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Asesinato serial: El homicidio ilegal de dos o ms vctimas por el mismo individuo en eventos separados.

Uno de cada cinco homicidios seriales lo cometen mujeres. Las asesinas seriales son descritas como las "asesinas silenciosas" por que rara vez dejan cuerpos abandonados que alarman a la comunidad. Sus carreras homicidas duran el doble que las de los hombres: Ocho aos para las mujeres y cuatro para los hombres. Estos asesinatos generalmente se cometen en la privacidad de la casa o en ambientes profesionales como hospitales, casas de retiro y a veces no son considerados homicidios. Estadsticas para las "asesinas seriales": 95% Son blancas Edad media 30 aos 10% Desempleadas 10% Profesionistas 74% de las asesinas seriales estn motivadas por lo menos parcialmente por ganancias financieras. El hombre es generalmente el dominante del equipo y comete el homicidio en si, pero no siempre. Casi el 44% de las asesinas seriales cometieron sus crmenes como cmplices y muchas veces en compaa de un compaero masculino. Abraham Maslow: (1939) Estudios sobre el predominio sexual. Alto predominio, medio predominio, bajo predominio. Alto predomino: Mujeres promiscuas, sexualmente aventureras y desinhibidas. Medio predominio: Muy sexuales pero una pareja masculina al mismo tiempo. Bajo predominio: Una muy baja opinin del sexo y consideran que solo es para reproducirse. Sexo igual de intenso pero vara en frecuencia. Parejas del mismo predominio, hombre un poco ms sexual. Diferentes predominios se asustan.

A veces mujeres dependientes y hombres controladores y sdicos se juntan y la relacin se vuelve voltil.

A veces un elemento vital que le falta a una pareja dominante es complementada por la pareja dependiente. Gwendolyn Graham y Cathy Wood Wood was a recently divorced 450-pound supervisor in a nursing home when she entered into a lesbian relationship with Graham, a nurses aide. The dominant Graham told Wood that it would be a sexual thrill to murder six elderly patients in the home so that their last names would spell out the word murder. Their spelling game failed when some of the patients did not die as easily as the couple hoped. Nevertheless, using a wet washcloth to suffocate the patients, Graham killed five victims while Wood stood guard. After each murder, the couple immediately retired to a vacant room in the nursing home and had sex. Aileen Wuornos Wuornos was raped at age fourteen and gave birth to a son, who was given up for adoption. From age fifteen she led a life of prostitution and drug addiction and claimed she was raped five more times before age eighteen. Her victims were elderly male motorists. Either they mistook her for a woman needing assistance or a hitchhiker, or they picked up Wuornos for sex. Their bodies were found dumped in remote areas, often shot several times in the back and the head, and their pockets turned inside out or their clothes stolen in their entirety. Their vehicles were found elsewhere, with property removed from them. There was no evidence, however, of torture or mutilation of the victims. At her trial Wuornos claimed that she shot these victims in self-defense when they attempted to rape and assault her during her encounters with them. Indeed, it turned out that her first victim, Richard Mallory, had served ten years for a violent rape. The other five victims, however, had no records of sexual assaults.

BLACK WIDOWS Black widows are probably the most common type of female serial killer. These women focus on victims with whom they establish extensive relationshipstheir husbands, children, and lovers. Almost 85 percent of these types of serial killers use poison to murder their victims.128 Their motive is material gainthey acquire or inherit the property of their victims or collect on their insured lives. ANGELS OF DEATH Angels of death are women who kill victims in their care: nurses who kill babies, patients, or elderly victims, or childcare workers who murder children in their care. Their motives range from profit to the attention and praise they get when they revive a patient who suffers a medical emergency they secretly induce. Others derive a sense of power and thrill from taking life. Some are missionaries, believing that certain types of patients do not deserve to live, while others have a misguided sense of mercy, believing that they save their patients from unnecessary suffering by killing them. MUNCHAUSEN SYNDROME BY PROXY

No reconocido como sindrome oficial sin embargo es similar a la Simulacin con la excepcin de que se trata de causarle enfermedades o padecimientos a otros (Simulacin por poderes). Ejemplo: Marybeth Tinning in Schenectady, New York, was arrested after eight of her children died one-by-one between 1972 and 1985. The children all appeared to succumb to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and authorities at first did not suspect the apparently loving mother who grieved for her children. Marybeth responded to all these deaths with a round of dramatic funeral announcements and a gathering of all her friends and relatives. Both her birth and death announcements put her in the center of attention. One relative said, Every funeral was a party for her, with hardly a tear shed. Concerned relatives forced a careful autopsy when the eighth child in Marybeths care, her nine-month-old daughter, died of what appeared to be SIDS once again. The autopsy revealed that the child was in fact suffocated. Marybeth Tinning confessed to the murder of the infant and to the murders of two other children, but not the others. She also confessed that she was attempting to poison her husband.

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