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Esos signos son importantes Lee y analiza estas dos pginas con cuidado, despus completa las reglas con las respuestas correctas y la aplicacin de stas en pequeas oraciones y textos.

Se usa ___________________________________ 1.- En la enumeracin. 1a) Para separar palabras. 1b).Para separar frases. 1c) Para separar oraciones cortas . 2.- Antes y despus de un vocativo (la palabra empleada para llamar a alguien). 3.- Antes y despus de palabras, frases u oraciones explicativas (que pueden omitirse sin alterar el sentido de la oracin). Se usan ____________________________________ 1.- Antes de una enumeracin. 2.- Antes de citar lo que ha dicho otra persona. 3.- Antes de introducir una demostracin. 4.- Despus de las formulas de cortesa o saludo con que iniciamos un documento (carta, discurso, oficio, etctera).

Se usa ________________________________

Para marcar una pausa mayor que la de la coma. Con este signo indicamos que la oracin ha terminado, pero continuaremos hablando del mismo tema. Los ____________________________________ Indican que la oracin debe llevar una entonacin especial, que exprese un estado de nimo afecto, sorpresa, extraeza, dolor, alegra, entusiasmo o fuego. Son dos deben colocarse uno al principio y otro, al final. _____________________________________ Indican que la oracin lleva una entonacin de preguntas, y se usan, al principio y al final de cada oracin interrogativa. Unos cuantos signos ms. El ______________________________ marca la pausa con que sealamos el final de una oracin o de una idea. El ______________________________ se utiliza para indicar que se ha terminado de expresar una idea, pero seguimos tratando el mismo asunto. El ____________________________ se utiliza para indicar que se va a tratar otro asunto. El ____________________________ se pone cuando terminamos de escribir un texto.

El ______________________________ seala la intervencin de cada uno de los personajes de un dilogo. Tambin se utiliza cuando el narrador interviene para dar alguna explicacin dentro del dilogo. El ______________________________ se utiliza para intercalar una observacin que explica o aclara el sentido de lo que se est diciendo. Se usa __________________________ para separar oraciones largas que se refieren al mismo asunto, sobre todo si contienen elementos separados por comas. Se usa _________________________ antes de las conjunciones adversativas (si, sino, sin embargo, no obstante, pero, mas, aunque.) cuando separan oraciones de alguna extensin; cuando la clusula es corta, basta con una coma. Recomendaciones No abusar de los parntesis y tratar de hacerlos cortos, de lo contrario, el escrito se vuelve confuso. Una puntacin pobre evita comprender la redaccin. Leer en voz alta ayuda a utilizar correctamente la puntacin. Resaltar que el punto y aparte es un descanso para el lector; permite respirar adems divide al texto en prrafos y esto ayuda al lector a organizar la informacin que va recibiendo. Escribe los signos de puntuacin que sean necesarios. a) Unos jugamos cartas otros maratn y otros futbol b) Arturo llev las cartas Juan los refrescos Luis las botanas y yo el mantel c) Al da de campo fuimos Luis Lupita Enrique Pedro y yo d) Juan llev las botanas Pedro los refrescos Luis las servilletas y las muchachas las tortas e) Llevamos tortas refrescos msica y balones f) Las partes del cuerpo humano son cabeza tronco y extremidades g) Entonces mi pap me dijo Ya vyanse a acostar para que se puedan levantar temprano h) Fuimos al viaje de prcticas bamos todos los del saln Viajamos en el autobs de la escuela Recorrimos cuatro ciudades diferentes i) Ud etc Srita Prof D F ej atte Ing j) Soy un hombre afortunado me gusta mi trabajo Todos los das preparo sabrosos desayunos exquisitas comidas y deliciosas cenas Escribe los signos de interrogacin (?) o de admiracin (!) en el lugar que les corresponde. Te gusta ir a la escuela Cllate Qu bonito Cuidado Dnde te duele Necesitas ayuda

MATEMTICAS LA INFORMACIN EN LOS PORCENTAJES. LIBRO SEP PGS. 39 Y 40.LIBRO INTEGRADO PGS. 122 Y 123. Calcula el porcentaje de cantidades mediante diversos procedimientos. 1) Calcula los porcentajes que se te indican. a) Cul es el 10% de 456? ____________________ b) Cul es el 20% de 500? ____________________ c) Cul es el 1% de 4500? ____________________ d) Cul es el 5% de 7000? ____________________ e) Cul es el 50% de 25000? __________________

2) Completa la siguiente tabla tomando en cuenta la informacin.

