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# detrs de los siguientes ver os: - afford -forget -need -propose -would like - agree -help -offer -refuse -attempt -hope -plan -refuse -decide -intend -prepare -seem -expect -learn -pretend -want - fail -manage -promise - wish

#!u"ndo el ver o v" seguido de un o #eto $ver o+o #eto+in%initivo) advise forbid persuade want -allow -force -prefer - warn -ask -help -recommend would like -enable -invite -remind -encourage -order -teach -expect -permit -tell

#detrs de "d#etivos & "dver ios ( Its interesting to learn languages) #detrs de it is' ("s +"d#etivo + o%+ sust"ntivo')rono* re ( It was very kind of you to help the old lady) #detrs de "d#etivo+%or+o #eto (It was very difficult for us to find out the truth) #!on )rono* res interrog"tivos $ e+!e)to (,&) (I didnt know what to say) (Why do it now?)



# Detrs de los ver os *od"les # ver os .ue v"n seguidos de o #eto + in%initivo sin to: /ET 0A1E # 2E/3 )er*ite ir seguido de o #eto+in%initivo !on o sin to # os verbos de percepci!n SEE 2EAR FEE/ S0E// 4AT52 pueden ir seguidos de ob"eto # Infinitivo sin to o de ob"eto #ing



# Detrs de los siguientes ver os: $%&I'( $)*I%( +$,' -. /( +$,' 0'$,%( +*,0I%.1( %.,2( %I0 I3.( .,4*2 5$,+2( 5.. ( I3.( 5I,I0-( 6I). 7/( 6* *,( I&$6I,.( I,)* ).( I'0 W*1'3../( &I,%( ,..%( /1$+'I0.( 1.0.,'( 1.0I0'( 1I03( 0'*/( 0766.0'8 # detrs de un" )re)osi!i6n i8e8 I watched ') after doing the washing up8 # !o*o su#eto de un" or"!i6n i8e8 0moking is not healthy # )"r" e+)res"r )ro,i i!iones !ort"s i8e ,o smoking



# Se )ueden utili7"r indistint"*ente in%initivo o gerundio detrs de los siguientes ver os: $''.&/'(9.6I,( +*,'I,7.( %I0 I3.( -$'.( I,'.,%( I3.( *).( /1.5.1( 0'$1' : $un;ue detr<s de like( love ( hate y prefer se pueden usar ambas formas( en las formas con would like would prefer( would love se suele usar solo el infinitivo8 :cuando usamos prefer con dos acciones se usa la forma en ing para las dos y la segunda acci!n puede ir en infinitivo sin to o -ing precedida de rather tan8 i8e8 Id prefer staying at home rather than go= going out



;< FORGET + TO + INF= se refiere a acciones futuras i8e %ont forget to feed the cat

FORGET + GERUNDIO se refiere al pasado

i8e8 -as he forgotten saying that? >8 GO ON + TO + INF se refiere a un cambio de acci!n es decir pasar a hacer algo diferente i8e8 $fter cooking he went on to do the washing up

GO ON + GERUNDIO significa continuar

i8e8 6o on reading( please >< REGRET TO + INF se refiere al presente o al futuro i8e We regret to give you such bad news

REGRET + GERUNDIO se refiere al pasado

i8e8 0he doesnt regret lying to us ?< RE0E0-ER + to +INFINITIVO: se refiere a una acci!n en el futuro o una acci!n futura vista desde el pasado i8e8 9efore you go to bed( remember to switch off the ') i8e8 9efore she went to bed( she remembered to switch off the ')

RE0E0-ER + GERUNDIO : se refiere al pasado

i8e I remember telling him before @< sto) + in%initivo: ?de"ar de a hacer algo en movimiento para hacer una cosa distinta i8e8 We stopped the car to buy some maga@ines

STO3 + GERUNDIO : simplemente de"ar de hacer una acci!n

i8e she stopped crying A8 TR: + TO + INFINITIVOB intentar hacer algo con un esfuer@o i8e 'ry to push the door with both hands

