Está en la página 1de 78

position id your_rating title imdb_rating runtime year

516 tt0088247 7 Terminator 8.1 107 1984

513 tt0103064 6 Terminator 2: el juicio fina 8.6 137 1991
512 tt0095016 4 Jungla de cristal 8.3 131 1988
509 tt0091763 9 Platoon 8.2 120 1986
507 tt0112573 7 Braveheart 8.4 177 1995
501 tt0120815 7 Salvar al soldado Ryan 8.5 169 1998
500 tt0172495 7 Gladiator 8.4 155 2000
499 tt0401792 9 Frank Miller's Sin City, C 8.3 124 2005
489 tt0468569 10 El caballero oscuro 8.9 152 2008
464 tt0960144 6 Zohan - Licencia para pei 5.6 113 2008
11 tt0092493 5 Cocodrilo Dundee II 5.1 108 1988
462 tt0465234 6 La búsqueda 2 - El diario 6.5 124 2007
450 tt0086190 7 El retorno del Jedi 8.3 134 1983
444 tt0080684 8 El imperio contraataca 8.8 124 1980
440 tt0381061 6 007: Casino Royale 8 144 2006
438 tt0266697 9 Kill Bill: Volumen 1 8.2 111 2003
435 tt0145487 5 Spider-Man 7.4 121 2002
429 tt0076759 8 La guerra de las galaxias 8.8 121 1977
428 tt0434409 9 V de vendetta 8.2 132 2006
385 tt1190080 3 2012 5.8 158 2009
21 tt0119190 5 George de la jungla 5.3 92 1997
365 tt1136608 9 District 9 8.2 112 2009
363 tt0796366 6 Star Trek 8.1 127 2009
362 tt0499549 8 Avatar 8.2 162 2009
345 tt0118571 5 Air Force One, el avión de 6.3 124 1997
338 tt1375666 9 Origen 8.9 148 2010
328 tt1104001 7 TRON: Legacy 7 125 2010
320 tt1014759 8 Alicia en el país de las mar 6.6 108 2010
314 tt0091326 6 Karate Kid II, la historia c 5.4 113 1986
311 tt0081573 5 Superman II 6.7 127 1980
31 tt0329717 4 Hollywood: Departamento 5.2 116 2003
310 tt0064505 7 Un trabajo en Italia 7.2 99 1969
303 tt0120347 5 El mañana nunca muere 6.4 119 1997
301 tt0120891 4 Wild Wild West 4.3 106 1999
300 tt0443632 4 La sombra de la sospecha 6 108 2006
295 tt0266987 6 Spy Game 6.9 126 2001
294 tt0106977 7 El fugitivo 7.8 130 1993
291 tt0110475 6 La máscara 6.7 101 1994
284 tt0244244 5 Operación Swordfish 6.3 99 2001
282 tt0078346 6 Superman 7.3 143 1978
281 tt0094226 8 Los intocables de Eliot Ne 8 119 1987
276 tt0117998 5 Twister 6 113 1996
275 tt0187393 6 El patriota 6.9 165 2000
274 tt0319262 5 El día de mañana 6.3 124 2004
45 tt0325980 6 Piratas del Caribe. La mal 8 143 2003
270 tt0325710 6 El último samurai 7.7 154 2003
269 tt0372183 6 El mito de Bourne 7.6 108 2004
268 tt0117500 5 La Roca 7.3 136 1996
266 tt0100802 8 Desafío total 7.4 113 1990
264 tt0111503 8 Mentiras arriesgadas 7.2 141 1994
263 tt0121765 6 Star Wars: Episodio II - El 6.8 142 2002
261 tt0317740 6 The Italian Job 6.9 111 2003
258 tt0092099 7 Top Gun. Ídolos del aire 6.6 110 1986
255 tt0440963 7 El ultimátum de Bourne 8.2 115 2007
254 tt0121766 8 Star Wars: Episodio III - L 7.8 140 2005
253 tt0120915 6 Star Wars: Episodio I - L 6.4 136 1999
251 tt0332452 8 Troya 7 163 2004
58 tt0372784 7 Batman Begins 8.3 140 2005
246 tt0232500 4 A todo gas 6.1 106 2001
244 tt0133093 8 Matrix 8.7 136 1999
241 tt0089370 7 La joya del Nilo 5.8 106 1985
235 tt0119874 5 El pacificador 5.9 124 1997
63 tt0082971 8 En busca del arca perdida 8.7 115 1981
234 tt0120053 4 El santo 5.9 116 1997
226 tt0115759 5 Broken Arrow: alarma nuc 5.8 108 1996
224 tt0208003 5 Esta abuela es un peligro 4.8 98 2000
221 tt0165798 8 Ghost Dog, el camino del 7.6 116 1999
216 tt0099422 5 Dick Tracy 6 105 1990
69 tt0265086 7 Black Hawk derribado 7.7 144 2001
215 tt0137494 5 La trampa 6.1 113 1999
214 tt0086006 8 Nunca digas nunca jamás 6.1 134 1983
207 tt0104714 6 Arma letal 3 6.5 118 1992
73 tt0096895 6 Batman 7.6 126 1989
201 tt0116213 5 Eraser (Eliminador) 5.9 115 1996
75 tt0116629 4 Independence Day 6.6 145 1996
196 tt0120744 5 El hombre de la máscara d 6.2 132 1998
195 tt0097733 6 Arma letal 2 7.1 114 1989
194 tt0089880 5 Acorralado, II parte 5.9 96 1985
186 tt0122151 6 Arma letal 4 6.5 127 1998
184 tt0086960 6 Superdetective en Holly 7.3 105 1984
176 tt0305357 5 Los ángeles de Charlie: Al 4.7 106 2003
175 tt0084602 6 Rocky III 6.2 99 1982
171 tt0052618 8 Ben-Hur 8.2 212 1959
84 tt0213149 4 Pearl Harbor 5.5 183 2001
85 tt0316654 5 Spider-Man 2 7.6 127 2004
170 tt0120812 4 Hora punta 6.8 98 1998
167 tt0143145 5 El mundo nunca es suficie 6.3 128 1999
88 tt0119654 5 Men in Black: hombres de 7 98 1997
89 tt0119094 4 Cara a cara (Face/Off) 7.3 138 1997
163 tt0120755 4 M.I.-2: Misión imposible 2 5.8 123 2000
153 tt0111257 7 Speed: Máxima potencia 7.2 116 1994
152 tt0113189 5 GoldenEye 7.1 130 1995
150 tt0099423 4 La jungla 2: Alerta roja 7 124 1990
147 tt0117060 3 Mission: Impossible 6.9 110 1996
141 tt0102798 6 Robin Hood, príncipe de l 6.7 143 1991
96 tt0453467 3 Deja Vu 7 126 2006
139 tt0112864 5 Jungla de cristal. La veng 7.5 131 1995
138 tt0212346 3 Miss Agente Especial 6 109 2000
136 tt0091203 7 Los inmortales 7.2 116 1986
134 tt0089927 5 Rocky IV 6.1 91 1985
101 tt0097576 7 Indiana Jones y la última 8.3 127 1989
102 tt0118688 5 Batman y Robin 3.5 125 1997
132 tt0087469 6 Indiana Jones y el templo 7.5 118 1984
130 tt0118880 5 Con Air: convictos en el ai 6.6 115 1997
121 tt0160127 5 Los ángeles de Charlie 5.5 98 2000
106 tt0112462 6 Batman Forever 5.4 121 1995
117 tt0187078 5 60 segundos 6.1 118 2000
111 tt0246460 4 Muere otro día 6 133 2002
num_votes genre1 genre2 genre3 genre4 genre5 genre6 genre7
204906 action sci_fi
271838 action sci_fi thriller
207393 action thriller
123189 action drama war
272970 action biography drama history war
307516 action drama history war
322575 action adventure drama
286993 action crime drama thriller
535317 action crime drama thriller
61118 action comedy drama
17953 action adventure comedy
67858 action adventure comedy mystery thriller
235798 action adventure family fantasy sci_fi
312090 action adventure family sci_fi
189273 action crime thriller
264806 action crime thriller
185851 action adventure fantasy
355851 action adventure family fantasy sci_fi
262096 action sci_fi thriller
96983 action adventure drama sci_fi thriller
22205 action adventure comedy family romance
189249 action drama sci_fi thriller
160802 action adventure sci_fi
322201 action adventure fantasy sci_fi
66300 action drama thriller
357338 action mystery sci_fi thriller
70220 action adventure sci_fi thriller
89540 action adventure family fantasy
20388 action family romance sport
32573 action adventure sci_fi
17497 action comedy crime thriller
14908 action comedy crime thriller
51021 action adventure thriller
59879 action western comedy sci_fi
25219 action adventure crime mystery thriller
48981 action crime thriller
104819 action adventure crime drama thriller
85434 action comedy crime fantasy romance
64374 action thriller crime
56068 action adventure family sci_fi
94420 action biography crime drama history thriller
66600 action adventure drama thriller
86744 action drama war
104895 action adventure drama sci_fi thriller
272003 action adventure fantasy
121062 action adventure drama history war
118904 action mystery thriller
117519 action thriller
78833 action adventure sci_fi thriller
87857 action thriller
174480 action adventure fantasy sci_fi
88005 action crime thriller
88524 action drama romance
171568 action mystery thriller
198295 action adventure fantasy sci_fi
210981 action adventure fantasy sci_fi
147447 action drama history romance
306044 action crime drama thriller
80238 action crime thriller
434603 action adventure sci_fi
16626 action adventure comedy romance
23025 action thriller
271057 action adventure
29310 action romance sci_fi thriller
36055 action thriller
24395 action comedy crime
38552 action comedy crime drama thriller
26980 action crime romance thriller
111047 action drama history war
43968 action crime romance thriller
23128 action adventure thriller
43978 action crime thriller
121515 action crime thriller
40470 action crime drama mystery thriller
165903 action adventure sci_fi thriller
40985 action adventure drama history
49432 action comedy crime thriller
42850 action adventure thriller
52256 action crime thriller
50263 action comedy crime drama thriller
48345 action adventure comedy crime
41491 action drama sport
66155 action adventure drama history romance
108737 action drama romance war
158453 action crime fantasy thriller
63031 action comedy thriller crime
64112 action adventure thriller
133561 action adventure comedy sci_fi
114973 action crime sci_fi thriller
93493 action adventure thriller
92111 action crime drama thriller
75528 action adventure thriller
88066 action crime thriller
95810 action adventure thriller
59597 action adventure drama romance
75402 action sci_fi thriller
96853 action crime thriller
47419 action comedy crime
44295 action fantasy
48122 action drama sport
192005 action adventure
89345 action crime fantasy sci_fi
120912 action adventure
85286 action crime thriller
67149 action adventure comedy crime thriller
83719 action crime fantasy thriller
82607 action crime thriller
73578 action adventure thriller
genre1 Count - title
action 108
adventure 28
animation 27
biography 22
comedy 122
crime 59
documentary 6
drama 118
family 1
fantasy 4
horror 12
mystery 4
romance 4
thriller 5
(empty) 3
Total Result 523
Total Result
Total Result
position id your_rating title
1 tt0119626 10 Martín (Hache)
2 tt0382271 6 Rosario Tijeras
3 tt0106305 8 La ardilla roja
4 tt0417944 7 Manual de amor
5 tt0313196 7 El crimen del padre Amaro
6 tt0075824 8 Ese oscuro objeto del deseo
7 tt0099334 6 Cyrano de Bergerac
8 tt0021577 7 La edad de oro
9 tt0475860 6 Paraiso Travel
10 tt0105378 7 Sombras y niebla
11 tt0092493 5 Cocodrilo Dundee II
12 tt0093412 8 La ley del deseo
13 tt0326835 7 El punto sobre la I
14 tt0112922 7 El día de la bestia
15 tt0436331 5 Amigos con dinero
16 tt0107206 4 En la línea de fuego
17 tt0105391 7 Resplandor en la oscuridad
18 tt0095250 9 El gran azul
19 tt0420015 7 Nueve vidas
20 tt0487503 8 La última nota
21 tt0119190 5 George de la jungla
22 tt0102945 7 Durmiendo con su enemigo
23 tt0813547 8 Los falsificadores
24 tt0283900 8 Una casa de locos
25 tt0097523 4 Cariño, he encogido a los niños
26 tt0314412 9 Mi vida sin mí
27 tt0378947 8 Melinda y Melinda
28 tt0118998 5 Doctor Dolittle
29 tt0473697 7 Satanás, perfil de un asesino
30 tt0313792 7 Todo lo demás
31 tt0329717 4 Hollywood: Departamento de homicidios
32 tt0409184 7 Las muñecas rusas
33 tt0300140 8 Lilya Forever
34 tt0109747 9 La estrategia del caracol
35 tt0044453 6 El bruto
36 tt0404318 8 Perder es cuestión de método
37 tt0117333 5 Phenomenon
38 tt0061395 8 Bella de día
39 tt0390221 6 Maria llena eres de gracia
40 tt0305669 4 Se armó la gorda
41 tt0101026 8 Átame!