El 10% del precio de un artculo es igual a $52. Cul es el precio del producto? _________ Completa la tabla con los diferentes porcentajes de descuento para el mismo producto. Fraccin Descuento en Porcentaje equivalente al Descuento en $ forma decimal descuento 1% 5% 12% 15% 20% 25% 50% Precio del producto ya con el descuento

3) Encuentra el precio de cada producto realizando lo que se te indica.

$49 875 Ms el 10% 10 % = __________

$ 285 400 menos el 5% 5% = ____________

$ 954 menos el 20% 20% = ______________

Costo del piano ms el 10% _________

Costo del automvil menos el 5% __________

Costo del reloj de bolsillo menos el 20% __________

INTERPRETO LA INFORMACIN CONTENIDA EN TABLAS. LIBRO DE TEXTO SEP PGS 41 A 43. LIBRO INTEGRADO PGS. 124 A 127. Utiliza tablas para obtener informacin. 1) Observa la grfica y contesta.

a) Cuntos Kg pesaba Teresa a los 15 aos? ______________________________________ b) Quin pesaba ms a los 5 aos? _________________ Por cuntos Kg? _____________ c) A qu edades pesaban lo mismo? ____________________________________________ d) Cuntos Kg aument Teresa entre los 5 y los 10 aos? __________________________ e) Cuntos Kg aument Ral entre los 15 y los 20 aos? ___________________________

2) Observa la ilustracin de la derecha, completa la tabla e ilumina un ejemplo de cada una de las fracciones que aparecen. 4 cm Fraccin del cuadrado permetro rea cuadrado mayor A B C D 4 cm 2 cm .0625 cm


UNIDADES, MILES Y MILSIMOS. LIBRO DE TEXTO SEP PGS 49 Y 50. LIBRO INTEGRADO PGS. 128 Y 129. Utiliza el valor posicional de cifras. 1) Escribe en la tarjeta la cantidad que haga falta para que exprese el mismo nmero que las dems.


20 +

10 +____ + ____ + 0.


1 +____ + ____ + 0.


200 +

100 +____ + ____ + 0.

2) Encierra del mismo color las expresiones que representen el mismo nmero. 12.55 2 + 5/10 + 5/100 2.55 99.99 10 + 2 + 5/100 + 5/10 5 + 5 + .5 + 5/100 10 + .55

90 + 9 + .9 + .09

EN DNDE QUEDAN LAS FRACCIONES Y DECIMALES? LIBRO DE TEXTO SEP PGS 51 a 53. LIBRO INTEGRADO PGS. 130 Y 131. Representa fracciones comunes y decimales en la recta numrica. 1) Ubica en las rectas numricas los puntos que se indican en cada caso.

a) 0 Marca la posicin de 1



Marca la posicin de 0 y 1 c)



/4 Marca la posicin de 0, 1, 1 .50 y 2.5

LA DIVISIN SIRVE PARA REPARTIR. LIBRO DE TEXTO SEP PGS 54 A 56. ANTOLOGA DE MATEMTICAS PAGS. 24 A 26. Aplica las propiedades de la divisin. 1) Recuerda los nombres de cada una de las partes de la divisin y escrbelo donde corresponde.

