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Este fin de semana fue especial, con mi familia que haba planeado un viaje a Cartagena,
This weekend was special, with my family we had planned a trip to Cartagena,
This weken Wis espacho, wit mai femui we hai plen the Cartagena,
que finalmente se hizo realidad, lleg el sbado por la maana en la casa de un viejo amigo
which finally came true, arrived on Saturday morning at the home of an old friend
wich fainalei quin triuo, arrai dayn serure monein ed the haum a ve nou friend
de nuestra abuela, su nombre es Cici, ella recibi y nos dio el desayuno
Of our grandmother, her name is Cici, she greeted and given us the breakfast,
a var grandmother, her neimes cici, shi guired en jeven nest tu brafes,
inmediatamente tom una visita a los principales puntos de la ciudad amurallada, iniciado por el
immediately took a visit to the main points of the Walled City, started by the
emiryelei tok y viset shi de mein poins on the wor ciry, estared ba di
Castillo de San Felipe de Barajas, es un precioso lugar porque
Castillo de San Felipe de Barajas, is an absolutely beautiful place because it
Castillo de San Felipe de Barajas, is en e absoluli giriufot pleis picase
combina el estilo rstico de la colonizacin, con la novedad de la actual arquitectura,
combines the rustic of colonization, with the novelty of the architecture current,
quinbains di brasec of causnedeichon, wit the navoti at di arquictedchi curren,
al medioda nos dirigimos a la Torre del Reloj, tambin es una increble y mgico
least at noon we headed to the Clock Tower, it is also an amazing and magical
buis teat niun we jeret ti di clock tauwar, ires oseu enemisen en meyicol

a las 2 de la tarde nos fuimos a comer en el Hard Rock Cafe en Cartagena,
Place, at 2 in the afternoon we went to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe in Cartagena,
Pleis etui indi afternium wi wen tu eat ar rock caf in Cartagena,
aunque los precios son un poco altos, comimos una variedad de platos de la regin de la
although the prices are a bit high, we ate a variety of regional dishes from the
altout de prices area biti weate veriety of regional dises from te
Costa Caribe colombiana, tambin vimos algunos objetos icnicos de la msica del mundo,
Colombian Caribbean coast, also we saw some iconic objects of world music,
Colombian caribean coas, oso wi saa sam conic objets of uorlin music
Ms tarde fue al monumento de los zapatos viejos, la pasamos muy bien, porque se ren mucho
Later went to the monument of Old Shoes, had a good time because laugh a lot
Lieter wen to te monument of for soes, a ga good tain bicaus laugalot
Con el tamao de los zapatos, la travesa del da Sbado termin con un paseo a
With the size of those shoes, our crossing of the day Saturday ended with a walk to
Wit de say of de shus, arc rosin of de dei sarurei ende wet auwachiu
El mar en la playa de Boca Grande, no todos los miembros de la familia tuvo la oportunidad
The sea on the beach Boca Grande, there all family members had the opportunity
De si an de bich boca grande, de ar o femui members je di aporchunidy
jugar y correr alrededor de la arena y otra de golpear el mar para disfrutar del agua azul.
to play and run around the arena and other hitting the sea to enjoy the blue water.
To pley en reni raun di ruina, en dover jirin di si tiu enyoe di blu war

This weekend was special, with my family we had planned a trip to Cartagena, which finally came
true, arrived on Saturday morning at the home of an old friend of our grandmother, her name is Cici
, she greeted and given us the breakfast, immediately took a visit to the main points of the Walled
City , started by the Castillo de San Felipe de Barajas , is an absolutely beautiful place because it
combines the rustic of colonization, with the novelty of the architecture current , least at noon we
headed to the Clock Tower , it is also an amazing and magical place , at 2 in the afternoon we
went to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe in Cartagena, although the prices are a bit high , we ate a
variety of regional dishes from the Colombian Caribbean coast , also we saw some iconic objects
of world music , later went to the monument of Old Shoes , had a good time because laugh a lot
with the size of those shoes , our crossing of the day Saturday ended with a walk to the sea on the
beach Bocagrande, there all family members had the opportunity to play and run around the arena
and other hitting the sea to enjoy the blue water.
Leidy Vanessa Azuero Cortes

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