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La figura del migrante negro

De la tesis titulada “Black Novels on the 20th Century African American Northward
Migration”, escrita por Marek Hůla en 2016, me gustaría resaltar y compartir el resumen y
una parte de la conclusión que rescatan la escencia del trabajo y establecen una imagen del
migrante negro en los Estados Unidos, en novelas de la primera mitad del siglo XX,
mostrando que el “sueño americano” es de cierta forma buscado por los personajes migrantes,
y encontrado duramente como un mito. Con ello, al personaje negro-migrante de esta
literatura, se le muestra como a un marginal.

In my diploma thesis called Black Novels on the 20th Century African American Northward
Migration I am going to examine the novel in African American literature with a particular
focus on the migration from the South to the North inside the United States following the
First World War. At first the work will recapitulate the history of this African American
migration - its causes and its effects. The motif of the North as the "promised land" and how,
in most cases, migrant characters in these works experienced this form of the "American
Dream" myth will be analyzed. Finally, the racism by whites of the South will be compared
to the racism by whites in the North.

In most cases, the migrant characters in these works experienced the "American Dream" as
a myth. In the novel Blood On The Forge, the Moss brothers left the segregated South in
order to avoid racism, violence and labor for almost no wages. They were promised a better
life and more money in the industrial North by a labor contractor. Once they were transported
to the North they became virtual slaves of the system. The brothers found themselves working
in a mill in dreadful conditions. What seemed as the "promised land" was in reality a
nightmare. One of the brothers lost his life in the mill, the other lost his eye sight and the last
one had his hand smashed. (p.66)

M. Hůla. (2016). Black Novels on the 20th Century African American Northward.
[PDF]. Recuperado de: Migration

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