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Director General Mtro. Jorge Luis Ibarra Mendvil Director Acadmico Lic. Jorge Alberto Ponce Salazar Director de Administracin y Finanzas Lic. Oscar Rascn Acua Director de Planeacin Dr. Jorge ngel Gastlum Islas

Lengua Adicional al Espaol 2 Mdulo de Aprendizaje. Copyright , 2009 por Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora todos los derechos reservados. Primera edicin 2009. Impreso en Mxico. DIRECCIN ACADMICA Departamento de Desarrollo Curricular Blvd. Agustn de Vildsola, Sector Sur Hermosillo, Sonora. Mxico. C.P. 83280 Registro ISBN, en trmite.

COMISIN ELABORADORA: EQUIPO TCNICO Coordinacin general: Luz Mara Grijalva Daz Elaboradores disciplinares: Alma Lorenia Valenzuela Chvez Matemticas II Nydia Gabriela Estrella Qumica II Prspero Mendoza Yocupicio Historia de Mxico II Diego Navarro Gil Taller de Lectura y Redaccin II Mara del Socorro Salas Meneses tica y Valores II Mara Enedina Duarte Camacho Informtica II Moiss Galaz Duarte Lengua Adicional al Espaol II Sonia Mara Valle Ross Orientacin Educativa II

Revisin Disciplinaria: Edna Elinora Soto Gracia Correccin de Estilo: Edna Elinora Soto Gracia Supervisin Acadmica: Nancy Vianey Morales Luna Diseo: Mara Jess Jimnez Duarte Grupo Editorial: Ana Isabel Ramrez Vsquez Bernardino Huerta Valdez Francisco Peralta Varela Joaqun Rivas Samaniego Coordinacin Tcnica: Claudia Lugo Peuuri Coordinacin General: Lic. Jorge Alberto Ponce Salazar

Esta publicacin se termin de imprimir durante el mes de diciembre de 2009. Diseada en Direccin Acadmica del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora Blvd. Agustn de Vildsola; Sector Sur. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico La edicin consta de 11,524 ejemplares.



Nombre: _______________________________________________________________ Plantel: __________________________________________________________________ Grupo: _________________ Turno: _____________ Telfono:___________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________________ Domicilio: ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Ubicacin Curricular


























Presentacin .........................................................................................................................................................6

BLOCK 1: Compares people, objects and places ................................................................................7 DIDACTIC SEQUENCE 1. My city is more beautiful than...............................................................................10 DIDACTIC SEQUENCE 2. Characteristics and comparison ..............................................................................18 DIDACTIC SEQUENCE 3. the / most / est what is it?.........................................................................................26

BLOCK 2: Moments from the past.......................................................................................................37 DIDACTIC SEQUENCE 1. We did a lot things in our vacation period ...............................................................38 DIDACTIC SEQUENCE 2. Hermosillo was also a beautiful city .........................................................................44

BLOCK 3: I understand instructions and regulations .........................................................................59 DIDACTIC SEQUENCE 1. Hey! Listen carefully, you might need this information ............................................60 DIDACTIC SEQUENCE 2. When do I use modal verbs? ...................................................................................68

BLOCK 4: I make plans and predictions .............................................................................................85 DIDACTIC SEQUENCE 1. Describing plans and activities ................................................................................86 DIDACTIC SEQUENCE 2. Teenagers life and their future.............................................................................. 100 DIDACTIC SEQUENCE 3. Will vs. Going to..................................................................................................... 109

BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................................................................ 118


Este Mdulo de Aprendizaje de Lengua Adicional al Espaol 2 contiene la informacin necesaria para apoyarte en la construccin de tu aprendizaje, ya que est diseado para ser una gua en el proceso de enseanza-aprendizaje que llevars acabo en el transcurso de tu vida como bachiller.

Al adentrarte en este nuevo Mdulo, encontrars que cuenta con la descripcin de las competencias que obtendrs y el cmo saber identificarlas, y algo muy importante: reconocer si se han adquirido o no mediante la autoevaluacin.

Aunado a los contenidos de este Mdulo, las aportaciones y la gua de tu profesor(a) sern tambin fundamentales para ayudarte a la construccin de tu propio conocimiento, sobre todo a obtener las competencias esenciales para hacer frente a los retos que se presentarn a lo largo de tu vida.

El material que tienes en tus manos, es una herramienta de suma importancia para que te conviertas en una persona competente, visionaria e innovadora, caractersticas que se establecen en los objetivos de la Reforma Integral de Educacin Media Superior que actualmente se esta implementando a nivel Nacional.

El reto del Colegio de Bachilleres de ofrecerte material de apoyo de calidad, acorde a los nuevos tiempos, que cumplan con los objetivos de la Reforma, adems de lo que los escenarios local, nacional, e internacional demandan, se ve alcanzado en este Mdulo de Aprendizaje, el cual no deja de ser perfectible, pero que a la vez concentra la informacin y actividades que ayudarn hacer de ti la persona que nuestra sociedad necesita.



Unidad de competencia
Solicita e intercambia informacin respecto a comparaciones de personas y lugares, de manera oral y escrita, en situaciones de socializacin y recreacin o laborales sencillas.

Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque:

Durante el presente bloque se busca desarrollar los siguientes Atributos de las competencias genricas: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingsticas, matemticas o graficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas segn quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologas de la informacin y la comunicacin para obtener informacin y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sinttica. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construccin de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integracin y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.

Time assigned: 15 horas

Didactic sequence 1. My City is more beautiful than Start up activity

Activity 1 Observe the pictures, and describe this images. Describe in a list form both oral and written the pictures and / or

What do you see in the pictures? _______________________________________________ Can you describe what you see? _______________________________________________ Write a list of words to describe the pictures. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________


Factual Recognizes relative and relevant vocabulary about physical characteristics Auto evaluation

EVALUATION Product: Describing lists. KNOWLEDGE Procedural The adjectives most frequently used reference to the description of people and places. C Mc Nyc

value: Attitude Shows initiative and interest to seek information beyond that provided by the teacher. Obtained value:


Activity 2 Use a dictionary to find some adjectives to describe each picture; pay attention to each category.

A. Personal temperament Liza Robert Ernestina Jorge B. Appearance

C. Appearance

D. Anyother Nacho Martha Soco and Carlo




Soco and Carlo





EVALUATION Product: dictionary adjective investigation and spelling practice. values: KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Attitude Recognizes relative and relevant shows initiative and interest to seek the adjectives most frequently used reference vocabulary about physical information beyond that provided by to the description of people and places. characteristics the teacher. Co evaluation C Mc Nyc Obtained value: 2



Now in teams of three, organized by your teacher, practice the spelling for each word. Pay attention to the word stress.

Development activities
What Is An Adjective? An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by identifying, quantifying words, or describing. An adjective normally precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies. An adjective can be modified by an adverb, or by a phrase or clause running as an adverb. In the sentence. Some nouns, many pronouns, and many participle phrases can also take action as adjectives. In the sentence.

These are some common and not so common adjectives. In pairs and with your teachers help find the meaning for each word.

Time Ancient Early Late Old Rapid young

brief fast modern quick swift

Condition Annoying cautious expensive gifted helpful important

bad dead frail

Feelings (Good) healthy jolly kind lucky nice obedient proud relieved successful thankful vivacious witty zealous

Taste/Touch Bitter delicious Fresh juicy Rotten spicy Tart fluttering Greasy hard Icy loose

Appearance adorable adventurous blushing clean distinct elegant fancy

bright clear dull excited filthy

Appearance glamorous handsome light magnificent old-fashioned poised shiny ugly wide-eyed

gleaming homely long misty plain quaint smoggy unsightly

Shape broad chubby crooked curved deep

Size big colossal fat gigantic great

Quantity abundant empty few heavy light many numerous substantial


Activity 3 Study the adjectives listed in the page and find a use for at least 15 of the words. Give an example in a sentence. Ex. Salma is a very glamorous Mexican artist.

Write your sentences here. 1. ________________________________________________________________ . 2. ________________________________________________________________ . 3. ________________________________________________________________ . 4. ________________________________________________________________ . 5. ________________________________________________________________ . 6. ________________________________________________________________ . 7. ________________________________________________________________ . 8. ________________________________________________________________ . 9. ________________________________________________________________ . 10. ________________________________________________________________ . 11. ________________________________________________________________ . 12. ________________________________________________________________ . 13. ________________________________________________________________ . 14. ________________________________________________________________ . 15. ________________________________________________________________ .


EVALUATION Product: Sentences with adjectives. KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural 3 Identifies and selects adjectives from the list and studies its use in a real life situation. C Mc Nyc

values: Attitude shows initiative and interest to seek information beyond that provided by the teacher. Obtained value:

Recognizes relative and relevant vocabulary about adjectives. Auto evaluation



Activity 4 Based on the list from previous pages and the sentences you just created;
define in your own words what is an adjective.

Now make a list based on the adjectives you know to describe a partner from the classroom.

EVALUATION Activity 4 Product: Adjectives definition. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Identifies and selects adjectives from the list and studies its use in a real life situation. C Mc Nyc values: Attitude shows initiative and interest to seek information beyond that provided by the teacher. Obtained value:

Factual Recognizes relative and relevant vocabulary about adjectives. Auto evaluation


Closing Activities

Circle the adjective in each sentence. Then, tell what noun the adjective is describing. Example: The green alien walks out of the spaceship. The adjective green describes the alien. 1. The shiny spaceship lands in my yard. The adjective ____________ describes _________________. 2. An alien with big eyes walks out of the ship. The adjective ____________ describes _________________. 3. It waves its tiny hand in the air. The adjective ____________ describes _________________. 4. The alien says, Earth is such a beautiful planet. The adjective ____________ describes _________________. 5. A black rabbit hops into the yard and scares the alien. The adjective ____________ describes _________________. 6. The frightened alien runs back into its spaceship and blasts off. The adjective ____________ describes _________________. Now in team of four write the passage and taking turns read it out loud to the team.



Activity 5 Listen and read the dialogues. Identify adjectives and the different forms to use them. Underline each one and notice the differences among them.
Dialogue 1 Alma: Gabby: Alma: Gabby: Alma: Gabby: Alma: Gabby: Alma: Gabby: Today the weather is very hot. Yes. It's hotter than yesterday. Is Caborca hotter than here? Here is perhaps a little hotter than Caborca. Is the Arizonan winter cold? The Arizonan winter is very cold. How much colder than here? A lot colder than here. What about spring then? Spring is warm in Sonora. It's better than autumn. I like it very much.

Dialogue 2 Is Spanish more difficult than English? Susan: No, they are similar. Both arent easy. Art: Is he taller and fatter than you? Susan: He is taller than me but not fatter than me. Art: Which one of these two universities is better? Susan: It is hard to say, this one is bigger than that one, that one is more beautiful than this one. Art: Is the Fernando, the younger brother cleverer Art:

Dialogue 3 Ingrid: Do you know the two Sanchez sisters? Do you know how many years of age is the elder one older than the younger one? Only a year and a half. Is it true that the older one is better at her school work than the younger one is? Quite right, although the younger one is clever, the older one is lot more hard-working. Out of the two sisters who is prettier? That's very hard to say. Both of them are very goodlooking. The older one is taller than the younger one, and the younger one is fairer than the older one. Out of the two of them who is more capable than the other? They are both very capable. The elder sister does the works at home faster than the younger one does, but the younger one is better at doing things outside home. Who do you like better? It's no use for me to like either one, because neither of the two sisters likes me. Oh! I'm really sorry, I thought... It doesn't matter; actually I don't have any intention on them either.

Tom: Ingrid: Tom: Ingrid: Tom:

Ingrid: Tom:

Ingrid: Tom: Ingrid: Tom:

Now in teams practice the dialogues and pay attention to the sentence stress.
EVALUATION Product: listening and dialogues practice. KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Recognizes relative and relevant Understands and listens simple dialogues vocabulary in a dialogue and the use that include comparisons. of comparatives. Co evaluation C Mc Nyc 5 16


values: Attitude Shows openness and tolerance to the lexicon of language differences. Obtained value:

Based on the three dialogues create and act out your own. Develop it on a real situation at school or at home.


EVALUATION Product: identifies in real English conversations, the use of comparatives and adjectives. values: KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Attitude Recognizes relative and relevant Understands and writes simple documents Shows openness and tolerance to the vocabulary in a dialogue and the use that include comparisons. lexicon of language differences. of comparatives. Co evaluation C Mc Nyc Obtained value: 4



Didactic sequence 2 Characteristics and comparison Start up activity

Activity 1 In the following space draw an easy to draw object, such as a star, a tree, a flower or a house.

Once you finish drawing the pictures, line up according to the size of the object they have in the space. The student with the bigger star stands on the right and the student with the smaller star stands on the left. Answer the following questions. What is the drawing?_______________________________________ Who has the bigger ___________________________? Who has the smaller ___________________________? Is student A's _____________ bigger or smaller than student B's _________________? Write a sentence as in the example for 3 of your classmates. Ex.: My star is bigger than the three. My star is bigger than John's star but smaller than Mary's star.


