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Englis day information

Badshahi Masjid
The Badshahi Masjid or «Emperor Mesquite»,was built in 1673 by the Mongol
emperor Aurangzeben Lahore (Pakistán). This is one of the most attractive tourist destin of the
city, because Badshahi Masjid is a muestra of the Mongol architecture , and, at the same
way, is one of most beautiful mesquite of the world.

Badshahi Masjid is the second mesquite most big [mas grande] of Pakistan, superated for
Faisal in Islamabad, and have the capacity to albergar more than 55000 feligreses. The
architecture and the design of this mesquite is intimamente related with of the Jama Masjid in

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Pakistan Monument
The Pakistan Monument is a national monument and heritage museum located on the
western Shakarparian Hillsin Islamabad, Pakistan. The monument was constructed to
symbolize the unity of the Pakistani people. Its elevation makes the monument visible from
across the Islamabad-Rawalpindi metropolitan area and is a popular tourist destination.

Adjoining the monument is the Pakistan Monument Museum, which includes a wax
museum depicting important events leading to the Pakistan Movement The complex receives
on average received 1500 tourists per day totalling at 0.57 million visitors in 2015.[5] From air
the monument looks like a star (center) and a crescent moon (formed by walls forming the
petals), these represent the star and crescent on Pakistan's flag.

El K2 es una montaña perteneciente a la cordillera del Karakórum, en el Sistema de los
Himalayas que, con 8611 metros, es la segunda montaña más alta de la Tierra tras el
monte Everest (8848 msnm.)
Se localiza en la frontera entre Pakistán (la vertiente sur, perteneciente a Gilgit, en los Gilgit-
Baltistan, antes Territorios del Norte), la zona de Cachemira administrada por los pakistaníes
(situada al norte del glaciar Baltoro) y China (la vertiente norte, perteneciente al condado
autónomo de Tashkurgán de la prefectura de Kashgar, en la Región Autónoma Uigur
de Sinkiang).1 India también reivindica la región, considerando que el K2 está íntegramente en
su territorio.2
Por cada cuatro personas que han alcanzado la cumbre, una ha muerto intentándolo.3 Tras la
escalada al Nanga Parbat en febrero de 2016,4 el K2 es el único ochomil que nunca ha sido
escalado en
Es relevante r por ser un sitio de escaladas y trekking

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