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run across

run by

run into

run over

run after

run down

run of

run through

run around

run for

run on

run to

run away

run in

run out

run up

run across - tropezarse con, encontrarse con

I was doing the Christmas shopping when I ran across an old friend
of mine.
Estaba haciendo las compras para Navidad cuando me encontr con un viejo amigo.
run after - perseguir, correr tras

The police was running after somebody suspected of murder.

La polica persegua a alguien sospechoso de asesinato.
run around - (a) ir corriendo de aqu para all (b) after - hacer un montn de
por alguien cuando deberas hacer ms por t mismo (c) with - salir con,
juntarse con, andar con

The waitress has been running around all night, the bar's full.
La mesera ha estado yendo de aqu para all toda la noche, el bar est repleto.
Jo's always running around after Dan but he doesn't seem to mind.
Jo est siempre haciendo un montn de cosas por Dan, but a l no parece
I saw your sister running around with the new kids of the block.
Vi a tu hermana juntndose con los nuevos nios de la cuadra.
run away - escaparse, fugarse

The news report alerted that a tiger has ran away from the zoo.
El noticiero advirti que un tigre se ha escapado del zoolgico.
run by - repetir algo dicho

Could anyone run by what the journalist has just said?

Alguien podra repetir lo que acaba de decir el periodista?
run down - (a) agotarse (b) menospreciar, criticar

You won't be able to use my CD player, the batteries have run

No vas a poder utilizar mi reproductor de CD, se le agotaron las pilas.
My boss is always running down my work.
Mi jefe siempre menosprecia mi trabajo.
run for - postularse para ser elegido para un puesto pblico
You won't believe it, but Jessica is running for Senator.
No vas a creerlo, pero Jessica acaba de postularse para senadora .
run in - (a) hacer funcionar (b) manejar lentamente para no daar el motor

The kid asked his grandfather to help him run in the electric train.
El nio pidi a su abuelo que lo ayude a hacer funcionar el tren elctrico.
Robert is still running his car in, he is not confident yet.
Robert todava conduce despacio, todava no tiene confianza.
run into - (a) entrar corriendo en (b) tropezar con (c) chocar
The kids ran into the house when they heard the cake was ready.
Los nios entraron corriendo en la casa cuando oyeron que la torta estaba lista.
I ran into mum on my way home, she wants you to phone her.
Me encontr con mam cuando iba para casa, quiere que la llames.
Pete ran into a tree when he was driving, he's in hospital.
Pete choc contra un rbol cuando iba manejando, est internado.
run of - escaparse, fugarse

Ben's depressed because his best friend ran of with his girlfriend.
Ben est deprimido porque su mejor amigo se escap con su novia.
run on - prolongarse, durar, seguir hablando

Tony's speech ran on for more than an hour.

El discurso de Tony dur ms de una hora.
run out (a) of - quedarse sin (b) on - abandonar

I can't finish printing the document, I ran out of paper.

No puedo terminar de imprimir el documento, me qued sin papel.
Robert ran out on his girlfriend because she was cheating on him.
Robert dej a su novia porque lo estaba engaando.
run over - (a) derramar (b) atropellar

You've poured so much juice into the glass that it has run over.
Has puesto tanto jugo en el vaso que se ha derramado.
The driver didn't see the cat and ran over it.
El conductor no vio al gato y lo atropell.
run through - (a) consumir, gastar (b) echar un vistazo, ensayar
We've run through all the food, we should go to the supermarket.
Consumimos todo lo que haba para comer, deberamos ir al supermercado.
The play's about to be premiered and we're running through it all
the time.
La obra se est por estrenar y estamos ensayando todo el tiempo.
run to - extenderse, elevarse a, ascender a

The final amount of the bill runs to five hundred pounds.

El monto total de la factura asciende a quinientas libras.
run up - (a) contraer, crear, hacerse, izar (b) against - encontrarse con, tener que
vrselas con alguien

The youngest students used to run up the flag every morning.

Los estudiantes ms jvenes solan izar la bandera cada maana.
If you go to Harvard you'll run up against a lot of foreign students.
Si vas a Harvard te encontrars con un montn de estudiantes extranjeros

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