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Captulo 70.

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 70 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



Has anyone been able to get

How many people are Are you able to drive for six through to Mike?
there? hours without taking a It looks as if he's not coming.
Cunta gente hay? Alguien ha podido contactar
Eres capaz de conducir seis con Mike?
VOCABULARY horas sin hacer un Parece que no viene.
Hotel = hotel (hjoutl)
How = cmo, de qu VOCABULARY Stormy = tempestuoso,
manera, qu tal (hjau) tormentoso, turbulento (st:mi)
Many = muchos (mni) Downtown = el centro de la Stom = tormenta (sto:m)
Para sustantivos ciudad, cntrico (dauntaun) Anyone = alguien, cualquiera,
contables en plural. Ej: Many To be able to = poder, ser nadie (niwan)
coins = Muchas monedas capaz de (tu bi: eibo tu) Anybody = cualquiera (nibadi)
Con negativo: nadie.
How many = Cuntos? Drive, drove, driven, driving Through = a travs de, durante
People = gente, ciudadana, = conducir, manejar, empujar todo, porque, acabar (zru:)
pueblo, habitantes (p:po) (draiv) (drouv) (drven) To get through to = llegar a
Sustantivo plural y (draivin) ponerse en contacto con,
contable. Driver = conductor /a, chfer, comunicarse con, contactar con,
Se escribe en singular. camionero (draiva) (draiver) hablar con (tu get zru:)
Toma el plural del verbo. Hour = hora Como unidad Mike = Miguelito (maik)
Michael = Miguel (maiko)
Nunca decimos: People de tiempo: 60 min (ua) Apparently = aparentemente, al
is, sino People are. (uer) parecer, por lo visto (aprnt,li)
Million = milln (mlin) Hours = horas (ues) (uas) Impossible = imposible
Billion = mil millones (blin) Use, used, used, using = (impsebo)
There = all, ah, all, usar, utilizar (yu:s) (yu:st) Unable = imposible, incapaz, que
hay d) (dr) (: e + a a (yu:st) (y:sin) no se puede (aneibo)
la vez) Are you able? = Puedes? Figure = figura, cifra (fga-er)
Person = persona
There's = (there is) = Eres capaz? (a:r yu: eibo) (p:sn) (prsn)
hay (ds) Could (past of can). (kud) Personality = personalidad
Therell = (there will) = habr (Pretrito imperfecto) (p:sonleti) (personleti)
Thered = (there would) = poda/as/a/amos/ais/an. Especially = especialmente
=habra (Pretrito perfecto simple) (speshli)
China = China (chaina) = pude/iste/do, pudimos, Character = carcter
United States = Estados pudisteis, pudieron. (krekta-er)
As if = como si (s if)
Unidos (yu:naited steit) (Condicional simple) It looks as if = parece como si (if
Spain = Espaa = podra/as/a, podramos, luk s if)
(sspein) podrais, podran. It seems as if = parece como si
London = Londres (lnden) (it si:m s if)
Moon = luna (mu:n) Count, counted, counted, Seem, seemed, seemed,
To count = contar (tu kaunt) counting = contar (kaunt) seeming = parecer (si:m) (si:md)
Any = algo de, algn, (kauntid) (kauntid) (kauntin) (si:md) (s:min)
Probability = probabilidad
alguno/a, cualquier, ningn, Can not Can't = no poder (prbbiliti) (probbliti)
ninguno/a, nada (ni) (k:nt). Probable = probable (prbobo)
En preguntas significa: Without = sin (widaut) Es Probably = probablemente
algo, alguno/a. una preposicin, por eso el (prbbli)
En frases negativas: verbo siguiente tiene que ir Pity = lstima, compasin (pti)
nada, ningn/a. en gerundio. It's a pity = es una lstima (its a
Apple = manzana (po) Break = descanso (breik) pti)
Shame = vergenza, lstima
Apples = manzanas (pos) Break, broke, broken, (sheim)
Chair = silla (ch) (cher) breaking What's a shame! = Qu pena!
(: e + a a la vez) = romper, romperse, quebrar Qu lstima! (wots a sheim)
Chairs = sillas (ches) (breik) (brouk) (brouken) That's a shame! = Eso es una
Table = mesa (teibo) (breikin) vergenza! (dts a sheim)
Tables = mesas (teibos) Hamburger = Apparently = aparentemente, al
Peach = melocotn (p:ch) hamburguesa (hjmbe:ga) parecer, por lo visto (aprnt,li)
Peaches = melocotones (hjmbe:ger) PART 1
(p:ches) Beer = cerveza (bia) (bier)
I think = pienso, creo (ai zink) Exercise, exercised, -Has anyone been able to.
Door = puerta (do:) exercised,exercising = = Has anybody been able to.
Window= ventana (windou) ejercer, ejercitar, hacer = Alguien ha podido?
Ice cream = helado (ais krim) ejercicio (ksesais) -We are looking for Mike.
Are there? = Hay? (a: d) (ksesaist) (ksesaist) = Estamos buscando a Mike.
-Has anyone been able to get
(a:r der) (: e + a a la (ksesaisin) through to Mike?
vez) Tired = cansado/a (taied) = Alguien ha podido ponerse en
Project = proyecto (pryekt) Doctor = doctor (dkta) contacto con Mike?
Chicken = pollo (chken) (dkter) To get through, como si
Kitchen = cocina (kchn) Short = corto, breve (sho:t) tuvieras que atravesar un tubo
Island = isla (ailnd) Repeat, repeated, repeated, para llegar al bueno de Mike.
Village = pueblo, aldea repeating = repetir (rept) -Apparently not.
= Aparentemente no.
(vligh) (reptid) (reptid) (reptin) -Well. Nobody's been able to get
Villages = pueblos (vliyes) Cook, cooked, cooked, through to Mike.
Fireman = bombero cooking = Bien. Nadie ha podido ponerse
(faiemn) = cocinar, cocer, guisar en contacto con Mike.
Firemen= bomberos (kuk) (kukt) (kukt) (kkin)
(faiemen) PART 2
Policeman = polica PART 1
-Hello again. Yes. Part two.
(pl:smn) (pol:smn) Class number seventy (70) Are
Policemen = policas -Are you able to drive for six you ready?
(pl:smen) (pol:smen) hours? = Hola de nuevo. S. Parte dos.
= Eres capaz de conducir Clase setenta (70) Ests
INTRODUCTION seis horas? preparado/a?
El verbo es To be able to -To get through to.
-How many people are there que significa: Poder, Ser = Llegar a ponerse en contacto
con alguien, comunicarse con,
in China? capaz de, y aqu en una contactar con, hablar con.
= Cunta gente hay en pregunta: -I'm callingand Mike? I've been
China? -Are you able to drive? trying to get through to Mike for
-There are one point three Puedes conducir? two hours. It's impossible.
billion people in China.
= Hay 1,3 miles de millones -Are you able to study for six = Estoy llamando ...y Mike? He
(2013) hours? estado tratando de hablar con
= Hay 1.300.000.000 = Eres capaz de estudiar Mike durante dos horas. Es
personas. durante seis horas? -Mike, but in any case Mike is a
-How many people are there -We use For six hours. difficult person. He has a very
in India? = Utilizamos For seis horas. stormy personality.