TR: + GERUNDIO: ?experimentar( probar algo

i8e 'ry studying a little harder to pass your exam

E#er!i!ios a) I remembered (972) 888888888888 the stamp( but I forgot (/*0') 88888888888888888 the letter b) Im sorry8 I didnt mean (I,07 ') 88888888888888888888888888 you8 c) Im sorry I was naughty( mum8 Ill try (9.) 888888888888888888888good in the future8 d) 0he never allows her children (6* *7')88888888888888888888888 by themselves in the evenings8 e) ets stop (-$).)8888888888888888888888888888888 a breakC f) 6oing to the doctor means (W$I') 8888888888888888888888888 for hours8 g) -as it finally stopped (1$I,) 88888888888888888888888888 ? h) %o you remember (91.$3)88888888888888888888888888888 your arm when you were small? i) We dont allow (0I,6)88888888888888888888and (%$,+.)888888888888888888888888 in the pub8 I hope DDDDDDDD my studies this year (to finish) 0he promised DDDDDDDD to me during her trip (to write) &y boss postponed DDDDDDDD a decision about my promotion (to make) I learned DDDDDDDD .nglish at school (to speak) &y son detests DDDDDDDD his medicine (to take) I dislike DDDDDDDD up early( especially on &onday (to get) 'he police pretended DDDDDDDD the terrorist at the border (to arrest) 'he old couple swore DDDDDDDD a formal complaint against the hotel (to make) $fter my in"ury I missed DDDDDDDD tennis a lot (to play) 5orgive me for DDDDDDDD you but your boss wants to see you immediately (to interrupt) I imagine DDDDDDDD a sailing boat and travelling around the world (to have) 0he decided DDDDDDDD her holidays in Italy (to spend) When the teacher entered the classroom the students stopped DDDDDDDD a noise (to make) %riving so fast he risks DDDDDDDD an accident (to have) 'he company postponed DDDDDDDD its $merican franchise (to sell) &y sister agrees DDDDDDDD me money for my new house (to lend)

'he fire brigade decided DDDDDDDD the fire with two helicopters (to extinguish) I completely detest DDDDDDDD to the beach on 0undaysE they are totally crowded (to go) ast weekend I tried DDDDDDDD from &adrid to 0eville without stopping (to drive) 2ou must remember DDDDDDDD your mum before leaving (to call) .very morning my dad likes DDDDDDDD the newspaper during his breakfast (to read) I am afraid DDDDDDDD to the boatE it is too far for me (to swim) I will try DDDDDDDD the washing machine this afternoon (to repair) &y girlfriend dislikes DDDDDDDD the dishes (to wash) 'he thief admitted DDDDDDDD the bag (to steal) Solu!iones a) '* 972 = '* /*0' ( tareas del pasadoB to# infinitivo) b) '* I,07 ' (&eanB Ftener la intenci!n deFB to# infinitivo) c) '* 9. ('ryB Fhacer el esfuer@oFB to#infinitivo) d) '* 6* *7' ($llow seguido de personasB to # infinitivo) e) '* -$). (0topB Fparar para hacer algo m<sFB to#infinitivo) f) W$I'I,6 (&eanB FimplicarFB gerundio) g) 1$I,I,6 ( 0topB Fde"ar deFB gerundio) h) 91.$3I,6 (recordar algo del pasadoB gerundio) i) 0I,6I,6=%$,+I,6 (allow seguido de ninguna persona mencionadaB gerundi I hope to finish my studies this year 0he promised to write to me during her trip &y boss postponed making a decision about my promotion I learned to speak .nglish at school &y son detests taking his medicine I dislike getting up early( especially on &onday 'he police pretended to arrest the terrorist at the border

'he old couple swore to make a formal complaint against the hotel $fter my in"ury I missed playing tennis a lot 5orgive me for interrupting you but your boss wants to see you immediately I imagine having a sailing boat and travelling around the world 0he decided to spend her holidays in Italy When the teacher entered the classroom the students stopped making a noise %riving so fast he risks having an accident 'he company postponed selling its $merican franchise 'he fire brigade decided to extinguish the fire with two helicopters &y sister agrees to lend me money for my new house I completely detest going to the beach on 0undaysE they are totally crowded ast weekend I tried to drive from &adrid to 0eville without stopping 2ou must remember to call your mum before leaving .very morning my dad likes reading the newspaper during his breakfast I am afraid to swim to the boatE it is too far for me I will try to repair the washing machine this afternoon &y girlfriend dislikes washing the dishes 'he thief admitted stealing the bag

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