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Bronquitis Verminosa,

Neumona Verminosa
Infeccin por Nematodos

Los vermes del pulmn del ganado vacuno, porcino y ovino, se
consideran muy difundidos en toda la zona de la costa atlntica
de Colombia; los animales jvenes de todas las especies estn
afectados en forma aguda en la mayora de las fincas ganaderas
dedicadas a la cra, especialmente en las ganaderas de leche.
No se conoce la prevalencia pero se cree que es alta, con
prdidas apreciables por mortalidad de terneros, crecimiento
retardado e incompleto, que en el caso de una novilla es muy
evidente porque requiere de mucho tiempo para alcanzar el peso
que le permita su primer servicio, y por lo tanto, se pierden aos
de su produccin de leche.
En los animales adultos, no se manifiestan cuadros clnicos, pero
se entorpece la produccin.
Ocurre algo similar en la zona de los valles interandinos, de los
Llanos Orientales y de la Amazona; se desconoce la prevalencia,
pero se presume muy alta, con elevadas prdidas econmicas.

Los nematodos involucrados en los animales domsticos son:
Familia Trichostrongyloidea
Dyctiocaulus viviparus
Dyctiocaulus arnfieldi
Dyctiocaulus filaria

Asnos y Caballos
Ovejas y Cabras

Familia Metastrongyloidea

Protostrongylus rufescens
Muellerius capillaris
Metastrongylus apri
Filaroides osleri
Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
Capillaria aerophila

Ovejas y Cabras
Ovejas y Cabras
Caninos y Felinos

Familia Strongyloidea
Syngamus trachea


Estas estrongilosis son
frecuentes y cosmopolitas
Son relativamente menos
importantes en los paises
Las manifestacines clnicas
son principalmente: Sindrome
acronico bronquial y Sindrome
agudo broncopulmonar.
Las lesiones que se encuentran
son: moco abundante en vas
respiratorias, bronquitis,
alveolitis, enfisema lobular con
zonas de atelectasia.

Syngamus spp.
Nemtodo de localizacin traqueal en rumiantes y
aves, segn la especie.
Es pequeo, de 1 cm de tamao aproximadamente;
Tiene la particularidad de presentarse en cpula
permanente, por lo cual parece una Y; el macho, muy
pequeo, se observa adherido al poro genital de la
hembra, la cual es mucho ms grande.
En rumiantes es muy escaso, y en aves es frecuente
pero en las explotaciones abiertas con piso de tierra.

Syngamus spp.
Ciclo de vida


Familia: Strongylidae o Singamidae
Pequeos denticulos alrededor de la

Syngamus o

Accin patgena: Irritacin de la traquea,
dificultad respiratoria, estornudos, formacin de
moco, perdida del apetito, estado general
Diagnstico: Examen coprolgico por tnicas
de flotacin para visualizar los huevos
embrionados, ovalados, 85 micras, con 2
tapones u oprculos en los polos poco visibles.
Examen del moco nasal.

Dyctiocaulus spp.

Nemtodo de localizacin traqueobronquial en rumiantes,

Muy importante en Colombia por cuanto es el responsable de la

bronquitis verminosa en bovinos, ovinos y caprinos, segn la

Su mayor importancia reside en el dao causado a las terneras de

levante en ganaderas de leche.

Frecuente en todas las regiones y climas donde el ambiente se torne

hmedo y pantanoso.

Nemtodo ms o menos grueso, la hembra alcanza hasta 6 cms, de,

color blanco lechoso. No tiene cpsula bucal pero s una bolsa
caudal pequea y mal formada en el macho.

En Colombia se han observado algunos casos en equinos.

Dyctiocaulus spp.
Los huevos del Dictyocaulus spp son embrionados y pueden
eclosionar en el pulmn, para luego ser arrojadas las larvas
hacia el exterior con mucus o tos; tambin ocurre que al ser
ingeridas salen con la materia fecal.
La infestacin ocurre por va oral o prenatal, la larva penetra en
la pared intestinal y va a los ganglios linfticos mesentricos a
travs de los vasos linfticos, luego se moviliza hacia los
pulmones por va sangunea o linftica, penetra a los alvolos,
luego a los bronquiolos, bronquios y trquea, para alcanzar su
desarrollo total, copular y efectuar la postura.

