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primera Santa de Amrica, virgen y Patrona del Per, Amrica y las Filipinas.

La Santa vivi dedicada a la

oracin, la mortificacin y la ayuda a los ms necesitados.

Entre las principales virtudes de la primera santa de Amrica, sobresale la solidaridad y amor a los enfermos
pobres, a quienes atenda en su propia casa.

Isabel Flores de Oliva naci en Lima (Per) el 30 de abril de 1586 y muri el 24 de agosto de 1617, fiesta de
San Bartolom, a los 31 aos de edad como ella misma lo profetiz.

Todos la llamaban Rosa porque segn la tradicin cuando era apenas una beb su rostro se transform en
una rosa. Posteriormente ella misma quiso llamarse Rosa de Santa Mara.

La tambin patrona de la Polica Nacional y las Enfermeras del Per, sufri mucho a causa de quienes no la

La santa ingres a la tercera orden de Santo Domingo y, a partir de entonces, se recluy prcticamente en
una cabaa que haba construido en el huerto.

Santa Rosa es adems Patrona de las Fuerzas Armadas de la Repblica Argentina y del Paraguay, llevaba
sobre la cabeza una estrecha cinta de plata, cuyo interior estaba erizado de picos, era una especie de corona
de espinas.

El Papa Clemente X la canoniz en 1671. Hoy sus restos se veneran en la Baslica de Nuestra Seora
del Rosario de Lima (Santo Domingo) con una gran devocin del pueblo peruano y de Amrica. En Lima se
levant un Santuario en su honor.

Holy rose of lime

First Holy of America, virgin and Mistress of Peru, America and the Philippines.
The Holy one lived dedicated to the prayer, the mortification and the help through the neediest.
Between the principal virtues of the first holy one of America, the solidarity and love stands out to
the poor patients, to whom he was attending in his own house.
Isabel Flores of Olive was born in Lima (Peru) on April 30, 1586 and August 24, 1617, holiday of
Saint Bartholomew, 31 years after age like she itself it prophesied it.
They all were calling it A Rose because according to the tradition when it was scarcely a beb his
face transformed in a rose.
Later it itself wanted to be been called A Rose of Santa Maria.
Also mistress of the State police and the Nurses of Peru, suffered very much because of whom they
were not understanding it.
The holy one entered to the third order of Santo Domingo and, from then, was imprisoned
practically in a cabin that he had constructed in the garden.
Santa Rosa is in addition A Mistress of the Armed Forces of the Republic Argentina and of the
Paraguay, it was taking on the head a narrow tape of silver, which interior was bristled of beaks,
was a species of crown of thorns.
The Pope Clemente X canonized her in 1671. Today his remains are venerated in the Basilica of Our
Lady of the Rosario of Lima (Santo Domingo) by a great devotion of the Peruvian people and of
America. In Lima a Sanctuary got up in his honor.

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