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Relato ertico: Valentine from a soldier, de Makenna Jameison

Arroz de Palma, de Francisco Azevedo

Cmo prepar el FCE (First Certificate in English)
16 Mar !1" #or $si
%ste #ost es &n off topic en toda re'la, #ero (ltimamente )e visto *&e lle'an m&c)as
visitas al +lo' #re'&ntando esto mismo, , como s- *&e se van i'&al *&e )an lle'ado, )e
decidido escri+ir este #ost #ara #oder dar &na idea de lo *&e conlleva #re#arar &n
e.amen como este a *&ien lle'a al +lo' +&scando informacin/
Antes de nada, avisar de *&e es la manera en la *&e ,o lo #re#ar-, , *&e no es la me0or
ni la #eor, ni f&ncionar1 #ara todo el m&ndo2 sim#lemente f&e mi manera de #re#arar
ese e.amen/
3ic)o esto, em#ecemos/
4onsideraciones 'enerales
Pre#arse #ara este e.amen, en mi o#inin, consta de dos eta#as: #rimero tienes *&e
incrementar t& nivel )asta conse'&ir alcanzar &n 5, , l&e'o tienes *&e #racticar las
#r&e+as es#ec6ficas del First/
7o asist6 al centro de idiomas de la 8niversidad de 9en d&rante &n c&rso entero, en el
nivel medio:alto, o sea, el 5/ %n -l se &tiliza &n li+ro de, el ;e< %n'lis) File
8##er:$ntermediate, *&e ,o creo *&e va est&#endamente , es m&, ameno/ 4ada leccin
trata so+re &n tema concreto , se ada#ta la 'ram1tica, el voca+&lario, los listenin's , las
redacciones a ese tema/
%n mi o#inin, si eres constante , tra+a0as +ien #or t& c&enta, ni si*&iera ser6a necesario
*&e te a#&ntaras a &n c&rso de in'l-s/ 7o com#rar6a el li+ro, conse'&ir6a los 43s ,
3V3s , el li+ro del #rofesor #ara tener las res#&estas , com#ro+ar *&e lo tienes +ien, ,
lo )ar6a en mi casa tran*&ilamente/ =s rec&erdo *&e es la fase de >a&mentar n&estro
nivel?, , el in'l-s , c&al*&ier idioma #&ede a#renderse tra+a0ando d&ro/ 3e )ec)o,
d&rante el c&rso al *&e asist6 nostros solo dimos la mitad de los temas del li+ro , ese
verano t&ve *&e )acer ,o sola en casa el resto de las lecciones *&e *&edaron sin )acer
en clase, as6 *&e corro+oro *&e #erfectamente #&edes tra+a0arlo #or t& c&enta si eres
res#onsa+le , tra+a0ador , te #ones a ello/
8na vez alcanzado el nivel necesario #ara el F4%, a)ora tienes *&e #re#arar
es#ec6ficamente el e.amen/ %n este #&nto ,o ac&d6 a &n #rofesor #artic&lar *&e me
#re#ar #ara las distintas #artes de la #r&e+a/ 9as clases no son +aratas @1AB la )ora, &n
d6a a la semanaC, #ero son clases individ&ales @di'o >son? #or*&e si'o ,endo, a)ora #ara
#re#arar el 4A%C , ,a os di'o *&e solo encaminadas a #re#arar el e.amen: s&'erencias
, #istas #ara resolver las #r&e+as, e.#licaciones de 'ram1tica, correccin de
redacciones, etc/ Di al'&ien es de 9en , est1 interesado, *&e me env6e &n email, *&e os
#rometo es el me0or #rofesor de in'l-s *&e )e tenido n&nca/
F&i d&rante meses , a*&6 s6 *&e me dedi*&- al in'l-s/ 9os li+ros *&e
&tilic- f&eron:
F4% Res&lt Dt&dentEs +ook , F4% Res&lt <ork+ook: son li+ros caros , m1s
tediosos *&e los ;e< %n'lis) file, #ero todos los e0ercicios son e0ercicios como
los *&e encontramos en el e.amen, as6 *&e )a, *&e acost&m+rarse a ellos/
F4% 8se of %n'lis) : &n li+ro con e0ercicios es#ec6ficos #ara #re#arar la #arte del
8se of %n'lis), *&e ,o era la *&e ten6a m1s flo0a/
F4%: 9istenin' and D#eakin' : i'&al *&e el anterior, #ero con e0ercicios #ara la
#arte del listenin', *&e no es dif6cil en s6, #ero )a, *&e #racticar #ara )acerla
+ien en el #oco tiem#o *&e te dan #ara cada #r&e+a/
8n li+ro de e.1menes anteriores del F4% con sol&ciones @no enc&entro el t6t&lo,
lo sientoC/
Fodos estos li+ros me los #rest mi #rofesor/
%l F4% Res&lt tiene e0ercicios de todas las #artes, #ero los otros li+ros se centran cada
&no en lo s&,o , sirven #ara mac)acar &n #oco m1s/ Por s&#&esto, tam+i-n )a, &n li+ro
es#ec6fico #ara el Readin' , el Gritin', #ero ,o no los necesit- #or*&e estas #artes ,a
las lleva+a +astante +ien/
;o )ice nin'&no de estos li+ros enteros, #&es ,a os di'o *&e solo t&ve meses antes del
e.amen, #ero s6 )ice todo lo *&e #&de )asta el d6a antes del e.amen, , lo a#ro+-/
A)ora os comento *&- otras estrate'ias &tilic-, adem1s de los li+ros, #ara #re#arar cada
5&eno, s&ena
+astante o+vio, #ero #ara leer , entender )a, *&e leer/ 4omo dice mi #rofesor, first
read, and then read in English/
Di lees normalmente no vas a tener nin'(n #ro+lema en la #arte de +&scar los #1rrafos
*&e )an *&itado del, #or*&e sa+es inconscientemente cmo se estr&ct&ra &n
, lo ves m&, o+vio en el e0ercicio, a&n*&e est- en in'l-s/ As6 *&e lee/ 7 no solo #ara el
e.amen2 lee #ara am#liar t&s )orizontes /
9&e'o lee en in'l-s/ 3&rante &n aHo me dedi*&- a leer al menos li+ritos de niveles al
mes/ $+a a la +i+lioteca del centro de idiomas o a la +i+lioteca #(+lica , co'6a al'&nos,
sin im#ortarme ni el ar'&mento ni el nivel, a&n*&e siem#re #roc&rando *&e los li+ros
est&vieran entre los niveles " , A/ A m6 #ersonalmente me '&staron los de 4am+rid'e
#or*&e son )istorias ori'inales, no res(menes de otros li+ros famosos, , as6 no me sa+6a
la )istoria #or si al'(n d6a me a#etec6a leer los li+ros >de verdad? @,a f&era en in'l-s o
en es#aHolC/ Adem1s vienen con 43s , los #&edes esc&c)ar tam+i-n @entrar- en ello en
la si'&iente #arteC/
=s de0o &na relacin de todos los li+ros *&e le6 , las #e*&eHas reseHas *&e )ice so+re
ellos en s& momento/
Nivel 3:
Io< $ met m,self, de 3avid A/ Iill @reseHaC
Dtron' Medicine, de Ric)ard MacAndre< @reseHaC
F)e ironin' man, de 4ollin 4am#+ell @reseHaC
Fales of t)e s&#ernat&ral, de Frank 5renna @reseHaC
%,e of t)e storm, de Mand, 9oader @reseHaC
F)e 9a)ti file, Ric)ard MacAndre< @reseHaC
F<o lives, de Ielen ;a,lor @reseHaC
5&ff,, t)e vam#ire sla,er @reseHaC
F)e )o&se +, t)e sea, de Patricia As#inall @reseHaC
J&st 'ood friends, de Penn, Iancock @reseHaC
Nivel 4:
5&t <as it m&rderJ, de Jania 5arrell @reseHaC
;ot)in' +&t t)e tr&t), de Keor'e Lers)a< @reseHaC
F)e fr&itcake s#ecial and ot)er stories, Frank 5rennan @reseHaC
A matter of c)ance, de 3avid A/ Iill @reseHaC
F)e &niversit, m&rders, de Ric)ard MacAndre< @reseHaC
Dta,in' to'et)er, de J&dit) Gilson @reseHaC
G)en s&mmer comes, de Ielen ;a,lor @reseHaC
F)e lad, in <)ite, de 4olin 4am#+ell @reseHaC
Nivel 5:
3ol#)in m&sic, Antoinette Moses @reseHaC
$n t)e s)ado< of t)e mo&ntain, Ielen ;a,lor @reseHaC
%mer'enc, m&rder, de Janet McKiffin @reseHaC
Fodos estos li+ros esta+an en la +i+lioteca #(+lica de 9en ,, como siem#re di'o, si lo
tenemos en 9en, fi0o *&e lo ten-is en c&al*&ier +i+lioteca del territorio nacional /
J&sto antes del e.amen f&e c&ando me atrev6 con dos li+ros >de verdad?, , a #artir de
a)6 a+andon- finalmente los li+ros de nivel , los *&e leo a)ora son li+ros normales/
7a *&e los
li+ros ven6an con 43s, me los #as- todos al i#od/ Al #rinci#io los esc&c)a+a a la vez
*&e le6a, , m1s adelante lo *&e )ice f&e leer el li+ro #rimero, , esc&c)ar el a&dioli+ro
des#&-s/ 7a sa+6a lo *&e i+a a #asar en la )istoria, as6 *&e no me #erd6a, , esta+a
#racticando el listenin' i'&almente/ Recomendacin: #onerse a esc&c)ar as6 sin m1s es
m&, a+&rrido, as6 *&e ,o me #on6a con los a&dioli+ros c&ando i+a a dar &n #aseo lar'o
@en esa -#oca esta+a #re#ar1ndome #ara el 4amino de Dantia'oC o c&ando )ac6a las
tareas dom-sticas/
