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Programa Integral de Cualificación y Empleo

Plan de Capacitación

ACCION FORMATIVA: Formación en Idiomas - Inglés

Nivel Básico
Módulo I. Contenido General
Segundo bloque: Actividades
Módulo I - Contenido General

Introducción sobre la acción formativa

El siguiente documento forma parte de la acción formativa troncal de idiomas del Plan de
Capacitación del Programa Integral de Cualificación y Empleo.

Este Módulo I- Contenido General tiene como objetivo que el alumnado sea capaz de
desenvolverse en circunstancias de la vida cotidiana que se puedan plantear en su futuro
laboral, de tal forma que pueda mantener una pequeña conversación, comprenda y utilice
expresiones cotidianas de uso frecuente, así como frases sencillas destinadas a satisfacer
necesidades de tipo inmediato.

El Módulo I - Contenido General se subdivide en:

• Primer bloque: Gramática. Está formado por 6 unidades didácticas. Son un recurso de
apoyo a la docencia y al aprendizaje del alumnado, por lo que se aconseja les sea
facilitado a través de correo electrónico. Si el docente así lo considera, podrá utilizarlo
como apoyo visual a sus clases haciendo uso de un proyector o pizarra digital.
• Segundo bloque: Actividades. Dichas actividades corresponden a las unidades
didácticas del primer bloque. Están pensadas para que el/la docente pueda imprimirlas
por hojas sueltas y facilitárselas al alumnado. Las soluciones a las actividades figuran al
final del documento.

Este contenido se orientará al nivel de conocimientos del alumnado, donde el docente

podrá hacer las adaptaciones oportunas en función de las demandas detectadas.

Al finalizar la acción formativa se cumplimentara de forma individual un “Cuestionario de

evaluación de conocimientos”, cuyas preguntas estarán basadas única y exclusivamente en
este Modulo I.

Por último, destacar que este contenido se complementa con el Modulo II – Contenido
Específico y que, aunque está pensado para su alternancia, puede trabajarse con él de
manera independiente.

Plan de Capacitación – Formación en Idiomas - Inglés

Mensaje al alumnado

Si alguna vez has tenido problemas con el idioma inglés y crees que es imposible

que llegues a aprenderlo, no te preocupes, en este curso empezaremos desde el

principio, con explicaciones fáciles y que puedas entender.

Sé que es difícil, pero es necesario que olvides todos aquellos quebraderos de

cabeza que el inglés te ha dado.

Empieza de cero, respira hondo y pon interés en aprender.

Plan de Capacitación – Formación en Idiomas - Inglés

Unidad didáctica 1 – Actividades .................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Pronombres ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Artículo (a, an, the).............................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Verbo 'to be' ........................................................................................................................ 9
1.4 Verbo 'to have' .................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Estructura de las frases en inglés (afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa) ............................ 9
1.6 Imperativo y verbos básicos en infinitivo.......................................................................... 10
Unidad didáctica 2 – Actividades ................................................................................................ 12
2.1 Presente simple (estructura y uso) ................................................................................... 12
2.2 Short answers y question tags .......................................................................................... 13
2.3 Plurales .............................................................................................................................. 13
2.4 Adverbios de frecuencia .................................................................................................... 15
Unidad didáctica 3 – Actividades ................................................................................................ 16
3.1 Wh-questions .................................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Much / many ..................................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Presente continuo (estructura y uso)................................................................................ 18
Unidad didáctica 4 – Actividades ................................................................................................ 20
4.1 Preposiciones .................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 There is / there are............................................................................................................ 21
4.3 Presente perfecto (estructura y uso) ................................................................................ 22
Unidad didáctica 5 – Actividades ................................................................................................ 23
5.1 Conjunciones (and, but, although,…) ................................................................................ 23
5.2 Pasado simple (afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa) ....................................................... 23
5.3 Some / any ........................................................................................................................ 26
5.4 Comparativos y superlativos ............................................................................................. 26
Unidad didáctica 6 – Actividades ................................................................................................ 27
6.1 Fututo ‘will’ (estructura y uso) .......................................................................................... 27
6.3 Relative clauses ‘who’, ‘which’ ‘that’ ‘where’ ‘when’ ....................................................... 27
Soluciones ................................................................................................................................... 28

Plan de Capacitación – Formación en Idiomas - Inglés

Unidad didáctica 1 - Actividades

Unidad didáctica 1 – Actividades

1.1 Pronombres

a) Pronombres personales

1. Completa con el pronombre personal correspondiente:

1. ____ is at home (Mary)

2. ____ is black (the blackboard)
3. ____ are in London (my mother and I)
4. ____ are in the garden (the flowers)
5. ____ has got a brother (Peter)
6. ____ is a wonderful day today

b) Pronombres objeto

2. Cambia las palabras subrayadas por un pronombre objeto:

1. The teacher gives the students homework

2. I don’t know the answer
3. The books are for Peter
4. Can you help my sister and me, please?
5. Can you tell Mary and Michel the way to the airport, please?
6. Open the window, please

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Unidad didáctica 1 - Actividades

c) Adjetivos y pronombres posesivos

3. Completa estas frases con el adjetivo posesivo adecuado:

1. I have got _my_ keys.

2. London is noisy but _____ parks are quiet.
3. Peter has got _____ English lesson tonight.
4. John and Anne are in the house. This is _____ car.
5. Is this _____ mobile phone? No, it isn’t. My phone is in my bag.
6. This is Martha’s dog. _____ name is Gor.
7. We have got two sons. _____ son’s name are Charles and Sam.
8. Mary has not got _____ glasses.