= Cunta gente hay en Y no During. Queda = Mike, pero en cualquier caso
India? mejor For. Antes de una Mike es una persona difcil.
-There are one point two cantidad fija de tiempo, Tiene una personalidad muy
billion people in India. usamos For para decir: tempestuosa.
-Stormy weather.
= Hay 1,2 miles de millones. Durante = Clima tormentoso.
= Hay -Are you able to play tennis -Stormy, the word of the day.
personas. for five hours? = Tormentoso/a, la palabra del
-How many people are there = Eres capaz de jugar al da.
in United States? tenis durante cinco horas? -Storm.
= Cunta gente hay en -Are you able to eat six = Tormenta.
Estados Unidos? hamburgers? -Stormy.
= Tormentoso, tempestuoso.
-There are three hundred = Eres capaz de comer seis -And in the figure, by the way, a
and fifteen million in US. hamburguesas? stormy situation and stormy
= Hay 315 millones (2013) personality
-How many people are there -Are you able to drive six = Y en la figura, por cierto, una
in this room? hours to Santander? situacin tormentosa y una
= Cunta gente hay en esta = Puedes conducir seis personalidad tempestuosa
habitacin? horas a Santander? -I like stormy weather and I like
stormy weather especially in the
-Counting me, there are five -No. You aren't able? You summer, when the clouds come,
people in this room. aren't able to do it? the black clouds of call stormy
= Contndome a m, hay = No. No eres capaz? No weather.
cinco personas en esta eres capaz de hacerlo? = Me gusta el clima tormentoso y
habitacin. Cuando queremos decir: me gusta el clima tormentoso
-How many people are there Puedes? decimos: Are especialmente en el verano,
in Spain? you able?. No decimos: You cuando las nubes vienen, las
nubes negras del llamado clima
= Cunta gente hay en can? You can drive? sino: tempestuoso.
Espaa? Are you able to drive - But Mike is a stormy person. He
-There are forty-six million -I knew I could count on you. has a stormy character. And, by
people in Spain? = Saba que poda contar the way, have you been able to
= Hay cuarenta y seis contigo. get through to Mike?
millones de personas en = Pero Mike es una persona
Espaa? PART 2 tormentosa. Tiene un carcter
tempestuoso. Y, por cierto, has
-How many people are there podido hablar con Mike?
in Barcelona? -Some people can't live
= Cunta gente hay en without coffee. -I couldn't get through to any of
Barcelona? = Algunas personas no them.
-There are three million pueden vivir sin caf. = No pude contactar con ninguno
people in Barcelona. -He can't live without beer. de ellos.
= Hay tres millones de = l no puede vivir sin
personas en Barcelona. cerveza.
-How many people are there -Humans can't live without -It looks as if he's not coming.
in N.Y? water. = Parece que no viene.
= Cunta gente hay en = Los seres humanos no = Parece como si no viene. (lit)
Nueva York? pueden vivir sin agua. -As if.
-There are nine million El verbo despus de = Como si.
people in N.Y? Without tiene que ir en En ingls no decimos: Like
= Hay nueve millones de gerundio. if, decimos: As if
-It looks as if
personas en Nueva York. -Are you able to exercise for = Parece como si
-How many people are there two hours without taking a -He's not coming.
in London? break? = No viene.
= Cunta gente hay en = Eres capaz de hacer = No va a venir.
Londres? deporte / de hacer ejercicio -Probably not. Because I asked.
-There are eight million durante dos horas sin hacer Has anyone been able to get
people in London? un descanso? through to Mike?
= Probablemente no. Porque lo
= Hay ocho millones de -Are you able to continue pregunt. Alguien ha podido
personas en Londres. without taking a break? comunicarse con Mike?
-How many people are there = Eres capaz de continuar -No? Well. It looks as if he's not
on the Moon? sin tomar un descanso? coming.
= Cunta gente hay en la = No? Bien. Parece que no
Luna? PART 3 viene.
-There aren't any people on -That's too bad. That's a pity.
What a shame!
the Moon? -To take a break. = Eso es muy malo. Eso es una
= No hay gente en la Luna. = Tomar un descanso, hacer lstima. Qu lstima!
un descanso, descansar. -I like Mike. He's always the life
PART 1 -You're tired. You need to of the party, but apparently, he's
take a break. not coming.
-How many? = Ests cansado. Tienes que = Me gusta Mike. Siempre es la
= Cuntos / as? tomar un descanso. vida de la fiesta, pero
aparentemente no viene.
La H de How es -How often do you take a -It looks as if he's not coming.
aspirada: (hjau), no (jau) y break? = Parece que no viene.
la a de Many es como = Con qu frecuencia haces -It seems as if he's not coming.
una e. un descanso? = Parece que no viene.
-How many dogs? -Doctor takes a break in the -Because nobody has been able
= Cuntos perros? afternoon. to get through to Mike.
-How many apples? = El doctor toma un = Porque nadie ha podido
comunicarse con Mike.
= Cuantas manzanas? descanso por la tarde. -So, apparently he's not coming.
-How many books? -I take a short break in the = As que, al parecer no viene.
= Cuntos libros? afternoon.
-How many chairs? = Tomo un corto descanso
= Cuntas sillas? por la tarde.
-How many tables? -I live downtown.
= Cuntas mesas? = Yo vivo en el centro.
- Let's repeat. He's able to
-How many eggs? study for six hours without
= Cuntos huevos? taking a break.
-I thing eighteen eggs. (18) = Vamos a repetir. l es
= Creo que dieciocho capaz de estudiar durante
huevos. seis horas sin tomar un
-How many bananas? descanso.
= Cuntas bananas? -He's able to cook for three
-I thing nineteen hours without taking a break.
bananas.(19) = l es capaz de cocinar
= Creo que diecinueve durante tres horas sin tomar
bananas. un descanso.
-How many peaches? -She's able to play football for
= Cuntos melocotones? six hours without taking a
-Well. I think nine peaches. break.
= Bien. Creo que nueve = Ella puede jugar al ftbol
melocotones. durante seis horas sin tomar
un descanso.
PART 2 -I'm going to take a break
right now.
-People. (p:po) = Voy a tomar un descanso
= Gente, ciudadana, pueblo, ahora mismo.
habitantes. -We'll see you next time.
Es un sustantivo plural. = Nos vemos la prxima vez.
Decimos: People are. = Nos veremos la prxima
-How many people? vez.
= Cunta gente?
-How many dogs?
= Cuntos perros?
-How many doors?
= Cuantas puertas?
-How many windows?
= Cuntos ventanas?
-How many desks?
= Cuntas mesas de
-How many ice cream?
= Cuntos helados?


