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Actividad de aprendizaje 5

Evidencia 5: Workshop: Getting started as a translator

La inmediatez de la información, además de otros beneficios del actual mundo

globalizado ha traído consigo nuevos retos comunicativos nunca antes vistos.
Hablar idiomas, al menos una segunda lengua además de la nativa, ya no es
una apuesta hacia el futuro sino que es imprescindible para el presente. Y
aunque en los últimos años el chino, el ruso, e incluso el español se han
reportado como lenguas en crecimiento, sobre todo en determinados sectores
como el turismo, el inglés sigue siendo la lengua dominante en el mundo de los

Lo anterior ha llevado a las organizaciones a ampliar su influencia a nivel

internacional y, por esto, necesitan equipos multilingües capaces de hacer
negocios en otros países y abrir las fronteras a proveedores y clientes
internacionales. En otras palabras, es necesario contar con talento humano
capaz de establecer puentes de comunicación entre diferentes culturas.

De ahí la importancia de la traducción en diferentes procesos logísticos. El

impacto de la globalización en el ámbito económico y tecnológico exige una
respuesta inmediata y por ende, es necesario estar preparado para
comprender textos en la lengua de los negocios y así mismo, dar una
respuesta inmediata.

Tras haber estudiado el material de formación Strategic framework: developing

guidelines evaluaremos su conocimiento y capacidad de utilizar el vocabulario
de su área de especialidad para determinadas tareas específicas, como la
evaluación y producción de traducciones.

Para completar esta evidencia, tenga en cuenta lo siguiente:


1. Estudie en su totalidad el material de formación Strategic framework:

developing guidelines, al igual que el material complementario disponible
para la presente actividad de aprendizaje
2. Complete el taller propuesto llamado Getting Started with translation.
Una vez complete dicho taller en su totalidad, no olvide guardar el
documento correspondiente.
3. Envíe el taller totalmente diligenciado a su instructor por medio del link
dispuesto para tal fin en la plataforma de aprendizaje.
Pasos para enviar la evidencia:

1. Clic en el título de la evidencia.

2. Clic en Examinar mi equipo y buscar el archivo previamente guardado.
3. Dejar un comentario al instructor (opcional).
4. Clic en Enviar.

Workshop: Getting started as a translator

As part of your English Learning Process, it is important to get familiar with

technical vocabulary in order to be able to translate short pieces of texts
containin technical information.

A. Getting familiar with thechnical vocabulary

After revising the vocabulary in the material “Strategic framework: developing
guidelines”, read the given definitions and complete the followig crossword.


1. The act of producing more of something than is needed, or to produce

too much

9. Movement of goods or services along the value stream from raw

materials to the customer without backflow, stoppages, or waste.

12. A party that supplies goods or services. A supplier may be

distinguished from a contractor or subcontractor, who commonly adds
specialized input to deliverables. Also called vendor.

13. Basic substance in its natural, modified, or semi-processed state,

used as an input to a production process for subsequent modification or
transformation into a finished good.

14. An estimate of costs, revenues, and resources over a specified

period, reflecting a reading of future financial conditions and goals.
15. Department, facility, machine, or resource already working at its full
capacity and which, therefore, cannot handle any additional demand
placed on it. Also called critical resource.


2. Study of capabilities and limitations of mental and physical work in

different settings. Ergonomics applies anatomical, physiological, and
psychological knowledge (called human factors) to work and work
environments in order to reduce or eliminate factors that cause pain or

3. A business or person that sells goods to the consumer, as opposed to

a wholesaler or supplier, who normally sell their goods to another

4. Desire for certain good or service supported by the capacity to

purchase it

5. Highest sustainable output rate (maximum number of units per month,

quarter, or year) that can be achieved with current resources,
maintenance strategies, product specifications, etc.

6. An itemized catalog or list of tangible goods or property, or the

intangible attributes or qualities.

7. Estimate of expected demand over a specified future period. Also

called forecast demand.

