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Estos panes son tpicos de las celebraciones de Luna Llena (Esbats)


taza de almendras finamente molitas

tazas de harina
taza de azcar
gotas de extracto de almendras
taza de mantequilla ablandada
yema de huevo

Mezcla las almendras, la harina, el azcar y el extracto. Con las manos, mezcla la
mantequilla y la yema de huevo. Precalienta el horno a 175 grados C. Toma pedaz
os de masa del tamao de una nuez aproximadamente y dales forma de luna creciente.
Ponlos sobre una bandeja para hornear engrasada y hornea por unos 20 minutos.
Este puede ser consumido durante los Sabbats dedicados a la cosecha
3 Tazas de Grano de Elote
1 Lechera Nestl Grande
80 Gramos de Queso Crema Philadelphia
4 Huevos
2 Cucharadas Cafeteras de Royal
200 Gramos de Mantequilla
6 gotitas de esencia de vainilla
Se licua todo y se vaca a un molde previamente engrasado con la mantequilla, se l
e pone un papel de estraza encima y se vuelve a engrasar, encima del papel se va
ca la pasta y se mete al horno a 180 durante 20 Minutos aproximadamente.
Este pan puede ser consumido durante los Sabbats


tazas de zanahoria rallada

taza de azcar
taza de aceite
cucharada de vainilla
tazas de harina
cucharaditas de polvo para hornear
cucharadita de sal

Mezclar las 3 tazas de zanahoria rallada, con taza de azcar. El aceite, y la vain
illa. Cernir juntos aparte: las 3 tazas de harina con la sal, y el polvo para ho
rnear. Agregar los ingredientes secos a la mezcla de la zanahoria Verter en mold
e de chimenea o de molletes individuales previamente enmantecados. Cocinar en ho
rno a 350o.F. 175o.C. por unos 45 minutos aproximadamente.

Este pan puede ser consumido durante los Sabbats
2 tazas de leche
2 cucharadas de aceite o mantequilla
2 cucharaditas de sal
2 cucharadas de levadura
4 2/3 tazas de bellotas pulverizadas
1/3 de taza de miel
1/3 de taza de agua tibia
Las mejores bellotas para utilizar: castaas y bellotas blancas, cuando estn madura
s, para pulverizar las bellotas remueve las caparazones. Hierve las bellotas dur
ante dos horas mnimo, cambiando el agua cada vez que se vuelva de color caf. Despus
de hervir, las bellotas deberan tomar un color caf oscuro. Colcalas en el horno a
350 durante una hora. Crtalas finamente, luego mulelas. Scalas de nuevo en el horno
durante hora y psalas otra vez por el molino por lo menos dos veces.
Calienta la leche hasta que est casi hirviendo. Revuelve en aceite o mantequilla
la miel y el agua. Virtelo en un tazn grande hasta que est tibio. Mientras tanto di
suelve la levadura. Revuelve gradualmente con la bellota pulverizada, Cubre el t
azn con una toalla y djalo durante dos horas en un lugar clido. Amaza durante 10 mi
nutos. Enrolla en forma de pastel y colcalo en charolas engrasadas para pan. Djalo
cubierto por dos horas, cocina durante 45 minutos en un horno precalentado a 37
Como nuestra prxima festividad ser Ostara, preparemos juntos un riqusimo Pan de Ave
na y Bananas.
Los Ingredientes son:
2 tazas de harina de avena.
2 cucharaditas de levadura.
1 pocillo chico de leche
1/2 taza de nueces trozadas.
1/3 de taza de margarina.
2/3 de taza de azucar.
2 huevos frescos.
1 taza de pur de banana madura. (2 bananas grandes o 3 chicas)
1 cucharadita de sal.
Comencemos por untar un molde para budn ingls con manteca, luego de esto lo enhari
namos, para que nuestra preparacin no se pegue al molde en el momento de sarlo de
l horno.
En un jarrito ponemos a disolver las dos cucharaditas de levadura en la leche y
la dejamos a un costado para que se fermente.
En un bols, si es posible de vidrio (ya que siempre es ms higinico), disolvemos la
margarina, a la que le vamos a aadir el azucar. Mezclamos bien. Aadimos los huevo
s uno a uno mientras mezclamos la preparacin, batimos bien despues de aadir cada h
uevo. Una vez hecho esto, agregamos los ingredientes secos, osea la harina de av
ena y luego la levadura que ya debera haber fermentado, los mezclamos bien. Luego
le incorporamos a la preparacin el pur de banana y enseguida las nueces trozadas,
volvemos a mezclar y luego ponemos nuestro preparado en el molde de budn ingls.
Cocinamos nuestro pan de avena en horno fuerte durante una hora hasta que si le
clavamos un palillo de dientes salga seco. Luego de sacarlo del horno, lo dejamo