EVALUATION Product: identification in a drawing and simple sentence the use of comparatives and value: superlatives. KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Attitude Recognizes relative and relevant Understands, writes and practices simple Shows openness and tolerance to the vocabulary in a dialogue and the use sentences that include comparisons and lexicon of language differences. of comparatives and superlatives. . superlatives. . Co evaluation C Mc Nyc Obtained value: 1


Circle the adjective in each sentence and draw an arrow from each adjective to the word it describes. Example: The red balloon floats up to the sky. 1. Three turtles swim in the pond. 2. Molly and Jenny try to finish a difficult puzzle. 3. Their mother makes a delicious feast. 4. Do you see that yellow sports car race down the street? 5. Georgina and Jesus move the snowy path. 6. Clean up this huge mess! 7. The barking dogs are inside that house. 8. Do you have my blue pencil? 9. Cecilia cleans the dirty glass. 10. The playful monkey swings on the cable. 11. The thief walks in front of the sleeping guard.

Activity 2 Use the above sentences, think of a comparison and discuss your sentences in class.
Example: The red balloon floats up to the sky higher than the blue balloon. Write your sentences here. 1) ________________________________________________________________ . 2) ________________________________________________________________ . 3) ________________________________________________________________ . 4) ________________________________________________________________ . 5) ________________________________________________________________ . 6) ________________________________________________________________ . 7) ________________________________________________________________ . 8) ________________________________________________________________ . 9) ________________________________________________________________ . 10) ________________________________________________________________ .

EVALUATION Activity 2 Product: sentences. Creation. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Understands, writes and practices simple sentences that contain comparisons. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Shows openness and tolerance to the lexicon of language differences. Obtained value:

Factual Recognizes relative and relevant vocabulary in a simple sentence form and text, and the use of comparatives. Auto evaluation



Development activities Grammar


We use than after comparatives (older than / more expensive than etc.): Mexico isnt older than Rome Are mangoes more expensive than grapes? It's easier to email than to write a letter. "How are you today?" Not bad. Better than yesterday. The Main plaza is more crowded than usual.

We say: than me / than him / than her / than us / than them. You can say: I can run faster than him. or I can faster than he can. You are a better singer than me or You are a better singer than I am. I got up earlier than her or I got up earlier than she did.

More less than... How much did your shoes cost? $30? No, more than that. (=more than $30) The film was very short - less than an hour. They've got more money than they need. You go out more than me.

A bit older / much older etc. Box A is a bit bigger than box B. Box C is much bigger than box Canada is much bigger than France. Jill is a bit older than Gary - she's 25 and he's 241/2 The hotel is much more expensive than I expected. You go out much more than me.


Activity 3 Elaborate a collage where you express your interests or characteristics of a friend, partner or member of
your family and compare them with yourself.

Activity no.

EVALUATION Product: elaborates collage to strengthen the comparative knowledge acquired values: KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Attitude Reaffirms the use of grammatical forms Uses the adjectives most frequently Shows initiative and interest to seek in the comparison of adjectives, in the used in reference to the description of information beyond that provided by comparative degree including things of people and places. the teacher. real life. Auto evaluation C Mc Nyc Obtained value: 3



When comparing two things, we put than between the adjective and the thing being compared.

When we compare two things or people we look at what makes them different from each other.

The man on the left is taller than the man on the right.

A car is faster than a bicycle.

Comparative adjectives are used to show what quality one thing has more or less than the other. They normally come before any other adjectives.

The red bag is bigger than the blue bag.

The rule for forming the comparative is any one syllable adjective add -er to the end. Any longer adjective (two syllables or more) use more in front of the adjective.

"Mount Everest is higher er than Mount Snowdon.", 'high high' high is a short (one one syllable) syllable word.

"Perhaps, Phoenix is more beautiful than Tucson.", beautiful is a long word.

The following adjectives are exceptions to this rule:

'good' becomes 'better'

'bad' becomes 'worse'

'far' becomes 'farther' or 'further'


Closing activities
Activity 4 Sit behind your partner. (Back to back) Describe the person you see in the flash card that your teacher
hands in to you. Your partner will listen, and draw the picture on his/her module. Do not show the flash card to your partner! When your teacher tells you compare the flash card with the drawing and discuss the differences. Draw picture here.

Activity no.

EVALUATION Product: Completes descriptions and makes comparisons orally and written. values: KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Attitude Recognizes relative and relevant Requests and exchanges information related Shows openness and tolerance to the vocabulary about comparisons. to comparisons in simple conversations. lexical differences between the two languages. Co evaluation C Mc Nyc Obtained value: 4



Activity 5
Match the sentences on the right with the adjectives on the left, then write them on the line. 1. English wine is good but French wine is ______. 2. Is bad but African cooking is ______. a) Lot 3. It's a long way from London to Moscow but London to Sydney is even ______. 4. I've two daughters. Sophie is the younger one and Kathryn is the ______ one. 5. My job is getting harder and ______. 6. I cannot handle it. The earlier we leave the ______ we arrive. 7. It's becoming more and ______ difficult to find time to play golf. 8. Do it when you can but the sooner it's done the ______. 9. I like visiting Magdalena but it is getting ______ and more expensive. 10. The older I get the ______ I forget! 11. I'm so happy!. I must be the ______ man in the world! 12. The ______ I think about it, the less happy I feel. 13. Alejandra is even more ______ in real life than in photos. 14. I was really sick yesterday but I feel a little ______ today. 15. This orange juice is a ______ sweeter than the other one. They are completely different. 16. I prefer this candidate for school president. I thought she was ______ better than the other one. 17. Wal-Mart It's a little ______ more expensive but much better quality. 18. I've been working hard on my English but it isn't ______ better. 19. They're both nice but Rachel is the ______ of the two. 20. Could you speak ______ slowly, please? My English isnt very good yet. b) happier c) better d) worse e) nicer f) harder

g) sooner h) more i) j) elder beautiful

k) any l) far

m) bit n) further


To complete each sentence, add -er, er or more to the adjective in parenthesis. Examples: Enrique is taller than Francisco. (tall) Today is more pleasant than yesterday.(pleasant) 1. A steak knife is ______________________ than a butter knife. (sharp) 2. David is a _______________________ player than anyone on the team. (fast) 3. My drawing is _______________________ than yours. (colorful) 4. I think the book we read today is _____________________ than the one we read yesterday. (interesting) 5. Katie's _____________________ brother colored on the walls. (young) 6. This week's temperatures are _____________________ than last week's. (warm) 7. That is the ______________________ test on this semester. (difficult) 8. Isn't he _____________________ than the little boy in the park we met yesterday? (nice) 9. That is a _________________________ homework assignment than the one for mathematics. (challenging) 10. Do you think a snake is _____________________ than an owl? (slow) 11. Robert's arms are _____________________ than John's. (long) 12. Joe has _____________________ feet than anyone in his family. (big)

Activity no.

EVALUATION Product: completes exercises to encourage the use of comparatives values: KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Attitude Recognizes relative and relevant Constructs and writes simple sentences that shows initiative and interest to seek vocabulary about physical include comparisons involving people, information beyond provided by the characteristics objects and / or locations. teacher. Auto evaluation C Mc Nyc Obtained value: 5



Didactic sequence 3 The / most / est What is it? Start up activity

An adjective is a word that describes a person, place, or thing. Look at the pictures. With the help of your teacher and a dictionary if you need it, write at least five adjectives to describe people (students, teacher, girl, boy, etc.) in each picture. Adjectives:




The rule for forming the superlative is any one syllable adjective add -est to the end of the word. Any longer adjective (two syllables or more) use most in front of the word. Usually superlatives are preceded by 'the'. "Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.", 'high' is a short (one syllable) word. "maybe, Hermosillo is the most beautiful city in the world.", beautiful is a long word. 'good' becomes 'the best' 'bad' becomes 'the worst' 'far' becomes 'the farthest' or 'the furthest'

The following adjectives are exceptions to this rule:

In the example below, "biggest" is the superlative form of the adjective "big": Ana is a big girl, Celia is bigger than Ana but Adrian is the biggest of the family. San Luis Rio Colorado is bigger than Altar.


Monosyllabic adjectives are compared with -er,


Strong Small Late Nice Big thin fat

Stronger smaller Later Nicer Bigger thinner fatter


strongest smallest largest nicest biggest thinnest fattest

Write five sentences using comparative and superlative of adjectives as the examples above. 1. __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________________




Development exercises
Activity 1 In couples, find a song where you can locate adjectives bring the lyric to class, and the song if possible. Underline the comparatives and superlatives. Explain your work to the class.
Attach lyric here.

EVALUATION Activity no. 1 Product: Listening and written activity. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Determines the use of comparatives and superlatives in an auditory exercise. C Mc Nyc values: Attitude Appreciates the usage of English beyond the one provided by the teacher. Obtained value:

Factual Identifies the use of grammatical forms in the comparison of adjectives in their different degrees. Co evaluation


Grammar continues

Write five sentences using this type of adjectives, Example: What is the easiest exercise? 1. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________________________________________________


easy happy clever narrow

easier happier cleverer narrower

Superlative Superlative

Disyllabic adjectives ending with y, er, ow, le are compared with - er, - est.


easiest happiest cleverest narrowest

Irregular forms.

good bad much many little



better worse more more less

best worst most most least

Write five sentences using this type of adjectives, example: My aunts cake looks worse than my moms cake. 1. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________



Activity 2 In teams of five prepare a small dialogue and dramatize it in class, make decisions about the comparisons being made.

EVALUATION Activity no. 2 Product:. Dialogue and dramatization KNOWLEDGE Procedural Elaborates and dramatizes the created dialogues including people, objects and places. C Mc Nyc values: Attitude Shows openness and tolerance to the lexical differences between the two languages. Obtained value:

Factual Presents and reaffirms the use of the grammatical forms among comparatives and superlatives. Auto evaluation


All the other adjectives are compared with more, most.

Positive careful expensive difficult tired terrible Comparative more careful more expensive more difficult more tired more terrible Superlative most careful most expensive most difficult most tired most terrible

Which dress is more expensive? Which dress is the most expensive? Write five sentences using this type of adjectives. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Tell whether the underlined adjective is positive, comparative, or superlative. 1. Monica is happier than Michael. _________________________ 2. That is the heaviest rock in the garden. _________________________ 3. Math is easier for her than Science. _________________________ 5. The ice cream is cold. _________________________ 6. I am drinking a large soda. _________________________

Some adjectives compare by adding the words more and most. Use the word more with adjectives that compare two things. Use the word most with adjectives that compare three or more things.



Choose the correct words in parenthesis to complete each sentence. Write the words on the line. 1. This is the ___________________________ chicken I've ever eaten. (more delicious, most delicious) 2. Baseball is the ___________________________ sport of all. (more exciting, most exciting) 3. The roses are ___________________________ today than yesterday. (more beautiful, most beautiful) 4. Pedro is ___________________________ than his sister. (more excited, most excited) 5. The ___________________________ spelling word we have for this week. (more difficult, most difficult) 6. Basketball is a ___________________________ sport than fishing. (more physical, most physical) 7. Winter is the ___________________________ season of all. (more wonderful, most wonderful) 8. Robert is a ___________________________ child than Jessie. (more well-behave, most well-behave)

Activity 3 Create a mind map with all information about comparatives and superlatives. Include rules for the adjectives and examples.

EVALUATION Activity no. 3 Product: Mind map creation. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Understands the adjectives with the most frequently used reference to describe people and places. C Mc Nyc values: Attitude Shows initiative and interest to seek information beyond that provided by the teacher. Obtained value:

Factual Recognizes relative and relevant vocabulary for comparisons Auto evaluation


Closing activities
We use as + adjective + as to compare things, people, places or events when there is no difference, use as + adjective + as: Dave is 23 years old. Julie is 23 years old. Julie is as old as Dave. To compare things, people, places or events when there is a difference, use BE not + as + adjective + as: Dave is 32 years old. Julie is 23 years old. Julie isnt as old as Dave.

Lets see more examples: Bacadehuachi is as cold as Chihuahua in the winter. Andrea is as beautiful as Beyonce. Paul Potts is not as famous as Susan Boyle. A snake is as dangerous as a crocodile. Anita isnt as tall as Marcos. Today is as hot as yesterday. This test is not as difficult as the last one My mother told me that my room smells like an old running shoe.

Fill in the comparison with as + adjective + as. as Javier is (tall) __________________________________________________________________________ Glenda. Virginia is (beautiful) ____________________________________________________________________ Jennifer. Yolanda is (crazy) _____________________________________________________________________ my sister. We can drive (fast) _____________________________________________________________________they can. My teacher is (not / strict) __________________________________________________________________yours. Your cellular phone is (not / trendy) __________________________________________________________ mine. Matrix II is (not / interesting) ______________________________________________________________ Matrix I. This yoghurt (not / taste / good) _______________________________________________the one from yesterday. I can do (many / press-ups) _________________________________________________________________ you. I (not / earn / much / money) ______________________________________________________________ you do.

