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Son conocidos como matrimonios de personas del mismo gnero, la cual establecen su unin legal y socialmente.
Tambin son llamados matrimonios homosexual, gays e igualitario. Es importante sealar que es percibido por muchas personas, como la modificacin del
matrimonio tradicional entre un hombre y una mujer, la cual los gobernantes les confiere los mismos derechos y responsabilidades. Por otro lado, este tipo
de matrimonio es considerado como la representacin simblica de la igualdad entre las personas sin que importe su orientacin sexual.
SAME-SEX MARRIAGE. They are known as marriages of same-sex, the which establish its union legal and socially. Also they are called marriages
homosexual, gays and egalitarian. It is important to indicate that is perceived by many people, as the modification of traditional marriage between
a man and a woman, which the ruling gives them the same rights and responsibilities. on the other hand, this type of marriage is considered as
the symbolic representation of the equality between the persons regardless of their sexual orientation.

Romanos 1:26-27 seala que la homosexualidad es el

resultado de negar y desobedecer a Dios.

Qu dice la ciencia?
Algunas hiptesis sostienen que la homosexualidad se gesta durante la etapa intrauterina,
es decir, antes del nacimiento del beb, debido a que en sus primeras semanas todos los
fetos se desarrollan de la misma manera. Debido a que durante la octava semana liberan
testosterona, que puede afectar el desarrollo del beb a masculinizar el cuerpo y el

(Genesis 19:1-13;) Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26-27; 1

Corinthians 6:9).
Romans 1:26-27: He pointed out that homosexuality is the
result of denying and disobey God.

Some theories hold that homosexuality it grows during the stage intrauterine, that is
to say, before the baby's birth, because in their first weeks all the fetuses develop of
the same way. Because during the eighth week they liberate testosterone, that can
affect the baby's development to masculinize the body and the brain.

Romano 1: 26 Por eso Dios los entreg a apetitos sexuales

vergonzosos, porque sus hembras cambiaron el uso natural
de s mismas a uno que es contrario a la naturaleza; 1:27 y
as mismo hasta los varones dejaron el uso natural de la
hembra, es decir, varones con varones, obrando lo que es
obsceno y recibiendo en s mismos la recompensa
completa, que se les deba por su error.

"Ocasionalmente un feto masculino puede no producir suficiente testosterona. Su cerebro

no lo absorbe en buena cantidad para formarlo dentro de los parmetros heterosexuales.

(Gnesis 19:1-13;
Corintios 6:9).

Qu dice la biblia?
Levtico 18:22; Romanos

1:26-27; 1

Roman 1: 26 - For this reason God gave them over to

shameful sexual appetites, because its females changed
the natural use of himself, to one that is contrary to the
nature; 1:27 and likewise to the males left the natural use
of the female, that is to say, males with males, working
what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full
recompense, which was due for their error.

Occasionally a male fetus may not produce enough testosterone. Your brain does
not absorb it in good quantity to form within the heterosexual parameters
Otras hiptesis dicen que la homosexualidad se debe a una serie de factores tales como:
gentica, biolgica, familiar, ambiental, entre otros. Lo que hace deducir, que las ciencias
actuales no han podido definir con exactitud cules son las causas exactas que
determinan que una persona sea homosexual.
Other assumptions say that homosexuality is due to a number of factors such as:
genetic, biological, familial, environmental, among others.
What it makes clear, that current sciences have not been able to define exactly
which are the exact reasons that determine what a person is gay.

En trminos generales, las santas escrituras establecen que

la homosexualidad es un castigo para el hombre.
In general terms, The holy scriptures
homosexuality is a punishment for the man.