42 tt0095675 8 Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios
43 tt0104466 8 Maridos y mujeres
44 tt0133385 4 Astérix y Obélix contra César
45 tt0325980 6 Piratas del Caribe. La maldición de la Perla Negra
46 tt0119832 7 Después de una noche
47 tt0262698 6 Por la libre
48 tt0430576 9 La vida secreta de las palabras
49 tt1192628 7 Rango
50 tt0100508 8 Rodrigo D: No futuro
51 tt0078788 8 Apocalypse Now
52 tt0108778 7 Friends
53 tt0782839 6 Al final del espectro
54 tt0109830 8 Forrest Gump
55 tt0800039 6 Paso de ti
56 tt0285403 7 Scrubs
57 tt0110413 8 El profesional (Léon)
58 tt0372784 7 Batman Begins
59 tt0314331 7 Love Actually
60 tt0163651 6 American Pie
61 tt0485618 6 El colombian dream
62 tt0086250 8 El precio del poder
63 tt0082971 8 En busca del arca perdida
64 tt0110148 7 Entrevista con el vampiro (Crónicas vampíricas)
65 tt0107290 6 Jurassic Park: Parque jurásico
66 tt0414387 7 Orgullo y prejuicio
67 tt0289879 6 El efecto mariposa
68 tt0078748 8 Alien, el octavo pasajero
69 tt0265086 7 Black Hawk derribado
70 tt0116612 6 Ilona llega con la lluvia
71 tt0327056 8 Mystic River
72 tt0117509 7 Romeo y Julieta, de William Shakespeare
73 tt0096895 6 Batman
74 tt0264464 8 Atrápame si puedes
75 tt0116629 4 Independence Day
76 tt0198781 5 Monstruos, S.A.
77 tt0183127 5 Golpe de estadio
78 tt0240772 7 Ocean's Eleven. Hagan juego
79 tt0109686 4 Dos tontos muy tontos
80 tt0405159 8 Million Dollar Baby
81 tt0497465 7 Vicky Cristina Barcelona
82 tt0107001 10 La gente de la Universal
83 tt0497939 6 Mi abuelo, mi papá y yo
84 tt0213149 4 Pearl Harbor
85 tt0316654 5 Spider-Man 2
86 tt0335266 8 Lost in Translation
87 tt0367594 9 Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate
88 tt0119654 5 Men in Black: hombres de negro
89 tt0119094 4 Cara a cara (Face/Off)
90 tt0388795 7 Brokeback Mountain
91 tt0361217 7 Nip/Tuck, a golpe de bisturí
92 tt0073195 6 Tiburón
93 tt0119177 8 Gattaca
94 tt0095953 8 Rain Man
95 tt0075148 7 Rocky
96 tt0453467 3 Deja Vu
97 tt0496806 6 Ocean's Thirteen
98 tt0119528 6 Mentiroso compulsivo
99 tt0099785 7 Solo en casa
100 tt0087332 6 Los cazafantasmas
101 tt0097576 7 Indiana Jones y la última cruzada
102 tt0118688 5 Batman y Robin
103 tt0289765 7 El dragón rojo
104 tt0386588 6 Hitch: Especialista en ligues
105 tt0175142 4 Scary Movie
106 tt0112462 6 Batman Forever
107 tt0116695 9 Jerry Maguire
108 tt0103772 7 Instinto básico
109 tt0290002 7 Los padres de él
110 tt0212985 5 Hannibal
111 tt0246460 4 Muere otro día
112 tt0259446 7 Mi gran boda griega
113 tt0125439 6 Notting Hill
114 tt0162222 7 Náufrago
115 tt0299658 7 Chicago
116 tt0351283 6 Madagascar
117 tt0187078 5 60 segundos
118 tt0349903 6 Ocean's Twelve
119 tt0103874 7 Drácula, de Bram Stoker
120 tt0112384 7 Apolo 13
121 tt0160127 5 Los ángeles de Charlie
122 tt0106519 8 Atrapado por su pasado
123 tt0416320 9 Match Point
124 tt0162661 5 Sleepy Hollow
125 tt0110632 7 Asesinos natos
126 tt0413267 7 Shrek tercero
127 tt0100405 7 Pretty Woman
128 tt0387913 6 El carro
129 tt0268380 6 Ice Age, La edad de hielo
130 tt0118880 5 Con Air: convictos en el aire
131 tt0096874 8 Regreso al futuro II
132 tt0087469 6 Indiana Jones y el templo maldito
133 tt0110322 6 Leyendas de pasión
134 tt0089927 5 Rocky IV
135 tt0138097 5 Shakespeare in Love (Shakespeare enamorado)
136 tt0091203 7 Los inmortales
137 tt0099653 6 Ghost (Más allá del amor)
138 tt0212346 3 Miss Agente Especial
139 tt0112864 5 Jungla de cristal. La venganza
140 tt0401445 7 Un buen año
141 tt0102798 6 Robin Hood, príncipe de los ladrones
142 tt0212338 7 Los padres de ella
143 tt0369441 5 Dick y Jane - Ladrones de risa
144 tt0099348 6 Bailando con lobos
145 tt0315327 6 Como Dios
146 tt0805564 7 Lars y una chica de verdad
147 tt0117060 3 Mission: Impossible
148 tt0298148 7 Shrek 2
149 tt0118884 6 Contact
150 tt0099423 4 La jungla 2: Alerta roja
151 tt0433400 6 Sólo amigos
152 tt0113189 5 GoldenEye
153 tt0111257 7 Speed: Máxima potencia
154 tt0254455 8 Lucía y el sexo
155 tt0270569 5 La pena máxima
156 tt0093105 7 Good Morning, Vietnam
157 tt0083987 7 Gandhi
158 tt0121164 8 La novia cadáver
159 tt0063522 7 La semilla del diablo
160 tt0113627 10 Leaving Las Vegas
161 tt0094898 4 El príncipe de Zamunda
162 tt0808417 10 Persépolis
163 tt0120755 4 M.I.-2: Misión imposible 2
164 tt0087363 5 Gremlins
165 tt0162346 8 Ghost World
166 tt0238780 8 Escalona
167 tt0143145 5 El mundo nunca es suficiente
168 tt0091481 8 La mansión de Araucaima
169 tt0063442 6 El planeta de los simios
170 tt0120812 4 Hora punta
171 tt0052618 8 Ben-Hur
172 tt0107818 8 Philadelphia
173 tt0120632 6 City of Angels
174 tt0094889 5 Cocktail
175 tt0084602 6 Rocky III
176 tt0305357 5 Los ángeles de Charlie: Al límite
177 tt0343135 6 Y entonces llegó ella
178 tt0398017 8 Sin control
179 tt0094737 7 Big
180 tt0367027 8 Shortbus
181 tt0106856 9 Un día de furia
182 tt0438097 6 Ice Age 2. El deshielo
183 tt0389790 7 Bee Movie
184 tt0086960 6 Superdetective en Hollywood
185 tt0287467 6 Hable con ella
186 tt0122151 6 Arma letal 4
187 tt0373926 5 La intérprete
188 tt0084522 6 Porky's
189 tt0337741 7 Cuando menos te lo esperas
190 tt0304415 5 La sonrisa de Mona Lisa
191 tt0450188 7 La vida en rosa (Edith Piaf)
192 tt0107614 5 Señora Doubtfire, papá de por vida
193 tt0412019 8 Flores rotas
194 tt0089880 5 Acorralado, II parte
195 tt0097733 6 Arma letal 2
196 tt0120744 5 El hombre de la máscara de hierro
197 tt0795493 7 Cassandra's Dream (El sueño de Cassandra)
198 tt0338096 6 Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights
199 tt0377107 3 La verdad oculta (Proof)
200 tt0298845 8 En América
201 tt0116213 5 Eraser (Eliminador)
202 tt0112642 6 Casper
203 tt0107207 10 En el nombre del padre
204 tt0457513 5 Scoop
205 tt0077928 8 El expreso de medianoche
206 tt0107211 7 Una proposición indecente
207 tt0104714 6 Arma letal 3
208 tt0115433 5 101 dálmatas, más vivos que nunca
209 tt0091605 7 El nombre de la rosa
210 tt0163187 5 Novia a la fuga
211 tt0379725 9 Truman Capote
212 tt0407265 8 Transamérica
213 tt1032846 7 4 meses, 3 semanas, 2 días
214 tt0086006 8 Nunca digas nunca jamás
215 tt0137494 5 La trampa
216 tt0099422 5 Dick Tracy
217 tt0115685 6 Una jaula de grillos
218 tt0118819 10 Carne trémula
219 tt0113071 7 El primer caballero
220 tt0109635 5 Acoso
221 tt0165798 8 Ghost Dog, el camino del samurai
222 tt0098067 5 ¡Dulce hogar... a veces!
223 tt0097778 5 Mira quién habla
224 tt0208003 5 Esta abuela es un peligro
225 tt0117438 6 Rescate
226 tt0115759 5 Broken Arrow: alarma nuclear
227 tt0077766 5 Tiburón 2
228 tt0089543 6 El hombre con un zapato rojo
229 tt0096073 7 La séptima profecía
230 tt0103030 8 Tacones lejanos
231 tt0096320 6 Los gemelos golpean dos veces
232 tt0107798 5 El informe Pelícano
233 tt0109813 4 The Flintstones: Los Picapiedra
234 tt0120053 4 El santo
235 tt0119874 5 El pacificador
236 tt0098621 8 La guerra de los Rose
237 tt0114345 5 La letra escarlata
238 tt0069947 8 Chacal
239 tt0145503 7 Sunshine
240 tt0305206 9 American Splendor
241 tt0089370 7 La joya del Nilo
242 tt0068646 9 El padrino
243 tt0120338 6 Titanic
244 tt0133093 8 Matrix
245 tt1645089 9 Inside Job
246 tt0232500 4 A todo gas
247 tt0114814 8 Sospechosos habituales
248 tt1049413 8 Up
249 tt0081505 8 El resplandor
250 tt0443706 8 Zodiac
251 tt0332452 8 Troya
252 tt0167404 8 El sexto sentido
253 tt0120915 6 Star Wars: Episodio I - La amenaza fantasma
254 tt0121766 8 Star Wars: Episodio III - La venganza de los Sith
255 tt0440963 7 El ultimátum de Bourne
256 tt0071562 8 El padrino. Parte II
257 tt0405422 6 Virgen a los 40
258 tt0092099 7 Top Gun. Ídolos del aire
259 tt0454921 6 En busca de la felicidad
260 tt0259711 6 Vanilla Sky
261 tt0317740 6 The Italian Job
262 tt0120382 7 El show de Truman (Una vida en directo)
263 tt0121765 6 Star Wars: Episodio II - El ataque de los clones
264 tt0111503 8 Mentiras arriesgadas
265 tt0382625 5 El código Da Vinci
266 tt0100802 8 Desafío total
267 tt0163978 7 La playa
268 tt0117500 5 La Roca
269 tt0372183 6 El mito de Bourne
270 tt0325710 6 El último samurai
271 tt0087538 6 The Karate Kid
272 tt1512685 1 Los ojos de Julia
273 tt0119174 9 The Game
274 tt0319262 5 El día de mañana
275 tt0187393 6 El patriota
276 tt0117998 5 Twister
277 tt0398165 5 El clan de los rompehuesos
278 tt0298130 6 The ring (La señal)
279 tt0105793 5 Wayne's world: ¡qué desparrame!
280 tt0120363 8 Toy Story 2
281 tt0094226 8 Los intocables de Eliot Ness
282 tt0078346 6 Superman
283 tt0129387 8 Algo pasa con Mary
284 tt0244244 5 Operación Swordfish
285 tt0230600 7 Los otros
286 tt0368447 6 El bosque (The village)
287 tt0274558 8 Las horas
288 tt0181865 9 Traffic
289 tt0362227 5 La terminal
290 tt0116209 8 El paciente inglés
291 tt0110475 6 La máscara
292 tt0387131 8 El jardinero fiel
293 tt0324175 7 Te busco
294 tt0106977 7 El fugitivo
295 tt0266987 6 Spy Game
296 tt0185937 7 El proyecto de la bruja de Blair
297 tt0462538 5 Los Simpson. La película
298 tt0245574 9 Y tu mamá también
299 tt0207201 5 ¿En qué piensan las mujeres?
