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VICKY - Hi Rebecca.

REBECCA - Oh hi Vicky.

VICKY - How's your new house?

REBECCA - It's great.

VICKY - Is it big?

REBECCA - Yeah. There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

There's also a big yard and a swimming pool.

VICKY - Wow! Do you have enough furniture?

REBECCA - We bought some new furniture. There's a new sofa in the

living room. We bought a new table and chairs for the dining room
and a new dresser for the bedroom.

VICKY - When can I see your new house?

REBECCA - Come over tomorrow for lunch and you can see the new

VICKY - Hola Rebecca.

REBECCA - Hola Vicky.

VICKY - Cmo est tu nueva casa?

REBECCA - Es genial.

VICKY - Es grande?

REBECCA - Si. Hay tres dormitorios y dos baos. Tambin hay un gran
patio y una piscina.

VICKY - Vaya! Tiene muebles suficientes?

REBECCA - Compramos algunos muebles nuevos. Hay un nuevo sof en

la sala de estar. Compramos una nueva mesa y sillas para el comedor y un
nuevo armario para el dormitorio.

VICKY - Cundo puedo ver tu nueva casa?

REBECCA - Ven maana a almorzar y podrs ver la nueva casa.

Man: We are moving to Bogot next month, so we need to rent a house fast.

Woman: I found a nice house on the Internet.

Man: OK, how many bedrooms are there?

Woman: There are 3 bedrooms.

Man: Are there any bathrooms?

Woman: Of course, there is a bathroom downstairs and another one upstairs.

Man: Nice. Is there a swimming pool?

Woman: No, there isnt. But there is a fully equipped kitchen.

Man: Great! Are there any garages?

Woman: Yes, there are 4 garages. And listen to this: there is a tennis court
behind the house.

Man: wow! its like my dream house. I definitely want to live there!

4. Traduccin en espaol de la conversacin en el video

Hombre: Nos mudaremos a Bogot el prximo mes, entonces debemos rentar

una casa rpido.

Mujer: Encontr una casa bonita en internet.

Hombre: OK, cuntas alcobas/dormitorios hay?

Mujer: Hay 3 alcobas/dormitorios.

Hombre: Hay baos?

Mujer: Por supuesto, hay un bao abajo y otro arriba.

Hombre: Excelente. Hay una piscina?

Mujer: No, no hay. Pero hay una cocina completamente equipada.

Hombre: Genial! Hay garajes/cocheras?

Mujer: S, hay 4 garajes/cocheras. Y escucha esto: hay una cancha/pista de

tenis detrs de la casa.
Hombre: Guau! Es parecida a mi casa de los sueos. Definitivamente quiero
vivir all.

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