Está en la página 1de 24

Cdigo Efecto

Pincha cualquier persona o criatura, escribe "kill" Muerte instntanea

Pincha cualquier puerta o cofre, escribe "unlock" Abre la cerradura
Sin apuntar, escribe "tgm" Modo Dios
tfh Ayuda
player.additem 0000000F 'xxX' Aade oro. Sustituye 'xxX' por el valor deseado.
player.AddItem 00000000 # Te da # del objeto 00000000 (usa otras combinaciones para
distintos objetos)
player.AddSpell 00000000 Te da el hechizo 00000000 (usa otras combinaciones para
modpcs skill 100 Aade 100 puntos al la habilidad
modpca luck 100 Aade 100 puntos al atributo (en este caso, suerte)
player.setlevel 1 Cambia el nivel del jugador. Usa 1-255
advlevel Sube un nivel.
advskill skill # Sube una habilidad # niveles, ejemplo: advskill blade 4
showclassmenu Te permite cambiar tu clase
Showbirthsignmenu Permite cambiar tu signo de nacimiento
movetoqt Teletransporta al objetivo de la misin
qqq Salir del juego
tcai Enciende combate IA
tfc "ufo cam", Vista de pjaro
caqs Completa las misiones
ShowSubtitle Enciende los subttulos
psb Aade todos los hechizos
SexChange Cambia el sexo
TCL Enciende colisin
TDT Activa recuadro depurar
TM Esconde todos los recuadros
SSG Crea una ventana con la escena grfica del juego
TLL Activa LOD
TS Activa Cielo
TLV Activa hojas
TWF Activa modo wireframe
TAI Activa IA
TG Activa hierba
TT Activa rboles
player.setAV <Habilidad/Atributo> <#> Incrementa o reduce una habilidad o atrbuto
player.additem <Forma ID> <cantidadt> Da al jugador un objeto y la cantidad de l
ShowBirthSignMenu Muestra el men de elegir el signo de nacimiento.
ShowRaceMenu Muestra la ventana de seleccin de nombre/raza/aspecto.
ShowClassMenu Muestra la ventana de seleccin de clase.
SetPCFame Te da fama
SetPCInfamy Te da infamia
TFOW Activa niebla de guerra que esconde el mapa
FOV # Te cambia el mgulo del punto de vista (75 es el valor predterminado)
player.setcrimegold 0 Te quita la recompensa que piden por ti
Nota: Si ests siendo perseguido, debes perderles de vista para que funcione
PlaceAtMe <forma>, <numero de engendrados>,<x>,<y> Crea un ser donde tu indiques en
las coordenadas.
coc toddtest Teletransporta a la zona de pruebas de los desarrolladores.
player.payfine Los guardias dejan de atacar y el botn es pagado.
resurrect Resucita el monstruo/humano que apuntes.
player.removeitem <FormaID> <#> Quita cualquier objeto
player.removespell <FormaID> Quita un hechizo
hairtint (rojo/verde/azul) Cambia el color del pelo
Help Lista de comandos de la consola
lock [1-100] Bloquea una puerta o cofre
showfullquestlog [id misin] muestra todas las entradas del log de una misin
showquestlog Muestra el log de una misn
showquestlog 0 Muestra el log de la misn actual
showquestlog 1 Muestra el log de una misn completa
showquesttargets Muestra los objetivos de la misn
tws Activa agua
pov [#] Modifica el ngulo del punto de vista (predeterminado 75)
savegame [filename] Guarda la partida
setcamerafov [degrees] Moduifica el campo de visin de la cmara (predterminado en 75)
setscale numero Cambia el tamao de los objetosPincha el objeto para variar el tamao
Vara de .5 a 2. (1 es el valor normal)
coc testinghall Lleva a un rea con todos los objetos, monstruos y NPCs del juego
player.setstage <ID misn> <Etapa> Avanza en una misn a una determinada etapa
player.completequest <FormqID> Elimina una misn activa (No la completa)
stopcombat Para el combate con el amigo/enemigo.
player.placeatme <Forma ID> Convoca a un NPC a tu localizacin.
twr Activa radio de agua
set timescale to <nmero> Modifica el paso del tiempo, 30 es el predterminadoy 1.0 es
tiempo real
drop <forma id> cantidad suelta un objeto
equipitem <forma id> equipa con un objeto
PCB Purga el buffer de la celda para limpiar la memoria, aumentando los fps.
ModDisposition ObjREF Cantidad Modifica la disposicin del personaje.
GetPos X Muestra la coordenada X del objetivo. Tambin sirve Y o Z.
SetPos X Valor Vara la coordenada X. Puedes probar con Z para practicar tu acrobacia, pero no
hay que pasarse.
MoveTo ObjREF Permite moverse a un objeto.
SetAV AValor Cantidad Edita el valor de una habilidad (AValue puede ser Marksman [tirador],
LightArmor [Armadura Ligera], etc.) Otros valores pueden ser: Aggression (Agresividad), Energy
(Energa), Confidence (Confianza), Responsibility (Respnsabilidad)...