Por s&#&esto, no vo, a de0ar de recomendaros lo *&e dice todo el m&ndo: *&e ve1is
series , #elis en in'l-s/ A m6 me da m&c)a #ereza, sinceramente, , )e visto #ocas,
a&n*&e l&e'o me en'anc)- a la serie Once upon a time , vi varios e#isodios antes del
e.amen/ 3e todas maneras, os di'o lo mismo: en las +i+liotecas #(+licas )a, &n montn
de #el6c&las , series2 es c&estin de #onerse a re+&scar/
=tra de las recomendaciones estrella es la de esc&c)ar la radio/ A m6 no me f&ncion en
&n #rimer momento #or*&e todav6a no ten6a el nivel necesario , me a'o+ia estar
esc&c)ando cosas *&e no entiendo/ A)ora s6 la esc&c)o casi a diario ,, #or si al'&ien
*&iere #ro+ar, ,o me )e descar'ado &na a## #ara el mvil *&e se llama >F&ne$n Radio?,
*&e co'e las emisoras de c&al*&ier #a6s, , con ella esc&c)o la 554 Radio M/ %s &na
emisora de noticias, entrevistas, #ro'ramas c&lt&rales, a&dioli+ros, radionovelas, etc/ A
m6 me encanta, #ero re#ito *&e #ara el First no esc&c)- la radio/
Mi #arte
favorita del e.amen, os lo di'o en serio/ 3&rante el c&rso *&e )ice en la &niversidad,
em#ec- tam+i-n a escri+ir reseHas de li+ros en in'l-s, &na cada mes, no m1s, *&e l&e'o
me corre'6a el *&e m1s tarde )a sido mi #rofesor #artic&lar/
Di tienes al'&na aficin o )o++, #&edes escri+ir so+re ello, #or*&e si realmente te '&sta
n&nca te va a faltar tema #ara #onerte a escri+ir/ %n mi caso con los li+ros f&e m&, f1cil:
escri+6a reseHas de los *&e m1s me )a+6an '&stado, intentando *&e f&eran lo m1s lar'as
#osi+le #ara #racticar todav6a m1s2 en el e.amen tienes &n n(mero de #ala+ras limitado,
#ero ,o creo *&e #rimero )a, *&e a#render a escri+ir , l&e'o a res&mir/ Adem1s como
cada li+ro trata de &na cosa distinta, tienes *&e &tilizar m&c)o voca+&lario/
4omo se trata de #racticar , a#render, ,o escri+o las redacciones con el 'oo'le
trad&ctor , <ordreference a+iertos/ 9o *&e c&enta es #onerse, intentarlo e ir
a#rendiendo d&rante el #roceso/
%s realmente
dif6cil #re#arar esta #arte c&ando no conoces a nadie *&e est- tam+i-n #re#arando el
e.amen , vas a clases #artic&lares, o sea, *&e est1s t( solo/ Practi*&- las #r&e+as de
s#eakin' con mi #rofesor en al'&nas clases, , &no de los d6as #revios al e.amen vino
otro al&mno s&,o *&e ,a )a+6a a#ro+ado #ara #racticar conmi'o, a#arte de *&e en todas
las clases )a+l1+amos en in'l-s/
Adem1s, en los li+ros )a, e0ercicios de s#eakin', as6 *&e os confieso *&e ,o )a+la+a
sola en casa #ara )acer dic)os e0ercicios, , a veces sal6a a correr , tam+i-n )a+la+a
@#ara mis adentrosC en in'l-s/ 7 o,e, vas me0orando/ ;o #&edo daros m1s
recomendaciones so+re esta #arte #or*&e ,a os di'o *&e no )ice nada m1s/
%n definitiva, *&e no )a, m1s misterio *&e #onerse a tra+a0ar/ 4&ando em#ec- este
c&rso an&al en la &niversidad, )ac6a nada menos *&e 1! aHos *&e no toca+a el in'l-s
@desde el (ltimo c&rso del instit&toC, as6 *&e t&ve *&e )acer &n esf&erzo m&, 'rande #ara
a&mentar el nivel, , si'o )aci-ndolo a)ora #ara sacarme el avanzado/
D6 *&e )a, &na #e*&eHa tram#a, , es *&e si disfr&tas del #roceso, realmente #&ede ser
#lacentero/ A m6 me encanta el in'l-s2 ,a lo sa+6a, #ero )a+6a olvidado *&e me '&sta+a
, lo redesc&+r6 c&ando volv6 a est&diarlo/ Adem1s me a#etec6a m&c)6simo alcanzar &n
cierto nivel #ara #oder leer li+ros en s& idioma ori'inal, as6 *&e ten6a varias metas @sacar
el 5 , leer li+ros en in'l-sC , realmente me a#etec6a est&diar/
%s#ero *&e os )a,a servido de a,&da , a)ora, Om&c)o 1nimoP
3entro de #oco es#ero contaros cmo me #re#ar- #ara el 4A
Connectors and linkers
Foto: 9oreto ;avarro
%l &so adecuado de conectores es m&, valorado #or los e.aminadores/ Pero, o0o,
#&ede ser &na arma de do+le filo ,a *&e si est1n +ien colocados , en armon6a con el
re'istro de t&, me0oran sin d&da la co)esin del mismo2 sin em+ar'o, #&eden
com#rometer en 'ran medida la co)erencia , co)esin si se incl&,en errneamente o
)a, &na so+recar'a de linkers/ Q&iz1s #or insistir mac)aconamente en la conveniencia
de &tilizar connectors, lRs al&mnRs se o+sesionan tanto *&e los incl&,en s6, #ero sin
orden ni concierto, , el res&ltado es *&e a veces )a, tal sat&racin *&e en &n #1rrafo se
enc&entran casi m1s conectores *&e ideas desarrolladas/ Por tanto, rec&erda *&e vale
m1s &n con ideas *&e ten'an sentido , #resentadas con &n orden l'ico *&e otro
*&e carezca de sentido #or m&c)as linking words *&e ten'a/
3ic)o esto, en este listado tienes al'&nas s&'erencias de connectors, linkers , linking
words @ F&ente: S 5onEs ti#s C:
! C"N#$%&'% () %E*)CC'+N
aC 'ntroduccin
+C ,rimer p-rrafo
)t first sight A #rimera vista
First of all Antes *&e nada
'n the first place %n #rimer l&'ar
$o start .ith Para em#ezar
cC #egundo p-rrafo
'n the second place/ %n se'&ndo l&'ar,
#econd/ De'&ndo,
#econdl0/ %n se'&ndo l&'ar,
$hird/ Fercero,
$hirdl0/ %n tercer l&'ar,
dC Conclusin
Finall0/ Por (ltimo,
'n conclusion/ Para concl&ir,
(astl0/ Por (ltimo,
1! )2)*'% 'NF"%3)C'+N
and eventuall0/ , finalmente,
apart from T no&n a#arte de T s&stantivo
4esides , adem1s,
in addition to T no&n adem1s de T s&stantivo
in addition, adem1s,
moreover, adem1s,
furthermore asimismo
also tam+i-n
on top of that, adem1s,
.hat5s more, adem1s2 lo *&e es m1s,
another point is that )a+r6a *&e aHadir *&e
3! E6,%E#)% #'3'()%'*)*
#imilarl0/ $'&almente, de forma similar,
(i7e.ise/ Asimismo, del mismo modo,
'n the same .a0/ 3el mismo modo,
'n the same manner/ 3e la misma manera,
'n a similar .a0/ 3e forma similar,
4! E#$)8(ECE% &N C"N$%)#$E
ho.ever, sin em+ar'o
instead of en vez de
neverthelesss, no o+stante
on the contrar0, #or el contrario
.hereas 9 .hile mientras
though 9 although a&n*&e
"n the one hand, "n the other hand, Por &na #arte, Por otra #arte,

5! E6,('C)% C)&#)#
4ecause of T no&n A ca&sa de T s&stantivo
due to T no&n 3e+ido a T s&stantivo
due to the fact that T sentence 3e+ido a *&e T oracin
for this9that reason Por estaUesa razn
on account of T no&n A ca&sa de T s&stantivo
:! E6,('C)% %E#&($)*"#
as a result 4omo res&ltado, en consec&encia
conse;uentl0 %n consec&encia
therefore Por lo tanto
<! E6,%E#)% )(=" *E "$%) 3)NE%)
in other .ords, en otras #ala+ras,
in short, en res&men,
that is (to sa0), es decir,
>! E6,%E#)% ?EC?"#
actuall0 %n realidad
as a matter of fact 3e )ec)o
in fact 3e )ec)o
reall0 %n realidad
@! E6,%E#)% &N) ",'N'+N ,E%#"N)(

as far as 'Am concerned #or lo *&e a m6 res#ecta
from m0 point of vie. desde mi #&nto de vista
' agree 9 disagree esto, de ac&erdo U no esto, de ac&erdo
in m0 opinion en mi o#inin
in m0 vie. en mi o#inin
' thin7 (that) 4reo *&e
it is true that es verdad *&e
personall0 #ersonalmente
to 4e honest, #ara ser )onesto
to tell the truth, a decir verdad
B! 3"*'F'C)% (" C&E #E E#$D *'C'EN*"
a4ove all so+re todo
at least al menos
4asicall0 +1sicamente, f&ndamentalmente
especiall0 es#ecialmente
essentiall0 esencialmente, +1sicamente
in general en 'eneral
80 and large/ Por lo 'eneral,
=enerall0 spea7ing/ %n 'eneral,
in particular en #artic&lar
more or less m1s o menos
on the .hole en 'eneral
to a certain eEtent )asta cierto #&nto
! ,"NE% EFE3,("#
/and so on! etc-tera
and so on and so forth etc-tera, , as6 s&cesivamente
for eEample/ #or e0em#lo,
for instance/ #or e0em#lo,
such as tal@esC como
1! %E#&3'% (" C&E #E ?) *'C?"
