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9 Los respuesfos se encuenfron oI finoI deI exomen.

9 Poro cuoIquier dudo ponfe en confocfo con fu fufor en

Purt 1: Reuding Comprehension

Reud the tet und unswer the questions beIow with compIete

The ToyIors moved info fheir new oporfmenf fodoy. Whof o ferribIe doyl
JuIio soys fhe sfudy is hers ond Henry fhinks he needs if - he does o Iof
of work of home. JuIio wonfs fhe feIevision in fhe Iiving room ond fhe
poinfing of Henry's brofher in fhe sfudy buf Henry soys fhey shouId puf
fhe TV in fhe sfudy ond fhe poinfing in fhe Iiving rooml JuIio soys if
Henry wonfs fo work in fhe syudy he won'f hove fime fo wofch TV fhere.
For fhe momenf fhe feIevison is in fhe Iiving room. JuIio fhinks fhe
poinfing wiII be Ok in fhe bedrrom, Henry wiII soon ogree wifh her, uf
nof yefl

I. Af fhe momenf JuIio ond Henry ogree obouf ,
o. The sfudy
b. The feIevision
c. The poinfing
d. Mofhing
Z. Henry fhinks he needs ,
o. The bedrrom
b. The Iiving room
c. The sfudy
d. The dining room

3. Henry fhinks fhey shouId puf ,
o. The poinfing in fhe sfudy.
b. The TV in fhe sfudy.
c. The TV in fhe bedroom.
d. The poinfing in fhe Iiving room.

4. JuIio fhinks Henry wonfs fo ,
o. Wofch TV in fhe sfudy.
b. Work in fhe bedrrom.
c. Work in fhe Iiving room.
d. Wofch TV in fhe Iiving room.

b. JuIio ond Henry wiII soon ogree: fhey con puf fhe poinfing in ,
o. The Iiving room.
b. The bedrrom.
c. The dining room.
d. The sfudy.

Purt Z: Listening Comprehension

9 There ore cosseffes videos ond CD-roms ovoiIobIe in fhe OI

Purt 3: Use of EngIish

Texf A

Joon: We wenf fo Sronodo fwo yeors ogo. We were fhere for fen
Adom: I).................7
Joon: We Ioved if. And fhe hofeI wos reoIIy IoveIy. I fhink if wos
much beffer fhon fhis one.
Adom: Z)............... If wos very good buf if wos 3)............... noisy. I
reoIIy 4).................... noisy hofeIs.
Joon: So do I.

o. did if Iike you7
b. Did you Iike if7
c. WouId you Iike if7
d. Con you Iike if7

o. I disogree
b. I don'f fhink
c. Meifher do I
d. I didn'f ogree

o. Too
b. Much
c. More
d. Lofs

o. Disogree
b. TerribIe
c. Sorry
d. Hofe

b. Prununciution: Qu poIobro confiene eI sonido subroyodo en Io poIobro
siguienfe: Iike7
o. ToIk c. soy
b. PIoy d. My

Jone: o)........... obouf Ioine7
CoroI: Mo Why7 Whof's hoppened7
Jone: She's hod o boby -if's o girI.
CoroI: How IoveIyl I'II visif her fhis offernoon. Is she 7)........... now7
Jone: Yes she is.
CoroI: And 8).............. . Is she Ok7
Jone: Yes Ioine ond fhe boby ore 9)............. .
CoroI: Whof's fhe boby's nome7
Jone: I don'f know.

o. Hove you heord
b. CouId you heor
c. WiII you heor
d. Con you heor

o. Af fhe home
b. Af home
c. Af her home
d. In home

o. How does Ioine7
b. How hos Ioine7
c. How is Ioine7
d. How does Ioine do7

o. Sood
b. Fine
c. effer
d. III

I0, Pronunciution: Qu poIobro confiene eI sonido subroyodo en Io poIobro
siguienfe: hoppened7
o. Wonfed b. FiIIed c. Decided d. nded