SetAV Aggression 100 El objetivo atacar todo aquel que no le guste.
SetCrimeGold 2000 Pone 2000 de botn a un personaje.
StopCombat Para un combate
SetItemValue Cantidad (debe usarse en objetos, no personajes) Vara el precio.
CreateFullActorCopy crea una copia del personaje al que apuntes.
Player.CreateFullActorCopy Te clonas.
SetActorFullName "Nombre" Cambia el nombre del personaje
DeleteFullActorCopy borra una copia de personaje
DuplicateAllItems DestinationObjREF copia los objetos de un sitio y los pone en
RemoveAllItems Quita todos los objetos de un objetivo
Player.RemoveAllItems Quita todos tus objetos
PRID Player Te seleccionas como objetivo.
Look ObjREF El objetivo mira hacia la referencia
StopLook El objetivo deja de mirar hacia la referencia.
Drop TypeREF Cantidad Un objeto es soltado del inventario del objetivo, pero si lo coges ser
considerado robo.
UnEquipItem TypeREF Desequipa un objeto del objetivo (puede usarse para desarmar o
SetBarterGold Cantidad Vara la cantidad de oro que tiene un mercader-
ShowSpellMaking Fuerza la ventana de creacin de hechizos
Killall Mata todo lo que hay en el area que ests.
lock [valor]
Bloquea una puerta.
Arrow of Cold - 0004BF02
Arrow of Cowardice - 0003DFDB
Arrow of Discord - 0003BF67
Arrow of Dispel - 0004BF11
Arrow of Drain Magicka - 0004BF00
Arrow of Embers - 0004BF10
Arrow of Extrication - 00022DB5
Arrow of Fatigue - 0003DFD6
Arrow of Fear - 0003DFD8
Arrow of Fire - 0004BF07
Arrow of Flames - 0004BF04
Arrow of Freezing - 0004BF05
Arrow of Frost - 0004BEF9
Arrow of Harm - 0003DFD7
Arrow of Hexing - 00159676
Arrow of Illumination - 00008A4C
Arrow of Immolation - 000CD542
Arrow of Jinxing - 0004BEFF
Arrow of Jolts - 0004BEFD
Arrow of Light - 00008A4F
Arrow of Lightning - 0004BF0C
Arrow of Misery - 0003DFD9
Arrow of Numbing - 0004BEFC
Arrow of Qualms - 0003DFDA
Arrow of Savage Frost - 000CD540
Arrow of Scorching - 0004BF01
Arrow of Shocking - 0004BF03
Arrow of Silence - 0003DFDC
Arrow of Sparks - 0004BEFA
Arrow of Stillness - 0003DFDD
Arrow of Storm Strike - 000CD543
Arrow of Storms - 0004BF0F
Arrow of Sunlight - 0000BAD9
Arrow of the Blaze - 0004BF0A
Arrow of the Dynamo - 0004BF09
Arrow of the Glacier - 0004BF08
Arrow of the Inferno - 0004BF0D
Arrow of the North Winds - 000CD545
Arrow of Voltage - 0004BF06
Arrow of Winter - 0004BF0E
Arrow of Withering - 0003CB6C
Daedric Arrow - 0001EFD3
Dremora Barbed Arrow - 000872A7
Dremora Broadhead Arrow - 000872A6
Dremora Field Arrow - 000872A5
Dwarven Arrow - 00022BE2
Ebony Arrow - 0001EFD5
Elven Arrow - 000229C0
Flare Arrow - 00008A4E
Glass Arrow - 00022BE1
Hatreds Soul Arrow - 00014EB3
Iron Arrow - 00017829
Magebane Arrow - 000CD544
Rose of Sithis - 0003266D
Silver Arrow - 0001EFD4
Steel Arrow - 000229C1
Stormcall Arrow - 000CD541

Akaviri Katana - 00024DCA
Akaviri Katana - 000977C9
Akaviri Warhammer Burden - 000387B5
Ancient Akaviri Katana - 000E78E5
Apotheosis - 000CA153
Axe of Hazards - 0003CCFF
Axe of Icy Darkness - 0003BF64
Ayleid Long Sword - 00014F14
Ayleid Mace - 00014F15
Battle Axe of Absorption - 0003841F
Battle Axe of Beguilement - 0003539C
Battle Axe of Blizzards - 0002308B
Battle Axe of Cold - 000220A8
Battle Axe of Damnation - 000353C2
Battle Axe of Decay - 0003B407
Battle Axe of Deception - 0003539A
Battle Axe of Depletion - 000387AE
Battle Axe of Diminishing - 0003D7D3
Battle Axe of Dispel - 0003D7CB
Battle Axe of Dissolution - 0003B40A
Battle Axe of Embers - 0003DAE7
Battle Axe of Enfeeblement - 0003CD09
Battle Axe of Feeding - 0003B402