s enfriar antes de cortarlo para que est bien firme. Si lo deseamos, podemos espo
lvorear nuestro budn de Ostara con un poco de azcar impalpable.
Espero que les guste y puedan as incorporar algo nuevo para el festn sencillo de s
us rituales.
When the four winds blow north, south, east and west,
And your candles flicker in their torrent
Fear not, the wheel of the year coming round again,
Nor the darkness that begs you to lament.
Hearken to the evergreen,
And the berries O so red.
Remember your ancestors whove come before,
And blazed the journey in your stead.
East of the air,
pure in substance.
South of the Fire,
with qualities of energy
West of the Water,
presents qualities of emotion
North of the Earth
offers practicality and passion.

NewAge Wicca
by frogondavison, Aug 19, 2008, 1:36:47 PM
Literature / Poetry / Spiritual / Free Verse
My pentagram is not evil.
My ways are not a sin.
My god is not Satan,
And murder is not my thing.
I follow the old ways,
Because now I wont die.
I follow many Gods and Goddess alike,
And unlike in the past,
Your murders are not considered right.
No more can you burn us,
No more can you drown us,
No more can you murder us,
Now we will stand and fight.
Silence your mind
To your mind and body, be kind
Rain falling from your skies
Limbs swinging from your rhythmic cries
The chants
Push away all cants
Your arms spin
Ecstasy that cant be a sin
Your legs push you to Her
Soul giving way to Her beautiful lure
Hair snaps like a whip
This is all just a sip

Winds embrace
Water dripping from your face
Hands clap
You feel wings lift and flap
Your body, soul, and mind
Doubts and lies you cannot find
The Moon shines
Breathing Magik in the skies
You can feel Her
Your Mother
Falling to your knees you cry
As love from Her makes you fly
White candle
Incense (preferably lavender or jasmine or basil)
Sea salt
Bowlof water(you could use blessed water)

the salt in the north

incense in the east
candle in the south
bowl of water in the west

Light the candle and incense.

Then set up your circle.
Chant 3 times
"I call you elements of earth air fire and water
Spirit come down and protect me from all others
Keep me safe
In all ways
So mote it be"
Then shut down your circle.
----when day turns to night
and i am fourced to slumber
grant me sight beyond sight
to provide my question with an answer
just as instict prepares me
so will these visions act as my guide
allow me a glimse of what no mortal can see
I vow these visions i will abide
-----------Lunara s Herbal Protection Mixture!


tbs HimalaSalt (primordial Himalayan sea salt/purest salt on earth)

tbs Sea salt
tsp rubbed sage
tsp basil

3 tsp thyme
3 tsp dried lavender
3 tsp dried jasmine
You can burn this as incense or keep it in a mojo bag or medicine bag on your pe
rson to ward off bad spirits and negative energies! You can also sprinkle it in
your doorways and window ways to protect any bad energy from entering your home
or bury a pinch in the for corners around your home to cleanse/bless it!
Don t eat it. That much salt is bad for you. Lol.

Blessed Be
----------Spirit Guide Meditation
by IxHavexAxFork, Oct 30, 2011, 4:46:40 PM
Literature / Prose / Non-Fiction / General Non-Fiction / Introductions & Cha
Here is a meditation for finding your spirit guides!!
This first part is repeated for those
(((Ok so I talk alot about meditation
hold on cause this is going to become
on beginners!
First a little info about meditation.
ll an Alpha State.

that missed my first post about meditation

but I never made a journal about it. Well
my weekly meditation exorcise for meditati
When you meditate you go into what many ca

Alpha state: the state you reach as you meditate. You go into a higher plane of
consciousness. In this state it is easier to use your third eye/or second sigh
t. (more on that in another journal)
There are many different reasons to meditate, but the main one is it will help y
ou with energy work. Energy work means healing, spells, divination, pretty much
all works of Wicca can be helped and amplified by meditation!
Here are tips to help get better and make meditation easier for you. Designate a
quiet space for your meditations. Use a cushion you pick out just for meditatio
n to either sit or lay on. Each time you meditate light a specific incense that
calms you. Listen to instrumental or meditation music to help if it s just too q
uiet. ))))

