styles in Relation to University- level Lectures: Extended
Imaginary axis (ω)

Imaginary axis (ω)

0 0 90<k<100

-50 -50 Ruth Cueva*. Diego Salazar.*

Gabriel Grijalva*

-100 -100
*Escuela Politécnica Nacional (e-mail: ruth.cueva, diego.salazar,
-150 -150
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Real axis (σ) Real axis (σ)
Abstract: Throughout this paper we seek to demonstrate a methodology of approximation of a model
Fig. 1. Root-Locus of a FOPTD system. Fig. 2. Root-locus diagram with explicit values of propor- related to the relationship between different learning styles and the results obtained in a specific University-
tional gain, k. level lecture. The process consisted of the voluntary participation of over six hundred students from Escuela
Another issue, is the number of points evaluated in the Politécnica Nacional of Ecuador (EPN). The Index of Learning Styles model was used to establish the
algorithm. In our experience this is a parameter that 4. CONCLUSION various learning styles of the students studied. The analysis of this study´s results pursues the measurement
should be selected by the user due to the velocity of between the linear correlation and the correlation distribution.
the complete computation depends directly from this In this work it is illustrated the computational issues that
parameter. Thus, if a quick idea of the root-locus is should be taken into account in order to perform a root-
required, the user can select a small number of points. locus diagram for delayed systems. The simplest cases Keywords: modelling, correlation matrix, engineering, ILS, learning styles, university class. 
Once that a desirable region of the plane s is swept FOPTD and SOPTD systems are considered. This com-

by testing the phase condition (1) and the roots of the putational method plots a root-locus diagram of FOPTD

characteristic equation has been detected, the next step is and SOPTD systems to can analyze them. In the compu- The content of this document includes: the description of the
to obtain the gain k associated to each root. In order to tational program, the values a, b and τ could be changed to 1. INTRODUCTION
methodology, results, and conclusions.
compute the gain k the magnitude condition is used, obtain the root-locus diagram of FOPTD and SOPTD. On
  In order to understand how to improve our ability to learn it is
 kN (s)  the other hand, the authors propose as a future work the
  necessary to understand how the very process of learning
 D(s)  = 1 (3) generalization of the computational method for delayed
works. Learning Styles Models are tools designed to measure 2. METHODOLOGY
systems with any number of poles and zeros. The main
and better understand preferences and the mechanism of
objective of this developments is to design an interface The methodology describes the data acquisition and results
In the case of the FOPTD system previously analysed, learning itself and how to take advantage of the variables.
  to obtain root-locus of delayed systems as a future work. analysis tools employed in this study. This section contains a
s + a Although Learning Styles Models have been broadly studied,
  In the present manuscript the essential ideas has been brief explanation of both.
k= (4) there is unfortunately little to none information about a clear
b  s=σ+jω
stated as well as the possible future problems when the
method to classify and even create them. As a result of this a
generalization is considered. 2.1. Data acquisition
lot of different models exist without a clear differentiation
3. RESULTS from one another. The ILS was selected as the Learning Styles model for this
The Index of Learning Styles (ILS) is a Learning Styles Model investigation. Therefore once the authorization to use it from
Example 1. Consider an unstable FOPTD system given Gouaisbaut, F. and Peaucelle, D. (2006). Stability of time one of the creators was given, it was uploaded to the university
by, designed by Richard Felder and Linda Silverman in 1988
delay systems with non-small delay. In Proccedings of
(Felder & Spurlin, 2005b). This model consists of four groups student administration system. The students were asked for
Y (s) 1 −0.1s the 45th IEEE Conf. on Decision and control, 840–845. their option collaboration in the investigation through e-mail
= e . (5) of learning styles where students are assigned a score based on
San Diego, CA, USA. exchanges. Students from all the different faculties and levels
U (s) s−1 the answers given on a questionnaire. Notwithstanding the fact
Munz, U., Ebenbauer, C., Haag, T., and Allgwer, F. took part in the survey. Only the students that took the course
that this particular model takes into account certain personality
(2009). Stability analysis of time-delay systems with in- on Geometry at EPN were taken into account for this analysis.
Thus, the developed computational method should find traits, it is mostly considered a part of the “flexibly stable
commensurate delays using positive polynomials. IEEE
the values satisfying the phase condition (1). Figure 1 learning preference” family (Cueva, Calderón, Salazar &
shows the plot of the points satisfying that condition and Transactions on Automatic Control, 54(5), 1019–1024.
Grijalva, 2018). Another model from the same family is 2.2. Database preparation and analysis.
Suh, I.H. and Bien, Z. (1982). A root-locus technique
therefore it is concluded that these points are root-locus. Allinson and Hayes’s model (Hayes & Allinson, 1997).
Now, the value of the proportional gains is required in for linear systems with delay. IEEE Transactions on This study was formulated by comparing the results obtained
order to interpret the closed-loop stability. Automatic Control, 27-1, 205–208. The information used for this investigation is based upon the with the ILS questionnaire and the grades obtained in the
Wang, Z. and Hu, H. (2008). Calculation if the rightmost results obtained by the students at levelling courses from geometry course taught at the university.
In this way, by applying the magnitude condition (3), the characteristic root od retarded time-delay systems via “Escuela Politécnica Nacional” (EPN) in Ecuador, which The results of the ILS measures eight learning styles separately
values of proportional gains k associated to each point lambert w function. Journal of Sound and Vibration, focused on the results obtained in Geometry tests and the ILS and compares the scores of the learning styles from the same
found were obtained. In Figure 2, the root locus diagram 318, 757–767. questionnaire. This paper sets to identify the correlation, if group. This analysis will consider the individual score in each
with intervals of values k is shown. This intervals allows to any, between the Learning Styles of the students and their learning style instead of the general score obtained in each
have an idea of the performance of pole in close-loop for scores. Taking into account that each teacher uses different group. Every learning style score and the Geometry class score
variation of the parameter k, and also allows to obtain the methodologies and teaching styles, it is expected to find that are over forty points.
stabilizing gains of proportional controller, k. Note that the results have a low correlation or no correlation at all. A model to determine the probability of approval using the
roots with red color belong to the interval 0 < k < 10, and Nonetheless, if we were to find any significant correlation, first grade was used to increase the amount of data used for the
the roots color yellow belong to the interval 10 < k < 20. some students would have a clear advantage studying for a analysis. However, the real results and the predictions were
With a careful analysis of the root-locus diagram shown given subject based on their own Learning Styles. analysed separately to avoid mixing the results.
in Figure 2, the stabilizing interval is 1 < k < 15