Battle Axe of Fire - 0003DB0C
Battle Axe of Flames - 0003DB03
Battle Axe of Freezing - 000225D9
Battle Axe of Frost - 0003DB8F
Battle Axe of Jinxing - 0003AB6F
Battle Axe of Lightning - 0002C278
Battle Axe of Putrification - 0003B40C
Battle Axe of Rending - 0003B40E
Battle Axe of Sapping - 0003D7E2
Battle Axe of Scorching - 0003DAFA
Battle Axe of Shocking - 0002B8D6
Battle Axe of Siphoning - 0003B3FF
Battle Axe of Soul Snares - 000353CA
Battle Axe of Soul Traps - 00035397
Battle Axe of Souls - 00035C27
Battle Axe of Sparks - 0002B561
Battle Axe of Storms - 0002C286
Battle Axe of the Blaze - 0003DB15
Battle Axe of the Dynamo - 0002BFFA
Battle Axe of the Glacier - 00022738
Battle Axe of the Inferno - 0003DB1E
Battle Axe of Transmogrify - 0003B403
Battle Axe of Voltage - 0002BDDD
Battle Axe of Weakness - 0003AB43
Battle Axe of Winter - 000230D9
Battleaxe of Hatred - 000CA152
Baurus's Akaviri Katana - 0006B843
Black Bow - 000908AD
Blackwater Blade - 0000C201
Blade of Fiery Light - 0003BF60
Blade of Woe - 00091905
Blizzard Bow - 0003CD06
Boreal - 0003CD05
Bound Axe - 00026276
Bound Bow - 0002627D
Bound Dagger - 0002627C
Bound Mace - 00026274
Bound Sword - 00026273
Bow of Blizzards - 0002308D
Bow of Burning - 0003DAF2
Bow of Cold - 000220F6
Bow of Curses - 0003AB87
Bow of Despair - 0003AC88
Bow of Embers - 0003DAE9
Bow of Fire - 0003DB0D
Bow of Flames - 0003DB04
Bow of Freezing - 000225DA
Bow of Frost - 0003DB91
Bow of Gloom - 0003AC89
Bow of Harm - 0003AB6C
Bow of Infernal Frost - 00082DE4
Bow of Infliction - 000CA156
Bow of Jolts - 0002B585
Bow of Lightning - 0002C27A
Bow of Numbing - 0003DB7B
Bow of Quietus - 0002B558
Bow of Scorching - 0003DAFB
Bow of Shocking - 0002B8D7
Bow of Silence - 0002B559
Bow of Sparks - 0002B562
Bow of Storms - 0002C287
Bow of the Blaze - 0003DB16
Bow of the Dynamo - 0002BFFB
Bow of the Glacier - 00022854
Bow of the Inferno - 0003DB1F
Bow of Voltage - 0002BEB2
Bow of Weariness - 0003AB6B
Bow of Winter - 000230DD
Broken Sword - 0002D72B
Brusef Amelion's Sword - 000091FB
Burden of Agnosticism - 00014953
Burden of Anger - 0001494F
Burden of Arrogance - 00014950
Burden of Flesh - 00014952
Burden of Secrecy - 00014951
Burden of Sin - 00014954
Burz's Glass Mace - 000C7610
Caelia's Steel Longsword - 0006AA99
Calliben's Grim Retort - 000CB6F3
Captain Kordan's Saber - 000CA158
Ceremonial Dagger - 0008DA4A
Chillrend - 00068C01
Claymore of Blizzards - 00023095
Claymore of Brittleness - 0003D7BB
Claymore of Burning - 0003DAF3
Claymore of Cold - 0002224D
Claymore of Depletion - 0003AB75
Claymore of Depletion - 0003D7E8
Claymore of Disintegration - 0003D7C7
Claymore of Dispel - 0003D7CC
Claymore of Embers - 0003DAEA
Claymore of Fire - 0003DB0E
Claymore of Flames - 0003DB05
Claymore of Fracturing - 0003D7BF
Claymore of Fragments - 0003D7B8
Claymore of Freezing - 000225F6
Claymore of Frost - 0003DB73
Claymore of Jinxing - 0003AB74
Claymore of Jolts - 0002B586
Claymore of Shattering - 0003D7C3
Claymore of Shocking - 0002B8D8
Claymore of Sparks - 0002B563
Claymore of Storms - 0002C289
Claymore of the Blaze - 0003DB17
Claymore of the Dynamo - 0002BFFC
Claymore of the Glacier - 00022A2B
Claymore of the Inferno - 0003DB20
Claymore of Voltage - 0002BFF3
Claymore of Weariness - 0003D7DA
Claymore of Winter - 000230DE
Club - 00159829
Cursed Mace - 00026F98
Daedric Battle Axe - 00035E77
Daedric Bow - 000733DD
Daedric Bow - 00035E7C
Daedric Claymore - 00035E78
Daedric Dagger - 00035E72
Daedric Longsword - 00035E76
Daedric Mace - 00035E75
Daedric Shortsword - 00035E73
