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Facultad de Ingeniera



Profesora Adjunta: Ana Mara Luxardo

Jefa de Trabajos Prcticos: Mara Graciela Fornieles

Profesoras Ayudantes: Ma. Graciela Brizuela

Agustina Mara Cornell
Ma. Florencia Mndez

Ma. Virginia Valenzuela


1 Orden de la frase nominal

En una construccin nominal en ingls, el adjetivo prcticamente siempre se

ubica delante del sustantivo.

Peripheral device

automatic load es carga automtica

statistical analysis es anlisis estadstico
executable distribution es distribucin ejecutable

Adems, generalmente, la nica palabra que muestra gnero y nmero en

estas frases es el sustantivo. En las siguientes frases, an cuando el adjetivo no
tiene forma plural, se est haciendo referencia a muchos dispositivos/

peripheral devices
clickable links
interactive games

2 Terminacin -ing

La terminacin ing puede estar presente tanto en sustantivos como en


Programming en la oracin She is programming. es programando (un verbo

en forma continua), pero en structured programming es programacin (un
sustantivo), y en programming languages (un adjetivo), lenguajes de

Bsicamente los adjetivos terminados en ing nos dan la idea de un

elemento/un sujeto que hace o que se utiliza para hacer algo, o de una accin
en proceso. Por esto a processing unit es justamente una unidad que procesa
a la que llamamos unidad de procesamiento.

incoming information es informacin entrante (que est ingresando)

editing tools es herramientas de edicin

3 Terminacin -ed

La terminacin ed tambin es comn en los adjetivos, y corresponde a la

terminacin ada/o/s // -ida/o/s en castellano.

protected field es un campo protegido

structured programming es programacin estructurada
networked computers es computadoras en red

4 Sustantivo con funcin de adjetivo

Podemos encontrar dos o ms sustantivos juntos, un sustantivo puede cumplir

funcin de adjetivo. De estos dos sustantivos, el primero cumple la funcin de
adjetivo. En character recognition hablamos de reconocimiento de caracteres
y no de caracteres de reconocimiento, output devices son dispositivos de
salida y no salida de dispositivos.

program transformation es transformacin de programas

distribution directory es directorio de distribucin

Otros ejemplos que podemos mencionar son:

storage capacity: capacidad de almacenamiento

adj sust

support services : servicios de soporte

pattern recognition: reconocimiento de patrones
Program simplification: simplificacin de programa

5 Dos o ms adjetivos

An ms difciles de comprender y traducir son las estructuras formadas por

dos o tres adjetivos (o sustantivos que funcionan como adjetivos) ms un
sustantivo. Una vez que ubicamos el sustantivo principal (i.e. cuando
deducimos de qu estamos hablando) debemos ir a las palabras anteriores
para ver cmo es ese sustantivo. Si hablamos de un estudiante, vamos a ir a
las palabras anteriores para ver estudiante de qu es.

a computer programming student

Por lo tanto:

database management system es un sistema de gestin de bases de datos

computer programming students son estudiantes de programacin de
WAP: Wireless Application Protocol es un Protocolo de Aplicacin Inalmbrica

FTP: File Transfer Protocol es Protocolo de Transferencia de Archivos

Tabla 1: Podemos comprender estas frases realizando un anlisis analgico a

partir del primer ejemplo.

Personal Digital Assistant Asistente Digital Personal

3 2 1 1 2 3

Internet Service Provider (ISP) Proveedor de Servicio de Internet

3 2 1 1 2 3

Transmission Control Protocol Protocolo de Control de Transmisin

(TCP) 1 2 3
3 2 1
Mtodo de Reduccin de Inseguridad
Uncertainty reducing method 1 2 3
3 2 1

Tabla 2: De la misma manera, analizamos algunas frases con tres o ms

adjetivos modificando al sustantivo.

Combinatory logistic regression models Modelos de regresin logstica combinatoria

4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4

Standards-based system Management Gestin de sistema basado en estndares

4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4

Aspect-oriented design definition Definicin de diseo orientado a aspectos

4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4

credit card verification system Sistema de verificacin de tarjetas de crdito

4 3 2 1 1 2 3

Tabla 3

Heterogeneous multiprocessor architectures Anlisis de eficiencia de arquitecturas

5 4 3 1 2 3
efficiency analysis de multiprocesadores heterogneos
2 1 4 5


Traduzca las siguientes frases.

Glosario: Potash: hidrxido de potasio

a computer program
a computer programmer

a tiny computer
a chemical reaction
hazardous mixtures
additional costs
Purity standards
coal deposits
the design engineer
technological applications
a machine language
a common device
pharmaceutical drugs
a digital computer
a hardware component
Geothermal energy
a system operator
conventional methods
1660s Germany
an electronic part
an input device
production time
developed theory
a foam manufacturer
the following examples
uniform energy distribution
the chemical processing
Food and Drug Administration
nutritious food products
the chemical processing industry
natural anti-microbial compounds
natural edible ingredients
lithium/potash* brine composition
food safety laws
manufacturing, and packaging
community-based organizations
high performance work
training and development programs
key occupational sectors
a soccer-ball shape
materials science
egg white protein
natural anti-microbial compounds
food technology development
silver sulfide mineral phases


Tiempos simples

Presente Simple

Se usa para describir hbitos, rutinas, verdades permanentes, y leyes fsicas,

matemticas, naturales, etc.

Tabla 1: Conjugacin del verbo to be

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

am am not
I I Am I
(m) (m not)

He He he free on
is free on is not free on
She She Is she Saturday
(s) Saturday It (isnt) Saturday
It it ?