300 tt0443632 4 La sombra de la sospecha
301 tt0120891 4 Wild Wild West
302 tt0056869 7 Los pájaros
303 tt0120347 5 El mañana nunca muere
304 tt0218967 7 Family Man
305 tt0145681 4 El coleccionista de huesos
306 tt0245834 8 Stand-by
307 tt0161081 6 Lo que la verdad esconde
308 tt0117765 4 Striptease, de Andrew Bergman
309 tt0185125 7 Todo sobre mi madre
310 tt0064505 7 Un trabajo en Italia
311 tt0081573 5 Superman II
312 tt0164912 5 Stuart Little
313 tt0280380 7 Atrapada
314 tt0091326 6 Karate Kid II, la historia continúa
315 tt1212419 6 Más allá de la vida
316 tt1403865 8 Valor de ley (True Grit)
317 tt1504320 9 El discurso del rey
318 tt0964517 9 The Fighter
319 tt1099212 5 Crepúsculo
320 tt1014759 8 Alicia en el país de las maravillas
321 tt1126591 7 Burlesque
322 tt1325004 6 Eclipse
323 tt1259571 5 La saga Crepúsculo: Luna nueva
324 tt1261945 4 Sexo en Nueva York 2
325 tt1587707 8 Exit Through the Gift Shop
326 tt0412142 9 House
327 tt0947798 9 Cisne negro
328 tt1104001 7 TRON: Legacy
329 tt0842926 9 Los chicos están bien
330 tt0959337 7 Revolutionary Road
331 tt1149361 9 Micmacs, un gran follón
332 tt0329330 9 Lugares comunes
333 tt1285016 9 La red social
334 tt1027718 4 Wall Street 2: El dinero nunca duerme
335 tt1315981 9 Un hombre soltero
336 tt0094137 6 Tres hombres y un bebé
337 tt0369672 7 Una canción del pasado
338 tt1375666 9 Origen
339 tt0268978 7 Una mente maravillosa
340 tt0343660 5 50 primeras citas
341 tt0104257 7 Algunos hombres buenos
342 tt0305224 5 Ejecutivo agresivo
343 tt0315733 9 21 gramos
344 tt0245712 9 Amores perros
345 tt0118571 5 Air Force One, el avión del presidente
346 tt0120623 7 Bichos
347 tt0075686 7 Annie Hall
348 tt0125659 7 Abre los ojos
349 tt0122933 6 Una terapia peligrosa
350 tt0435761 9 Toy story 3
351 tt1305806 9 El secreto de sus ojos
352 tt1193138 8 Up in the Air
353 tt0808399 7 New York, I Love You
354 tt0929632 9 Precious
355 tt0118715 7 El gran Lebowski
356 tt1020955 5 Fuera de carta
357 tt1113827 7 Toronto Stories
358 tt0441297 8 Habana Blues
359 tt1368491 9 Contracorriente
360 tt0841044 7 2 Days in Paris
361 tt0113819 8 Poderosa Afrodita
362 tt0499549 8 Avatar
363 tt0796366 6 Star Trek
364 tt0241527 6 Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal
365 tt1136608 9 District 9
366 tt1152836 7 Enemigos públicos
367 tt0421715 8 El curioso caso de Benjamin Button
368 tt1205489 8 Gran Torino
369 tt1010048 9 Slumdog Millionaire
370 tt0445922 9 Across the Universe
371 tt1186830 8 Ágora
372 tt1013753 9 Mi nombre es Harvey Milk
373 tt0822832 7 Una pareja de tres
374 tt1139668 6 La semilla del mal
375 tt0762125 5 Planet 51
376 tt1135487 6 Duplicity
377 tt0033870 8 El halcón maltés
378 tt1426374 8 Los viajes del viento
379 tt0284363 8 Yo serví al rey de Inglaterra
380 tt0133363 8 Los amantes del Círculo Polar
381 tt0106966 9 Fresa y chocolate
382 tt0393597 9 Earth
383 tt1148204 6 La huérfana
384 tt0361748 7 Malditos bastardos
385 tt1190080 3 2012
386 tt1132620 7 Millennium 1: Los hombres que no amaban a las mujeres
387 tt0870984 9 Anticristo
388 tt1131729 8 Radio encubierta
389 tt1125849 8 El luchador
390 tt0478087 7 21: Black Jack
391 tt0976051 8 El lector
392 tt0485794 7 Los actores del conflicto
393 tt0416212 7 La vida secreta de las abejas
394 tt0314067 8 Filantropica
395 tt1014762 9 Home
396 tt0386032 8 Sicko
397 tt0145621 10 Mirada de mujer
398 tt1157631 9 Perro come perro
399 tt0263017 8 Como el gato y el ratón
400 tt0140682 8 Visa USA
401 tt0048037 9 Ensayo de un crimen
402 tt0063291 8 Memorias del subdesarrollo
403 tt0042804 9 Los olvidados
404 tt0086637 7 Zelig
405 tt0350193 10 Te doy mis ojos
406 tt0055601 8 Viridiana
407 tt0092337 10 El decálogo
408 tt0372824 9 Los chicos del coro
409 tt0104662 7 El lado oscuro del corazón
410 tt0275491 6 La mala educación
411 tt0251091 10 Before the Storm
412 tt0159382 8 Crupier
413 tt0047708 8 Alfred Hitchcock presenta
414 tt0117883 10 Tesis
415 tt0426578 7 Sophie Scholl - Los últimos días
416 tt0056732 9 El ángel exterminador
417 tt0082934 7 El cartero siempre llama dos veces
418 tt0068361 6 El discreto encanto de la burguesía
419 tt0020530 8 Un perro andaluz
420 tt0409570 8 Huff
421 tt0382097 8 Incautos
422 tt0407887 6 Infiltrados
423 tt0041423 8 El gran Calavera
424 tt0317248 9 Ciudad de Dios
425 tt0265825 10 Sumas y restas
426 tt0180093 9 Réquiem por un sueño
427 tt0060722 10 La muerte de un burócrata
428 tt0434409 9 V de vendetta
429 tt0076759 8 La guerra de las galaxias
430 tt0405094 9 La vida de los otros
431 tt0141842 10 Los Soprano
432 tt0211915 10 Amelie
433 tt0477348 10 No es país para viejos
434 tt1000774 9 Sexo en Nueva York: La película
435 tt0145487 5 Spider-Man
436 tt0266543 9 Buscando a Nemo
437 tt0206634 7 Hijos de los hombres
438 tt0266697 9 Kill Bill: Volumen 1
439 tt0253474 9 El pianista
440 tt0381061 6 007: Casino Royale
441 tt0159206 10 Sexo en Nueva York
442 tt0317705 10 Los increíbles
443 tt0467406 10 Juno
444 tt0080684 8 El imperio contraataca
445 tt0054215 9 Psicosis
446 tt0458352 6 El diablo viste de Prada
447 tt0217505 9 Gangs of New York
448 tt0450259 7 Diamante de sangre
449 tt0022100 7 M, el vampiro de Düsseldorf
450 tt0086190 7 El retorno del Jedi
451 tt0395169 10 Hotel Rwanda
452 tt0098844 7 Ley y orden
453 tt0449059 9 Pequeña Miss Sunshine
454 tt0070047 8 El exorcista
455 tt0126029 9 Shrek
456 tt0376541 10 Closer
457 tt0378194 9 Kill Bill: Volumen 2
458 tt0455590 8 El último rey de Escocia
459 tt0457939 5 The Holiday (Vacaciones)
460 tt0033467 8 Ciudadano Kane
461 tt0449467 6 Babel
462 tt0465234 6 La búsqueda 2 - El diario secreto
463 tt0498380 7 Cartas desde Iwo Jima
464 tt0960144 6 Zohan - Licencia para peinar
465 tt0375063 10 Entre copas
466 tt0053125 8 Con la muerte en los talones
467 tt0094582 9 Aquellos maravillosos años
468 tt0418689 7 Banderas de nuestros padres
469 tt0032553 10 El gran dictador
470 tt0401711 8 Paris, je t'aime
471 tt0243155 7 El diario de Bridget Jones
472 tt0441909 7 Volver
473 tt0443489 5 Dreamgirls
474 tt0130827 8 Lola rennt
475 tt0365737 8 Syriana
476 tt0433383 9 Buenas noches, y buena suerte.
477 tt0307453 6 El espantatiburones
478 tt0384680 7 El hombre del tiempo
479 tt0358082 7 Robots
480 tt0457510 7 Super Nacho
481 tt0371606 5 Chicken Little
482 tt0317198 7 Bridget Jones: Sobreviviré
483 tt0318462 7 Diarios de motocicleta
484 tt0040522 7 Ladrón de bicicletas
485 tt0369702 7 Mar adentro
486 tt0027977 8 Tiempos modernos
487 tt0361596 9 Fahrenheit 9/11
488 tt0111161 8 Cadena perpetua
489 tt0468569 10 El caballero oscuro
490 tt0110912 6 Pulp Fiction
491 tt0441773 8 Kung Fu Panda
492 tt0137523 9 El club de la lucha
493 tt0482571 5 El truco final (El prestigio)
494 tt0338013 5 ¡Olvídate de mí!
495 tt0209144 8 Memento
496 tt0108052 8 La lista de Schindler
497 tt0114369 8 Seven
498 tt0066921 7 La naranja mecánica
499 tt0401792 9 Frank Miller's Sin City, Ciudad del pecado
500 tt0172495 7 Gladiator
501 tt0120815 7 Salvar al soldado Ryan
502 tt0110357 8 El rey león
503 tt0169547 10 American Beauty
504 tt0088763 6 Regreso al futuro
505 tt0102926 8 El silencio de los corderos
506 tt0363163 7 El hundimiento
507 tt0112573 7 Braveheart
508 tt0375679 9 Crash
509 tt0091763 9 Platoon
510 tt0362359 7 O.C.
511 tt0118799 8 La vida es bella
512 tt0095016 4 Jungla de cristal
513 tt0103064 6 Terminator 2: el juicio final
514 tt0114709 8 Toy Story (Juguetes)
515 tt0117951 8 Trainspotting
516 tt0088247 7 Terminator
517 tt0114746 8 Doce monos
518 tt0382932 8 Ratatouille
519 tt0112641 7 Casino, de Scorsese
520 tt0107048 5 Atrapado en el tiempo
521 tt0366548 6 Happy Feet, rompiendo el hielo
522 tt0119822 9 Mejor... imposible
523 tt0339862 9 La vida de nadie
imdb_rating runtime year num_votes genre1 genre2 genre3 genre4 genre5
7.5 123 1997 1563 drama
6.3 126 2005 1108 crime drama romance
7.4 114 1993 2246 comedy drama music mystery romance
6.4 116 2005 1550 comedy drama romance
6.8 118 2002 7223 drama romance
7.9 102 1977 6602 comedy drama romance
7.6 137 1990 10286 comedy drama history romance
7.6 60 1930 4355 comedy romance
7.2 110 2008 806 drama
6.6 85 1991 7006 comedy drama mystery
5.1 108 1988 17953 action adventure comedy
7.2 102 1987 3825 comedy drama romance
6.7 92 2003 4457 drama romance thriller
7.5 103 1995 5677 comedy crime horror thriller
6 88 2006 11778 comedy drama romance
7.2 128 1993 33110 crime drama thriller
6 132 1992 4380 thriller drama romance war
7.4 1988 19445 adventure drama romance
6.9 115 2005 3948 drama
7.1 85 2006 3684 drama music thriller
5.3 92 1997 22205 action adventure comedy family romance
5.8 99 1991 15804 drama thriller
7.6 98 2007 18382 crime drama war
7.3 122 2002 16910 comedy romance drama
6.1 93 1989 28512 adventure comedy family sci_fi
7.6 106 2003 11988 drama romance
6.5 99 2004 15912 comedy drama
5.2 85 1998 28307 comedy family
7.3 2007 526 crime drama
6.4 108 2003 13917 comedy romance
5.2 116 2003 17497 action comedy crime thriller
7.1 125 2005 7678 comedy drama romance
7.9 109 2002 17804 crime drama
7 116 1993 612 comedy drama
7.4 81 1953 567 drama
6.3 105 2004 325 thriller
6.3 123 1996 28461 drama romance fantasy
7.8 101 1967 12146 drama
7.6 101 2004 17259 drama thriller crime
5.4 105 2003 17271 comedy
6.9 111 1990 8205 comedy crime drama romance
7.6 90 1988 11274 comedy drama
7.4 108 1992 10441 drama romance
5.4 109 1999 10196 adventure comedy family fantasy
8 143 2003 272003 action adventure fantasy
5.8 102 1997 3778 drama romance
7 96 2000 409 comedy
7.5 115 2005 5718 drama romance
7.7 107 2011 18632 animation adventure comedy family western
6.8 93 1991 196 crime drama music
8.6 153 1979 194099 drama war
8.9 22 1994 86859 comedy romance
6.1 92 2006 318 drama horror mystery thriller
8.7 142 1994 354239 comedy drama romance
7.4 111 2008 88033 comedy drama music romance
9 24 2001 66376 comedy drama
8.6 110 1994 235927 crime drama thriller
8.3 140 2005 306044 action crime drama thriller
7.8 135 2003 112072 comedy drama romance
6.9 95 1999 119543 comedy romance
7.3 120 2005 191 comedy drama
8.2 170 1983 175894 crime drama thriller
8.7 115 1981 271057 action adventure
7.5 123 1994 88623 fantasy
7.9 127 1993 170482 adventure family sci_fi
7.8 127 2005 59278 drama romance
7.8 113 2004 120971 drama mystery sci_fi thriller
8.5 117 1979 204027 horror sci_fi
7.7 144 2001 111047 action drama history war
6.8 1996 159
8 138 2003 137425 crime drama mystery thriller
6.9 120 1996 68577 crime drama romance
7.6 126 1989 121515 action crime thriller
7.8 141 2002 158104 biography comedy crime drama
6.6 145 1996 165903 action adventure sci_fi thriller
8 92 2001 140358 animation adventure comedy family fantasy
6.7 105 1998 195 comedy romance sport
7.6 116 2001 156138 crime thriller
7.2 107 1994 101366 comedy family
8.2 132 2004 165054 drama sport
7.3 96 2008 61386 drama romance
6.8 110 1991 179
6.5 95 2005 66 comedy drama romance
5.5 183 2001 108737 action drama romance war
7.6 127 2004 158453 action crime fantasy thriller
7.9 104 2003 144199 drama
7 115 2005 114490 adventure comedy family fantasy
7 98 1997 133561 action adventure comedy sci_fi
7.3 138 1997 114973 action crime sci_fi thriller
7.8 134 2005 126229 drama romance
8.3 2003 18363 drama
8.3 124 1975 156736 thriller
7.8 106 1997 80814 drama romance sci_fi thriller
8 133 1988 121693 drama
8.1 119 1976 116027 drama romance sport
7 126 2006 75402 action sci_fi thriller
6.9 122 2007 86827 crime thriller
6.7 86 1997 77352 comedy fantasy
7.1 103 1990 94201 adventure comedy family
7.8 105 1984 94358 adventure fantasy mystery
8.3 127 1989 192005 action adventure
3.5 125 1997 89345 action crime fantasy sci_fi
7.2 124 2002 74276 crime drama mystery thriller
6.7 118 2005 74914 comedy romance
6 88 2000 77400 comedy
5.4 121 1995 83719 action crime fantasy thriller
7.3 139 1996 86306 comedy drama romance sport
6.9 127 1992 62334 mystery thriller
6.4 115 2004 80064 comedy romance
6.5 131 2001 82689 crime drama thriller
6 133 2002 73578 action adventure thriller
6.6 95 2002 50667 comedy romance
6.9 124 1999 73739 comedy romance
7.5 143 2000 118666 adventure drama
7.2 113 2002 89251 comedy crime drama musical
6.7 86 2005 65976 animation adventure comedy family