Read the sentences below, then write a sentence using as [adjective] as or more adjective/adjective-er. Dave is 27 years old. Julie is 23 years old. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ My English test score is 94%. Stevens test score is 95%. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Vivians English test score is 99%. Lilys English test score is 99%, too. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Janes computer is bad. Amys computer is bad, too. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Amys computer is bad. Sallys computer is good. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Fire is hot. Ice is cold. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Playing baseball is fun! Playing basketball is fun, too! _____________________________________________________________________________________________



Activity 4 Choose the best answer from the box and write it on the line.

1. Worse, worst 2. In the predicate of the sentence after a linking verb. 3. Happier, happiest 4. Before the noun or noun phrase they modify. 5. Adjectives.

1. Articles fit in to what part of speech? A:________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 2.Where do most adjectives emerge in a sentence? A:________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Provide the comparative and superlative forms of happy. A:________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Give the comparative and superlative forms of bad. A:________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Where do most adjectives that start with the letter 'a' appear? (Example: asleep) A:________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Activity no.

EVALUATION Product: correct usage of new vocabulary KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Recognizes relative and relevant The most frequently used adjectives vocabulary about comparatives and reference to the description of people and superlatives. places. Auto evaluation C Mc Nyc 4

values: Attitude Shows initiative and interest to seek information beyond that provided by the teacher. Obtained value:


Final activity
Go to the following web page and make the practice. Finish the exercise and write your score here

Go to the following web page and make the practice. Finish the exercise and write your score here

EVALUATION Activity no. 4 Product: Web practice. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Recognizes the most common adjectives referred to the description of people and places. C Mc Nyc values: Attitude Shows openness and tolerance to the lexical differences between the two languages. Obtained value:

Factual Reaffirms the use of vocabulary about comparatives and superlatives. Auto evaluation





Unidad de competencia
Solicita e intercambia informacin referente a actividades y situaciones propias y de terceras personas en el pasado, de manera oral y escrita, en contextos sencillos de socializacin y recreacin o laboral.

Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque:

Durante el presente bloque se busca desarrollar los siguientes Atributos de las competencias genricas: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingsticas, matemticas o graficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas segn quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologas de la informacin y la comunicacin para obtener informacin y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sinttica. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construccin de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integracin y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.

Time assigned: 15 horas

Didactic sequence 1 We did a lot of things in our last vacation period Start up activity
Activity 1 Pair Work. Look at the pictures and write a story. Then act out that story in class.

EVALUATION Activity 1 Product: Story creation. KNOWLEDGE Factual Recognizes related vocabulary about fun daily activities Co evaluation Procedural Searches, identifies and understands general ideas in a brief dialogue related with his / her activities and third person in past tense. C Mc Nyc Attitude Strikes up dialogues with proposal and emphatic attitude. value:

Obtained value:


Development exercises
The simple past tense is one of the most common tenses in English. Its form is the same with all subjects and Its usually formed by adding ED to the verb. Part of this block will explain the rules to form the tense with regular verbs.

Spelling Rules for Regular Past Tense Verbs

1. Add ed to the base form of most verbs start started finish finished wash washed

5. If the verb has one syllable and ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant (CVC), double the final consonant and add ed. stop stopped rob robbed beg begged

2. Add only d when the base form ends in an e. live lived care cared die died

6. Do not double final w or x. sew mix sewed mixed

3. If the verb ends in a consonant + y, change the y to i and add ed dry dried carry spy carried spied

7. If the verb has two syllables, and the final syllable is stressed, double the final consonant. ad mit admitted oc cur occurred per mit permitted

4. If the verb ends in a vowel + y, do not change the y. Just add ed pray prayed stay stayed destroy destroyed

8. If the verb has two syllables, and the final syllable is not stressed, do not double the final consonant. hap pen happened lis ten listened o pen opened



Activity 2 Create a conceptual map based in the information above and the notes from your teachers exposition.

Create the map here.

EVALUATION Activity 2 Product: conceptual map KNOWLEDGE Procedural Distinguishes the difference among regular verbs and its spelling rules. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Uses with assertiveness the vocabulary referred to grammar according to past tense. Obtained value:

Factual Reaffirms the forms and the use of past tense Auto evaluation


Activity 3 Answer these exercises.

Write all of your answers on the line and then check your answers with a partner. Ask your teacher for help, if needed. My grandfather had a very exciting life. When he was young, he _____________________ (live) in Bacadehuachi an old town from Sonora. His parents _____________________ (raise) cattle, and he _____________________ (look) after the cows. When he was eighteen, he went to university, where he _____________________ (study) Philosophy. He also _____________________ (play) the guitar in a mariachi band. When the war started, he had to go live in the USA, he _____________________ (try) to join the Air Force, but he _____________________ (end) up in the Navy. In the Atlantic, a German torpedo _____________________ (rip) a hole in the side of his ship, and the ship sank. Only five men _____________________ (escape). They _____________________ (sail) in a lifeboat back to USA. Then he met my grandmother, and they _____________________ (marry) after only three weeks of meeting. He says now that he _____________________ (want) to marry her very quickly in case he _____________________ (die) in the war.

Pay attention to the use of Did/Didnt for interrogative and negative form which means that the sentence is already in the past. So, it isnt necessary to add ed to the main verb. You dont say I didnt worked, but I didnt work! You dont say Did you worked? but Did you work?

Complete the sentences by changing verbs in parenthesis to Simple Past then change the sentences to interrogative form. Example: Enedina surfed the Internet? (to surf) Answer: Did she surf the Internet? 1) I __________________________________________________ my Maths homework yesterday. (to do) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ? 2) Helen ________________________________________________________ to Guadalajara by plane? (to go) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ? 2) They ___________________________________________________ a Magdalena two weeks ago. (to visit) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ? 3) Jesus and Pedro ____________________________________________________ their brother. (not/to help) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?




The children ________________________________________________ at school last weekend. (not/to be) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?


When ___________________________ you _________________________ this fantastic dress? (to design) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?


My sister ______________________________________________ into the front of the house. (not/to crash) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?


The boys _____________________________________________ the keys of their motorcycles. (to take off) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?


You ______________________________________________________ your girlfriend last week? (to phone) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?


He _________________________________________________________ coca cola at school. (not/to drink) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?

EVALUATION Activity Factual Recognizes the most important data in the exercise resolution. Auto evaluation 3 Product: exercises resolution. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Searches, identifies and understands general ideas in the exercise. C Mc Nyc Attitude Strikes up dialogues with proposal and emphatic attitude. Obtained value: value:


Closing activities
Pay attention to your teachers explanation then discuss this chart with your shoulder to shoulder partner. Affirmative Long Form I played You played He/she/it played We played You played They played I did not play You did not play He/she/it did not play We did not play You did not play They did not play Negative Contracted Form I didn't play You didn't play He/she/it didn't play We didn't play You didn't play They didn't play Did I play? Did you play? Did he/she/it play? Did we play? Did you play? Did they play? Interrogative

Activity 4 Use the information from the chart above to make your own. Be sure to use a different verb. Verbs lists are
at the end of the block. Affirmative Long Form Negative Contracted Form Interrogative

EVALUATION Activity 4 Product: chart completing KNOWLEDGE Factual Recognizes vocabulary related to expressions of time linked to the past. Auto evaluation Procedural Practices and develops the use of verbs in past tense and the use of the Auxiliary "Did". C Mc Nyc Attitude Shows creativity in writing and presenting the sentences using the auxiliary "Did" Obtained value: value:



Didactic sequence 2 Hermosillo was also a beautiful city

Figure 1 Old Hermosillo / Villa de Seris passage.

Figure 2 First Airport in Hermosillo

Completed action She finally mailed the letter. Jan finished her report on time.

Past status John was still single in 1995. Jane was a movie star.

Figure 3 Old Sonora Bank in Hermosillo.

1. The simple past tense is expressed with the past form of the verb and nothing else. My grandfather died last year.(correct) My grandfather was died last year. (Incorrect)

Specific past action I ate lunch at noon today. He drove to work yesterday.

NOTE: At the end of the block you can find a list of regular and irregular verbs.

2. The simple past tense refers to a. action which occurred at a specific time in the past b. completed action c. past status


With the irregular verbs, there arent any rules. You have to learn them!

NEGATIVE Subject + didnt + infinitive She didnt go to L.A. last month.

INTERROGATIVE Did + subject + infinitive Did she go to L.A. last month?

NOTE "Did/Didnt means the sentence is already in the past. So, it isnt necessary to add ed or past tense irregular to the main verb. You dont say I didnt went, but I didnt go!

Some irregular verbs are

be become eat go put read see teach

was/were became ate went put read saw taught

NOTE: At the end of the block you can find a list of regular and irregular verbs.


Start up activity
Activity 1 Detect and underline the past tense verbs in the following story. Contrast your
observations with your partner and write a report about it. Yesterday Mrs. Grijalva had a very rough day. In the morning, she went to the kitchen and looked in the cupboard for some food for her dog, but the cabinet was empty. Her poor dog stared up at her with its hungry eyes, and she knew she had to do something quickly. She hurried to the grocery store to buy some dog food, but unfortunately the store was out of her dog's favorite brand, so she had to catch a bus downtown. After buying the food, she waited for a half hour in the rain to get a cab. When she finally got home, her dog was hum! Asleep on the living room sofa. Write your report here.

Common problems with the past tense 1. Using the present tense when the past tense is required. Last week, Tony fix his neighbor's car. (Incorrect) Last week, Tony fixed his neighbor's car. (Correct) 2. Using "was" with verbs in the past tense. It was happened one night in September. (Incorrect) It happened one night in September. (Correct)
EVALUATION Activity 1 Product: written report. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Practices and develops the use of verbs irregular verbs in past tense and the use of the Auxiliary "Did". C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Shows creativity in writing and presenting the sentences using the irregular past tense form. Obtained value:

Factual Recognizes vocabulary related to expressions of time linked to the past and irregular verbs. Auto evaluation


Development activities
Activity 2 Fill in the word puzzle with the simple past tense forms of the verbs in the clues. After you finish. Group the verbs into regular vs. irregular verbs
Regular verbs. Down 1. have 2. visit 3. go 4. play 8. write 10. wash 12. do 13. ride 15. meet Across 3. wait 5. leave 6. teach 7. see 9. wear 10. walk 11. stay 14. cook 15. make 16. fly 17. talk Irregular verbs.

3. Choose ten of these verbs and write sentences in the simple past using the following words: Yesterday _________________________________________________________________ Last week _________________________________________________________________ Last winter ________________________________________________________________ Last year __________________________________________________________________ Three months ago __________________________________________________________ Last Saturday ______________________________________________________________ Yesterday evening __________________________________________________________

EVALUATION Activity 2 Product: crossword puzzle. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Distinguishes the difference in the forms of irregular verbs in the past. Mc Nyc value: Attitude Shows creativity in writing and presenting the sentences. Obtained value: 47

Factual Forms and reaffirms the use of the past irregular shape of the verbs used in everyday life. Auto evaluation


Change the verbs in the following sentence into past tense. 1. Yesterday, I go to the restaurant with a client. 2. We drive around the parking lot for 20 minutes in order to find a parking space. 3. When we arrive at the restaurant, the place is full. 4. The waitress asks us if we have reservations. 5. I say, "No, my secretary forgets to make them." 6. The waitress tells us to come back in two hours. 7. My client and I slowly walk back to the car. 8. Then we see a small grocery store. 9. We stop in the grocery store and buy some sandwiches. 10. That is better than waiting for two hours.

Activity 3 Correct the mistakes in the following sentences, then compare them with a partner.

1. Last night, Samantha have pizza for supper. __________________________________________________________________ 2. My pet lizard was died last month. __________________________________________________________________ 3. Yesterday I spend two hours cleaning my living room. __________________________________________________________________ 4. This morning before coming to class, Jack eats two bowls of cereal. __________________________________________________________________ 5. What was happened to your leg? __________________________________________________________________

EVALUATION Activity 3 Product: Sentence correction. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Practices the use of simple sentences that contain descriptions of activities of the past. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Appreciates the use of simple sentences that contain descriptions of activities of the past. Obtained value:

Factual Identifies the mistakes and contrasts the correct forms of the past Co evaluation


Changing Irregular Verb Forms

Change each of the following verb forms. If the infinitive or base form is given, change it to the past form. If the past form is given, change to the infinitive or base form.