We We we
are are not
You You Are you
(re) (arent)
They They they

Tabla 2: Conjugacin de ortos verbos (regulares e irregulares)

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

We We do not we
start Do
You You (dont) start you
They work at They work at they star work at
8. 8. t 8?
He He does not he
She starts She (doesnt) Does she
It It start it

Palabras interrogativas ms comunes

Who: quin
What: qu
Where: dnde
When: cundo
Which: cul
Why: por qu
How: cmo
How much: cunto/a (singular)

How many: cuntos/as (plural)
How long. Por cunto tiempo / qu longitud
How fast: cun rpido/ qu tan rpido
How large: cun extenso
How heavy: cun pesado

How often: cun frecuentemente/ cada cunto

En las preguntas con palabras interrogativas el orden es:

Wh + auxiliar + sujeto + verbo

When we
do you start work?

When he start work?

does she


Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. The Earth is one large mixture of molecules in gases, liquids and solids.

2. Matter is the Stuff Around You.

3. Matter is everything around you. Matter is anything that has a mass.

4. Atoms have three basic parts... protons, neutrons and electrons.

5. Most of the Earth's energy comes from the Sun.


7. There's a huge ball of molten iron (Fe) in the center of the planet and it's very

8. The Sun is still much hotter than anything inside our planet is.

9. What do IEC and NEC have in common?

10. The paper reviews briefly the present status and future trends of some new,
emerging food preservation technologies but it does not anticipate the major
lines of developments in relation to functional and transgenic foods.
11. What is the function of the geothermal gradient?

12. What does the industrial use of geothermal resourses consist in?

13. These topics of innovative food technologies and food products are of
particular importance in view of the European Union's regulation concerning
"novel foods and novel ingredients".

14. The author doesnt consider the obstacles and the needs for more research.

15. Diamond has special optical properties such as a high index of refraction,
high dispersion and high luster.

16. How much does it cost?

17. How do the omega-3 fatty acids improve heart functions?

18. What does green chemistry result in?

19. Are these countries able to sustain their coal supply to China?

20. Which are the main advantages of this biodegradable plastic?

21. These properties help make diamond the world's most popular gemstone.

22. Diamonds form at high temperatures and pressures that occur in Earth's
mantle about 100 miles down.

23. Uniformity of temperature means better yields, more consistent quality.

24. What do they have to confirm and determine?

25. Is mining possible in this area?

26. The report also does not mention the emerging new technologies for coal
and the rise of the coal seam gas industry.

27. The process of gold concentration does not happen only above the surface
of the Earth.

Pasado Simple

Se forma empleando el pasado simple de los verbos, es decir, agregando la

terminacin -ed (segunda columna de la lista de verbos en el caso de verbos

Se refiere a acciones ocurridas y concluidas en un pasado definido.

Tabla 1: Conjugacin del verbo to be

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

He He was not he
She She (wasnt) Was she
It free last It free last it free last
Saturday Saturday Saturday?
We We we
were not
You were You Were you
They They they

Tabla 2: Conjugacin de ortos verbos (regulares e irregulares)

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

He He he
She She she late
late last did not late last
It worked It work Did it work last
week (didnt) week
We We we week?
You You you
They They they

En las preguntas con palabras interrogativas el orden es:

Wh + did + sujeto + verbo en infinitivo

Where did it work last year?


Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. How did they respond?

2. What was the cause of this rise?

3. Appert did not really know the principle on which his process worked.

4. What did industry observers say about (ODMMSs) ?

5. What did the grow of intranet signal?

6. The ancient Romans were innovators of mining engineering.

7. They developed large scale mining methods, especially the use of large
volumes of water...

8. In the early 1990s, the field of green chemistry emerged.

9. In the 1980s, environmental regulations on hazardous waste disposal at both

the local and national levels became more stringent.

10. How did this change influence the cost of hazardous waste disposal?

11. But the team didnt see this characteristic fractionation, which hints that the
gas went mainly into water.

12. In 1922, Fleming made an important discovery, lysozyme.

13. One of the most important medical advances in history began by accident.

14. What change did this drug bring to medicine?

15. What was there on one of the plates?

16. There were two methods of food preservation using salt as a preservative

17. When did the program begin?

18. Pasteur did research on the production of alcohol, vinegar, wines and beer.

19. Pasteur became the pioneer into bacteriology and of modern

preventive medicine.

20. Sometimes the results were good, and sometimes they werent.

21. Some millions of years ago this uranium ended up in the interstellar clouds
that formed the solar system and the earth and ultimately became a part of
different geological formations

22. The industry continued to sponsor organizations and journals that focus on
nutrition-related subjects and intensified efforts to lobby government for
favorable dietary advine

Tiempos continuos

Presente Continuo

Se forma con am / is / are y el verbo terminado en -ing

Se usa para describir acciones en proceso (lo que est sucediendo ahora),
para acciones o eventos temporarios o excepcionales (This month we are not
working in the afternoon.) y para compromisos o arreglos definitivos para el
futuro (We are having a test tomorrow).

Tabla 1: Conjugacin de verbos regulares e irregulares.

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

am not
I am I Am I
(m not)

He He he
is not
She is working She working Is she working?
It It it

We We we
are not
You are You Are you
They They they

En las preguntas con palabras interrogativas el orden es:

Wh + am / is /are + sujeto + verbo

am I

Where he working?
is she
are you


Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. They are a chemical company and now they are producing our food.

2. SlideShare is experiencing some problems in file uploads right now.

3. We are working on this right now.

4. Were trying to make the experience of loading pages faster for everyone.

5. What causes noises (mechanical excitations) while the machine is

accelerating and decelerating?