4. Escribe frases en afirmativa √ y negativa X :

1. My keys √ - I have got my keys.

2. Your laptop X – You haven’t got your laptop.
3. Her passport √ -
4. His glasses X -
5. Our camera √ -
6. My credit card X -
7. Their mobile √ -
8. Our tickets √ -

5. Completa el siguiente texto con his, her, their o its:

Ana is British but _____ 1 husband, Jacob, isn’t from Belgium. _____ 2 father is Greek
and _____3 mother is Spanish. Anna’s got a sister and a brother. _____4 sister’s a
teacher and _____ 5 brother is a doctor. He’s married. _____ 6 wife is Italian. They’ve
got two children: a son and a daughter. _____ 7 daughter is ten and _____ 8 son’s six.
They’ve also got a dog. _____9 name is ‘Forrest’.

6. Elige la palabra correcta:

1. Mary hasn’t got she / her passport

2. We / Our new motorbike is fantastic
3. She / Her is a doctor
4. What’s it’s /its name?
5. They / Their son has got an apartment opposite the park
6. Have you got I / my phone?
7. I / My haven’t got a fast car
8. Where are you / your glasses?
9. He / His father is from the USA
10. We / Our have got a house near here
11. He / His mobile is on the table
12. I / My mother is from Madrid

Plan de Capacitación – Formación en Idiomas - Inglés
Unidad didáctica 1 - Actividades

1.2 Artículo (a, an, the)

1. Completa con ‘A’, ‘An’ o (/) nada:

1. ____ bed 14. ____ expensive ring

2. ____ chair 15. ____ hard lessons
3. ____ web site 16. ____ umbrella
4. ____ egg 17. ____ elephant
5. ____ fish 18. ____ university
6. ____ answer 19. ____ umbrella
7. ____ song 20. ____ ticket
8. ____ unusually small head 21. ____ useful book
9. ____ investigation 22. ____ European
10. ____ computers 23. ____ exam
11. ____ old letter 24. ____ school
12. ____ fantastic answer 25. ____ VIP (very important people)
13. ____ funny joke 26. ____ cats

2. Completa con ‘A’, ‘An’, o ‘The’:

1. My mother is ____ doctor and my father is _____ electrician.

2. What does he do? He’s ____ engineer.
3. He sleeps in ____ new bed.
4. How long does it take to get there? It takes about ____ hour.
5. I want to change the channel. Ok ____ remote control is over there.
6. She lives in ____ apartment on 5th Avenue.
7. Don’t worry, ____ key is in my pocket.
8. You need to buy ____ dictionary.
9. Why is today’s class cancelled? Because ____ teacher is sick.
10. I know that restaurant; ____chef is ____ good friend of mine
11. It’s ____ electric car.
12. Scientists have discovered ____ ice there.

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Unidad didáctica 1 - Actividades

3. Completa el siguiente crucigrama y escribe a/an en los círculos según corresponda:

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Unidad didáctica 1 - Actividades

1.3 Verbo 'to be'

1. Escribe preguntas y negaciones de estas frases afirmativas:

1. Tom Cruise is tall. / Is he tall? / He is not tall

2. Bill Gates is poor.
3. Ferraris are cheap.
4. I am a musician.
5. The Rolling Stones are in Spain.
6. She is an engineer.
7. My sister is very clever.
8. His grandfather is very old.
9. Their grandparents are very old.

1.4 Verbo 'to have'

1. Escribe frases afirmativas, interrogativas y negativas con el verbo ‘to have’:

1. Mary / a nice house

2. You/ a bike
3. I / a sister
4. We / a new car
5. She / dark hair
6. Their cat / a house
7. She / a headache
8. He / blonde hair
9. We / got / time
10. It (my dog) / got / a house

1.5 Estructura de las frases en inglés (afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa)

1. Cambia las siguientes frases a negativa e interrogativa:

1. I watch TV
2. We play basketball
3. It is boring
4. They open the windows
5. I am late
6. She has a cat
7. We clean the house
8. You are happy
9. He buys a new computer
10. I like that laptop

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Unidad didáctica 1 - Actividades

1.6 Imperativo y verbos básicos en infinitivo

1. Traduce los siguientes imperativos:

Ven aquí.
No digas eso.
Llegad a tiempo.
No le escuchéis.
No se preocupe.
No terminen tarde.
Estate aquí
No seas
No te preocupes, sé feliz
Sé positivo, no seas negativo.
Estate contento con lo que tienes.
No seas perezoso.
Toma asiento
Por favor entra

2. Traduce este cartel de un zoo:

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Unidad didáctica 1 - Actividades

3. Intenta completar esta tabla a lápiz con aquellos verbos que recuerdes:


4. Dedica unos minutos a los verbos que no has sido capaz de completar, crea imágenes
visuales, borra la tabla anterior e inténtalo de nuevo.

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Unidad didáctica 2 - Actividades

Unidad didáctica 2 – Actividades

2.1 Presente simple (estructura y uso)

1. Elige la forma del verbo correcta:

My sister work / works in a bank and I work /works in a hospital. I start / starts work at
eight o’clock every day. My sister start / starts at nine but she have / has a break at
half past eleven. We both have / has lunch at half past one. She finish / finishes work
at five o’clock and I finish / finishes at half past five. In the evening she studys / studies
English and I watch /watches television.