2) Vamos a usar la calculadora para observar qu ocurre al variar cantidades al dividir. Teclea en tu calculadora lo siguiente y comenta qu pasa:
48 12 = 96 24 = 480 120 =

4800 1200 =

32 8 =

3200 800 =

Cul es el cociente que se obtiene en todas las divisiones? __________________ Cul es el residuo? ____________________________

Por qu pasa esto? ______________________________________________________ Qu pasa con el cociente de una divisin si el dividendo aumenta al doble y el divisor es el mismo? ________________________________________________________________ Qu pasa con el cociente de una divisin si el divisor aumenta al doble y el dividendo es el mismo? ________________________________________________________________ En este ejercicio aplicaste las ________________________________ de la divisin.

3) Encuentra los datos que faltan sin hacer cuentas escritas

dividendo 105 divisor 7 7 315 105 315 7 21 21 160 150 cociente dividendo 160 16 20 20 divisor 20 8 16 4 4 cociente

CON CUNTO CUBRO EL PRISMA Y LA PIRMIDE? LIBRO DE TEXTO SEP PGS 57 A 60. LIBRO INTEGRADO PGS. 134 Y 135. Calcula superficies laterales y totales de prismas y pirmides. 1) Calcula las reas que se te piden, todas las figuras tienen de fondo un centmetro. 5 cm 6 cm 5 cm 4 cm 4 cm 5 cm rea lateral= rea de las bases= rea total= rea lateral= rea de las bases= rea total= rea lateral= rea de las bases= rea total=

2) Resuelve el siguiente problema: Una caja de zapatos tiene las siguientes medidas

15 cm 20 cm

30 cm

Sin tomar en cuenta la tapa de la caja, contesta las siguientes preguntas. a) Cunto miden las caras laterales que se te sealan, escribe la medida donde se indica. b) Tomando en cuenta tus medidas anteriores, Cunto mide el rea lateral de la caja______ c) Cunto mide el rea de la base de la caja? __________________________________ CONSTRUYE PRISMAS Y PIRMIDES. LIBRO DE TEXTO SEP PGS 61 Y 62. LIBRO INTEGRADO PGS. 136 Y 137. Construye prismas y pirmides. 1) Escribe el nombre del prisma o pirmide que se forman al armar los siguientes patrones.

















2) Investiga los once patrones para formar un cubo y trzalos en tu cuaderno. CUNTOS CUBOS FORMAN EL PRISMA? LIBRO DE TEXTO SEP PGS 63 A 65. ANTOLOGA DE MATEMTICAS PGS. 78 Y 79. Calcula el volumen de prismas rectos construidos con cubos. 1) Resuelve los siguientes problemas. a) Cuntos prismas rectos puedes formar con los siguientes cubos sin que sobre ninguno y que su largo, ancho y alto no sea de uno?

Se pueden formar ______________

Cules seran las medidas de uno de los prismas que se pueden realizar? Largo ___________ ancho ___________ alto ___________

b) Rebeca construir un prisma rectangular con las siguientes medidas: de largo 6 centmetros cbicos de ancho 4 centmetros cbicos y de alto 3 centmetros cbicos. Cul sera el volumen del prisma al momento de terminarlo? _________________

c) David quiere hacer varias limonadas para sus amigos que lo fueron a visitar a su casa, quiere pones tres cubitos de hielo en cada vaso, Cuntas limonadas puede hacer? tomando en cuenta que en su refrigerador tiene slo una tira de cubitos de hielo como lo muestra la imagen.

Puede servir ___________ limonadas.

d) Observa cuidadosamente las siguientes figuras e indica cuantas unidades las forman.

Son _____________ balines

Las cuatro figuras estn compuestas por _____________ unidades cbicas.

Las dos figuras estn formadas por ______________ unidades cbicas.


ENGLISH Level 2 Students name _______________________________________Group______

VOCABULARY A. Complete the words. What pets are these?