Metastrongylus spp.
Es el nematodo responsable de la bronquitis
verminosa en los cerdos, lo cual significa que la
localizacin del adulto es a nivel de bronquiolos,
bronquios y trquea.
Es relativamente pequeo, mximo 5 cms. No
tiene cpsula bucal pero s una bolsa caudal
mal formada y estrecha.

Metastrongylus spp.

Los huevos embrionados, se eliminan con las heces, y pueden eclosionar

inmediatamente o poco despus de ser ingeridos por el hospedador
intermediario, que obligatoriamente en este caso es una lombriz de tierra;

Las larvas se desarrollan en los vasos sanguneos de las paredes del

esfago, y del proventriculo, y en los espacios hemticos de fuera de dichos
rganos, en la lombriz; crecen y alcanzan su estado infestante, de tal
manera que los cerdos se infestan al ingerir lombrices parasitadas.

En el cerdo las larvas siguen un curso similar al del Dictyocaulus spp, hasta
alcanzar su estado adulto.

Shope (1941-1942), encontr que el virus de la influenza porcina es

transportado por la larva del gusano pulmonar del cerdo, y persiste en ella
cuando ha sido llevada por lombrices, durante 32 meses. Los cerdos
infestados con tales larvas adquieren de ellas la influenza, y se indica
(1958), que la larva puede portar el virus de la fiebre porcina, de tal suerte
que requiere alguna forma de stress para provocar la patogenicidad del


Verme pulmonar
(Metastrongylus apri, M.
pudendotectus, M. salmi)

Metastrongylus apri

Metastrongylus salmi

Otros vermes pulmonares

Protostrongylus spp. - De localizacin preferencial en
los bronquiolos pequeos de ovejas, cabras y cerdos,
principalmente reportado en Europa, Africa, Australia y
Norteamrica; en Colombia hay algunos reportes
Muellerius spp.. Se localiza en el pulmn de ovejas,
cabras y antlopes, con distribucin mundial. En
Colombia existen pocos reportes. Es probablemente el
helminto ms corriente de la oveja en Europa.

Protostrongilidosis (Gusanos pulmonares)

Familia: Protostrongylidae: Formas larvarias con colas afiladas, puntudas y con espinas. Afectan pequeos rumiantes
Subfamilia. Muelleriinae
Gnero: Muellerius

especie: capillaris

Machos 11-14 mm. Hembras 19 23 mm. Gruesos, blancos. Boca rudimentaria, esfago claviforme simple, hembra de
cola puntuda, utero desarrollado. Macho con cola enroscada, bolsa caudal rudimentaria, espculos gruesos y cortos.
Localizacin: Alveolos y parnquima pulmonar a nivel subpleural.
Epidemiologa: Esta en todos los climas especialmente en zonas fras y hmedas. Se relaciona con la presencia de
caracoles y babosas hospederos intermediarios de las formas larvarias (57 especies).
Monacha spp.,
Cochicella spp., Cernuella spp,
Helicella spp., Helix spp.
Babosas: Milax spp., Deroceras
spp., Arion spp.

Ciclo de vida

Heteroxene sin fases

de vida libre. 4 5 meses


diseminada, procesos catarrales.

Diagnstico: Hiperpnea, respiracin abdominal, tos,

asfixia, lesiones nodulares. Mtodos de migracin
larvaria. Necropsia. Larvas de cola bfida.

Control Verminosis Pulmonares

Se basa especialmente en evitar el contacto de los huspedes definitivos

con los intermediarios, y la convivencia de los animales jvenes con los
adultos, porque stos son eliminadores mudos de huevos, es decir,
mantienen una infestacin sin manifestaciones clnicas.