Se dice que la homosexualidad o las relaciones entre personas del mismo sexo se remontan desde los inicios de la humanidad.
It is said that homosexuality and same-sex relationships can be traced back from the very beginning of humanity.
Tambin se habla de que en la antigua china se conoci de relaciones entre hombres del mismo sexo.
There is also talk that in ancient China was known relationships between men of the same sex.
En el Antiguo Imperio Romano, se aceptaba y se celebraba la unin entre hombres.
In the ancient Roman Empire, was accepted and welcomed the union between men.
En la Europa Medieval, este tipo de unin era menos aceptada que en el mundo clsico, pero aun as, hubo un matrimonio de homosexuales en Espaa
(1061), de este caso se encontraron registros en un monasterio. Cabe sealar, que sobre este caso hubo muchas especulaciones, debido a que algunos
historiadores niegan que existiera algn tipo de relacin entre dos hombres mientras otros lo confirman.
In the Medieval Europe, This type of union was less accepted than in the classical world, but nevertheless, there was a homosexuals' marriage in Spain
(1061), In this case records were found in a monastery. It should be noted, that on this case, there were many speculations, since some historians deny that
there was some kind of relationship between two men, while others confirm it.
Por otro lado, 1901 en Espaa se conoci de la unin eclesistica entre dos mujeres donde, una se hizo pasar por hombre, ests fueron descubiertas y
tuvieron que huir hacia Argentina evitando as las burlas y ser castigadas.
Moreover, in 1901 Spain was known of ecclesiastical union between two women one where, posed as a man, Eres were discovered and had to flee to
Argentina to avoid teasing and be punished.
Desde los inicios de la humanidad Dios cre una Ley clara, precisa y universal acerca del matrimonio homosexual (La Biblia) donde dice:
Mateo 19:5-6, El hombre dejar padre y madre, y se unir a su mujer, y los dos sern una sola carne. As que no son ya ms dos, sino una sola carne; por
tanto, lo que Dios junt, no lo separe el hombre". Es decir, El matrimonio es una sociedad permanente entre un hombre y una mujer.

