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Techniques touch for healt

The "14 Muscle Balance" pag 11

Las siguientes son algunas tcnicas que se han diseado para ser simple, fcil y eficaz. Su sencillez
es engaosa como los resultados a menudo son profundos. Pueden ser utilizados por cualquier
persona sin ninguna formacin previa o experiencia de salud. Clinitions y los mdicos utilizan con
gran beneficio para sus pacientes o clientes, y muchas familias disfrutan de ellos en casa. Estas
tcnicas han sido probadas por al menos 1 milln de personas en todo el mundo y se encuentran
para ser constantemente eficaz en formas sutiles o dramticos.Zip Up, Switch-on, Tune-In
(Edicin completa, 36-39) Estos ejercicios bsicos se utilizan generalmente como actividades
balance preliminar antes de cualquier sesin de ESF, pero pueden usarse tambin como energticos
independiente. Probarlas primero en la maana, antes/durante/despus cualquier tarea difcil,
para despejar la cabeza durante un workbreak, o cuando necesite un "lift".

ESR (Emotional Stress Release)

Although one of the simplest techniques in the TFH system, it is consistently

emphasized by students, instructors, and practitioners as immediately effecive,
and often very powerful in its results. This one simple exercise my change your life.
(Just hold your forhead, and focus your awareness on the stress you are experiencing related to
past events, present efforts, or future challenges.)

Neurolymphatic Reflexes

(Complete Edition p51)

In the Touch for Health System, we integrate 7 different types of Touch Reflexes
to facilitate and balance muscle function, postural alignment and energy flow.
This page illustrates all of the Neurolymphatic Massage points, which are stimulated
with firm pressure, either as a general energizer, or individually in relation to specific muscles
and energy circuits.

One-Point (Assessment) Balancing

(Complete Edition p237/47)

Using principles from Traditional Chinese Medicine and Five Element Theory,
we can assess the pattern of Energy blockage/imbalance, and choose a key point
that will balance the whole system.

5-Element Color Balance

(Complete Edition p262/75)

Once you know how to use an individual muscle as an Indicator for Bio-feedback,
you can see which colors resonate with you related to your current goal(s) or stress.
Applying ESR and Visualization in this context, we have a quick protocol for a global
balance of the Five Elements/Meridians/Posture. This is a fun way to balance,
needn't take very long, and often has immediate emotional as well as physical benefits.

Touch for Health Educat

The "14 Muscle Balance"

These images are taken from the new Touch for Health: The Complete Edition. They are
included here as a way for experienced TFH practitioners to access the basic muscle testing
and balancing protocols from anywhere in the world. Please buy the book for more information
about the specific tests and balancing procedures.

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