2. Escribe sobre lo que haces en tu día a día:


3. Elige la palabra correcta:

1. Where do / does you live?

2. What is / are the capital of Sweden?
3. What time do / does she start work?
4. How many do /does he want?
5. Which one do / does your brother like?
6. What is / are your name?
7. How long is / are this film?
8. When is / are your birthday?
9. What do / does his sister do?

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Unidad didáctica 2 - Actividades

2.2 Short answers y question tags

a) Short answers

1. Completa la siguiente conversación con do, does, don’t, doesn’t, like, likes:

1. Kevin: _____ you _____ pasta?

Mary: No, I ____________________
2. Kevin: _____ your boyfriend ________ Chinese food?
Mary: No, he __________________ but he _____________ Japanese food.
3. Kevin: ______ your parents _______ sushi?
Mary: My mother ______ but my father _____

2. Contesta con una respuesta corta , en afirmativa √ o negativa X:

1. Do they know the answer? - √ _____________________________

2. Can she play the piano? X _________________________________
3. Does Peter speak English? √ _______________________________
4. Have you an umbrella? X __________________________________
5. Is he tired? √ ____________________________________________
6. Are your parents in the kitchen? X ___________________________

b) Question tags

3. Realiza question tags para las siguientes oraciones:

1. Your brother likes ice cream, _____________?

2. You work in a factory, ________________?
3. You are not from here, _______________?
4. You can help me, ______________?
5. Kate is not American, ____________?
6. You can’t do it, _____________?

2.3 Plurales

1. Intenta recordar y escribir los siguientes plurales:

1. Person – 7. Policeman – 13. Sandwich –

2. Woman – 8. Sheep – 14. Boy –
3. Tooth – 9. Child – 15. Village –
4. Fish – 10. Life – 16. Toy –
5. Knife – 11. City –
6. Shelf – 12. House –

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Unidad didáctica 2 - Actividades

2. Completa con el plural correspondiente el siguiente crucigrama:


Plan de Capacitación – Formación en Idiomas - Inglés
Unidad didáctica 2 - Actividades

2.4 Adverbios de frecuencia

1. Escribe frases teniendo en cuenta la información que aparece en el cuadro:

Chris Often Once a year
Peter Never Every month
John Every Tuesday sometimes

1. Chris …
2. Chris …
3. Peter …
4. Peter …
5. John …
6. John …

2. Ordena estas frases:

1. A football once plays Steve week -

2. Always Mary golf on plays Sunday -
3. Am never I late -
4. Basketball every I play Thursday -
5. We tennis often play –

3. Escribe frases afirmativas y negativas utilizando adverbios de frecuencia sobre las

actividades que realizas:


Plan de Capacitación – Formación en Idiomas - Inglés
Unidad didáctica 3 - Actividades

Unidad didáctica 3 – Actividades

3.1 Wh-questions

1. Completa:

1. _______ are my keys?

2. _______ is your birthday?
3. _______ old are you?
4. _______ is your telephone number?
5. _______ are you from?
6. _______ are you? I’m fine, thanks
7. _______ is she crying?
8. _______ is your favourite actor? Anthony Hopkins
9. _______ is Christopher Columbus from?
10. ___________ does it cost?
11. _______ is her name?
12. _______ often do you go to the theatre?
13. _______________ is it? It is 5 o’clock

2. Completa y elige la palabra correcta:

1. ________ do / does you live?

2. ________ is / are the capital of Sweden?
3. ________ time do / does she start work?
4. ________ many do /does he want?
5. ________ one do / does your brother like?
6. ________ do / does they live with?
7. ________ is / are your name?
8. ________ long is / are this film?
9. ________ is / are your birthday?
10. ________ do / does his sister do?

Plan de Capacitación – Formación en Idiomas - Inglés
Unidad didáctica 3 - Actividades

3.2 Much / many

1. Decide si los siguientes términos son contables (C-contable) o incontables (U-


1. People ________ 6. Window ________

2. Rice ________ 7. Book ________
3. Money ________ 8. Milk ________
4. Time ________ 9. Petrol ________
5. Air ________ 10. Salt ________

2. Completa la siguiente conversación con 'much' o 'many':

Conversation 1

A: Is the car ready?

B: Well, we haven’t got _______ petrol.
A: OK, and how _______ oil have we got?
B: Not _______ and there isn’t ________ air in the tyres.

Conversation 2

A: How _______ books are there?

B: About a thousand.
A: How _______ Cds are there?
B: About three hundred.

Conversation 3

A: Did you like the apartment?

B: No, I didn’t. There wasn’t ________ light.
A: Really?
B: There aren’t ___________ windows. And there isn’t ___________ space either.

Conversation 4

A: How _________ time have we got?

B: We’ve got about an hour before everyone arrives.
A: How _________ people are coming?
B: Not _________, about twenty.
A: Twenty? And how __________ money have we spent?