1. do 2. begin 3. see 4. ride 5. went 6. know 7. speak 8. stole 9. blew 10. bring

11. choose 12. broke 13. drink 14. drove 15. froze 16. shrank 17. ran 18. ring 19. fell 20. swim

Activity 4 Choosing the Correct Form, choose and underline the correct form of
the verb in parentheses. 1. They (rode, rid) in a crowded boat like the ones you have seen in the old movies. 2. In company with many other people, Marias parents (chose, choosed) to make a journey to Europe. 3. These workers (came, come) to be called wet back people. 4. Marys parents abandoned their travel after the capital city of San Francisco, (fell, fallen) to the winter. 5. The people on the yacht (brang, brought) few possessions and supplies. 6. After they (drank, drunk) the little water was on board, they went thirsty. 7. Marys father said the people (ate, eaten) all the food in a few days. 8. When another boat of refugees (sank, sunk), its people crowded onto Marys parents boat. 9. They spent many days and nights on the deep-sea before they (saw, seen) land again. 10. Then it (took, taken) months for Marys parents to be moved from Greece to the United States.
EVALUATION Activity 4 Product: Correct verb usage. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Searches, identifies and understands the correct use of verbs in common sentences. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Integrates in a proposal way the correct use of the language. Obtained value:

Factual Recognizes vocabulary and mistakes about past tense verbs Auto evaluation



Listening Activity
Simple Present / Simple Past: Listen to the following sentences. Notice the differences among each one. Check the correct usage of the simple past tense. Make sure you catch the correct pronunciation of the verbs.

begin : I begin my class at 9 a.m. every day began : She began to study Spanish when she was 12. bring : Optimism brings happiness. brought : She brought a lot of clothes on her vacation. drive : My father drives to work every morning. drove: We drove a rental car all around Europe. keep : My grandmother keeps all her old photographs. kept. : While we were on holidays, I kept a journal. get : I never get sick on a trip. got : My husband got sick when we went to Mexico. leave : My son always leaves the light on when he goes to sleep. left : Roger and Gwen left on their trip to Jamaica last week. swim : My father-in-law swims three times a week. swam : When I went to Thailand, I swam almost every day. send : Our friends send us e-mail all the time. sent : We sent postcards to all our friends. Win : My sister always wins when we play cards. Won : My best friend won a trip to Disneyland in Florida for 2 weeks. spend : My husband and I spend a lot of time together. spent : They spent a lot of time together in Ireland. ride : I ride my bicycle to work. rode : Julie rode a horse on the beach. lend : Sometimes, my parents lend me money. lent : My sister lent me her sleeping bag and tent when I went camping.


Activity 5 Based on the sentences you studied and listened, write a short story about one of your holidays or vacations. You have to use past tense verbs. Dont use the verbs twice.

EVALUATION Activity 5 Product: Short story. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Develops and understands in a short story about his/her vacations, the correct use of the verbs in past tense. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Shows respect and care in the use of the language and in the classroom. Obtained value:

Factual Enunciates the use of the verbs in past tense in a brief paragraph about his /her vacations. Auto evaluation



Activity 6 Conversation Practice. Write about your yesterday activities, then tell your partner or classmates what you did. Remember to use past tense. Example: Yesterday, I went to the mall. I bought some shorts and a baseball cap. I spent almost $20.

Ask your partner what he/she did last weekend. Tell him/ her to respond with related questions. Example: What did you do last Saturday? I stayed home and cleaned my room. Did you do anything fun? Not really. Then write a paragraph of your partner activities.

EVALUATION Activity 6 Product: Conversation. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Requests and exchanges information related to activities from the past in simple conversations. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Appreciates the actions, activities, achievements and contributions of his/her classmates in the past. Obtained value:

Factual Integrates previous knowledge about the use of the verbs in a simple dialogue Auto evaluation


Talk about a childhood experience. Example: One day, when I was about 7 years old, there was a knock on our door. When I opened the door, I saw that nobody was there. I felt something was wrong, so I called my mother.

Activity 7 Tic-tac-toe 1. Students form pairs and decide which player is X X and which is O O. 2. From the list of irregular verbs that you can find at the end of the block, take turns choosing and then writing the base form of the verbs in the squares of the Tic-Tac-Toe framework. 3. Taking turns, each student reads clearly one of the verbs from the grid. The student must then use the past tense of that verb in a simple sentence, example: take - Yesterday, I took the bus to school. 4. If the sentence is correct, the student puts an X X or an O O in the square containing the verb. 5. The student who gets three X Xs or O Os in a row is the winner.

1. For each box take turns writing the base form of irregular verbs from the verb list. 2. Use the verbs to make simple sentences in the past tense. 3. For every correct sentence, mark an X or O.



Now go to the next page and start the practice.

EVALUATION Activity 7 Product: Tic tac toe exercise. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Discusses in a playful way, the difference in the form of the verbs in the past. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Values the correct use of the language among classmates. Obtained value:

Factual Recognizes the importance of the use of past tense verbs among classmates. Auto evaluation


Activity 8 Private investigation work

Today you are a private investigator ( PI ) your client asked you to follow somebody and you have to make a written report about the information that you found in your investigation.

PI INVESTIGATIVE REPORT. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Investigation made on ________________ 20 ___. _________ Signature.

EVALUATION Activity 8 Product: written report. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Implements and built in a written report, the use of vocabulary related to past activities. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Shows his/her creativity in preparing the presentation, open to feedback. Obtained value:

Factual Recognizes and reaffirms the use of vocabulary related to past activities in a written report. Auto evaluation



Closing activities
Activity 9 In teams of five prepare an oral presentation about a celebritys (artist or politician or any one you
decide)Write the character biography using past tense verb activities.

Celebrity picture here.

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


EVALUATION Product: written and oral presentation. KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Recognizes the verbs in the past in a Develops the use of verbs in the past in a written report and a conversation written report and in a conversation. related to the description of activities. Co evaluation C Mc Nyc 9

value: Attitude Appreciates and works with classmates the use of past tense in a written report and in a conversation. Obtained value:


Most common regular verbs in English

Infinitive Accept Achieve Admire Advise Affect Agree Amaze Amuse Answer Appear Bake Behave Believe Belong Blame Borrow Bother Call Cancel Carry Cause Celebrate Clean Clear Climb Close Damage Dance Date Decide Deliver Depend Describe Design Destroy Decrease Eliminate End Enjoy Entertain Excuse Exercise Exhibit Expect Express Film Fill Fish Fix Follow Fry Greet Guess Hail Past Accepted Achieved Admired Advised Affected Agreed Amazed Amused Answered Appeared Baked Behaved Believed Belonged Blamed Borrowed Bothered Called Canceled Carried Caused Celebrated Cleaned Cleared Climbed Closed Damaged Danced Dated Decided Delivered Depended Described Designed Destroyed Decreased Eliminated Ended Enjoyed Entertained Excused Exercised Exhibited Expected Expressed Filmed Filled Fished Fixed Followed Fried Greeted Guessed Hailed Handle Happen Hate Help Hope Hunt Identify Ignore Imagine Impress Improve Include Increase Interview Introduce Invite Jog Join Jump Knock Label Land Last Learn Like Link List Listen Live Locate Manage Mark Match Measure Mention Miss Move Name Need Note Notice Number Offer Open Order Organize Pack Paint Pamper Pardon Park Participate Pass Perform Persuade Handled Happened Hated Helped Hoped Hunted Identified Ignored Imagined Impressed Improved Included Increased Interviewed Introduced Invited Jogged Joined Jumped Knocked Labeled Landed Lasted Learned Liked Linked Listed Listened Lived Located Managed Marked Matched Measured Mentioned Missed Moved Named Needed Noted Noticed Numbered Offered Opened Ordered Organized Packed Painted Pampered Pardoned Parked Participated Passed Performed Persuaded Pick Rain Receive Recommend Relate Relax Release Remember Repair Repeat Resist Sail Save Scan Scare Share Shop Shout Skate Ski Slow Talk Taste Terrorize Thank Touch Travel Try Tune Turn Underline Use Vary Wait Walk Want Warn Wash Watch Water Welcome Wish Witness Picked Rain Received Recommended Related Relaxed Released Remembered Repaired Repeated Resisted Sailed Saved Scanned Scared Shared Shopped Shouted Skated Skied Slowed Talked Tasted Terrorized Thanked Touched Traveled Tried Tuned Turned Underlined Used Varied Waited Walked Wanted Warned Washed Watched Watered Welcomed Wished Witnessed



Most common irregular irregular verbs in English

Infinitive Arise Awake Bear Beat Become Begin Bend Bet Bind Bite Bleed Blow Break Breed Bring Broadcast Build Burn Burst Buy Cast Catch Choose Cling Come Cost Creep Cut Deal Dig Do draw dream drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find flee fly forbid forecast forget forgive freeze get Past tense Arose Awoke Bore Beat Became Began Bent Bet Bound Bit Bled Blew Broke Bred Brought Broadcast Built burnt/burned Burst Bought Cast Caught Chose Clung Came Cost Crept Cut Dealt Dug Did Drew dreamt/dreamed Drank Drive Ate Fell Fed Felt Fought Found Fled Flew Forbade Forecast Forgot Forgave froze got give go grow hang hear hide hit hold hurt keep kneel knit know lay lead lean leap learn leave lend let lie light lose make mean meet pay put read ride ring rise run saw say see seek sell send set sew shake shine shoot show shrink shut sing sink gave went grew hung heard hid hit held hurt kept knelt/kneeled knit knew laid led leant/leaned leapt/leaped learnt/learned left lent let lay lit/lighted lost made meant met paid put read rode rang rose ran sawed said saw sought sold sent set sewed shook shone shot showed shrank shut sang sank sit sleep smell sow speak speed spend spin spit split spoil spread spring stand steal stick sting stink strike swear sweep swim swing take teach tear tell think throw thrust understand wake wear weep win wind withdraw write sat slept smelt/smelled sowed spoke sped spent spun spat split spoilt/spoiled spread sprang stood stole stuck stung stank struck swore swept swam swung took taught tore told thought threw thrust understood woke wore wept won wound withdrew wrote



Unidad de competencia
Solicita e intercambia informacin referente a instrucciones, ordenes, sugerencias y prohibiciones, de manera oral y escrita en situaciones sencillas de socializacin y recreacin o laborales.

Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque:

Durante el presente bloque se busca desarrollar los siguientes Atributos de las competencias genricas: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingsticas, matemticas o graficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas segn quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologas de la informacin y la comunicacin para obtener informacin y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sinttica. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construccin de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integracin y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.

Time assigned: 15 horas

Didactic sequence 1 Hey! Listen carefully, you might need this information Start up activity
Listen carefully to the following instructions. If you hear a positive instruction or request to do, something you have to respond to it, Do it! it But you must ignore other sentences. If someone makes a mistake, he/she has to sit down. Continue until there is only one student still in the game. Your teacher reads out the sentences using positive and negative imperatives he/she may use other sentences so be careful.

Everybody, stand up. Move your chairs to the side of the classroom. Dont sit down. Pick up a pen. Have a nice holiday! Dont put your pen on your chair. Mary, walk to the front of the class. Everybody else, sit down. Look out! Theres a teacher coming. Say hello to a classmate next to you. Dont go to see that film. Its terrible. Walk to the back of the room. Dont touch your nose.


Development activities Grammar

Imperatives are used to give orders or suggestions. For example: "Come here!" or "Have a cookie". Imperatives almost always have no subject, and the second person is usually implied as the subject instead. For example "Come here!" implies the subject "(you) Come here!

Here are some of the situations you can use imperatives.

Orders Close the door! Stand up! Sit down! Open your books!

Instructions To make a cup of coffee: Directions - Boil some water To go to the bank - Put some coffee in Turns left at Orchard a cup Street, and then go straight. - Add some boiling water - Drink the coffee.

Offers and Invitations Have some tea Come over to our house sometime.

Let's The verb let is often used as an imperative to give strong suggestions. Let's is a contraction of let us. For example: Let's go home! Let's watch a movie!

We can use the imperative to give a direct order. Take that chewing gum out of your mouth. Stand up straight. Give me the details.

We can use the imperative to give instructions. Open your book. Take two tablets every evening. Take a left and then a right.

We can use the imperative to make an invitation. Come in and sit down. Make yourself at home. Please start without me. I'll be there shortly. Have a piece of this cake. It's delicious.

We can use the imperative on signs and notices. Push!. Do not use it!. Insert one dollar!.

We can use the imperative to give friendly informal advice: Speak to him. Tell him how you feel. Have a quiet word with her about it. Don't go. Stay at home and rest up. Get some sleep and recover.

We can make the imperative 'more polite' by adding 'do'. Do be quiet. Do come. Do sit down.



Activity 1 Write FIVE imperatives of your choice, in the box given bellow, dont use the examples in the previous
page. One imperative tells a friend what to do, one giving instructions, one giving an advice, one making an offer, one making a suggestion.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

EVALUATION Activity 1 Product: written imperatives. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Recognizes important information about imperatives. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Integrates the information to his/her daily activities. Obtained value:

Factual Knows the imperative form and practices it. Auto evaluation


Complete the sentences with the correct imperative. Example: Answer the questions. (answer) A: 1. Don't _______________________________________________________________________! (touch) 3. up! _________________________________________________________________________ (stand) 5. the book in your bag. ____________________________________________________________ (put) 7. Let's a movie. ________________________________________________________________ (watch) 9. left at the church. ______________________________________________________________ (turn) B: 2. out! __________________________________________________________________________ (get) 4. a little every day. ______________________________________________________________ (study) 6. Mummy, ____________________________________________________________ me a candy! (give) 8. Let's ___________________________________________________________________ a game. (play) 10. Let's ____________________________________________________________________ home! (go) Check the meaning for the imperatives in the box bellow and then read the following sentences. Take Remember Save Go Arrive Talk Give Sing

1. Turn left at the end of the road. 2. Help me! I cant swim! 3. Dont forget to take your passport. 4. Dont be late! The bus leaves at 9 oclock. 5 . Pass the salt, please. 6 . Catch the first train in the morning. Pick a word from the box and use it to replace one of the words of the sentence, without changing the meaning of it. Right! You started with a verb. Write your sentences here. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.