6.1 118 2000 82607 action crime thriller
6.1 125 2004 100532 crime thriller
7.3 128 1992 65852 horror romance
7.5 140 1995 94329 adventure drama history
5.5 98 2000 67149 action adventure comedy crime thriller
7.9 144 1993 57308 crime drama thriller
7.8 124 2005 73660 crime drama romance sport thriller
7.5 105 1999 118057 fantasy mystery thriller
7.1 118 1994 79573 crime drama romance thriller
6.1 93 2007 67592 animation adventure comedy family fantasy
6.7 119 1990 68632 comedy romance
6.5 90 2003 115 comedy
7.5 81 2002 87896 animation adventure comedy family
6.6 115 1997 85286 action crime thriller
7.5 108 1989 100778 adventure comedy family sci_fi
7.5 118 1984 120912 action adventure
7.2 133 1994 45128 drama romance war western
6.1 91 1985 48122 action drama sport
7.3 123 1998 84313 comedy drama romance
7.2 116 1986 44295 action fantasy
6.9 127 1990 57674 drama fantasy mystery romance thriller
6 109 2000 47419 action comedy crime
7.5 131 1995 96853 action crime thriller
6.8 118 2006 26060 comedy drama romance
6.7 143 1991 59597 action adventure drama romance
7 108 2000 97471 comedy romance
6 90 2005 46064 comedy crime
8 181 1990 79316 adventure drama western
6.6 101 2003 105208 comedy drama fantasy
7.5 106 2007 36523 comedy drama
6.9 110 1996 95810 action adventure thriller
7.4 93 2004 106802 animation adventure comedy family fantasy
7.4 150 1997 81156 drama mystery sci_fi thriller
7 124 1990 88066 action crime thriller
6.3 96 2005 30188 comedy romance
7.1 130 1995 75528 action adventure thriller
7.2 116 1994 92111 action crime drama thriller
7.4 128 2001 14300 drama romance
7.1 80 2001 123 comedy
7.2 121 1987 35533 comedy drama war
8.1 191 1982 58445 biography drama history
7.4 77 2005 69118 animation fantasy music romance
8.1 136 1968 59781 drama horror mystery
7.6 111 1995 46508 drama romance
6.8 116 1988 42289 comedy drama romance
8 96 2007 29212 animation biography drama war
5.8 123 2000 93493 action adventure thriller
7.1 106 1984 47781 comedy fantasy horror
7.7 111 2001 46359 comedy drama
7.3 1992 22 drama adventure musical
6.3 128 1999 64112 action adventure thriller
7 85 1986 32 drama
8 112 1968 64107 adventure drama mystery sci_fi
6.8 98 1998 63031 action comedy thriller crime
8.2 212 1959 66155 action adventure drama history romance
7.6 125 1993 59221 drama
6.4 114 1998 44401 drama fantasy romance thriller
5.4 104 1988 27030 comedy drama romance
6.2 99 1982 41491 action drama sport
4.7 106 2003 48345 action adventure comedy crime
5.8 90 2004 42485 comedy romance
6.5 108 2005 32522 drama thriller
7.2 104 1988 55138 comedy drama family fantasy romance
6.6 101 2006 15497 comedy drama romance
7.6 113 1993 49314 crime drama thriller
6.8 91 2006 58529 animation action adventure comedy family
6.3 91 2007 34493 animation adventure comedy family
7.3 105 1984 50263 action comedy crime drama thriller
8.1 112 2002 39358 comedy drama
6.5 127 1998 52256 action crime thriller
6.5 128 2005 41325 drama mystery thriller
5.9 94 1982 17096 comedy
6.8 128 2003 39566 comedy romance
6.1 117 2003 25699 drama romance
7.6 140 2007 24493 biography drama music
6.6 125 1993 63652 comedy drama family
7.2 106 2005 43326 comedy drama mystery
5.9 96 1985 42850 action adventure thriller
7.1 114 1989 49432 action comedy crime thriller
6.2 132 1998 40985 action adventure drama history
6.8 108 2007 22215 crime drama romance thriller
5.6 86 2004 9268 romance drama
6.8 100 2005 20140 drama mystery
7.9 105 2003 22940 drama romance
5.9 115 1996 40470 action crime drama mystery thriller
5.7 100 1995 29159 comedy family fantasy
8 133 1993 30623 biography drama
6.8 96 2006 32955 comedy fantasy mystery romance
7.6 121 1978 26055 biography crime drama thriller
5.4 117 1993 21128 drama romance
6.5 118 1992 43978 action crime thriller
5.4 103 1996 21795 family comedy adventure
7.8 130 1986 33138 drama mystery thriller crime
5.2 116 1999 31042 comedy romance
7.5 114 2005 44468 biography crime drama
7.5 103 2005 20877 adventure comedy drama
7.9 113 2007 22220 drama
6.1 134 1983 23128 action adventure thriller
6.1 113 1999 43968 action crime romance thriller
6 105 1990 26980 action crime romance thriller
6.6 117 1996 30071 comedy
7.5 103 1997 11113 drama romance thriller
5.6 134 1995 22765 adventure drama romance
5.9 128 1994 17082 drama thriller
7.6 116 1999 38552 action comedy crime drama thriller
6.9 124 1989 18739 comedy drama
5.6 93 1989 30077 romance comedy
4.8 98 2000 24395 action comedy crime
6.6 121 1996 41223 crime thriller
5.8 108 1996 36055 action thriller
5.6 116 1978 20526 thriller
5.4 92 1985 6136 comedy thriller
5.8 97 1988 6159 drama fantasy thriller
7.1 112 1991 4791 comedy drama romance
5.9 105 1988 37419 comedy
6.4 141 1993 26740 crime drama mystery romance thriller
4.6 91 1994 29083 comedy crime family fantasy
5.9 116 1997 29310 action romance sci_fi thriller
5.9 124 1997 23025 action thriller
6.7 116 1989 19378 comedy
4.6 135 1995 6606 drama romance
7.9 143 1973 14571 crime drama thriller
7.4 181 1999 7356 drama history romance war
7.6 101 2003 25175 biography comedy drama
5.8 106 1985 16626 action adventure comedy romance
9.2 175 1972 462370 crime drama thriller
7.4 194 1997 274041 adventure drama history romance
8.7 136 1999 434603 action adventure sci_fi
8.2 120 2010 9593 documentary crime
6.1 106 2001 80238 action crime thriller
8.7 106 1995 299057 crime mystery thriller
8.4 96 2009 149038 animation adventure comedy drama family
8.5 1980 205729 drama horror mystery
7.8 157 2007 108166 crime drama history mystery thriller
7 163 2004 147447 action drama history romance
8.2 107 1999 270529 drama mystery thriller
6.4 136 1999 210981 action adventure fantasy sci_fi
7.8 140 2005 198295 action adventure fantasy sci_fi
8.2 115 2007 171568 action mystery thriller
9 200 1974 282736 crime drama
7.4 116 2005 106962 comedy romance
6.6 110 1986 88524 action drama romance
7.8 117 2006 92598 biography drama
6.9 136 2001 97649 mystery romance sci_fi thriller
6.9 111 2003 88005 action crime thriller
8 103 1998 185301 drama
6.8 142 2002 174480 action adventure fantasy sci_fi
7.2 141 1994 87857 action thriller
6.4 149 2006 129009 mystery thriller
7.4 113 1990 78833 action adventure sci_fi thriller
6.3 119 2000 62745 adventure drama romance thriller
7.3 136 1996 117519 action thriller
7.6 108 2004 118904 action mystery thriller
7.7 154 2003 121062 action adventure drama history war
7 126 1984 44098 drama family sport
6.6 112 2010 2153 horror thriller
7.7 129 1997 84760 drama mystery thriller
6.3 124 2004 104895 action adventure drama sci_fi thriller
6.9 165 2000 86744 action drama war
6 113 1996 66600 action adventure drama thriller
6.2 113 2005 45906 comedy drama sport
7.2 115 2002 94875 horror mystery thriller
6.9 94 1992 46671 comedy music
8 92 1999 137354 animation adventure comedy family fantasy
8 119 1987 94420 action biography crime drama history
7.3 143 1978 56068 action adventure family sci_fi
7.2 119 1998 105881 comedy romance
6.3 99 2001 64374 action thriller crime
7.8 101 2001 97103 drama mystery thriller
6.6 108 2004 97640 drama mystery thriller
7.6 114 2002 48368 drama
7.8 147 2000 91950 crime drama thriller
7.2 128 2004 91631 comedy drama romance
7.3 162 1996 60256 romance drama war
6.7 101 1994 85434 action comedy crime fantasy romance
7.6 129 2005 55180 drama mystery romance thriller
5.8 2002 72
7.8 130 1993 104819 action adventure crime drama thriller
6.9 126 2001 48981 action crime thriller
6.3 81 1999 96144 horror mystery
7.5 87 2007 128157 animation adventure comedy
7.7 106 2001 40115 comedy drama
6.3 127 2000 61584 comedy fantasy romance
6 108 2006 25219 action adventure crime mystery thriller
4.3 106 1999 59879 action western comedy sci_fi
7.9 119 1963 58019 horror thriller
6.4 119 1997 51021 action adventure thriller
6.6 125 2000 37380 comedy fantasy drama romance
6.4 118 1999 51516 crime drama mystery thriller
7 125 2000 216 drama
6.5 130 2000 49268 horror mystery thriller
4 115 1996 19312 comedy crime thriller
7.9 101 1999 33533 drama
7.2 99 1969 14908 action comedy crime thriller
6.7 127 1980 32573 action adventure sci_fi
5.9 84 1999 26197 adventure comedy family fantasy
6 106 2002 11429 crime drama thriller
5.4 113 1986 20388 action family romance sport
6.8 129 2010 23300 drama fantasy
8 110 2010 60533 adventure drama western
8.3 118 2010 87225 biography drama history
8 116 2010 58325 biography drama sport
5.5 122 2008 137984 fantasy romance
6.6 108 2010 89540 action adventure family fantasy
6.1 119 2010 11924 drama musical romance
4.8 124 2010 53973 drama fantasy romance thriller
4.5 130 2009 86206 drama fantasy romance
3.9 146 2010 21235 comedy drama romance
8.1 87 2010 13337 documentary comedy
8.9 2004 18592 drama mystery
8.4 108 2010 133256 drama mystery thriller
7 125 2010 70220 action adventure sci_fi thriller
7.3 106 2010 29970 comedy drama
7.5 119 2008 53980 drama romance
7.3 105 2009 8662 comedy crime
7.7 110 2002 918 drama
8.1 120 2010 123685 biography drama
6.3 133 2010 26959 drama
7.6 99 2009 23558 drama
5.7 102 1987 18103 comedy drama
7.1 119 2004 13339 drama
8.9 148 2010 357338 action mystery sci_fi thriller
8 135 2001 147626 biography drama
6.8 99 2004 76071 comedy romance
7.6 138 1992 69940 crime drama mystery thriller
6.1 106 2003 64724 comedy
7.9 124 2003 86487 crime drama thriller
8.2 154 2000 69467 drama thriller
6.3 124 1997 66300 action drama thriller
7.3 95 1998 64481 animation adventure comedy family
8.2 93 1977 73780 comedy drama romance
7.9 117 1997 24853 drama mystery romance sci_fi thriller
6.6 103 1999 57093 comedy crime
8.6 103 2010 132876 animation adventure comedy family fantasy
8.3 129 2009 30769 drama mystery romance
7.8 109 2009 82679 drama romance
6.5 103 2009 14826 drama romance
7.4 2009 30837 drama
8.2 117 1998 204544 comedy crime
6.2 111 2008 712 comedy romance
5.4 2008 209 drama
7 115 2005 1412 drama music
7.7 100 2009 800 drama
6.9 96 2007 12781 comedy drama romance
7 95 1995 16571 comedy fantasy romance
8.2 162 2009 322201 action adventure fantasy sci_fi
8.1 127 2009 160802 action adventure sci_fi
7.2 152 2001 150672 adventure family fantasy mystery
8.2 112 2009 189249 action drama sci_fi thriller
7.1 140 2009 87503 biography crime drama history
8 166 2008 159221 drama fantasy mystery romance
8.3 116 2008 160337 drama
8.3 120 2008 211232 crime drama thriller
7.4 133 2007 49765 adventure drama musical romance
7.2 127 2009 15776 adventure drama history romance
7.8 128 2008 54240 biography drama history
7 115 2008 39396 comedy drama family romance
4.5 88 2009 18173 horror mystery thriller
6.1 91 2009 13376 animation adventure comedy family sci_fi
6.3 125 2009 23799 romance thriller
8.4 1941 56921 crime film_noir mystery
7.5 117 2009 479 drama music
7.4 120 2006 3398 comedy drama romance war
7.8 112 1998 7956 drama mystery romance
7.3 108 1994 2455 drama comedy
7.9 90 2007 6957 documentary
7.1 123 2009 35010 horror mystery thriller
8.4 153 2009 228301 adventure drama war
5.8 158 2009 96983 action adventure drama sci_fi thriller
7.7 152 2009 40012 crime drama mystery thriller
6.6 108 2009 28076 drama fantasy
7.4 116 2009 32861 comedy drama music romance
8.1 109 2008 114614 drama romance sport
6.7 123 2008 70259 crime drama
7.7 124 2008 55770 drama romance
6.5 100 2008 34 comedy drama war
7 2008 8090 drama
8.3 110 2002 5150 comedy drama
8.4 120 2009 7089 documentary
8.2 123 2007 43219 documentary drama history
7.2 1997 44 drama
6.5 106 2008 708 thriller
6.7 95 2002 61 comedy
6.7 90 1986 24 comedy
8 89 1955 1568 comedy crime drama
7.9 97 1968 1055 drama
8.2 85 1950 6444 crime drama
7.7 79 1983 14912 comedy fantasy
7.5 109 2003 2637 drama romance
8.2 90 1961 6847 drama
9.2 1989 5821 drama
7.8 97 2004 18000 drama music
7.2 127 1992 1228 comedy romance drama
7.4 106 2004 23527 crime drama fantasy mystery romance
7.4 106 2000 599 drama
7.2 94 1998 9535 crime drama
8.8 1955 1774 crime drama mystery thriller
7.6 125 1996 11389 horror mystery thriller
7.8 120 2005 10241 biography crime drama history war
8.1 95 1962 8286 comedy drama fantasy mystery
6.5 122 1981 7413 crime drama thriller romance
8 102 1972 11920 comedy drama fantasy
8 16 1929 13504 fantasy
8.1 2004 1768 drama comedy