3. i________________a 5. w_______________m

4. p______________t 6. s_____________l

B. Find 15 verbs in the word search puzzle. Then write them on the lines. 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 8. _______________________ 9. _______________________ 10. ______________________ 11. ______________________ 12_______________________ 13. ______________________ 14. ______________________ 15. ______________________ c l l p k j m n o w d c e w d f s y w d c h g b u h y g t u y a s e i o h b a v s g a e r i b y r l t m i e v t f x h w x f y s c i s t b u d c e h z j n s t h i p e k h n q l h d s i h h x x z r l m r r t r a q k o l a z w w z a a e v n m j j n p f t x e o w d r j e t a e i g c a r r y a q t u p d p f b d s f a j g w p s m g i o e q h l t d f t u b e o h n i k k r e g e y t u r n o n i x b v l m x w w n b f d s y n r u c v e o p z e z s k i s s h h t y p u e k a w s m x

C. Find the odd word out. 1. horse riding 2. play hopscotch 3. camping paragliding do martial arts collect stamps badminton have an ice-cream listen to music rock climbing go on the see-saw make models

D. Read and write the word on the line (use your Picture Dictionary pages 62-63). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A cats feet. These protect the skin of reptiles and fish. Birds have these all over their body. This swings at the back end of many animals. A bird's mouth. Many animals use these to fly. Animal hair. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

E. Look at each of the clocks below and write the correct time on the line provided.







LANGUAGE IN USE A. Circle the correct answer. 1. Do / Does Matt go to work by bus? 2. They dont / doesnt watch TV on Saturday morning. 3. She paint / paints pictures in the garden. 4. Henry and Mia works / work every day. 5. Lisa dont / doesnt like parties. 6. What kind of movies do / does you like? 7. I read / reads books in my free time. 8. You doesnt / dont live in the city.

B. Read and choose. Circle the correct answer. 1.- What time______________ up in the morning? a) get you b) you get 2.- I_______________ to school by train. a) goes b) go

c) do you get c) going

3.- She________________________ the bus to work. a) sometimes catches b) sometimes catch c) catches sometimes 4.- We _________________________ to the movie theatre on Saturdays. a) always go b) go always c) always goes 5.- What time does the film _________________? a) starts b) start c) started C. Look at the table and write sentences like in the example:

Example: Linda/football

Linda doesnt play football.

1. Sue/hockey ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Darren/football ________________________________________________________________________ 3.Sue and Mike/tennis ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Darren/basketball ______________________________________________________________________ 5. Linda and Darren/tennis _________________________________________________________________ 6. Mike/hockey __________________________________________________________________________ 7. Linda/basketball _______________________________________________________________________ D. Look at the table again and write questions and answers like in the example: Example: Sue and Linda/hockey Do Sue and Linda play hockey? Yes, they do. 1.Darren and Linda/football ____________________________________________? __________________ 2.Sue/basketball _____________________________________________________? __________________ 3.Darren/tennis ______________________________________________________? __________________ 4.Sue and Mike/football _______________________________________________? __________________ 5. Linda/tennis _______________________________________________________? __________________ E. Write the words in order to make correct sentences. 1.- after / football / plays / John / school / . / sometimes ____________________________________________________________________________ 2.- do /Do / homework / in front of / you / the TV /? /your /always _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.- on weekdays / ? / What / do / you / usually / get up / time _____________________________________________________________________________ 4.- never/ My parents / . / pizza / eat _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.- pop music / does / often / listen to / Susan / ? / How _____________________________________________________________________________

F. The table below shows how often the children play soccer. Study it, and then fill in the blanks with the correct frequency adverbs (always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, and never)

(O = playing soccer; X = not playing soccer) 1. Bill __________________________________plays soccer. 2. Ted __________________________________plays soccer. 3. Tim__________________________________ plays soccer. 4. Anna__________________________________ plays soccer. 5. Kevin__________________________________ plays soccer.

G. Write the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis. e.g. He always ____does____(do) his homework. 1. He ___________________ (watch) television every day at five oclock. 2. Cats ____________________ (not like) water. 3. The children ___________________ (eat) healthy food for lunch. 4. Susan and Karen ____________________ (not take) classes together. 5. The baby ____________________ (drink) milk every night before bed.

H. Make questions with the word groups, using (do) or (does). e.g. (Why/you/like/soda) Why do you like soda? 1. (Where/she/live) ___________________________________________________________________? 2. (When/you/go to/piano lessons) _______________________________________________________? 3. (What/he/eat/for/dinner) _____________________________________________________________? 4. (When/they/get back/home/from/vacation)______________________________________________? 5. (she/want/to/visit/her friends) _________________________________________________________?