En bovinos es. tan importante la bronquitis verminosa, como enfermedad

que causa altas prdidas econmicas a nivel de hatos lecheros sobre todo
como limitante en la cra y levante de terneras de reemplazo en todo el
mundo, que los sistemas de cra de terneras, han sido diseados
especialmente para facilitar la adquisicin de resistencia frente al parsito,
en forma gradual.

El sistema de cra por estaca, favorece el acostumbramiento temprano de

la ternera al medio ambiente, favorece su adaptacin al consumir el pasto
poco a poco, y a ir ingiriendo gradualmente larvas de parsitos, lo cual
estimula su inmaduro sistema inmunolgico.

Control Verminosis Pulmonares

El sistema de cra Neo-Zelands, que consiste en utilizar los Potreros

recin renovados, para el terneraje primero, luego pasar el hato y al final el
horro, tiene las mismas ventajas; las terneras comen el cogollo escogido,
es posible que tomen algunas larvas, pero muy pocas porque en el perodo
de descanso la mayora muere, esas pocas larvas estimulan el sistema
inmunitario para desarrollar defensas; los animales pisan poco porque Son
livianos, y se alimentan mejor, para dejar el grueso del pastaje al hato.

Los sistemas de crianza en establos cerrados, no han funcionado bien en el

trpico, porque adems de los costos de las instalaciones, los animales se
desarrollan muy sensibles a los cambios de temperatura, no adquieren
tempranamente la habilidad para arrancar el pasto, y estn lejos de la
posibilidad de contacto con algunos parsitos para estimular su sistema
inmunolgico; adems, en el momento de sacarlos al potrero, el stress del
cambio influye negativamente en su adaptacin.


Control Verminosis Pulmonares

Hay sistemas de terneriles semicubiertos, donde los animales recin

nacidos se tienen por unas pocas semanas, con alimentacin a base de
leche, concentrado y algo de pasto fresco y limpio; funcionan bien,
aunque se ha detectado mayor susceptibilidad al parasitismo que en el
caso del sistema abierto de estaca.

Los tratamientos antihelmnticos peridicos, como preventivos son

recomendables, siempre y cuando se utilicen drogas especficas, a las
dosis correctas; la frecuencia debe ser establecida por el mdico
veterinario de acuerdo con los problemas observados en la regin o
finca, e informando de los resultados de chequeos de larvas en pastos,
en forma peridica y en diferentes pocas del ao.

Adicionalmente, el control depende del correcto manejo de los animales,

instalaciones, alimentos, agua, equipos, en forma similar a lo anotado
para el control de parasitismo gastrointestinal. En el caso de los cerdos,
es muy importante el manejo de los desechos, la materia fecal y los
restos de alimentos, los cuales deben ser sacados de las porquerizas
todos los das con un lavado a fondo, y con tal cuidado que los alimentos
y el agua no se vayan a contaminar.

Control Verminosis Pulmonares

Los exmenes peridicos de materia fecal para detectar larvas de
parsitos broncopulmonares, por el mtodo de Baerman, son una
informacin de mucho valor para hacer el seguimiento del control.
La presencia de pocas larvas, puede ser indicio de buen estado de
proteccin, siempre y cuando los animales conserven un estado sanitario
adecuado, aumenten de peso normalmente, lo mismo de tamao, tengan
un apetito normal, no desperdicien alimento y presenten un pelaje
Urquhart y Col, en 1981, recomiendan como medio de control fiable y
efectivo, el tratamiento con vacunas a base de larvas irradiadas; este
sistema se utiliza en algunos pases desde hace muchos aos, pero en
Colombia se ha ensayado en forma espordica


Respiratory Parasites of Dogs

and Cats

Paragoniums kellicotti
Life cycle diagram Paragonimus is a trematode that may inhabit the lungs of a
variety of mammals. Paragonimus kellicotti is the species of importance to
domestic animals in the U.S. Like most flukes, the adult stage is not highly host
specific and P. kellicotti may be found in a number of mamma1ian definitive
hosts. The mink is regarded as being the usual final host in the U.S. but a large
reservoir for this parasite exists in other wild animals (including the muskrat,
oppossum, raccoon, skunk, bobcats, fox and others). Paragonimus is therefore
considered to have a primarily sylvatic epidemiologic cycle in which dogs, cats
and rarely, the pig may become
infected as secondary or
accidental hosts. Louisiana and the
Great Lakes area have a high
incidence of wild animal infection
but P. kellicotti has been reported
from most states in the Eastern half
of the U. S. The life cycle involves a
snail intermediate host and a crayfish
second intermiate host. Another
species, Paragonimus westermani
(Oriental Lung Fluke) is a serious
parasite of man in the Orient.


