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Historia y Evolucin de Internet

1) Investigadores, cientficos y estudiantes avanzados
2) Los aficionados y comunitarios virtuales (Bulletin Board
System, FIDONET)
3) Geeks y la cultura hacker
the set of values and beliefs that emerged from the networks
of computer programmers interacting online around their
collaboration in self-defined projects of creative
programming. (Castells) (UNIX)
4) Emprendedores y operadores de red (Compuserv)
5) Usuarios

Arpanet (1969-1975)


De extremo a extremo

Lnea de tiempo (Leiner, Cerf, et al.

El despegue de Internet: www

Internet + Hipertexto
HTTP: protocolo de la capa de aplicacin
para recuperar documentos interrelacionados
HTML: sintctica de la estructura de los
sitios web
URL: localiza un recurso especificado para

Despegue de Internet y dependencia

(Forges, en Brown et al. 2009)

Principios de diseo en la actualidad

(Blackman et al, 2010)

Requisitos de la red para las

necesidades de los usuarios (Blackman et al,

By governance, we mean the processes and
institutions, both formal and informal, that guide and
restrain the collective activities of a group.
Government is the subset that acts with authority and
creates formal obligations. Governance need not
necessarily be conducted exclusively by
governments...private firms, associations of firms,
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and
associations of NGOs all engage in it, often in
association with governmental bodies, to create
governance; sometimes without governmental
(Keohane and Nye 2002:12 en Wilson, 2005)

Gobernanza emergente e
RFCs y formas de decisin basadas en el
consenso (IETF)
Community Governance: From Netiquette to
Open Source
La gobernanza de Internet como un espacio
de polticas y de investigacin (el concepto de

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