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TEMA: Alternativa para el desarrollo de un nuevo paradigma de percepción en la

formación del programa de Ingeniería Ambiental

AUTOR: Juan Carlos Narváez Burgos
SITIO DE PUBLICACION: Universidad Mariana
LINK DEL DOCUMENTO: file:///E:/descarga/126-432-1-PB.pdf
Apegados a los profundos cambios que la civilización “desarrollada” ha ocasionado en
la armonía que debe significar la relación entre cultura y ecosistema, el programa de
Ingeniería Ambiental busca los mecanismos más adecuados para comprender los
paradigmas que encierran la formación de un ingeniero competente, tanto académica
como laboralmente, apto para vincularse a los procesos de solución y mitigación en
cuanto a la problemática ambiental que, sin lugar a dudas, somete a un cambio de
criterios y actitudes a toda la humanidad. Se hace a continuación un repaso básico de
los orígenes y causas de la problemática ambiental, para adentrarse en los procesos
de solución que la humanidad ha promovido y, finalmente, señalar la forma por la cual
la Universidad Mariana, por medio del programa de Ingeniería Ambiental, puede
intervenir en procesos de gestión pertinente y suficiente.
TEMA: Ciudad de plomo: la Oroya, en Peru, es un caso extremo de los
problemas que puede generar una deficiente regulacion ambiental.
AUTOR: Cecilia Niezen.
SITIO DE PUBLICACION: America Economia News Service.
Este documento proporciona un estudio comparativo de ésteres naturales y
sintéticos para aceites minerales bajo estrés térmico, en términos de degradación
de aceite y papel Kraft.
El aceite aislante desempeña un papel fundamental en los transformadores de
potencia, proporcionando tanto el aislamiento eléctrico como los medios para
transferir las pérdidas térmicas al sistema de refrigeración. Además, el aceite
aislante es un importante soporte de información. Puede proporcionar información
sobre la degradación del papel aislante, por despolimerización, que es muy
importante en el diagnóstico de transformadores.
TEMA: Conceptos básicos en biología molecular relacionados con la
genética y la epigenética

AUTOR: Dolores Corella, Jose M. Ordovas


1. SITIO DE PUBLICACION: Revista Española de Cardiología,


La observación de que «lo mismo no sirve para todos» en la prevención y el
tratamiento de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, entre otras, ha propulsado
el concepto de medicina de precisión. Su objetivo es proporcionar las mejores
intervenciones basadas en la información adicional que aporta el genoma. El
genoma humano se compone de miles de millones de pares de bases que
contienen un código que controla cómo se expresan los genes. Este código
depende de reguladores no estáticos que rodean el ADN y constituyen el
epigenoma. Además, los factores ambientales también desempeñan un papel
importante en esta compleja regulación. Se presenta una perspectiva general
sobre los conceptos básicos de la biología molecular relacionados con la
genética y la epigenética y un glosario de términos clave, se revisan varios
ejemplos de polimorfismos y escalas de riesgo genético relacionadas con el
riesgo cardiovascular, y se proporciona una visión general de los principales
reguladores epigenéticos, como la metilación del ADN, las proteínas de unión a
metilcitosina-fosfato-guanina, las modificaciones de histonas, otras
regulaciones de histonas, los efectos de los microARN y otros reguladores
emergentes. Otro desafío es entender cómo los factores ambientales (dieta,
ejercicio, tabaco, etc.) pueden alterar el epigenoma y resultar en fenotipos
saludables o no. Se comentan algunas interacciones entre gen y ambiente y se
proporciona una visión metodológica general.
TEMA: La protección de la biodiversidad en el derecho ambiental
Mexicano: un análisis de la legislación desde el enfoque de especies
amenazadas y su hábitat crítico
AUTOR: Juan CarlosOlivo Escudero*


SITIO DE PUBLICACION: Revista Española deL ambiente.


La protección de la biodiversidad ha sido un tema poco investigado por el derecho
ambiental en México. Si bien se puede decir que el derecho ambiental ha tenido
avances importantes en su investigación y aplicación, también podemos afirmar que
sólo se ha tratado el derecho ambiental de la tecnosfera, y en menor medida el
derecho de protección de la naturaleza. Podemos encontrar trabajos en esta materia
que se refieren a instrumentos de protección, como áreas naturales protegidas (ANP)
o protección voluntaria de espacios privados, regulación de manejo y aprovechamiento
de vida silvestre, de caza y pesca o forestales; sin embargo, existe poco sobre
instrumentos de protección de especies amenazadas o en riesgo.

TEMA: Fisiopatología asociada a la formación de cálculos en la vía urinaria.