8. The comparison of what is actually produced or performed with what

can be achieved with the same consumption of resources (money, time,
labor, etc.). It is an important factor in determination of productivity.
9. Work arrangement (or rearrangement) aimed at reducing or
overcoming job dissatisfaction and employee alienation arising from
repetitive and mechanistic tasks. Through job design, organizations try
to raise productivity levels by offering non-monetary rewards such as
greater satisfaction from a sense of personal achievement in meeting
the increased challenge and responsibility of on1e's work. Job
enlargement, job enrichment, job rotation, and job simplification are the
various techniques used in a job design exercise.

10. Non-productive time (during which an employee is still paid) of employees

or machines, or both, due to work stoppage from any cause. Also called idle
time, allowed time, or downtime.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7







BusinessDictionary. (s.f.). Diccionario de términos. Consultado el 31 de agosto de 2016, en:
B. Understanding Word categories
Translate the following terms into Spanish and determine their gramatical
category. Check the example:

English Term Spanish Translation Gramatical Category

Supply chain Cadena de abastecimiento Noun phrase
supply chain management
flow of godos
storage of goods
point of origin
point of consumption
warehousing and
intermediate product
finished product
to meet customers’
freight and transport costs
destination market
seasonal trends
import and export
customs duties and taxes
inventory management
delivery services
order fulfilment

C. Evaluating translations
Read the following translations and identify the posible problems in the result.
You can express the problems you identify in Spanish. Please, provide a
posible solution for each case

English Spanish Translation Your opinion Your correction

Logistics is one of Logísticas es una -Hace falta el uso La logística es
the spheres, which de las esferas, que del artículo “La” una de las
still have potential todavía tienen antes de esferas que
as far as improving potencial en cuanto Logísticas. aún tiene
performance is a mejorar el -En español, el potencial en
concerned. rendimiento se término logística cuanto se
refiere. se debe utilizar en refiere al
singular. mejoramiento
-El verbo “tienen” del
se debe utilizar en rendimiento.
singular porque
nos estamos
refiriendo a “la
esfera de la
The global logistics El global mercado de
market has grown logísticas han crecido
radically over the radicalmente sobre
years. los años.
The main customer
groups served by the Los principales
logistics industry are grupos de clientes
parcel and servidos por la
documents express industria logística son
delivery services, los servicios de
warehousing and entrega urgente de
distribution, etc. paquetería y
almacenamiento y
distribución, etc.
Efficient logistics and Logística eficientes y
transportation el sistema de
system are important transporte son
prerequisites of the importantes previos
development of any requisitos del
economy. desarrollo de ninguna
The art and science El arte y la ciensia de
of delivering goods la entrega de buenos
with speed and con rapidez y
precision can help precisión pueden
businesses operate ayudar negocios a
more efficiently, operar más eficiente,
lower costs and gain reducir costos y gain
new customers. nuevos clientes.
Logistics has Las logísticas ha
evolved throughout evolucionado a lo
centuries to become largo y ancho de las
an integral part of centurias para
every business. convertirse en una
parte integral de cada

D. Identifying tenses
Read the sentences given below and identify the tense form used in each of
them. Translate the sentences into Spanish.

Tense Spanish translation

 Last year, the U.S. Simple past El año pasado, la industria
business logistics de negocios de logística de
industry continued Estados Unidos continuó
to grow at an creciendo a un ritmo nunca
unprecedented rate. antes visto.
 Global competition
began to spread in
the 1970s and
accelerated in the
 Logistics has
evolved throughout
centuries to become
an integral part of
every business.
 Globalization is still
moving forward
 Since 2000, the rail
freight industry has
undergone a
 Logistics has been
playing a
fundamental role in
global development
for almost 5,000
 Since the
construction of the
pyramids in ancient
Egypt, logistics has
made a remarkable
 Recently,
innovations have
become vital to
meet customer
 Now, the company
is working on a new
 Usually, freight
forwarders organize
shipping of various
 Now, the ABC
Company is
expanding its
production facilities
to include a new
product line.

Criterios de evaluación
 Traduce del inglés documentos técnicos sencillos en tiempo presente y
 Pronuncia adecuadamente el vocabulario y modismos básicos del idioma.

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