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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Vasq
* Date: 6/03/2017
* Time: 19:13

namespace System;

use PDO;
USE PDOException;

cl ass Database
* Application Object
* @var \System\Application

pr i vat e $app;
* PDO Connection
* @var \Pdo
pr i vat e st at i c $connection;

* Table Name
* @var string
pr i vat e $table;

* Bindings Container
* @var array
pr i vat e $bindings = [];

* Last Insert Id
* @var int
pr i vat e $lastId;

* Data Container
* @var array
pr i vat e $data = [];

* Wheres
* @var array
pr i vat e $wheres = [];

* Selects
* @var array
pr i vat e $selects = [];

* Limit
* @var int
pr i vat e $limit;

* Offset
* @var int
pr i vat e $offset;

* Total Rows
* @var int
pr i vat e $rows = 0;

* Joins
* @var array
pr i vat e $joins = [];

* Order By
* @var array
pr i vat e $orderBy = [];

* Database constructor.
* @par am Application $app

publ i c f unct i on __construct(Application $app)

$this->app = $app;

i f (!$this->isConnected()) {

* Determine if there is any connecion to database
* @r et ur n bool
pr i vat e f unct i on isConnected()
r et ur n st at i c::$connection i nst anceof PDO;

* Connect To Database
* @r et ur n void
pr i vat e f unct i on connect()
$connectionData = $this->app->file->call("Config.php");
try {
st at i c::$connection = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $server . ';dbname=' . $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass);
st at i c::$connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
st at i c::$connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
st at i c::$connection->exec('SET NAMES utf8');
} cat ch (PDOException $e) {
di e($e->getMessage());

* Get Database Connection Obkect PDO Object
* @r et ur n \PDO

publ i c f unct i on connection()

r et ur n st at i c::$connection;

* Set select clause
* @par am string $select
* @r et ur n $this
publ i c f unct i on select($select)
$this->selects[] = $select;
r et ur n $this;

* Set Join clause
* @par am string $join
* @r et ur n $this

publ i c f unct i on join($join)

$this->joins[] = $join;
r et ur n $this;

* Set the table name
* @par am string $table
* @r et ur n $this
publ i c f unct i on table($table)
$this->table = $table;
r et ur n $this;

* Set Limit and offset
* @par am int $limit
* @par am int $offset
* @r et ur n $this

publ i c f unct i on limit($limit, $offset = 0)

$this->limit = $limit;
$this->offset = $offset;
r et ur n $this;

* Ftech Table
* This will return only one record
* @par am string $table
* @r et ur n \stdClass / null

publ i c f unct i on fetch($table = null)

i f ($table){

$sql = $this->fetchStatement();
$result = $this->query($sql,$this->bindings)->fetch();
r et ur n $result;

* Fetch ALL Records from TABLE
* This will return only one record
* @par am string $table
* @r et ur n array
publ i c f unct i on fetchAll($table = null)
i f ($table){

$sql = $this->fetchStatement();
$query = $this->query($sql,$this->bindings);
$results = $query->fetchAll();
$this->rows = $query->rowCount();
r et ur n $results;

* Get total rows from Last fetch all statement
* @r et ur n int
publ i c f unct i on rows()
r et ur n $this->rows;

* Prepare Select statement
* @r et ur n string

pr i vat e f unct i on fetchStatement()

$sql = 'SELECT';
i f ($this->selects){
$sql .= implode(',', $this->selects);
}el se{
$sql .= '*';

$sql .= ' FROM ' . $this->table. ' ';

i f ($this->joins){
$sql .= implode(' ' , $this->joins);

i f ($this->wheres){
$sql .= ' WHERE '. implode(' ', $this->wheres). ' ';

i f ($this->limit){
$sql .= ' LIMIT '. $this->limit;

i f ($this->offset){
$sql .= ' OFFSET'. $this->offset;

i f ($this->orderBy){
$sql .= ' ORDER BY '. implode(' ',$this->orderBy);

r et ur n $sql;

* Set Order By clause
* @par am string $column
* @par am string $sort
* @r et ur n $this

publ i c f unct i on orderBy($orderBy, $sort = 'ASC')

$this->orderBy = [$orderBy, $sort];
r et ur n $this;
* Set the table name
* @par am string $table
* @r et ur n $this
publ i c f unct i on from($table)
r et ur n $this->table($table);

* Set the Data that will be stored in database table
* @par am mixed $key
* @par am mixed $value
* @r et ur n $this

'name' => 'Ricardo',
'apellido' => 'vasquez'

publ i c f unct i on data($key, $value = null)

i f (is_array($key)) {
$this->data = array_merge($this->data, $key); //si es array agrega todos los valores a data

} el se {
$this->data[$key] = $value;
r et ur n $this;

* Insert Data to database
* @par am string $table
* @r et ur n $this
publ i c f unct i on insert($table = null)
i f ($table) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table . ' SET ';
$sql .= $this->setFields();
$this->query($sql, $this->bindings);
$this->lastId = $this->connection()->lastInsertId();
r et ur n $this;

* Update Data in database
* @par am string $table
* @r et ur n $this
publ i c f unct i on update($table = null)
i f ($table) {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET ';

