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choose an idea for funny story in exercise 7.

when did it happen?

where did it happen?

who was there?

what was the main action?

what happened in the end?

write a funny story for the school megazine. write about 100 words. begin like this.

a funny thing happened to me

elegir una idea para la historia divertida en el ejercicio 7.

cuando sucedi?

dnde ocurri?

quien estuvo ah?

cul fue la accin principal?

que pas al final?

escribe una historia divertida para la escuela megazine. escribir alrededor de 100 palabras.
Comienza as.

me pas algo gracioso

me pas algo gracioso. esto sucedi en el ao 2008 en la escuela secundaria tcnica numero 6 en
la cuidad de Valladolid yucatan.

something funny happened to me. This happened in the year 2008 in high school technique
number 6 in the city of Valladolid yucatan

Me pas algo gracioso. esto sucedi en el ao 2008 en la escuela secundaria tcnica nmero 6 en
la ciudad de Valladolid Yucatn, esto paso cuando comenzaba el primer da de clases cuando
aprob a tercer grado, en el saln se encontraban los alumnos que aprobaron a segundo ao, lo
que paso es que cuando pase a tercer grado el saln era otro y no el mismo del ao anterior, al
llegar el primer da de clases se me olvido que ya no sera el mismo saln, entro y me siento, luego
veo que los alumnos que estaban ah me miraban mucho, me fije que me equivoque de saln, no
encontr a mis compaeros de clases, al final agarre mi mochila y sal para ir al saln del tercer

Something funny happened to me. This happened in 2008 at Technical High School number 6 in
the city of Valladolid Yucatan, this happened when the first day of school began when I passed the
third grade, in the classroom were the students who passed the second year, which step is that
when I pass the third grade the classroom was another and not the same as the previous year,
when the first day of school I forget that I would not be the same classroom, I enter and I feel,
then I see that the students who were there they looked at me a lot, I noticed that I made a
mistake in the classroom, I did not find my classmates, I finally grabbed my backpack and went out
to the third grade classroom.

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