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1. La mejor manera de predecir el futuro es crearlo (Peter Drucker).

2. Los ganadores nunca lo dejan y los que lo dejan nunca ganan (Vince Lombardi).
3. Tu tiempo es limitado, no lo malgastes viviendo la vida de alguien distinto. No quedes atrapado en el dogma, que es vivir
como otros piensan que deberas. No dejes que los ruidos de las opiniones de los dems acallen tu voz interior. Y, lo que es ms
importante, ten el coraje para hacer lo que te dicen tu corazn y tu intuicin. De algn modo ellos ya saben lo que t
realmente quieres ser. Todo lo dems es secundario (Steve Jobs).
4. Mi mayor motivacin? Seguir desafindome a m mismo. Veo la vida como la educacin universitaria que nunca tuve.
Todos los das aprendo algo nuevo (Richard Branson).
5. Cada vez que digas lo que quieres o aquello en lo crees, s el primero en escucharlo. Es un mensaje tanto para ti como
para los dems sobre lo que crees que es posible. No pongas un techo sobre ti mismo (Oprah Winfrey).
6. Est bien celebrar el xito pero es ms importante aprender las lecciones del fracaso (Bill Gates).
7. Lleva 20 aos construir una reputacin y slo 5 minutos arruinarla. Si piensas en ello, hars las cosas de manera
diferente (Warren Buffett).
8. Uno de los mayores errores que las personas cometen es intentar forzar el inters sobre ellas mismas. T no eliges tus
pasiones. Las pasiones te eligen a ti (Jeff Bezos).
9. No he fracasado. Slo me he topado con 10.000 maneras que no funcionan (Thomas Edison).
10. La lgica te llevar de A a B. La imaginacin te llevar a todas partes (Albert Einstein).
11. Si de todos modos vas a pensar, piensa en grande (Donald Trump).
12. El xito es pasear de fracaso en fracaso sin perder el entusiasmo (Winston Churchill).
13. La genialidad es un 1% de inspiracin y un 99% de perspiracin (Thomas Edison).
14. Dentro de 20 aos estars ms decepcionado por las cosas que no hiciste que por las que hiciste. As que suelta
amarras, navega lejos de puertos seguros, coge los vientos alisios. Explora. Suea (Mark Twain).
15. El precio del xito es el trabajo duro, la dedicacin al trabajo que tenemos entre manos y la determinacin de saber que,
ganemos o perdamos, hemos dado lo mejor de nosotros mismos (Vince Lombardi).

16. Si no puedes hacer grandes cosas, haz pequeas cosas a lo grande (Napoleon Hill).
17. No s cul es la clave del xito, pero la clave del fracaso es intentar agradar a todo el mundo (Bill Cosby).
18. El xito no es lo que tienes sino lo que eres (Bo Bennet).
19. El emprendimiento es vivir tu vida durante unas cuantos aos como la mayora de la gente no lo hara para poder pasar el
resto de tu vida como la mayora de la gente no puede (Estudiante en una clase de Warren G. Tracy).
20. Ganar sin riesgo es un triunfo sin gloria (Corneille).
21. Aljate de la gente que intenta menospreciar tus ambiciones. La gente pequea siempre acta as, pero la gente
grande te hace sentir que t tambin puedes llegar a ser grande (Mark Twain).
22. Slo hay un xito: el poder vivir tu vida a tu manera (Christopher Morley).
23. Cualquier cosa que la mente puede concebir o crear se puede lograr (Napoleon Hill).
24. El xito no es la clave de la felicidad. La felicidad es la clave del xito. Si amas lo que haces, triunfars (Albert
25. Lo que no se empieza nunca terminar (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe).
26. Cuando dejas de soar, dejas de vivir (Malcolm Forbes).
27. La educacin formal te dar una manera de ganarte la vida. La autoeducacin te har ganar una fortuna (Jim Rohn).
28. La cosa ms valiosa que puedes hacer es cometer un error. No puedes aprender nada de ser perfecto (Adam Osborne).
29. Un lder es aquel que conoce el camino, anda el camino y muestra el camino (John C. Maxwell).
30. La funcin del liderazgo es producir ms lderes, no ms seguidores (Ralph Nader).
31. Elige un trabajo que te guste y no tendrs que trabajar un solo da de tu vida (Confucio).
32. Tus clientes ms descontentos son tu mayor fuente de aprendizaje (Bill Gates).