Plan de Capacitación – Formación en Idiomas - Inglés
Unidad didáctica 3 - Actividades

3.3 Presente continuo (estructura y uso)

1. Elige la forma del verbo correcta (presente simple o presente continuo):

1. Tigers live / are living in India

2. He usually drives / is driving to the office, but this week he takes / is taking the train
3. Water freezes / is freezing at 0°C
4. Water boils / is boiling at 100°C
5. It rains / is raining a lot in England
6. Turn off the TV, please. Nobody watches / is watching it
7. A: Is the tea ready?
B: No, the water boils / is boiling
8. Oh no! It rains / is raining again
9. A: What do you do? / are you doing?
B: I write / am writing to my parents
10. A. Do you like / are you liking opera?
B: Yes, I do / am
11. No, thank you. I don’t smoke / am not smoking
12. They always go / are always going to the cinema at the weekend
13. He speaks / is speaking English very well
14. Ssh! I watch / am watching a film
15. I have / am having lunch with my grandparents every Sunday
16. Mary can’t come out. She does / is doing her homework
17. Do you want / are you wanting tea or coffee?

2. Realiza un pequeño esquema de cuando se utiliza el presente simple y cuando el presente

continuo. Y como se forma cada uno (con ejemplos):

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Unidad didáctica 3 - Actividades

3. Mira la siguiente imagen y escribe frases sobre la actividad que cada uno realiza:


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Unidad didáctica 4 - Actividades

Unidad didáctica 4 – Actividades

4.1 Preposiciones

1. Fill in at, on or in

1. In the most countries people drive _____ the right.

2. I usually buy a newspaper _____ my way to work.
3. She spends most of the day sitting _____ the window.
4. Write the name and address _____ the front page of the envelope.
5. it’s dangerous to play football _____ the streets.
6. I'll meet you _____ the corner of the street at 10.

2. Escribe las siguientes palabras en la columna correcta:

The summer 3:00pm Monday 2007 dinnertime

The past May noon Fridays the moment
The future the 1990’s midnight


3. Escribe debajo la preposición que corresponda:

Plan de Capacitación – Formación en Idiomas - Inglés

Unidad didáctica 4 - Actividades

4.2 There is / there are

1. Indica lo que ves en la imagen:


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Unidad didáctica 4 - Actividades

4.3 Presente perfecto (estructura y uso)

1. Completa las siguientes frases utilizando el presente perfecto:

1. I ____________________ (clean) my teeth

2. She __________________ (leave) her bag on the table
3. We __________________ (not finish) our homework
4. They _________________ (have) breakfast
5. You __________________ (not do) the washing-up
6. He ___________________ (buy) a new car
7. He ___________________ (made) lots of mistakes

2. Piensa y completa con el presente simple, presente continuo o presente perfecto:

1. Please, be quiet! I (study) _________________ English

2. Usually I (work) _____________ as a secretary
3. Shhhhh! She (sleep) ______________
4. Look! He has a plaster, he (break) _____________ his leg
5. I can’t hear you, everybody (talk) ______________
6. (you, want) _______________ to come?
7. Yes, I am at home. I (work) _________________ hard today
8. Look! It (rain) ______________

3. Completa la siguiente tabla sobre los tiempos del presente:


Como se forma

Cuando se utiliza


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Unidad didáctica 5 - Actividades

Unidad didáctica 5 – Actividades

5.1 Conjunciones (and, but, although,…)

1. Escribe frases con las palabras que te proporcionamos a continuación y añade ‘and’ o ‘but’
según consideres oportuno:

a. I / Spain / London – I ‘m from Spain but I live in London

b. He / Spain / Madrid –
c. Jim and I / the UK / Tokyo –
d. Li and Yang / China / Paris –
e. Peter / England / and / London –
f. John / Greece / Athens –

5.2 Pasado simple (afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa)

1. Completa:

1. Mammoths _____ big animals, bigger than elephants. (be)

2. Mammoths _____________ 100 years ago. (not live)
3. Mammoths _____________ a long time ago. (live)
4. Mammoths _____________ meat. They _____ grass. (not eat / eat)
5. They ______ two large tusks about three meters long. (have)
6. Some dinosaurs ________ in the air and some ________ in the sea. (fly / swim)
7. He ________ some milk. He _____________ any water. (drink / not drink)
8. She only __________ a pound. She _______________ 3 pounds. (spend / not spend)
9. I __________ some elephants. I _______________ any lions. (see / not see)
10. They __________ in the sea, but _______________ in the lake. (swim / not swim)

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Unidad didáctica 5 - Actividades

2. Completa el siguiente crucigrama. Se te da el verbo desordenado, ordénale (ese es el

infinitivo) y completa con el infinitivo (1ªcolumna), pasado (2ª)y el participio pasado (3ª):

e the
letters and
solve the

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Unidad didáctica 5 - Actividades

3. Completa el siguiente crucigrama. Se te da el verbo desordenado, ordénale (ese es el

infinitivo) y completa con el infinitivo (1ªcolumna) y pasado (2ª columna):

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Unidad didáctica 5 - Actividades

5.3 Some / any

1. Completa con ‘some’ o ‘any’:

1. Have you got _____ brothers or sisters?

2. Are there ______ letters for me?
3. I haven’t got _____ stamps, but Mary has got ______
4. There are ________ elephants in the zoo
5. There aren’t _______ shops in this part of the town
6. They didn’t make _______ mistake

