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Chest to chest Nose to nose Palm to palm We were always just that close Wrist wrist Toe to toe

Lips that just felt like the inside of a rose So how come when I reach out my fingers It feels more than distance between us In this california king bed Were ten thousand miles apart I bet california wishing on these stars of the heart for me My california king Eye to eye Cheek to cheek Side by side You were sleeping next to me Arm to arm Dusk to dawn With the curtains drawn And a little last nite on these sheets So how come when I reach out my fingers It feels more than distance between us In this california king bed Were ten thousand miles apart I bet california wishing on these stars of the heart for me My california king Just when I felt like giving up on us You turned around and gave me one last touch That made everything feel better And even then my eyes got better So confused wanna ask you if you love me But I dont wanna seem so weak Maybe Ive been california dreaming In this california king bed Were ten thousand miles apart I bet california wishing on these stars of the heart for me My california king In this california king bed Were ten thousand miles apart I bet california wishing on these stars of the heart for me My california King

El motivo principal por el que se produce el hipo, es el famoso diafragma, que es un msculo que cumple la funcin de separar los pulmones de los dems rganos que se hallan en el vientre. Por otra parte interviene directamente en los movimientos respiratorios, cuando se contrae ingresa el aire y cuando se da el proceso inverso se refiere a la espiracin. En tanto, hay momentos en que los msculos del abdomen ejercen una presin extra sobre el diafragma, esto suele darse despus de comer o de ingerir mucho lquido, o incluso al inhalar el humo, esto produce que se relaje de una forma anormal. Esto lleva a que la respiracin se altere, con algunas contracciones espasmdicas del diafragma, que provoca el surgimiento de inspiraciones y espiraciones incompletas, el hipo. En lo referido al sonido del hipo, viene dado por el cierre de la glotis, que es la abertura superior de la laringe (rgano que da la voz).

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