Evidencia 1 Dialogue Evaluating Product and Service

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Actividad de aprendizaje 14

Evidencia 1: Dialogue “Evaluating product and service”

Para un profesional en cualquier campo de acción es necesario usar el inglés como

herramienta de comunicación de sus ideas y apreciaciones, acerca de un proceso de gestión
en un negocio en el cual tiene directa participación.

Con esta evidencia, adquirirá el vocabulario, las estructuras gramaticales y las frases para
que pueda desenvolverse con fluidez y coherencia oral en inglés al momento de participar

uelnlasacptairvaidraedaleizvarlupaltainveasddeeloms epjrorcaemsoiesn, taod,esmieáms pdre

pernesbeenntaerfiscoioludcieonlaescoymdpisacñuítairdaecelarcaudael haga parte.

Según lo anterior, para desarrollar esta evidencia, es importante que lea y analice
previamente el material de formación denominado Presenting and improvement plan,
además del material complementario Improving business processes.

Posterior a estas lecturas y con la finalidad de cumplir con el propósito de esta evidencia,
desarrolle en un documento los siguientes puntos:

1. Elabore un diálogo en inglés de dos personas, en el cual evalúe el proceso de gestión de

la empresa en la que trabaja, o de una empresa que conozca, para hacerlo tenga en cuenta
lo siguiente:

o Utilizar el presente perfecto al hablar de los procesos que se han implementado.

o Usar los condicionales, con el fin de plantear algunas modificaciones y actividades
a implementar para el mejoramiento de procesos.
o Incluir preguntas de información (Wh questions) en las que un hablante pregunta y
el otro responde.
o Representar el diálogo de manera gráfica usando caricaturas y nombres para los

2. Realice un glosario de términos basado en el material complementario mencionado, con

los términos que le hayan sido útiles en la creación del diálogo, este debe estar compuesto
del término y su definición en inglés; si lo considera necesario, puede utilizar el
diccionario monolingüe online de su preferencia.

Donald; Hi, how are you?

Rygan; well thanks and you?
Donald; well thank God
Donald; tell me a little how the process of quality management will in your
company's flowers
Rygaan; clear that if, at the time I have been working hard in the implementation and
improvement of the quality by means of safety standards in the operational areas of
the company's flower, specifically cutting and harvesting of the same staff.

DI'voenbaelden; inet erdeisntginignftohramt Ia'tvieonbeinencothninekcitniogna.bout

creating my own flower company, Rygaan; has my support, keep in mind that
you need to start a process of management in your company as I have been running
with the staff that you mentioned.
Donald; and that is a management process? And how you are implementing it?
Rygaan; A Management process is a set of activities that interact with the aim of
transforming elements that come in and out for the satisfaction of customers. And I
have implemented it in several rules which must be fully complied with in the
company and in the area that I told you about.
Donald; and why you’re implementing it in the cutting area?
Rygaan; because of the cutting area starts the good quality of the product in this
case the flower to be exported to the outside, is the primordial base to leave well of
the company with all the maximum quality.
Donald; I like the subject, besides I have read books about the theme of flowers, it is
impressive the varieties that there are.
Rygaan; well, one of the primary rules regarding the safety of the operator is to
use his uniform very well with his waterproof vest and pants, and his gloves in
order not to be cut at the moment of having the flower in his hands, another is to
have an average weight when loading the product in order not to have future
inconveniences with the postures, another is to inform in time any novelty that
presents itself at the moment of cutting the flower as they are; to cut off the hand, a
foot, sliding, those are some very noticeable flaws that can be prevented in time.
Donald; if you don’t put it into practice the others won’t.
Rygaan; of course if, if you want to accompany me in this welcome process, it is
more help you to run your project of creating your own company.
Donald; if I have time right now I will accompany you, otherwise I will go to not
take up more time, I think it has been very clear to me the management process
that you are carrying out, I hope everything will turn out very well for you. I leave
you many thanks for your valuable information, we’re talking.
Rygaan; thank you very much for listening to myself
Donald; Hi, how
are you?
Donald; well thank God Rygan;well
thanks and you?

Donald; tell
me a little howthe
process of quality management will in your company's
Rygaan; clear that if, at
Rygaan; ctlheaer tthimateif,I athtahvee tmbeeenI have beenwowrkoirnkging hahradrd inin the implementaitmiopnleamnedntiamtipornovementanodf the qualityimpbryovemmeeannts oof f safethtye standards iqnuathlietyobpyermateioanasloafrseafsetoyf the compasnt
cutng andophearravtieosntianlg aorfeatsheofsamthe

specifically cutng and harvestng of the same staff.
Donald; interestng
that I've been Rygaan; has my support,
thinking about keep in mind that you need to start a process of management in your company as I have been running with the staff that you mentoned
creatng my own
flower company, I've been needing informatonin connecton.

Rygaan; A Management process is
Donald; and that is a set of actvites that interact with
a management
process? And how the aim of transforming elements that come in and out for the
youare satsfacton of customers. And I have implemented it in several rules which must be fully complied with in the company and in the area that I told you about
implementng it? Flowers
Donald; and Rygaan; because of the
whyyou’re implementng it in the cutng area? cutng area starts the good quality of the product in this case the flower to be exported to the outside, is the primordial base to leave well of the company with all the maximum quality.

Donald; I like the

subject, besides I have read books about the theme of flowers, it is
Rygaan; well, one of the primary
rules regarding the safety of the operator is to use his uniform very well with his waterproof vest and pants, and his gloves in order not to be cut at the moment of having the flower in hi s hands, another is to have an average weight when loading the product in order not to have future inconve

impressive the
varietes that there


you don’t put
it into practce the others won’t. Rygaan; of course if, if you
want to accompany me in this
welcome process, it is more help you to run your project of creatng your own company.
Donald; if I have tme right
now I will accompany you, otherwise I will go to not take up more tme, I think it has been very clear to me the management process that you are carrying out, I hope everything will turn out very well for you. I leave you many thanks for your valuable informaton, we’re talking.
Rygaan; thank you very much
for listening to myself.

 Harvesting; Act of catching the fruits or products of the field, after their cultivation .
 Management; Organization, management and management of a community or
an institution. The poor administration of many governments kept the country in
misery. The Company's administration awarded the most outstanding workers.
 Safety; State of a person or thing in which it is free of risk or danger. The authorities
reinforced the security of the bank with bars and alarm systems.

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