5.4 Comparativos y superlativos

1. Completa con el comparativo o superlativo:

1. She is ____________taller than______________ (tall) her brother

2. Russia is ______the largest _______________ (large) country in the world
3. Cell phones are sometimes __________more useful than_______ (useful) computers.
4. My brother is ________hungrier than_______________ (hungry) me
5. She is ______the most beautiful____________ (beautiful) woman in the world
6. She is ____better_____________ (good) at mathematics than I am
7. That is ________the worst________ (bad) result) I have received
8. This car is ______more expensive than__________ (expensive) that car

2. Escribe frases utilizando los comparativos o superlativos, en alguna de ellas debes utilizar
adjetivos cuyo comparativo/superlativo sea irregular:









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Unidad didáctica 6 - Actividades

Unidad didáctica 6 – Actividades

6.1 Fututo ‘will’ (estructura y uso)

1. Convierte estas frases en futuro:

1. Brazil /win / the World Cup –

2. I enjoy/ the film –
3. She / come to my party –
4. I / see / you / tomorrow –
5. We / send /you / an email –
6. It /be/ a nice day –

2. Elige entre ‘going to’ o ‘will’:

2. I’ll get it 1. I’ll help you 3. I’ll have a dinner party tonight
I’m going to get it I’m going to help you I’m going to have a dinner party tonight

5. I’ll be a doctor like my father 4. I’m going to have a holiday in England 6. I’m going to pay for it
I’m going to be a doctor like my father I’ll have a holiday in England I’ll pay for it

6.3 Relative clauses ‘who’, ‘which’ ‘that’ ‘where’ ‘when’

3. Completa con ‘who’, ‘which’ ‘where’ ‘when’

1. I dislike people ________________ talk about themselves too much

2. A robber is a person _______________ steals things
3. I saw Peter in the shop _____________ you bought your T-shirt
4. I remember the time ______________ we lived in London
5. I met Mary on the day ____________ I missed the train
6. I want to throw away all the things __________ I don’t need

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Unidad didáctica 1 – Actividades
1.1. Pronombres

a) Pronombres personales b)Pronombres objeto

1. Completa con el pronombre personal 2. Cambia las palabras subrayadas por un

correspondiente: pronombre objeto:

1. She 1. Them
2. It 2. It
3. We 3. Him
4. They 4. Us
5. He 5. Them
6. It 6. It

c)Adjetivos y pronombres posesivos

3. Completa estas frases con el adjetivo

posesivo adecuado: 4. Escribe frases en afirmativa √ y negativa X :

1. I have got _my_ keys. 1. My keys √ - I have got my keys.

2. London is noisy but __its___ parks are quiet. 2. Your laptop X – You haven’t got your
3. Peter has got __his___ English lesson tonight. laptop.
4. John and Anne are in the house. This is __their___ car. 3. Her passport √ - She has her passport
5. Is this __your___ mobile phone? No, it isn’t. My phone 4. His glasses X – He hasn’t got his glasses
is in my bag. 5. Our camera √ - We have got our camera
6. This is Ben’s dog. __Its___ name is Gor. 6. My credit card X – I have not my credit card
7. We have got two sons. ___Our__ son’s name are 7. Their mobile √ - They have got their mobile
Charles and Sam. 8. Our tickets √ - We have our tickets
8. Mary has not got __her___ glasses.

5. Completa el siguiente texto con his, her, their o its:

Ana is British but __her___ 1 husband, Jacob, is from Belgium. __Her___ 2 father (Ana’s father) is Greek and
__her___3 mother is Spanish. Anna’s got a sister and a brother. ___her__4 sister is a teacher and ___her__ 5
brother is a doctor. Her brother, Charles, is married. ___His__ 6 wife is Italian. They’ve got two children: a son and a
daughter. ___Their__ 7 daughter (Charles and wife) is ten and __their___ 8 son is six. They’ve also got a dog.
__Its___9 name is ‘Forrest’.

6. Elige la palabra correcta:

1. Mary hasn’t got she / her passport

2. We / Our new motorbike is fantastic
3. She / Her is a doctor
4. What’s it’s /its name?
5. They / Their son has got an apartment opposite the park
6. Have you got I / my phone?
7. I / My haven’t got a fast car
8. Where are you / your glasses?
9. He / His father is from the USA
10. We / Our have got a house near here
11. He / His mobile is on the table
12. I / My mother is from Madrid

Plan de Capacitación – Formación en Idiomas - Inglés

1.2 Artículo (a, an, the)

1. Completa con ‘A’, ‘An’ o (/) nada:

1. __a__ bed 14. _an___ expensive ring

2. __a__ chair 15. _/___ hard lessons
3. __a__ web site 16. __an__ umbrella
4. __an__ egg 17. __an__ elephant
5. __a__ fish 18. __a__ university
6. __an__ answer 19. _an___ umbrella
7. __a__ song 20. __a__ ticket
8. __an__ unusually small head 21. __a__ useful book
9. __an__ investigation 22. __a__ European
10. __/__ computers 23. __an__ exam
11. __an__ old letter 24. __a__ school
12. __a__ fantastic answer 25. __a__ VIP (very important people)
13. __a__ funny joke 26. __/__ cats

2. Completa con ‘A’, ‘An’, ‘The’, o nada /:

1. My mother is __a__ doctor and my father is __an___ electrician.

2. What does he do? He’s __an__ engineer.
3. He sleeps in __a__ new bed.
4. How long does it take to get there? It takes about __an__ hour.
5. I want to change the channel. Ok __the__ remote control is over there.
6. She lives in __an__ apartment on 5th Avenue.
7. Don’t worry, __the__ key is in my pocket.
8. You need to buy __a__ dictionary.
9. Why is today’s class cancelled? Because __the__ teacher is sick.
10. I know that restaurant; __the__chef is __a__ good friend of mine
11. It’s _an___ electric car.
12. Scientists have discovered __/__ ice there.