READING COMPREHENSION A. Read the information about France and circle

T for true and F for false.


France is a large country in Europe. Its capital is Paris. France generally has cool winters and mild summers. The north has cool weather. In the south it gets very hot in the summer. Fruits such as oranges and lemons grow in the south. There are mountains in parts of France. The highest mountain is Mont Blanc in the French Alps. It rises to 4,807m. Mount Blanc is also the highest peak in Europe. France is famous for cheese (Camembert, Brie, and Roquefort) wine, perfumes (Chanel, Dior, Givenchy) and cars (Renault, Citroen, Peugeot). It is also famous for the Tour de France and the Tour Eiffel. 1. T / F London is the capital of France. 2. T / F The south is hot in the summer. 3. T / F Mont Blanc is 4,807 m high. 5. T / F Fruits such as apples and bananas grow in the south. B. Read the following paragraph about Susans hobbies and interests. Then, answer the questions. Susan has a lot of hobbies and interests. She usually gets up early so she can go jogging before work. She doesnt often have time to ski, but she occasionally goes on Saturdays during the winter. Mary often rides a horse near her home. She sometimes goes after work, but she usually goes horse riding on Sundays. She loves music. She always goes to choir practice on Wednesday evenings and sings in church on Sundays. She doesnt have much money, so she rarely goes to concerts in the city. She never watches TV because she likes to play hopscotch at the park. She usually goes to the sports centre if its raining outside. She likes to do fencing and have picnics with her friends. She also collects stamps and famous pop stars autographs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What does she do before going to work? ________________________________________ What does she do on Saturdays during the winter? ________________________________ What does she sometimes do on Sundays? ______________________________________ Does Susan like to sing? _____________________________________________________ What does she like to play at the park? _________________________________________ Where does she go if its raining? ______________________________________________ What does she like to do with her friends? _______________________________________ What does she collect? ______________________________________________________

C. Read the following paragraph about Lin Lin. Then, answer the questions. Lin Lin from China Lots and lots of people live in China....more than one billion! People who live in China are called Chinese. In China there is a very long wall. It is the biggest and longest wall in the whole world....more than three thousand kilometres long! It is called The Great Wall of China. Lin Lin comes from China. Lin Lins mother and father took her to see The Great Wall of China. They walked along the top of it for a little way. Questions. 1. What are people who live in China called? _____________________________________________ 2. In China there is a very long _________________________________________________________ 3. The wall is the longest in the whole ___________________________________________________ 4. It is called The Great Wall of _________________________________________________________ 5. Lin Lin saw the Wall with her mother and ______________________________________________

6th Grade, Level 3


I. Look at the pictures and write their names on the lines. Use the words from the box.
tired sell suddenly charity break net

1. ________________

2. _________________

3. _________________

4. _________________

5. ____________________

6. __________________

II. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box
organized motor creak concert loudly band

1. Did you have a good time at the _____________________? 2. What is the name of this __________________? Ive never heard of them. 3. Did you put a new ______________________ on your boat? 4. He was playing his guitar so ________________________ that it gave me a headache. 5. We have to fix that door, I cant stand that____________ every time we open it. 6. Last year I __________________________ a charity concert.

III. Choose the correct answer Broke hearing aid

band bright annoying

date autograph mobile phone

fell off


1. My mother cant hear anymore, the doctor gave her a_______ _________ 2. I saw One direction Disney, they gave me their___________ 3. kids, dont forget to write todays_________ 4. We need to________ our classroom for Christmas 5. My favourite _________will be in town, Ill go see them. 6. I ______ my glasses, now I cant see 7. Look, my new _______ ________ is an iphone 8. That girl ________ ________ the horse and broke her arm 9. Stop __________me, or Ill tell the teacher 10. Wow! That diamond is _________

GRAMMAR. I. Complete the table with the correct form of the verbs. INFINITIVE SIMPLE PAST PAST PARTICIPLE write fall show eat drive feel do go play read ride break book organize think know

II. Read the sentences and circle the correct word. 1. He havent/hasnt had lunch yet. 2. They have just buy/bought a new house. 3. She smiled suddenly / as she closed the door. 4. We have ever/never been to Europe. 5. I have/havent read that book yet.

