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En vista de las consideraciones expuestas, es increble que cientficos lderes, incluyendo algunos oradores de reconocida trayectoria cientfica, insistan

dogmticamente en que la teora de la evolucin de la molcula al hombre se ensee con exclusin de todo otro postulado. La evolucin en este amplio sentido no est demostrada y no se puede demostrar, y, por lo tanto, no puede ser considerada como un hecho. No est sujeta a prueba por los mtodos normales de la ciencia experimental: Observacin y falsacin. As, en el sentido estricto, no puede ser ni siquiera calificada de teora cientfica. Es un postulado, y puede servir de modelo con el cual se puede intentar explicar y correlacionar los datos que tenemos en el registro fsil, y hacer predicciones respecto a la naturaleza de descubrimientos futuros. La creacin, desde luego, no est probada, y no se puede probar por los mtodos de la ciencia experimental. Segn el criterio expresado anteriormente, tampoco la podemos calificar de teora cientfica, ya que la creacin habra sido inobservable y, como teora, sera no-falsable. La creacin es, por tanto, como la evolucin, un postulado que puede servir como modelo para explicar y correlacionar la evidencia relacionada con los orgenes. La creacin no es, en este punto, ni ms religiosa ni menos cientfica que la evolucin. De hecho, a muchos cientficos bien informados les parece que la creacin es muy superior al modelo evolucionista como explicacin de los orgenes. un poquito extensa pero vale la pena

Moderator: Good Evening Everybody! Today as other days, we are going to talk an interesting topic such as The descent of humans. You know that It is a controversial topic and for this reason is necessary open your mind and I clarified that this could be against your beliefs but we respect it and you'll draw your own conclusions at the end .. So to the point, we have two Guest, they are defending their positions about it in some minutes later. Celia Palacios, she thinks that God exists thats why defends the Divine origin otherwise Jorge Ruiz is a person who is on the side of science! You know the rules, and we'll begin ... which do you think is the origin of the humans? Ms. Celia you have the Celia: Good Evening! Well bajo el conocimiento de la estructura humana con todos los sistemas y cmo funciona, tiene que ser obra de un espritu sobrehumano para haber logrado la perfeccin en su funcionamiento, en proceso para cumplir el ciclo vital. Basndome en las sagradas escrituras, especficamente en el gnesis que precisamente se refiere a cmo Dios creo al hombre y a la mujer de una costilla de l. Todos sabemos que

Moderator: Good Evening Everybody! Today as other days, we are going to talk an interesting topic such as The descent of humans. You know that It is a controversial topic and for this reason is necessary open your mind and I clarified that this could be against your beliefs but we respect it and you'll draw your own conclusions at the end .. So to the point, we have two Guest, they are defending their positions about it in some minutes later. Celia Palacios, she thinks that God exists thats why defends the Divine origin otherwise Jorge Ruiz is a person who is on the side of science! You know the rules, and we'll begin ... which do you think is the origin of the humans? Ms. Celia you have the Celia: Good Evening Everyone! Well I Know that God exists. We know that Humans have a perfect system which work excellent, and obviously it was a work of someone who has the power to create awesome things like the process of our life cycle. In the Sacred Scriptures, the Bible, specifically in Genesis that refers how God created man and woman, all us know that, it was a rib from him! Jorge: Good Evening! Mss. Celia Do you know God? Have you ever talked to God? We know that generations Science, given its emphasis on rationality and objectivity provides the best way to get to the truth. And here we offer a postulate, which is the most accepted until today, considering the biological evolution of species. In this theory denies the presence of supernatural beings, apply scientific methods and bases its explanation in the presence of fossils whose data comes from 160 000 years ago, but now it would be altered by the recent discovery of human remains and especially a molar tooth 400,000 years ago could belong to homo sapiens first in history and even change the origin of human beings, who considered Africa to Israel. Celia: At Genesis 1,22 said God created man from his image, Also we have the many cases around the world about appear

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