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El Debate Fisher. O sobre cémo hacer historia sin hablar del pasado THe FiscHer ConTROVERSY. OR, ON HOW TO WRITE HISTORY WITHOUT TALKING ABOUT THE PAST Maria Eucenia Gay Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina ABSTRACT This paper dndlyes de bistoriographical debate between Frite Fischer and Gerhard Ritter over Germanys responsibility in the ourbreak of World War One. It intends 20 explore the consroversy from the perspective of an iniel- leceual history of historiography, shat is, from she recovery of historiagra- phical debates ds constituent part of the history of the ininsformations of the theory of historiography, the visions of history they presuppose and the building of a disciplinary memory The article proposes that the main result of this querelle was the association of historism with conservative nationalism, and next with National Sacialism. This association discredited histarism and the idea of Wisenschaft in general, in favour of the British!French modelled bis- rovical science. In a more general scope, it intends to show how the question diag of Ubcsbatcepatey ‘loca nist aie pvcly froin: Wheaprctecall lestwassars back instead from real social and political dilemmas. Key-words: Fischer Controversy; Historiography: Post-war Resumen Este trabajo analiza cl debate historiogrifico entre Fritz Fischer y Gerhard Ritter sobre la responsabilidad de Alemania en cl estallido de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Se propone explorar la controversia desde la perspecti- va de la historia intelectual de la historiograffa, esto es, a partir de la re- cuperacién de los debates historiogréficos, como parte integral de la Historia y Grafia, Universidad lberoamericana, afio 22, nlim. 45, julio-diciembre 2015, pp. 165-192

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