6.9 110 2004 569 crime thriller drama
8.5 151 2006 304976 crime mystery thriller
7.4 92 1949 326 comedy
8.8 130 2002 193864 crime drama
6.8 108 2004 195 drama
8.5 102 2000 214344 drama
7.6 85 1966 347 comedy
8.2 132 2006 262096 action sci_fi thriller
8.8 121 1977 355851 action adventure family fantasy sci_fi
8.5 137 2006 89018 drama thriller
9.4 58 1999 41029 crime drama thriller
8.6 122 2001 208938 comedy fantasy romance
8.3 122 2007 229619 crime drama thriller
5.3 145 2008 51628 comedy drama romance
7.4 121 2002 185851 action adventure fantasy
8.2 100 2003 195262 animation adventure comedy family
8 109 2006 180282 adventure drama sci_fi thriller
8.2 111 2003 264806 action crime thriller
8.5 150 2002 157306 biography drama war
8 144 2006 189273 action crime thriller
7 1998 22966 comedy romance
8.1 115 2004 184652 animation action adventure family fantasy
7.8 96 2007 167782 comedy drama romance
8.8 124 1980 312090 action adventure family sci_fi
8.7 109 1960 163849 horror mystery thriller
6.7 109 2006 76979 comedy drama romance
7.4 167 2002 128166 crime drama history
8 143 2006 138234 adventure drama thriller
8.6 117 1931 45350 crime thriller
8.3 134 1983 235798 action adventure family fantasy sci_fi
8.3 121 2004 105864 biography drama history thriller war
8 1990 6426 crime drama mystery thriller
8 101 2006 165523 adventure comedy drama
8.1 122 1973 120477 horror mystery thriller
8 90 2001 180573 animation adventure comedy family fantasy
7.4 104 2004 79179 drama romance
8 136 2004 209349 crime drama thriller
7.8 121 2006 60254 biography drama history thriller
6.8 138 2006 55526 comedy romance
8.6 119 1941 151829 drama mystery
7.6 143 2006 105860 drama
6.5 124 2007 67858 action adventure comedy mystery thriller
8 141 2006 66449 drama history war
5.6 113 2008 61118 action comedy drama
7.8 126 2004 74692 comedy drama romance
8.6 131 1959 104210 adventure drama mystery romance thriller
8.7 1988 8718 drama family comedy
7.1 132 2006 46781 drama history war
8.4 125 1940 43259 comedy drama war
7.4 120 2006 26707 drama romance
6.8 97 2001 64310 comedy drama romance
7.7 121 2006 36439 comedy crime drama mystery
6.5 130 2006 30063 drama music musical
8 81 1998 84784 crime thriller
7.1 128 2005 56851 drama thriller
7.7 93 2005 45695 drama history
5.9 90 2004 44884 animation comedy family
6.8 102 2005 38461 comedy drama
6.4 91 2005 30909 animation adventure comedy family romance
5.7 92 2006 34524 comedy family sport
5.8 81 2005 19592 animation adventure comedy family sci_fi
5.6 108 2004 28848 comedy romance
7.9 126 2004 40526 adventure biography drama
8.5 93 1948 32280 crime drama
8.1 125 2004 27289 biography drama
8.5 87 1936 42159 comedy drama romance
7.6 122 2004 77653 documentary history war
9.2 142 1994 598989 crime drama
8.9 152 2008 535317 action crime drama thriller
9 154 1994 475641 crime drama thriller
7.7 92 2008 86742 animation action adventure comedy family
8.8 139 1999 442785 drama mystery thriller
8.4 130 2006 247870 drama mystery thriller
8.5 108 2004 252410 drama fantasy romance sci_fi
8.7 113 2000 315849 crime drama mystery thriller
8.9 195 1993 316365 biography drama history war
8.7 127 1995 325398 crime drama mystery thriller
8.5 136 1971 219058 crime drama sci_fi
8.3 124 2005 286993 action crime drama thriller
8.4 155 2000 322575 action adventure drama
8.5 169 1998 307516 action drama history war
8.2 89 1994 166086 animation adventure comedy drama family
8.6 122 1999 329393 drama
8.4 116 1985 236044 adventure family sci_fi
8.7 118 1991 283571 crime thriller
8.4 156 2004 95739 biography drama history war
8.4 177 1995 272970 action biography drama history war
8 112 2004 190853 drama
8.2 120 1986 123189 action drama war
7.5 44 2003 23154 comedy drama romance
8.5 116 1997 127012 drama romance war
8.3 131 1988 207393 action thriller
8.6 137 1991 271838 action sci_fi thriller
8.2 80 1995 181496 animation adventure comedy drama family
8.2 94 1996 171074 crime drama
8.1 107 1984 204906 action sci_fi
8.1 129 1995 191295 mystery sci_fi thriller
8.1 111 2007 157132 animation comedy family fantasy
8.1 178 1995 124985 biography crime drama
8.2 101 1993 157037 comedy drama fantasy romance
6.6 108 2006 47972 animation adventure comedy family music
7.8 139 1997 100769 comedy drama romance
6.8 103 2002 384 drama mystery
genre6 genre7
fantasy romance


Count - id
position id your_rating title
1 tt0119626 10 Martín (Hache)
2 tt0382271 6 Rosario Tijeras
3 tt0106305 8 La ardilla roja
4 tt0417944 7 Manual de amor
5 tt0313196 7 El crimen del padre Amaro
6 tt0075824 8 Ese oscuro objeto del deseo
7 tt0099334 6 Cyrano de Bergerac
8 tt0021577 7 La edad de oro
9 tt0475860 6 Paraiso Travel
10 tt0105378 7 Sombras y niebla
11 tt0092493 5 Cocodrilo Dundee II
12 tt0093412 8 La ley del deseo
13 tt0326835 7 El punto sobre la I
14 tt0112922 7 El día de la bestia
15 tt0436331 5 Amigos con dinero
16 tt0107206 4 En la línea de fuego
17 tt0105391 7 Resplandor en la oscuridad
18 tt0095250 9 El gran azul
19 tt0420015 7 Nueve vidas
20 tt0487503 8 La última nota
21 tt0119190 5 George de la jungla
22 tt0102945 7 Durmiendo con su enemigo
23 tt0813547 8 Los falsificadores
24 tt0283900 8 Una casa de locos
25 tt0097523 4 Cariño, he encogido a los niños
26 tt0314412 9 Mi vida sin mí
27 tt0378947 8 Melinda y Melinda
28 tt0118998 5 Doctor Dolittle
29 tt0473697 7 Satanás, perfil de un asesino
30 tt0313792 7 Todo lo demás
31 tt0329717 4 Hollywood: Departamento de homicidios
32 tt0409184 7 Las muñecas rusas
33 tt0300140 8 Lilya Forever
34 tt0109747 9 La estrategia del caracol
35 tt0044453 6 El bruto
36 tt0404318 8 Perder es cuestión de método
37 tt0117333 5 Phenomenon
38 tt0061395 8 Bella de día
39 tt0390221 6 Maria llena eres de gracia
40 tt0305669 4 Se armó la gorda
41 tt0101026 8 Átame!
42 tt0095675 8 Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios
43 tt0104466 8 Maridos y mujeres
44 tt0133385 4 Astérix y Obélix contra César
45 tt0325980 6 Piratas del Caribe. La maldición de la Perla Negra
46 tt0119832 7 Después de una noche
47 tt0262698 6 Por la libre
48 tt0430576 9 La vida secreta de las palabras
49 tt1192628 7 Rango
50 tt0100508 8 Rodrigo D: No futuro
51 tt0078788 8 Apocalypse Now
52 tt0108778 7 Friends
53 tt0782839 6 Al final del espectro
54 tt0109830 8 Forrest Gump
55 tt0800039 6 Paso de ti
56 tt0285403 7 Scrubs
57 tt0110413 8 El profesional (Léon)
58 tt0372784 7 Batman Begins
59 tt0314331 7 Love Actually
60 tt0163651 6 American Pie
61 tt0485618 6 El colombian dream
62 tt0086250 8 El precio del poder
63 tt0082971 8 En busca del arca perdida
64 tt0110148 7 Entrevista con el vampiro (Crónicas vampíricas)
65 tt0107290 6 Jurassic Park: Parque jurásico
66 tt0414387 7 Orgullo y prejuicio
67 tt0289879 6 El efecto mariposa
68 tt0078748 8 Alien, el octavo pasajero
69 tt0265086 7 Black Hawk derribado
70 tt0116612 6 Ilona llega con la lluvia
71 tt0327056 8 Mystic River
72 tt0117509 7 Romeo y Julieta, de William Shakespeare
73 tt0096895 6 Batman
74 tt0264464 8 Atrápame si puedes
75 tt0116629 4 Independence Day
76 tt0198781 5 Monstruos, S.A.
77 tt0183127 5 Golpe de estadio
78 tt0240772 7 Ocean's Eleven. Hagan juego
79 tt0109686 4 Dos tontos muy tontos
80 tt0405159 8 Million Dollar Baby
81 tt0497465 7 Vicky Cristina Barcelona
82 tt0107001 10 La gente de la Universal
83 tt0497939 6 Mi abuelo, mi papá y yo
84 tt0213149 4 Pearl Harbor
85 tt0316654 5 Spider-Man 2
86 tt0335266 8 Lost in Translation
87 tt0367594 9 Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate
88 tt0119654 5 Men in Black: hombres de negro
89 tt0119094 4 Cara a cara (Face/Off)
90 tt0388795 7 Brokeback Mountain
91 tt0361217 7 Nip/Tuck, a golpe de bisturí
92 tt0073195 6 Tiburón
93 tt0119177 8 Gattaca
94 tt0095953 8 Rain Man
95 tt0075148 7 Rocky
96 tt0453467 3 Deja Vu
97 tt0496806 6 Ocean's Thirteen
98 tt0119528 6 Mentiroso compulsivo
99 tt0099785 7 Solo en casa
100 tt0087332 6 Los cazafantasmas
101 tt0097576 7 Indiana Jones y la última cruzada
102 tt0118688 5 Batman y Robin
103 tt0289765 7 El dragón rojo
104 tt0386588 6 Hitch: Especialista en ligues
105 tt0175142 4 Scary Movie
106 tt0112462 6 Batman Forever
107 tt0116695 9 Jerry Maguire
108 tt0103772 7 Instinto básico
109 tt0290002 7 Los padres de él
110 tt0212985 5 Hannibal
111 tt0246460 4 Muere otro día
112 tt0259446 7 Mi gran boda griega
113 tt0125439 6 Notting Hill
114 tt0162222 7 Náufrago
115 tt0299658 7 Chicago
116 tt0351283 6 Madagascar
117 tt0187078 5 60 segundos
118 tt0349903 6 Ocean's Twelve
119 tt0103874 7 Drácula, de Bram Stoker
120 tt0112384 7 Apolo 13
121 tt0160127 5 Los ángeles de Charlie
122 tt0106519 8 Atrapado por su pasado
123 tt0416320 9 Match Point
124 tt0162661 5 Sleepy Hollow
125 tt0110632 7 Asesinos natos
126 tt0413267 7 Shrek tercero
127 tt0100405 7 Pretty Woman
128 tt0387913 6 El carro
129 tt0268380 6 Ice Age, La edad de hielo
130 tt0118880 5 Con Air: convictos en el aire
131 tt0096874 8 Regreso al futuro II
132 tt0087469 6 Indiana Jones y el templo maldito
133 tt0110322 6 Leyendas de pasión
134 tt0089927 5 Rocky IV
135 tt0138097 5 Shakespeare in Love (Shakespeare enamorado)
136 tt0091203 7 Los inmortales
137 tt0099653 6 Ghost (Más allá del amor)
138 tt0212346 3 Miss Agente Especial
139 tt0112864 5 Jungla de cristal. La venganza
140 tt0401445 7 Un buen año
141 tt0102798 6 Robin Hood, príncipe de los ladrones
142 tt0212338 7 Los padres de ella
143 tt0369441 5 Dick y Jane - Ladrones de risa
144 tt0099348 6 Bailando con lobos
145 tt0315327 6 Como Dios
146 tt0805564 7 Lars y una chica de verdad
147 tt0117060 3 Mission: Impossible
148 tt0298148 7 Shrek 2
149 tt0118884 6 Contact
150 tt0099423 4 La jungla 2: Alerta roja
151 tt0433400 6 Sólo amigos
152 tt0113189 5 GoldenEye
153 tt0111257 7 Speed: Máxima potencia
154 tt0254455 8 Lucía y el sexo
155 tt0270569 5 La pena máxima
156 tt0093105 7 Good Morning, Vietnam
157 tt0083987 7 Gandhi
158 tt0121164 8 La novia cadáver
159 tt0063522 7 La semilla del diablo
160 tt0113627 10 Leaving Las Vegas
161 tt0094898 4 El príncipe de Zamunda
162 tt0808417 10 Persépolis
163 tt0120755 4 M.I.-2: Misión imposible 2
164 tt0087363 5 Gremlins
165 tt0162346 8 Ghost World
166 tt0238780 8 Escalona
167 tt0143145 5 El mundo nunca es suficiente
168 tt0091481 8 La mansión de Araucaima
169 tt0063442 6 El planeta de los simios
170 tt0120812 4 Hora punta
171 tt0052618 8 Ben-Hur
172 tt0107818 8 Philadelphia
173 tt0120632 6 City of Angels
174 tt0094889 5 Cocktail
175 tt0084602 6 Rocky III
176 tt0305357 5 Los ángeles de Charlie: Al límite
177 tt0343135 6 Y entonces llegó ella
178 tt0398017 8 Sin control
179 tt0094737 7 Big
180 tt0367027 8 Shortbus
181 tt0106856 9 Un día de furia
182 tt0438097 6 Ice Age 2. El deshielo
183 tt0389790 7 Bee Movie
184 tt0086960 6 Superdetective en Hollywood
185 tt0287467 6 Hable con ella
186 tt0122151 6 Arma letal 4
187 tt0373926 5 La intérprete
188 tt0084522 6 Porky's
189 tt0337741 7 Cuando menos te lo esperas
190 tt0304415 5 La sonrisa de Mona Lisa
191 tt0450188 7 La vida en rosa (Edith Piaf)
192 tt0107614 5 Señora Doubtfire, papá de por vida
193 tt0412019 8 Flores rotas
194 tt0089880 5 Acorralado, II parte
195 tt0097733 6 Arma letal 2
196 tt0120744 5 El hombre de la máscara de hierro
197 tt0795493 7 Cassandra's Dream (El sueño de Cassandra)
198 tt0338096 6 Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights
199 tt0377107 3 La verdad oculta (Proof)
200 tt0298845 8 En América
201 tt0116213 5 Eraser (Eliminador)
202 tt0112642 6 Casper
203 tt0107207 10 En el nombre del padre
204 tt0457513 5 Scoop
205 tt0077928 8 El expreso de medianoche
206 tt0107211 7 Una proposición indecente
207 tt0104714 6 Arma letal 3
208 tt0115433 5 101 dálmatas, más vivos que nunca
209 tt0091605 7 El nombre de la rosa
210 tt0163187 5 Novia a la fuga
211 tt0379725 9 Truman Capote
212 tt0407265 8 Transamérica
213 tt1032846 7 4 meses, 3 semanas, 2 días
214 tt0086006 8 Nunca digas nunca jamás
215 tt0137494 5 La trampa
216 tt0099422 5 Dick Tracy
217 tt0115685 6 Una jaula de grillos
218 tt0118819 10 Carne trémula
219 tt0113071 7 El primer caballero
220 tt0109635 5 Acoso
221 tt0165798 8 Ghost Dog, el camino del samurai
222 tt0098067 5 ¡Dulce hogar... a veces!