)ll in all, %n con0&nto, res&miendo
'n 4rief, %n res&men
'n conclusion, Para concl&ir
'n short, %n res&men
"n the .hole, %n 'eneral
$o sum up, Para res&mir
3! #EC&ENC')% () N)%%)C'+N
after that des#&-s de eso
all of a sudden de re#ente,
finall0 finalmente
first of all en #rimer l&'ar
in the end al final
in the meantime, mientras tanto
mean.hile mientras tanto
neEt l&e'o
suddenl0 de re#ente,
then entonces, des#&-s
.hile mientras
Iaz clic a*&6 #ara ver m1s/
Recomiendo este v6deo:t&torial so+re cmo &tilizar los elementos co)esivos en &n
escrito @a*&6 los denomina Vtransition words and phrasesVC/
(in7ing eEpressions eEercises
W A&n*&e se den trad&cciones a#ro.imadas de los conectores al es#aHol, m&c)as veces
se nos esca#an matices *&e es conveniente conocer #ara #oder &tilizar estos elementos
co)esivos de manera #recisa! %n esta <e+ #odr1s encontrar &n valioso material *&e te
'&iar1 en este #ro#sito/ Adem1s trata otros as#ectos im#ortantes de la e.#resin
escrita, tales como el estilo, la #&nt&acin , la 'ram1tica/ O%st1 'enial, no te lo #&edes
Es importante leer 4ien la tarea con el fin de no des#istarse , )acer lo *&e se #ide/
Rec&erda *&e &no de los criterios de eval&acin es >adec&acin, c&m#limiento de la
tarea?, se'(n el c&al tam+i-n se tiene en c&enta si el n(mero de #ala+ras &tilizadas entra
dentro de los l6mites esta+lecidos en el e0ercicio/ A este res#ecto, )a, *&e decir *&e #or
s&#&esto no #asa nada si se escri+e al'o de m1s o de menos/ ;o o+stante, intenta
res#etar los l6mites todo lo *&e se #&eda/
1 *esarrolla todas las c&estiones e.i'idas en la tarea con profundidad/ ;o +asta con
&na sim#le mencin/ %l tratamiento tan'encial , s&#erficial de la informacin resta
#&ntos en adec&acin ,Uo c&m#limiento de la tarea/
3 Delecciona el registro apropiado, es#ecialmente en las cartas, *&e #&eden ser
formales o informales/
4 D- consciente de t&s limitaciones lin'X6sticas de la len'&a *&e est1s a#rendiendo/ ;o
intentes e.#resar ideas *&e son demasiado com#licadas #ara t& nivel de in'l-s2 des#&-s
de todo, no se trata de &n e.amen de filosof6a/ %l res&ltado de estos intentos s&ele
com#rometer la inteli'i+ilidad del, dific&ltando s& lect&ra , #rovocando errores de
5 ;o te lances a escri+ir sin dedicar al menos A min&tos a planificar tu escrito/ %n el
e.amen tienes &n es#acio en el *&e #&edes )acer &n es*&ema:+orrador/
: Reserva al menos A min&tos #ara repasar tu escrito 0 corregir posi4les errores
< Iazte con t& #ro#ia estrate'ia #ara escri+ir eficazmente , dentro del l6mite de tiem#o
*&e se da/ Q&iz1s sea m1s #r1ctico, #or e0em#lo, escri+ir des#acio , de forma clara #ara
evitar >#asar a lim#io? la redaccin, a)orr1ndote as6 tiem#o, el c&al #&edes &tilizar #ara
re#asar , )acer correcciones de forma clara/ Para ello ser6a &na +&ena idea de0ar es#acio
entre l6neas/
> Evita parafrasear el enunciado del eGercicio, s&ele restar #&ntos/ Fam+i-n se
desaconse0a re#etir &na idea ,a e.#resada anteriormente/ %stas t1cticas son de relleno,
no dem&estran ca#acidad e.#resiva , a men&do a+&rren al lectorUa/
@ Proc&ra utiliHar estructuras morfosint-cticas 0 conectores del nivel
corres#ondiente @5 U 41C/ %l &so de estr&ct&ras demasiado sim#les o voca+&lario
+1sico #ara el nivel del *&e te e.aminas tam+i-n resta #&ntos/
B 8n a#ro+ado es &n *&e >a4orda el tema 0 cumple la tarea plenamente/
eEpone puntos de vista 0 argumentos con eficaciaI con ideas 0 frases 4ien
entrelaHadasI con un voca4ulario correcto/ suficientemente amplio/ con alguna
eEpresin idiom-tica del nivel 0 con pocos errores gramaticales ;ue no afectan a la
comprensinJ! Por tanto, las #re'&ntas *&e de+es )acerte &na vez )as )ec)o t&
+orrador son:
YIe desarrollado con s&ficiente #rof&ndidad todas las c&estiones de la tareaJ
Y%l formato , la estr&ct&ra son a#ro#iadosJ
YIe &tilizado &n voca+&lario correcto, am#lioJ
YIa, e.#resiones idiom1ticasJ
YIe evitado re#eticiones , o+viedadesJ
Y%l tono , el re'istro son adec&adosJ
YIe corre'ido los errores 'ramaticales detectadosJ
YD& lect&ra res&lta entretenida o interesanteJ
Di la res#&esta a al'&na de estas #re'&ntas es ne'ativa, entonces de+er1s )acer los
a0&stes necesarios/
4&anto m1s leas en in'l-s, m1s #osi+ilidades tendr1s de redactar con correccin ,
eficacia/ Rec&erda *&e leer so+re todo ti#o de temas de forma anal6tica te a,&dar1 a
enri*&ecer t& voca+&lario, a a#render a estr&ct&rar t&s escritos , a &tilizar &n in'l-s m1s
idiom1tico , menos VcontaminadoV #or t& len'&a materna/ Asimismo, cuanto m-s
practi;ues/ m-s posi4ilidades tendr-s de dominar la tcnica!
Text structure /organisation exercises
8no de los errores m1s com&nes *&e se s&ele detectar en los writing es el estr&ct&ral/ A
men&do nos encontramos con te.tos *&e carecen de &na estr&ct&ra clara , l'ica , *&e
dem&estran &na #lanificacin casi ine.istente/ 8n no es &na en&meracin catica
de ideas sino &n todo *&e 'ira en torno a &na idea central, *&e #rimero se #resenta,
l&e'o se desarrolla , finalmente se consolida en la concl&sin/ %s necesario tra+a0ar
+ien este as#ecto ,a *&e la estr&ct&ra , #lanificacin son el c)asis de los escritos, lo *&e
les da sentido, e*&ili+rio ,, a efectos #r1cticos de e.amen, re#resentan la c&arta #arte de
la nota/
9a me0or manera de entender esto es leer escritos de forma anal6tica, como si n&estros
o0os f&eran ra,os Z *&e *&isieran ver el es*&eleto de tales te.tos/ Pr&e+a a )acer estos
e0ercicios , des#&-s cons&lta las sol&ciones al final de esta #1'ina:
EEercise :
FADL =;%: Read t)e follo<in' te.t:

)rgument essa0
#hould animals 4e used in testing ne. drugs and proceduresK )nimal testing ma0 4e
necessar0/ 4ut .e need to 4e merciful!
%ver, ,ear, millions of animals &nder'o #ainf&l s&fferin' or deat) as a res&lt of scientific
researc) into t)e effects of dr&'s, food additives, cosmetics and ot)er c)emical #rod&cts/ G)ile
most #eo#le t)ink animal testin' is necessar,, ot)ers are &#set +, <)at t)e, see as needless
s&fferin'/ F)is essa, looks at some of t)e #ositive and ne'ative as#ects of animal testin'/
Man, medical treatments and #roced&res )ave +een develo#ed from e.#eriments on animals/
Dince animals s)are man, feat&res <it) )&mans, scientists &se animals to test t)e safet, and
effectiveness of ne<l, develo#ed dr&'s +efore #ilot testin' on small 'ro&#s of #atients/ Medical
teams #ractice ne< o#eratin' tec)ni*&es s&c) as trans#lants on animals/ Git)o&t animal testin',
man, #roced&res or ne< dr&'s <o&ld +e e.tremel, &nsafe/
Io<ever, man, #eo#le are concerned t)at animals are s&fferin' &nnecessaril, and cr&ell,/ F)e,
do not +elieve t)at ever, ne< dr&' needs to +e tested on animals, es#eciall, <it) t)e )&'e
data+ase of kno<led'e and modern com#&ter models/ F)e, also are <orried t)at man, animal
tests are ineffective, #ointin' o&t t)at an, dr&'s )ave )ad to +e <it)dra<n from t)e market
des#ite e.tensive testin'/ F)e, #artic&larl, feel t)at animal testin' s)o&ld not +e &sed for non:
essential #rod&cts s&c) as cosmetics, s)am#oos, soa#s, and cleanin' #rod&cts/ F&rt)ermore, some
cam#ai'ners <o&ld like to see certain tests re#laced and more )&mane met)ods &sed/
Ge need to make s&re t)at t)e millions of animals <)o are &sed for testin' ne< #rod&cts are
treated <it) t)e minim&m of s&fferin'/ Alt)o&') some animal testin' ma, +e &navoida+le at
#resent, treatin' o&r fello< creat&res as mercif&ll, as #ossi+le <ill demonstrate o&r )&manit,/
6[ <ords
FADL FG=: Fr, to <ork o&t t)e #lan and ideas of t)is te.t 5%F=R% com#letin' t)e ne.t task:
FADL FIR%%: 4)eck ,o&r ans<er to task t<o once ,o& )ave com#leted t)e follo<in'
c)art +, insertin' t)e ideas e.#ressed in eac) #art and #&ttin' t)em in t)e correct order:
) 't is cruel and not necessar0!
1) )im of this essa0!
3) $reatments and procedures developed than7s to animal testing!
4) )ssure minimum suffering!
5) 3an0 tests useless 4ecause some drugs .ithdra.n an0.a0!
:) &nnecessar0 as there are huge data4ase and modern computer models!
<) )nimal testing causes their suffering or death!
>) &seful to test safet0 and effectiveness of ne. drugs 4efore pilot testingL reason for
using animals!
@) Campaign to use more humane methods and to stop certain tests!
B) &nnecessar0 for nonMessential products: cosmetics/ shampoo/ soaps/ cleaning
) &seful for techni;ues practice: transplants
1) 'f it cannot 4e avoided/ at least/ sho. merc0!
3) Nhat people feel a4out it: t.o sides!
4) 'f not animal testing/ procedures and ne. drugs not safe!
First paragraph:
(three ideas)
#econd and third
(nine ideas)
,ositive aspects:
Negative aspects:
Fourth paragraph
(t.o ideas)
,ersonal opinion:
EEercise 1:
FADL =;%: Read t)e follo<in' te.t:
)rgument essa0
*oes ever0one have the right to the 4est healthcare/ regardless of costK
Dome of &s are l&ck, to live in #arts of t)e <orld <it) e.cellent medical care/ Io<ever,
even in ric) co&ntries, )ealt) a&t)orities )ave to make to&') decisions +eca&se of t)e
sta''erin' costs of ne< #roced&res and medicines: <)o 'ets <)ic) treatmentJ G)ic)
#atient is more deservin'J $n t)is essa, $ <ill disc&ss if &niversal )ealt)care is reall,
F)ere are several reasons <), it is ridic&lo&s to e.#ect free or s&+sidized medical care
indefinitel,/ First of all, ever, co&ntr, )as a limited )ealt) care +&d'et/ Mone, m&st +e
s#ent <)ere it can do t)e most 'ood for t)e most #eo#le/ Decond, man, e.#ensive
treatments are e.#erimental or a last resort/ F)e #atient ma, )ave alread, cost t)e
'overnment a small fort&ne/ A t)ird and )ars) #oint is t)at <e need sometimes to let
nat&re take its co&rse/ For, #rolon'in' t)e life of someone in s&fferin', 0&st
+eca&se <e can, is sometimes not t)e ans<er/
Io<ever, itEs also nat&ral to fi')t for life/ Ge re0oice <)en <e )ear stories of +a+ies
saved +, incredi+le medical intervention or of diffic&lt s&r'eries t)at s&ccessf&ll, re#air
faces, )ands and +odies/ A related #oint is t)at <e )o#e t)at t)ese costl, #roced&res <ill
+ecome ro&tine and more <idel, availa+le/ Ieart s&r'er, <as revol&tionar, in t)e 1\6!s
+&t is no< common#lace/ Finall,, most #eo#le &nderstand t)e need for )ealt)care
#remi&ms, <it)in reason, even if t)e, never 'et sick/ F)e, are )a##, to s)are t)e +&rden
of ins&rance if t)e, kno< t)at t)e, and t)eir families are #rotected/
$n concl&sion, decidin' <)o deserves <)ic) treatments is immensel, diffic&lt/ Ge need
to acce#t t)at t)ere are limits to <)at medicine can do, as <ell as to )o< m&c) <e can
s#end on it//
6[ <ords
FADL FG=: Fr, to <ork o&t t)e #lan and ideas of t)is te.t 5%F=R% com#letin' t)e
ne.t task:
FADL FIR%%: 4)eck ,o&r ans<er to task t<o once ,o& )ave com#leted t)e follo<in'
c)art +, insertin' t)e ideas e.#ressed in eac) #art and #&ttin' t)em in t)e correct order:
Need for health insurance!