-Are there?
= Hay?
-How many projects are
= Cuntos proyectos hay?
Are there. No "there are"
porque eso es afirmativo y
aqu es una pregunta.
-How many dogs are there?
= Cuntos perros hay?
-How many chickens are
= Cuntos pollos hay?
-How many islands are
= Cuntos islas hay?
-How many villages are
= Cuntos pueblos hay?
-How many people are
= Cunta gente hay?
-There are a lot of people.
= Hay mucha gente.
-How many firemen are
= Cuntos bomberos hay?
-How many policemen are
= Cuntos policas hay?

Captulo 71. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 71 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
gIngles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



He acts as if he were the boss,

How much money is there I'm afraid I won't be able to Hes not even in charge of the
in your wallet? give you a hand later. team.

Cunto dinero hay en tu Me temo que no podr Se comporta como si fuera el

cartera? echarte una mano ms tarde. jefe, ni siquiera est a cargo del
Whole = entero/a, total, todo, Bankrupt = en quiebra, Drag = arrastrar, un lastre
completo (hjou) bancarrota (bnkruat) (druag) (drg)
Hole = agujero, hueco, hoyo Afraid = asustado (afreid) A drag = un lastre, una carga
(hjou) To be afraid = tener miedo (a drg)
How much? = Cunto? (tu bi: afraid) Drag, dragged, dragged,
(hjau mach) I'm afraid = me temo, tengo dragging = arrastrar (drg)
(drgt) (drgt) (drgin)
Much = mucho, muy, miedo (aimafreid) Act, acted, acted, acting
muchos (mach) Para Company = empresa, = actuar, obrar, comportarse
sustantivos incontables. compaa (kmpni) (kt) (ktid) (ktid) (ktin)
Ej: Much money Change, changed, changed, As if = como si (s if)
= Mucho dinero. changing = cambiar, As if he were = como si l fuera
Money = dinero (mni) modificar (cheing) (cheingt) (s if hji w:) (s if hji wr)
Funny = gracioso (fni) (cheingt) (cheingin) As if it were = como si fuera, por
as decirlo (s if it wr).
Wallet = cartera (wolet) Fix, fixed, fixed, fixing ( Es una e cercana a la a)
Account = cuenta (akaunt) = arreglar, fijar, reparar Behave, behaved, behaved,
Current = actual, corriente (fiks) (fikst) (fikst) (fksin) behaving = comportarse,
(krent) (krent) Attend, attended, attended, portarse (behjeiv / bihjeiv)
attending = asistir, ir a (behjeivd) (behjeivd) (behjeivin)
Current account = cuenta (atnd) (atndid) (atndid) Boss = jefe (bos)
corriente (krent akaunt) (atndin) Even = siquiera, an, todava,
Bank = banco, orilla, ladera Wedding = boda (wedin) hasta, plano, uniforme (:ven)
Leader = lder (lda) (lder)
(bnk) Schedule = horario, In charge of = encargado/a de, a
Bank account = cuenta programar (shdyu:) cargo de (nchryav)
bancaria (bnk akaunt) (skdyu:) Charge = carga, cargo, cobro,
Federal = federal (fdero) Build, built, built, building encargo (cha:gh) (cha:rgh)
Reserve = reserva (ris:v) = construir, edificar (bild) Team = equipo (ti:m)
Pocket = bolsillo (pket) (bilt) (bilt) (bldin) Group = grupo (gru:p)
(pket) Affirmative = afirmativo Progress = progreso (progres)
Progress, progressed,
To need = necesitar (tu ni:d) (afmtiv) progressed, progressing
To borrow = pedir prestado, Negative = negativo (ngtiv) = progresar (progs) (progst)
pedir un prstamo (tu brou) I will be able to = podr (progst) (progsin)
Purse = monedero (pa:s) (ai wil bi: eibo tu) Believe, believed, believed,
Handbag = bolso (hjn,bg) I won't be able to = no podr. believing = creer (bel:v) (bel:vd)
Hundred = cien (hjndred) (ai wont bi: eibo tu) (bel:vd) (bel:vin)
Coin = moneda (koin) Give, gave, given, giving =
Euro = euro (yro) (yrou) dar, pasar, alcanzar, ofrecer,
Just = solo, justo, apenas, ceder (giv) (geiv) (gven) -He acts as if he were
acabar de, por poco, tan (gvin) = Se comporta o acta como si
solo, solamente, justamente, Late = tarde, tardo/a, a fuera
exactamente (yast) finalde de, atrasado/a, -As if.
Little = poco, pequeo (lto- difunto/a (leit) = Como si.
ldol) Lately = ltimamente (leit,li) No se dice: Like if
-He behaves.
More or less = ms o menos Siempre exige el presente = El se comporta.
(mo: o: les) perfecto. -He acts as if.
Later = ms tarde, despus, = Se comporta como si.
INTRODUCTION luego, posterior, -As if he were.
posteriormente (leita-er) = Como si fuera.
-How much money is there in No se dice: He was = l era
my wallet? PART 1 o l estaba. Es: l fuera o l
estuviera, en este caso: fuera
= Cunto dinero hay en tu Como si l fuera
cartera? -I'm afraid. -He acts as if he were the boss.
-How much money is there in = Me temo. = Se comporta o acta como si
your house? = Tengo miedo. fuera el jefe.
= Cunto dinero hay en tu -I'm afraid I can't help you. -He acts as if he were the leader
casa? = Me temo que no puedo of team.
-How much money is there in ayudarte. = Acta como si fuera el lder del
your bank account? -I'm afraid I won't be there.
= Cunto dinero hay en tu = Me temo que no estar all. -He acts as if he were Harriet.
cuenta bancaria? -I'm afraid the company is = Acta como si fuera Harriet.
-How much money is there in bankrupt. -He acts as if he were me.
the Bank of Spain? = Me temo que la empresa = Acta como si fuera yo.
= Cunto dinero hay en el est en quiebra.
Banco de Espaa? -I'm afraid there is a problem. PART 2
-How much money is there in = Me temo que hay un -He's not even.
the Federal Reserve in problema. = Ni siquiera es.
Washington? -I'm afraid is time to go. -He's not even in charge of the
= Me temo que es hora de group.
= Cunto dinero hay en la -I have to say goodbye but = Ni siquiera est a cargo del
Reserva Federal en only for a few minutes. grupo.
Washington? = Tengo que decir adis pero -He's not even in charge of the
-How much money is there in slo por unos minutos. = Ni siquiera est a cargo del
the bank? equipo.
= Cunto dinero hay en el PART 2 -To drag. (verbo)
banco? = Arrastrar.
-How much money is there in -I won't be able to. -He's a drag. (sustantivo)
your pocket? = No podr = Es un lastre.
= Cunto dinero hay en tu Esta es la forma negativa -Manolo is a drag on my
bolsillo? del verbo Poder = Manolo es un lastre en mi
Ya vimos el afirmativo: I'll progreso.
PART 1 be able to = Podr -It's a drag.
Ahora es el negativo de = Es un lastre.
En la clase anterior vimos: To be able to: = Es un fastidio.
How many people. How -I won't be able to. = Es una lata.
many que utilizamos con = No podr = Es un pesado/a.
-What a drag it is getting up!
sustantivos contables en -I won't be able to attend the = Qu pesado es levantarse por
plural. wedding. la maana!. (Mick Jagger)
-Ex: How many oranges? = No podr asistir a la boda.
How many apples? Attend es Asistir. En PART 3
= Ej: Cuntas naranjas? ingles no decimos: To
Cuntas manzanas? attend to the wedding -In charge of the team.
Pero con: How much lo Quitamos To. = Encargado/a del equipo.
-Can you believe it? He's not
utilizamos con sustantivos -To attend the wedding. even in charge of the team.
incontables. Ej: = Asistir a la boda. = Puedes creerlo? Ni siquiera
-How much water? -I won't be able to change est encargado del equipo.
= Cunta agua? the schedule. -In charge of.
-How much rice? = No podr cambiar el = Encargado/a de.
= Cunto arroz? horario. -There's a new dance, a new
-How much oil? -They won't be able to fix it. dance called "In charge of" "In
charge of" Can you dance the "In
= Cunta aceite? = No podrn arreglarlo charge of" It's a difficult dance.
-How much sugar? -They won't be able to build = Hay un nuevo baile, un nuevo
= Cunta azcar? the house. baile llamado " In charge of " "In
= No podrn construir la charge of " Puedes bailar el "In
PART 2 casa. charge of " Es una danza difcil.
-I will be able to. -He's not even in charge of the
-Money (mni) Incontable. Affirmative. team.
= Ni siquiera est a cargo del
= Dinero = Podr. equipo.
-It's my money. -I won't be able
= Es my dinero. to. Negative. -I'm now the writer in charge of
-It's his money. = No podr. the south of Spain.
= Es su dinero. = Ahora soy el escritor
-It's her money. -I won't be able to get to encargado del sur de Espaa.
= Es su dinero (de ella). Santander in a half an hour.
-It's your money. = No podr llegar a
= Es tu dinero. Santander en media hora.
-It's our money. -It's impossible. It's six hour
= Es nuestro dinero. from here.
-It's their money.
= Es su dinero (de ellos) = Es imposible. Est a seis
-Is it our money? horas de aqu.
= Es nuestro dinero? -I won't be able to do it.
-Is it my money? = No podr hacerlo.
= Es mi dinero? -Are you able to drive to
-It isn't her money. Santander?
= No es su dinero (de ella). = Puedes conducir hasta
-I'm going to get my money. -You wont be able to go to
= Voy a coger mi dinero. Santander in a half an hour.
-Where's my money? = No sers capaz de ir a
= Dnde est mi dinero? Santander en media hora.
-Here's my money. Three
euros. I only have three PART 3
= Aqu est mi dinero. Tres -To give you a hand later.
euros. Slo tengo tres euros. = Echarte una mano
-I need to borrow some despus.
money. El verbo es:
= Tengo que pedir prestado -To give someone a hand.
algo de dinero. = Echarle una mano a
-I need to borrow some alguien.
money from you for lunch. Literalmente decimos:
Thank you. Dar:
= Necesito pedirte prestado -Can you give me a hand?
algo de dinero para almorzar. = Puedes echarme una
Gracias. mano?
-Yes, of course, Hannah. I'll
PART 3 give you a hand.
= S, por supuesto Hanna.
-Is there in your wallet? Te echar una mano.
= Hay en tu cartera? -I'm afraid I won't be able to
-Is there in your purse? give him a hand.
= Hay en tu monedero? = Me temo que no podr
-How much water is there in echarle (a l) una mano.
your kitchen? -Later.
= Cunta agua hay en tu = Ms tarde, luego.
cocina? Muchos cometen el error
-How much wine is there in de decir: Late = Tarde,
your kitchen? pero es:
= Cunto vino hay en tu Later = Ms tarde.
cocina? -I always give her a hand at
-How much money is there in = Yo siempre le echo una
your wallet? mano a ella en el trabajo.
= Cunto dinero hay en tu -Give me a hand.
cartera? = chame una mano.
-There are one hundred -Give him a hand.
coins (100) in my wallet. = chale una mano (a l)
-Give them a hand.
= Hay cien monedas (100) = chales una mano.
en mi cartera.
-I have a hundred euros
(100) in my wallet.
= Tengo cien euros (100) en
mi cartera.
-A lot of money? Just a little
= Mucho dinero? Slo un
poco de dinero?
-There are one hundred, one
euros coins in my wallet.
= Hay cien monedas de un
euro en mi billetera.
-How much money is there in
your wallet, more or less?
= Cunto dinero hay en tu
cartera, ms o menos?