100 101
educación en ingeniería

between any of the learning preferences and their performance

in Geometry.
The correlation matrix considered more information,
producing interesting results. Unfortunately the results are still
not considerable as relevant. The correlations with the
Sensorial and Intuitive styles obtained the highest strength,
therefore it would be interesting to extend this investigation by
focusing between this types of learning styles. If they were
found to be significant that would lead to some interesting
research regarding the causation of this phenomena.
In agreement with the previous research about this topic, the
results obtained were not enough to determine if there is a
Fig. 1 Linear correlations matrix direct relation between the learning styles and the performance
of the students. Even if any of the correlation was
significant/strong enough would not imply that the subject
3. RESULTS itself is easier some students with certain characteristics in
This section presents some of the results obtained by their learning process. This kind of result could also be
summarizing them in a correlation matrix, some charts and explained by the generalization of certain teaching style. We
graphs. consider it necessary that this kind of investigation is carried
out on different institutions, in order to compare the results and
3.1. Model: Pearson Correlation maybe even discover if a certain subject does benefit from a
specific set of learning styles.
The first method was the Pearson correlation. Which gives two
values as result of the analysis: the strength of the correlation
and the significance (p-Value) of the correlation. If the REFERENCES
correlation has no significance, then the strength of the
correlation is meaningless. This results shows that the p-Value Cueva, R., Calderón, J., Salazar , D., & Grijalva , G. (2018).
is too high in every correlation, therefore it is not possible to Learning Style Analysis of Engineering and
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3.2. Model: Correlation matrix Engr. Education, 78(7), 674-681.
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The next step to analyse if there is any correlation was the
Differences. Journal of Engineering Education,
comparison between two different methods. The matrix from
94(1), 57-72.
Fig. 1 shows the results obtained. The matrix is the result of
Felder, R., & Spurlin, J. (2005b). Applications, Reliability
the comparison of the Pearson and Spearman linear
and Validity of the Index of Learning Styles.
correlations, using a statistical confidence of 95%.
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The matrix uses the first three letters of each learning style, for
21(1), 103-112.
example ACT, which stands for active. The field that contain
Hayes, J., & Allinson, C. (1997). Learning styles and training
GEO1 and GEO2 refer to the geometry grades, where GEO1
and development in work settings: Lessons from
considers the actual grades from the previous semesters and
educational research. Educational Psychology, 17(1-
GEO2 the approximation for the current semester. The
2), 185-193.
“correlation value” establishes the correlation strength and its
Litzinger, T., Ha, S., Wise, J. C., & Felder, R. (2007). A
direction. On the other hand “Sig. (bilateral)” is used to obtain
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the correlation significance.
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Sánchez, T., Sandoval , I., Salazar, D., & Sánchez , X.
4. CONCLUSIONS (2018). Mathematical model to estimate the
probability to approve given the first grade at the
The analysis of correlations between the scores obtained by the
Escuela Politécnica Nacional. 16th LACCEI
students and their learning styles normally reflect the
International Multi-Conference for Engineering,
independence between this two. However, since this analysis
Education and Technology: "Innovation in
focused on a specific subject there was the possibility that the
Education and Inclusion", 19-21.
results might reveal some hidden relationship between
Geometry and one or more of the learning styles.
The results that were obtained only with the Pearson
Correlation established that none of the correlations where
significant. Nevertheless, even if they were significant their
strength is considerably low. Either way there is no correlation


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