223 tt0097778 5 Mira quién habla
224 tt0208003 5 Esta abuela es un peligro
225 tt0117438 6 Rescate
226 tt0115759 5 Broken Arrow: alarma nuclear
227 tt0077766 5 Tiburón 2
228 tt0089543 6 El hombre con un zapato rojo
229 tt0096073 7 La séptima profecía
230 tt0103030 8 Tacones lejanos
231 tt0096320 6 Los gemelos golpean dos veces
232 tt0107798 5 El informe Pelícano
233 tt0109813 4 The Flintstones: Los Picapiedra
234 tt0120053 4 El santo
235 tt0119874 5 El pacificador
236 tt0098621 8 La guerra de los Rose
237 tt0114345 5 La letra escarlata
238 tt0069947 8 Chacal
239 tt0145503 7 Sunshine
240 tt0305206 9 American Splendor
241 tt0089370 7 La joya del Nilo
242 tt0068646 9 El padrino
243 tt0120338 6 Titanic
244 tt0133093 8 Matrix
245 tt1645089 9 Inside Job
246 tt0232500 4 A todo gas
247 tt0114814 8 Sospechosos habituales
248 tt1049413 8 Up
249 tt0081505 8 El resplandor
250 tt0443706 8 Zodiac
251 tt0332452 8 Troya
252 tt0167404 8 El sexto sentido
253 tt0120915 6 Star Wars: Episodio I - La amenaza fantasma
254 tt0121766 8 Star Wars: Episodio III - La venganza de los Sith
255 tt0440963 7 El ultimátum de Bourne
256 tt0071562 8 El padrino. Parte II
257 tt0405422 6 Virgen a los 40
258 tt0092099 7 Top Gun. Ídolos del aire
259 tt0454921 6 En busca de la felicidad
260 tt0259711 6 Vanilla Sky
261 tt0317740 6 The Italian Job
262 tt0120382 7 El show de Truman (Una vida en directo)
263 tt0121765 6 Star Wars: Episodio II - El ataque de los clones
264 tt0111503 8 Mentiras arriesgadas
265 tt0382625 5 El código Da Vinci
266 tt0100802 8 Desafío total
267 tt0163978 7 La playa
268 tt0117500 5 La Roca
269 tt0372183 6 El mito de Bourne
270 tt0325710 6 El último samurai
271 tt0087538 6 The Karate Kid
272 tt1512685 1 Los ojos de Julia
273 tt0119174 9 The Game
274 tt0319262 5 El día de mañana
275 tt0187393 6 El patriota
276 tt0117998 5 Twister
277 tt0398165 5 El clan de los rompehuesos
278 tt0298130 6 The ring (La señal)
279 tt0105793 5 Wayne's world: ¡qué desparrame!
280 tt0120363 8 Toy Story 2
281 tt0094226 8 Los intocables de Eliot Ness
282 tt0078346 6 Superman
283 tt0129387 8 Algo pasa con Mary
284 tt0244244 5 Operación Swordfish
285 tt0230600 7 Los otros
286 tt0368447 6 El bosque (The village)
287 tt0274558 8 Las horas
288 tt0181865 9 Traffic
289 tt0362227 5 La terminal
290 tt0116209 8 El paciente inglés
291 tt0110475 6 La máscara
292 tt0387131 8 El jardinero fiel
293 tt0324175 7 Te busco
294 tt0106977 7 El fugitivo
295 tt0266987 6 Spy Game
296 tt0185937 7 El proyecto de la bruja de Blair
297 tt0462538 5 Los Simpson. La película
298 tt0245574 9 Y tu mamá también
299 tt0207201 5 ¿En qué piensan las mujeres?
300 tt0443632 4 La sombra de la sospecha
301 tt0120891 4 Wild Wild West
302 tt0056869 7 Los pájaros
303 tt0120347 5 El mañana nunca muere
304 tt0218967 7 Family Man
305 tt0145681 4 El coleccionista de huesos
306 tt0245834 8 Stand-by
307 tt0161081 6 Lo que la verdad esconde
308 tt0117765 4 Striptease, de Andrew Bergman
309 tt0185125 7 Todo sobre mi madre
310 tt0064505 7 Un trabajo en Italia
311 tt0081573 5 Superman II
312 tt0164912 5 Stuart Little
313 tt0280380 7 Atrapada
314 tt0091326 6 Karate Kid II, la historia continúa
315 tt1212419 6 Más allá de la vida
316 tt1403865 8 Valor de ley (True Grit)
317 tt1504320 9 El discurso del rey
318 tt0964517 9 The Fighter
319 tt1099212 5 Crepúsculo
320 tt1014759 8 Alicia en el país de las maravillas
321 tt1126591 7 Burlesque
322 tt1325004 6 Eclipse
323 tt1259571 5 La saga Crepúsculo: Luna nueva
324 tt1261945 4 Sexo en Nueva York 2
325 tt1587707 8 Exit Through the Gift Shop
326 tt0412142 9 House
327 tt0947798 9 Cisne negro
328 tt1104001 7 TRON: Legacy
329 tt0842926 9 Los chicos están bien
330 tt0959337 7 Revolutionary Road
331 tt1149361 9 Micmacs, un gran follón
332 tt0329330 9 Lugares comunes
333 tt1285016 9 La red social
334 tt1027718 4 Wall Street 2: El dinero nunca duerme
335 tt1315981 9 Un hombre soltero
336 tt0094137 6 Tres hombres y un bebé
337 tt0369672 7 Una canción del pasado
338 tt1375666 9 Origen
339 tt0268978 7 Una mente maravillosa
340 tt0343660 5 50 primeras citas
341 tt0104257 7 Algunos hombres buenos
342 tt0305224 5 Ejecutivo agresivo
343 tt0315733 9 21 gramos
344 tt0245712 9 Amores perros
345 tt0118571 5 Air Force One, el avión del presidente
346 tt0120623 7 Bichos
347 tt0075686 7 Annie Hall
348 tt0125659 7 Abre los ojos
349 tt0122933 6 Una terapia peligrosa
350 tt0435761 9 Toy story 3
351 tt1305806 9 El secreto de sus ojos
352 tt1193138 8 Up in the Air
353 tt0808399 7 New York, I Love You
354 tt0929632 9 Precious
355 tt0118715 7 El gran Lebowski
356 tt1020955 5 Fuera de carta
357 tt1113827 7 Toronto Stories
358 tt0441297 8 Habana Blues
359 tt1368491 9 Contracorriente
360 tt0841044 7 2 Days in Paris
361 tt0113819 8 Poderosa Afrodita
362 tt0499549 8 Avatar
363 tt0796366 6 Star Trek
364 tt0241527 6 Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal
365 tt1136608 9 District 9
366 tt1152836 7 Enemigos públicos
367 tt0421715 8 El curioso caso de Benjamin Button
368 tt1205489 8 Gran Torino
369 tt1010048 9 Slumdog Millionaire
370 tt0445922 9 Across the Universe
371 tt1186830 8 Ágora
372 tt1013753 9 Mi nombre es Harvey Milk
373 tt0822832 7 Una pareja de tres
374 tt1139668 6 La semilla del mal
375 tt0762125 5 Planet 51
376 tt1135487 6 Duplicity
377 tt0033870 8 El halcón maltés
378 tt1426374 8 Los viajes del viento
379 tt0284363 8 Yo serví al rey de Inglaterra
380 tt0133363 8 Los amantes del Círculo Polar
381 tt0106966 9 Fresa y chocolate
382 tt0393597 9 Earth
383 tt1148204 6 La huérfana
384 tt0361748 7 Malditos bastardos
385 tt1190080 3 2012
386 tt1132620 7 Millennium 1: Los hombres que no amaban a las mujeres
387 tt0870984 9 Anticristo
388 tt1131729 8 Radio encubierta
389 tt1125849 8 El luchador
390 tt0478087 7 21: Black Jack
391 tt0976051 8 El lector
392 tt0485794 7 Los actores del conflicto
393 tt0416212 7 La vida secreta de las abejas
394 tt0314067 8 Filantropica
395 tt1014762 9 Home
396 tt0386032 8 Sicko
397 tt0145621 10 Mirada de mujer
398 tt1157631 9 Perro come perro
399 tt0263017 8 Como el gato y el ratón
400 tt0140682 8 Visa USA
401 tt0048037 9 Ensayo de un crimen
402 tt0063291 8 Memorias del subdesarrollo
403 tt0042804 9 Los olvidados
404 tt0086637 7 Zelig
405 tt0350193 10 Te doy mis ojos
406 tt0055601 8 Viridiana
407 tt0092337 10 El decálogo
408 tt0372824 9 Los chicos del coro
409 tt0104662 7 El lado oscuro del corazón
410 tt0275491 6 La mala educación
411 tt0251091 10 Before the Storm
412 tt0159382 8 Crupier
413 tt0047708 8 Alfred Hitchcock presenta
414 tt0117883 10 Tesis
415 tt0426578 7 Sophie Scholl - Los últimos días
416 tt0056732 9 El ángel exterminador
417 tt0082934 7 El cartero siempre llama dos veces
418 tt0068361 6 El discreto encanto de la burguesía
419 tt0020530 8 Un perro andaluz
420 tt0409570 8 Huff
421 tt0382097 8 Incautos
422 tt0407887 6 Infiltrados
423 tt0041423 8 El gran Calavera
424 tt0317248 9 Ciudad de Dios
425 tt0265825 10 Sumas y restas
426 tt0180093 9 Réquiem por un sueño
427 tt0060722 10 La muerte de un burócrata
428 tt0434409 9 V de vendetta
429 tt0076759 8 La guerra de las galaxias
430 tt0405094 9 La vida de los otros
431 tt0141842 10 Los Soprano
432 tt0211915 10 Amelie
433 tt0477348 10 No es país para viejos
434 tt1000774 9 Sexo en Nueva York: La película
435 tt0145487 5 Spider-Man
436 tt0266543 9 Buscando a Nemo
437 tt0206634 7 Hijos de los hombres
438 tt0266697 9 Kill Bill: Volumen 1
439 tt0253474 9 El pianista
440 tt0381061 6 007: Casino Royale
441 tt0159206 10 Sexo en Nueva York
442 tt0317705 10 Los increíbles
443 tt0467406 10 Juno
444 tt0080684 8 El imperio contraataca
445 tt0054215 9 Psicosis
446 tt0458352 6 El diablo viste de Prada
447 tt0217505 9 Gangs of New York
448 tt0450259 7 Diamante de sangre
449 tt0022100 7 M, el vampiro de Düsseldorf
450 tt0086190 7 El retorno del Jedi
451 tt0395169 10 Hotel Rwanda
452 tt0098844 7 Ley y orden
453 tt0449059 9 Pequeña Miss Sunshine
454 tt0070047 8 El exorcista
455 tt0126029 9 Shrek
456 tt0376541 10 Closer
457 tt0378194 9 Kill Bill: Volumen 2
458 tt0455590 8 El último rey de Escocia
459 tt0457939 5 The Holiday (Vacaciones)
460 tt0033467 8 Ciudadano Kane
461 tt0449467 6 Babel
462 tt0465234 6 La búsqueda 2 - El diario secreto
463 tt0498380 7 Cartas desde Iwo Jima
464 tt0960144 6 Zohan - Licencia para peinar
465 tt0375063 10 Entre copas
466 tt0053125 8 Con la muerte en los talones
467 tt0094582 9 Aquellos maravillosos años
468 tt0418689 7 Banderas de nuestros padres
469 tt0032553 10 El gran dictador
470 tt0401711 8 Paris, je t'aime
471 tt0243155 7 El diario de Bridget Jones
472 tt0441909 7 Volver
473 tt0443489 5 Dreamgirls
474 tt0130827 8 Lola rennt
475 tt0365737 8 Syriana
476 tt0433383 9 Buenas noches, y buena suerte.