6. Today, Iran is developing space launch vehicles.

7. Are they trying to develop anuclear weapon?

8. North-Korea is making rapid progress on work to enrich uranium and build a

light-water nuclear power plant.

9. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are rising at a frightening rate with
no sign of slowing. Global temperatures are continuing to rise.

10. What are they trying to achieve, what is the process to get there, what
concrete actions are they taking?

11. What are they hoping to achieve from Protected Industrial Action?

12. Natural selection involves organisms that are trying to adapt.

13. Scientists are often trying to find out whether certain factors changed or
remained the same.

14. We are aiming at growth in the Medicine/Welfare and Care of powerful

anti-cancer drugs as the base, and focusing on dev new medicines.

15. At the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre they are carrying out research
into everything from vaccines to cancer.

16. The Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Benign

Semiconductor Manufacturing is developing the science, technology, and
educational methods needed to lead the semiconductor industry on
environmental issues.

17. Recent statistics are showing that most mobile users prefer using their
smartphone or tablet's web browser rather than native apps

Pasado Continuo

Se forma con was / were y el verbo terminado en ing.

Se usa para describir acciones en progreso (no concluidas) en un momento

dado del pasado.

Tabla 1: Conjugacin de verbos regulares e irregulares.

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

He He was not He
was Was
She She (wasnt) She
It at 5 pm It at 5 pm It at 5 pm
working yesterday? working yesterday? working? yesterda
We We We y?
were not
You were You Were You
They They They

En las preguntas con palabras interrogativas el orden es:

Wh + am / is /are + sujeto + verbo

was working at 5 pm
Where she
were you


Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. They were studying the metabolic roles of certain enzymes.

2. The steam was coming from the turbine side.

3. Franklin was experimenting with stoves during 1738.

4. This indicates the yeast was growing and converting sugar in order to do so

5. A major software vendor was developing a new, sophisticated operating

6. Chilean Miners Admit They Were Mining For Semolina (newspaper heading)

7. VMware announced something they were working on called "Project

Octopus." You may recall that Octopus is a file synchronization technology
that's similar to Dropbox or Box,

8. Columbus was looking for a faster trade route to Asia to make transportation
more profitable. He was trying to find a western route, a quicker trade route, to
get spices and riches for Spain and impress the monarchs who had sent him

9. Diesel generators were supplying the reactor with electricity

10. Mrs. Aliyeva said cooperation between Azerbaijan and Serbia was
developing successfully in all fields.

11. They were trying to map chromosomes

13. The scientists stumbled on this finding when they were studying the
relationship between diet and its impact on heart tissue

14. K. Hovnanian reported they were modeling potential solutions and building
test homes in order to gather data.

15. By the 1920s they were producing 98 percent of the world's cars.

16. In the 1970s, researchers were considering the development of powerful

experimental lasers as an element of missile defense.

17. Wind machines were working in the Waihopai Valley on Sunday night, as
the temperature dropped to almost zero.

18. He was conducting an experiment in his lab which involved shooting high
speed electrons at a target.

19. The photoreduction quantum yield was decreasing with the increase of the
irradiation wavelength.

20. There were a lot of successful collisions when the reaction was taking
place producing a lot of kinetic energy.

21. It is peculiar that global warming received much more attention years after
the temperature changed than it did while the change was occurring.

Tiempos perfectos

Presente Perfecto

Se forma con have/has y el verbo en pasado participio (terminacin -ed para

verbos regulares y tercera columna de la lista de verbos en el caso de los
verbos irregulares).

En general, los tiempos perfectos se usan para conectar el pasado con el


El presente perfecto se usa para hablar de acciones o situaciones comenzadas

en el pasado y que continan en el presente (They have worked on that report
for six days) y para acciones sucedidas en el pasado, pero sin especificacin
de tiempo (We have learnt to control energy and how to change it from one
form to another.).

Tabla 1: Conjugacin de verbos regulares e irregulares.

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

We We have not we
have Have
You You (havent) you
They They finished the they finished the
finished the
test. test?
He He has not he
She has She Has she
It It (hasnt) it

En las preguntas con palabras interrogativas el orden es:

Wh + have / has+ sujeto + verbo

have you
Where worked?


Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. Researchers have discovered that industry claims are not true.

2. As they have previously observed in genetically modified soybeans, there

was a decrease in the content and composition of phosphatidic acid in three
of the modified canola oils derived from the lines investigated.

3. Scientists have not found that out yet.

4. Since its introduction in the fields of Canada in 1995, acreage devoted to

the new rapeseed has steadily grown.

5. Contamination of conventional rapeseed crops from neighboring

genetically engineered fields has been a serious problem for Canadian

6. What have (ORDBMSs) added to relational databases?

7. Lithium Americas Corp. reports that it has signed an agreement with

Borax Argentina S.A., a Rio Tinto subsidiary, to acquire the rights to exploit
subsurface lithium and potash brines at the Borax Argentina S.A. properties
in the Cauchari salt lake, Jujuy Province, Argentina.

8. How much has it grown since its introcuction in the international market?

9. What changes has he started to consider?

10. Therefore, scientists have done everything, from computer modeling to

pumping vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the subsurface to find out if...

11. Meanwhile, object-relational database-management systems

(ORDBMSs) have added object capabilities to relational databases.

12. Since the beginning of civilization people have used stone, ceramics
and, later, metals...

13. What kind of tools have people used since the beginning of civilization?

14. Increased carbon emissions since 1850 have raised the percentage of
Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, which causes global warming.

