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Vedic Time 1 Maha Kapa (311.040 Ton years), One Brea of Maha Vso (An expansion of Lord Ks) ene er ase suey ane assent tana) Nn a th a Leraurya (6 yugee)=4.32 min years ‘ae 178 tans “er ane Deonc-yaneeaane yum) | age 000) 'y human calculation, a thousand ages taken together form the duration of Brahma's one day [4.32 enn re billion years]. And such also is the duration of his night.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-cita 6.17) ‘Satyo-rone (eae onctres) ‘Tetons (noes jets) vapors (codes jes) Kateyoge (ces junctires) 1 cratarya/Ovya-yona (8 Yon) 1 Manvamtara (71 enmarygae[712432)) 1 ManvntaraJuncure (SundhysInterva between Manvarara) 1 Daytime of raha (14 Merwantare [143006.72]+15 Juncures (153.720) “ime parsod cert dy of raha {Stavararas(i600.33)027 Chaturyupas (136.5 "0 son of Kunti, at the end of the millennium (after 311.040 trillon years) all material manifestations enter into My hhature, and at the beginning of another mrllennium, by My potency, Tereate them gain.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-clta 9.7) 7 Manvantara uncres (2.096148 Satyeyuga1972.949 min “The one hundred years of Brahma’s life {8.725}21 rews-yoge (1306]61 ovaperyups(0.864755000 yours of Koryo (0-005)) are divided into two parts, the first half cat in cen gay of raha (1 anytime a raha Tene passed caret 3347081 min and the second half. The first half of the TET Os mime uration of Brahma’s lite Is already over, ‘ge of cree anu (Vanarata Time porsed in caentHoneatars " (2; Shatryopes (vas os satrevge (1928) 01 Trer-yon (296141 Dvapora-yga(0.86s}+ 1203533 millon ‘and the second halt is now current.” ‘Se yeu shat one (2081) {Smad Bhagavatam 3.11.34) 1 Mabe Kalbe a ES ena 2 (yo 30 (ayn mnt 12 on yen #1093 the present Manv, who isthe seventh, Curent geo raha ag Uverse called Valvasvata (son of Vivasvan). (Bayonne artes foSax%d0"12x80=185520 bion]+ Tine passe ncrent dy of wana | 15882197tHon Twenty-seven divya-yugas [27x4.32: Sesto ton) 116.64 million years} of his age have now “ime remaining wt ed of ret Sata and Univers (1 Maha Kapa - Curent geo rama) 455.1803 wimn passed.” (Caltanya-caritamrta Adi-tlla 3.9) Vedic Time Periods Chart Explanation ‘The lespan of our universe 311.040 eillon years and this the tne hat passes on planet Earth when Maa Visnu (a mere pansion of Lord Krishna) exhals ori jot once. When Maha Vin exhale illo af iver come ow from he pore on i gigantic body and when he nak, al he wniveres zo hack into hs bd. Thin ove arent Lert Krsna (od) Gods ot snknown or an invisible force, Lard Krishna the greatest person who is completely Raown and ecm by those ‘There ate eels af ewation and annaton cach of 311.040 will years duration and in the current ee our aniverse has tte for 18.2197 tillon yeas and we stil have another 1851803 tron yeast go before the end ofthe universe ad ‘he eure eye, The span ofthe niveree directly related to the Me ofa person called Brahaa he the fst Uving Being Inthe universe, erated by Lond Krishna (God)- Bruhn tves fr 100 of his year eae a Maha Kalpa and his one dy (12 hour) sealed a Kalpa which 432 bilo years in daraton. Thus his 100 years 311.040 teion years on planet Earth (4223012010031 L040), “The caront age of Brahma iSO sear and he 0 in i Fit ayo hi ST ear: One day of Brana (12 hour) iid Anaiatin at end of ech Manvattars, Between each Manvantara there a juctue (Sandhya) of 1.728 wlio years ad ‘nds each Mawvantars there le diferent Mana, heft human within each Manvantar. There ae 7 Chaturyugas, each ‘Of432 milion yeas duration nach Manvatara, The dation ofeach Manvantara (or Chaturyugis) i 306.72 millon Sears. Within each Chaturyuga thre ate 4 yupas: Sata-yga (1.728 mon yeas), Tretra-juga (1296 malo ears), DDeapars-yuga (864,000 yeas) and Kaley (492,000 years). We are 120,833 milion yeas it the current Manat {hiie ao the ageaf the curent Manu (Vaasa) Meare curently 000 years tothe Kabiyuga ofthe 26 Chatarygof the 7 Manvantars inthe 1 ay of Broa of hit ‘This dete strctra anings Kaa of the universe ofthe past and future ean oly come from God and proves that Sanatan-Dharma (the eral religion) the religion established bythe greatest cera person (God), Lord KA

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