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Test 3 SAMPLE! (Test 3, Question 8: | was on the bus...) | was on the bus when | got a text message. There was written that | | had to get off the bus. | was scared so | got off the bus and looked around. I've seen a man in a black suit. He was holding a case. He came nearer to me and told me to take the case, where was a lot of money. | wasn't rich, so | couldn't refuse and | took the case. Then | was wait ing for the bus to get home, but suddenly | heard the strange mar’s phone. He acted rudely. In that moment the bus arrived but the man ran after me and shouted that | wasn't that man which he had to give the money to. He just wrote the message to a wrong number. | got home with a million of dollars! Examiner Comments A good attempt with a more than adequate range of structures and vocabulary within the task set, for example ‘shouted that | wasn't that man which he had to give the money to’. Evidence of organisation with some linking of sentences, ‘so ... but suddenly ... in that moment’. A few errors, which are generally non-impeding, for example ‘There was written’ and ‘the case, where was a lot of money’ Band: 4 PAPER 2 LISTENING Part 1 1A 20 3C 4B 5C 6A 7B Part2 8B 9C 0A 1B 120 413A Part3 14° rope 15 20/twenty 16 tall 17 band 18 rabbit 19 ice(-)cream Part 4 208 21B 2B 283A 2B 2A 135 Key PART 1 136 Test 3 transcript This is the Cambridge Preliminary English Test for Schools, Test number 3. There are four parts to the test. You will hear each part twice. For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers. Write your answers on the question paper. You will have six minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the answer sheet. The recording will now be stopped. Please ask any questions now, because you must not speak during the test. [Pause] ‘Now open your question paper and look at Part 1. There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short recording. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B or C). Before we start, here is an example. Where is the gin’s hat? Mum: — Where's your new hat, Sally? | hope you haven''t left it on the school bus. Sally: Don’t worry, Mum. | put it in my school bag because | was too hot. Mum: Are you sure? | can’t see it there. You probably dropped it in the road somewhere. Sally: Oh, here it is — hanging in the hall. | forgot to take it this morning. [Pause] The answer is A Look at the three pictures for question 1 now. [Pause] Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear each recording twice. One. Which T-shirt does the boy decide to buy? Boy: I'd lke to buy a black T-shirt with short sleeves, please. Large size. Woman: I'm afraid the black ones have long sleeves, but we've got short sleeves in the lighter colours. Do you want a round neck or a V-neck? Boy: It must be round neck. Let me think . . . umm, OK, I'll take one of the short-sleeved ones, the colour's not so important really. [Pause] Now listen again. {The recording is repeated.) [Pause] Two. Who will be on the stage next? Man: And that was Shark, with Jo on piano and Rich on guitar. Lots of music to come, including The Three Biscuits with songs from their new CD. But first, here are Subway — you alll know the drummer and guitarist, but singing here with them for the first time is Sarah Ireland, the drummers sister — please give her a big welcome. [Pause] Now listen again. [The recording is repeated.] [Pause] Test 3 Three. What time will the pie be ready? Girt; What time is it, Mum? Do you think the apple pie will be ready yet? Mum: It's 4.35. Girl: And the pie went into the oven at a quarter past four? Mum: That's right. You could check it at five and turn the heat down a bit but don't take it out until twenty past. That's forty-five minutes to go! Girt OK, 'm hungry already. [Pause] Now listen again. [The recording is repeated.] [Pause] Four. Which photo does the girl disike? Girt I've got the photos back! Look, this one of us on the beach is just brillant! Boy: Yes . . .You must get a copy for me to put in my photo album. It was a great day, but that other one’s good too! Gir: I don’t know why you think so, that dress I'm wearing looks awful. | only bought it because it was half-price. The one of us on the boat isn't bad, look. Boy: Mm... apart from the fact that we look seasick! [Pause] Now listen again. [The recording is repeated.) [Pause] Five. What should the students take on the school trip? Teacher: Now, you won't need any money for the bus or your entrance ticket to the museum tomorrow, because that's already paid for. But bring some change for when you get thirsty and want to buy a drink. The only food or drink allowed on the bus is fruit. Bring some with you because it's quite a long trip, and you'll get hungry. And you'll need to bring all your coloured pencils for the work I'm going to ask you to do there. [Pause] ‘Now listen again. [The recording is repeated] [Pause] Six. Where do the boys decide to go? Boy 1: So, we've got three hours. Shall we go skateboarding in the park? What do you think? Boy 2: Well, there's the latest space film, which is meant to be good, or there's a new ‘computer-game shop which has just opened. Boy 1: Oh, well | haven't got enough money to buy a new game anyway. Let's go and watch the film. Boy 2: OK. We can go skateboarding any time. [Pause] Now listen again. [The recording is repeated.) [Pause] 137

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