1 %eason : Countries have limited health 4udgets!
3 3edical treatments 4ecome cheap and more availa4le over time! EEample: heart
surger0 in the :Bs and no.!
4 ?ealthcare is limited and .e need to accept that!
5 3an0 people have cheap 4ut eEcellent health care!
: Ne cannot eEpect free unlimited health care!
< %eason 3: Ne must accept that .e are mortal after all!
> 'nnate tendenc0 to stic7 to life! EEample: a.esome medical achievements!
@ $hesis sentence!
B %eason 1: #ome eEpensive treatments are not effective or .orth.hile!
?o.ever/ spending on medicine or treatment is limited!
'N$%"*&C$'"N *EOE(",3EN$ C"NC(&#'"N
First paragraph:
(three ideas)
#econd and third
(seven ideas)
"ne side:
"ther side:
Fourth paragraph
(one idea)
EEercise 3:
FADL =;%: Read t)e follo<in' te.t:
)rgument essa0
#ome people sa0 cheap air travel is good 4ecause it ena4les ordinar0 people to
travel/ .hile others argue that it is 4ad for the environment! *iscuss 4oth vie.s/
and include 0our opinion!
$n t)e #ast air travel <as onl, for t)e elite ] t)e ric), t)e #o<erf&l, t)e #rivile'ed/
Foda,, )&ndreds of millions of #eo#le are a+le to travel aro&nd t)e <orld for <ork or
#leas&re/ As Air AsiaEs slo'an #&ts it: >;o< ever,one can fl,/? Io<ever, t)e #rice to +e
#aid for t)is easier travel ma, +e dama'e to t)e environment/ $n t)is essa,, $ <ill
e.amine some of t)e ar'&ments for and a'ainst c)ea# air travel/
F)ere are #lent, of acc&sations a'ainst c)ea# fli')ts/ 4ritics of +&d'et air travel claim
t)at t)e emissions from 0et f&el are dama'in' t)e atmos#)ere/ F)is is #artic&larl, serio&s
at t)e )i')er levels of t)e atmos#)ere <)ere modern 0ets fl,/ A sin'le s)ort fli')t from
3&+ai to M&m+ai can #rod&ce as m&c) car+on dio.ide as one mont)Es drivin' for a
famil,/ F)e environmental cost contin&es <)en t)e to&rists land, as )otels, leis&re and
ot)er facilities are ver, si'nificant #oll&ters and cons&me a lot of reso&rces/ A t)ird
#oint of co&rse is t)at t)is travel is mostl, ^&nnecessar,E and #eo#le <o&ld sim#l, sta,
at )ome if t)e fli')ts <ere not so c)ea#/
Io<ever, t)e #ro#onents of c)ea# air travel, s&c) as $relandEs Mic)ael =E9ear,, )ave
t)eir o<n #o<erf&l co&nterclaims/ First, t)e, re0ect t)e alle'ation t)at 0ets contri+&te
si'nificantl, to 'lo+al <armin'/ F)e, #oint o&t t)at modern 0ets are m&c) *&ieter and
m&c) more f&el:efficient t)an in t)e #ast/ Decondl,, man, co&ntries alread, )ave car+on or levies incl&ded in t)e #rice of t)e airline ticket or aviation f&el/ F)is can offset
t)e car+on #rod&ced d&rin' t)e fli')t/ $n addition, most of t)e ar'&ments a'ainst c)ea#
fli')ts are +ased on t)e +elief t)at it is acce#ta+le for certain #eo#le to fl,, +&t not for
ordinar, #eo#le/ $n ot)er <ords, t)e <ealt), or #o<erf&l <o&ld like to de#rive ordinar,
#eo#le of t)e ri')t to travel, to see ne< #laces and meet ne< #eo#le/
$n concl&sion, c)ea# air travel is not a clear:c&t iss&e, +&t a #olitical, economic and
environmental minefield/ $n m, o#inion, ever,one s)o&ld )ave t)e o##ort&nit, to travel,
+&t <e do need some monitorin' of t)e effect on t)e environment, +ot) in t)e air and on
t)e 'ro&nd/
Gords: "\_ Do&rce: <<</<ritefi./com

FADL FG=: Fr, to <ork o&t t)e #lan and ideas of t)is te.t 5%F=R% com#letin' t)e
ne.t task:
FADL FIR%%: 4)eck ,o&r ans<er to task t<o +, insertin' t)e ideas e.#ressed in eac)
#art and #&ttin' t)em in t)e correct order:
) $ourism causes pollution!
1) #ituation toda0!
3) )ll this travel is unnecessar0! 8etter to sta0 at home!
4) Negative side of situation!
5) 3odern planes donAt pollute so much!
:) #ummar0!
<) #ituation in the past!
>) Car4on taEes can offset car4on dioEide produced!
@) Fl0ing causes pollution!
B) $hesis: .hat the essa0 .ill do!
) $he 4ottom line of arguments against is that onl0 rich people should have the
right to fl0!
1) ,ersonal opinion!
First paragraph:
(four ideas)
#econd and third
(siE ideas)
)gainst cheap flights:
Fourth paragraph
(t.o ideas)
'n favour of cheap flights:
EEercise 4:
(ee con atencin los siguientes eGemplos/ o4serva cmo se estructura la
informacin 0 fPGate ;u recursos se utiliHan para captar la atencin del lector:
Q: 7o& <ork for t)e st&dent ne<s#a#er/ 7o& )ave +een asked to <rite an article a+o&t
t)e t)eatre 'ro&# t)at is 'oin' to make a #erformance in ,o&r to<n/
)ll in one M come and .atch
Iave ,o& ever +een asked to make a decision and c)oose onl, one t)in' o&t of man,
t)at ,o& reall, likeJ $ am s&re ,o& )ave/ And t)en ,o& al<a,s <onder <)at <o&ld )ave
)a##ened if ,o& )ad c)osen t)e alternative/ Ma,+e ,o& 0&st missed somet)in' reall,
s#ecial/// 7o& do not #artic&larl, like t)at feelin', do ,o&J F)ere is a 'ro&# of ,o&n'
#eo#le <)o decided once t)at it is ridic&lo&s to c)oose if ,o& can )ave all in one : do
,o& <ant to meet t)emJ Act&all,, ,o& <ill )ave a c)ance soon/
F)e Red 3ra'on F)eatre Kro&# is comin' to o&r to<n ne.t <eek/ F)e, <ill +rin' a lot
of 'ood sense of )&mo&r, m&sic, dance, and an,t)in' ,o& can t)ink of t)at s)o&ld
a##ear on sta'e/ F)eir main concern is to make ,o& t)ink, la&'), ma,+e cr, a +it, +&t
a+ove all to 'ive ,o& a 'reat time/ $ +et ,o& <ill love t)em at first si')t/
Fo make t)e lon' stor, s)ort : ,o& cannot miss t)is eventP F)e 'ro&# is 'oin' to
#erform in F)e Klo+e t)eatre and t)e, )ave #romised to meet ,o&r e.#ectations/ F)e
c)oice is o+vio&s t)is time/// Dim#l,, come and <atc)/
Financial Collapse: ) BM#tep %ecover0 ,lan
5, A9A; D/ 59$;3%R
@art6c&lo ada#tadoC
I%K%9 once <rote, >G)at e.#erience and )istor, teac)es &s is t)at #eo#le and
'overnments )ave never learned an,t)in' from )istor,/? Act&all,, $ t)ink #eo#le do
learn/ F)e #ro+lem is t)at t)e, for'et ` sometimes amazin'l, *&ickl,/ F)at seems to
+e )a##enin' toda,, even t)o&') recover, from t)e economic de+acle of !!_:\ is far
from com#lete/
%vidence of t)is for'ettin' is ever,<)ere/ F)e #&+lic )as lost interest in t)e ca&ses of
t)e crisis2 man,, of co&rse, are 0&st str&''lin' to 'et +,/ 8nre#entant financiers <)ine
a+o&t >e.cessive? re'&lation and #a, lo++,ists to +attle ever, ste# to<ard reform/
4onservatives +emoan >+i' 'overnment? and ,earn to ret&rn to laissez:faire
dere'&lation/ Ii')er international standards for +ank ca#ital and li*&idit, )ave +een
dela,ed/ $ co&ld 'o on/
$nstead, let me tr, to enca#s&late <)at <e m&st remem+er a+o&t t)e financial crisis into
1! financial commandments, all of <)ic) <ere +razenl, violated in t)e ,ears leadin' &#
to t)e crisis/
1/ Remem+er F)at Peo#le For'et
G)en t)e 'ood times roll, investors e.#ect t)em to roll indefinitel,/ G)en +&++les
+&rst, t)e, are al<a,s s&r#rised/
/ 3o ;ot Rel, on Delf:Re'&lation
Delf:re'&lation of financial markets is a cr&el o.,moron/ Ge need zookee#ers to <atc)
over t)e animals/
"/ Ionor ,o&r D)are)olders
5oards of #&+lic cor#orations are s&##osed to #rotect t)e interests of s)are)olders/ $n
t)e ,ears +efore t)e crisis, too man, directors for'ot t)ose res#onsi+ilities/ Gill t)e,
no< remem+erJ Dome <ill ` for a <)ile/ 5&t sanctions on directors for #oor
#erformance are minimal/
M/ %levate Risk Mana'ement
=ne +itter lesson of t)e crisis is t)at, <)en it comes to risk takin', <)at ,o& donEt
kno< can )&rt ,o&/ F)e #rimar, res#onsi+ilit, for kee#in' risk:mana'ement s,stems &#
to sn&ff rests <it) to# and +oards of directors/
A/ 8se 9ess 9evera'e
%.cessive levera'e ` ot)er<ise kno<n as over:+orro<in' ` <as one of t)e c)ief
fo&ndations of t)e )o&se of cards t)at colla#sed so violentl, in !!_/ 5ankers and
investors @not to mention )ome +&,ersC del&ded t)emselves into t)inkin' t)e, co&ld
earn )i') ret&rns <it)o&t ass&min' +i' risks/ 5&t levera'e is like alco)ol: a little +it )as
)ealt) +enefits, +&t too m&c) can kill ,o&/
6/ Lee# $t Dim#le, Dt&#id
Modern finance #rofits from,, +eca&se +ef&ddled c&stomers are more
#rofita+le ones/ 5&t do all t)ose fanc, financial instr&ments act&all, do t)e econom,
an, 'oodJ
[/ Dtandardize 3erivatives and Frade F)em on %.c)an'es
$t is t)e c&stomized, o#a*&e, >over t)e co&nter? derivatives t)at are t)e most
_/ Lee# F)in's on t)e 5alance D)eet
5efore t)e crisis, some +anks took im#ortant financial activities off t)eir +alance s)eets
to )ide )o< m&c) levera'e t)e, )ad/ 5&t t)e 0oke <as on t)em/ F)e crisis revealed t)at
some c)ief <ere onl, diml, a<are of t)e off:+alance:s)eet entities t)eir
+anks )eld/ F)ese >masters of t)e &niverse? )adnEt mastered t)eir o<n +ooks/
\/ Fi. Perverse 4om#ensation
=fferin' traders mon&mental re<ards for s&ccess, +&t a mere sla# on t)e <rist for