From the beginnings of the humanity God created a clear, precise and universal Law about the homosexual marriage (The Bible) where he says:
Matthew 19:5-6, "man shall leave father and mother, and will join his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So are no longer two, but one flesh; Therefore
what God has joined together no man put asunder that is, marriage is a permanent partnership between a man and a woman.
Muchos pases han aprobado leyes para reconocer y darles derechos a los matrimonios entre personas del mismo sexo, entre ellos se encuentran:
(Argentina, Blgica, Brasil, Canad, Dinamarca, Eslovenia, Espaa, Estados Unidos, Francia, Irlanda, Islandia, Mxico, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Pases
Bajos: (Portugal, Sudfrica, Suecia y Uruguay) y tres pases constituyentes del Reino Unido (Escocia, Gales e Inglaterra). Por otro lado, Finlandia, quien
tambin ha aprobado una ley que estar vigente en marzo de 2017.
Many countries have adopted legislation to recognize and give them rights to marriages between persons of the same sex. Among them are: (Argentina,
Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Slovenia, Spain, United States, France, Iceland, Ireland, Mexico, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Portugal, South
Africa, Sweden, and Uruguay). And three constituent countries of the United Kingdom (Scotland, Wales and England). On the other hand, Finland, who has
also passed a law that will take effect in March 2017.
En el caso de Colombia, no existe leyes directas para formalizar el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, pero sin embargo existe un mandato de la
Corte Constitucional vigente que permite la unin de parejas del mismo sexo permitiendo as su unin matrimonial o de hecho, a travs de un contrato.
In the case of Colombia, there is no direct legislation to formalize the marriage between persons of the same sex, But however, there is a mandate of the
Constitutional Court force that allows the union of same-sex couples allowing your marriage or de facto union, through a contract.
Por otro lado existen Instituciones conocidas como Unin Civil, tambin denominada pacto civil de solidaridad o sociedad de convivencia. Creada
tpicamente para que las parejas homosexuales disfruten de similares o iguales derechos y obligaciones, de las que gozan las parejas heterosexuales al
estar civilmente casadas. Es importante sealar al respecto, que las uniones civiles de personas del mismo sexo, no se denominan matrimonios.
On the other hand there are institutions known as Civil Union, also known as pacto civil solidarity or society of coexistence. Created typically for gay couples
enjoy similar or equal rights and obligations that the heterosexual couples enjoy on having been civilly married. It is important to note in this regard, that the
civil unions of persons of the same sex, it is not called marriage.
En consecuencia, hoy en da existe la Asociacin Internacional de Gays, Lesbianas, Bisexuales, Trans e Intersexuales (ILGA), es una organizacin que se
encuentra a nivel mundial que tiene como objetivos trabajar por la igual de los homosexuales, eliminacin de toda forma de discriminacin, promoviendo el
respeto universal por los derechos humanos para lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transgneros (LGTB). Fue fundada el 8 de agosto por
toley 1978 en Coventry, Inglaterra, conocida anteriormente como "Asociacin Internacional de Gays" (IGA, International Gay Association), hasta el ao 1986
en el que adopta su actual nombre.
Consequently, nowadays there exists the International Association of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexual, Trans and Intersexual (ILGA), Is a global organization that
has the objective of working for the equality for homosexuals, Elimination of all forms of discrimination, to promote universal respect for human rights for
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT). It was founded on August 8 by toley 1978 in Coventry England, formerly known as International Association
of Gays, until the year 1986 which adopted its current name.
Es importante mencionar que la primera asociacin fue creada en 1924, conocida como la Society for Human Rights Chicago, Estados Unidos.
It is important to mention that the first Association was created in 1924, known as the "Society for Human Rights" Chicago, United States.
En Venezuela no existe hasta el momento ninguna ley que permita las uniones entre personas del mismo sexo, ya sea bajo matrimonio o la unin civil. Al
contrario, La Constitucin de la Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela en su artculo 77 y El Cdigo Civil en su artculo 44, Solo protege al matrimonio entre
hombre y mujer. Pero existen articulados en las leyes Venezolana que hacen referencia a la no discriminacin e igualdad. Cabe sealar, que en pocas
pasadas las personas homosexuales en algunos pases eran castigadas o condenadas a la pena de muerte.
Adems, la Ley Orgnica del Trabajo, las Trabajadoras y Trabajadores (LOTTT) en su artculo 21, establece la no discriminacin. Tambin la Ley Orgnica
Del Poder Popular, en su artculo 4 seala: las personas gozan de la misma igualdad de condiciones y pueden desarrollar libremente su personalidad,
disfruten los derechos humanos y alcancen la suprema felicidad social. Es decir, en nuestro pas aunque el matrimonio no es permitido, es aceptada la
homosexualidad y con ello que se establezcan las uniones de hecho, sin ninguna ley que los ampare y formalice la unin entre personas del mismo sexo
legalmente. Dentro del marco del derecho internacional Venezuela no celebra ningn matrimonio de esta ndole, pero s reconoce los matrimonios de
extranjeros o de venezolanos con extranjeros, siendo estos los nicos hasta la actualidad que surten los mismos efectos.
In Venezuela there are no laws allowing unions between persons of the same sex, under the marriage or civil union. On the contrary, the Constitution of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in its article 77 and the Civil Code in its article 44 only protects the marriage between a man and a woman. But they exist
articulated in the laws Venezuelan that they refer to not discrimination and equality. It should be noted, that in the past in some countries homosexual
persons were punished or sentenced to the death penalty.
In addition, the law of labour, women workers and workers (LOTTT) in its article 21, establishes non-discrimination. Also the law of the power Popular, in its
article 4 designates: People enjoy the same equal footing and can freely develop their personality, enjoy human rights and reach the supreme social
happiness. Namely in our country although the marriage is not allowed, It is accepted homosexuality and thus to establish de facto unions, without any law
that protects them and legally formalize the union between persons of the same sex. Within the framework of international law, Venezuela does not celebrate
any marriage of this kind, but yes he recognizes the marriages of foreigners or of Venezuelans with foreigners, being this the only ones up to the actuality
that supply the same effects.
Para cerrar este panorama del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, es importante tener en claro que las personas homosexuales no eligieron su
condicin sexual, sino que la han recibido. Pero todo esto ha trado grandes controversias y opiniones en la sociedad a nivel mundial, debido a que muchos
consideran esta prctica como una agresin a la iglesia y la familia, pero lo cierto es que son seres humanos, por esto se ha creado leyes que los amparan
y permite la unin matrimonial en muchos pases.
To close this panorama of the marriage between persons of the same sex, It is important to be clear that homosexual persons not chose their sexual
condition, but they have received it. But all of this has brought great controversy and opinions in society around the world, Since many regard this practice as
an act of aggression to the Church and the family, but the true thing is that they are human beings, by this there have been created laws that protect them
and it allows the matrimonial union in many countries.

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