15. Since the program began in 1975, 3M has saved more than $810 million.

16. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has not officially endorsed
or approved any specific manufacturer of portable or mobile crushing units.

17. Acuity Brands joins a growing list of companies that have applied Lean
manufacturing approaches to IT operations, software development and other
aspects of IT.

18. Researchers havent discovered much connected to that area so far.

19. Where have they sent the information involving physical changes?

20. For example, many IT shops have adopted ITIL, a set of best practices
for defining and standardizing IT services.

21. What have increased carbon emissions raised since 1850?

22. Toward that end, Coby has developed a philosophy he calls 3PI, short
for Proposition, Process, People and IT.

23. What kind of phylosophy has Coby developed?

Pasado Perfecto

Se forma con had y el verbo en pasado participio (terminacin -ed para

verbos regulares y tercera columna de la lista de verbos en el caso de los
verbos irregulares).

Se usa para describir acciones o eventos ocurridos en el pasado con

anterioridad a otra accin, tambin ocurrida en el pasado.

Tabla 1: Conjugacin de verbos regulares e irregulares.

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

I about Dr.
I I we
Have Hill
We about We have not about you
You hear before I
Dr. Hill You (havent) Dr. Hill they met him?
They had heard They heard
before I He has not d before I
He he
She met him She (hasnt) met him
Has she
It It it

En las preguntas con palabras interrogativas el orden es:

Wh + had + sujeto + verbo

you heard about
Where had they Dr. Hill before I
he met him?


Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. In the past, they had created a computer company (Traf-O-Data).

2. Apple had agreed to share the subscription fee with record labels.

3. They had observed that salt made ice melt at temperatures below its
normal melting point.

4. News that scientists had found evidence of life in a Mars meterorite had
leaked out, and NASA had to make an announcement.

5. The boy survived and Pasteur knew that he had found a vaccine for

6. In his third major breakthrough, he had succeeded in 'splitting' the atom

making him the world's first successful alchemist

7. Albert Einstein had reinforced the kinetic theory, and he had created a
powerful new tool for studying the movement of atoms.

8. The international project had identified 66,000 species and was aiming for
a further 50,000 species by 2015.

9. The IMF had not created a formal diagnostic tool for the public by the time
of the Asian Crisis.

10. They had studied the effects on the water efficiency use as well as some
other productivity related issues.

11. At welding, however, they had observed that all fumes were not sucked
out by the ventilation system.

12. He said his position had not changed, despite what reports of the
interview had suggested.

13. They came more than 20000 years ago, and by the year 1492 A.D., they
had established some patterns of society.

14. He had combined the gold particles with simple salt and black cinder
drawn from the slopes of one of Dracoheim's volcanoes.

15. Already in 1907, Einstein had concluded that the speed of light is
variable in the presence of a gravitational field.

16. Federal authorities say theyve unmasked an Internet user who had
claimed responsibility for hacking law enforcement websites around the

17. We had a face-to-face meeting with the Whitereel team and decided to
work with them after viewing examples of websites they had designed and
developed for other companies.

18. A couple of months earlier, Viewsonic had supplied 10000 monitors on

credit to Evesham

19. By June 1939, they had produced a substantial amount of "waste

uranium" from which it had extracted radium.

20. They had produced so much butter, that they couldn't sell it on their own
markets at the normal priceso much butter, that they couldn't sell it on their
own markets at the normal price.

21. The business group, the Partnership for New York City, had agreed to
support the bill

22. Huawei had announced the launch of Ascend D quad, the world s
fastest smartphone


Futuro simple (con shall/will)

Se forma con will, seguido del verbo en infinitivo. Shall suele usarse con las
primeras personas (I, we), pero su uso es cada vez menos frecuente.

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

We I I
You We we
The in England You in England you in England
will not
will be They be Will they be
y tomorrow. (wont) tomorrow. tomorrow.
He he
He She she
She It it

Tabla 2: Conjugacin

Futuro con be going to

Se forma con am/is are + going to y el verbo en infinitivo.

Se usa para expresar predicciones basadas en una evidencia presente o para

expresar planes o intenciones.

Tabla 1: Conjugacin

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

I am I Am
(m I

He going He going he going the paper

the paper is not the paper
She is to She to Is she to
tomorrow. (isnt) tomorrow. tomorrow?
It finish It finish it finish

We are
We You we
You are The Are you
They they
y )

Futuro perfecto

Se forma con will + have + verbo en pasado participio.

Se usa para hablar de acciones o eventos que sern concretados en un

momento dado del futuro.

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

We the job We we
You by 7.30 You the job by you have the job by
have will not have
They will this They 7.30 this Will they finishe 7.30 this
finished (wont) finished
He afternoon He afternoon. he d afternoon.
She . She she
It It it

Tabla 3: Conjugacin


Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. What will the computers of tomorrow be like? Will we still be using keyboards
and mice or will we actually live inside a partially digital world?

2. How can we feed the 2.5 billion more people an extra China and India
likely to be alive in 2050? The UN says we will have to nearly double our food

3. Moore's law predicts that the number of discrete elements on a square-inch

silicon integrated circuit will double every two years. While it's not exactly a
direct relationship, you can interpret that to mean that computers will double in
processing power every two years.

4. If 5.2 GHz was the top speed in 2010, what will it be in 2050?

5. Setting aside the artificial intelligence debate for a moment, what will futuristic
computers look like? Will they actually be invisible?

6. They will help you navigate around a strange city or discover a new favorite
restaurant tucked away in a corner somewhere.