Paragonimus egg

Adult flukes in the lung release operculated eggs into the

bronchial tree which are subsequently coughed up,
swallowed and shed in the feces.
Paragonimus eggs are yellow to brown in color, 80-118 by
40-65 M in size and have an operculum set into a
characteristic col1ar-like thickening.

Paragonimus kellicotti Miracidia

After 2-3 weeks development

within eggs in an aquatic
environment, short-lived,
ciliated miracidia emerge
which must find a suitable
snail intermediate within 24
hours or perish.


Snail intermediate host

In the U.S., amphibious

snails (Pomotiopsis spp.)
serve as the first
intermediate host.

P. kellicotti redia

Miracidia initiate a complex asexual reproductive phase in

snail tissues and produce large numbers of free swimming


Cercaria. Cercariae penetrate through the exskeleton of the crayfish

second intermediate host, encyst as metatacercaria and await
ingestion by the final host.

Crayfish(Cambarus spp.) A number of species of

crayfish in the U.S. may serve as second intermediate

Metacercaria in crayfish heart muscle

Metacercariae become infective to the final host in a period of

several weeks. An immature fluke is present within the cyst
wall at this time.


Definitive host

After ingestion, metacercariae excyst in the intestine, young

flukes penetrate the gut wall into the peritoneal cavity and then
migrate across the diaphragm to the p1eura1 cavity. They
migrate in lung tissues for 3-4 weeks before pairing up cysts
which are radiographically visible 4 weeks after infection.
Mature flukes are found in fibrous pulmonary cysts 5 to 6 weeks
afer infection at which time patency occurs.

P. kellicotti lung cysts

Cysts of Paragonimus are usually
found close to the lung surface
and appear as nodular elevated
masses of 1-2 cm beneath the
pleura. Migration of young flukes
through thc pleura is sometimes
marked by small hemorrhages
which progress to small scars.


P. kellicotti lung cysts

During migration through the lung parenchyma, young

flukes pair up and are generally found with two adults
within individual cysts. Paragonimus are small, thick
flukes, are reddish-brown in the living state and measure
1 by 11/2 cm.

Paragonimus adults in cross section and

microscopic in canine lung

Adult parasites are often found in what appears to be a greatly dilated

bronchiole surrounded by reddish fluid containing fluke eggs and cellular
debris. A patent fistulous communication to the bronchial tree is present for
passage of eggs. Eggs may escape to lung tissues and cause granulomatous
inflammation, particullarly where there is no communication for escape of
eggs to the bronchio1es. Eggs sometimes find their way into thc general
circulation and are fi1tered out in the major capillary beds, inciting small foci
of granulomatous inflammation in other areas of thc body.


Infections may be diagnosed by finding the very characteristic eggs using
routine fecal flotation procedures. (Eggs of many fluke species sink in
flotation media). Eggs can also be readily detected by tracheal swabs or
tracheal washes.
Diagnosis may also be made by radiography, particularly when eggs are not
being passed. Cysts are seenas circumscribed pulmonary soft tissue densities.
On rare occasions, cysts are contained in a radiolucent area (an air bubble in
the cyst). This signet ring morphology, when it occurs, is patbognomonic
of Paragonimus.
Paragonimiasis is usually manifested clinically by relatively mild respiratory
distress and a persistant hacking cough. Lung sounds are often normal unless
many flukes are present and the pleura is involved. In heavy infections, the
exertion will initiate a coughing seizure. Signs are likely to be more severe
during the migratory and growth phase as flukes establish themselves.
Hemoptisis is sometimes seen at this stage. Fatal cases have been reported
due to pulmonary hemorrhage or secondary infection following simultaneous
entry of a number of flukes into the lungs. Pneumothorax may occur if
subpleura1 cysts rupture.