AUTOR: Herney AndrésGarcía-Perdomo

SITIO DE PUBLICACION: Pathophysiology associated with forming urinary


La urolitiasis se ha convertido en una enfermedad crónica que ha tenido un
gran impacto en la calidad de vida y en la situación laboral de quien la padece;
su tasa de prevalencia y recurrencia es cada vez mayor, lo que genera un gran
impacto socioeconómico en cualquier país al afectar el sistema de salud. Se
han identificado numerosos factores inherentes a la biología humana y algunas
variables sociodemográficas, que favorecen el desarrollo de cálculos renales;
por lo cual, en esta revisión se describen los principales factores que influyen
en la formación de urolitiasis, permitiendo intervenir oportunamente sobre
algunos de ellos.
TEMA: Numerical study of fog formation around ambient air vaporizers

AUTOR: Divyamaan Wadnerkara

SITIO DE PUBLICACION:Chemical Engineering Science


Ambient air vaporizers (AAVs) are used to re-gasify cryogenic industrial gases
for distribution and use. Although AAVs have low carbon footprint, fog formation
around the ambient air vaporizers is a common problem, thus often leading to
reduced visibility. Moreover, since AAVs exchange the heat from the
surrounding air, the efficiency of the process is also at stake due to possible
recycling of exiting air. Thus, simulating fog formation, dispersion and
dissipation around AAVs is of critical importance. So far most of the studies for
AAV consider fog in single phase framework, which are incapable of simulating
the dispersion and dissipation of fog accurately. In this study, multiphase model
of fog formation and dissipation has been developed considering
the thermodynamics and heat transfer effects. The models have been validated
using available wind tunnel data for a velocity and temperature field around a
sample obstacle. A parametric study has been also presented to demonstrate
the effect of wind velocity, AAV inlet air velocity and number of AAV units on the
ambient conditions. The study provides an in-depth insight of the process and
presents an analysis of operating conditions suitable for AAVs.

TEMA: Identification and analysis of ambient EMPs

AUTOR: Divyamaan Wadnerkara
SITIO DE PUBLICACION: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology


Mineral particles have long been observed in the ambient air and for >40 years,
samples of these airborne particulate have been collected in attempt to identify
and quantify the amount of asbestos particles in the air. For most of this time,
regulated asbestos particles (in the shape of fibers) were the target for these
analyses. However, since the turn of the century, more emphasis has been
placed on finding and identifying elongate mineral particles (EMPs). For EMPs
(particularly serpentineand amphibole minerals), these airborne particles have
generally been associated with industrial activities and were reported as
“asbestos”. Recent monitoring around construction activities involving earth
moving have reported concentrations of different mineral particles at sites of
varying distance from the activity. The location of detected ambient elongate
mineral particles (EMPs) is similar to the locations of soils that also contain
EMPs. This close association indicates the necessity for proper mineral
identification and valid morphological characterization to allow for source
identification. Unfortunately, there continues to be problems with mineral
identifications in many studies, regardless of the morphological habit of the
particle. This paper addresses the issue of proper mineral identification in
ambient air samples.

TEMA: Structural scaling factor identification from output-only data by a

moving mass technique
AUTOR: YongdingTianb JianZhangab YixuanHanb
SITIO DE PUBLICACION: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

Ambient vibration testing is a convenient and cost-effective alternative to impact
testing as it doesn’t require artificial excitation devices and traffic control. The
lack of input force measurement in ambient vibration testing, however, does
impede the identification of structural scaling factors, which are extremely
important for Frequency Response Functions (FRFs) estimation and flexibility
identification. A moving mass technique of identifying structural scaling factors
from output-only data is proposed in this article. By this method, a vehicle
passing over a bridge is regarded as a moving mass with spatial and time
variation on the structure, inducing a vehicle-bridge system with time-varying
modal properties. Theoretical derivation will be performed to identify scaling
factors from the measured vibration responses of the bridge with and without
the moving vehicle. Magnitudes of FRFs and the structural flexibility matrix can
be obtained once the scaling factors are identified. The proposed method
delivers comparable results to impact testing but is considerably more
convenient. Numerical and experimental examples are studied to verify the
effectiveness of proposed method. The effects of vehicle speed, mass value
and measurement noise are also investigated.
TEMA: Experimental study of the dew formation effect on the performance
of photovoltaic modules

