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Hello Hola.Hi Hola.

Cmo te llamas? Whats your name? My names Juan Me llamo Juan.
Encantado. Pleased to meet you Me too Igualmente.
Cmo ests? How are you? Very well, thank-you Muy bien, gracias.
Cuntos aos tienes? How old are you? Im 25 Tengo 25 aos.
De dnde eres? Where are you from? Im from Madrid Soy de Madrid.
Dnde vives? Where do you live? I live in lima Vivo en lima.
Cul es to comida favorita? Whats your favourite food? My favourite food is Mi comida
favorite es
..pelcula. Whats your favourite film? My favourite film is pelcula
Te gusta peru? Do you like Peruvian? Yes I do S.
A qu te dedicas? What do you do? Im a doctor Soy mdico.
tienes coche? Have you got a car? Yes I have Si lo tengo.
Bueno, tengo que irme. Okay, I have to go now See you soon Nos vemos.
Adis. Bye-bye .Have a nice day! Que tengas un buen da.




Mark...after all, What do You do for a living?

Mark...despus de todo, Qu haces para ganarte la vida?

I'm an architect. I work for "Genius Build". And you John?.What do you do for a living?.
Soy un arquitecto. Trabajo para "Genius Build". Y tu John.A que te dedicas?.

I'm a journalist. I work with my father. We have a newspaper

Soy periodista. Trabajo con mi padre. Tenemos un peridico

A family business, that's wonderfull. What about your mother?


What does She do for a living?

Un negocio familiar, eso es grandioso. Qu hay de tu madre?
A qu se dedica?



She is a photographer
Ella es fotgrafa

I'am starving. Can We eat something?

Me muero de hambre. Podemos comer algo?




As soon as we get to the hotel, you can order whatever you want from the hotel's restaurant.
Tan pronto como lleguemos al hotel, puedes ordenar lo que quieras del restaurante del hotel.

I have a better idea. Let's go to the airport's coffee shop.

Tengo una mejor idea. Vamos a la cafetera del aeropuerto.

Are You out of your mind?. The food there is more expensive than in the city.
Ests loca?. La comida de all es ms cara que en la ciudad.

I know that it's cheaper and more delicious in the city's restaurants, but I need to eat something or I will

Se que es ms barato y delicioso en los restaurantes de la ciudad, pero necesito comer algo o me desmayar






All right, I'll go with you but you have to pay.

Esta bien, ir contigo pero tu invitas.

Don't worry. I work as hard as you do. I can pay.

No te preocupes. Trabajo duro como para hacerlo. Yo pago

Mark, you are as white as a sheet of paper. What happened?

Mark, ests plido como una hoja de papel. Qu pas?
I was depositing some money in the bank, when a man took out a machine gun.
Estaba depositando algo de dinero en el banco, cuando un hombre sac una ametralladora.
My godness, and?
Dios mo, Y?
He told us to lay on the floor. Then he asked the manager to open the safe box.


El nos dijo que permaneciramos en el piso. Entonces el pidi al gerente que abra la caja






What did the guy look like?

Cmo se vea el tipo?
He looked normal, but nervous.
El se vea normal, pero nervioso.
How do you know that?
Como lo sabes?
Because he was shaking all the time.
Porque l estaba sudando todo el tiempo.
Di he get the money?
Consigui el dinero?


No, he couldn't get it. When they were opening the safe box, the policecame in.
No, el no poda hacerlo. Cuando ellos estaban abriendo la caja fuerte, la polica lleg.

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