Captulo 72. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 72 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



It's getting dark and they

Whose book is this? Why isn't he in? He's away haven't turned up yet. I
It isn't mine. It's hers. on a business trip. wonder what's happened to
De quin es este libro? Por qu no est l? Est
No es mo, es de ella. fuera en un viaje de Est oscureciendo y no han
negocios. aparecido todava. Me pregunto
VOCABULARY qu les habr pasado.
Dark = oscuro/a, a oscuras
(da:k) Mother in law = suegra Edge = el borde, el filo, la
Darkness = oscuridad, (mda in lo:) (mdr in la:) arista (egh)
tinieblas Negative = negativo/a Dark = oscuro, a oscuras (da:k)
(d:knes) (ngtiv) To get dark = oscurecer,
Whose = de quin, Interrogative = interrogativo/a atardecer, anochecer (tu get
cuyo (hju:s) (ntrgtiv) It's getting dark = est
Whom = a quin (hju:m) Create, created, created, oscureciendo (its gtin da:k)
Magic wand = varita mgica creating= crear (kri:eit) It's getting light = est clareando /
(myik wand) (kri:eitid) (kri:eitid) (kri:eitin) est amaneciendo (its gtin lait)
Microphone = micrfono Dawn = amanecer, alba (do:n)
(maikrofoun) Form = forma, formulario Sunset = atardecer (snset)
Ugly = feo/a (gli) (fo:m) Expect, expected, expected,
Statuette = estatuilla American = expecting = esperar (como
una expectativa), anticipar,
(stchuet) (stchut) estadounidense, citizen of suponer (ekspkt) (ekspktid)
Guitar = guitarra (git:) the USA (amrikn) (ekspktid) (ekspktin)
To like = gustar, agradar Citizen = ciudadano (stisn) Stop, stoped, stoped, stopping
(tu laik) Neighbor = vecino/a = detener, parar-se, dejar de,
Pencil = lpiz (pnso) (neiba) (neibr) cesar, suspender, terminar (stop
Marker = rotulador (m:ka-er) Assistant = asistente, or stap) (stopt) (stopt) (stpin)
Folder = carpeta (fouda-er) auxiliary, ayudante (asstnt) Afraid = asustado (afreid)
Lie, lay or lied, lain or lied, lying
Too = tambin, demasiado, Staff manager = jefe de = mentir, echarse, tumbarse,
muy (tu:) personal (sta:f mneya-er) estar (lai) (lei or laid) (lein or laid)
Exercise = ejercicio Staff = personal, empleados (lyin)
(kssais) (sta:f) To show up (US) = aparecer
Exercises = ejercicios Manager = gerente, gestor, (tu shouap)
(kssaises) director/a, mnager To turn up (RU) = aparecer
Reception = recepcin (mneya-er) presentarse (tu t:nap)
Turn, turned, turned, turning
(rispshn) Cleaner = limpiador/a (kl:na- = girar, torcer, convertirse
Diary = diario, agenda er) (te:n) (te:nd) (te:nd) (t:nin)
(dairi) Either = o, tampoco, Australia = Australia (ostreilia)
To look at = mirar (tu lkat) cualquiera de los dos, Wonder, wondered, wondered,
Boyfriend = novio, mejor ambos/as, uno u otro (aida) wondering = preguntarse
amigo (boifrend) (da-er) (wanda-er) (wanded) (wanded)
Turn = giro, turno, vuelta, vez Or = o, u, ni (o:) (o:r) (wanderin)
Happen, happened, happened,
(te:n) To find out = descubrir, happening = suceder, ocurrir,
averiguar, enterarse (tu pasar (hjpen) (hjpend)
POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES faindaut) (hjpend) (hjpenin)
(possiv dyektivs) Away = fuera, lejos, de viaje, Worry, worried, worried,
Adjetivos posesivos marcharse, alejarse, irse, a worrying= preocuparse (wori)
mucha distancia (awei) (worid) (worid) (woriin)
My = mi, mis, de mi, a (owei) Contraction = contraccin
mi (mai) He's away = l est fuera
Para singular y plural. lejos (hjis awei) PART 1
Your = su, sus, tu, tus, Few = poco, pocos, algunos,
vuestro/a, vuestros/as (yo:) unos (fiu:) -It's getting dark.
(yor) How long = cunto tiempo, = Est oscureciendo.
His = su, sus, de su (hjis) cunto lleva, cunto dura, = Se est haciendo oscuro. (lit)
Her = ella, la, le, de ella, a cunto mide, cunto tarda -It's starting to get dark.
= Est empezando a oscurecer.
ella, su, sus (hja:) (hj:) (hje:r) (hjau lon) -It's not getting light, it's getting
Our = nuestro/a/os/as (a) Will be = estar, ser (wilbi:) dark.
(au) (aur) Water, watered, watered, = No est clareando, est
Their = su, sus (d) (d ) r watering = regar, aguar oscureciendo.
(wo:ta-r) (wotd) (wotd) -It's late. I was expecting them
POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS (wotring) two hours ago and they haven't
(possiv prounauns) Water = agua (wo:ta) turned up yet.
= Ya es tarde. Los esperaba
Pronombres posesivos (wa:der) hace dos horas y an no han
Incontable. aparecido.
Mine = mo, ma, el mo, la Captain = capitn (kpten) -I'm starting to worry. I wonder
ma (main) Business = negocio (bsnes) where they are.
Trip = viaje (chruip)
Yours = tuyo/a, el tuyo, la Business trip = viaje de = Estoy empezando a
tuya, tuyos/as, los tuyos, las negocios (bsnes chruip) preocuparme. Me pregunto
tuyas, vuestro/a, los dnde estn.
-In the evening it gets dark.
vuestros, las vuestras, de PART 1 = Por la noche oscurece.
Ud., de Uds. (yos) (yors) -In the morning it gets light.
His = suyo/a, de l, suyos/as -Why isn't he in? = Por la maana amanece /
(hjis) = Por qu no est l? clarea.
Hers = suyo/a, suyos/as, de The negative interrogative. -And right now it's starting to get
ella (hje:s) /hjers) = Es la forma interrogativa dark.
Ours = el nuestro, la nuestra, negativa. = Y ahora mismo empieza a
los nuestros, las nuestras -And how do we create this -I should stop the class and find
(as) (aus) (aurs) form? out, because it's starting to get
Theirs = suyo/a/os/as (de = Y cmo creamos esta dark.
ellos), los suyos, las suyas, forma? = Debera detener la clase y
de ellos, de ellas (ds) (drs) La pregunta normal es: averiguarlo, porque est
-Is he American? empezando a oscurecer.
INTRODUCTION = Es l americano?
Simplemente cambiamos
-Whose magic wand is this? el verbo al negativo. -To turn up.
It's not mine. It's hers. -Isn't he American? = Hacer acto de presencia,
= De quin es esta varita = l no es americano? aparecer.
mgica? No es ma. Es de -Is she married? -They haven't turned up yet.
ella. = Ella est casada? = No han aparecido todava.
-This microphone isn't mine. -Isn't she married? -I wonder what's happened to
them. I'm afraid.
It's an ugly microphone. = Ella no est casada? = Me pregunto qu les ha
= Este micrfono no es -Isn't he a doctor? pasado. Estoy asustado/a.
mo. Es un micrfono feo. = No es l tu doctor? -But before I continue worrying
-Whose microphone is this? -Isn't he your neighbour? I'm going to give you the word of
It's not mine. It's his. = No es l tu vecino? the day.
= De quin es este -Isn't she a teacher? = Pero antes de seguir
micrfono? = No es una profesora? preocupndome voy a darte la
palabra del da.
No es mo. Es de l. -Isn't she American? -The word of the day is:
-Whose statuette is this? = No es americana? = La palabra del da es:
It's not mine. It's yours. -Ok. So. Isn't he? Isn't she? -Edge.
= De quin es esta = De acuerdo. As que. No = El borde, el filo, la arista.
estatuilla? es l? No es ella? -After Australia lies the edge of
No es ma. Es tuya. the Earth.
-Whose guitar is that? -Jack, my assistant, isn't in. = Despus de Australia est / se
extiende el borde de la Tierra. ?
It's not mine. It's mine? Why isn't he in? I don't know. -The edge of the table.
Well. Thank you. I like it. = Jack, mi ayudante, no est. = El borde de la mesa.
= De quin es esa guitarra? Por qu no est? No lo s. -They haven't turned up.
No es ma. Es mia? - Joe, my cleaner, he isn't in, = No han aparecido.
Bien. Gracias. Me gusta. either. I don't know why he -To show up In American
isn't in. English.
PART 1 = Joe, mi limpiador, tampoco = Aparecer.
-To turn up In British English.
est. No s por qu no est. = Aparecer.
-Whose book is this? -And Jamie, my staff
= De quin es este libro? manager, he isn't in either. PART 3
= Y Jamie, mi jefe de
personal, no est tampoco. -What's happened?
Whose + sustantivo + -Why isn't he in? None of = Qu les habr pasado?
verbo to be + pronombre them are in today. En espaol ponemos el futuro
demostrativo. Por qu no est? Ninguno aqu: Qu les habr pasado,
cuando hay inseguridad del
-Whose pencil is this? de ellos est hoy. saber.
= De quin es este lpiz? -That's what we say when En ingls decimos: Qu les
-Whose pen is this? someone isn't in house or in ha pasado, pero con:
= De quin es este the work, we say: Why isn't I wonder delante:
boligrafo? he in? Me pregunto qu les ha pasado.
-Whose marker is this? = Eso es lo que decimos No se pone en futuro.
= De quin es este cuando alguien no est en -I wonder what's happened to
rotulador? casa ni el trabajo, decimos: = Me pregunto qu les habr
Por qu no est l? pasado.
PART 2 -Why isn't Jack in? -I wonder what has.
Why isn't Joe in? Contraction: What's.
-Whose folder is this? Why isn't Jamie in? = Me pregunto qu ha.
= De quin s esta = Por qu Jack no est? -They haven't turned up yet. I
carpeta? Por qu Joe no est? wonder what's happened to
-It isn't mine. Por qu no est Jamie? = No han aparecido todava. Me
= No es la ma. No es ma. -I don't know. I'm going to pregunto qu les habr pasado.
-Whose pen is this? call them and find out.
= De quin es este = No lo s. Voy a llamarlos y
boligrafo? averiguarlo.
-It isn't mine.
= No es el mo. No es mo. PART 2
El pronombre Mine no
cambia y significa: mo, ma, -He's away.
el mo, la ma. = l est fuera
-So, the verb is "To be
-It isn't mine. away".
= No es mo. = Por lo tanto, el verbo es:
-It isn't yours. Estar fuera o estar lejos
= No es suyo. -My neighbours are away.
-It isn't his. = Mis vecinos estn fuera.
= No es de l. -My boss is away.
-It isn't hers. = Mi jefe est fuera.
= No es de ella. -He'll be away for few days.
-It isn't ours. = l estar fuera durante
= No es nuestro. unos das.
-It isn't theirs. -How long will your mother in
= No es de ellos. law be away?
= Cunto tiempo estar
-It's not mine. fuera tu suegra?
= No es mo. -My friend is away. So I have
-It's not yours. to water his plants.
= No es tuyo. = Mi amigo est fuera. As
-It's not his. que tengo que regar sus
= No es de l. plantas.
-It's not hers. -Are your friends away?
= No es de ella. = Estn tus amigos fuera?
-It's not ours. -Is your boss away?
= No es nuestro. = Est su jefe fuera?
-It's not theirs. -Is your mother in law away?
= No es de ellos. = Est su suegra fuera?

