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She Bnited States of America -edrral Aviation Administration Beparhnent of Transportation Cype Cortifirate Neamber asic This certificate issued lo McDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION certifies that the type design fon the following product with tha operating limita ons and condilions therefor as specified in the Foderal Aniation Regulations and the Type Cortificate Dalz Sheol, moots the airsonthiness requinomonts of Fart so of the Federal Luialion ze Feel OC-9-11, DC-9-12, DC-9-13, DC-9-14, DC-9-15, C-9-31, DC-9-15F, OC-9-32, OC~ 32F, DC-9-41, 3F, DC-9-21, DC-9-51; DC-9-3¢F, DC-9-34, 81, "DC-9-82, 'DC-9-83 This certificate, and the Typo Certificate Data Shoot which & a prart horoof, shall remain in effect until surmencdered, suspended, sencked, on a lermination dale &s othenoie etablished by Ue Sliminttvator of the Foderal Sbuintion Shiministration This certificate consists of three pages. Dist af af plication» See Page 2. Date of summon: See Page 3. By direction uff the Aeminisleator (Spam A et D Ovrom MANAGER, LOS ANGELES AIRCRAFT (2) CERTIFICATION OFFICE This certificate may be transferred if endorsed at provided on the reverse hertof. sty aeration gf sett ener the Type Cifete Date Shi paisa bya fio ot xebng $1,000, or imprisonment not exereding 3 yes (aresonewna Ps) a4

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