fail&re, enco&ra'es t)em to take e.cessive risks/ Ge ma, need t)e )eav, )and of
'overnment to do it/
1!/ Gatc) =&t for 4ons&mers
G)at <e learned in t)e crisis is t)at fail&re to #rotect &nso#)isticated cons&mers from
financial #redators can &ndermine t)e <)ole econom,/ F)at s&r#risin' lesson m&stnEt
+e for'otten/
Mark F<ain is said to )ave *&i##ed t)at <)ile )istor, doesnEt re#eat itself, it does
r),me/ F)ere <ill +e financial crises in t)e f&t&re, and t)e ne.t one <onEt +e a car+on
co#, of t)e last/ ;eit)er, )o<ever, <ill it +e so different t)at t)ese commandments
<onEt a##l,/ Financial )istor, does r),me, +&t <eEre alread, for'ettin' t)e meter/
EEercise 5:
FADL =;%: Read t)is descri#tion of D,dne,:
D,dne,Es +i''est advanta'e is its s&#er+ settin' on one of t)e most +ea&tif&l )ar+o&rs in
t)e <orld/ F)e vie<s of t)e )ar+o&r +rid'e and t)e =#era Io&se are ma'nificient and
,o& find t)at ,o& are never ver, far from <ater <)erever ,o& 'o/ $tEs ver, rela.ed and
cosmo#olitan cit, and t)ereEs #lent, to see and do/ $Eve visited man, interestin' cities in
m, life +&t $ t)ink m, favo&rite m&st +e Didne, in A&stralia/ $Eve +een l&ck, eno&') to
'o t)ere several times and itEs certainl, a #lace $ <o&ld +e )a##, to live in/ F)en, a
s)ort drive a<a, ,o& )ave +eac)es like t)e famo&s 5ondi +eac) and national #arks
<)ere ,o& can <alk for miles <it)o&t meetin' an,one e.ce#t, #er)a#s, t)e odd
kan'arooP Do, <it) its <onderf&l settin' and all its ot)er attactions, D,dne, takes a lot
of +eatin', in m, vie</ And <)en ,o&Ere )&n'r,, t)ere are )&ndreds of resta&rants, at
all #rices, servin' ever, #ossi+le t,#e of c&isine from A&stralian to m, favo&rite,
Mon'olianP 5&t in t)e end, itEs #eo#le <)o make a cit, and D,dne,:siders, as t)e, are
called, are some of t)e friendliest and most <elcomin' $ kno</ %ven if ,o& canEt afford
t)e #rice of an o#era ticket, ,o& can visit some of t)e m&se&ms and art 'alleries or
<ander ro&nd 3arlin' Iar+o&r or Paddin'ton Market com#letel, free/
FADL FG=: As ,o& can see, t)e ideas are not in order and t)e te.t is not clearl,
str&ct&red/ Re<rite t)e descri#tion and #&t t)e ideas in a lo'ical order follo<in' t)is
First #ara'ra#): $ntrod&ction: Dets t)e scene @ sentencesC
Decond #ara'ra#): 9ocation and s#ecial attractions @" sentencesC
F)ird #ara'ra#): Atmos#)ere and amenities @ " sentencesC
Fo&rt) #ara'ra#): 4oncl&sion @ sentencesC
EEercise ::
FADL =;%: Read t)e follo<in' te.t:
#u4Gect ^Grite an acco&nt of a da, ,o& <ill never for'etE
Narrative F)at da, in Ma, t)ree ,ears a'o co&ld )ave #&t me off fl,in' com#letel,, +&t it didnEt/ $ )ad al<a,s
<anted to take &# fl,in', +&t it <asnEt &ntil $ )ad seen an advertisement for a c)ea# trial lesson t)at
$ decided to tr, it/ $ )ad ver, little mone, and no kno<led'e at all a+o&t fl,in', +&t $ )ad a lot of
co&ra'e, or at least $ t)o&')t $ didP Do $ ran' &# t)e fl,in' cl&+ and +ooked a lesson/
$ <oke &# ver, e.cited on t)e mornin' of t)e ^)istoric da,E and c,cled to t)e air#ort <)ic) <as
a+o&t ten miles a<a,/ G)en $ t&rned &# at t)e cl&+, $ #aid and t)en met m, instr&ctor, <)o t&rned
o&t to +e a <oman/ Alt)o&') s)e kne< $ )ad no e.#erience at all, s)e took me strai')t o&t to t)e
#lane <)ic) <as +ein' tanked &# <it) f&el/ $ s)o&ld )ave listened to )er from t)e moment <e )ad
s)aken )ands, +eca&se s)e <as in fact 'ivin' me m, o<n #rivate lect&re on t)e +asis of fl,in'/ F)e
tro&+le <as t)at ever,t)in' <as so ne< and stran'e to me t)at $ )ardl, )eard an,t)in' s)e said/
Ge #&t on #arac)&tes, 'ot into t)e #lane, <)ic) <as a+o&t as +i' as a Mini inside, stra##ed
o&rselves in side +, side, and took off/ F)e instr&ctor <as still talkin', 'ivin' me information and
advice, +&t $ co&ldnEt take an,t)in' in/ $ <asnEt fri')tened: $ <as 0&st too interested in leavin' eart)
and in t)e vie< +eneat) &s/
F)e instr&ctor <as fl,in' t)e #lane of co&rse and $ <as 0&st )oldin' m, d&al controls/ 5&t <e )ad
onl, +een &# in t)e air for a+o&t ten min&tes:and remem+er t)at t)is <as t)e first time $ )ad ever
+een in an aero#lane:<)en s)e said: ^Ri')t/ 7o& can take over no</ Kood l&ck/ J&st
stead, <it) t)e )orizon/E And s)e took )er )ands off t)e controls/
$ kno< t)at $ froze for a moment or t<o, +&t $ donEt kno< e.actl, <)at $ did after t)at/ $ o+vio&ls,
did somet)in' <ron' +eca&se t)e ne.t moment t)e 'ro&nd seemed to +e racin' &# to meet &s/ $
t)o&')t <e <ere 'oin' to cras), +&t <it) a calm ^$Ell take over a'ain no<, m, instr&ctor took over
t)e controls and <e <ere soon fl,in' strai')t a'ain/
$ )onestl, admit t)at t)e e.#erience <as more em+arrassin' t)an an,t)in' else/ $ )ave +een fl,in'
re'&larl, for t)ree ,ears no< and can #&t a #lane in and o&t of a dive, +&t friends <onEt let ,o&
for'et t)in's like t)at ver, easil,, <ill t)e,J
Source: Longman First Certificate Coursebook
FADL FG=: Fr, to <ork o&t t)e #lan and ideas of t)is te.t 5%F=R% com#letin' t)e ne.t task:
FADL FIR%%: 4)eck ,o&r ans<er once ,o& )ave com#leted t)e follo<in' c)art +,
insertin' t)e ideas e.#ressed in eac) #art and #&tttin' t)em in t)e correct order:
Kot in #lane : took off/
1 " ,ears a'o : )ad al<a,s <anted to fl,/
3 3&al controls/ After 1! mins ^7o& can take overE ] froze/
4 5ooked trial lesson/
5 Kro&nd raced &# to meet &s/ %m+arrassin'/
: ^Iistoric da,E ] e.cited ] air#ort ] <oman instr&ctor/
< ;evert)eless ] <ent on fl,in'/ " ,ears no</
> D)e talked ] $ )ardl, took an,t)in' in/
(t.o ideas)
(four ideas)
(t.o ideas)
EEercise <:
FADL =;%: Read t)e follo<in' te.t:
#u4Gect ^4)oose a skill or s#ecial a+ilit, t)at ,o& #ossess/ Kive an acco&nt of <)en ,o& first
noticed ,o& )ad t)is skill or a+ilit,, and )o< it develo#ed/E
*escriptive9narrative $ +elieve $ )ave al<a,s +een a+le to ^take #eo#le offE/ $t certainl,
started at a ver, earl, a'e, +eca&se $ al<a,s seemed to +e a+le to
imitate t)e voice and mannerisms of almost an,one $ met/
$t made me *&ite #o#&lar <it) m, famil, and m, sc)oolfriends,
+&t sometimes not *&ite so #o#&lar <it) ot)ers/ F)e more
im#ortant ^ot)ersE <ere teac)ers at t)e last sc)ool $ attended/
Git)o&t conscio&sl, t)inkin' a+o&t it, $ fo&nd it *&ite eas, to
^take offE most of t)em2 all teac)ers )ave e.a''erated
mannerisms, and o&r teac)ers <ere no e.ce#tions/ M, friends
<ere deli')ted and $ )ad to do m, im#ersonations for t)em in
t)e #la,'ro&nd/ $t m&st )ave 'one to m, )ead some<)at,
+eca&se $ allo<ed t)em to #ers&ade me to do im#ersonations in
class <)en t)e #artic&lar teac)er takin' &s did not a##ear to +e
As ,o& kno<, all teac)ers also seem to )ave e,es in t)e +ack of
t)eir )ead, and $ <as often ca&')t/ F)is led to &n#leasant t)in's
like e.tra )ome<ork and ot)er #&nis)ments, +&t t)is still did not
#&t me off, +eca&se $ co&ld not resist t)e &r'e to mimic <)at $
sa</ Io<ever, $ <as *&ite s&re t)at, <)en $ <as not
im#ersonatin' t)em, a lot of t)e teac)ers <ere *&ite #leased <it)
m, a+ilit, to im#ersonate t)eir collea'&es/
M, +elief <as +orne o&t <)en t)e time came for me to leave t)e
sc)ool, at t)e a'e of 1M/ F)ere <as a little fare<ell #art, for
sc)ool:leavers/ D&ddenl,, t)e restraint of t)e #ast t<o or t)ree
,ears <as +roken do<n/ F)e teac)ers act&all, enco&ra'ed,
indeed insisted, t)at $ did m, im#ersonations of t)e staff/ $t <as
an amazin' afternoon/ $ took off all t)e teac)ers one +, one/
%ac) ^take:offE set ever,+od, off la&')in' and cla##in', +&t $
noticed t)at t)e ^victimE in eac) case sta,ed stran'el, silent/ And
$ )ave noticed ever since t)en t)at, alt)o&') most #eo#le en0o,
im#ersonations of ot)ers, t)e, do not like +ein' im#ersonated
dapted from an account written b! "ike #arwood, a famous English
Source: Longman First Certificate Coursebook
FADL FG=: Fr, to <ork o&t t)e #lan and ideas of t)is te.t 5%F=R% com#letin' t)e ne.t task:
FADL FIR%%: 4)eck ,o&r ans<er to task t<o once ,o& )ave com#leted t)e follo<in'
c)art +, insertin' t)e ideas e.#ressed in eac) #art and #&ttin' t)em in t)e correct order:
Dometimes felt teac)ers <ere #leased <it) m, a+ilit, to take off ot)er #&#ils and teac)ers/
$m#ersonated teac)ers in #la,'ro&nd and in class/
$ can take #eo#le off:started <)en ,o&n'/<ell #art,/
%as, to imitate #eo#le/
Feac)erEs reactions ] and #eo#leEs reactions since/
Po#&lar <it) famil, and friends2 not <it) teac)ers/
Feac)ers ca&')t me ] e.tra )ome<ork/ 3idnEt #&t me off/
(t.o ideas)
(four ideas)
(t.o ideas)
) 7e0
EEercise :
First paragraph:
(three ideas)
M )nimal testing causes their
suffering or death!
