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- INGLS Competencia: ______________________________________________________________________ Programa: _________________________________________________________________________ Proyecto___________________________________________________________________________ Instructor: Andrs Mauricio Clavijo Pea

Material De Comprensin De Lectura Para Ingles La prueba de ingls se encuentra organizada en los siguientes grupos de preguntas: Construccin de oraciones Interpretacin de grfica Comprensin de textos Construccin de prrafos Situaciones comunicativas

Construccin de Oraciones

En el enunciado de estas preguntas se plantea una situacin, a partir de las cuales debe escoger la opcin que mejor complemente el enunciado, teniendo en cuenta que la organizacin y coherencia sean correctas.

Construccin De Prrafos

En este tipo de preguntas se requiere manejar la creacin de oraciones para poder construir prrafos completos de manera correcta y coherente. Se pueden presentar un prrafo con espacios en blanco que deben ser completados con una de las opciones dadas en las posibles respuestas; o se presentan varias oraciones sin orden lgico que deben ordenarse para que el prrafo sea comprensible.

Interpretacin De Grficas

Este tipo de preguntas se basan en comprender e interpretar en ingles los grficos que nos presentan. Es necesario observar los detalles del grafico para encontrar la respuesta que ms se aproxime a lo expuesto por la imagen.

Situaciones Comunicativas

En el enunciado de estas preguntas el enunciado es un dilogo incompleto. Usted debe escoger la oracin que complete el dilogo de forma lgica y coherente.

Comprensin De Textos

Este tipo de preguntas se componen por la comprensin y el anlisis de los textos presentados, en el texto por lo general se presenta la respuesta de la pregunta. Claves Para Mejorar El Desempeo Identifique las palabras clave: busque palabras conocidas o similares a nuestro idioma y hgase una idea del texto o pregunta. Establezca el contexto: identifique sitios, personas y/o cosas involucradas en el texto o pregunta en la mayora de los casos las preguntas estn basadas sobre ellos. Identifique el tiempo gramatical, puesto que las preguntas y sus respuestas generalmente conservan la relacin del tiempo. Descarte las respuestas que no guarden relacin con las personas, cosas mencionadas o aquellas que guardan relacin con el tiempo gramatical. Observe las oraciones previas y siguientes cuando se presenten espacios para completar.

SENA C.T.A. A.E.M. - INGLS Competencia: ______________________________________________________________________ Programa: _________________________________________________________________________ Proyecto___________________________________________________________________________ Instructor: Andrs Mauricio Clavijo Pea Test 0

Nombre: _____________________________________________________ D. I. : ______________________ I. E. : ____________________________ Construccin de oraciones 1. A zoo guide is describing and comparing some animals for a tourist group. He is saying: A. A hippo is heavier and bigger than a panda bear. B. A hippo is more heavy and big than a panda bear. C. A hippo is he aviest and biggest than a panda bear. D. A hippo is more heavier and big than a panda bear. Lea las descripciones de la columna de la izquierda (2-7) y las palabras de la columna de la derecha (A-H). Cual palabra concuerda con la descripcin de cada frase de la izquierda (2-7)? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. You can choose what you want to eat from this. You usually put this inside an envelope before posting it. If you follow this, you won't be late for class. People buy this to learn what has happened in the world. The police may want to see this if they stop you in your car. You cannot travel on most buses without one of these. A. dictionary B. driving license C. letter D. menu E. newspaper F. street map G. ticket H. timetable

Construccin de prrafos

The happiest person in England today is a professional, married man __(8)__ lives in the southern part of the country. He owns a comfortable house and __(9)__ two cars. He has a steady job in an office in London. __(10)__ a hard day at work, he relaxes in front of the television and watches a video with his two children. 8. A. which B. whose C. where D. who 9. A. has B. having C. have D. had 10. A. Then B. Later C. After D. Next

11. Valerie is talking to her friend Bob about her uncle Alan 1. 2. 3. 4. He has been doing the same job for nearly 40 years, I was a girl. So he hasnt changed much. and he has been driving the same car since My uncles been living in the same house since the 50s.

A. 2,1,3,4 B. 4,3,1,2 C. 2,4,1,3 D. 4,1,3,2 Interpretacin De Grficas 12. Judy was in a department store. These are some of the objects that she bought: These objects are made of: A. Steel, leather, and wood. B. Steel, silk, and wood. C. Wood, leather, and silver. D. Steel, cotton, and leather. 13. Bob and Paula are canoeing. According to the picture, they are A. concerned. B. confused. C. bored. D. frightened. Situaciones comunicativas 14. Lucy is going to travel to Moscow. Now she is arranging her luggage. Lucy: Have you seen my passport? Mark: Your passport? ______________ I saw it in the drawer last night. Lucy: But its not there. Mark: Did you already look in your pocket diary? Lucy: (she takes her pocket diary out.) Lets see. Yes, its here! Thank you. A. Where on earth can it be? B. It can be on the night table. C. You are joking, arent you? D. Its time for you to go. Hurry up! 15. Your boss is very busy and you need to talk to him. You insist on talking to him without letting him know. The secretary might suggest: A. You shouldnt be kind. B. You shouldnt disturb him. C. You shouldnt be patient. D. You shouldnt have lunch with him.