Here is the first spirit guide meditation for anyone willing to try it! :)
First sit or lay in your meditation space. Get comfy and light some incense or l
isten to some nice meditation music that is calming and makes you feel good.
Then you may choose to cast a circle or not.
Now close your eyes and start taking slow deep breaths in through your nose and
slow breaths out through your mouth. Take some time to feel your muscles relaxin
g. Feel your heart beating in your own pure rhythm.
Then imagine yourself walking down a path. It could be a small dirt path that le
ads into a wide open meadow filled with sweet smelling wild flowers. The sun is

shining soft and bright filling you with warmth and light.
Start walking through the meadow. Let your fingertips trail touching the soft sw
eet grass and wild flowers.
Now see a forest off to the right. The forest is lush and green. Now you see an
animal sitting by the edge of forest waiting for you. This animal is your animal
spirit guide. It will guide and protect you. It now gets up and starts leading
you into the forest. There is a small winding path through the trees. You can he
re the birds chirping and singing in the trees. The sunlight dapples the ground.
Your animal spirit guide leads you deeper into the forest to a small pond in a
small clearing. There is a figure standing near the pond smiling at you. This is
one of your spirit guides( it could be an angel, or a fairy type spirit, or may
be a wood nymph, or perhaps a water nymph, or any spirit guide) and they are the
re to finally meet you!
You step infront of them beside the pond and ask their name. They answer you, no
w it may sound like a whisper or an echoing ringing sound along with there name
but you will understand it. Now that you know their name you can call on them fo
r help.
Now ask them if they have a message for you before you go.
It is probably something to help you on your path.
After you are done speaking with your spirit guide thank them and notice your an
imal spirit leading you back the way you came. Back to the meadow. Thank your an
imal spirit and go back to the dirt path.
You now feel more intune with your spirit guides and you can do more energy work
with them.
.Slowly as you return to consciousness feel yourself come back to your body. Slo
wly wiggle your fingers and toes and then stretch your arms and legs slowly and
open your eyes.
You have now finished your first spirit guide meditation! Tell me what you think
Hope you enjoyed this meditation!
Blessed be!
----------Witch s Guide: Spells

by RAveN-838, Feb 15, 2009, 3:42:36 PM

Literature / Prose / Non-Fiction / Philosophical
Witches out there! Yes, I am calling out to all white witches, new age practitio
ners, Wiccans, anyone who practices magic in the name of the light. I give you h
ere another part in this whole thing I have been going into on here: The Craft.
You can consider this more of a foreword than anything else, but it is rather ni
ce to ease people into this a little more than I did with my previous ones.
Witchcraft draws upon an ancient, all-encompassing energy that flows through the
universe. This energy is how a witch casts spells and controls certain aspects
of life. It is not just a gift to be able to do this, it is an inherent human ab
ility. In ancient times, magic and psychic energy was a normal thing, used as pa
rt of existence as we use today s technology. Now, magic singles you out, makes
you a freak. Now, this is a very basic understanding I have been given through s
eventeen years of practice, and yes, I have been using magic since before I can
remember until the day I die.

These are the subjects that are going to be covered throughout this. I ll show y
ou a basist design here, then go into more detail with the puieces to come.

Allies in the Magical World
Foes in the Magical World
My self-experiences
The Importance of Talismans
The Unecessary
Along with several others, plus any that I get on request.
I ask only that those who read this read it with an open mind, and those who use
any information given use so only in a pure and blessed way, not to cause harm
to any others or use this in any acts against the holiness of nature. That is no
t such a bad request, so please heed me and do as I ask. Merry part!
So, how many of you out there just have such a hard time wrapping your mind arou
nd spells? Fear not, that is why I am here! A spell is not in itself magical, bu
t is smiply a way to expulse your desires and make them heard, thus allowing act
ion to be taken. It s not as though someone will turn into a frog if you point a
t them and say "Jibbywidget!" Besides, why would you want to turn someone into a
A spell is just something you say. It doesn t have to rhyme (I ll get into rhyme
s in a second, don t worry!) it just has to say what it needs to say. Some of my
best spells were just something I said. Magic comes from the intent of the word
s, not the words themselves.
This whole thin is not to say that rhyming and meter are not important! Rhymes h
elp to lock a spell s intent onto a specific issue, and also help to bond the ma
gic where it is, so do use a rhyme if you are worried about the power of your ma
gic. Mind you, if you just know that it will work, it will, but I like rhymes to
o, so just do what you feel. A fixed meter will do the exact same thing. Now for
spell composition.
You have to be very clear with a spell. Saying that you want fire and then invok
ing the power of a fire spirit is not the wise thing to do. You could say that y
ou needed a spark to burn and to warm, but not to destroy. A spell needs just a
few basic things. You need to say what you want, assert yourelf to who or what y
ou are asking, seal the magic to [blank] area, and thank someone for their help.
Going back to the fire, let me demonstrate.

What you want: To

Assert yourself:
Then to seal it:
And thank it:

warm my body and keep me from harm

I call to this fire, so lean and so strong
Expand and help in my task, just for me
So I do offer thanks, so mote it be!

Now, what is so mote it be? It is just saying that it now is. You are not lettig
there be any room for doubt or a chance of it not happening, you are saying it
is done.
This, I realize, is not too big or anything, but it works for what I m trying to
cover right now! Merry part!

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