PART 3 -He's out.

= Ha salido, sali
-It's hers. Significa que est de
= Es suyo/a. Es de ella. marcha
-Whose table is this? -He's away.
= De quin es esta mesa? = l est fuera lejos.
-It's hers. -The captain is away.
= Es suya, de ella. = El capitn est fuera.
-Whose desk is this? -He's away on holiday, or in
= De quin es esta mesa this case, he's away on a
de trabajo? business trip.
-It's hers. = Est de vacaciones o, en
= Es suya, de ella. este caso, est de viaje de
-It's technology time. -Let me see the rest of my
= Es el momento de la team.
tecnologa. = Djame ver el resto de mi
-Exercise. It's Mr. Strong's. equipo.
It's his. -Menotty is away too.
= Ejercicio. Es de Mr. = Menotty est fuera
Strong. Es de l. tambin.
-Reception. It's Vanessa's.
It's hers. PART 3
= Recepcin. Es de
Vanessa. Es de ella. -On a business trip.
-Diary. Whose diary is this? = En un viaje de negocios.
= Diario. De quin es este Trip. Es muy importante
diario? la pronunciacin. La tr es
-It's Michelle's. It's hers. como la ch y despus r:
= Es de Michelle. Es de ella. (chruip).
No se dice: "It's of her" No es (trip), que esto es
-Mr. Strong is mine. He's all typical spanish.
mine. -My boss is on a business
= El Sr. Strong es mo. l es trip.
todo mo. = Mi jefe est en un viaje de
-Vanessa, from reception, is negocios.
always looking at him but she -Is she on a business trip?
knows he's mine. = Est ella de viaje de
= Vanessa, desde la negocios?
recepcin, siempre lo est -Yes, she is on a business
mirando, pero ella sabe que trip.
es mo. = S, ella est en un viaje de
-And Sarah Collier is always negocios.
talking to Mr. Strong but she -My father is away on a
knows too he's not her business trip.
= Y Sarah Collier siempre = Mi padre est de viaje de
est hablando con el Sr. negocios.
Strong, pero ella tambin -Is your boss away on a
sabe que no es su novio. business trip?
-He's mine. Mr. Strong is all = Est tu jefe fuera en un
mine. He's Michelle's. viaje de negocios?
= El es mio. El Sr. Strong es
todo mo. Es de Michelle.
Qu melodrama!

-Whose is it?
= De quin es?
-I don't know whose it is.
= No s de quin es.
-Whose turn is it?
= De quin es el turno? (lit)
= A quin le toca?

Captulo 73. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 73 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



Whose clothes are these? Why aren't they familiar They checked in yesterday
They aren't ours. with the company policy? for one night but they still
They are theirs. haven't checked out.
Por qu no estn al tanto
De quin es esta ropa? de la poltica de empresa? Se registraron ayer por la
No son nuestras. noche pero an no han
Son suyos/as. VOCABULARY registrado su salida.