16. Esta seal puede ser encontrada en: A. In a stadium B. In a winter sports camp

Please leave your skies out of the hall

C. On a street D. In a parking zone

17. Complete el dialogo. A. Good idea! B. This is fine C. Its the same D. Its too far

Shall we eat now?

Comprensin de textos The story of Santa Claus began with a kind bishop named Saint Nicholas. He lived during the fourth century in what is now Turkey. He often gave presents to children and poor people in secret. One day he heard about three young sisters. They were poor, lived alone, and had nothing to eat. So he climbed up on their roof, and dropped three bags of gold down their chimney. The legend of this good saint and his generosity grew. Now, children believe that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole with his wife and his reindeer. This friendly old man wears a red coat and black boots, and has a long white beard. Over the centuries he has come to be considered magical and a symbol of Christmas time. 18. According to the text, the underlined word "They" refers to A. Young sisters. B. Children C. Presents. D. Poor people 19. According to the reading, this is A. an account about stories of people at Christmas time. B. a summary of events about Santa Claus life. C. a tale about anecdotes of people at Christmas time. D. an abstract of Santa Claus and his friends lives. 20. A proper title for this reading would be: A. Santa Claus and Christmas beliefs. B. Christmas traditions and Santa Claus stories. C. Traditional stories at Christmas time. D. History of, and beliefs about Santa Claus.

SENA C.T.A. A.E.M. - INGLS Competencia: ______________________________________________________________________ Programa: _________________________________________________________________________ Proyecto: __________________________________________________________________________ Instructor: Andrs Mauricio Clavijo Pea Test 1

Nombre: _____________________________________________________ D. I. : ______________________ I. E. : ____________________________ Construccin de oraciones 1. Paul and Carol ran into each other in the park. While they are talking, Carol asks him where he is going this summer. Paul says: A. I am thinking to go to Germany. B. I am thinking of going to Germany. C. I am thinking to going to Germany. D. I am thinking of go to Germany. 2. Carol is doing research on the book Moby Dick. She asks her literature teacher about the author of this book. The teacher answers: A. Moby Dick was writing by Herman Melville. B. Moby Dick was write by Herman Melville. C. Moby Dick was wrote by Herman Melville. D. Moby Dick was written by Herman Melville. Lea las descripciones de la columna de la izquierda (3-8) y las palabras de la columna de la derecha (A-H). Cual palabra concuerda con la descripcin de cada frase de la izquierda (3-8)? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Most business people wear this at work. You need these if you do not see very well. Young people usually wear these informal trousers all the time. People that study in the same place usually wear this. People have this to tell the time. Women usually wear this, but men dont. A. glasses B. jacket C. jeans D. skirt E. sneakers F. suit G. uniform H. watch

Construccin de prrafos 1992 marked the 500th __(9)__ of Christopher Columbus discovery of the New World. Many people do not know that other explorers came to North America before Columbus. However, these __(10)__ explorations do nothing to diminish the fact that when Columbus landed in the Bahamas and __(11)__ to report his discoveries, he opened the North and South American continents to further exploration and eventual settlement.

9. A. centenary B. anniversary C. celebration D. birthday

10. A. following B. earlier C. previously D. later

11. A. arrived at B. came from C. moved out D. went back

12. Ruth is reading a manual of instructions for her new video camera and she finds this question: Ever notice that people sometimes look older in videos than they do in person? 1. 2. 3. 4. That is why its helpful to use a video light both day and night whether you are shooting inside or outside. That is because bright light from overhead bulbs or the sun can cast unattractive shadows down a persons face.

A. 1,2,3,4 B. 3,4,1,2 C. 1,4,3,2 D. 3,2,1,4 13. Mike is cooking dinner

He might be A. crying because he cut his finger. B. shouting because the food burnt. C. moaning because he burnt his finger. D. screaming because the dog bit his finger. 14. Ralph is at a restaurant and he has been waiting for a long time.

According to the picture, A. he seems to be anxious, and she is desperate.

B. he seems to be resigned, and she is cool. C. she is annoyed, and he seems to be serene. D. she is worried, and he seems to be upset. 15. Complete las conversaciones. How would you like your steak? A. Its nice. B. Not really. C. Well cooked. D. The cheap one 16. Is your mother at home? A. I dont know. B. Thats fine. C. Shes a nurse. D. She is busy 17. What do you think of modern art? A. Ive seen it. B. I would like to. C. I love it. D. I like the museum 18. Dnde puede ver estos avisos? A. in a shop B. in a library C. in a hotel D. in a mall


A. in a theater B. in an airport C. in a station D. in a stadium

Lea el texto y escoja la palabra adecuada

The bear can be a dangerous animal. The adult bear is very strong and it can kill a person. Bears are good at climbing trees and they can run very fast. But they cannot see well and, (20) ___________ most animals, they find food by using (21) ___________ noses. There are seven kinds of bear. The (22) ___________ is the white polar bear, which is almost three meters tall. There are two kinds of black bear. (23) ___________ lives in the forests of North America, and the other lives in South-East Asia. But not (24) ___________ black bears are black. They may be dark brown or a reddish brown. Everyone loves the black and white panda bear, which comes from China. Not many pandas live in the forest today because (25) ___________ is difficult to find food. 20. A like B from C for 23. A Both B One C He 21. A them B those C their 24. A every B all C each 22. A larger B largest C large 25. A there B anything C it


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