Daedric War Axe - 00035E74
Daedric Warhammer - 00035E79
Dagger of Absorption - 0003841A
Dagger of Blizzards - 00023098
Dagger of Brittleness - 0003D7BC
Dagger of Burning - 0003DAF4
Dagger of Cold - 0002257F
Dagger of Depletion - 0003D7E9
Dagger of Diminishing - 0003D7D4
Dagger of Discipline - 000C891F
Dagger of Disintegration - 0003D7C8
Dagger of Dispel - 0003D7CD
Dagger of Embers - 0003DAEB
Dagger of Enfeeblement - 000389E6
Dagger of Fire - 0003DB0F
Dagger of Flames - 0003DB06
Dagger of Fracturing - 0003D7C0
Dagger of Fragments - 0003D7B7
Dagger of Freezing - 000225FC
Dagger of Frost - 0003DB74
Dagger of Jinxing - 0003AB6E
Dagger of Jolts - 0002B588
Dagger of Lightning - 0002C27D
Dagger of Numbing - 0003DB7D
Dagger of Pacification - 0003BF61
Dagger of Pain - 0003D7DF
Dagger of Paralysis - 0002B560
Dagger of Sapping - 0003D7E4
Dagger of Scorching - 0003DAFD
Dagger of Shattering - 0003D7C4
Dagger of Shocking - 0002B8D9
Dagger of Sparks - 0002B564
Dagger of Storms - 0002C28D
Dagger of the Blaze - 0003DB18
Dagger of the Dynamo - 0002BFFD
Dagger of the Glacier - 00022A2C
Dagger of the Inferno - 0003DB21
Dagger of Voltage - 0002BFF4
Dagger of Weakness - 0003AB3F
Dagger of Weariness - 0003D7DB
Dagger of Winter - 000230DF
Dalvilu Cermonial Dagger - 0001ECE5
Debaser - 0001D0B4
Defiler - 0003CB6B
Destarine's Cleaver - 000CA159
Dragon's Bow - 0003CD04
Dremora Bow - 000872AA
Dremora Claymore - 0003E9C4
Dremora Heavy Bow - 000872AB
Dremora Light Bow - 000872A9
Dremora Longsword - 0003E9C3
Dremora Mace - 0003E9C2
Dwarven Battle Axe - 00035DCD
Dwarven Bow - 00035DCE
Dwarven Bow Replica - 000C7979
Dwarven Claymore - 00035DCF
Dwarven Claymore Replica - 000C5606
Dwarven Dagger - 00035DD0
Dwarven Longsword - 000732B6
Dwarven Mace - 00035DD2
Dwarven Shortsword - 00035DD3
Dwarven War Axe - 00035DD4
Dwarven War Axe Replica - 000C5602
Dwarven Warhammer - 00035DD5
Ebony Battle Axe - 00035E6F
Ebony Blade - 00027109
Ebony Bow - 00035E7B
Ebony Claymore - 00035E70
Ebony Dagger - 00035E6A
Ebony Dagger Replica - 000C5616
Ebony Longsword - 000732DE
Ebony Mace - 00035E6D
Ebony Mace Replica - 000C561F
Ebony Shortsword - 00035E6B
Ebony Shortsword Replica - 000C798A
Ebony War Axe - 00035E6C
Ebony Warhammer - 00035E71
Ebony Warhammer Replica - 000C5604
Elven Battle Axe - 00035E67
Elven Bow - 000229BF
Elven Claymore - 00035E68
Elven Dagger - 00035E63
Elven Long Sword - 000977CD
Elven Long Sword Replica - 000C55FF
Elven Mace - 00035E66
Elven Shortsword - 00035E64
Elven Shortsword Replica - 000C7985
Elven War Axe - 00035E65
Elven Warhammer - 00035E69
Enchanted Dagger - 0003FBCE
Essence of Regret - 00014963
Fine Iron Battle Axe - 0003A85F
Fine Iron Bow - 0003A860
Fine Iron Claymore - 0003A861
Fine Iron Dagger - 0003A862
Fine Iron Longsword - 0003A863
Fine Iron Mace - 0003A864
Fine Iron Shortsword - 0003A865
Fine Iron War Axe - 0003A866
Fine Iron Warhammer - 0003A867
Fine Steel Battle Axe - 0003A856
Fine Steel Bow - 0003A857
Fine Steel Claymore - 0003A858
Fine Steel Dagger - 0003A859
Fine Steel Longsword - 0003A85A
Fine Steel Mace - 0003A85B
Fine Steel Shortsword - 0003A85C
Fine Steel War Axe - 0003A85D
Fine Steel Warhammer - 0003A85E
Frostwyrm Bow - 000C55E4
Ghost Axe - 0003CD07
Gift of Flame - 0001494C
Glass Dagger - 00035E5B
Glass Dagger Replica - 000C7973
Glass Longsword - 000732DD
Glass Longsword Replica - 000C5601
Glass Mace - 00035E5E
Glass Shortsword - 00035E5C
Glass Shortsword Replica - 000C7989
Glass War Axe - 00035E5D
Glass Warhammer - 000977CB
Glenroy's Akaviri Katana - 00022F82
