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La mejor manera de conocer Brighton es caminar a lo largo de la explanada

a orillas del mar. Aqu vers algunos de edificios antiguos ms bellos de la
ciudad. Muchos de los ms importante turstica de inters * de la ciudad
tambin estn cerca a orillas del mar, en la zona frente a muelle de
Brighton tiene dos muelles, el muelle west y el MUELLE de Brighton.
Desafortunadamente usted no puede visitar el muelle west porque partes
ella cayeron al mar en 1987 y en 2003. Muelle Brighton Tiene ms de 100
aos y es muy popular con los turistas. ESTA ABIERTO 364 das al ao, de
10 am hasta la media noche. La entrada es gratis.
El Pabelln Real, en el Desfile del Pabelln, es probablemente el Ms
famoso edificio en Brighton y fue uno de los palacios de rey Jorge IV en el
siglo XIX. Est abierto desde 9,30 a.m. a 5,45 p.m. Abril a septiembre y
desde 10 de la maana a 5,15 p.m. Para el resto del ao. La entrada es
9.80 para adultos y 5.60 para nios, o puedes comprar un Boleto de la
familia para dos adultos y dos nios por 25.20.
La pequea rea entre calle norte y la Explanada se llama los carriles. Este
es el mejor lugar para ir de compras para la ropa, o simplemente relajarse
en un caf y ver el mundo pasar. carril del norte, entre calle norte y calle de
Trafalgar, es otro popular zona de compras y precios hay generalmente ms
barato que en los carriles.
Dear Harriet
How are you? Im studying English at a language school in Brighton. Is a very
good school and the people is very friendly. I study for three hours every
morning and I like very much my classes. The name of my teacher is
Caroline. She borned in Liverpool, but now she lives in Brighton.
After classes I usually visit places in Brighton with my friend Agns. Shes
french, she has 29 years old and shes doctor. Two days ago we went
shopping in The Lanes and yesterday night I went to Brighton Pier and had
fi sh and chips! Tomorrow were going to see the Royal Pavilion. Agns think
Brighton is boring, but Im not agree with her. Im going to stay here for two
more weeks. Would you like to visit me.
Love Alejandro
Imagnese que usted est visitando a un amigo en un diferente
Pueblo o ciudad para el fin de semana. Ahora es sbado
Por la tarde. Tomar notas sobre estas cosas.
El lugar que estas visitando
donde usted est permaneciendo y te vas a quedar con la gente
buenas/malas cosas sobre el lugar
tres cosas Lo hiciste hoy (Sbado)
two things youre going to do tomorrow (Sunday)
Dear sister
How are you? I'm in Lima city visiting my best friend, do not worry. I'm
staying at my friend Rosa's house and the people who are around are very
Lima is a beautiful place. Where the palace of government is in the center
of the city. Also there are beautiful beaches, big parks, zoos and many
shopping centers. The bad thing about the city is that there is always traffic
and the people live stressed every day.
Today in the morning we went to the huachipa zoo because we love
animals. We can see giraffes, zebras, lions, penguins, bears and much
variety in birds and reptiles. In the afternoon we visited the representative
squares of the city where we took many photos and finally went to "circuit
magic of the waters" park. It is very beautiful and magic. It was a unique
Tomorrow I'm going to go to the beach with my friend Yelitza and her
family. We'll also play volleyball and talk about our plans for the future. In
the afternoon we will go shopping and before the end of the day we are
going to go to the cinema where we will choose a movie of action since they
are our favorites.

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