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My parents had gone on a trip and I stayed with my grandmother and my aunts. I took with
me my two pets, my dog and a fish. And what happened was that my dog ( called copito)
hid under the closet and nobody found it. They were looking for it everywhere and when I
arrived from school they told me about it, then I had an idea, I opened the door of the
refrigerator and the dog appeared running, because he really likes the ham.

Mis padres se haban ido de viaje y yo me qued con mi abuela y mis tas. Me llev conmigo
mis dos mascotas, mi perro y un pez. Y lo que pas fue que mi perro (llamado copito) se
escondi debajo del armario de ropa y nadie lo encontraba. Lo buscaron por todos lados y
cuando yo llegu del colegio me lo contaron, entonces tuve una idea, abr la puerta de la
nevera y el perro apareci corriendo, porque le gusta mucho el jamn.

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