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Los fantasmas son supuestos espíritus o almas errantes de seres muertos (más raramente

aún vivos) que se manifiestan entre los vivos de forma perceptible (por ejemplo; visual, a
través de sonidos, aromas o desplazando objetos, principalmente en lugares que frecuentaban
en vida, o en asociación con sus personas cercanas.

Clases de fantasmas

 Apariciones que frecuentan habitualmente un lugar determinado. Generalmente no

suscitan miedo, son inofensivos y a veces llegan a ser tratados como un miembro más de
la familia.
 Apariciones post-mortem. Suelen tener lugar muy poco tiempo después de la muerte de
la persona reaparecida, y no acostumbran a estar relacionadas con un lugar o
acontecimiento concreto; parecen ser como despedidas.
 Apariciones en casos críticos. El aparecido es alguien que está viviendo una
experiencia importante (a menudo desconocida por el testigo de la aparición), como un
accidente, una enfermedad o, por supuesto, la muerte, y se muestra ante una persona o
personas simultáneamente a esa experiencia, no después de la misma.
 Aparición inducida. En estos casos, el fantasma es citado a aparecer o puede ser no el
de una persona muerta o moribunda, sino el de alguien vivo que intenta con deliberación
hacer que su imagen se haga visible a otra persona; se habla entonces de bilocación, si
se trata de santos.

Ghosts are supposed spirits or wandering souls of dead beings (more rarely still alive) that
manifest themselves among the living in a perceptible way (for example, visual, through sounds,
aromas or moving objects, mainly in places that they frequented in life, or in association with your
close people.

Ghost classes

• Appearances that habitually attend a specific place. Generally they do not arouse fear, they are
harmless and sometimes they come to be treated as a member of the family.

• Post-mortem appearances. They usually take place very shortly after the death of the
reappeared person, and do not usually relate to a specific place or event; They seem to be like

• Appearances in critical cases. The apparition is someone who is living an important experience
(often unknown by the witness of the apparition), such as an accident, illness or, of course, death,
and is shown to a person or persons simultaneously to that experience, not after it

• Induced appearance. In these cases, the ghost is cited to appear or it can be not that of a dead or
dying person, but that of a living person who deliberately tries to make his image visible to
another person; we are talking about bilocation, if it is about saints

History of the ghosts:

For primitive peoples ghosts had an infinitesimal and miserable life, insufficient to animate and move a body,
make your heart beat and give you breath or breathing, but life at the end of the day, as it had enough or
enough strength to manifest in dreams to torment or warn the living or how things and things need food for
children and adults with hands and ancestors that an annual day designated to feed them with food offerings
or sacrifices, which Christians have replaced for flowers on the Day of the Dead or All Saints Day). This
calmed the ancestors and ensured their beneficial influence. The belief in ghosts is witnessed from the first
Sumerian and Egyptian written texts: Enkidú's ghost appeared in Gilgamesh in the so-called Epic of
Gilgamesh. It is also widespread by other civilizations of very different cultural development

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