$sql .= $this->setFields();
i f ($this->wheres){
$sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode('' , $this->wheres);
$this->query($sql, $this->bindings);
r et ur n $this;

* Delete Clause
* @par am string $table
* @r et ur n $this
publ i c f unct i on delete($table = null)
i f ($table) {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->table . ' ';

i f ($this->wheres){
$sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode('' , $this->wheres);
$this->query($sql, $this->bindings);
r et ur n $this;

* Set the fields for insert and update
* @r et ur n string
pr i vat e f unct i on setFields()
$sql = '';
f or each (array_keys($this->data) as $key) {
$sql .= '`' . $key . '` = ? , ';

$sql = rtrim($sql, ', ');

r et ur n $sql;

* Add New Where clause
* @r et ur n $this

publ i c f unct i on where()

$bindings = func_get_args();
$sql = array_shift($bindings);
$this->wheres[] = $sql;
r et ur n $this;

* Execute the given sql statement
* @r et ur n \PDOStatement
publ i c f unct i on query()
$bindings = func_get_args();
$sql = array_shift($bindings);

i f (count($bindings) == 1 AND is_array($bindings[0])) {

$bindings = $bindings[0];

try {
$query = $this->connection()->prepare($sql);

f or each ($bindings as $key => $value) {

$query->bindValue($key + 1, _e($value));

r et ur n $query;
} cat ch (PDOException $e) {

echo $e->getMessage();

pr i vat e f unct i on reset(){

//$this->rows = 0;
$this->limit = null;
$this->offset = null;
$this->table = null;
$this->bindings = [];
$this->data = [];
$this->selects = [];
$this->joins = [];
$this->wheres = [];
$this->orderBy = [];

* Get the las insert id
* @r et ur n int
publ i c f unct i on lastId()
r et ur n $this->lastId;

* Add the given value to bindings
* @par am midex $value
* @r et ur n void
pr i vat e f unct i on addToBindings($value)
i f (is_array($value)){
$this->bindings = array_merge($this->bindings,array_values($value));
}el se{
$this->bindings[] = $value;



* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Vasq
* Date: 6/03/2017
* Time: 10:56

namespace System;

cl ass Loader
pr i vat e $app;
pr i vat e $controllers = [];
pr i vat e $models= [];

publ i c f unct i on __construct(Application $app)

$this->app = $app;

publ i c f unct i on action($controller, $method, $arguments = [])

$objController = $this->controller($controller);

publ i c f unct i on controller($controller)

$controllerName = $this->getNameController($controller);
i f (!$this->hasController($controllerName)) {
r et ur n $this->getController($controllerName);

pr i vat e f unct i on getNameController($controller)

$controller .="Controller";
$controllerName = "App\\Controllers\\" . $controller;
r et ur n str_replace("/", "\\", $controllerName);

pr i vat e f unct i on hasController($controllerName)

r et ur n i sset ($this->controllers[$controllerName]);

pr i vat e f unct i on addController($controllerName)

i f ($this->app->file->exists($controllerName.'.php')){
$objController = new $controllerName($this->app);
$this->controllers[$controllerName] = $objController;
}el se{
di e("No se encontro el controlador solicitado");

pr i vat e f unct i on getController($controllerName)

r et ur n $this->controllers[$controllerName];

publ i c f unct i on model($model)

$modelName = $this->getNamemodel($model);
i f (!$this->hasmodel($modelName)) {
r et ur n $this->getmodel($modelName);

pr i vat e f unct i on getNamemodel($model)

$model .="model";
$modelName = "App\\models\\" . $model;
r et ur n str_replace("/", "\\", $modelName);

pr i vat e f unct i on hasmodel($modelName)

r et ur n i sset ($this->models[$modelName]);

pr i vat e f unct i on addmodel($modelName)

i f ($this->app->file->exists($modelName.'.php')){
$objmodel = new $modelName($this->app);
$this->models[$modelName] = $objmodel;
}el se{
di e("No se encontro el modelo solicitado");

pr i vat e f unct i on getmodel($modelName)

r et ur n $this->models[$modelName];



* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Vasq
* Date: 6/03/2017
* Time: 11:33

namespace System;

abst r act cl ass Model

pr ot ect ed $app;

pr ot ect ed $table;
publ i c f unct i on __construct(Application $app)
$this->app= $app;
publ i c f unct i on __get($key)
r et ur n $this->app->get($key);

* Call Database methods dynamically
* @par am string
* @par am array $args
* @r et ur n mixed

publ i c f unct i on __call($method, $args)

r et ur n call_user_func_array([$this->app->db,$method],$args);

* Get all Model Records
* @return array

publ i c f unct i on all()

r et ur n $this->fetchAll($this->table);

* Get Record By Id
* @par am int $id
* @r et ur n \stdClass /null
publ i c f unct i on get($id)
r et ur n $this->where('id = ?',$id)->fetch($this->table);


* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Vasq
* Date: 7/03/2017
* Time: 18:10

namespace App\Models;

use System\Model;

cl ass UsersModel ext ends Model

* Table name
* @var string
pr ot ect ed $table = 'users';

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