477 tt0307453 6 El espantatiburones
478 tt0384680 7 El hombre del tiempo
479 tt0358082 7 Robots
480 tt0457510 7 Super Nacho
481 tt0371606 5 Chicken Little
482 tt0317198 7 Bridget Jones: Sobreviviré
483 tt0318462 7 Diarios de motocicleta
484 tt0040522 7 Ladrón de bicicletas
485 tt0369702 7 Mar adentro
486 tt0027977 8 Tiempos modernos
487 tt0361596 9 Fahrenheit 9/11
488 tt0111161 8 Cadena perpetua
489 tt0468569 10 El caballero oscuro
490 tt0110912 6 Pulp Fiction
491 tt0441773 8 Kung Fu Panda
492 tt0137523 9 El club de la lucha
493 tt0482571 5 El truco final (El prestigio)
494 tt0338013 5 ¡Olvídate de mí!
495 tt0209144 8 Memento
496 tt0108052 8 La lista de Schindler
497 tt0114369 8 Seven
498 tt0066921 7 La naranja mecánica
499 tt0401792 9 Frank Miller's Sin City, Ciudad del pecado
500 tt0172495 7 Gladiator
501 tt0120815 7 Salvar al soldado Ryan
502 tt0110357 8 El rey león
503 tt0169547 10 American Beauty
504 tt0088763 6 Regreso al futuro
505 tt0102926 8 El silencio de los corderos
506 tt0363163 7 El hundimiento
507 tt0112573 7 Braveheart
508 tt0375679 9 Crash
509 tt0091763 9 Platoon
510 tt0362359 7 O.C.
511 tt0118799 8 La vida es bella
512 tt0095016 4 Jungla de cristal
513 tt0103064 6 Terminator 2: el juicio final
514 tt0114709 8 Toy Story (Juguetes)
515 tt0117951 8 Trainspotting
516 tt0088247 7 Terminator
517 tt0114746 8 Doce monos
518 tt0382932 8 Ratatouille
519 tt0112641 7 Casino, de Scorsese
520 tt0107048 5 Atrapado en el tiempo
521 tt0366548 6 Happy Feet, rompiendo el hielo
522 tt0119822 9 Mejor... imposible
523 tt0339862 9 La vida de nadie
imdb_rating runtime year genres
7.5 123 1997 drama
6.3 126 2005 crime, drama, romance
7.4 114 1993 comedy, drama, music, mystery, romance
6.4 116 2005 comedy, drama, romance
6.8 118 2002 drama, romance
7.9 102 1977 comedy, drama, romance
7.6 137 1990 comedy, drama, history, romance
7.6 60 1930 comedy, romance
7.2 110 2008 drama
6.6 85 1991 comedy, drama, mystery
5.1 108 1988 action, adventure, comedy
7.2 102 1987 comedy, drama, romance
6.7 92 2003 drama, romance, thriller
7.5 103 1995 comedy, crime, horror, thriller
6.0 88 2006 comedy, drama, romance
7.2 128 1993 crime, drama, thriller
6.0 132 1992 thriller, drama, romance, war
7.4 1988 adventure, drama, romance
6.9 115 2005 drama
7.1 85 2006 drama, music, thriller
5.3 92 1997 action, adventure, comedy, family, romance
5.8 99 1991 drama, thriller
7.6 98 2007 crime, drama, war
7.3 122 2002 comedy, romance, drama
6.1 93 1989 adventure, comedy, family, sci_fi
7.6 106 2003 drama, romance
6.5 99 2004 comedy, drama
5.2 85 1998 comedy, family
7.3 2007 crime, drama
6.4 108 2003 comedy, romance
5.2 116 2003 action, comedy, crime, thriller
7.1 125 2005 comedy, drama, romance
7.9 109 2002 crime, drama
7.0 116 1993 comedy, drama
7.4 81 1953 drama
6.3 105 2004 thriller
6.3 123 1996 drama, romance, fantasy
7.8 101 1967 drama
7.6 101 2004 drama, thriller, crime
5.4 105 2003 comedy
6.9 111 1990 comedy, crime, drama, romance
7.6 90 1988 comedy, drama
7.4 108 1992 drama, romance
5.4 109 1999 adventure, comedy, family, fantasy
8.0 143 2003 action, adventure, fantasy
5.8 102 1997 drama, romance
7.0 96 2000 comedy
7.5 115 2005 drama, romance
7.7 107 2011 animation, adventure, comedy, family, western
6.8 93 1991 crime, drama, music
8.6 153 1979 drama, war
8.9 22 1994 comedy, romance
6.1 92 2006 drama, horror, mystery, thriller
8.7 142 1994 comedy, drama, romance
7.4 111 2008 comedy, drama, music, romance
9.0 24 2001 comedy, drama
8.6 110 1994 crime, drama, thriller
8.3 140 2005 action, crime, drama, thriller
7.8 135 2003 comedy, drama, romance
6.9 95 1999 comedy, romance
7.3 120 2005 comedy, drama
8.2 170 1983 crime, drama, thriller
8.7 115 1981 action, adventure
7.5 123 1994 fantasy
7.9 127 1993 adventure, family, sci_fi
7.8 127 2005 drama, romance
7.8 113 2004 drama, mystery, sci_fi, thriller
8.5 117 1979 horror, sci_fi
7.7 144 2001 action, drama, history, war
6.8 1996
8.0 138 2003 crime, drama, mystery, thriller
6.9 120 1996 crime, drama, romance
7.6 126 1989 action, crime, thriller
7.8 141 2002 biography, comedy, crime, drama
6.6 145 1996 action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller
8.0 92 2001 animation, adventure, comedy, family, fantasy
6.7 105 1998 comedy, romance, sport
7.6 116 2001 crime, thriller
7.2 107 1994 comedy, family
8.2 132 2004 drama, sport
7.3 96 2008 drama, romance
6.8 110 1991
6.5 95 2005 comedy, drama, romance
5.5 183 2001 action, drama, romance, war
7.6 127 2004 action, crime, fantasy, thriller
7.9 104 2003 drama
7.0 115 2005 adventure, comedy, family, fantasy
7.0 98 1997 action, adventure, comedy, sci_fi
7.3 138 1997 action, crime, sci_fi, thriller
7.8 134 2005 drama, romance
8.3 2003 drama
8.3 124 1975 thriller
7.8 106 1997 drama, romance, sci_fi, thriller
8.0 133 1988 drama
8.1 119 1976 drama, romance, sport
7.0 126 2006 action, sci_fi, thriller
6.9 122 2007 crime, thriller
6.7 86 1997 comedy, fantasy
7.1 103 1990 adventure, comedy, family
7.8 105 1984 adventure, fantasy, mystery
8.3 127 1989 action, adventure
3.5 125 1997 action, crime, fantasy, sci_fi
7.2 124 2002 crime, drama, mystery, thriller
6.7 118 2005 comedy, romance
6.0 88 2000 comedy
5.4 121 1995 action, crime, fantasy, thriller
7.3 139 1996 comedy, drama, romance, sport
6.9 127 1992 mystery, thriller
6.4 115 2004 comedy, romance
6.5 131 2001 crime, drama, thriller
6.0 133 2002 action, adventure, thriller
6.6 95 2002 comedy, romance
6.9 124 1999 comedy, romance
7.5 143 2000 adventure, drama
7.2 113 2002 comedy, crime, drama, musical
6.7 86 2005 animation, adventure, comedy, family
6.1 118 2000 action, crime, thriller
6.1 125 2004 crime, thriller
7.3 128 1992 horror, romance
7.5 140 1995 adventure, drama, history
5.5 98 2000 action, adventure, comedy, crime, thriller
7.9 144 1993 crime, drama, thriller
7.8 124 2005 crime, drama, romance, sport, thriller
7.5 105 1999 fantasy, mystery, thriller
7.1 118 1994 crime, drama, romance, thriller
6.1 93 2007 animation, adventure, comedy, family, fantasy
6.7 119 1990 comedy, romance
6.5 90 2003 comedy
7.5 81 2002 animation, adventure, comedy, family
6.6 115 1997 action, crime, thriller
7.5 108 1989 adventure, comedy, family, sci_fi
7.5 118 1984 action, adventure
7.2 133 1994 drama, romance, war, western
6.1 91 1985 action, drama, sport
7.3 123 1998 comedy, drama, romance
7.2 116 1986 action, fantasy
6.9 127 1990 drama, fantasy, mystery, romance, thriller
6.0 109 2000 action, comedy, crime
7.5 131 1995 action, crime, thriller
6.8 118 2006 comedy, drama, romance
6.7 143 1991 action, adventure, drama, romance
7.0 108 2000 comedy, romance
6.0 90 2005 comedy, crime
8.0 181 1990 adventure, drama, western
6.6 101 2003 comedy, drama, fantasy
7.5 106 2007 comedy, drama
6.9 110 1996 action, adventure, thriller
7.4 93 2004 animation, adventure, comedy, family, fantasy
7.4 150 1997 drama, mystery, sci_fi, thriller
7.0 124 1990 action, crime, thriller
6.3 96 2005 comedy, romance
7.1 130 1995 action, adventure, thriller
7.2 116 1994 action, crime, drama, thriller
7.4 128 2001 drama, romance
7.1 80 2001 comedy
7.2 121 1987 comedy, drama, war
8.1 191 1982 biography, drama, history
7.4 77 2005 animation, fantasy, music, romance
8.1 136 1968 drama, horror, mystery
7.6 111 1995 drama, romance
6.8 116 1988 comedy, drama, romance
8.0 96 2007 animation, biography, drama, war
5.8 123 2000 action, adventure, thriller
7.1 106 1984 comedy, fantasy, horror
7.7 111 2001 comedy, drama
7.3 1992 drama, adventure, musical
6.3 128 1999 action, adventure, thriller
7.0 85 1986 drama
8.0 112 1968 adventure, drama, mystery, sci_fi
6.8 98 1998 action, comedy, thriller, crime
8.2 212 1959 action, adventure, drama, history, romance
7.6 125 1993 drama
6.4 114 1998 drama, fantasy, romance, thriller
5.4 104 1988 comedy, drama, romance
6.2 99 1982 action, drama, sport
4.7 106 2003 action, adventure, comedy, crime
5.8 90 2004 comedy, romance
6.5 108 2005 drama, thriller
7.2 104 1988 comedy, drama, family, fantasy, romance
6.6 101 2006 comedy, drama, romance
7.6 113 1993 crime, drama, thriller
6.8 91 2006 animation, action, adventure, comedy, family, fantasy, romance
6.3 91 2007 animation, adventure, comedy, family
7.3 105 1984 action, comedy, crime, drama, thriller
8.1 112 2002 comedy, drama
6.5 127 1998 action, crime, thriller
6.5 128 2005 drama, mystery, thriller
5.9 94 1982 comedy
6.8 128 2003 comedy, romance
6.1 117 2003 drama, romance
7.6 140 2007 biography, drama, music
6.6 125 1993 comedy, drama, family
7.2 106 2005 comedy, drama, mystery
5.9 96 1985 action, adventure, thriller
7.1 114 1989 action, comedy, crime, thriller
6.2 132 1998 action, adventure, drama, history
6.8 108 2007 crime, drama, romance, thriller
5.6 86 2004 romance, drama
6.8 100 2005 drama, mystery
7.9 105 2003 drama, romance
5.9 115 1996 action, crime, drama, mystery, thriller
5.7 100 1995 comedy, family, fantasy
8.0 133 1993 biography, drama
6.8 96 2006 comedy, fantasy, mystery, romance
7.6 121 1978 biography, crime, drama, thriller
5.4 117 1993 drama, romance
6.5 118 1992 action, crime, thriller
5.4 103 1996 family, comedy, adventure
7.8 130 1986 drama, mystery, thriller, crime
5.2 116 1999 comedy, romance
7.5 114 2005 biography, crime, drama
7.5 103 2005 adventure, comedy, drama
7.9 113 2007 drama
6.1 134 1983 action, adventure, thriller
6.1 113 1999 action, crime, romance, thriller
6.0 105 1990 action, crime, romance, thriller
6.6 117 1996 comedy
7.5 103 1997 drama, romance, thriller
5.6 134 1995 adventure, drama, romance
5.9 128 1994 drama, thriller
7.6 116 1999 action, comedy, crime, drama, thriller
6.9 124 1989 comedy, drama
5.6 93 1989 romance, comedy
4.8 98 2000 action, comedy, crime
6.6 121 1996 crime, thriller
5.8 108 1996 action, thriller
5.6 116 1978 thriller
5.4 92 1985 comedy, thriller
5.8 97 1988 drama, fantasy, thriller
7.1 112 1991 comedy, drama, romance
5.9 105 1988 comedy
6.4 141 1993 crime, drama, mystery, romance, thriller
4.6 91 1994 comedy, crime, family, fantasy
5.9 116 1997 action, romance, sci_fi, thriller
5.9 124 1997 action, thriller
6.7 116 1989 comedy
4.6 135 1995 drama, romance
7.9 143 1973 crime, drama, thriller
7.4 181 1999 drama, history, romance, war
7.6 101 2003 biography, comedy, drama
5.8 106 1985 action, adventure, comedy, romance
9.2 175 1972 crime, drama, thriller
7.4 194 1997 adventure, drama, history, romance
8.7 136 1999 action, adventure, sci_fi
8.2 120 2010 documentary, crime