Complete the following sentences by picking one of the words from previous exercises that you think gives the imperative idea to the sentence. 1.- __________________ to my house tomorrow. 2.- Dont __________________ to lock the door when you go out. 3.- __________________ left after the gas station. 4.- __________________ the locker on the right and get the books out. 5.- Dont __________________ noisy, Miguel. The babys sleeping. 6.- __________________ a great time in Moctezuma. 7.- __________________ in the coffee shop. We wont be long. 8 .- __________________ yourself a sandwich if youre hungry. 9.- __________________ some CDs. We can listen to them in the trip to Kino bay.

Activity2 Write a letter, inviting a friend to stay at your house for the weekend. Use six imperatives in the note.

EVALUATION Activity 2 Product: Write a Letter KNOWLEDGE Procedural Recognizes important information in a conversation. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Shows his/her creativity in the planning and presentation of a letter. Obtained value:

Factual Knows affirmative and negative imperatives. Auto evaluation


Closing activities
Complete the following instructions with these verbs: go, take, turn, cross, to create dialogues. Then practice each dialogue with a partner. Dialogue A: a) Excuse me. How can I get to the bank? b) _________________ Straight ahead on _________________ the second turning on the left, then _________________at the pedestrian crossing, _________________ past the post office and the bank is just next to it. Dialogue B: a) Good morning, can you tell me how I can go to the bus station? b) _________________ up this street, _________________ right at the corner, _________________ all along to the end of the road and youll locate it there.

Match the columns to make instructions. Feed Wash Dont Do Lets Tidy Dont Lets have a drink. put on your jacket, its hot. your bedroom. go to class; its eight oclock. the dishes. your homework. the bird. leave the door open.

Write sentences here. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________________________________________________


Complete the following cartoon with the subsequent verbs.

Write your answers here. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Activity 3 In teams of three, go to a crowded place such as a restaurant, a bar, or a shopping mall and write down
bits and pieces of the conversations you hear. Avoid trying to document whole conversations, just follow along for a brief exchange and then listen for your next target. Translate them to English. Now, take your notes and based on your observations create a real dialogue situation and act it out in class.

EVALUATION Activity 3 Product: A role play to dialogue KNOWLEDGE Procedural Understands the main ideas in a dialogue created on a self-based observation. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Collaborates with his/her classmates on the activities developed by the team. Obtained value:

Factual Integrates and recognizes the imperatives of the observed conversations in a dialogue. Co evaluation



Didactic sequence 2 When do I use modal verbs? Start up activities

Look at these signs and identify the meaning for each one of them. Write the meaning in the box.

1. __________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________

1 2 3

4. __________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. __________________________ 7. __________________________

8. __________________________ 9. __________________________ 10. _________________________

11. _________________________ 12. _________________________


13. _________________________ 14. _________________________




15. _________________________ 16. _________________________

15 16


17. _________________________ 18. _________________________ 19. _________________________ 20. _________________________

17 18




Answer the following questions about the sings from previous page. 1. Do you know these signs? Briefly discuss them with a partner in the class. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Where can you find this type of signs? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Are this used in Mexico? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Can you guess what do this signs say to the public? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Is the meaning the same in Mexico? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Why do you think they are used? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. What do they express? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Draw 6 different signs and give the meaning of them.


EVALUATION Product: practical identification of signs in preparation for modal verbs. value: KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Attitude Recognizes related vocabulary and Searches, identifies and understands Integrates information to his /her daily images about daily used signs in general ideas in the questions and images activities. preparation for applied grammar identification related with his / her daily activities activities. Co evaluation C Mc Nyc Obtained value: 1 69


Development activities
What are Modal Verbs? Modal verbs are special verbs which behave very differently from normal verbs. Here are some important differences:

Common Modal Verbs Can Could May Might Must Ought to Shall Should Will Would

Main Points To Remember A. Modals come first in a verb group. B. All modals (except ought) are followed by the base form of the verb. C. Ought is followed by a to infinitive. D. Modals have only one form - they don't change from first, to second, to third person like other verbs. 3. Many modal verbs cannot be used in the past tenses or the future tenses. Examples: He will can go with us. Not Correct She musted study very hard. Not Correct

1. Modal verbs do not take "-s" in the third person. Examples: He can speak Chinese. She should be here by 9:00.

2. You use "not" to make modal verbs negative, even in Simple Present and Simple Past. Examples: He should not be late. They might not come to the party.

A. Modals are always

the first word in a verb group. I should go visit them. I think it will be rather boring. Things could have been so different.

C. All modals except for ought

are followed by the base form of a verb. I should go visit them. I think it will rain tomorrow. Things could have been better. Someone may have seen them. They might be home tomorrow. They may be late. They should have known. He can come by anytime.

D. There is no s form for the B. Ought is always

followed by a to-infinitive. She ought to go out with Tom. Sam ought to have taken his medicine. You ought to be doing this, not me. third person singular of the present tense modal verbs. Also, there is no -ing or -ed forms. She can't help him now. I'm sure he can do it tomorrow. She ought to have called him yesterday. They might be home tomorrow. They may be late. They should have known. He can come by anytime.


Common usage for modal verbs

Must / Must not Must shows rules, obligation or necessity. Must not shows that an action is against the law or rules, or is not permitted. Can / Cant Can shows ability or possibility Can also shows that an action is permitted. Cant / cannot shows inability or an action that is not permitted. Should / Shouldnt Should expresses an opinion or advice. Shouldnt / should not shows that something is not a good idea. Search in internet for the most widespread usage for the following Modal Verbs

Search in internet for the most widespread usage for the following Modal Verbs Could ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________________________________________________________________ May ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Might ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Ought to ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Should ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Will ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Would ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________



Activity 2

Activity 2
Students must work in groups of four or five. Each group takes the name of a place (e.g. library, swimming pool, jail, school, bus, amusement park, etc) and is in charge of designing the rules for the place you chose. You should include what the people in that place should do, should, mustnt do and can do. (using using must, mustnt, have to and dont have to). to At the end of the activity, ask different groups to read out their rules (or post them on the wall). Who has the best rules? Can the other groups guess the place? Can I have a vodka, please? If you're interested for more information about modal verbs, Wikipedia may be of some help. You can go there by visiting the web page: _verb Im sorry, sir, but we dont serve spirits here!


Write your rules here:


EVALUATION Product: Practices modal verbs of obligation and make some rules. value: KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Attitude Recognizes related vocabulary Identifies and recognizes general ideas in Appreciates, creates and integrates the about fun daily activities the activity related with his / her activities in use of modals in a real situation. real life. Co evaluation C Mc Nyc Obtained value: 2 73


Listen to the following dialogue and identify the use of modals verbs: Requests, Offers, and Permission. In a real situation.

Waiter: Good Morning. May I take your order? Alma: Could we see a menu first? Waiter: Of course. (The waiter gives them menus.) Carlo: Id like the catfish, please. Waiter: Im afraid were out of the catfish. Carlo: All right. Then Ill have the sea bass. Waiter: Sorry, we just ran out of that too. Carlo: The mackerel? Waiter: None left. Carlo: Well, would you tell us what do you have? Waiter: May I recommend the salmon. Its excellent. Carlo: (sigh) All right. Waiter: Madame? Alma: I believe Ill have the salmon too. Waiter: Excellent! Carlo: I just realized I dont have cash with me. Can we pay with a credit card? Waiter: No, Im sorry. You cant. We only accept cash. Carlo: Carlo: Uh-oh. We may have to go then. Alma: Before we do, can you tell me where the womens room is? Waiter: Im afraid you cant use it. Its out of order. (The man and woman get up to leave.) Waiter: Come again!

Discussion Questions 1. Who makes the first request in this conversation? What is the request for?

2. What does the man attempts to order? What happens?

3. Why does the man finally order the salmon?

4. Why do the man and woman have to leave?

5. How do you think they feel when they leave?


Review modal auxiliaries and related idioms. Supply an appropriate base form of a verb in the blanks. EXAMPLES: a) There shouldnt be a discipline problem at the school, but there is. (Expectation) b) We might run out of money. (Slight probability)(To run out of means to deplete the supply of something) 1. -I have to ____________________________________________________ to the store because Ive run out of sugar. I have to _________________________________________________ right away. (Necessity) 2. -I didnt have to ________________________________________________ any medicine. (Lack of necessity) 3. -We must ____________________________________________________ at the next gas station (necessity), or we might ________________________________________________________ out of gas. (Slight probability) 4. -You ought to _____________________________________ that program on TV tonight. (Recommendation) 5. -You should ______________________________________________ better care of your health. (Advisability) 6. -We must_________________________________________________ the police about the crime. (Necessity) 7. -We must __________________________________________________________________ to live. (Necessity) 8. -We mustnt _______________________________________________________________ to eat. (Prohibition) 9. -You must _______________________________________________ this book; its about the present political situation in your native country. (Strong recommendation) 10. -I dont have to ___________________________________________ the book because I know all about the situation from personal experience. (Lack of necessity)

A modal verb always has the same form: There is no past form (ed), (ed) no present participle (ing) and no 3rd persons singular (s). (s) Modal verbs come before the subject in questions: questions example: "May I come to your house for tea?" Negative forms: Modal verbs have n't or not go after them in the negative. Example: "mustn't" "needn't"

PRESENT FORM can may will shall must ought to Need


PAST FORM could might would should ***** *****


Match the sentences. 1. The computer system's crashed, so you can't do any work. 2. I could do with something to eat. 3. That meal was a bit expensive. 4. I'm going to tell Shelly to mind her own business. 5. You should come to see the film. 6. I knew I shouldn't laughed when he asked me out. ( ( ( ( ( ( ) A) You might as well go home. ) B) You'd loved it. ) C) You can say that again! ) D) I wouldn't do that if I were you! ) E) But you just had breakfast! ) F) I just couldn't help it.

Rewrite these sentences using modal auxiliaries: 1. Perhaps he understands it.

2. Perhaps scientists are going to control the worlds climate.

3. They are not that bright to remember it.

4. They are not permitted to use their mother tongue at school.

5. He was capable to swim for hours.

6. In Cobach students are obliged to wear uniform.

7. Diego is able to listen to two conversations at a time.

8. It is possible they are already in Cinemark.

9. Perhaps my Parents are thinking on making a telephone call tonight.

10. Im sure hes Mexican.


Complete the sentences with the right modal verb. 1. Jesus is an excellent tennis player. He _________________ beat anybody. 2. Youre travelling all day. You _______________ be tired. 3. I ____________ get up early tomorrow. There are a lot of things I have to do. 4. Georgina travelled a lot. She ________________ speak five languages. 5. I cant find my sunshade. It ____________ be in the room somewhere. 6. I decided where to go on holidays. I __________ go to Michoacn with my parents. 7. Carolina ____________ get very bored in her job. She does the same thing every day. 8. Sandra _________________ drive because she hasnt got a car. 9. Ann ______________ not come to the get-together. Shes sick. 10. I havent phone Armando for days. I ________________ phone him tonight.

Choose the correct verb in each sentence. 1. Alice hasnt come to school, she must / musts / must to be ill. 2. Does he can / Can he / Can he to swim? 3. You dont must / mustnt to / mustnt say that. 4. I hope that she cans / can / can to come. 5. Do I must / Must I to / Must I learn all this grammar? 6. We cant / cant to / dont can speak Italian.



Activity 3 You are facing a busy week, which is full of commitments. After the explanation of your teacher Write a brief summary of your obligations, choices and alternatives for the day looking at your notes (some notes are ready for you). You may use the modals verbs: "must", "have to", "can", "should", "ought to", "need", "be to": then share them with your classmates.
Hours 08:00-09:00 08:00 09:0009:00-10:00 10:0010:00-11:00 Monday Phone Richard. Very important. A day off tomorrow. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Expect a telephone call. Take Charlotte to the airport. Lunch with the Browns. Boring as usual. Have dinner with my uncle. Did not make it last time. Courtesy gesture. Buy a rail ticket. Return home by six.

10:0010:00-11:00 10:0010:00-11:00


10:0010:00-11:00 10:0010:00-11:00 15:0015:00-16:00 16:0016:00-17:00

Write your summary here:


EVALUATION Product: practice of modal auxiliaries KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Recognizes vocabulary about fun Searches, identifies and understands daily activities and the application of general ideas in a brief dialogue related modals. with his / her activities and third person in past tense. Co evaluation C Mc Nyc 3

value: Attitude Strikes up dialogues with proposal and emphatic attitude.

