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La pelcula tiene lugar en la Academia Welton, la mejor escuela privada situada en Vermont; donde
los cuatro pilares fundamentales son la tradicin, el honor, la disciplina y la grandeza. Al inicio del
curso lleg un nuevo profesor de Literaturallamado John Keating,
Mientras la mayora de los profesores de esta escuela tienen una manera de actuar y ensear muy
disciplinaria y autoritaria, el Sr. Keating empieza de una manera diferente. Sus clases son muy
dinmicas y les ensea muchas cosas buenas para su vida, como pensar independientemente, pero
no es del agrado para el resto de profesores ni del director que no est de acuerdo como da sus
Un grupo de alumnos suyos, investigaron sobre su historial y descubren El Club de los Poetas
Muertos, que fundado por el Sr. Keating que fue ex-alumno de la escuela; le preguntan sobre este
tema y l les cuanta la historia. A raz de aqu, estos alumnos deciden volver a crear este club y a
medida que pasa el tiempo, van sintiendo y amando ms la poesa.
El Sr. Keating les ensea que hay que luchar por lo que uno quiere, Neil uno de sus alumnos decide
enfrentarse a su padre ante la decisin de ser actor ya que su padre quiere que estudie medicina.
ste se lo niega, e incluso le va a sacar de la Academia, pero Neil decide suicidarse. Por este motivo
despiden al Sr. Keating, ya que se investiga el caso y se descubre que Neil perteneca al nuevo Club
de los Poetas Muertos.
Finalmente, el Sr. Keating recoge sus cosas del aula y, en el momento de cruzar la puerta, ve cmo
los que haban sido sus alumnos se van poniendo de pie en las mesas y en voz alta dicen Oh,
capitn, mi capitn.
Con ello los alumnos queran demostrarle que no le haban traicionado, sino que fueron obligados a
mentir cuando se les interrog uno por uno sobre El Club de los Poetas Muertos y el seor
Keating antes de salir les agradeci.

La pelcula nos ensea sobre el compaerismo, la amistad, la lealtad que debera existir entre
alumnos y profesores.
Decidir sobre tu propia vida, no dejar que los dems elijan por ti.
Afrontar y solucionar los problemas que se nos presenten en la vida y no culpar a los dems de lo
que nos pase.


The film takes place in the Welton Academy, the best private school in Vermont; where the four
main pillars are the tradition, honor, discipline and grandeur. At the start of the course came a new
teacher named John Keating Literature,

While most of the teachers in this school have a way of acting and teaching very disciplinary and
authoritarian, Mr. Keating begins differently. His classes are very dynamic and teaches many good
things for your life, how to think independently, but is not liked for other teachers or the director
disagrees and gives their classes.

A group of his students researched their history and discover "The Dead Poets Club" which was
founded by Mr. Keating was a former student of the school; asked him about this and how much
history to them. Following here, these students decide to recreate this club and as time passes, more
are feeling and loving poetry.

Mr. Keating teaches that we must fight for what you want, Neil one of the students decides to
confront his father about the decision to be an actor since his father wants to study medicine. He
denies it, and even going to get out of the Academy, but Neil decides to commit suicide. Therefore
fired Mr. Keating, as the case is investigated and found to Neil belonged to the new Dead Poets

Finally, Mr. Keating gathers his things in the classroom and in the time of crossing the door, see
how those who had been his students are standing up on tables and loudly "Oh, captain, my captain"
say .
This student wanted to show that they had not betrayed him, but were forced to lie when questioned
them one by one on "Dead Poets Club" and Mr. Keating thanked them before leaving.


The film teaches us about fellowship, friendship, loyalty that should exist between students and
Decide on your own life and not let others choose for you.
Face and solve the problems that we face in life and not blame others for what happens to us.

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