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3. Completa el siguiente crucigrama y escribe a/an en los círculos según corresponda:

1.3 Verbo 'to be'

1. Escribe preguntas y negaciones de estas frases afirmativas:

1. Tom Cruise is tall/ Is he tall?/ He is not tall

2. Bill Gates is poor/ Is he poor? / He is not poor
3. Ferraris are cheap/ Are Ferraris cheap?/ Ferraris are not cheap
4. I am a musician/ Are you a musician?/ I am not a musician
5. The Rolling Stones are in Spain/ Are they in Spain?/ They are not in Spain
6. She is an engineer/ Is she an engineer?/ She is not an engineer
7. My sister is very clever/ Is she very clever? / She is not very clever
8. His grandfather is very old / Is he very old? / He is not very old
9. Their grandparents are very old / Are they very old? / They are not very old

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1.4 Verbo 'to have'

1. Escribe frases afirmativas, interrogativas y negativas con el verbo ‘to have’:

1. Mary has a nice house / Mary hasn’t got a nice house / Has Mary a nice house?
2. You have a bike / You haven’t a bike / Have you a bike?
3. I have a sister / I haven’t a sister / Have I a sister?
4. We have a new car / I haven’t a new car / Have we a new car?
5. She has dark hair / She hasn’t dark hair / Has she dark hair?
6. They have a house / They haven’t got a house / Have they a house?
7. She has a headache / She hasn’t a headache / Has she a headache?
8. He is blonde hair / He isn’t blonde hair / Is he blonde hair?
9. We have got time / We haven’t got time? / Have we got time?
10. It has got a house / It hasn’t got a house / Has it a house?

1.5 Estructura de las frases en inglés (afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa)

1. Cambia las siguientes frases a negativa e interrogativa:

1. I watch TV / Do you watch TV? / You don’t watch TV

2. We play basketball / Do we play basketball? / We don’t play basketball
3. It is boring / Is it boring? / It isn’t boring
4. They open the windows / Do they open the windows? / They don’t open the windows
5. I am late / Are you late? / I am not late
6. She has a cat / Has she a cat? / She hasn’t got a cat – She doesn’t have a cat
7. We clean the house / Do we clean the house? / We don’t clean the house
8. You are happy / Are you happy?/ You aren’t happy
9. He buys a new computer / Does he buy a new computer? / He doesn’t buy a new car
10. I like that laptop / Do you like that laptop? / I don’t like a laptop

1.6 Imperativo y verbos básicos en


1. Traduce los siguientes imperativos: 2. Traduce este cartel de un zoo:

1. Ven aquí.- Come here.

2. No digas eso.- Don’t say that. Por favor, manténgase a salvo
3. Llegad a tiempo.- Arrive on time. No permanezca de pie, no se siente, trepe o se apoye
4. No le escuchéis.- Don’t listen to him. en las vallas
5. Pase.- Come in. Si se cae, los animales podían comerle y que puede
6. No se preocupe.- Don’t worry. hacer que enfermen
7. Relájense.- Relax. Gracias
8. No terminen tarde.-Don’t finish late.
9. Estate aquí-Be here
10. No seas -Don’t be
11. No te preocupes, sé feliz-Don’t worry, be
12. Sé positivo, no seas negativo.-Be positive,
don’t be negative.
13. Estáte contento con lo que tienes.-Be
happy with what you have.
14. No seas perezoso.- Don’t be lazy.
15. Para – Stop
16. Cállate – Be quiet
17. Toma asiento-Take a seat
18. Por favor entra – Please, come in

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Unidad didáctica 2 – Actividades

2.1 Presente simple (estructura y uso)

1. Elige la forma del verbo correcta:

My sister work / works in a bank and I work /works in a hospital. I start / starts work at eight o’clock every day. My
sister start / starts at nine but she have / has a break at half past eleven. We both have / has lunch at half past one.
She finish / finishes work at five o’clock and I finish / finishes at half past five. In the evening she studys / studies
English and I watch /watches television.

3. Elige la palabra correcta:

1. Where do / does you live?

2. What is / are the capital of Sweden?
3. What time do / does she start work?
4. How many do /does he want?
5. Which one do / does your brother like?
6. What is / are your name?
7. How long is / are this film?
8. When is / are your birthday?
9. What do / does his sister do?

2.2 Short answers y question tags

a) Short answers

1. Completa la siguiente conversación con do, does, don’t, doesn’t, like, likes:

1. Kevin: __Do___ you _like__ pasta?

Mary: No, I _______don’t_____________
2. Kevin: __Does___ your boyfriend ___like_____ Chinese food?
Mary: No, he _______doesn’t___________ but he ______likes_______ Japanese food.
3. Kevin: __Does____ your parents ____like___ sushi?
Mary: My mother ___likes___ but my father __doesn’t___

2. Contesta con una respuesta corta , en afirmativa √ o negativa X:

1. Do they know the answer? - √ ________Yes, they do____________________

2. Can she play the piano? X ____________No, she can’t ___________________
3. Does Peter speak English? √ __________Yes, he does____________________
4. Have you an umbrella? X ______________No, I haven’t__________________
5. Is he tired? √ __________________Yes, he is__________________________
6. Are your parents in the kitchen? X _______No, they aren’t_______________


Plan de Capacitación – Formación en Idiomas - Inglés

b) Question tags

3. Realiza
liza question tags para las siguientes oraciones:

1. Your brother likes ice cream, __doesn’t he___________ ?

2. You work in a factory, ____don’t you____________?
3. You are not from here, _______aren’t you________?
4. You can’t help me, _______can you_______?
5. Kate iss not American, ____is she________?
6. You can’t do it, ____can you_________?