Obtained value:


Write the words in the correct order. 1. well / English / teacher / very / speak/ my /can

2. class / in / behave / must / you / well

3. day / uniform / I / to / wear / every / school / have

4. drive / their / grandmother / cant

5. exam / during / mustnt / an / talk

6. allowed / week / late / out / during / Alicia / stay / isnt / to / the

7. cousins / might / visit / weekend / we / our / at / the

Rewrite the sentences using modal verbs to make correct ideas. 1. Is it necessary for me to bring my passport? Do _________________________________________________________________________________? 2. I am sure my purse is in the house somewhere. The purse __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. It is very inconvenient if you cant drive. Its very inconvenient __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. I am sure that John is not the thief. John __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. You are not allowed to park here. __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. It would be a good idea if Harry took a holiday. Harry_____________________________________________________________________________ Choose and underline the correct option. 1. They can/cans speak English together next year. 2. Look at that cake! She musts/must be a good cook. 3. We dont must/mustnt be late for school. 4. I have to /has to work very hard this year. 5. Do you can / Can you learn to drive when youre 16 in your country? 6. My brother can/cans run 100 meters in 10.2 seconds. 7. Do we have to / Have we to be home by 10.00 p.m.?
BLOCK 3 79

Correct the following sentences 1. Do you can go out at the weekend? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. She must remember to go to the dentist today. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. We might to drive to Andorra this summer. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Do she have to go out with him every night? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. It might to be hot tomorrow. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. The baby doesnt can talk yet. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Pablo cans look at a word for the first time and remember it immediately. _______________________________________________________________________________________

Choose the correct meaning for each sentence. 1. Dogs cant come in here. a) Dogs arent allowed in here. b) Its better if dogs dont come in here. 2. It cant be Juanita. Shes at school. a) Its possible that its Juanita. b) Its impossible that its Juanita because we know he is somewhere else. 3. It might drizzle later. Look at those black clouds. a) It definitely wont drizzle later. b) Its possible it will drizzle later. 4. Nydia ought to change her computer. a) Its necessary for Nydia to change her computer. b) Its a good idea for Nydia to change her computer. 5. You mustnt take a cellular phone to school. a) Its against the rules to take a cellular phone to school. b) You shouldnt take a cellular phone to school, but you can if you want to. 6. You neednt hurry. We arent late. a) It isnt a good idea to hurry. b) It isnt necessary to hurry. 7. You have to be seventeen to apply for a driving license in Britain. a) Its necessary to be seventeen before you can apply for a driving license. b) You can apply for a driving license before you are seventeen.


Closing activities
Activity 4 In pairs, Study this map. Identify how to properly use the modal verbs, then with your partner find situations
in your own experience where you can use them in a real situation. Finally, Give an oral report to your class.

When do we use modals?

To talk about an action that is necessary (or impossible, or not necessary)

To talk about someone's ability (or inability) to do something

To talk about a situation that is possible (or impossible)

example: "You must always have your driver's license when you are driving your car."

example: "We can find your house without the street plan."

example: "Denisse, be careful with that glass, the baby might knock it over"

Write your ideas here:


EVALUATION Product: . Identifies how to properly use the modal verbs value: KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Attitude Distinguishes the function of a modal Reaffirms the use of modals and Uses the vocabulary and grammar references verb their main forms assertively according to communicative situations. Co evaluation C Mc Nyc Obtained value: 4



Reading: Distracted Driving

A drivers responsibility is to operate a vehicle safely and to pay attention to the road and the other vehicles. Most people think about cell phones when they think about distractions for divers because cell phones have received the most attention. However, there are many other distractions that can make a driver lose control and cause an accident. Because there are many drive up restaurants, drivers eat more often in their cars. According to an insurance company report, eating while driving causes more accidents in the morning, when people on their way to work. If you have to eat in your car, avoid hot liquids like coffee and messy foods like hamburgers and sandwiches. You should drink out of a closed container or take a bite when you come to a full stop. Other passengers can distract a driver, too. According to AAA, the American Automobile association, babies distract drivers more than adult passengers do. When babies are in the car drivers tend to turn around and comfort the babies if they start to cry, if you have babies or young children in your car, you should not feed, dress, or play with them while you are driving. Cars have radios, CD players, lights, air conditioners, and heaters. Each item has a control dial or knob that requires some attention, but you should not make adjustments, like changing your CD, while you are driving. In fact, ten states already have warnings about radios in their drivers manuals. You should make adjustments in your car before you leave home. Another distraction can be stress. Drivers who have arguments with family members at home or with someone at work will get into their cars angry. They may drive more aggressively or be distracted by thinking about their argument. Sometimes an argument inside the car can cause a driver to stop paying attention to the road. If you are feeling very upset or angry, you should try to relax before you get into your car. If you are driving on a busy road and something makes you so upset that you cannot concentrate on driving, you should pull over to the side of the road. Take a moment to calm down before you continue and you will have a much saber trip. Read and circle T for true and F for false. 1. Cell phones distract drivers from the road. 2. More people drive and eat at night than in the morning. 3. You should never drink soda in the car. 4. Hot liquids are dangerous to drink while driving. 5. Babies distract drivers more than adults do. 6. Drivers should not feed their babies in the car. 7. All states in U.S. have warnings about radios in their drivers manuals. 8. Drivers should adjust their radios before they start the car. 9. You should not drive when you are very angry.


Listen to the following conversation. Underline the modal verbs in the text. Than in pairs explain what are they referring to, then practice the conversation with your partner.

Organizing your dream vacations

Travel Agent: Agent Can I help you with something, Madam? Caroline: Yes, I would like to take a trip to Canada. I would like to find out about the airfare to Montreal, Please. Travel Agent: Agent Sure, no problem madam. I can check for that information in our computer. Caroline: Great! I would like to leave in about 6 weeks, is thats possible? Travel Agent: Agent It shouldnt be a problem, madam. There are three airlines that travel to Canada. You can fly with, Air Canada, American Air lines or Mexicana Airlines. Caroline: Which airline is the safest to fly? You know; Im not crazy about flying. Travel Agent: Agent They are all excellent airlines, madam, but I guess the safest would be between Mexicana Airlines and American Air. They both have excellent records. Caroline: Is there any difference in price? Travel Agent: Agent You said you wanted to fly in about six weeks, right? Caroline: Yes, thats right. Travel Agent: Well, that would make it* the 10th of April, which is low season so Mexicana Airlines would be a little cheaper. Maybe about $100 dollars cheaper. Caroline: Wonderful! What is the fare with Mexicana Airlines? Travel Agent: Economy would be $699 return*. Caroline: What a bargain*. Can I make a reservation now? Travel Agent : Certainly, Madam. Would you like to pay by cash or credit card? Caroline: Oh no! I only want to make a reservation. Could I pay next week? You see I get paid next week. Travel Agent: Agent Yes, thats fine. You have to pay for the ticket at least three weeks in advance for this fare. Which date would you like to leave, exactly? Caroline: I would like to leave on a Friday, the 8th of April, if possible. Travel Agent : Oh, Im sorry Mexicana Airlines only flies on Saturdays and Tuesdays from Hermosillo to Montreal. Caroline: Okay, Saturday the 9th would be fine. Travel Agent : Great. May I have your first and last names please? Caroline: Yes, its Caroline Sinohui. Travel Agent : Is that C A R O L I N E S I N O H U I? Caroline: Yes, thats right. Travel Agent : Okay, Mrs. Sinohui. You are reserved on Mexicana Airlines flight 978 bound Mexico - Montreal at 9 a.m. on Saturday, April 9th, reservation no. KCS65691. Caroline: Thanks for helping me. Travel Agent: Sure Ms. Sinohui. We at EL CERRITO TRAVEL AGENCY are more than glad to help. Enjoy your vacation.



Activity 5 Act out the previous dialogue. In which situations you can see activities that may or may not take place in public, school or work. This is an example of a dialogue that takes place in another situation different from school, work or in public.


EVALUATION Product: Identifies how to properly use the modal verbs in a real dialogue and its value: application in a communicative way. KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Attitude Distinguishes the function of a Reaffirms the use of modals and their Uses the vocabulary and grammar references modal verb main forms. assertively according to communicative situations. Co evaluation C Mc Nyc Obtained value: 5



Unidad de competencia
Solicita e intercambia informacin referente a actividades y situacin propias y de terceras personas en el futuro, de manera oral y escrita, en contextos sencillos de socializacin y recreacin o laboral.

Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque:

Durante el presente bloque se busca desarrollar los siguientes Atributos de las competencias genricas: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingsticas, matemticas o graficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas segn quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologas de la informacin y la comunicacin para obtener informacin y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sinttica. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construccin de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integracin y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.

Time assigned: 15 horas

Didactic sequence 1 Describing plans and activities Start up activities

Pass the sound Materials: none Procedure 1. All the students stand in a circle. 2. One person chooses a short, sharp sound, and then putting his/her hands together points to the person next to them and makes the sound. The next person puts their hands together, points to the person next to them and makes the sound. 3. Pass the sound around the whole circle. 4. Then tell the students they can change the direction of the sound by pointing to someone across the circle or sending the sound back to the person who gave it to them. 5. This game needs to be played at a fast speed.

Listen and repeat the following activities.


Write the words and phrases in the box and repeat each Word of phrase.

Enunciate which of the activities from previous page you plan to do make or do next summer. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________



Note: In everyday speech (when people talks), 'going to' is often shortened to 'gonna', especially in American English.

There is no 'future tense' in English. The one which you will use more often in spoken English is 'going to', not 'will'. but you have to know that we use will for prediction when we have no real evidence: "It will rain tomorrow." (It's my feeling but I can't be sure.) We use going to for prediction when there is some real evidence: "It's going to rain." (There's a big, black cloud in the sky and if it doesn't rain I'll be very surprised.)

Form Use 1) planned actions in the future We are going to sing at the party. 2) You are certain that sth. is going to happen in the future. Look at this car! It is going to crash into the yellow one. Signal words no unambiguous ones We use 'going to' when we want to make a prediction based on evidence we can see now. Look out! That cup is going to fall off. We use 'going to' when we want to talk about a plan for the future. I'm going to see him later today. They're going to launch it next month. We're going to have lunch first. She's going to see what she can do. I'm not going to talk for very long. Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain soon. These figures are really bad. We're going to make a loss. Notice that this plan does not have to be for the near future. When I retire I'm going to go back to Barbados to live. In ten years time, I'm going to be boss of my own successful company. You look very tired. You're going to need to stop soon. We can replace 'going to go' by 'going' using a contraction form of the verb BE. I'm going out later. She's going to the exhibition tomorrow. to be (am, are, is) + going to + infinitive


Activity 1 Based on your teachers explanation about the grammar of will create with your own words a graphic
organizer or mental map about the same topic.


EVALUATION Product: Graphic organizer or mental map. KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Reaffirms the forms and the use Develops in a correct way the use of the of future of the structure. grammatical form. 1 Auto evaluation C Mc Nyc

value: Attitude Uses assertively the grammatical referents to create a communicative situation in the future. Obtained value:



Development activities
Listen and complete the sentences. 1. She is going to iron her fathers clothes. 2. __________________________________ wash my clothes. 3. __________________________________ go shopping. 4. __________________________________ get married. 5. __________________________________ play basketball. 6. __________________________________ play cards. 7. __________________________________ play football. 8. __________________________________ go to sky. 9. __________________________________ go fishing. 10. _________________________________ go swimming. 11. _________________________________ a birthday. 12. _________________________________ an anniversary. Pay attention to the chart and with your teachers explanation and with his or her help grasp that making a verb form with be going to, to you first put be into the correct form to agree with the subject, and then add going to + the simple form of the verb. verb Note also that the be form is often shortened. This table lists the main forms: Subject I You Statement I am going to study. I'm going to study. You are going to study. You're going to study. He is going to study. He's going to study. She is going to study. She's going to study. It is going to study. It's going to study. We are going to study. We're going to study. They are going to study. They're going to study. Question Am I going to study? Are you going to study? Is he going to study? Negative I am not going to study. I'm not going to study. You are not going to study. You aren't going to study. You're not going to study. He is not going to study. He's not going to study. He isn't going to study. She is not going to study. She's not going to study. She isn't going to leave. It is not going to leave. It's not going to leave. It isn't going to leave. We are not going to leave. We're not going to leave. We aren't going to leave. They are not going to leave. They're not going to leave. They aren't going to leave.



Is she going to study?


Is it going to study?


Are we going to study?


Are they going to study?

The meaning of be going to future forms Be going to is usually used when something is already planned or definite.

Look at the difference between these sentences: I'll make the supper tonight. (Making a decision/volunteering to do something.) I'm going to make the supper every Wednesday. (This is already planned and organized.)