#econd and third paragraph:
(nine ideas)
,ositive aspects:
M $reatments and procedures developed
than7s to animal testing!
Fourth paragraph
(t.o ideas)
,ersonal opinion:
M )ssure minimum
M Nhat people feel a4out it:
t.o sides!
M )im of this essa0!
M &seful to test safet0 and effectiveness
of ne. drugs 4efore pilot testingL
reason for using animals!
M &seful for techni;ues practice:
M 'f not animal testing/ procedures and
ne. drugs not safe!
Negative aspects:
M 't is cruel and not necessar0!
M &nnecessar0 as there are huge
data4ase and modern computer models!
M 3an0 tests useless 4ecause some drugs
.ithdra.n an0.a0!
M &nnecessar0 for nonMessential
products: cosmetics/ shampoo/ soaps/
cleaning products!
M Campaign to use more humane
methods and to stop certain tests!
M 'f it cannot 4e avoided/
at least/ sho. merc0!
EEercise 1:
First paragraph:
(three ideas)
M 3an0 people have cheap
4ut eEcellent health care!
M ?o.ever/ spending on
medicine or treatment is
M $hesis sentence!
#econd and third paragraphs:
(seven ideas)
"ne side:
M Ne cannot eEpect free unlimited
health care!
M %eason : Countries have limited
health 4udgets!
M %eason 1: #ome eEpensive treatments
are not effective or .orth.hile!
M %eason 3: Ne must accept that .e are
mortal after all!
Fourth paragraph:
(one idea)
M ?ealthcare is limited
and .e need to accept
"ther side:
: 'nnate tendenc0 to stic7 to life!
EEample: a.esome medical
M 3edical treatments 4ecome cheap and
more availa4le over time! EEample:
heart surger0 in the :Bs and no.!
: Need for health insurance!
EEercise 3:
First paragraph:
(four ideas)
M #ituation in the past!
M #ituation toda0!
M Negative side of situation!
M $hesis: .hat the essa0 .ill do!
#econd and third paragraphs:
(siE ideas)
)gainst cheap flights:
M Fl0ing causes pollution!
M $ourism causes pollution!
M )ll this travel is unnecessar0!
8etter to sta0 at home!
'n favour of cheap flights:
: 3odern planes donAt pollute so
M Car4on taEes can offset car4on
dioEide produced!
M $he 4ottom line of arguments
against is that onl0 rich people
should have the right to fl0!
Fourth paragraph
(t.o ideas)
M #ummar0!
M ,ersonal opinion!
EEercise 5:
$Eve visited man, interestin' cities in m, life +&t $ t)ink m, favo&rite m&st +e Didne, in
A&stralia/ $Eve +een l&ck, eno&') to 'o t)ere several times and itEs certainl, a #lace $
<o&ld +e )a##, to live in/
D,dne,Es +i''est advanta'e is its s&#er+ settin' on one of t)e most +ea&tif&l )ar+o&rs in
t)e <orld/ F)e vie<s of t)e )ar+o&r +rid'e and t)e =#era Io&se are ma'nificient and
,o& find t)at ,o& are never ver, far from <ater <)erever ,o& 'o/ F)en, a s)ort drive
a<a, ,o& )ave +eac)es like t)e famo&s 5ondi +eac) and national #arks <)ere ,o& can
<alk for miles <it)o&t meetin' an,one e.ce#t, #er)a#s, t)e odd kan'arooP
$tEs ver, rela.ed and cosmo#olitan cit, and t)ereEs #lent, to see and do/ %ven if ,o&
canEt afford t)e #rice of an o#era ticket, ,o& can visit some of t)e m&se&ms and art
'alleries or <ander ro&nd 3arlin' Iar+o&r or Paddin'ton Market com#letel, free/ And
<)en ,o&Ere )&m'r,, t)ere are )&ndreds of resta&rants, at all #rices, servin' ever,
#ossi+le t,#e of c&isine from A&stralian to m, favo&rite, Mon'olianP
Do, <it) its <onderf&l settin' and all its ot)er attactions, D,dne, takes a lot of +eatin',
in m, vie</ 5&t in t)e end, itEs #eo#le <)o make a cit, and D,dne,:siders, as t)e, are
called, are some of t)e friendliest and most <elcomin' $ kno</
EEercise ::
$efore the e%ent
" ,ears a'o ] )ad al<a,s <anted to fl,/
1 5ooked trial lesson/
&he e%ent
3 ^Iistoric da, ] e.cited ] air#ort ] <oman instr&ctor/
4 D)e talked ] $ )ardl, took an,t)in' in/
5 Kot in #lane ] took off/
: 3&al controls/ After 1! mins ^7o& can take overE: froze/
fter the e%ent
< Kro&nd raced &# to meet &s/ %m+arrassin'/
> ;evert)eless ] <ent on fl,in'/ " ,ears no</
EEercise <:
$ can take #eo#le off ] started <)en ,o&n'
1 %as, to imitate #eo#le/
3 Po#&lar <it) famil, and friends2 not <it) teac)ers/
4 $m#ersonated teac)ers in #la,'ro&nd and in class/
5 Feac)ers ca&')t me ] e.tra )ome<ork/ 3idnEt #&t me off/
: Dometimes felt teac)ers <ere #leased <it) m, a+ilit, to take off ot)er
#&#ils and teac)ers/
< ] fare<ell #art,/
> Feac)erE reactions ] and #eo#leEs reactions since/
Tareas para practicar el "writing"
Nota: 9os modelos de e.amen de las %%==$$ de F&dela, 4anta+ria, Madrid, Andal&c6a,
4atal&Ha, 4anarias, M&rcia , Kalicia )an sido e.tra6dos del listado de modelos de
#r&e+as de certificacin #ro#orcionado en %l 5lo' de Pilar Forres /
$area corta:
) 7o& )ave decided to <rite a letter to t)e editor of ,o&r local ne<s#a#er re'ardin'
rec,clin' +ins/
F)e +e'innin' and t)e endin' of t)e letter )ave +een done for ,o&/ Add 1!!:1! <ords/
$ <as e.tremel, #leased <)en o&r local co&ncil event&all, #laced s#ecial +ins in t)e
area to
enco&ra'e rec,clin'/ F)ere are, )o<ever, several #ro+lems/
For one t)in',
$ do t)ink t)at t)ese s&''estions mi')t )el# solve t)e sit&ation/ F)e rest de#ends +ot)
on t)e
co&ncil and on o&r nei')+o&rsE <illin'ness to act in a more civilised manner/
@;ame, D&rname and $3 n&m+erC
Do&rce: eoie&skadi/net
1) 7o& are keen to st&d, %n'lis) in 9ondon/ Read t)e sc)ool advertisement and t)e
notes from ,o&r teac)er/ F)en <rite an email to Mr Gilliams at t)e 5i' 5en 9an'&a'e
Dc)ool askin' for details/ Grite +et<een 1!!:1! <ords/
Language courses in London at the Big Ben Schoo o! Engish
Our "e#e$ui%%ed schoo o!!ers Engish anguage courses in the heart o! London&
The schoo has a !riend' at(os%here and organises a !u range o! s%orting and
socia acti)ities as "e as e*cursions out o! London&
The schoo is con)enient' ocated near the (useu(s and the ri)er& Acco((odation
can +e arranged "ith care!u' seected British !a(iies&
,ontact -i( .iia(s +' e(ai /0"1+ig+enschoo&org&u23 !or !urther detais&
G)en ,o& <rite to t)e sc)ool make s&re ,o& find o&t:
)o< man, st&dents t)ere <ill +e in t)e sc)ool and in eac) class/
<)at *&alifications t)e teac)ers )ave/
<)at reso&rces t)e sc)ool )as/
<)at is incl&ded in t)e #rice/
<)at amenities t)ere are in t)e area/
Do&rce: e.amen'lis)
3) 7o& )ave received t)e follo<in' letter from ,o&r %n'lis):s#eakin' friend:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!$han7s for inviting me to sta0 .ith 0ou .hen ' visit 0our countr0 neEt
'5m not sure ho. to get to 0our apartment from the airport! Could 0ou .rite 4ac7
giving me some 4asic instructionsK Nhat .ould 4e the 4est method of transport
for meK '5d prefer one that isn5t too eEpensiveR
Fust one other thing M .hat .ill the .eather 4e li7e .hen ' get thereK (Fust so '5ll
7no. .hat clothes to pac7R) !!!!!!!!!
