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PAPER 2 PART 1 4194. LISTENING Part? 1B 2c 3A 4c 5A 6C 7c Part2 8B 9B 110C 1A 128 186 Part3 14 walking/(to) walk/walks 15 picnicfunch / picnic lunch 16 dinner(s) 17 (the) lake(side) 18 (English) cooking/food 19 (£)185 Part 4 2B 21A 2A 23B 2A 28 Test 3 transcript This is the Cambridge Preliminary English Test number 3. There are four parts to the test. You will hear each part twice. For each part of the test, there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers. Write your answers on the question paper. You will have six minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the answer sheet. The recording will now be stopped. Please ask any questions now because you must not speak during the test. [pause] Now open your question paper and look at Part 1. There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short recording. Choose the correct picture and put a tick in the box below it. Before we start, here is an example. What's the time? Woman: Have you got the time? Man: Yes, it's twenty past three. [pause] The first picture is correct so there is a tick in box A. Look at the three pictures for Question 1 now. [pause] ‘Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear each recording twice. ‘One. How did the woman get to work today? Woman: Oh, 'm so sorry I'm late ~ I missed the bus. | was trying to decide whether to walk or go back and get my bike when I saw my neighbour. Luckily he offered me a lift, Because he works near here. [pause] Now listen again. [The recording is repeated.] [pause] Two. Where does the pollution come from? Woman: The stream is really dirty by the time it reaches the valley but we've discovered where the pollution comes from. We already knew that the water was pure in the ‘mountains at the top so we realised the pollution must come from somewhere in the forest. There is a village above the forest but we tested the water there and it was fine. [pause] Now listen again. [The recording is repeated} [pause] Three. When must the boys get on the coach? Man: The football match starts at 2.30 but we should get there at half past one. The coach will pick us up at ten to one as it'll take us about 40 minutes to drive there. So we'll meet in the school car park. Don't be late, boys, will you! [pause] Now listen again. [The recording is repeated] {pause} Four. What fruit do they take? Boy: Mum, have we got any fruit to take on the picni bananas. Mother: Here are the bananas. Let's take those. Oh ... the oranges have all gone. What about taking some grapes or apples as well? Boy: OK, let's take the grapes. That'll be enough. [pause] Now listen again. (The recording is repeated.] pause] Five. Which present has the man bought? Girl: Is the book in this bag for Mum, then? | didn’t think she was particularly interested in flowers. Father: | thought she'd like it~ to give her some good ideas for the garden, And even if she never reads it - it's got some lovely photos. Girt; I thought you were going to get those gloves I showed you in that shop last Saturday. They match the scarf I've bought her. ? There were some oranges and ann PART 2 49R [pause] Now listen again. [The recording is repeated] [pause] Six. Where are the photographs? Woman: Have you seen my new passport photographs? | put them on the bookshelf. Oh here they are, with your coffee cups. | hope they aren't dirty. Man: Oh sony, was showing them to Pat. He says they make you look like that newsreader on the television! {pause] Now listen again. [The recording is repeated] {pause] Seven. What did Ben break? Mother: Ben, what's this broken cup doing here? Boy: Sorry, Mum, | had an accident when | was washing up. You know those big dinner plates? Mother: You haven't broken them as welll Boy: Just a couple. They slipped out of my hands into the sink and the cup got broken as well [pause] Now listen again. [The recording is repeated.] fpause] That is the end of Part 1. {pause} Now tum to Part 2, questions 8-13. You will hear a radio presenter talking about weekend events in the Carlisle area. For each question, put a tick in the correct box. You now have 45 seconds to look at the questions for Part 2. [pause] Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear the recording twice. Presenter: And that was a lovely song especially for Sandra. | hope you were listening Sandra. Now, it’s time for our ‘What's on around Carlisle’, this weekend. There are lots of things happening. First of all, Lambly school has contacted us to tell us all about the concert they are giving on Saturday evening, that's the 8th. The music starts at 7.30 not at 7 o'clock as advertised, and will finish about 8.30 after which coffee will be available. They say it's an evening of songs and dances for everyone. There'll be light refreshments afterwards in the library. That will be included in the cost of the ticket. Do go along to this concert as the ‘school will use all the money to buy some new sports equipment for the

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