VOCABULARY Guidelines = directrices VOCABULARY

Forest = bosque (frest) Guide = gua, guiar (gaid) Dust = polvo (dast)
Whose = de quin, Why aren't they? = Por qu Dusty = polvoriento (dsti)
cuyo/a (hju:s) no estn / no son? (wai a:nt Dusting = limpieza, limpiar el
Clothes = ropa (klous) dei) polvo, limpiar con un trapo,
En ingls es plural. En Ready = listo/a, preparado/a, fumigacin (dstin)
espaol es singular. dispuesto/a (rdi) To check in = registrarse a
Cloth = pao, tela, trapo Position = posicin, su sitio, la entrada, facturar (tu
(kloz) (klaz) su posturaopinin, chkin)
Dress = vestido (drues) situacin Checked in = se registr, se
Shoe = zapato (shu:) (psishn) (posshn) registraron (chktin)
Shoes = zapatos (shus) Answer, answered, anwered, To check out = verificar,
Aren't = no son, no estn answering = contestar, pagar la cuenta e irse,
(a:nt) responder (:nsa-er) (:nsed) registro de salida (tu
They are (dei a:) (:nsed) (:nserin) chkaut)
= They're (d or dr) Clean = limpio/a/os/as, Checked out = registr su
= ellos son, ellas son, ellos limpiar (kli:n) salida, dej la habitacin del
estn, ellas estn, son, estn Nervous = nervioso/a/os/as hotel, dej el hotel (chktaut)
(n:vs) Check, checked, checked,
POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Family = familia (fmli) checking = revisar, verificar,
(possiv prounauns) (fmli) comprobar (chek) (chekt)
Pronombres posesivos Familiar = conocido/a, (chekt) (chkin)
familiar Clerk = empleado, oficinista,
Mine = mo, ma, el mo, la (famlia) (famlia) (famlyr) vendedor, secretario (kla:k)
ma (main) Familiar with = estar al tanto Desk = escritorio, recepcin,
Yours = tuyo/a, el tuyo, la de, familiarizado con pupitre, mostrador, mesa de
tuya, tuyos/as, los tuyos, las (famlia wiz) (famlyr wiz) oficina (desk)
tuyas, vuestro/a, los Technology = tecnologa Entry = entrada, ingreso,
vuestros, las vuestras, de (teknlyi) (tknolyi) acceso (ntrui)
Ud., de Uds. (yos) (yors) Method = mtodo (mzed) Still = an, todava, quieto,
His = suyo/a, de l, suyos/as Products = productos inmvil (stil)
(hjis) (prdakts) Yet = ya, adems, tambin,
Hers = suyo/a, suyos/as, de Production = produccin todava, an, incluso (yiet)
ella (hje:s) /hjers) (prodakshn) Se usa en frases
Ours = el nuestro, la nuestra, Company = empresa, interrogativas y en negativas
los nuestros, las nuestras compaa (kmpni) y va al final de la frase.
(as) (aus) (aurs) Policy = poltica (plsi) Noon = medioda (nu:n)
Theirs = suyo/a/os/as (de Complicated = complidado/a, Choose, chose, chosen,
ellos), los suyos, las suyas, complejo (kmplikeitid) choosing = elegir, escoger,
de ellos, de ellas (ds) (drs) Strict = estricto/a (struit) seleccionar (chu:s) (chous)
Follow, followed, followed, (chousen) (ch:sin)
PRONUNCIATION following = seguir (flou) Topic = tema, asusto (tpik)
(prnonsieishn) (floud) (floud) (flouin) To come out = salir (tu
Face = cara, rostro (feis) kmaut)
Our (a) (au) (aur) Look, looked, looked, looking Dirty = sucio/a (d:ti)
Ours (as) (aus) (aurs) = mirar, fijarse, parecer (luk)
They (dei) (lukt) (lukt) (lkin) PART 1
Their (d) (dr)
Theirs (ds) (drs) PART 1 -They checked in.
They're (d or dr) = Se registraron.
Aren't (a:nt) -Why aren't they? = Registraron su entrada en.
= Por qu no estn / no -Im the reception of this
INTRODUCTION son? hotel.
-Why aren't they at home? = Soy la recepcin de este
-Whose clothes are these? = Por qu no estn en hotel.
= De quin es esa ropa? casa? - And yesterday, the last
-They're not mine. -Why aren't they ready? night they checked in
= No son mos. = Por qu no estn yesterday for one night.
-They're not ours. preparados? = Y ayer, anoche se
= No son nuestros. -Why aren't they in the registraron ayer por una
-They're theirs. office? noche.
= Son de ellos. = Por qu no estn en la -To check in.
-Whose objects are these? oficina? = Registrarse a la entrada.
= De quin son estos El pasado es:
objetos? -Why aren't they there? -Checked in. (chktin)
-They're not mine. = Por qu no estn ah / = Se registr, se registraron.
= No son mos. all? -They checked
-They're theirs. -Why aren't they in their in. (dei chktin)
= Son de ellos. positions? = Se registraron
= Por qu no estn en sus -They checked in yesterday.
PART 1 posiciones? = Se registraron ayer.
-Why aren't they working? -They checked in for one
-Whose clothes are these? = Por qu no estn night.
= De quin es esta ropa? trabajando? = Se registraron por una
-Clothes. -Why aren't they in the park? noche
= Ropa. = Por qu no estn en el
Clothes en ingls es parque? -We're going to check into a
plural. En espaol es -Why aren't they answering? wonderful hotel.
singular: Ropa, pero se = Por qu no responden? = Vamos a registrarnos en
puede decir: Ropas = Por qu no estn un hotel maravilloso.
Vamos a ver ms respondiendo? -Checking the entry.
ejemplos de sustantivos en = Comprobacin de la
plural. -Why aren't they clean? entrada.
-Whose pencils are these? = Por qu no estn limpios?
= De quin son estos -Why aren't they nervous? PART 2
lpices? = Por qu no estn
-Whose pens are these? nerviosos? -They still haven't.
= De quin son estos = An no han / no tienen.
bolgrafos? PART 2 = Todava no han / no tienen.
-Whose markets are these? Tambin puedo decir:
= De quin son estos -Familiar with. -They haven't checked out
rotuladores? = Familiarizado con yet.
-To be familiar with = Todava no han salido.
PART 2 something. Still destaca el
= Estar familiarizado con Todava, o An.
-They aren't ours. (as) (aus) algo. -They still haven't checked
= No son nuestros/as. = Estar al tanto de algo. out.
= No son los nuestros. -Familiar. = Todava no han salido.
-Whose pencils are these? = Estar al tanto de. = Todava no han registrado
They aren't ours. = Estar familiarizado con su salida.
= De quin son estos algo. -I'm still waiting for them to
lpices? No son nuestros. -I'm not familiar with this check out.
Aren't Se pronuncia technology. = Todava estoy esperando
(an:t) = No estoy familiarizado con que salgan.
-These pens aren't ours. esta tecnologa. -They checked in, yeah, but
= Estos bolgrafos no son -Are you familiar with his they haven't checked out yet.
nuestros. method? (mzed) = Se registraron, s, pero no
= Est familiarizado con su han salido an.
PART 3 mtodo? -Im sure they have about ten
-They're very familiar with minutes for check out time.
our products.
-They are theirs =They're = Estn muy familiarizados = Estoy seguro de que tienen
theirs. con nuestros productos. cerca de diez minutospara
= Son suyos/as. -They're very familiar with el registro de salida / para la
-Theirs. (ds) our guidelines. hora de salida.
= Suyos/as, de ellos, de = Estn muy familiarizados -Official check out time is
ellas. con nuestras directrices. twelve o'clock noon, so I
Fjate en la pronunciacin: imagine I'll see them in the
-They're = ellos/as son, PART 3 next ten minutes.
ellos/as estn (d) = El horario de salida oficial
(: e + a a la vez) -The company policy. es a las doce del medioda,
-Theirs (ds) = La familia de la empresa. as que imagino que los ver
-Whose pencils are these? -Company. en los prximos diez
They're theirs. (d ds) = Empresa (kmpni) minutos.
= De quin son estos -Are you familiar with the
lpices? Son suyos (de company policy? -I still haven't started.
ellos). = Ests familiarizado con la = Yo todava no he
-Whose markers are these? poltica de la empresa? empezado.
They're theirs. -The company policy isn't -I still haven't started writing.
= De quin son estos complicated. = Todava no he empezado a
rotuladores? Son suyos (de = La poltica de la empresa escribir.
ellos). no es complicada. -I still haven't choosen my
-We have a strict company topic.
policy. = Todava no he elegido el
= Tenemos una poltica de tema.
empresa muy estricta. -But I still haven't started
-Please, follow the company writing anything. Look!
policy. = Pero todava no he
= Por favor, siga la poltica empezado a escribir nada.
de la empresa. Mira!
-Aren't they familiar with the
company policy? -But they still haven't come
= No estn familiarizados out.
con la poltica de la = Pero todava no han salido.
-The economic policies.
= Las polticas econmicas. -Checked out.
-His face looks familiar. = Registrado la salida.
= Su cara me resulta (chktaut)
conocida. -They still haven't checked
-I have family problems. out.
= Tengo problemas = Todava no han salido.
familiares. = Todava no han registrado
la salida.
-Maria there's dust on the
table. This table is dusty.
= Mara hay polvo en la
mesa. Esta mesa est
-Theres dust. She didnt
clean the table and there is
= Hay polvo. Ella no limpia la
mesa y hay polvo.
-Hes dusty but the word of
the day for today is Dust.
= l es polvoriento pero la
palabra del da para hoy es
-We must not have dust.
= No debemos tener polvo.
-This table is dirty.
= Esta mesa est sucia.
-This table has dust.
= Esta mesa tiene polvo.

