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De todos los contactos que he tenido con las personas en el hospital, hubo un señor llamado Don

José que me marcó el corazón, por su ternura y nobleza. Él, era una persona que tenía Alzheimer y
no tenía familia. El día que lo conocí, llegué a las 7 AM y recibí turno; seguido bañé algunos
pacientes, incluido a Don José. Luego, me asignaron a los cuidados de él: le di el desayuno, los
medicamentos, lo canalicé y hasta le pasé una sonda. Estuve con él todo día buscando información
de su enfermedad y haciéndole examen físico. Al terminar el día, la enfermera, me dijo que ya tenía
salida pero que no tenía a donde ir, así que lo último que hice por él, fue conseguirle un lugar en un
buen hogar de paso, en donde sé que ahora está mejor.

Of all the contacts I have had with people in the hospital, there was a man named Don José
who marked my heart because of his tenderness and nobility. He was a person who had
Alzheimer's and had no family. The day i met him, I arrived at 7 AM and received shift; I then
bathed some patients, including Don José. Then, I was assigned his care: I gave him the
foods, medications, channeled him and i put a probe. I was with him all day looking for
information about his illness and doing him a physical exam. At the end of the day, the nurse
told me that I already had exit but that I had nowhere to go, so the last thing I did for him
was to get him a place in a good passing home, where I know he is better now.

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