Fenbendazole and albendazole are effective at the level of 25
mg/kg BID for 14-21 days. Praziquantel reprted to be effective
at 25 mg/kg TID for 2 days. Bithionol no longer manufactured.
Nodular radiographic leasion resolve within 2 months after
successful therapy.


There are three species of nematode lungworms in the genus
Filaroldes (Family Metastrongylidae) which infect dogs:
Filaroldesosleri, F. milksi, and F. hirthi. All are of relatively
low incidence and are generally considered to be of low
The life cycle for Filaroides spp. is unique in being infective
at the L1 stage. It is thus directly infective when passed in
feces or sputum. Life cycle possibly evolved for transmission
via fecal-oral route or by regurgitated food by carnivores in
neonatal period.

Filaroides osleri

F. osleri resides at the bifurcation of the trachea in elevated wartlike

granulomatous nodules. The worms are small in size (0.5 to 1.5 cm in
1ength) and several are usually present in each nodule which has a
medusa head appearance when worms are extracted partially. Lesions
are covered by columnar epithelium and ovoviviparous female worms
release larva forms through pores in the mucosa. Females deposit
larvae encapsulated by a single shell membrane which hatch
immediately, move up the trachea, and are then swallowed.
Infected dogs may have a persistant, harsh cough, especially after
exercise, and sometimes have gradual emaciation and loss of condition.
Litters of pups typically develop signs of disease after 10 weeks postpartum.


Notch tailed larvae

F. osleri diagnosis is made by finding larvae by fecal

examination or by trachea swabs. Large lesions may be visible
radigraphica1ly, ZNSO4 (sp. gr. 1.18) flotation if 100 x thc
accuracy of Baermann. The larvae may be differentiated from
other parasites (ea. Strongyloides stercoralis) by tbc presence
of an S-shaped notch in the tail. Direct bronchoscopic
examination of nodules or radiography may also lead to a

F. hirthi and F. milksi

These species occur in the lung parenchyma in lesions that are evident as
blister-like granulomatous foci beneath the pleura or as scattered foci through
deeper lung tissues.Tissue reaction occurs due to congregated nests of adult
and larval forms. Infections are generally regarded as asymptomatic, although
fatal granulomatous pneumonia has been reported.
F. hirthi has been recently described as a separate species following a 1973
report of 40% asymptomatic incidence in a commercial beagle colony in New
York. (Hirth and Hottendorf Vet. Path. 10:385). This parasite may become
endemic in kennels, reducing the value of animals (I.E. beagles) for
toxocologic trials and other experimental uses because of the pathology seen.


Treatment and Control

Effective treatment for Filaroides spp. has not been
established. F. osleri F. or F. osleri, oxfenbendazole (10
mg/kg for 28 days) and ivermectin (400 mg/kg) are reported
to be effective. Beagle colonies may be freed of F. hirthi
infection by ABZ treatment of breeding animals and handraising caesarian-derived pups.

Aelurostrongylus abstrusus Cat host

Aelurostrongylus abstrusus causes a chronic
respiratory disease in cats which is
unresponsive to antibiotic therapy and
characterized by coughing and sneezing. In
severe cases spasms of coughing, dyspnea
and progressive wasting are seen. The adult
worms reside deep in the lung parenchyma in
the termina1 bronchioles and alveolar ducts.


Aelurostrongylus abstrusus Life cycle

Eggs are non-embryonated when laid by adults in the
lungs. After embryonation in alveoli the first stage larvae
batch and attempt to ascend the bronchiolar tree. First stage
larvae are coughed up, swallowed and pass in the feces.
Continual development occurs after infection of the
intermediate host, the snail or slug, and most often gain
entry to the cat definitive host after ingestion and encysted
larvae in one of several paratenic hosts.

Notch-tailed larvaAelurostrongyus
These notch-tailed larvae can
survive in moist soil for up to
51/2 months.