2.3 Plurales

1. Intenta recordar y escribir los siguientes plurales:

2. Person –people 10. Child – children

3. Woman – women 11. Life – lives
4. Tooth – teeth 12. City –cities
5. Fish – fishes 13. House – houses
6. Knife – knives 14. Sandwich – sandwiches
7. Shelf – shelves 15. Boy – boys
8. Policeman – police 16. Village - villages
9. Sheep – sheeps 17. Toy –toys

2. Completa con el plural correspondiente el siguiente crucigrama:


Plan de Capacitación – Formación en Idiomas - Inglés

2.4 Adverbios de frecuencia

2. Ordena estas frases:

1. Steve plays football once a week

2. Mary always plays golf on Sunday
3. I am never late
4. I play basketball every Thursday
5. We often play tennis

Unidad didáctica 3 – Actividades

3.1 Wh-questions

1. Completa:

1. ____Where___ are my keys?

2. __When_____ is your birthday?
3. __How_____ old are you?
4. ___What____ is your telephone number? 2. Completa y elige la palabra correcta:
5. __Where_____ are you from?
6. ____How___ are you? I’m fine, thanks 1. Where do / does you live?
7. ____Why___ is she crying? 2. What is / are the capital of Sweden?
8. __Who_____ is your favourite actor? Anthony 3. What time do / does she start work?
Hopkins 4. How many do /does he want?
9. ____Where___ is Christopher Columbus from? 5. Which one do / does your brother like?
10. _____How much______ does it cost? 6. What is / are your name?
11. ___What____ is her name? 7. How long is / are this film?
12. ___How____ often do you go to the theatre? 8. When is / are your birthday?
13. ______How much______ is it? It is 5 o’clock 9. What do / does his sister do?

3.2 Much / many

1. Decide si los siguientes términos son contables (C-contable) o incontables (U- uncountable):

1. People ___C_____ 6. Window ____C____

2. Rice ____U____ 7. Book ___C_____
3. Money ___U_____ 8. Milk ____U____
4. Time ___U_____ 9. Petrol ____U____
5. Air ____U____ 10. Salt ___U_____


Plan de Capacitación – Formación en Idiomas - Inglés

2. Completa la siguiente conversación con 'much' o 'many':

Conversation 1 Conversation 3

A: Is the car ready? A: Did you like the apartment?

B: Well, we haven’t got __much_____ petrol. B: No, I didn’t. There wasn’t __much____ light.
A: OK, and how __much____ oil have we got? A: Really?
B: Not __much___ and there isn’t ___much___ B: There aren’t ____many_____ windows. And there
air in the tyres. isn’t ____much_______ space either.

Conversation 2 Conversation 4

A: How __many___ books are there? A: How ___much____ time have we got?
B: About a thousand. B: We’ve got about an hour before everyone arrives.
A: How __many___ Cds are there? A: How __many_____ people are coming?
B: About three hundred. B: Not __many_____, about twenty.
A: Twenty? And how ____much____ money have we

3.3 Presente continuo (estructura y uso)

1. Elige la forma del verbo correcta (presente simple o presente continuo):

1. Tigers live / are living in India

2. He usually drives / is driving to the office, but this week he takes / is taking the train
3. Water freezes / is freezing at 0°C
4. Water boils / is boiling at 100°C
5. It rains / is raining a lot in England
6. Turn off the TV, please. Nobody watches / is watching it
7. A: Is the tea ready?
B: No, the water boils / is boiling
8. Oh no! It rains / is raining again
9. A: What do you do? / are you doing?
B: I write / am writing to my parents
10. A. Do you like / are you liking opera?
B: Yes, I do / am
11. No, thank you. I don’t smoke / am not smoking
12. They always go / are always going to the cinema at the weekend
13. He speaks / is speaking English very well
14. Ssh! I watch / am watching a film
15. I have / am having lunch with my grandparents every Sunday
16. Mary can’t come out. She does / is doing her homework
17. Do you want / are you wanting tea or coffee?