6.1 106 2001 action, crime, thriller
8.7 106 1995 crime, mystery, thriller
8.4 96 2009 animation, adventure, comedy, drama, family, fantasy
8.5 1980 drama, horror, mystery
7.8 157 2007 crime, drama, history, mystery, thriller
7.0 163 2004 action, drama, history, romance
8.2 107 1999 drama, mystery, thriller
6.4 136 1999 action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi
7.8 140 2005 action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi
8.2 115 2007 action, mystery, thriller
9.0 200 1974 crime, drama
7.4 116 2005 comedy, romance
6.6 110 1986 action, drama, romance
7.8 117 2006 biography, drama
6.9 136 2001 mystery, romance, sci_fi, thriller
6.9 111 2003 action, crime, thriller
8.0 103 1998 drama
6.8 142 2002 action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi
7.2 141 1994 action, thriller
6.4 149 2006 mystery, thriller
7.4 113 1990 action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller
6.3 119 2000 adventure, drama, romance, thriller
7.3 136 1996 action, thriller
7.6 108 2004 action, mystery, thriller
7.7 154 2003 action, adventure, drama, history, war
7.0 126 1984 drama, family, sport
6.6 112 2010 horror, thriller
7.7 129 1997 drama, mystery, thriller
6.3 124 2004 action, adventure, drama, sci_fi, thriller
6.9 165 2000 action, drama, war
6.0 113 1996 action, adventure, drama, thriller
6.2 113 2005 comedy, drama, sport
7.2 115 2002 horror, mystery, thriller
6.9 94 1992 comedy, music
8.0 92 1999 animation, adventure, comedy, family, fantasy
8.0 119 1987 action, biography, crime, drama, history, thriller
7.3 143 1978 action, adventure, family, sci_fi
7.2 119 1998 comedy, romance
6.3 99 2001 action, thriller, crime
7.8 101 2001 drama, mystery, thriller
6.6 108 2004 drama, mystery, thriller
7.6 114 2002 drama
7.8 147 2000 crime, drama, thriller
7.2 128 2004 comedy, drama, romance
7.3 162 1996 romance, drama, war
6.7 101 1994 action, comedy, crime, fantasy, romance
7.6 129 2005 drama, mystery, romance, thriller
5.8 2002
7.8 130 1993 action, adventure, crime, drama, thriller
6.9 126 2001 action, crime, thriller
6.3 81 1999 horror, mystery
7.5 87 2007 animation, adventure, comedy
7.7 106 2001 comedy, drama
6.3 127 2000 comedy, fantasy, romance
6.0 108 2006 action, adventure, crime, mystery, thriller
4.3 106 1999 action, western, comedy, sci_fi
7.9 119 1963 horror, thriller
6.4 119 1997 action, adventure, thriller
6.6 125 2000 comedy, fantasy, drama, romance
6.4 118 1999 crime, drama, mystery, thriller
7.0 125 2000 drama
6.5 130 2000 horror, mystery, thriller
4.0 115 1996 comedy, crime, thriller
7.9 101 1999 drama
7.2 99 1969 action, comedy, crime, thriller
6.7 127 1980 action, adventure, sci_fi
5.9 84 1999 adventure, comedy, family, fantasy
6.0 106 2002 crime, drama, thriller
5.4 113 1986 action, family, romance, sport
6.8 129 2010 drama, fantasy
8.0 110 2010 adventure, drama, western
8.3 118 2010 biography, drama, history
8.0 116 2010 biography, drama, sport
5.5 122 2008 fantasy, romance
6.6 108 2010 action, adventure, family, fantasy
6.1 119 2010 drama, musical, romance
4.8 124 2010 drama, fantasy, romance, thriller
4.5 130 2009 drama, fantasy, romance
3.9 146 2010 comedy, drama, romance
8.1 87 2010 documentary, comedy
8.9 2004 drama, mystery
8.4 108 2010 drama, mystery, thriller
7.0 125 2010 action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller
7.3 106 2010 comedy, drama
7.5 119 2008 drama, romance
7.3 105 2009 comedy, crime
7.7 110 2002 drama
8.1 120 2010 biography, drama
6.3 133 2010 drama
7.6 99 2009 drama
5.7 102 1987 comedy, drama
7.1 119 2004 drama
8.9 148 2010 action, mystery, sci_fi, thriller
8.0 135 2001 biography, drama
6.8 99 2004 comedy, romance
7.6 138 1992 crime, drama, mystery, thriller
6.1 106 2003 comedy
7.9 124 2003 crime, drama, thriller
8.2 154 2000 drama, thriller
6.3 124 1997 action, drama, thriller
7.3 95 1998 animation, adventure, comedy, family
8.2 93 1977 comedy, drama, romance
7.9 117 1997 drama, mystery, romance, sci_fi, thriller
6.6 103 1999 comedy, crime
8.6 103 2010 animation, adventure, comedy, family, fantasy
8.3 129 2009 drama, mystery, romance
7.8 109 2009 drama, romance
6.5 103 2009 drama, romance
7.4 2009 drama
8.2 117 1998 comedy, crime
6.2 111 2008 comedy, romance
5.4 2008 drama
7.0 115 2005 drama, music
7.7 100 2009 drama
6.9 96 2007 comedy, drama, romance
7.0 95 1995 comedy, fantasy, romance
8.2 162 2009 action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi
8.1 127 2009 action, adventure, sci_fi
7.2 152 2001 adventure, family, fantasy, mystery
8.2 112 2009 action, drama, sci_fi, thriller
7.1 140 2009 biography, crime, drama, history
8.0 166 2008 drama, fantasy, mystery, romance
8.3 116 2008 drama
8.3 120 2008 crime, drama, thriller
7.4 133 2007 adventure, drama, musical, romance
7.2 127 2009 adventure, drama, history, romance
7.8 128 2008 biography, drama, history
7.0 115 2008 comedy, drama, family, romance
4.5 88 2009 horror, mystery, thriller
6.1 91 2009 animation, adventure, comedy, family, sci_fi
6.3 125 2009 romance, thriller
8.4 1941 crime, film_noir, mystery
7.5 117 2009 drama, music
7.4 120 2006 comedy, drama, romance, war
7.8 112 1998 drama, mystery, romance
7.3 108 1994 drama, comedy
7.9 90 2007 documentary
7.1 123 2009 horror, mystery, thriller
8.4 153 2009 adventure, drama, war
5.8 158 2009 action, adventure, drama, sci_fi, thriller
7.7 152 2009 crime, drama, mystery, thriller
6.6 108 2009 drama, fantasy
7.4 116 2009 comedy, drama, music, romance
8.1 109 2008 drama, romance, sport
6.7 123 2008 crime, drama
7.7 124 2008 drama, romance
6.5 100 2008 comedy, drama, war
7.0 2008 drama
8.3 110 2002 comedy, drama
8.4 120 2009 documentary
8.2 123 2007 documentary, drama, history
7.2 1997 drama
6.5 106 2008 thriller
6.7 95 2002 comedy
6.7 90 1986 comedy
8.0 89 1955 comedy, crime, drama
7.9 97 1968 drama
8.2 85 1950 crime, drama
7.7 79 1983 comedy, fantasy
7.5 109 2003 drama, romance
8.2 90 1961 drama
9.2 1989 drama
7.8 97 2004 drama, music
7.2 127 1992 comedy, romance, drama
7.4 106 2004 crime, drama, fantasy, mystery, romance, thriller
7.4 106 2000 drama
7.2 94 1998 crime, drama
8.8 1955 crime, drama, mystery, thriller
7.6 125 1996 horror, mystery, thriller
7.8 120 2005 biography, crime, drama, history, war
8.1 95 1962 comedy, drama, fantasy, mystery
6.5 122 1981 crime, drama, thriller, romance
8.0 102 1972 comedy, drama, fantasy
8.0 16 1929 fantasy
8.1 2004 drama, comedy
6.9 110 2004 crime, thriller, drama
8.5 151 2006 crime, mystery, thriller
7.4 92 1949 comedy
8.8 130 2002 crime, drama
6.8 108 2004 drama
8.5 102 2000 drama
7.6 85 1966 comedy
8.2 132 2006 action, sci_fi, thriller
8.8 121 1977 action, adventure, family, fantasy, sci_fi
8.5 137 2006 drama, thriller
9.4 58 1999 crime, drama, thriller
8.6 122 2001 comedy, fantasy, romance
8.3 122 2007 crime, drama, thriller
5.3 145 2008 comedy, drama, romance
7.4 121 2002 action, adventure, fantasy
8.2 100 2003 animation, adventure, comedy, family
8.0 109 2006 adventure, drama, sci_fi, thriller
8.2 111 2003 action, crime, thriller
8.5 150 2002 biography, drama, war
8.0 144 2006 action, crime, thriller
7.0 1998 comedy, romance
8.1 115 2004 animation, action, adventure, family, fantasy
7.8 96 2007 comedy, drama, romance
8.8 124 1980 action, adventure, family, sci_fi
8.7 109 1960 horror, mystery, thriller
6.7 109 2006 comedy, drama, romance
7.4 167 2002 crime, drama, history
8.0 143 2006 adventure, drama, thriller
8.6 117 1931 crime, thriller
8.3 134 1983 action, adventure, family, fantasy, sci_fi
8.3 121 2004 biography, drama, history, thriller, war
8.0 1990 crime, drama, mystery, thriller
8.0 101 2006 adventure, comedy, drama
8.1 122 1973 horror, mystery, thriller
8.0 90 2001 animation, adventure, comedy, family, fantasy
7.4 104 2004 drama, romance
8.0 136 2004 crime, drama, thriller
7.8 121 2006 biography, drama, history, thriller
6.8 138 2006 comedy, romance
8.6 119 1941 drama, mystery
7.6 143 2006 drama
6.5 124 2007 action, adventure, comedy, mystery, thriller
8.0 141 2006 drama, history, war
5.6 113 2008 action, comedy, drama
7.8 126 2004 comedy, drama, romance
8.6 131 1959 adventure, drama, mystery, romance, thriller
8.7 1988 drama, family, comedy
7.1 132 2006 drama, history, war
8.4 125 1940 comedy, drama, war
7.4 120 2006 drama, romance
6.8 97 2001 comedy, drama, romance
7.7 121 2006 comedy, crime, drama, mystery
6.5 130 2006 drama, music, musical
8.0 81 1998 crime, thriller
7.1 128 2005 drama, thriller
7.7 93 2005 drama, history
5.9 90 2004 animation, comedy, family
6.8 102 2005 comedy, drama
6.4 91 2005 animation, adventure, comedy, family, romance, sci_fi
5.7 92 2006 comedy, family, sport
5.8 81 2005 animation, adventure, comedy, family, sci_fi
5.6 108 2004 comedy, romance
7.9 126 2004 adventure, biography, drama
8.5 93 1948 crime, drama
8.1 125 2004 biography, drama
8.5 87 1936 comedy, drama, romance
7.6 122 2004 documentary, history, war
9.2 142 1994 crime, drama
8.9 152 2008 action, crime, drama, thriller
9.0 154 1994 crime, drama, thriller
7.7 92 2008 animation, action, adventure, comedy, family
8.8 139 1999 drama, mystery, thriller
8.4 130 2006 drama, mystery, thriller
8.5 108 2004 drama, fantasy, romance, sci_fi
8.7 113 2000 crime, drama, mystery, thriller
8.9 195 1993 biography, drama, history, war
8.7 127 1995 crime, drama, mystery, thriller
8.5 136 1971 crime, drama, sci_fi
8.3 124 2005 action, crime, drama, thriller
8.4 155 2000 action, adventure, drama
8.5 169 1998 action, drama, history, war
8.2 89 1994 animation, adventure, comedy, drama, family, musical
8.6 122 1999 drama
8.4 116 1985 adventure, family, sci_fi
8.7 118 1991 crime, thriller
8.4 156 2004 biography, drama, history, war
8.4 177 1995 action, biography, drama, history, war
8.0 112 2004 drama
8.2 120 1986 action, drama, war
7.5 44 2003 comedy, drama, romance
8.5 116 1997 drama, romance, war
8.3 131 1988 action, thriller
8.6 137 1991 action, sci_fi, thriller
8.2 80 1995 animation, adventure, comedy, drama, family, fantasy
8.2 94 1996 crime, drama
8.1 107 1984 action, sci_fi
8.1 129 1995 mystery, sci_fi, thriller
8.1 111 2007 animation, comedy, family, fantasy
8.1 178 1995 biography, crime, drama
8.2 101 1993 comedy, drama, fantasy, romance
6.6 108 2006 animation, adventure, comedy, family, music, romance
7.8 139 1997 comedy, drama, romance
6.8 103 2002 drama, mystery

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