Captulo 74. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 74 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



They've been giving away lots

Whats the weather like? Why aren't I on the list? of free stuff lately.
Its sunny and hot. Im the best by far. Yesterday, they handed out
cans of soup.
Qu tiempo hace? Por qu no estoy en la
Es soleado y caluroso. lista? Ellos han estado regalando un
Soy la mejor con mucha montn de cosas gratis
VOCABULARY diferencia. ltimamente. Ayer, repartieron
latas de sopa.
( Es una e cercana a la
a) Humble = humilde, modesto, Bossy = mandn/ona,
What's? = Qu es? simple, humillar (hjmbo) autoritario/a (bsi)
Weather = el tiempo, el clima Isn't = no es, no est (snt) Give, gave, given, giving = dar,
(weda) (wedr) Aren't = no son, no estn pasar, alcanzar, ofrecer, regalar
(giv) (geiv) (gven) (gvin)
To like = gustar (tu laik) (a:nt) (rent) To give away = donar, regalar,
Hot = caluroso/a, caliente Aren't I = no estoy (:ntai) deshacerse de (tu giv awei)
(hjot) (hjat) Why aren't I? = Por qu no To give it away = regalarlo
Cold = fro/a, catarro (koud) estoy? (wai :ntai) Porque no lo queremos.
Warm = clido/a, tibio/a List = lista, listado (list) (lest) (tu gvit awei)
(wo:m) Scare, scared, scared, Gift = regalo, obsequio (gift)
Wet = hmedo/a, mojado/a scaring Lot = mucho/a, porcin, lote (lot)
(lat) Se puede usar tanto con
(wet) sustantivos contables como con
Dry = seco/a (drai) = asustar, espantar, dar incontables, en frases
Rainy = lluvioso (reini) miedo afirmativas e interrogativas.
Raining = lloviendo (reinin) (sk) (sked) (sked) (skring) A lot of = un montn de, mucho
(a ltov)
Outside = fuera, afuera, (: e + a a la vez) Necklace = collar (nk,les)
fuera de, exterior (aut,said) Invite, invited, invited, inviting Pearl = perla (p:) (pro)
London = Londres (lndn) = invitar (invait) (invaitid) Pearl necklace = collar de perlas
Roma = Roma (roum) (invaitid) (invaitin) (p: nk,les)
New York = Nueva York Hannah = Ana (hjna) Diamond = diamante
(niu yo:k) (niu york) (nu) Richard = Ricardo (rchd) (daimnd) (daimnd)
Now = ahora, actualmente David = David (deivid) Ring = anillo, sortija (rin)
Holiday = vacaciones (UK),
(nau) Steve = Esteban (sti:v) fiesta (US) (hjlidi)
Garden = jardn (g:dn) On the list = en la lista To look like = parecer, parecer
(grdn) (on d list) (on d lest) que (tu luk laik)
Degree = grado (degr:) Didn't = Did not = no (ddnt) Greit! = Estupendo!, Genial!,
Sunny = soleado (sni) Verbo auxiliar utilizado Guay!, Fabuloso! (greit)
Cloudy = nuboso, nublado, para formar negativo en el Wonder, wondered, wondered,
confuso, vago, impreciso pasado. wondering = preguntarse
(wanda-er) (wanded) (wanded)
(klaudi) Call, called, called, calling (wanderin)
Windy = ventoso (windi) = llamar, telefonear Wow! = Guau! (wau)
Chilly = fresquito, fro (chli) (ko:) (ko:d) (ko:d) (k:lin) Excellent! = Excelente! (ksln)
To freeze = congelar-se, Far = lejos, extremo Australia = Australia (ostreilia)
helar-se (tu fri:s) (fa:) (far) Free = libre, gratis, gratuito (fri:)
Frozen = helado/a, By far = de lejos, con creces, Stuff = cosas, materia (staf)
congelado/a con mucha diferencia. Free stuff = cosas gratis
(fri staf)
(frousn) (bai fa:) Lately = ltimamente,
Freezing = mucho mucho Best = mejor (bst) recientemente (leit,li)
fro, congelacin (fr:sin) The best = el mejor (d best) Trip = viaje, tropezn (truit)
To boil = hervir (tu boil / tu Wouldn't say = no dira To hand out = repartir, distribuir
boio) (wudnt sei) (tu hjndaut)
Boiling = hirviendo (boilin) Person = persona (p:sn) They handed out = repartieron
Boiler = caldera (boila-r) (prsn) (dei hjndidaut)
Hand = mano (hnd)
Nice = amable, agradable, Idea = idea (aida) Hand, handed, handed, handing=
bonito/a (nais) Player = jugador (pleia) entregar, dar (hjnd) (hjndid)
Weather report = informe (pleir) (hjndid) (hjndin)
meteorolgico, pronstico del Conductor = Can = lata, poder (kn)
tiempo (weda-r rep:t) conductor (kndkta) Soup = sopa (su:p)
(kendktr) Tomato soup = sopa de tomate
INTRODUCTION Say, said, said, saying = (tom:tu su:p) (tomeidou su:p)
Spinach soup = sopa de
decir, afirmar (sei) (sed) espinacas (spnich su:p)
-What's the weather like? (sed) (seiin) Leek soup = sopa de puerros
= Qu tiempo hace? No tiene complemento (li:k su:p)
Tambin se admite: indirecto.
-How's the weather? Student = alumno, estudiante PART 1
= Cmo es el tiempo? (stiudnt)
= Qu tiempo hace? Information = informacin -They've been giving away.
= Ellos han estado regalando.
Pero solemos decir casi (nfomeishn) (infomeishn) -To give away.
siempre: Art = arte (a:t) = Dar, regalar, deshacerse de.
-What's the weather like? Installation = instalacin -In Spanish, the verb "Regalar"
= Cmo est el tiempo? (nstleishn) (instleishn) has two different ideas.
-It's hot.
= Hace calor. Pythoness = pitonisa = En espaol, el verbo "Regalar"
-It's cold. (paizons) tiene dos ideas diferentes.
= Hace fro. Region = region (r:yn) Si te regalo un collar de
perlas, no se dice: Give away,
-It's warm, not too hot. Conductor = es un regalo de valor. Es a Gift
= Es clido, no demasiado conductor (kndkta) -Im giving you a pearl necklace.
caliente. (kendktr) = Te estoy dando un collar de
-It's the weather hot or cold? perlas.
= Es tiempo caluroso o PART 1 -I'm giving you a diamond ring.
fro? = Te estoy dando un anillo de
-It's the weather wet or dry? -Why aren't? diamantes.
-To give.
= Es tiempo hmedo o = Por qu no? = Regalar Como regalo de
seco? -Why aren't I? (wai :ntai) verdad.
- Is it raining? = Por qu no estoy? -To give away.
= Est lloviendo? Es un error grammatical = Regalar Porque me sobra o
-What's the weather like aceptado. Se puede decir: no lo quiero.
today in Barcelona? -Why am I not? -Would you like a car? I'm giving
= Qu tiempo hace hoy en = Por qu no estoy? away cars.
= Quieres un coche? Estoy
Barcelona? Pero se dice mucho ms: regalando coches.
-What's the weather like in Why aren't I? -They have been giving away lots
London? -Why aren't I on the list? of free stuff.
= Qu tiempo hace en = Por qu no estoy en la = Ellos han estado regalando
Londres? lista? muchas cosas gratis.
-What's the weather like in -Why aren't I on your class?
Rome? = Por qu no estoy en tu -I'm just reading this magazine