Goblin Shaman Staff - 00066C45
Goblin Totem Staff - 000AA01F
Goldbrand - 00027105
Greater Staff of Anarchy - 00091322
Greater Staff of Apathy - 000912EC
Greater Staff of Blundering - 000912D4
Greater Staff of Burden - 000912BF
Greater Staff of Calm - 000912C2
Greater Staff of Catastrophe - 000912E3
Greater Staff of Charm - 000912C8
Greater Staff of Confusion - 000912F2
Greater Staff of Corrosion - 000912FC
Greater Staff of Demoralize - 000912F6
Greater Staff of Dispel - 000912FF
Greater Staff of Domination - 000912D1
Greater Staff of Fatigue - 000912DA
Greater Staff of Feeblemind - 000912D7
Greater Staff of Fire - 00091326
Greater Staff of Fireball - 00091329
Greater Staff of Fragility - 0009131F
Greater Staff of Frailty - 000912EF
Greater Staff of Frost - 0009132C
Greater Staff of Ice Storm - 0009132F
Greater Staff of Lethargy - 0009131C
Greater Staff of Light - 00091332
Greater Staff of Lightning - 000914B6
Greater Staff of Open - 00091335
Greater Staff of Ruin - 00091302
Greater Staff of Severing - 000912E6
Greater Staff of Sickness - 000912DD
Greater Staff of Silence - 000914BC
Greater Staff of Stopping - 00091338
Greater Staff of Storms - 000914B9
Greater Staff of Sundering - 00091316
Greater Staff of Taming - 000912CE
Greater Staff of Telekinesis - 000914BF
Greater Staff of the Dazed - 00091310
Greater Staff of the Doomed - 00091313
Greater Staff of the Grave - 000914C2
Greater Staff of the Oaf - 00091305
Greater Staff of the Pariah - 000912E9
Greater Staff of the Plague - 00091308
Greater Staff of the Weary - 0009130A
Greater Staff of Weakness - 000912E1
Hatreds Soul - 00014D6A
Heat of Sinfulness - 00014960
Honorblade of Chorrol - 00028BA0
Hrormir's Icestaff - 00002DDF
Immolator - 0003CD01
Iron Battle Axe - 00000D7F
Iron Bow - 00025231
Iron Claymore - 0001C6CD
Iron Dagger - 00019171
Iron Longsword - 000977D1
Iron Mace - 00000D82
Iron Shortsword - 00000C0D
Iron War Axe - 00000D81
Iron Warhammer - 00019172
Languorwine Blade - 00028277
Lesser Staff of Anarchy - 00091323
Lesser Staff of Apathy - 000912ED
Lesser Staff of Blundering - 000912D2
Lesser Staff of Burden - 000912D8
Lesser Staff of Calm - 000912C0
Lesser Staff of Catastrophe - 000912E4
Lesser Staff of Charm - 000912C6
Lesser Staff of Confusion - 000912F3
Lesser Staff of Corrosion - 000912FA
Lesser Staff of Demoralize - 000912F4
Lesser Staff of Dispel - 000912FD
Lesser Staff of Domination - 000912CF
Lesser Staff of Fatigue - 000912DB
Lesser Staff of Feeblemind - 000912E0
Lesser Staff of Fire - 00091324
Lesser Staff of Fireball - 00091327
Lesser Staff of Fragility - 00091320
Lesser Staff of Frailty - 000912F0
Lesser Staff of Frost - 0009132A
Lesser Staff of Ice Storm - 0009132D
Lesser Staff of Lethargy - 0009131D
Lesser Staff of Light - 00091330
Lesser Staff of Lightning - 000914CA
Lesser Staff of Open - 00091334
Lesser Staff of Ruin - 00091300
Lesser Staff of Severing - 000912E7
Lesser Staff of Sickness - 000912DE
Lesser Staff of Silence - 000914BA
Lesser Staff of Stopping - 00091336
Lesser Staff of Storms - 000914B7
Lesser Staff of Sundering - 00091317
Lesser Staff of Taming - 000912CC
Lesser Staff of Telekinesis - 000914BD
Lesser Staff of the Dazed - 00091311
Lesser Staff of the Doomed - 00091314
Lesser Staff of the Grave - 000914C0
Lesser Staff of the Oaf - 00091303
Lesser Staff of the Pariah - 000912EA
Lesser Staff of the Plague - 00091306
Lesser Staff of the Weary - 00091309
Lesser Staff of Weakness - 000912D5
Long Sword of Brittleness - 0003D7BD
Long Sword of Depletion - 0003D7EA