7. Then again, it's possible that our ingenuity won't be enough to keep up with
Moore's law after a few more microprocessor generations. Perhaps our
computers will be more mundane and functional. But considering the way
they've transformed our world over the last 50 years, I'm willing to bet 2050 will
be an exotic, digital era.

8. many projections indicate we're going to be out of oil within 60 years

(usable coal will last a century and a half longer, give or take).

9. So, we'll want liquid hydrocarbons, but we'll inevitably run out.

10. Food, farm and water technologists will have to find new ways to grow more
crops in places that until now were hard or impossible to farm.

11. Green super rice, which could increase yields in Asia enough to feed an
extra 100 million people, will be rolled out in the coming years. But better plant
breeding with or without GM will be key to increasing the yields of all other

12. The Sahara Forest project will combine different technologies to grow food
and biofuel crops and be up and running by 2015.

13. Mozilla is aiming for a "soft, friendly, and human" design that will "feel like
Firefox" across all supported platforms and form factors. The challenge will be
blending the browsers distinctive visual style with the conventions of the
underlying platforms.

14. The slide presentation includes mockups that show how the new design
language will translate to various environments, including Android, Metro, B2G,
and the conventional desktop.

15. Enros wrote about it in a blog entry, in which he also says that a full video of
the presentation will be available soon.

16. How will the hosepipe ban affect you?

17. From midnight on Wednesday, seven water companies will bring in

hosepipe bans under this year's new regulations

18. How will they know if I am using my hosepipe?

19. How long will it last?

20. How much water will a hosepipe ban save?

21. When are koalas going to be endangered?

22. Ensure that when any land is going to be cleared, there must first be an
investigation to see if it is a koalas habitat.


Estos verbos son verbos auxiliares que se usan con otros verbos para expresar
ideas tales como posibilidad, obligacin, habilidad, etc., que no son expresadas
por el verbo principal de la oracin. Por ejemplo, en la siguiente oracin, el
verbo en negritas es un verbo modal:

We ought to pay the gas bill. (Deberamos pagar la factura del gas).

La idea de obligacin o responsabilidad est expresada por el modal ought to.

Los verbos modales son :

will would
can could
may might
shall should

ought to

Tambin se usa la frase have (got) tocomo modal para expresar obligacin,
aunque sufre los mismos cambios que un verbo comn:

He has to go to work = hes got to go to work

Does he have to go to work? = Has he got to go to work?

La expression have got to es ms informal que have to.


Los modales no cambian con la persona, es decir que por ejemplo,

no agregan s.

He/ She / It / We/ You / They can grow and develop thanks to light

No llevan do u otros auxiliares para formular preguntas.

Can it be done that way?

How loud must sound be to make things quiver?

Tampoco llevan do ni otros auxiliares para formular preguntas. Lo

hacen con not o -nt

Psychologists and physiologists might not agree with that


You shouldnt speak to your mother like that

Generalmente van seguidos del infinitivo sin to

There may be problems of which we dont know about

Mr. Davies should have the report tomorrow.

Significados y usos:

Expresin de habilidad: can could be able to (poder, ser capaz de,

tener la habilidad o el conocimiento para)

Mosquitoes can transmit many diseases. (habilidad general)

They could easily translate those foreign books. (habilidad en el pasado)

They wish they could find the answer to the problem. (habilidad hipottica)

Despus de otros modales o cuando es necesario un infinitivo con to, se usa

be able to (ser capaz de)

Ill be able to get a better job after I finish university.

We might be able to finish the report by Friday.

Expresin de obligacin: must have to (deber, tener que..., tener la

obligacin de...)

We must make every possible effort to find a definite cure for AIDS.

I have to be at work at nine.

Para hablar del pasado, despus de otros modales, o cuando es necesario el

infinitivo, se usa had to o have to:

We all had to leave the building when the alarm went off. (tuvimos que)

If Im late, I will have to stay at the office the whole afternoon. (tendr que)

Im sorry to have to tell you this, but the report is not finished yet. (tener que)

Must not (mustnt) implica prohibicin y por lo tanto su significado difiere de

do not have to (dont have to), que expresa ausencia de obligacin o

Visitors must not enter restricted areas without identification. (est prohibido)

You do not have to have identification to enter this area (no es necesario)

Expresin y solicitud de permiso: can could may (poder)

Can, could y may se usan para dar permiso o solicitarlo en el presente, en el

futuro, o en general.

Can I leave earlier today?

Could I borrow your pen for a second?

May I speak to you for a moment, Dr. Hill?

Expresin y solicitud de consejos: should should not (shouldnt) ought

to ought not to (oughtnt)

Se usa should, should not (shouldnt), ought to, ought not to (oughtnt) para
pedir y dar consejos en el presente, el futuro y en general.

We should tell Dr. Hill about the recent financial problems.

You ought not to delay submitting that report.

Expresin de posibilidad: can, could, may, might

Se usa can para expresar posibilidades en general.

In Russia, it can be quite hot in the summer

May, might y could se usan para expresar posibilidades en el

presente, el futuro y en general. May suele usarse para indicar que
algo tiene ms probabilidades de suceder.

It may rain this afternoon. Its too cloudy (Est muy nublado, es
probable que llueva)

Profesor Blake might know the answer. (El Profesor Blake podra
saber la respuesta)

There could be some similar questions on the exam (Podra

haber preguntas similares en el examen)

A menudo se usa el infinitivo continuo (be + ing) para expresar

acciones que estn sucediendo ahora sobre posibles planes futuros

They may be working on the report right now. (podran estar


I could be going to London this weekend (podra estar yendo)

Expresin de probabilidad: should ought to

Se usa should y ought to para decir que probablemente algo es

verdad o probablemente suceder.