1. Never be addicted to the outcome. If you had a heart monitor on me you would notice it doesnt flicker when someone tells me no. Their potential
doesnt impact this at all. There is no possible recruit that can make me upset if they do not join.
2. Never chase, beg or bug. I never coax or hype anyone into joining. They must be open and they need to see it for themselves. Those convinced
against their will are of the same opinion still. Dale Carnegie
3. Manage their expectations BEFORE they join. I want to know someones expectations of their work output, my support and what their expectations
are. MANY times they have unrealistic expectations of either me calling them everyday to wipe their behind or that they will be making $10,000 a
month in their first month by doing 45 minutes of work. IF I am unable to correct their expectations, I wont recruit them.
4. Find out why their last opportunity didnt work out. Similar to number 3, I want to find out why, if they have been in network marketing before, it
didnt work out last time. This is a reverse sales strategy. Good car salesman will ask you why you chose the current vehicle you drive because they
know that people typically use the same thinking to buy similar things. I want to know what do they believe caused them to fail in the past. This will
help me correct their thinking if needed.
5. Be the best damn upline you can be. I want to be the best upline I can possibly be because the quality of your product (yes, YOU as the upline are
part of the product) because this belief carries forward into yournetwork marketing recruiting. Ask yourself, would YOU join YOU and if you are using
a system that anyone can follow, showing up to the major company events AND there to help your team, then the answer should be yes. TIP: Like I
said before, the best upline is NOT the one changing diapers and wiping behinds as that does NOT instill the mind of a business owner but one of a
6. If you are cynical, skeptical or the majority of the time negative, you will most likely never hear about my opportunity. This rule you could certainly
argue and say that they may know someone good or that they deserve a chance too, I see it as time management. The amount of time it takes to
help someone with a crappy attitude is about the same time it takes to lead a dozen halfway positive people.
7. Dont manage your team, inspire them. Managing is what most people assume they should do. They recruit anywhere from 5-30 people and then
get on the phone barking orders at them to do the things they did to get those 5-30 people. You MAY get lucky with this approach but if you want to
dictate success, keep recruiting and THAT will inspire the right people.
8. Entitlement is the ultimate enemy of success. Like I mentioned in last weeks Entrepreneur Mindset post, entitlement is quite simply, the worst. IF
during the recruiting process I feel they are coming in with entitlement, I will stop the process and if unable to correct, not recruit them. This includes
them believing I need to bend over backwards for the pleasure of having them in my team.

9. If in person, after the prospect sees a presentation, ask them Ready to rock? and put your hand up for a high-five. This is the single best closing
tactic I have seen, if in person.
10. If you are doing network marketing recruiting over the phone, after the prospect sees a presentation, ask them What did you like about what you
saw? So long as they are positive in any way, shape or form, follow it up with Sounds like you are ready to join. IMPORTANT: Tonality is rarely
taught amongst Network Marketing recruiting trainers, when you say Sounds like you are ready to join. End it with a downstroke in your voice like
you are saying a sentence, this is NOT to be ended on a high tone as in a question. (Tonality is LETHAL when learned, I teach it fully in my cold
market recruiting product)
11. Always be in a hurry. I suggest using a BIC (break in communication) prior to popping the question. Sample BICs are I have to run to a meeting
but or I gotta hop on this conference call but, then when they ask you what it is, you can refer back to the BIC, tell them you are happy to
follow up with them and tell them all about it.
12. Prospect while you are out versus go out to prospect. SOME people are able to force themselves to go to the mall when they dont need to and
just cold prospect. Although I am impressed with that, I dont think too many people want to do that so I teach how to talk to waiters, waitresses and
people you more naturally run into.
13. SMP cures all. SMP (show more people) will cure everything that ails you. Low on money? SMP Dont have much time? SMP Not sure what to
do? SMP Spouse not supporting you? SMP SMP will create the life of your dreams, you just have to be willing to get out of your head and well, SMP!

asic Daily Routine to Build Your MLM Right Now

Brian Fanale and I in Cancun


Create one piece of content each day. This could be an article, video or a blog. Take that content and get it into Tribepro


Spend 30 minutes per day on sales and marketing training. If you want recommendations on books or resources, just comment below


Spend 30 minutes per day on mindset training. If you want recommendations on books or resources, just comment below (if you THINK you do
not need motivation, just look at your results)


Write affirmations everyday (to learn a unique way to do these, watch my webinar with Noah St John)


Meditate everyday. Clear that mind, focus on your breathing and let the thoughts come and go, I would suggest starting with 20 mins per day.


Most Important: Make 20 connections with other human beings each day

OK, ready for me to read your mind? Some of you, in fact, a lot of you, are asking yourself OK, if I make 20 connections with people per daywhen
do I pitch them my business? Was that cool? Were you thinking that? Heres the deal. In this basic routine I am helping you convert more people
from cold to warm market.
Do not solely look at people at hunks of meat, look at actually creating some relationships and connections and you will be amazed at who decides
they want to spend more time with you and possibly even build a business. Some of my best teammates in my company asked me about my
business after they got to know me versus I targeted them as a lead or prospect. By the way, I did create a MONSTER routine that I am unveiling in
Cancun, it is only for really serious people though, maybe I will do a webinar =)

When I approached my warm market I DIDN'T want to CLOSE them, I simply wanted to:
1. Let them know what I was going to do.
2. See if they were open.
3. Eliminate them ever being mad at me for not coming to them BEFORE I crushed it.
If I shot a video detailing how I went about this, would that interest you? I LOVE working with my warm market but there
certainly are right ways and wrong ways to do it. Let me know

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