Slug intermediate hosts

Several, genera and species of moluscs can serve as true

intermediate hosts. The first stage larvae actively penetrate
the foot of the molluscs and develop to infective third
stage larvae. Infective larvae remain viable in snails for as
long as 6 months .

Paratenic host
Cats can become infected after
ingestion of molluscs containing
lungworm larvae, but this probably
happens only rarely. Transport or
paratenic hosts which feed upon
molluscs (including rodents,
amphibians, reptiles and birds)
serve as the principle source of
infection for cats.


A. abstrusus Gross lesions

The most typical gross lesions are subpleural greyish nodu1es

that project slightly above the surface of the lungs. The nodules
may vary from pin point to 10 or more mms in diameter. In
severe cases lesions may coalesce to form larger areas of
consolidated tissue.

Histological lesions
The presence of worms, eggs or larvae in bronchioles and
alveolar ducts is associated with an inflammatory exudate,
hyperplasia of the bronchiolar epithelium and hyperttrophy of
hypertrophy of peribronchiolar glands. If a nodule is incosed, a
small amount of creamy exudate containing numerous eggs and
larvae as well as neutrophils, eosinophills, lymphocytes, plasma
cells, and giant cells is expelled.


Histological lesions
Hypertrophy of smooth muscles in walls of bronchio1es and alveolar ducts
occur early in the course of the infection and is progressive. Muscular
hyperp1asia of pulmonary arteries begins later in the course of the infection (at
about the 4th week). The medial layers of many vessels become 3 to 12 times
thicker than normal. This change is not specific, however, and occurs in other
conditions in the cats each as ascarid migration and feline dirofilariasis.
Although signs of parasitic pneumonia regress after the 4th month of infection,
the arterial hypertrophy and hyperplasia 1argely remain for 2 years and may
persist for the lifetime of the cat.

Clinical Signs
Most affected cats show litt1e clinical disturbance, but whether
because of heavy infection or decreased resistance, a few
exhibit definite illness that occasionally results in death.


Clinical Signs
Typical signs of illness include a chronic cough with gradually
increasing dyspnea, inanition, anorexia, and fever. Lung
sounds include harsh or moist ra1es. Occasionally there may
also be sneezing and oculonasal discharges.
The disease tends to be self-limiting and the most dangerous
period is 6 to 13 weeks after infection when great numbers of
eggs and larvae are produced. In very severe infections the
simultaneous disposition of a large number of eggs in the lungs
may cause sudden death.
Outward signs and passage of first stage larvae in the feces
may cease within 2 to 3 months and recur when the cat is
subjected to stress.
There are no age, sex, or seasonal variations.

Clinically, cats exhibiting a chronic cough (perhaps
accompanied by gradual weight loss) that is unresponsive to
antibiotic therapy should be considered suspects for
lungworm infection due to Aeleurostrongylus .
Eosinophilia may be seen, but many other diseases, including
other respiratory diseases, may be accompanied by


Fecal examination for the characteristic notched or S-shaped tail of first

stage larvae is the most accurate and practical diagnostic technique. A.
abstrusus larvae are 360-400m in length and commonly are coiled upon
themselves. Methods available are the direct smear, fecal flotation, and the
Baermann method. The direct smear is the least accurate, as the
irregularity of larvae passage and the size of the sample tend to be limiting
factors. The flotation method is more accurate, but certain limitations must
be considered. Because of the high osmotic pressure, concentrated salt
solutions draw so much water out of the larvae that the specific gravity of
the larvae becomes greater than that of the salt solution so that the larvae
tend to shrivel and sink. With sugar solutions, the viscosity of
concentrated so1utions reduces the speed of flotation of the larvae. For
short periods (5 minutes or less) of flotation, a 50% sataurated solution
floats most larvae, but if enough time (8 minutes or more) is allowed,
saturated sugar solution floats the greatest number of larvae. The
Baermann method has been found by most to be the most accurate. A
simplified Baermann-type procedure can also be used-i.e. , feces are
placed in a dish containing a little water. The larvae will migrate from the
feces into the water which can be examined microscopically after
approximately 1 hour .