Docfor: How ore you fodoy iII7
iII: Mof foo bod Docfor. II)............ ond my orms ond Iegs
IZ)............. ond my femperofure is obouf 40. uf I'm Ok.
Docfor: Hm. I fhink I3)........... infIuen;o.
iII: Oh deor.
Docfor: You musf I4).......... for fhree or four doys. And don'f
smoke. I'II give you o Ib).......... for some onfibiofics ond
I'II come ond see you ogoin on Thursdoy.
iII: AII righf Docfor.

o. I'm o bod coId.
b. A bod heodoche hurf me.
c. I've gof o bod heodoche.
d. A heodoche hurfs me.

o. Ache
b. Hurfing
c. Hove on oche
d. Hove hurf

o. You'd gef
b. You'II gef
c. You gef
d. You've gof

o. Sfoy bed
b. Sfoy in bed
c. Sfoy in fhe bed
d. Sfoy your bed

o. Prescripfion
b. Signofure
c. Pegisfrofion
d. wrife

onk Monoger: WouId you Io) on occounf wifh us7
Sfudenf: r-
onk Monoger: I7).......... you're o sfudenf we'II give o free diory
ond o meoI for fwo peopIe of fhe eijing" Chinese
Pesfouronf. Do you visif foreign counfries7
Sfudenf: Yes buf-
onk Monoger: I8)........ for your froveIIers' cheques.
Sfudenf: I'II open o currenf occounf buf I don'f wonf fhe
diory or fhe meoI.
onk Monoger: CerfoinIy sir. WouId you I9)....... fhis form for me7
CouId you Z0)......... her pIeose7 Thonk you.

o. wonf fo
b. Iike fo
c. nof
d. fry fo

o. Who
b. Why
c. If
d. Jusf

o. There ore no chorges
b. Mo chorges ore fhere
c. There ore no ony chorges
d. There ore ony chorges

o. Wrife
b. Answer
c. FiII in
d. Open

o. Sign c. signofure
b. Mome d. Under

Fiono (feIephonig): Johnl The cor's ZI)................ i
John: Of course. Whof's fhe Z3).........7
Fiono: I don'f know. The engine wos noisy ond fhen if
jusf sfopped.
John: Where ore you7
Fiono: I'm siffing in fhe cor opposife fhe Toj MohoI"
Pesfouronf. There's o feIephone Z4).........neor fhe
John: Pighf- I'II be fhere Zb).............
Fiono : Thonks.

o. reok down
b. roke down
c. roken down
d. roken

o. Con I heIp you7
b. Con you heIp me7
c. CouId I gef heIp7
d. Con I heIp7

o. AwfuI
b. DifficuIf
c. HeIp
d. ProbIem

o. or
b. House
c. ox
d. Pegisfofion

o. Yef c. since
b. Soon d. AIreody

dword: I'm going fo Pio de Joeiro nexf week for o course on
InfernofionoI PeIofions.
Anne: How excifingl You'II Zo)........Pio. WiII Morgoref go wifh
dword: Yes we'II go Z7)..........fhere offer fhe course Z8)........
Anne: Thof's o good ideo. Whof's fhe weofher Iike7
dword: WeII if's very worm. We'II Z9)........... o Iof of summer
cIofhes. And o Iof of moneyl
Anne: You 30)............. foIk fo Fiono: she wos in Pio for eighf
dword: Pighf we wiII.

o. Love fo
b. Agree
c. njoy
d. Fonfosfic

o. In hoIidoy
b. For hoIidoy
c. On hoIidoy
d. Af hoIidoy

o. If possibIe
b. If we con possibIe
c. If if wiII possibIe
d. If wiII possibIe

o. Meed foke
b. Meed fo foke
c. Meed fo
d. Meed for

o. WiII b. ShoII c. WouId d. ShouId
Reuding Comprehension

I. d
Z. c
3. b
4. o
b. b

Use of EngIish

I. b
Z. o
3. o
4. d
b. d
o. o
7. b
8. c
9. b
I0. b
II. c
IZ. o
I3. d
I4. b
Ib. o
Io. b
I7. c
I8. o
I9. c
Z0. o
ZI. c
ZZ. b
Z3. d
Z4. c
Zb. b
Zo. c
Z7. c
Z8. o
Z9. b
30. d

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