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Mi mejor amigo me conto sobre su peor viaje

El viajo a AYACUCHO con su enamorada hace dos aos atrs, y ellos se quedarnos en el
hotel EL EDN el servicio fue horrible, la habitacin estaba sucia, no haba agua caliente y
la televisin estaba malograda.

Ya en la tarde fueron a un restaurante llamado EL PEZ DORADO, y en su ceviche

encontraron un gusano, y su ex enamorada estuvo muy incomoda

En la noche ellos pensaban salir a bailar, pero esa tarde llovi horrible y no pudieron salir,
as que se quedaron aburridos en su cuarto

Al da siguiente pensaban hacer un tour por los lugares turstico en AYACUCHO, pero la
agencia de tours ya no tena pasajes as que solo tuvieron que andar por la ciudad y
comprar algo de ropa

En la noche ellos pensaban volver a HUANCAYO conduciendo su carro, pero cuando

estaban a la salida de Ayacucho un polica los detuvo y lamentablemente mi amigo haba
olvidado sus documentos en el hotel as que se quedaron detenidos toda esa noche, solo
pudieron arreglar las cosas al da siguiente. l estaba demasiado enojado y ella muy
molesta a su regreso. l me dijo que no le gustara ir volver a Ayacucho

My best friend told me about your worst trip

He traveled to Ayacucho with his girlfriend two years ago, and they stay in the
"EDEN" hotel service was horrible, the room was dirty, no hot water and the TV was
In the afternoon they went to a restaurant called "THE GOLDEN FISH" and his
ceviche found a worm, and his ex-girlfriend was very uncomfortable
At night they thought to dance, but that afternoon it rained horrible and could not
leave, so they were bored in her room
The next day thought to tour the tourist places in Ayacucho, but the agency did not
have tickets and tours so we just had to walk around town and buy some clothes
At night they thought back to HUANCAYO driving his car, but when they were
leaving Ayacucho a policeman stopped them and unfortunately my friend had
forgotten his documents at the hotel so they were detained all that night, could only
fix things at next day.
He was too angry and she very upset upon his return. He told me he would not go
back to Ayacucho

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