AUTOR: Seyyed AhmadHosseini



The performance of photovoltaic modules is related to climatic conditions. The
aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dew formation on the
performance parameters of two solar cell types including mono-crystalline
silicon (mc-Si) and polycrystalline silicon (pc-Si) in the laboratory scale. The
experiments were performed by using an environmental chamber equipped with
a solar simulator based on LED light. The dew formation on the panel surface
was conducted at three levels of 45, 60 and 75% and ambient temperature of
25 °C. Based on the psychometric chart, the dew points temperature are 12.5,
8.5 and 4.5 °C lower than 25 °C corresponding to the relative humidity levels of
45, 60 and 75%, respectively. The percentages of the covering of dew on the
module surface were estimated to be 45.19, 63.50 and 83.62% at relative
humidity levels of 45, 60 and 75%, respectively. The performance parameters
including the open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, maximum power,

maximum voltage, and maximum current were determined from the I V and

P V characteristics curves for the humid air and dew formation conditions.
Moreover, the output electrical power and the variations in relative efficiency
were calculated. The results showed that the presence of dew on the surface of
solar modules enhanced the photovoltaic performance parameters compared to
humid air. For the mc-Si solar cell, at the dew formation condition with
considering corrected the effect of temperature, the relative efficiency increased
about 2.83, 3.13 and 4.06% the corresponding to the humid air conditions, while
the values for pc-Si solar cell were 1.45, 3.26 and 4.39%. All photovoltaic
performance parameters were decreased linearly by increasing the amount of
dew covering on the module's surface.
TEMA: Modifications of exposure to ambient particulate matter: Tackling
bias in using ambient concentration as surrogate with particle infiltration
factor and ambient exposure factor

AUTOR: ShanshanShia
SITIO DE PUBLICACION: Environmental Pollution


Numerous epidemiological studies explored health risks attributed to outdoor
particle pollution. However, a number of these studies routinely utilized ambient
concentration as a surrogate for personal exposure to ambient particles. This
simplification ignored the difference between indoor and outdoor concentrations
of outdoor originated particles and may bias the estimate of particle-health
associations. Intending to avoid the bias, particle infiltration factor (Finf), which
describes the penetration of outdoor particles in indoor environment, and
ambient exposure factor (α), which represents the fraction of outdoor particles
people are truly exposed to, are utilized as modification factors to modify
outdoor particle concentration. In this study, the probabilistic distributions of
annually-averaged and seasonally-averaged Finf and αwere assessed for
residences and residents in Beijing. Finf of a single residence and α of an
individual was estimated based on the mechanisms governing particle outdoor-
to-indoor migration and human time-activity pattern. With this as the core
deterministic model, probabilistic distributions of Finf and α were estimated via
Monte Carlo Simulation. Annually-averaged Finf of PM2.5 and PM10 for
residences in Beijing tended to be log-normally distributed as lnN(−0.74,0.14)
and lnN(−0.94,0.15) with geometric mean value as 0.47 and 0.39, respectively.
Annually-averaged α of PM2.5and PM10 for Beijing residents also tended to be
log-normally distributed as lnN(−0.59,0.12) and lnN(−0.73,0.13) with geometric
mean value as 0.55 and 0.48, respectively. As for seasonally-averaged
results, Finf and α of PM2.5 and PM10 were largest in summer and smallest in
winter. The obvious difference between these modification factors and unity
suggested that modifications of ambient particle concentration need to be
considered in epidemiological studies to avoid misclassifications of personal
exposure to ambient particles. Moreover, considering the inter-individual
difference of Finf and α may lead to a brand new perspective of particle-health
associations in further epidemiological study.
TEMA: Single-cell analysis by ambient mass spectrometry

AUTOR: Yunyun Yang, Yanying Huang,Junhui Wu,

SITIO DE PUBLICACION: TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry
Analysis of chemicals at single-cell level plays an important role in the
investigation of cell genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics,
and it also provides significant insight in life science, biological, medicinal,
pharmacological, pathological, and toxicological studies. As a newly developed
technique, ambient mass spectrometry has been proven to be a powerful tool
for rapid, direct, and straightforward analysis of cellular and subcellular
ingredients and metabolites under ambient and open-air conditions. In this
review article, we discuss the fields of ambient mass spectrometry for analysis
of single cells that have been published to date. Different strategies for
application of various ambient ionization techniques to achieve single-cell mass
spectrometric analysis are categorized and commented, and the typical
analyses and applications are summarized and discussed.

The influence of freezing and ambient temperature on the adhesion
strength of ice

AUTOR: Zaid A. Janjua

SITIO DE PUBLICACION: TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry
Glaze ice adhesion on transmission lines and aerofoils causes structural and
economic damage. The effects of surface roughness, contact angle parameters,
liquid water content and the size and rate of adhering droplets affect the
adhesion strength of ice, which is typically considered to be both mechanical
and electrostatic in nature. Using a spinning centrifuge, we determine adhesion
strength for three different metals while altering “freezing temperature”, the
temperature at which glaze ice forms; and “ambient temperature”, the
temperature of the surrounding during the test. Results indicate that the effect of
the ambient temperature is much greater than the freezing temperature on the
adhesion strength of ice. The reason for this is the presence of an amorphous
liquid-like layer at the ice-substrate interface, whose bond with the substrate is
strengthened at lower ambient temperatures when the substrate conducts heat
much faster than the ice and acts as a heat sink. Future tests envisaged focus
on thermally non-conducting substrates and their influence on adhesion

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