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Unidad didáctica 4 - Actividades

Unidad didáctica 4 – Actividades

4.1 Preposiciones

1. Fill in at, on or in

1. In the most countries people drive __on___ the right.

2. I usually buy a newspaper __on___ my way to work.
3. She spends most of the day sitting __at___ the window.
4. Write the name and address __on___ the front page of the envelope.
5. It's dangerous to play football __in___ the streets.
6. I'll meet you __on___ the corner of the street at 10.
2. Escribe las siguientes palabras en la columna correcta:

3:oo pm Monday The summer
Dinnertime Fridays 2007
The moment The first day The past
Noon May
Midnight The future
The 1990’s

3. Escribe debajo la preposición que corresponda:

4.3 Presente perfecto (estructura y uso)

1. Completa las siguientes frases utilizando el presente perfecto:

1. I _____have cleaned_______________ (clean) my teeth

2. She ______has left____________ (leave) her bag on the table
3. We ______haven’t finished____________ (not finish) our homework
4. They _______have had__________ (have) breakfast
5. You _______haven’t done___________ (not do) the washing-up
6. He _________has bought__________ (buy) a new car
7. He _________has made__________ (made) lots of mistakes

2. Piensa y completa con el presente simple, presente continuo o presente perfecto:

1. Please, be quiet! I (study) ____am studying_____________ English

2. Usually I (work) _____work________ as a secretary
3. Shhhhh! She (sleep) ____is sleeping__________
4. Look! He has a plaster, he (break) _____has broken________ his leg
5. I can’t hear you, everybody (talk) ____is talking__________
6. (you, want) __Do you want ________ to come?
7. Yes, I am at home. I (work) _____have worked______ hard today
8. Look! It (rain) ___is raining_______
Plan de Capacitación – Formación en Idiomas - Inglés

Unidad didáctica 5 – Actividades

5.1 Conjunciones (and, but, although,…)

1. Escribe frases con las palabras que te proporcionamos a continuación y añade ‘and’ o ‘but’ según consideres

1. I / Spain / London – I ‘m from Spain but I live in London

2. He / Spain / Madrid – He i s from Madrid
3. Jim and I / the UK / Tokyo – Jim and I are from the UK but we live in Tokyo
4. Li and Yang / China / Paris –Li and Yang are from China but they live in Paris
5. Peter / England / and / London – Peter is from England and he lives in London
6. John / Greece / Athens – John is from Greece and he lives in Athens

5.2 Pasado simple (afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa)

1. Completa:

1. Mammoths __ were ___ big animals, bigger than elephants. (be)

2. Mammoths ____ did not live _________ 100 years ago. (not live)
3. Mammoths ______ lived _______ a long time ago. (live)
4. Mammoths ____ did not eat _________ meat. They _ ate ____ grass. (not eat / eat)
5. They __ had ____ two large tusks about three metres long. (have)
6. Some dinosaurs ___ flew _____ in the air, and some __ swam ___ in the sea. (fly / swim)
7. He __ drank ______ some milk. He ____ did not drink ___ any water. (drink / not drink)
8. She only __ spent __ a pound. She ___ did not spend ___ 3 pounds. (spend / not spend)
9. I ____ saw ______ some elephants. I ____ did not see ___ any lions. (see / not see)
10. They ____ swam ___ in the sea, but ___ did not swim _ in the lake. (swim / not swim)

2. Completa el siguiente crucigrama. Se te da el verbo desordenado, ordénale (ese es el infinitivo) y completa con
el infinitivo (1ªcolumna), pasado (2ª)y el participio pasado (3ª):

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3. Completa el siguiente crucigrama. Se te da el verbo desordenado, ordénale (ese es el infinitivo) y completa con
el infinitivo (1ªcolumna) y pasado (2ª columna):

5.3 Some / any

1. Completa con ‘some’ o ‘any’:

1. Have you got __any___ brothers or sisters?

2. Are there _any_____ letters forme?
3. I haven’t got __any___ stamps, but Mary has got _some_____
4. There are __some______ elephants in the zoo
5. There aren’t ___any____ shops in this part of the town
6. They didn’t make ___any____ mistake

5.4 Comparativos y superlativos

1. Completa con el comparativo o superlativo:

1. She is ____________taller than______________ (tall) her brother

2. Russia is ______the largest _______________ (large) country in the world
3. Cell phones are sometimes __________more useful than_______ (useful) computers.
4. My brother is ________hungrier than_______________ (hungry) me
5. She is ______the most beautiful____________ (beautiful) woman in the world
6. She is ____better_____________ (good) at mathematics than I am
7. That is ________the worst________ (bad) result) I have received
8. This car is ______more expensive than__________ (expensive) that car

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Unidad didáctica 6 – Actividades

6.1 Fututo ‘will’ (estructura y uso)

1. Convierte estas frases en futuro:

1. Brazil /win / the World Cup – Brazil will win the World Cup
2. I enjoy/ the film – I will enjoy the film
3. She / come to my party – She will come to my party
4. I / see / you / tomorrow – I will see you tomorrow
5. We / send /you / an email – We will send you an email
6. It /be/ a nice day – It will be a nice day

2. Elige entre ‘going to’ o ‘will’:

8. I’ll get it 7. I’ll help you 9. I’ll have a dinner party tonight
I’m going to get it I’m going to help you I’m going to have a dinner party tonight

11. I’ll be a doctor like my father 10. I’m going to have a holiday in England 12. I’m going to pay for it
I’m going to be a doctor like my father I’ll have a holiday in England I’ll pay for it

6.3 Relative clauses ‘who’, ‘which’ ‘that’ ‘where’ ‘when’

3. Completa con ‘who’, ‘which’ ‘where’ ‘when’

1. I dislike people ______who______ talk about themselves too much

2. A robber is a person _____who__________ steals things
3. I saw Peter in the shop _______where______ you bought your T-shirt
4. I remember the time _____when_________ we lived in London
5. I met Mary on the day ____when________ I missed the train
6. I want to throw away all the things ____which______ I don’t need

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