I. Complete these sentences with the correct word from the box.
Carefully fast good loudly beautiful well excited happily

1.- She is a _____________________________ student. 2.- Tom did _____________________________ in his exam. 3.- Jane always drives _____________________________. 4.- This is a _______________________________ picture! I really like it. 5.- Janet smiled ______________________________ at me! 6.- Charles is really _______________________________ about his new job. 7.- The horse is galloping really ________________________________. 8.- Listen! I can hear a guitar playing __________________________________.

II. Read the sentences and circle the correct option. 1.- ______________ I heard a noise in the kitchen. a) Suddenly b) Quickly c) As d) Then

2.- Mary had dinner _______________ went to bed. a) suddenly b) as soon as c) then d) but

3.- Jerry was worried ______________ the baby was sick. a) as soon as b) because c) as d) really

4.- He waved happily to me _______________ she opened the door. a) as b) then c)as soon as d) but

5.- I told my husband the good news ________________ I saw him. a) as soon as b) because c) then d) as

III. Fill in the sentences with the correct form of have/has and the correct form of the verb 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I_____ ___________(answer) the question. She _____ __________ (open) the window. They_______ __________(call) us. You _______ _________ (carry) a box. It______ _________(rain) a lot. We _____ _________(wash) the car. He_____ ________(close) the window. Jenny ______ ________ (lock) the house

IV. Match with the correct answer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I _____ ___ ______ today. (negative) We _____ _______ a new lamp We ______ ___ ______ our holiday yet. (negative) She______ ___ ______ him in a long time (negative) ______ he ______ to his boss? have/bought has/spoke have not worked have not planned Has not seen

READING I. Read the text and answer the questions. Val has organized a pajama party, she has invited three friends to stay over at her house and has decorated her room with balloons on the walls. She has borrowed some sleeping bags from her cousins and has prepared some snacks. Her mother has prepared hot chocolate for the girls to drink and her friend Mary has brought a cake. The girls have all brought games to play. They are having such a good time. 1. - What has Val organized? ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. - How many friends has she invited? ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. - What has she used to decorate the walls? ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. - What did she borrow? ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. - Who did she borrow it from? ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. - What has she prepared? ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. - What has her mother prepared? ________________________________________________________________________________ 8. - Who has brought a cake? ________________________________________________________________________________ 9. - What have all the girls brought? What for? ________________________________________________________________________________ 10. - Are they having a good time?

II. Read the story and answer true or false Fish and chips

"Fish and chips" is deep-fried fish in batter with deep-fried potatoes, and a popular take-away food. Fish and chips is originally from the United Kingdom, but also very popular in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and some coastal towns of the Netherlands and Norway; and also increasingly so in the United States and elsewhere. For decades it was the dominant (if not the only) take-away food in the United Kingdom. The fried potatoes are called chips in British and international usage; and while American English calls them French fries, the combination is still called "fish and chips". (Potato chips, an American innovation, are a different potato-derived food, and are known as crisps in the United Kingdom.) Fish and chips have separately been eaten for many years though the potato was not introduced to Europe until the 17th century. The originally Sephardi dish Pescado frito, or deep-fried fish, came to Netherlands and England with the Spanish and Portuguese Jews in the 17th and 18th centuries. The dish became popular in more wide spread circles in London and the south-east in the middle of the 19th century (Charles Dickens mentions a "fried fish warehouse" in Oliver Twist) whilst in the north of England a trade in deep-fried "chipped" potatoes developed. It is unclear when and where these two trades were merged to become the fish and chip shop industry we know today. The first combined fish and chip shop was probably the one opened in London by Joseph Malin in 1860. DuringWorldWar II, fish and chips were one of the few foods that were not rationed in the UK.

