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Milisforo, que ide un plan para acabar con todas las cosas
importantes del mundo. Ayudado por sus grandes mquinas
e inventos, consigui arruinar a todos, pues invent una
pocin que quitaba las ganas de trabajar. Tambin hizo que
la gente no quisiera estar junta, pues a todos infect con
un gas tan maloliente que cualquiera prefera quedarse en
casa antes que encontrarse con nadie.
Cuando el mundo entero estuvo completamente patas
arriba, comprob que slo le quedaba una cosa por destruir
para dominarlo completamente: las familias. Y es que a
pesar de todos sus inventos malvados, de sus gases y sus
pociones, las familias seguan estando juntas. Y lo que ms
le fastidiaba era que todas resistan, sin importar cuntas
personas haba en cada una, dnde vivan, o a qu se
Lo intent haciendo las casas ms pequeas, pero las
familias se apretaban en menos sitio. Tambin destruy la
comida, pero igualmente las familias compartan lo poco

que tenan. Y as, continu con sus maldades contra lo

ltimo que se le resista en la tierra, pero nada dio
Hasta que finalmente descubri cul era la fuerza de todas
las familias: todos se queran, y no haba forma de cambiar
eso. Y aunque trat de inventar algo para destruir el amor,
Milisforo no lo consigui, y triste y contrariado por no haber
podido dominar el mundo, se rindi y dej que todo
volviera a la normalidad.
Acab tan deprimido el malvado Milisforo, que slo se le
ocurri ir a llorar a casa de sus padres y contarles lo
ocurrido. Y a pesar de todas las maldades que haba hecho,
corrieron a abrazarle, le perdonaron, y le animaron a ser
ms bueno. Y es que, hasta en la propia familia del malo
ms malo, todos se quieren y perdonan todo!

There was once a villain so evil, called Milisforo, who

devised a plan to do away with all the important things in
the world. Aided by their large machines and inventions, he
managed to ruin, because he invented a potion that
removed the desire to work. He also did that people would
not want to be together, all infected with a gas so smelly
that anyone would rather stay at home before that meet no
When the whole world was completely upside down, found
that only had one thing to destroy to completely master it:
families. And it is that despite all his evil inventions, their
gas and their potions, families remained together. What
upset him most was that all resisted, no matter how many
people there were in each one, where lived, and what they
Tried doing more small houses, but families are pressed in
less room. It also destroyed the food, but also the families
shared what little they had. And so, continued with their
evil deeds against the last thing refused him on Earth, but
nothing gave results.
Until finally discovered what was the strength of all
families: everyone wanted to be, and there was no way to
change that. And although he tried to invent something to
destroy love, Milisforo did not, and sad and disappointed by
not having been able to dominate the world, he
surrendered and left everything to return to normal.
So depressed over the evil Milisforo, which only occurred to
him go crying to their parents and tell them what
happened. Despite all the evil he had done, they ran to
embrace him, forgave him, and encouraged him to be more

good. And it is that, even in the family more bad bad, all
you want to and forgive everything!

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