Long Sword of Flames - 0003DB07
Long Sword of Freezing - 0002263D
Long Sword of Voltage - 0002BFF5
Longsword of Absorption - 0003841D
Longsword of Blizzards - 000230A6
Longsword of Burning - 0003DAF5
Longsword of Embers - 0003DAEC
Longsword of Enfeeblement - 000389E8
Longsword of Fire - 0003DB10
Longsword of Fracturing - 0003D7C1
Longsword of Fragments - 0003D7B9
Longsword of Frost - 000B0705
Longsword of Jinxing - 0003AB70
Longsword of Jolts - 0002B589
Longsword of Lightning - 0002C27E
Longsword of Numbing - 0003DB7E
Longsword of Pain - 0003D7E0
Longsword of Sapping - 0003D7E5
Longsword of Scorching - 0003DAFE
Longsword of Shattering - 0003D7C5
Longsword of Shocking - 0002B8DD
Longsword of Sparks - 0002B565
Longsword of Storms - 0002C28F
Longsword of the Blaze - 0003DB19
Longsword of the Dynamo - 0002C00C
Longsword of the Glacier - 00022A2E
Longsword of the Inferno - 0003DB22
Longsword of Weakness - 0003AB41
Longsword of Weariness - 0003D7DC
Longsword of Winter - 000230E0
Mace of Abeyance - 000359E7
Mace of Absorption - 0003841C
Mace of Aversion - 000353D1
Mace of Blizzards - 000230AB
Mace of Burden - 000387B6
Mace of Burning - 0003DAF6
Mace of Cold - 0002258C
Mace of Deadweight - 000387BE
Mace of Decay - 0003AF07
Mace of Depletion - 000387AD
Mace of Diminishing - 0003D7D6
Mace of Dispel - 0003D7CF
Mace of Dissolution - 0003AF08
Mace of Embers - 0003DAED
Mace of Encumbrance - 000387BA
Mace of Enfeeblement - 000389E9
Mace of Excess - 000387BC
Mace of Feeding - 000387A8
Mace of Fire - 0003DB11
Mace of Flames - 0003DB08
Mace of Fracturing - 0003AF0A
Mace of Freezing - 00022642
Mace of Frost - 0003DB76
Mace of Holy Light - 00035A64
Mace of Jinxing - 0003AB73
Mace of Jolts - 0002B58A
Mace of Legion - 0003BF65
Mace of Lightning - 0002C280
Mace of Molag Bal - 00027117
Mace of Numbing - 0003DB7F
Mace of Overload - 000387B7
Mace of Putrification - 0003AF0D
Mace of Rending - 0003AF0E
Mace of Repelling - 000353CC
Mace of Sapping - 0003D7E6
Mace of Scorching - 0003DAFF
Mace of Shocking - 0002BAAA
Mace of Siphoning - 000387A7
Mace of Sparks - 0002B566
Mace of Storms - 0002C290
Mace of Strain - 000387B4
Mace of the Blaze - 0003DB1A
Mace of the Dynamo - 0002C00D
Mace of the Glacier - 00022A2F
Mace of the Inferno - 0003DB23
Mace of the Undead - 00035AB3
Mace of Transmogrify - 0003B404
Mace of Turning - 000353D4
Mace of Voltage - 0002BFF6
Mace of Warding - 000353D0
Mace of Weakness - 0003AB40
Mace of Weight - 000387B1
Mace of Winter - 000230E1
Mage's Mace - 0003E45D
Mages Staff - 0002C6A8
Mage's Staff of Charm - 0001FE11
Mage's Staff of Dispel - 0001FE16
Mage's Staff of Fire - 000E9448
Mage's Staff of Frost - 000E944C
Mage's Staff of Paralysis - 0001FE12
Mage's Staff of Shock - 0001FE10
Mage's Staff of Silence - 0001FE13
Mage's Staff of Soul Trap - 0001FE14
Mage's Staff of Telekinesis - 0001FE15
Mankar Camoran's Staff - 000BE322
Mishaxhi's Cleaver - 00187BC7
Naked Axe - 0003E45E
Nearness of Evil - 0001493D
Northwind - 00187BC4
Oblivion's Caress - 00014962
Oblivion's Embrace - 000149E2
Penance of Animosity - 00014966
Penance of Deception - 0001496A
Penance of Faithlessness - 0001496B
Penance of Hatred - 00014967
Penance of Larceny - 00014968
Penance of Pride - 00014969
Perdition's Wrath - 00082DE3
Pounder - 0003BF66
Purging Flame - 00014961
Quality Battle Axe Ember - 0003DAF1
Quality Battle Axe Shiver - 0003DB7A
Quality Battle Axe Soul Trap - 00035385
Quality Battle Axe Spark - 0002B573
Quintessence of Remorse - 000149E5
Redwave - 00095A3F
