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Nios de Somalia

(Mujer de verso en pecho, 1996)

Gloria Fuertes (1917-1998) tml?Ref=10458&portal=17

Gloria Fuertes was a Spanish writer born in Madrid. She wrote her first poem at the age of 14 and published her first poems in 1935, just a year before the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). This event and the subsequent period of poverty, retaliation and censorship imposed by the new enforced government of Franco upon a divided nation influenced much of her work, as well as many of her contemporaries of the 50s Generation, who found poetry a useful tool to condemn the social and moral injustices of their time. Furthermore, Gloria was one of the few female writers and feminist representatives of this intellectual movement (Postismo).

Although during her lifetime she published both adult and children literature alike, receiving numerous awards and literary prizes, it is her poems for children which are best remembered and her public readings of them in the media and on childrens TV programs. Definitely, Gloria Fuertes has been part of the collective literary upbringing of at least 2 generations of Spanish people.

En grupos, comentar y tomar notas:

1- Qu sabes de Somalia? Qu informacin tenis de ese pas?


2- Cmo puede describir un poeta a los nios de Somalia? Cmo son?

Los nios de Somalia son/ tienen

Ahora, leer el poema Nios de Somalia de Gloria Fuertes

Yo como T comes l come Nosotros comemos Vosotros comis Ellos no!


En el poema, quin come y quin no? Quines son ellos? Cul es el mensaje del poema en tu opinin? Puedes aadir ms palabras? JUSTICIA GORDOS RICOS GUERRA POBRES


Es un poema para nios o adultos? Por qu?

Finalmente, siguiendo el modelo del poema de Gloria Fuertes, vas a escribir tu propio poema sobre otro tema:
Qu actividades (verbos) puedes usar?

Ojo! Usa frases enteras y variadas Ejemplo: VIAJAR (Yo viajo a pases exticos en vacaciones, t viajas a Europa en verano,).

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