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Actividad de Reconocimiento

Presentado por:
Piedad Martnez_ cd.:
Mara Ana del Pilar_cod:
Rosana Ortiz_ cd.

Nicols Lpez


Ingles 0

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia




1.Pantallazo de: Activity 2 pre_knowledge task

Presentado por:Piedad Y. Martinez

Presentado por: Rosana Ortiz

Presentado por: Mara A.

2. Recopilacin Preguntas

Piedad Yanneth Martnez

a). How many learning environments are there in the platform? There are 6 learning
b). Where is the student manual located? Mention three student rights and three student
responsibilities stated in this manual. (en espaol) initial information environment;
Deberes: Presentar las actividades automticas dentro del tiempo establecido en la agenda y
enviar las tareas a tiempo, Hacer envi de los trabajos colaborativos e individuales por los
espacios indicados y respetar las normas de netiqueta.
Derechos: Acompaamiento docente, acompaamiento individual y acompaamiento desde la
c). Which learning environment contains the study guides? In the knowledge environment

d). Where do you have to upload your final product for this activity? in the evaluation and
tracing environment
e). What is the main purpose of the Initial Information environment? The purpose of the
initial information environment is the presentation of the course and units; also present the
agenda and the general course forum.
f). What is your group number and how many participants are there in your group? my
group number is 90030_894, in total we are 6 participants, five students and the course tutor.

Rosana Ortiz
a). How many learning environments are there in the platform?
Therere six learning environment
b). Where is the student manual located? Mention three student rights and
three student responsibilities stated in this manual. (en espaol)

Conocer y cumplir con lo establecido en los estatutos, reglamentos y dems normatividad

de la universidad
Dar un trato respetuoso a los dems miembros de la comunidad universitaria
Pagar por los derechos pecuniarios respectivos y legalizar la matricula acadmica
conforme a la programacin establecida


Recibir un servicio Educativo de calidad acadmica acorde a los lineamientos

Elegir y ser elegido como representante estudiantil en los diferentes rganos colegiados

de la Institucin, de acuerdo a lo establecido con la normatividad Institucional.

Presentar solicitudes o reclamaciones de manera respetuosa de tipo acadmico o
administrativo, siguiendo los conductos regulares.

c). Which learning environment contains the study guides?

There are contains the environment knowledge

d). Where do you have to upload your final product for this activity?
In the environment of Monitoring and Evaluation
e). What is the main purpose of the Initial Information environment?
The purpose it is inform the students overall course content and allowing their forum welcome
all interact whim each other
f). What is your group number and how many participants are there in your group?
My numbers of group is 90030_894; and we are six participants.

Mara Ana del Pilar

How many learning environments are there in the platform?
Are six learning environments.


Where is the student manual located? Mencion three student rights and three student


Exigir un servicio educativo de alta calidad acadmica acorde con los principios, fines

segn el Proyecto Acadmico Pedaggico.


Representar la institucin en eventos de orden acadmico, cientfico, cultural y deportivo.


Ser evaluado en forma justa, conocer previamente los criterios de evaluacin de su trabajo

acadmico y recibir oportunamente los resultados obtenidos.


Respetar las opiniones y puntos de vista y permitir la libre expresin, divulgacin y

circulacin de estos.

No cometer fraudes, engaos ni actos que intenten contra la moral ni contra el normal

funcionamiento acadmico de la institucin.


Comportarse respetuosamente con todos los miembros de la comunidad UNADISTA


Which learning environment contains the study guides?

In the knowledge environment.


Where do you have to upload your final product for this activity?

In the evaluation environment


What is the main purpose of the initial information environment?

The inicial information environment are: presentation the course, presentation the agenda and
course general frum.

What is your group number and how many participants are there in your group

My group number is 900308-291, five participants and one tutor.

ROL: Revisor: Verificar que el documento cumpla con las normas y requisitos segn la norma
3. Direccin cuenta Skype
Piedad Yanneth Martnez
Rosana Ortiz
Mara Ana del Pilar

Cuenta de Skype

4. Pantallazos de Audios

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