Renault's Akaviri Katana - 00066C44
Retaliation of Blood - 000149ED
Retaliation of Spirit - 000149EF
Retribution of Aggression - 000149E7
Retribution of Cowardness - 000149E6
Retribution of Hubris - 000149E9
Retribution of Hypocrisy - 000149EA
Retribution of Rapacity - 000149E8
Retribution of Treachery - 000149EC
Revealer of Iniquity - 0001494E
Rockshatter - 00014EC6
Rohssan's Antique Cutlass - 0001C14B
Rugdumph's Sword - 0000BEA6
Ruined Akaviri Katana - 000980DF
Ruma's Staff - 0001FB1C
Rusty Iron Bow - 00047ACA
Rusty Iron Dagger - 00090616
Rusty Iron Mace - 00090614
Rusty Iron Shortsword - 00090615
Rusty Iron War Axe - 00090613
Shortsword of Blizzards - 000230AC
Shortsword of Brittleness - 0003D7BE
Shortsword of Burning - 0003DAF7
Shortsword of Cold - 0002259C
Shortsword of Depletion - 000387AB
Shortsword of Depletion - 0003D7EB
Shortsword of Diminishing - 0003D7D7
Shortsword of Disintegration - 0003D7CA
Shortsword of Dispel - 0003D7D0
Shortsword of Embers - 0003DAEE
Shortsword of Enfeeblement - 000389E7
Shortsword of Fire - 0003DB12
Shortsword of Flames - 0003DB09
Shortsword of Fracturing - 0003D7C2
Shortsword of Fragments - 0003D7BA
Shortsword of Freezing - 00022643
Shortsword of Frost - 0003DB77
Shortsword of Jinxing - 0003AB71
Shortsword of Jolts - 0002D72E
Shortsword of Lightning - 0002C281
Shortsword of Numbing - 0003DB80
Shortsword of Pain - 0003D7E1
Shortsword of Paralysis - 0002B55F
Shortsword of Sapping - 0003D7E7
Shortsword of Scorching - 0003DB00
Shortsword of Shattering - 0003D7C6
Shortsword of Shocking - 0002BB17
Shortsword of Sparks - 0002B567
Shortsword of Storms - 0002C292
Shortsword of the Blaze - 0003DB1B
Shortsword of the Dynamo - 0002C00E
Shortsword of the Fang - 0003CB6A
Shortsword of the Glacier - 00022EBD
Shortsword of the Inferno - 0003DB24
Shortsword of Voltage - 0002BFF7
Shortsword of Weakness - 0003AB42
Shortsword of Weariness - 0003D7DD
Shortsword of Winter - 000230E2
Silver BattleAxe - 00025221
Silver Bow - 00025227
Silver Claymore - 00025226
Silver Dagger - 00025224
Silver Longsword - 0002521F
Silver Mace - 00025223
Silver Shortsword - 00025220
Silver War Axe - 00025222
Silver Warhammer - 00025225
Sinweaver - 0000172E
Skull of Corruption - 00027116
Spellbreaker - 00027112
Staff of Anarchy - 00091321
Staff of Apathy - 000912EB
Staff of Banishment - 000914D2
Staff of Blundering - 000912D3
Staff of Burden - 000912BE
Staff of Calm - 000912C1
Staff of Catastrophe - 000912E2
Staff of Charm - 000912C7
Staff of Conflagration - 000914C5
Staff of Confusion - 000912F1
Staff of Corrosion - 000912FB
Staff of Demoralize - 000912F5
Staff of Diminishing - 000914C4
Staff of Discord - 000914CD
Staff of Dispel - 000912FE
Staff of Domination - 000912D0

Basket - 00024D91
Bear Pelt - 000228E3
Blood Potion - 001192AE
Blue Cheese - 000D3B25
Bone - 0001DE26
Bones - 00023882
Bouquet of Flowers - 00049CFD
Bowl - 0001F1DB
Broom - 00019113
Brush Jar - 0001BBCB
Brush of Truepaint - 0001BB36
Calipers - 0001C66C
Carved Panel - 0002AF03
Ceramic Bowl - 0002507A
Ceramic Cup - 0002507B
Ceramic Goblet - 0002507C
Ceramic Pitcher - 0002507D
Ceramic Plate - 0002507F
Ceramic Tankard - 0002724F
Ceramic Urn - 00025080
Ceramic Vase - 00025081
Cheddar Cheese - 000D3B2F
Clay Bowl - 00022299
Clay Cup - 00022538
Clay Cup - 00022539
Clay Goblet - 0002253C
Clay Pitcher - 00022543
Clay Plate - 0002254C
Clay Tankard - 00022559
Clay Urn - 00022553
Clay Vase - 00022557
Cloth - 000008E6
Colossal Black Soul Gem - 00007E9C
Covered Pot - 000105DF
Covered Pot - 000105E0