1. Fish and chips are popular only in England.

____True. ____False. ____We don't know. ____True. ____False. ____We don't know.

2. Americans call "French fries" what British call "chips". 3. Americans call "chips" what British call "crisps".

____True. ____False. ____We don't know. ____True. ____False. ____We don't know.

4. The potato was introduced to Europe in the 18th century. 5. The dish became popular in the 19th century.

____True. ____False. ____We don't know. ____True. ____False. ____We don't

6. The first fish and chip shop was opened in the 19th century. know. 7. Fish and chips were not eaten during World War II.

____True. ____False. ____We don't know.

HISTORY OF THE FIFA WORLD CUP The History of the FIFA World Cup started in 1928, when FIFA president Jules Rimet decided to stage an international football tournament. The first competition, in 1930, consisted of just the final tournament of 13 invited teams. The competition has subsequently expanded to a 2 year qualifying process involving almost 200 teams from all over the world. The first international football match was played in 1872 between England and Scotland, although at this stage the sport was rarely played outside Great Britain. An expansion in international football led to FIFA being formed in May 1904, comprised of football associations from seven continental European countries.

As football began to increase in popularity, it was held as a demonstration sport (with no medals awarded) at the 1900, 1904 and 1906 Summer Olympics before football became an official competition at the 1908 Summer Olympics. Organised by England's Football Association, the event was for amateur players only and was regarded suspiciously as a show rather than a competition. The England national amateur football team won the event in both 1908 and 1912. With the Olympic event continuing to be contested only between amateur teams, Sir Thomas Lipton organised the Sir Thomas Lipton Trophy tournament in Turin in 1909. The competition is often described as The First World Cup, and featured the most prestigious professional club sides from Italy, Germany and Switzerland. The first tournament was won by West Auckland, an amateur side from north-east England that was invited after the Football Association refused to be associated with the competition. West Auckland returned in 1911 to successfully defend their title, and were given the trophy to keep forever, as per the rules of the competition. In 1914, FIFA agreed to recognise the Olympic tournament as a "world football championship for amateurs", and took responsibility for organising the event. This led the way for the world's first intercontinental football competition, at the 1924 Summer Olympics. Uruguay won the tournament, before winning the gold medal again in 1928, with another South American team, Argentina, taking silver. In 1928 FIFA made the decision to stage their own international tournament. With Uruguay now two-time official football world champions and due to celebrate their centenary of independence in 1930, FIFA named Uruguay as the host country. The 1932 Summer Olympics, held in Los Angeles, did not plan to include football as part of the programme due to the low popularity of football in the United States. FIFA and the IOC also disagreed over the status of amateur players, and so football was dropped from the Games. FIFA president Jules Rimet thus set about organising the inaugural World Cup tournament to be held in Uruguay in 1930. The national associations of selected nations were invited to send a team, but the choice of Uruguay as a venue for the competition meant a long and costly trip across the Atlantic Ocean for European sides. Indeed, no European country pledged to send a team until two months before the start of the competition. Rimet eventually persuaded teams from Belgium, France, Romania, and Yugoslavia to make the trip. In total 13 nations took part seven from South America, four from Europe and two from North America. The first two World Cup matches took place simultaneously, and were won by France and the USA, who beat Mexico 4-1 and Belgium 3-0, respectively. The first goal in World Cup history was scored by Lucien Laurent of France. Four days later, the first World Cup hat-trick was achieved by Bert Patenaude of the USA in the Americans' 3-0 win against Paraguay. In the final, Uruguay defeated Argentina 4-2 in front of a crowd of 93,000 people in Montevideo, and became the first nation to win a World Cup. 1. The first international football match was played in 1872. 2. FIFA was created in 1904. ____True. ____False. ____We don't know.

____True. ____False. ____We don't know. ____True. ____False. ___We don't know. ___True. ___False. ____We don't know.

3. The first FIFA World Cup was played in Uruguay. 4. Uruguay was the first nation to win the World Cup.

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