Complete the text below using the appropriate going to and the verbs in parenthesis. Check your answers with a partner. Right now, I am watching a movie. Tomorrow at this time, I (watch) _____________________________ TV as well. Tomorrow after school, I (go) _____________________________ to the beach. I am going on a dream vacation to Oaxaca. While my parents (do) _____________________________ paperwork and (talk) ____________________________ to annoying customers on the phone, so I (lie) ____________________________ on a sunny, tropical beach. Are you jealous? We (hide) _____________________________ when Tory arrives at her surprise party. As soon as she opens the door, we (jump) _____________________________ out and we (scream) _____________________________ "Surprise!" We work out at the fitness centre every day after work. If you come over while we (work) _____________________________ out, we will not be able to let you into the house. Just to be safe, we (leave) _____________________________ a key under the welcome mat so you will not have to wait outside. While you (study) _____________________________ at home, my friend Maribel (be) _____________________________ in class. When we get to the party, Sally and Doug (dance) ____________________________ with John and Mat and they (make) _____________________________ soft drinks, Sue and Frank (discuss) _____________________________ something controversial, and Mary (complain) _____________________________ about something unimportant. They are always doing the same things. They are so predictable.

Now create your own paragraph according to a weekend in your life.



Team work: In teams of four ask your classmates questions about their plans. If the answer is YES, write your partners name on the line. If the answer is NO, ask another person in the team. Yes Questions 1) Are you going to take a vacation this year? 2) Are you going to celebrate a birthday this month? 3) Are you going to exercise on Wednesday? 4) Are you going to clean your room and the house this weekend? 5) Are you going to go to your friends house this Saturday night? 6) Are you going to get up late on Sunday morning? 7) Are you going to study for a test this weekend? 8) Are you going to visit family of friends? this weekend? No Classmate

Check your plans for this weekend. Then read your sentences to your partners in the team and check your partners plans too.

Weekends plans Yes 1. Im going to get up early this weekend. 2. Im going to stay home this weekend. 3. Im going to work this weekend. 4. Im going to play a sport this weekend. 5. Im going to do the shopping this weekend 6. Im going to do the laundry this weekend.

You No

Teams partner. Yes No

Now make a paragraph about you and your partners activities for the weekend.


Activity 2 Read the sentences and underline the correct choice to form a dialogue. Listen to the dialogue and write the correct order in the square provided. Practice
1. What ___ this weekend? a) you are going to do b) are you going to do c) your going to do 2. I'm not sure. ___ anything special? a) Are you going to do b) You are going to do c) Is going to do 3. My friend Marcela and I ___ a party. a) am going to b) are going to go to c) go to 4. I'd love to! ___? a) What's it going to be b) Who's go to be c) Where's it going to be 5. It is ___ to be at Roccos house. a) go b) going c) going to 6. What time ___ start? a) is it going to b) it's going to c) it 7. At 10 P.M. ___ invite? a) Who are you going to b) What you're going to c) When you going to 8. I don't know. I think ___ anyone. a) I'm going invite b) I'm not go invite c) I'm not going to invite Dialogue here.

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________
Practice the dialogue with a partner


Factual Knows vocabulary regarding plans for the weekend and distinguishes the use of future in its going to form. Co evaluation

EVALUATION Product: Dialogue practice. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Searches, identifies and understands general ideas in a short dialogue related to hers / his plans and third parties in the future. C Mc Nyc

value: Attitude Shows creativity in the drafting, preparation and presentation of a dialogue with openness to feedback. Obtained value:



Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences using be + going to. Use the expressions from the box.

Do homework Eat out Read a book Go shopping Study

Get up early Go out Sleep late Do laundry Play volleyball Watch TV

______________________ ______________________ ______

Tonight Hector

_______________________ _______________________ ______

Tomorrow Martin

Lucy________________________ ____________________________

Tomorrow Mickey ____________________________ ____________________________

Ernestine___________________ ______________ the exam.

Next weekend they ___________________________ ___________________________


Cristobal is ______________________ before going to bed sleep.

Tonight Hector ___________________________ ___________________________

Tonight Vctor ___________________________ ___________________________

Tonight Socorro ___________________________ ___________________________

Tonight Alma ___________________________ ___________________________

Tonight Diego ___________________________ _______________________



Closing activities
Complete sentences about what you are going to do this weekend. Use be + going to and the verbs from the box,. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Go dancing have a party do the shopping play basket celebrate a birthday do homework vacuum go running do the laundry go shopping play soccer go to a party study for a test visit friends.

Look at the sentences. There are some underlined mistakes in them. Find and correct the mistakes. 1. We not going to win a trip to Europe next month.

2. The baby is no going to cry.

3. I going to catch the bus to Cobach.

4. They is going to enjoy the rainy day.

5. She are going to take a vacation to Chihuahua.

6. I am going do my study later.


Activity 3 In pairs, talk about these famous people and decide about their plans for the future. Write their plans in the next page and prepare a brief report for the class about them.

Gael Garca

Alexander Acha

Enrique Iglesias


Salma Hayek

Eva Longoria

Lorena Ochoa

Michael Phelps

Rafael Mrquez



Write plans here.

EVALUATION Activity 3 Product: Report. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Searches, identifies and understands general ideas concerning future plans. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Collaborates with his/her classmates in the activity in pairs. Displays creativity in writing and presenting the report. Obtained value:

Factual Reaffirms the forms and use of structures of the future given in class in a report. Co evaluation


Activity 4 Walk around the classroom and ask your classmates these questions about their future plans. Try to find someone who answers yes to an item write that students name on the line.
Examples: Are you going to change jobs? No, Im not. (Continue to ask other students.) Are you going to change jobs? Yes, I am. (Write that students name on the line.) 1) Get married? ______________________________________________________________________________ 2) Move? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Visit another country? ______________________________________________________________________ 4) Buy a house? _____________________________________________________________________________ 5) See a lawyer? _____________________________________________________________________________ 6) Attend a wedding? _________________________________________________________________________ 7) Change jobs? _____________________________________________________________________________ 8) Take vacations? ___________________________________________________________________________ 9) Start a business? __________________________________________________________________________ 10) Graduate from COBACH? ___________________________________________________________________

Present a brief written report of your investigation to the class and your teacher. Ex. Ana said that she is going to .. and ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

EVALUATION Activity 4 Product: Written report. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Searches, identifies and understands general ideas concerning future plans. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Collaborates with his/her classmates in the activity. Displays creativity in writing and presenting the report. Obtained value:

Factual Reaffirms the forms and use of structures of the future given in class in a written report. Auto evaluation



Didactic sequence 2 Teenagers life and their future Start up activities

Read these statistics about teenagers drug use in high school in the United States. Then discuss the questions. Percent (%) of high school seniors who think people risk harming themselves with drug use, 2000-2008

Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Marijua na 58.3 57.4 53.0 54.9 54.6 58.0 57.9 54.8 51.7

Cocain e 86.2 84.1 84.5 83.0 82.2 82.8 84.6 83.3 80.7

LSD 75.9 74.1 73.9 72.3 70.2 69.9 69.3 67.3 63.6

Heroi n 89.2 88.3 88.5 89.3 86.8 87.5 89.7 87.8 86.4

In 2007, 22% of all students in grades 9 through 12 reported someone has offered, sold, or given them an illegal drug on school property. There is no measurable change with the percentage of students who reported that drugs are offered, sold, or given to them at school between 2003 and 2007. Males are more likely than females to report that drugs are offered, sold, or given to them on school property in each survey year between 1993 and 2007. In 2007, 26% of males and 19% of females reported availability of drugs. Here Are Some Facts About Teens & Drugs: In the United States, 13.2 million students between the ages of twelve and seventeen become new users of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. And according to the Institute for Social Research (ISR) at the University of Michigan, 50% of American children have used illicit drugs by the time that they are seniors in high school. In another recent study involving more than 50,000 high school students, ISR researchers found that 77% had used alcohol, 54% had smoked cigarettes, and 51% had used an illicit drug (including 46% who had used marijuana, 15% had used an amphetamine and 11% had used inhalants).

(Source: BJS jointly with the U.S. Department of Education, Indicators of School Crime and Safety, 2008, NCJ 226343, April 2009). (Statistics: Source: University of Michigan, The Monitoring the Future, Press release: Various stimulant drugs show continuing gradual declines among teens in 2008, most illicit drugs hold steady , University of Michigan News and Information Services, December 11, 2008)


1. Are you surprised by any of these statistics?

2. How does this information compare with drug use in Sonora and Mexico?

3. What do you think this sequence is going to be about?

4. Why do you think is important to know about drugs abuse?

5. What are your predictions for the future in your city about the use of drugs?



The future tense

We use the future tense to talk about actions in the future, such as tomorrow, next week, next year, etc. there are two forms of the future in English BE + GOING TO and WILL both future forms talk about actions and plans in the future. In addition, will expresses promises and predictions.


Future time expressions. Tomorrow / next week / in a few minutes / soon / the day after tomorrow / next month / in an hour / later / next year / in a little while.


Activity 1 After your teachers explanations create your own mind map here for future tense WILL .

EVALUATION Activity 1 Product: Mind map. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Understands and drafts a mental map that includes the use of future will C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Shows his / her creativity in writing and presentation of a mental map of the future will Obtained value:

Factual Reaffirms the use of forms and use of the structure of future will Auto evaluation



Development activities
Listen to the dialogue and pay attention to the future forms on it.

Dialog - The Party

Marcela: What a horrible weather today. I'd love to go out, but I think it will just continue raining. Janet: Well, I don't know. Maybe the sun will come out later this afternoon. Marcela: I hope you're right. Listen, I'm going to have a party this Saturday. Would you like to come? Janet: Oh, I'd love to come. Thank you for inviting me. Who's going to come to the party? Marcela: Well, a good number of people haven't told me yet. But, for sure Pablo and Marti are going to help out with the cooking! Janet: Hey, I'll help, too I love cooking! Marcela: Really? Would you? That would be great! Janet: I'll make lasagna! Marcela: That sounds yummy! I know my Italian cousins are going to be there. I'm sure they'll love it. Janet: Italians? Maybe I'll bake a cheese cake... Marcela: No, no. They'll not like that. They'll absolutely love it. Janet: Well, if you say so... Is there going be a theme for the party? Marcela: No, I don't think so. It will be just an opportunity to get together and have fun. Janet: I'm convinced it'll be lots of fun. Marcela: But I'm going to hire a comedian! Janet: A comedian! You're kidding me. Marcela: No, no. As a teenager, I always wanted a comedian in a party. Now, I'm going to have a comedian at my own party. Janet: Excellent! I'm sure everyone will have a good laugh. Marcela: That's the plan my dear friend; thats the plan!

Now answer these questions about the dialogue. 1. What do they think about the weather? 2. What does Marcela have to share? 3. What are Pablo and Marti going to do? 4. What does Janet offer to do? 5. How does Janet react to the news about the Italian cousins? 6. What special plan is there? 7. Why does Marcela want a comedian? 8. Does Marcela know exactly how many people are going to come? 9. If yes, how many. If not, why not? 10. How does Janet think people will react to the clown? 11. Is there a theme for the party?


It is now your time for your personal answers for the questions 1) Write about your work or study plans for future. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) What important event do you think will happen soon? __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Your friend needs some help with some homework. What do you say? __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Tell me about your plans for this coming weekend. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Complete these sentence: If I don't understand this exercise ... __________________________________________________________________________________________ 6) What do you think future English lessons will be about? __________________________________________________________________________________________ Lets make an analysis. Discuss with a partner and check ( ) if you (A) agree or (D) disagree with the sentences. A A A A A A A A A D D D D D D D D D There will be a catastrophic nuclear war by 2060. People will live on the moon in 2060. Cloning will be a normal occurrence in the future. Cash will disappear by 2020. People wont eat solid food after 2050. We will live off tablets and pills in 2050. Most families will have a robot to help with the household chores in 2012. All people will speak in English in 2050. AIDS will be eradicated by 2010.

Come up with your own ideas of the future. Write your own sentences here. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Activity 2 Pair work Use your imagination! Workings in pairs create a dialogue about your and your classmates plans for the future based on the previous dialogue and your personal answers. Act out the Dialogue in class.

EVALUATION Activity 2 Product: Dialogue act out KNOWLEDGE Procedural Practices and perfects the pronunciation of the dialogue box that contains plans for the future. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Collaborates with his / her classmates on the team activity with a purposeful and empathic attitude. Obtained value:

Factual Knows the vocabulary on time expressions related to future tense. Co evaluation


Closing activities
List down five things you will do and five things you wont do tomorrow 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1. What will you do if there is a new rule that says that Cobach Students must wear their school uniforms at home until bedtime?

2. What will your parents say if you tell them you dont want to go to school anymore?

Complete the phrases with the options in the box. Voluntary actions Ill help you Ill do it. Ill get it.

The phone rings. You say _____________________________________________________________________________________________. Your uncle is in trouble. You say _____________________________________________________________________________________________ The teacher comes to class and needs someone to clean the board. You say _____________________________________________________________________________________________.
BLOCK 4 107

Activity 3 Lets make an interesting activity that most of you will enjoy. We are going to divide the class in groups of three to five. The idea is to create a RADIO SHOW. Each team should talk about a subject. For instance, you can read the news of the day (from a newspaper or invented by yourselves), talk about a sports match, give the weather forecast, report on a movie or a book, read a poetry or make an interview to another student (pretending to be someone important). It is important to have in mind that the show must not last more than five minutes. Your teacher can chose to record on tape the whole activity and make the class hear them to correct your own mistakes.