Crumpled Piece of Paper - 000BF14D
Crystal Ball - 0001C60D
Diamond - 00038BA7
Dirty Shoes - 0009F8FD
Element of Courage - 0002C6EF
Element of Patience - 0002C6EE
Element of Perception - 0002C6F0
Element of Resolve - 0002C6ED
Emerald - 00038BA4
Empty Hist Bottle - 0008996E
Eye of Nocturnal - 00026AC9
Filled Colossal Black Soul Gem - 00007E9D
Finger of Adamus Phillida - 001778DB
Fingers of the Mountain - 0000510D
Flawed Diamond - 00038BA8
Flawed Emerald - 00038BA6
Flawed Pearl - 00038B99
Flawed Ruby - 00038B9F
Flawed Sapphire - 00038BA2
Flawed Topaz - 00038B9C
Flawless Diamond - 00038BA9
Flawless Emerald - 00038BA5
Flawless Pearl - 00038B9A
Flawless Ruby - 00038BA0
Flawless Sapphire - 00038BA3
Flawless Topaz - 00038B9D
Folded Cloth - 00000D76
Fork - 00019116
Garridan's Tear - 00025B33
Garridan's Tear - 0007BE48
Glass of Time - 0002A60B
Gold - 0000000F
Gold Nugget - 00049808
Great Sigil Stone - 0003844E
Great Welkynd Stone - 000345AF
Hand Scythe - 00025100
Hermaeus Mora's Soul Gem - 0008B61E
Hoe - 00025101
Hourglass - 0001C666
Imperial Legion Seal - 0000C22C
Inkwell - 00023D61
Key-Shaped Arrowhead - 0001482C
Knife - 00019117
Ladle - 000105DB
Languorwine Antidote - 00028276
Lion Pelt - 000228E4
Llathasa's Bust - 0001E861
Lockpick - 0000000A
Loose Pipe - 00089783
Magicka Potion - 001192AF
Marana Rian's Coin - 000613C0
Marble Cheese - 000D3B2A
Metal Bowl - 000CD400
Metal Goblet - 000CD401
Metal Plate - 000CD402
Metal Tankard - 000CD407
Metal Urn - 000CD4E9
Mother's Head - 0006AAA5
Newheim's Heirloom - 00002E90
Oaken-Hall Heirloom - 000CBD41
Oar - 00025102
Olroy Cheese - 0008C26A
Orb of Vaermina - 0001EC18
Paint Brush - 0001BBCA
Paint Palette - 0001BBCC
Pearl - 00038B98
Pewter Bowl - 0001C624
Pewter Cup - 000104C1
Pewter Fork - 0001C622
Pewter Knife - 0001C620
Pewter Mug - 0000FD93
Pewter Pitcher - 0001C61F
Pewter Plate - 0001C626
Pewter Pot - 0001C61A
Pewter Spoon - 0001C623
Pickaxe - 000180E0
Pitchfork - 00025113
Planter - 00015BBB
Plate - 00019118
Quill - 00023D63
Rake - 00025116
Recently Used Pickaxe - 0009F8FA
Red Bowl - 000836CE
Repair Hammer - 0000000C
Reward Painting - 00034E62
Roderick's Medicine - 00030FD7
Roderick's Poison - 00030FD6
Rolled Up Portrait - 00034E52
Ruby - 00038B9E
Rufio's Skull - 000918FA
Sands of Resolve - 0002FB3F
Sapphire - 00038BA1
Savilla's Stone - 00014706
Scales - 000105F3
Scales of Pitiless Justice - 000918FD
Scythe - 0002511A
Shears - 0002511C
Shovel - 000251A8
Silver Bowl - 00000C08
Silver Carafe - 00019107
Silver Fork - 0001924A
Silver Glass - 0001DBFC
Silver Goblet - 0001DCCC
Silver Knife - 00023C13
Silver Nugget - 00049809
Silver Pitcher - 00023C15
Silver Plate - 00023C19
Silver Spoon - 00023C1B
Silver Tankard - 00023C1D
Silver Urn - 00023C21
Silver Vase - 00023C23
Stone Brick - 0002594A
Stone Cup - 00019115
Stone Mug - 000104CB
Stone of St. Alessia - 00003949
Stone Pitcher - 000105DD
Svenja's Arm - 000C55E1
Svenja's Head - 000C55E2
Svenja's Leg - 000C55E0
Svenja's Torso - 000C55E3
Tan Bowl - 000836CF
Tan Cup - 0001F1DE
Tan Goblet - 00022542
Tan Jug - 0001F1E4
Tan Mug - 0001F1E5
Tan Pitcher - 0001F1E6
Tan Plate - 0001F1E7
Tan Tankard - 00022550
Tan Urn - 00022554
Tan Vase - 00022558
Tongs - 000251AC
Topaz - 00038B9B
Torch - 0002CF9F
Urn - 00022551
Vampirism Cure Potion - 0009812D
Varla Stone - 00000194
Varulae's Crystal Ball - 00095A38
Wedding Gift - 000CBD43
Weight - 0001C5ED
Welkynd Stone - 00000191
West Weald Bear Fang - 0018AE3F
Wolf Pelt - 000228E2
Yarn - 00025205

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