Mr. Davies should have the report by now. (probablemente ya

tiene el informe)

The exam results ought to be on the website by now. (los

resultados probablemente ya estn en el sitio web).

Al igual que con can, could, may y might, con frecuencia, se usa
should y ought to con el infinitivo continuo (be + ing) para hablar de
acciones que estn sucediendo ahora sobre posibles planes futuros

They should/ought to be working now. (deberan estar


Mr. Davies should/ought to be arriving at about eight oclock this

evening. (debera estar llegando esta noche a las 8)

Expresin de certeza: must cannot (cant)

Se usa must cuando se est (casi) seguro de algo, por lo general

porque existe una evidencia.

Professor Smith didnt come to work today. She must be ill.

You must be Mr. Fords son. You look exactly like him.

Se usa cannot (cant) cuando se est casi seguro de que algo no es

cierto, por lo general porque existe una evidencia.

That cannot be Mr. Allen on the phone, I can see him sitting at his

Its 11pm, they cant be at the office!

Al igual que con can, could, may y might, con frecuencia, se usa must y
cannot con el infinitivo continuo (be + ing) para hablar de acciones que estn
sucediendo ahora sobre posibles planes futuros.

They must / cannot be working now.

Dr. Smith must / cannot be arriving from Athens this evening.


Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. There must be an element of balance in your design.

2. Speaker wire cannot be causing the problem

3. Since there is no burning involved in the process, obviously there cannot be


4. If the cable is defective it could cause various issues with your hard disk

5. It might result in programs being unable to be read correctly from the hard

6. The thesis elaborates on a new program which should bring about better
results than the Kyoto Protocol.

7. Reliable geological surveys can prove the presence of impermeable rock

barriers and the capability of deep rock formations to hold fluids.

8. Without sulfites, grape juice would turn to vinegar.

9. Vitamin D deficiency may result in depression, or depression may increase

risk for low vitamin D levels

10. If you are using the DSP, it cannot be working in the same memory space
as Linux

11. It should be noted that uniform local homogeneity is a topological property.

12. The machine ought to boot without a battery, but sometimes they just won't.

13. Another important aspect to remember is that food has to be preserved

carefully to avoid food poisoning.

14. Beginning the process does not have to be difficult or complex. But the
process must begin.

15. Artificial flavors may be more stable than natural ones and certainly are less

16. Certain artificial flavorants are given an E number, which may be included
on food labels.

17. This experimental list of activities is not comprehensive and one may expect
that some new activities can be found for this molecule.

18. If the plugin is deactivated it cannot be causing the problem.

19. Toyota announced today it will increase annual engine assembly capacity of
4-cylinder engines by more than 100000 at its plant in Georgetown

20. It may be showing that the supply is no longer there is such large amounts,

21. If it produces no black carbon, then it must be producing CO2

Modales perfectos

Se forman de la siguiente manera:

Modal + infinitivo perfecto (have + pasado participio)

Se usan para expresar deducciones sobre hechos del pasado, crticas a s

mismo o a terceros por cosas que se hicieron o no, cosas que posiblemente
sucedieron o no, o posibilidades irreales o hipotticas que en realidad se sabe
que no sucedieron.

must/cant/couldnt + infinitivo perfecto (have + pasado participio)

Se usa must, cant o couldnt con el infinitivo perfecto para expresar

deducciones sobre el pasado, de las cuales se tiene casi total certeza
generalmente porque existe una evidencia.

Here are the latest reports. My secretary must have left them some minutes
ago. (debe haberlos dejado)

Dr. hill is always very careful when doing experiments. He cant / couldnt have
made any mistakes (no puede o no pudo haber cometido errores)

should/ought to + infinitivo perfecto (have + pasado participio)

Se usa should u ought to con el infinitivo perfecto para expresar crticas a s

mismo o a terceros, por cosas que se hicieron o no.

Oh, no! We should have fetched our guests at the airport half an hour ago.
(deberamos haberlos buscado, pero no lo hicimos)

You ought not to have copied Ritas homework (no deberas haberlo copiado,
pero lo hiciste)

may, might, could + infinitivo perfecto (have + pasado participio)

Se usa may, might y could con el infinitivo perfecto para expresar cosas que
posiblemente sucedieron, o no sucedieron, en el pasado.

The thieves might have escaped through the window (podran haberse

Peter might not have known about the meeting. (podra no haber sabido)

might y could tambin se pueden usar con el infinitivo perfecto para hablar de
una posibilidad irreal o hipottica, algo pudo haber sucedido en el pasado, pero
que se sabe que en realidad no sucedi

Driving so fast he might have had an accident (pudo haber tenido un

accidente, pero no lo tuvo)

They could have warned us about the situation (pudieron habernos advertido
de la situacin, pero no lo hicieron)


Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. How many grams of zinc must have reacted to produce this quantity of

2. Any dietary supplement used should have confirmed scientific evidence that it
produces the weight loss effects it claims.

3. Therefore the Big Bang, as currently described, could not have produced the
universe as we see it today.

4. Economists should have foreseen the recession

5. But researchers now say that it may have mixed with another compound --
cyanuric acid -- to produce crystals that may have been deadly.

6. It ought to have started in July this year.

7. The operating system might have failed to create the new processes

8. The failure might have occurred because the system was not set up correctly
before using the tool.

9. Based on that information, you might have assumed that infrared heat can
also penetrate through layers of clothing.

10. This consideration shows that in many locations, even where natural gas
has a comparatively high helium content, the local rock cannot have supplied it.