Grite ,o&r letter of re#l, to ,o&r friend @+et<een 1!!:1! <ordsC/ Do&rce: Flo:Joe
4) 7o& )ave seen t)e follo<in' 0o+ advertisement in ,o&r local ,o&t) centre:
)C$'O'$Q C"M"%*'N)$"% N)N$E*R
(Nee7ends onl0)
Nould 0ou li7e to .or7 .ith 0oung children aged 5MK
*o 0ou have lots of energ0K
)re 0ou an eEcellent s.immerK
'f the to these ;uestions is 50es5 then .e .ant to hear from 0ou! "ur
Children5s Clu4 is loo7ing for someone to 4e in charge of a group of B children to
teach them s.imming and to do a range of other activities! ,lease send a letter to
3rs #07es sa0ing .h0 0ou are suita4le for the Go4!
Grite ,o&r letter of a##lication to Mrs D,kes/ @+et<een 1!!:1! <ordsC/ Do&rce: Flo:Joe/
5) 7o& are readin' an %n'lis) lan'&a'e ma'azine and ,o& see details of a lan'&a'e
sc)ool t)at ,o& are interested in:
(E)%N EN=('#? )$ Q"&% "NN ,)CER
'f 0ou .ould li7e to stud0 English on a course that has 4een speciall0 designed to
meet 0our needs and interests/ then contact the ,rincipal of the Effective (earning
#chool giving details of 0our:
3otivation for stud0ing EnglishI length of time stud0ing EnglishI strengths
and .ea7nesses in the language!
,referred start date and length of course!
?o44ies and interests!
Ne .ill contact 0ou once .e have received 0our details in order to arrange a
programme of stud0 for 0ou!
Grite ,o&r letter to t)e Princi#al of t)e sc)ool/ @+et<een 1!!:1! <ordsC/ Do&rce: Flo:Joe/
:) 7o& )ave received t)e follo<in' letter from ,o&r %n'lis):s#eakin' friend:
!!!Ne5re doing a proGect this month at school on eating ha4its and customs around
the .orld! Nill 0ou 4e a4le to help me 40 telling me .hat the traditional meals are
in 0our countr0/ .hat people t0picall0 eat and at .hat time of da0K
$han7s ver0 muchR
(ove )lison
Grite a letter to ,o&r friend 'ivin' )er t)e information s)e needs @aro&nd 1!!:1!
<ordsC/ Do&rce: Flo:Joe
<) A friend of ,o&rs is so )ooked on social net<orkin' t)at )isU)er marks at sc)ool are
dro##in' and )isU)er mood is s<in'in'/ 7o&r friend )as asked ,o& for advice/ Grite an
email to ,o&r friend 'ivin' )imU)er advice on <)at to do/Grite +et<een 1A and 1A!
<ords/ Do&rce: %=$ Andal&c6a
>) 7o& <ere lookin' for a s&mmer 0o+ and ,o& came across t)is ad <)ile searc)in'/
Grite t)e a##lication letter re*&ired in t)e ad/ Grite a te.t of a+o&t 1A! <ords/
F)o&sands of #eo#le in o&r net<ork are lookin' for +a+,sitters, nannies and c)ildcare
$f ,o& en0o, <orkin' <it) kids si'n &# for o&r local 0o+s toda,P 4are/com is an online
net<ork t)at matc)es tr&st<ort),, relia+le +a+,sitters, nannies and da, care <orkers
<it) local #eo#le <)o need t)eir services/
Det ,o&r o<n )o&rs, rates and create ,o&r o<n sc)ed&leP
Jo+ re*&irements: Minim&m a'e: 1[T,ears old/
Additional: M&st en0o, <orkin' <it) eit)er: Lids, Deniors, Pets/
Please send ,o&r a##lication letter e.#lainin' <), ,o& t)ink ,o& are s&ita+le for one of
t)ese 0o+s/
Do&rce: %=$ 4anta+ria
@) 7o& )ave 0&st +een notified t)at ,o&r a##lication for a #ost in an international
com#an, or or'anisation )as +een &ns&ccessf&l/ Grite a letter @1!!:1A!<ordsC to a
close friend referrin' to t)e follo<in':
G)at t)e 0o+ involves/
7o&r s&r#rise and disa##ointment/
7o&r immediate #lans/
Do&rce: %=$ F&dela
$area larga: Nrite 4et.een 1BBM11B .ords
) >More and more #eo#le move to a <armer #lace after retirement?/7o&r local
ma'azine )as asked its readers to send in articles disc&ssin' t)e advanta'es and
disadvanta'es of t)is trend/ $ncl&de t)e follo<in' #oints:
Famil, and friends/
4&lt&re clas)/
1) 7o&r local a&t)orit, is #lannin' to +&ild a disco in ,o&r area, +et<een t)e #rimar,
sc)ool and t)e )ealt) centre/ Dend in an article to ,o&r local ma'azine statin' ,o&r
o#inion/ $ncl&de t)e follo<in' #oints:
G)at is ,o&r o#inion a+o&t t)e #ro0ectJ
G)at <o&ld +e t)e im#act on t)e comm&nit,J
$s t)ere a +etter locationJ
Possi+le sol&tion@sC/
F&ente: eoie&skadi/net
3)7o&r local to&rist office )as asked ,o& to <rite a re#ort on t)e s#orts facilities in
,o&r area to 'ive o&t to %n'lis):s#eakin' visitors/ Grite +et<een !!:! <ords/
Do&rce: e.amen'lis)
4) Grite an acco&nt of a da, ,o& <ill never for'et/ Grite +et<een !!:! <ords/
5) 7o&r sc)ool <)ere ,o& are st&d,in' %n'lis) is )oldin' a s)ort stor, com#etition:
Grite a s)ort stor, <it) t)e title/ aF)e )olida, of a lifetimea/ F)e +est stor, <ill +e
#&+lis)ed in t)e sc)ool ma'azine/ Grite ,o&r stor, for t)e ma'azine @+et<een !!:!
<ordsC/ Do&rce: Flo:Joe
:) 7o& )ave seen t)e follo<in' anno&ncement in an international ma'azine for 16:A
,ear olds:
5Qoung people are spending more time each da0 on their computers than .atching
television! 's this a change for the 4etterK5
Ne are interested in 0our vie.s on this topic! Qou can contri4ute to the de4ate 40
sending us a short article .ith 0our opinion!
Grite ,o&r article for t)e ma'azine @aro&nd !!:! <ordsC/ Do&rce: Flo:Joe/
<) $n ,o&r %n'lis) class ,o& )ave +een disc&ssin' t)e #ros and cons of different t,#es
of trans#ort/ For ,o&r )ome<ork ,o&r teac)er )as asked ,o& to <rite a com#osition
'ivin' ,o&r reaction to t)e follo<in' statement:
SCars should 4e 4anned from the centres of all maGor cities!S
Grite ,o&r com#osition for ,o&r teac)er @aro&nd !!:! <ordsC/ Do&rce: Flo:Joe/
>) Grite a com#osition 'ivin' ,o&r reaction to t)e follo<in' statement: S3o4ile
phones should 4e 4anned in schoolsS! @!!:! <ordsC
@) 7o&r lan'&a'e sc)ool )as recentl, cele+rated a festival for st&dents, <it) m&sic
events and a cooker, com#etition/ 7o& )ave decided to <rite an article for ,o&r
sc)oolEs ma'azine,
e.#ressin' ,o&r o#inion on t)e 'ood and +ad as#ects of t)e cele+ration, and
#ro#osin' an ori'inal activit, to cele+rate s&c) events in ,o&r sc)ool/
Grite +et<een !! and ! <ords/ Do&rce: %=$ Andal&c6a
B) An %n'lis) lan'&a'e ma'azine to <)ic) ,o& are s&+scri+ed is a##ealin' for s)ort
articles for a series called "e and m! mates. Grite an article to t)e ma'azine incl&din'
t)e follo<in': @!!:! <ordsC
F)e val&es ,o& and ,o&r friends s)are/
F)e t)in's ,o& like doin' to'et)er/
Io< ,o& t)ink ,o&r 'eneration differs from ot)ers/
Do&rce: %=$ Madrid
) Grite a letter to t)e editor of a ne<s#a#er e.#ressin' ,o&r disa'reement <it) an
article #&+lis)ed recentl, concernin' immi'rants occ&#,in' local 0o+s referrin' to:
@!!:A! <ordsC
F)e kind of 0o+s involved/
F)e o#inion e.#ressed in t)e #a#er/
G)at ,o& <ant t)e ne<s#a#er to do/
Do&rce: %=$ F&dela
1) 7o& )ave moved to t)e 8L, and t)e Parent Feac)er Association from t)e local
sc)ool is <orried a+o&t +in'e drinkin' :cons&min' lar'e *&antities of alco)olic drinks
in a sin'le session: in t)e to<n/ Fo find o&t )o< t)e #ro+lem is dealt <it) in ot)er
#laces, t)e, )ave asked forei'n residents for information a+o&t t)e sit&ation in t)eir
co&ntries of ori'in/ Iere is some information a+o&t t)e sit&ation in t)e 8L and ot)er
8L amon' <orst a+in'e drinkersa
8L ad&lts and adolescents are amon' t)e <orst +in'e drinkers in %&ro#e, sa,s an
$nstit&te of Alco)ol Dt&dies re#ort/ F)e avera'e rate of +in'e drinkin' in t)e 8L is
a+o&t once ever, 1" da,s/ F)e re#ort fo&nd t)at alco)ol is one of t)e <orst #&+lic
)ealt) #ro+lems in %&ro#e after to+acco and )i') +lood #ress&re, and )as a 'reater
im#act t)an o+esit,, lack of e.ercise or illicit dr&'s/
)ercentage of *+,*-,!ear,old students who ha%e binged three or more times in the last
$reland: "b ;et)erlands: _b 8L: [b D#ain: !b Port&'al: 1Ab
$inge drinking nights per !ear
Finland: " $reland: " 8L: _ 5el'i&m: [ 3enmark: 1 Kerman,: 1 France: !
;et)erlands: 1_
D#ain: 1M Kreece: 1 D<eden: 1!
