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Realice un comentario del artculo propuesto (gnero, pblico objetivo,

pertinencia del ttulo y de la divisin en prrafos). Este comentario debe ser
breve y concreto.
2. Realice un resumen (en ingls) del texto en 200-250 palabras y asgnele un ttulo
1. El artculo es un texto informativo, ya que presenta la informacin y los datos
pertinentes a la ocasin. Est destinado a un pblico adulto y especficamente
interesado en la informtica, y que entiende trminos como servers, file-sharing,
y que entiende el concepto de guardar informacin en servidores externos. Es
decir, est destinado a aquellas personas que comprenden el funcionamiento de
internet. Adems, tiene que existir en el lector cierto conocimiento del problema
que hubo con Megaupload y Kim Dotcom. El ttulo es claro y corto, resume en
pocas palabras el contenido de la noticia. Adems, es como otros ttulos vistos en
clase, no se estructure como una oracin, pero se comprende igualmente. Los
prrafos son cortos y resumen los hechos entre Kim Dotcom y LeaseWeb.
2. Megaupload vs. LeaseWeb
The problems for Megaupload have not yet finished. In January 2012 the page was
shutdown and the founder, Kim Dotcom, was accused of racketeering, fraud, money
laundering and copyright theft.
The function of Megaupload was to store in different servers the information the users
uploaded. Most of the servers agreed to store the information until the end of the trial was
reached, but one of them, LeaseWeb, has now deleted all the data belonging to European
users. Although they allege that they had informed Mr. Dotcom what was about to happen,
through twitter, he said that nobody in Megaupload had been informed about this.
After a year of nobody showing any interest in the servers and data we considered our
options, said LeaseWeb. We did inform Megaupload about our decision to re-provision
the servers.
In response to this, Dotcom tweeted: Let me be crystal clear. #LeaseWeb has never
informed our legal team or anybody at #Megaupload about the deletion of servers until
This is indeed a sad day for the Internet, as Mr. Dotcom said. All the information stored in
that server, belonging to thousands of users is now lost. And Kim Dotcom is still facing trial
and extradition to the United States for the storage and sharing services he offered,
although his hearing is now scheduled for November 2013.

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