EVALUATION Activity 3 Product: Radio show KNOWLEDGE Procedural Requests and exchanges through oral and written information, plans and predictions related to the future in simple conversations. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Shows his / her creativity in writing and presentation of the dialogues, with openness to feedback from them. Obtained value:

Factual Reaffirms the forms and the use of structures of the future will and going to Co evaluation


Didactic sequence 3 Will vs going to Start up activity

Write two sentences about each picture. Use future tense with be + going to or will Example:

He had an accident. But she is going to hospital now. He will feel better soon.

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________



Read the differences between will and going to. to

Will and going to are the two most common ways of expressing the future. While they are similar in many aspects, there are three differences:

Predictions expressed by "going to" are based on what's happening at the present moment.

1) Predictions Predictions expressed by "will" are based on your intuition and experience.

3) Intention This is a subtle difference 2) but it is noticable: if someone uses the "going "Going to" usually refers to the near future. While will to" form, the person is often doesn't refer to any specific talking about his or her moment (it may sometimes intentions. In other words, there is an ephasis on the concern very far future). intention of doing something.

Resource centre / English grammar / Will and going to Question Will I travel? Will you travel? Will he/she/it travel? Will we travel? Will you travel? Will they travel?

Affirmative I will travel You will travel He/she/it will travel We will travel You will travel (pl.) They will travel

Negative I will not travel You will not travel He/she/it will not travel We will not travel You will not travel They will not travel

Affirmative I am going to travel You are going to travel He/she/it is going to travel We are going to travel You are going to travel They are going to travel

Negative I am not going to travel You are not going to travel He/she/it is not going to travel We are not going to travel You are not going to travel They are not going to travel

Question Am I going to travel? Are you going to travel? Is he/she/it going to travel? Are we going to travel? Are you going to travel? Are they going to travel?


Functions and examples - will 1. We use 'will' to give or ask for information or facts about the future. Her parents will be here in about an hour. All her friends will come to her wedding. 2. We use 'will' for plans or decisions made at the time of speaking. "We need some paper for the photocopier." "Okay, I'll go and get some." "What would you like to eat?" "I'll have a pizza please." 3. We use 'will' to predict the future. I think it will rain tomorrow. Al Pacino will win the award for Best Actor. Do you think Brazil will win the World Cup? 4. We use 'will' to predict the present. Don't phone her now, she'll be busy. 5. We use 'will' to offer to do something. I'll take you to the airport tomorrow. That suitcase looks heavy, I'll carry it for you. 6. We use 'will' to agree to do something. Okay, I'll come with you 7. We use 'will' to promise to do something. I promise I won't tell anyone you broke the window 8. We use 'will' to make requests (or give orders). Will you open the door for me please? Will you marry me? Will you shut up please? 9. We use 'will' to refuse to do something or talk about refusals. No, I won't cook your dinner, you can cook it yourself. I've asked him but he won't do it.

Functions and examples - going to 1. We use 'going to' for plans or decisions made before speaking. Is John coming home soon? - Yes, I'm going to meet him at the airport tomorrow. I'm going to watch TV in a minute, because my favorite program is on. 2. We use 'going to' to predict the future based on present evidence. Look at the sky. It's going to rain soon. Germany have just scored. England are going to lose again.



Activity 1 Explain the differences among will and going to using examples. Choose a production (oral, mapping, creative report, etc.


EVALUATION Product: Mind map, oral or creative report. KNOWLEDGE Factual Procedural Reaffirms the use of forms and Describes product features and structures of the future with be project plans. Recognizes important going to and will to express future facts about the future. plans and predictions. Co evaluation C Mc Nyc 1

value: Attitude Uses assertively vocabulary and grammar related to the communicative situation he or she faces. Obtained value:


Development activities
Complete the question and then use the words below to make appropriate sentence Use Going to or Future tense will: Where are you going tonight? I will go to the movie theater and then I am going out for a snack. Q. Where are you going?_________________________ Tomorrow / marketplace / and cinema A. Tomorrow I am going to the marketplace and cinema. 1. Where _______________________________________? Next / Friday / school and my friends house. A. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Where _______________________________________? Next month / holiday / to Hermosillo and Ricky Point. A. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where _______________________________________? Next year / Hermosillo / study University. A. I __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Where _______________________________________? 1 hour ago / Hair cut and massage. A. I __________________________________________________________________________________________

Complete the sentences choosing the correct option, then organize the sentences and complete a dialogue ( ) 1. Olivia and Marcela ____________________(buy) tickets for the Mexican Festival. a) going to buy b) are going to buy c) are going buy ( ) 2. _________________________________________ (go) to the Teresas fiesta next weekend? a) Are you going to go b) Are going you to go c) You are going to go ( ) 3. I would love to go but I _______________ ( be- negative) in Alamos next weekend. a) am going not to be b) not going to be c) am not going to be ( ) 4. Let's hope that Teresa __________( like) her birthday present tomorrow. I don't think she owns a red shirt. a) going to like b) is going to like c) are going to like ( ) 5. She _________________( like- negative) it. She told me he dislikes red. Take it back to the store. a) is definitely not like it b) going definitely not like it c) is definitely not going to like it ( ) 6. Well, so much for the effort! I _____________( exchange) it for a plain, old, blue one later today. a) am going to exchange b) am going exchange c) is going to exchange Act out previous dialogue in class.



Complete these sentences with the option that best completes the idea. 1. What are your plans for next week? I ______ to fly to New York on business. Probably on Tuesday but I haven't bought my ticket yet. a) 'll b) 'm going to 2. What are your plans for the holidays? I ______ visit my parents for a few days and then go walking in Scotland. a) 'll b) 'm going to 3. Why are you wearing your best suit? I ______ have lunch with my biggest customer. a) 'll b) 'm going to 4. Do you want to have the chicken or the beef? I think ______ have the beef. a) 'll b) 'm going to 5. My head hurts. Sit down and I ______ get you an aspirin. a) 'll b) 'm going to 6. We need some more ink for the printer. I ______ go to the shop and get some. a) 'll b) 'm going to 7. Look! There's smoke coming out of the photocopier. You turn it off and I ______ phone the safety officer a) 'll b) 'm going to 8. I cannot see how to use this spreadsheet. Don't worry. I ______ help you. a) 'll b) 'm going to 9. I need to speak to you today. I'm going out now but I ______ be back later. a) 'll b) 'm going to 10. Did you phone Michael? I'm sorry. I completely forgot. I ______ do it now. a) 'll b) 'm going to Put in the verbs in parenthesis into the line. Use will-future or going to-future. Example: I hope, that the sun ________ tomorrow. (to shine) Answer: I hope, that the sun will shine tomorrow. 1) Pancho ____________________________________ 15 next Wednesday. (to be) 2) They ____________________________________ a new computer. (to get) 3) I think, my mother ____________________________________ this CD. (to like) 4) Paulina's sister ____________________________________ a baby. (to have) 5) They ____________________________________ at about 4 in the afternoon. (to arrive) 6) Just a moment. I ____________________________________ you with the bags. (to help) 7) In 2020 people ____________________________________ more hybrid cars. (to buy) 8) Marcela ____________________________________ a party next week. (to throw) 9) We ____________________________________ to Phoenix in June. (to fly) 10) Look at the clouds! It ____________________________________ soon. (to rain)


Closing activities
Fill in all the lines, use "be going to" or "will" for the Future. 1. What do you want to do when you leave school? - I _______________________________________________ (be) a dancer. 2. Do you have any plans for the weekend? - Well, we _______________________________________________ (see) a movie on Saturday night. 3. I think the house is on fire! - I __________________________________________________________________ (phone) the fire department. 4. I'll get the sugar from the cabinet! - Watch out! You _______________________________________________ (hit) your head on the door. 5. Didn't you finish those exercises from the book? - No, I ____________________________________________ (stay) late and finish them. 6. (you/have) ______________________________________________________ another cake? - No, thank you. I've already had two. 7. Do you want to go with me to the restaurant this afternoon? - I can't. I _______________________________ (visit) my grandparents. 8. This package is very heavy! - Don't worry. I ______________________________________________________ (carry) it for you. 9. Did you buy a birthday present for Sally? - Yes, I _________________________________________________ (give) her a bottle of perfume. 10. Don't forget to take an umbrella: the weather forecast says that we have to expect it __________________ (rain) later. 11. Look at those black clouds in the sky! It __________________________________________________ (rain). 12. I've lost my marker. - I _______________________________________________________________________ (give) you one of mine. 13. Do you want to borrow my camera? - Thanks. I _________________________________________________ (bring) it back tonight. 14. What (you/do) tonight? - Well, I __________________________________________________ (not/do) anything special. Why? 15. It's my 26th birthday in April. ______________________________________________________ (You/have) a party? I haven't decided yet.



Activity 2 Using the words in parentheses, complete the dialogues below with will or going to in order to give sense
to the one you think is the appropriate. 1. Miriam: Do you think the Red template or the Purple template ___________________________ (win) the next election? Janie: I think the Red template __________________________________(win) the next election. Joel: No way! The Purple template __________________________________ (win) their candidate for President is Rosy and she is very intelligent. 2. Sandra: We __________________________________(go) camping this weekend. Would you like to come along? Samuel: That sounds great, but I don't have a sleeping bag. Sandra: No problem. I(lend) _____________________________ you one. My family has tons of camping gear. 3. Bernie: I (buy) __________________________________ a new house this weekend, but I'm a little worried because I don't really know much about houses. I'm afraid the salesman (try) __________________________________ to take advantage of me when he sees how little I know. Daniel: I used to work for a Realtors office in high school and I know a lot about selling homes. I (go) __________________________________ with you to make sure you are not annoyed by the seller. 4. Nydia: Francisco and I (visit) __________________________________ Caborca next summer. Have you ever been there? Marcela: Part of my family lives in Caborca! I (give) __________________________________ you my parents' phone number. When you get to Caborca, just call them and they (give) __________________________________ you a little tour of the town. They can show you some of the sights that most tourists never see. 5. Lulu: Can you see my future in the crystal ball? What (happen) __________________________________ next year? Fortune Teller: You (meet) __________________________________ a guy from the United States, I don't know, New York or maybe Boston. You (marry) __________________________________ that mystery gentleman. Lulu: Forget the man! I want to know if I (get) __________________________________ a new job. Fortune Teller: That my friend is a problem that you (solve) __________________________________ by next week. Now listen carefully to the dialogues. Check your answers and correct the ones that need to be corrected.

EVALUATION Activity 2 Product: Exercise. KNOWLEDGE Procedural Describes exercise features and plans. Recognizes by listening correction of dialogues important facts about the future. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Uses vocabulary and grammar related to the dialogues assertively.

Factual Reaffirms the use of forms and structures of the future with be going to and will to express future plans and predictions. Auto evaluation

Obtained value:


Activity 3 Fill in the chart with the words and phrases you learned in this unit.

Write a paragraph describing your plans when you finish this semester of school.

EVALUATION Activity 3 Product: Plans Paragraph KNOWLEDGE Procedural Understands and writes a simple paragraph containing basic ideas of the didactic sequence. Recognizes vocabulary and data used in the sequence. C Mc Nyc value: Attitude Uses vocabulary and grammar related to the sequence assertively.

Factual Reaffirms the use of forms and structures of the future with be going to and will to express future plans and predictions. Auto evaluation

Obtained value:



Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora. Reforma Integral a Educacin Media Superior. Barbara H. Foley and Elizabeth R. Neblett. English In Action III Students book / workbook. Heinle Cengage Learning. Boston Ma. 2003. Betty Schrampfer Azar. Understanding and Using English Grammar. Third Ed. Blue Book. Prentice Hall Regents Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 1998. Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley Click on America Students Book 2 Express Publishing. 2007. Gaudelia Matias Silva Opening 3 Students Book Book Mart. 2008. Beth Witten Premier English 4 Book Mart. 2008. Manuel Luna and Adriana del Paso. Rally 3 Students Book Ed.MacMillan de Mexico, S.A. de C. V. Mexico D.F. 2004-2005 Llanas Angela, Williams Libby, Rollers Mickey, Sturtevant Jane. Style Resource Book 2 & 3 . Macmillan Education. Oxfordshire, Oxford, England. 2009. Anna Ingrid & Peterson Crews. Ingles 2 (4 habilidades) Coleccin Innovacin Educativa. Coyoacn, Mxico. D.F. 2004. Argudin, Yolanda. Educacion Basada en Competencias. Nociones y antecedentes. Editorial Trillas. Mexico D.F. 2006.


Catalano, Ana Maria. Diseo curricular basado en normas de competencias laboral: conceptos y orientaciones metodolgicas. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2004. Direccin General de Educacion Tecnologica Industrial (DGETI) Compendio de Secuencias Didcticas. Primera edicin Mexico D.F. 2005. Miguel Diaz, Mario de. Modalidades de enseanza centradas en el desarrollo de competencias orientaciones para promover el cambio metodolgico en el espacio europeo de educacin superior. Ediciones Universidad de Oviedo. Oviedo, Espaa. 2006.



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