11. This deficiency may have encouraged some readers to conclude that Logo
is just a toy, and that serious projects should be done in a "serious" language
such as Pascal or C++.

12. Schulz said backup generators kept refrigeration units working during the
outage so food should not have spoiled

13. The rats ought to have reacted equally to taste and to audio-visual stimulus.

14. Some English anthropologists believed that the human brain ought to have
developed before modern human dentition.

15. Here under sufficiently hot and humid conditions it could have reacted with
the ammonium nitrate to form nitrogen trichloride which is an exceedingly
unstable compound.

16. All other horticultural land must have produced an average gross income of
at least one thousand dollars ($1000)

17. The associated volcanic rocks could not have formed from melts of exactly
the same composition of any of the associated intrusive rocks.

18. The Industrial Revolution could not have developed without coal and iron.

19. The temperature difference should not have resulted in a 19.6% yield
difference because there was no moisture stress at this site.

20. The IFF system was designed so that it can have yielded enormous benefits
in logistics.

21. Both the plastic bag and the pressure can have proved very successful in
air-freighting tropical fish.


1. Una oracin est en voz activa cuando el sujeto de la oracin es quien

realiza la accin:

Pedro de Mendoza founded Buenos Aires

(Pedro de Mendoza fund Buenos Aires).

2. Una oracin est en voz pasiva cuando el sujeto de la oracin no realiza

ninguna accin, sino que recibe la accin realizada por un agente:

Buenos Aires was founded by Pedro de Mendoza.

(Buenos Aires fue fundada por Pedro de Mendoza)

3. a. Usamos la voz pasiva cuando no sabemos quin ha hecho la accin.

o Ejemplos:

o A civilian has been killed. (Un civil ha sido asesinado.)

o The car was stolen. (El coche fue robado.)

3. b. Usamos la voz pasiva cuando queremos dar importancia a lo que pas,

ms que a quin hizo la accin, o cuando no queremos decir quin lo hizo.

o Ejemplos:

o The letter was delivered yesterday. (La carta fue entregada ayer.)

o A mistake was made. (Un error fue cometido)

4. La voz pasiva se forma con el verbo to be conjugado ms el participio del

verbo principal. En ingls es mucho ms frecuente que en espaol y,
normalmente, aparece cuando no es importante quien realiza una accin sino
el hecho en s. Por eso, no siempre que veamos una pasiva, tenemos que
traducirlo literalmente, puesto que en espaol suena ms forzado. Slo es
posible el uso de la voz pasiva con verbos transitivos (verbos que llevan
complemento directo).


Tom writes a letter A letter is written by Tom

Tom is writing a letter A letter is being written by Tom
Tom was writing a letter A letter was being written by Tom
Tom wrote a letter A letter was written by Tom

Tom has written a letter A letter has been written by Tom
Tom had written a letter A letter had been written by Tom
Tom will write a letter A letter will be written by Tom
Tom is going to write a letter A letter is going to be written by Tom
Tom can write a letter A letter can be written by Tom
Tom could write a letter A letter could be written by Tom
Tom must write a letter A letter must be written by Tom
Tom may write a letter A letter may be written...

Tom might write a letter A letter might be written...

5. Para hacer referencia al agente que realiza la accin se usa la partcula by


Buenos Aires was founded by Pedro de Mendoza.

(Buenos Aires fue fundada por Pedro de Mendoza)

6. En castellano, es ms comn usar la Pasiva con se

A mistake was made.

Se cometi un error.


Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. The building was not seriusly damaged by the fire.

2. The interview has been canceled.

3. Who was the telephone invented by?

4. When was America discovered?

5. How is beer made?

6. The building was built in the twenty century.

7. The Santo Domingo mine will be developed as an open-pit operation

8. How much gold is mined in a year? Each year, approximately 2500 tons of
gold are mined throughout the world.

9. Thousands of products are made from oil and gas, like fuel, electronics,
sports equipment, medical supplies, household items and clothing.

10. Before food was processed we ate things that came out of the earth, out of
the water, off a branch or plant or tree or bush.

11. The tensile strength of Portland cement is being studied.

12. Jewel Blast for iPhone & iPad, has just been released.

13. In 1830--the same year the Indian Removal Act was passed--gold was
found on Cherokee lands.

14. In 1958, a new chemical element was discovered. It took the name
Nobelium after Alfred Nobel and was classified as number 102 in the periodic

15. Everything that can be invented has been invented.

16. The server did not provide a meaningful reply; this might be caused by a
premature session shutdown.

17. This research was conducted as part of the project Solid waste
management in. Amazonia conducted by A.C.R.A. (Associaaon for
Cooperaaon in Rural Areas).

18. Much research had been done on the subject.

19. Water is distilled by boiling it. As the water boils the steam is captured and
then re-condensed into a clean container.

20. The system is monitored by looking at the output voltage, if this is to low or
to high the system will be adjusted.


El condicional de tipo 1 o primer condicional

En general las oraciones condicionales son compuestas y estn formadas por

dos oraciones, una de las cuales suele comenzar con if (si), o unless (a
menos que) y expresa una condicin, de la cual depende el resultado,
expresado por la otra oracin.

El primer condicional se usa para expresar posibilidad real en el presente, el

futuro o en general.

Se forma de la siguiente manera:

If + S + presente simple + S + will + infinitivo

Condicin Resultado

Al igual que en las dems formas condicionales, el orden condicin-resultado,

puede ser invertido:

S + will + infinitivo + If.+ S + presente simple

Resultado Condicin

Nota: En muchos casos, los modales may, might, should, can o could pueden
sustituir a will en la estructura del resultado.