Grite a re#ort for t)e Parent Feac)er Association a+o&t t)e sit&ation in ,o&r
co&ntr,/7o& m&st develo# t)e follo<in' t)ree #oints, in t)e most a##ro#riate order:
c Present a detailed descri#tion of t)e sit&ation in ,o&r )ome co&ntr,, )i')li')tin' t)e
most si'nificant as#ects/
c Mention #ossi+le ca&ses and #ro#ose meas&res to im#rove t)e sit&ation/
c Make #redictions a+o&t t)e conse*&ences of t)is #ro+lem/
Grite +et<een !! and "! <ords/ Fe.ts <it) less t)an !! or more t)an "! <ords
<ill not +e marked/
7o& m&st incl&de all t)ree #oints/ Do&rce: %=$ Kalicia
$area corta: Nrite 4et.een 3BM4B .ords!
) A local ne<s#a#er )as invited readers to s&+mit #ro#osals recommendin' a ran'e of
facilities for ,o&n' #eo#le in ,o&r to<n/ 7o& )ave decided to <rite a letter to t)e editor
#ro#osin' ,o&r ideas a+o&t it/ 4om#lete t)e follo<in' letter/ F)e +e'innin' and endin'
)ave +een done for ,o&/ Add 1!:1"! <ords/
$ am concerned a+o&t t)e facilities for ,o&n' #eo#le +eca&se t)is is a s&+0ect t)at )as
al<a,s interested me/
$ )o#e t)ese s&''estions mi')t +e )el#f&l/ F)e rest de#ends on t)e co&ncilEs <illin'ness
#rovide t)em in t)e f&t&re/
7o&rs fait)f&ll,,
@;AM%, D8R;AM%///C Do&rce: eoie&skadi/net
C A to&rist com#an, <)ic) or'anises coac) to&rs of ,o&r )ome to<n )as #laced t)e
follo<in' advertisement in ,o&r local ne<s#a#er:
$"&% =&'*E# %EC&'%E*
)re 0ou an outgoing and socia4le person/ .ho has a good command of English and
some 7no.ledge of local histor0K 'f so/ then .e .ould li7e to hear from 0ouR
$a7eMaM$our is setting up a 4ranch in 0our area and .e are loo7ing for tour guides
to accompan0 up to fift0 passengers a time on our coach tours! Qour duties .ill
include .elcoming passengers a4oard the coach/ giving a commentar0 a4out the
local sights/ and ta7ing small groups around the to.n on foot!
'f this sounds li7e the Go4 for 0ou/ please send a letter telling us .h0! 'ntervie.s
.ill 4e held neEt month!
Grite t)e letter of a##lication @1"!:1M! <ordsC/ Do&rce: Flo:Joe
3) Read t)is e.tract from a letter ,o& )ave recentl, sent to a friend:
!!! "h/ and 40 the .a0/ don5t go to 8arr05s %estaurant for 0our 4irthda0! Ne .ent
there last night M the service .as a.ful and the food .as a disasterR ' complained to
the head .aiter 4ut he as7ed me to put it in .riting !!!
Grite ,o&r letter of com#laint to t)e resta&rant mana'er/ @1"!:1M! <ordsC! Do&rce: Flo:Joe
4) 7o& )ave read t)e follo<in' information from a 5ritis) &niversit,, and )ave decided
to a##l, for a co&rse:
$he universit0 .elcomes applications to all its courses from overseas students!
,lease .rite to the )dmissions "fficer giving details of the course 0ou .ish to
appl0 for and .h0! Qour letter should include an outline of 0our ;ualifications and
an0 other relevant information!
Grite ,o&r letter of a##lication to t)e Admissions =fficer/ @1"!:1M! <ordsC/ Do&rce: Flo:
5) Read t)e follo<in' article: 's economic incompati4le .ith sustaina4le
developmentK/ and <rite a letter to t)e editor of VF)e K&ardianV 'ivin' ,o&r vie<s
@1"!:1M! <ordsC/
:) 7o& are interested in a##l,in' for t)is M5A @Master of 5&siness AdministrationC/
Read t)e advertisement and <rite an e:mail of a##lication @1"!:1M! <ordsC!
3aster of 8usiness )dministration M 'nternational ('38))
F)e $nternational M5A <ill e*&i# st&dents <it) t)e skills to ada#t to a fast:c)an'in'
'lo+al +&siness environment
C"&%#E $?E3E#: Klo+alisation, $nternational 4or#orate Res#onsi+ilit, and
EN$%Q %EC&'%E3EN$#: At least t)ree ,earsa or'anisational e.#erience in a
mana'ement role/ Fo take t)is co&rse st&dents m&st )ave a 'ood command of %n'lis),
+ot) <ritten and s#oken at advanced level/
*&%)$'"N: 1 ,ear #$&*Q 3"*E: F&ll time
),,('C)$'"N# #?"&(* 'NC(&*E:
Academic *&alifications/
Previo&s <orkin' e.#erience/
Professional, academic and #ersonal e.#eriences <it) %n'lis) lan'&a'e/
G)at ,o& t)ink t)e most im#ortant val&es and traits of leaders)i# are/
Do&rce: %=$ M&rcia
<) Read t)e instr&ctions +elo< caref&ll, and <rite an email of com#laint of 1!:1A!
<ords/ Make a com#laint on t)e 5ritis) Air<a,s <e+site a+o&t t)e conditions on ,o&r
ret&rn fli')t from 9ondon to t)e 4anar, $slands/
$ncl&de t)e follo<in' #oints:
c 4om#lain a+o&t an error in ,o&r meal re*&est on +oard
c 3escri+e t)e ina##ro#riate <a, in <)ic) a fli')t attendant talked to ,o&
c Ask for some t,#e of com#ensation
Do&rce: %=$ 4anarias
>) 7o& live in a small villa'e of a+o&t 1,A!! in)a+itants/ 7o& &se #&+lic trans#ort as
m&c) as #ossi+le/ 5ritis) Rail, in t)e name of efficienc, and econom,, <ants to close
t)e villa'e station/ F)is means t)e nearest train station <ill +e in t)e to<n ! min&tes
drive a<a,/
Grite a letter of a+o&t 1A! <ords to 5ritis) Rail to o##ose t)e #ro#osal, 'ivin' ,o&r
reasons <), t)e station s)o&ld remain o#en/ 5e'in and end t)e letter a##ro#riatel,/
Do&rce: %=$ 4atal&Ha
@) Grite a letter @1A!:!! <ordsC accordin' to t)e instr&ctions 'iven:
7o&r Fo<n 4o&ncil )as decided to +&ild a casino instead of t)e n&rser, sc)ool
#revio&sl, a'reed &#on <it) ,o&r ;ei')+o&r)ood Association/ As #resident of t)e
Association, <rite a letter to ,o&r Ma,or com#lainin' a+o&t t)e sit&ation incl&din' t)e
d ,o&r dissatisfaction <it) )o< t)in's )ave develo#ed
d t)e conse*&ences t)at <ill )ave on t)e nei')+o&r)ood
d <)at ,o& e.#ect t)em to do
Do&rce: %=$ F&dela
$area larga: Nrite 4et.een 15BM1>B .ords!
) A local co&ncillor )as made a terri+le mistake t)at )as ca&sed t)e loss of [!!
million e&ros of #&+lic mone,/ Io<ever, no one t)inks )e s)o&ld resi'n/ 7o& )ave
decided to <rite an article for ,o&r local ma'azine statin' ,o&r o#inion/ $ncl&de t)e
follo<in' #oints:
4&rrent state of affairs/
1) F)e 'overnment <ants to kee# #rimar, sc)ools o#en all ,ear ro&nd so <orkin'
#arents can com+ine c)ildcare and <ork/ 7o& )ave decided to <rite an article for t)e
#arentsEassociation ma'azine statin' ,o&r o#inion/ $ncl&de t)e follo<in' #oints:
$m#act on ad&lts/
$m#act on c)ildren/
Do&rce: eoie&skadi/net
3) Grite an acco&nt of a da, ,o& <ill never for'et/ Grite +et<een A!:_! <ords/
4) 7o& )ave +een asked to <rite a re#ort for t)e Gorld $nformation =r'anisation on
t)e follo<in' to#ic: G)at are t)e 'reatest t)reats to t)e environment in ,o&r co&ntr,
toda,J G)at are t)e sol&tionsJ
Grite ,o&r re#ort/ @A!:_! <ordsC Do&rce: Flo:Joe
5) 7o& )ave seen t)e follo<in' anno&ncement in ,o&r local arts ma'azine:
,E%F"%3)NCE "F $?E QE)% 1B1
Nhat has 4een the 4est performance of 1B1 in 0our local areaK 't could 4e a
concert or a stage pla0/ or perhaps an art or craft eEhi4ition! Qou can ma7e 0our
nomination 40 sending us a revie. of .hat 0ou have seen/ telling us .h0 0ou thin7
it .as the most outstanding performance of the 0ear!!!
Grite ,o&r revie< for t)e ma'azine editor/ @A!:_! <ordsC Do&rce: Flo:Joe
:) Grite an essa, disc&ssin' t)e #ros and cons of social net<orkin' for teena'ers/ Also
incl&de ,o&r o#inion on t)e to#ic @A!:_! <ordsC/
<) Grite an essa, disc&ssin' t)e advanta'es and disadvanta'es of social media/ Also
e.#ress ,o&r o#inion on t)e to#ic @A!:_! <ordsC/
>) An %n'lis) lan'&a'e ma'azine to <)ic) ,o& are s&+scri+ed is a##ealin' for s)ort
articles for a series called #our &own.s /eritage. Grite an article to t)e ma'azine
incl&din' t)e follo<in': @A!:_! <ordsC
5rief )istorical acco&nt of ,o&r to<n/
Reasons <), some )istorical sites s)o&ld +e #reserved/
7o&r o#inion on #ast restoration <orks/
Do&rce: %=$ Madrid
@) Grite an o#inion essa, a+o&t t)e follo<in' statement: ;e< tec)nolo'ies are
im#rovin' t)e <a, <e comm&nicate/ Please <rite +et<een A! and _! <ords/ 8se
t)ese ideas to )el# ,o&:
d Da, <)et)er ,o& a'ree or disa'ree <it) t)e statement/
d 4)an'es in comm&nication over t)e last t<ent, ,ears/
d Io< t)ese c)an'es affect t)e <orld/
d F&t&re #ros#ects/
Do&rce: %=$ 4anarias
B) Read t)e follo<in' instr&ctions and <rite a re#ort @_!:"!! <ordsC/
7o& <ork as a 0&nior mana'er in an international com#an, <)ere staff is e.#ected to
<ork )ard to #rod&ce res&lts/ Io<ever, +eca&se of t)is stressf&l <orkin' environment,
man, collea'&es are fallin' ill/ F)e mana'ement )as asked ,o& to make a #ro#osal
<)ic) s)o&ld incl&de realistic meas&res for red&cin' stress at
Refer to t)e follo<in':
increase team <ork
fle.itime and U or <orkin' from )ome
im#rove #),sical environment @<ork s#ace, f&rnit&re etc/C

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