here and well
= Qu tiempo hace en clase? = Estoy leyendo esta revista aqu
Roma? -Why aren't I on your team? y bien
-What's the weather like in = Por qu no estoy en tu -It looks like they're giving away a
New York, now? equipo? free holiday.
= Qu tiempo hace en -Why aren't I ready? = Parece que estn regalando
Nueva York, ahora? = Por qu no estoy unas vacaciones gratis.
-What's the weather like preparado. No se dice: Holidays para
outside? -Why aren't I scared? -Let's see where they're giving
= Qu tiempo hace fuera? = Por qu no estoy away a holiday to.
asustado? = Vamos a ver a dnde estn
PART 1 -Why aren't I your teachers? regalando unas vacaciones.
= Por qu no soy tu -They're giving away a free
-What's the weather like? profesor? holiday to Granada, beautiful
= Qu tiempo hace? -Why aren't I there? place, the Alhambra. Oh! Wow!
= Estn regalando unas
What + is = What's. = Por qu no estoy all? vacaciones gratis a Granada,
-What's the weather like? -Why aren't I invited? hermoso lugar, la Alhambra. Oh!
= Qu tal el tiempo? = Por qu no estoy Guau!
-What's the house like? invitado? -They're giving away free holiday
= Qu tal es la casa? to Almeria. Oh great!
-What's the class likes? PART 2 = Estn regalando vacaciones
= Qu tal la clase? gratis a Almera. Oh, genial!
-They're giving away a free
-What's the garden like? -On the list. holiday to Tenerife.
= Qu tal el jardn? = En la lista. Excellent!
Ojo! No decimos: In the = Estn regalando unas
-What's the weather like list. La preposicin, aqu es: vacaciones gratis a
today? On, no In. Tenerife. Excelente!
= Qu tal el tiempo hoy? -Why aren't I on the list? -I wonder if they're giving away a
-Twenty degree. (20C) = Por qu no estoy en la free holiday to Australia.
= Veinte grados lista? = Me pregunto si estn
regalando unas vacaciones
-What's the weather going to -Why isn't he on the list? gratis a Australia.
be like tomorrow afternoon? = Por qu no est ella en -Oh no! They're not giving away a
= Cmo va a ser el tiempo la lista? free holiday to Australia.
maana por la tarde? -Why aren't they on the list? = Oh no! No estn
-Fifteen degrees. (15C) = Por qu no estn ellos en regalando vacaciones gratis a
= Quince grados la lista? Australia.
-Why isn't she on the list?
PART 2 = Por qu no est ella en la
lista? -Free stuff.
-It's sunny. -Am I on the list? = Cosas gratis.
= Es soleado. = Estoy en la lista? -Free.
-What's the weather like? -Yes Hannah. You're on the = Gratis, gratuito, libre.
= Qu tiempo hace? list. -Stuff.
-It's cloudy. = S, Ana. T ests en la = Cosas, material.
-A lot of.
= Est nublado. lista. = Un montn de, mucho.
-It's windy. -Is Richard on the list? -They've been giving away lots of
= Hace viento. = Est Ricardo en la lista? free stuff lately.
-It's rainy. -Yes. He's on the list. = Ellos han estado regalando
= Est lluvioso = S. Est en la lista. muchas cosas gratis
-Is David on the list? ltimamente.
-It's hot. = Est David en la lista? -Most women are bossy. Don't
you agree? Mine not.
= Hace calor. -Oh no, sorry Hannah. He = La mayora de las mujeres son
isn't on the list. mandonas. No ests de
PART 3 = Oh no, lo siento Ana. No acuerdo? La ma no.
est en la lista. -Don't be bossy. I'm not bossy.
-And hot. -And why aren't I on the list? = No seas mandn. Yo no soy
= Y caluroso. = Y por qu no estoy en la mandn.
-It's cold. lista? -Am I bossy? Am I bossy
= Hace fro. -Why isn't he on the list? = Soy mandn? Soy una
-It's chilly. = Por qu no est l en la persona mandona?
= Hace fresquito. lista? -Mara is a big bossy.
-It's very cold. -Well. He isn't on the list = Mara es una gran mandona.
=Hace mucho fro. because he didn't call. -Lots of free stuff.
-It's freezing. = Bien. No est en la lista = Muchas cosas gratuitas.
= Hace mucho mucho fro. porque no llam.
= Est helado / congelado.
-It's very hot. PART 3 -To hand out.
=Hace mucho calor. = Repartir, distribuir.
-It's boiling. -By far. -Yesterday, they handed out
= Hace mucho mucho calor. = De lejos. cans of soup.
= Es abrasador. = Con creces. = Ayer repartieron latas de sopa.
= Est hirviendo. (lit) = Con mucho. -Hand.
= Mano.
= Con mucha diferencia. -To hand.
-What's the weather like -I'm the best by far. = Dar con la mano. Entregar.
today? = Soy el / Soy la mejor con -To hand out.
= Qu tiempo hace? mucha diferencia. = Distribuir con la mano.
-It's hot and sunny. -He's the best by far.
= Es caluroso y soleado. = l es el mejor con mucha -Would you like a free can of
diferencia. soup here?
-The weather is nice today. -She's the best by far. = Quires una lata de sopa
gratis aqu?
= El tiempo est agradable = Ella es la mejor con mucha -Jerry. Would you like a can of
hoy. diferencia. soup? Here's your tomato soup.
-We're waiting for the -This is the best by far. = Jerry. Quieres una lata de
weather report. = Este es el mejor con sopa? Aqu tienes tu sopa de
= Estamos esperando el mucha diferencia. tomate.
pronstico del tiempo. -A humble person wouldn't -Paco. Yeah. Would you like your
say I'm the best by far. can? Let's see. A spinach soup.
= Paco. S. Quieres tu lata?
= Una persona humilde no Veamos. Una sopa de
dira: Yo soy la mejor con espinacas.
mucha diferencia. -I'm handing out cans of soup.
-This is the best idea by far. Would you like some soup?
= Esta es la major idea con = Estoy entregando latas de
mucha diferencia. sopa. Te gustaria un poco de
-Pepe is the best player by sopa?
= Pepe es el mejor jugador
con mucha diferencia.
-I have the best students by
= Tengo los mejores
alumnos con mucha

-It says we have the best

information by far, so Steve
is on the list.
=l dice que tenemos la
mejor informacin con
mucha diferencia, as que
Esteban est en la lista.
- And we have the best art
installations by far, so that is
on the list, but I'm not on the
= Y tenemos las mejores
instalaciones de arte, por lo
que est en la lista, pero yo
no estoy en la lista.
-Why aren't I on the list? I'm
the best pythoness by far in
this region.
= Por qu no estoy en la
lista? Soy la mejor pitonisa,
con mucho, en esta regin.

-I'm the best conductor by

= Soy el mejor conductor con
mucha diferencia.
= Soy la mejor conductora
con mucha diferencia.

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