If there are any housing problems, the state will find the way to solve them.

The state will find the way to solve them, if there are any housing problems.


Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. If maintenance is not running every hour it will cause many different issues.

2. If the mining area is small, it will not reach optimum economic of scale.

3. The vaccine will be compromised if the cold chain is broken, even for short
periods of time.

4. The machine will not start unless the inspection window is fully closed.

5. If radium is swallowed in water or with food, most of it will quickly leave the
body as waste matter.

6. If gold is present there will show up on the filter paper a purple or rose
colored spot when the filter paper has dried

7. Nitrate is not adsorbed onto soil particles unless they are positively charged.

8. If the reaction takes place iso- entropically, then what will be the value of G
for the forward reaction?

9. Consequently if food quality is higher than what the customer perceives,

customer satisfaction will be adversely affected.

10. Step 3: State what will happen if the hypothesis doesn't come true.

11. If there are no gases present and only ink, then ink will flow into the purge

12. Remember, unless you save the document to your own computer, any
comments or changes you make on the opened file will not be saved in

13. If food spoilage organisms are present the food should definitely not be

14. The subsidence region will turn into a plash if the mining area is plain, while
underground mining can induce landslide in the mountainous area.

15. If the reaction takes place in a container with a movable piston, the greater
volume of gas product will force the piston outward against the pressure of the
atmosphere, thus doing work on the piston.

16. If there are no gases present the two bodies will simply weld together and
there will be no debris.

El condicional de tipo 2 o segundo condicional

Se usa para expresar hechos hipotticos o que resulta muy poco probable o
imposible que sucedan, ya sea en el presente o en el futuro.

Se forma de la siguiente manera:

If.+ S + pasado simple + S + would+ infinitivo

Condicin Resultado

Al igual que en las dems formas condicionales, el orden condicin-resultado,

puede ser invertido:

S + would+ infinitivo + if + S + pasado simple

Resultado Condicin

If air were pure oxygen, plants and animals would soon burn out.

Plants and animals would soon burn out, if air were pure oxygen.

Se debe tener en cuenta que el pasado en el 2 condicional se llama pasado

irreal, pues se refiere al presente o al futuro, no al pasado. Adems, por lo
general se usa were y no was, especialmente en ingls formal.

Nota: En muchos casos, los modales might, o could pueden sustituir a would en
la estructura del resultado.


Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. If food additives caused ADD, everyone would have ADD

2. What would happen if the product failed after the warranty expired?

3. If the database failed, it would lead to a monitoring drop out

4. For each hypothesis, ask yourself what would be true if the hypothesis were

5. If mining stopped, where would we get our power from? We would be without
lights and without heating and cooling.

6. If hydrogen atoms were used, determining the atomic weight of another

element might require a process which involves many steps.

7. If they could create a miniature circuit in just one step, all the parts could be
made much smaller.

8. If manufacturing were brought back to the US, the cost of production would
go up, and would likely result in higher costs for goods.

9. Dr. H.P. Himsworth demonstrated in 1930 that if carbohydrates were taken

out of the diet and replaced by either protein or fats, a person would quickly
develop insulin resistance and diabetes5.

10. If chemical bonds were universally too strong, then this making and
breaking of bonds would require too much energy for life to exist.

11. If chemical bonds were springs of some sort, you could have stable
polyatomic molecules, but they would never react with one another, as those
bonds would never break.

12. If flavonoids were the only important component in wine, then grape juice
would appear to be just as good for you.

13. It would be a great idea if they could develop a mobile application for mobile

14. Dr. Otto Warburg (Nobel Prizewinner-twice) stated that if enzymes were put
back into food after it was processed, cancer would hardly exist in our society.

15. If scientists could produce element 120 what predictions would they make
about its reactivity?

16. If programmers could educate themselves about typography, there would be

more beautiful-looking and readable applications

El condicional de tipo 3 o tercer condicional

Se usa para expresar posibilidades hipotticas o irreales en el pasado.

Se forma de la siguiente manera:

If + S + pasado perfecto (had + pasado part.) + S + would have + pasado part.

Condicin Resultado

Al igual que en las dems formas condicionales, el orden condicin-resultado,

puede ser invertido:

S + would have + pasado part. + if + S + pasado perfecto (had + pasado part.)

Resultado Condicin

We would have caught the bus if we had run faster.

If we had run faster, we would have caught the bus

Nota: Might y could pueden usarse en lugar de would

If I had known about the lecture I might have gone. (No estoy seguro)

If we had had enough money we could have gone to the cinema (hubiera sido


Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. It could have been much easier if they had found it earlier.

2. If the test hadn't been done, nobody would have known.

3. If Einstein had not discovered the E=MC2 equation, within two or three years
somebody else would have discovered it.

4. It wouldn't have happened if they'd followed common security best practices

5. It could have taken much longer, if the Canadian government hadn't already
spent millions in 1986 gutting the ship and upgrading and replacing wiring,
electronics, gensets.

6. If Kodak had listened to consumer demand for digital they could have
developed an effective transformation programme.

7. If an ignition source, such as a discarded cigarette, had been applied, it could

have caused a wildfire.

8. It wouldn't have happened if Waynesville hadn't built a new electrical


9. If it had been done earlier it might have been more helpful.

10. It might have failed if we had inserted a duplicate entry into the set.

11. The commission could not have made its investigations public unless it had
reached an advanced stage.

It couldn't have worked unless all the pieces had fallen in place.

12. All those men are dead when maybe if they had mined the proper way they
might have been alive.

13. They could have made it if they hadn't reduced air speed.


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