The active period when larvae are found in the feces usually
lasts about 2 to 3 months and rarely over 2 years. Fecal
examination will not reveal early infections (less than 5 to 6
weeks) when adults are not yet mature, nor late infections when
worms are no longer laying eggs.

Trachea swabs may also be used to recover larvae.


Aelurostrongylosis tends to be se1f-limiting and demonstrable
immunity develops. Good supportive therapy and care may
suffice in mild or longstanding cases. L-Tetramizole has been
tried by various investigators but only causes temporary
reduction in larvae production. Ivermectin ( 400 g/kg) and
fenbendazole (25 mg/kg BID for 1 week) are reported to be
It appears from experimental evidence that administration of
small doses of infective 1arvae on several occasions protects
cats from a massive challenge for at least a year. Persistence of
immunity is likely to be related to persistence of adult worms
in the pulmonary tissues.

Capillaria aerophila
The Fox Lungworm
Capillaria oerophila - histosection canine lung


Capillaria aerophila
Capillaria oerophila is a member of the Family Trichuroidea and is closely
related to the whipworm, Trichuris. Adult lungworms are 1.5 to 4 cm in length
and inhabit the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles of dogs, foxes, and cats. The
life cycle is direct ( no intermediate hosts are required) although earthworms
are reported to serve as transport hosts. The eggs bear a close resemblance to
those of the dog whipworm, Trichuris vulpis and are passed in the feces after
being coughed up from the trachea and swallowed. Eggs are quite resistant to
cold and other adverse conditions and develop to the infective stage on the
ground in 5- 7 weeks. After
ingestion by the definitive host
they hatch and migrate via the
bloodstream in 7-10 days and
become mature about 40 days
after infection. Differentiate from
C. boemii (nasal
capillariasis) in dogs.

In cats, differentiate eggs from

Capillaria putorii a non-pathogenic
intestinal species of smaller egg size
(<66x28u). C. aerophila are
confusable with Trichuris but can be
differentiated by its slightly smaller
size, paler color , roughened shell and
blunt ends. Capillaria aerophila is
most common in young animals and
occurs especially in outdoor dogs such
as hounds. Light infections are
asymptomatic but heavy discharge and
progressive debility in association with
bronchitis. Infection is often much
more severe in foxes.


FBZ or ADZ at 25 mg/kg BID for 14-21 days or
ivermectin (600mg/kg) reported to be effective. Control
consists of the same rigid sanitation in kennels
necessary to prevent whipworm and roundworm

Linguatula serrata (tongue worm)

Linguatula serratais a member of the Phylum Pentastomida
(Tbe Pentastomes). It is a rare parasite found in the nasal
passages and frontal sinuses and sometimes the eustachian tube
and inner ear of dogs and related carnivores. Linguatula is a
blood sucker and causes no clinical signs in many cases. In
others there is sneezing, bleeding, dyspnea, and inflammation.
Eggs pass in nasal discharges and are ingested by one of a
variety of herbivorous animals, especially rodents which serve as
intermediate host. The nymph stage has a very low host
specificity. Nymphs develop in the mesenteric lymph nodes,
liver or other tissues where they await further development after
ingestion of viscert by the final host. Infected ruminants are
thought to be the most common source of infection for dogs. The
life cycle may be completed in approximately six months.


Linguatula serrata in situ.

L. serrata removed
Diagnosis of Linguatula is made by finding larvated eggs in
nasal discharges or by direct examination of nasal passages with
an otoscope. The organism is elongate, flattened and have a
series of conspicious body rings. They attach firmly to the
mucous membranes by two pairs of retractable hooks on either
side of the mouth.


L. serrata anterior hooks

Anterior hooks and the characteristic morphology listed
above distinguish Linguatula from other parasites.
Linguatula has a longevity of 2 years and are then passed.
Surgical removal is the only known treatment.

Pneumonyssoides caninum (nasal mite)

The mite Pneumonyssoides caninum is infrequently found in

the nasal sinuses of dogs. No signs are observed except
perhaps a catarrhal rhinitis.


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