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Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci ) fue un polmata florentino del

Renacimiento italiano. Fue a la vez pintor, anatomista, arquitecto, artista, botnico,

cientfico, escritor, escultor, filsofo, ingeniero, inventor, msico, poeta y urbanista. Naci
en Vinci el 15 de abril de 14522 y falleci en Amboise el 2 de mayo de 1519, a los 67
aos, acompaado de su fiel Francesco Melzi, a quien leg sus proyectos, diseos y
pinturas.2 Tras pasar su infancia en su ciudad natal, Leonardo estudi con el clebre
pintor florentino Andrea de Verrocchio. Sus primeros trabajos de importancia fueron
creados en Miln al servicio del duque Ludovico Sforza. Trabaj a continuacin en Roma,
Bolonia y Venecia, y pas los ltimos aos de su vida en Francia, por invitacin del rey
Francisco I.
Frecuentemente descrito como un arquetipo y smbolo del hombre del Renacimiento,
genio universal, adems de filsofo humanista cuya curiosidad infinita solo puede ser
equiparable a su capacidad inventiva,3 Leonardo da Vinci es considerado como uno de
los ms grandes pintores de todos los tiempos y, probablemente, es la persona con el
mayor nmero de talentos en mltiples disciplinas que jams ha existido.4 Como
ingeniero e inventor, Leonardo desarroll ideas muy adelantadas a su tiempo, tales como
el helicptero, el carro de combate, el submarino y el automvil. Muy pocos de sus
proyectos llegaron a construirse (entre ellos la mquina para medir el lmite elstico de un
cable),Nota 2 puesto que la mayora no eran realizables durante esa poca.Nota 3 Como
cientfico, Leonardo da Vinci hizo progresar mucho el conocimiento en las reas de
anatoma, la ingeniera civil, la ptica y la hidrodinmica.

Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci) was a Florentine Italian Renaissance
polymath. It was at once painter, anatomist, architect, artist, botanist, scientist, writer,
sculptor, philosopher, engineer, inventor, musician, poet and city planner. He was born in
Vinci on 15 April 14522 and died in Amboise on May 2, 1519, at age 67, accompanied by
his faithful Francesco Melzi, whom he bequeathed his projects, designs and pinturas.2
After spending his childhood in his city natal, Leonardo studied with the famous Florentine
painter Andrea Verrocchio. His first important works were created in Milan in the service of
Duke Ludovico Sforza. He then worked in Rome, Bologna and Venice and spent the last
years of his life in France, at the invitation of King Francis I.
Frequently described as an archetype and a symbol of the Renaissance man, universal
genius, in addition to humanist philosopher whose infinite curiosity can only be matched by
his inventiveness, 3 Leonardo da Vinci is considered one of the greatest painters of all
time and, probably is the person with the most talent in multiple disciplines that ever
existido.4 As an engineer and inventor, Leonardo developed very ahead of their time
ideas, such as the helicopter, the battle tank, the submarine and the car. Very few of his
projects came to be constructed (including the machine to measure the elastic limit of a
cable), Note 2 since most were not achievable during that poca.Nota 3 As a scientist,
Leonardo da Vinci made much progress in knowledge the fields of anatomy, civil
engineering, optics, and hydrodynamics.

El terremoto de Mxico de 1985 fue un sismo ocurrido a las 07:17:47 hora local (UTC-6),4
del Jueves 19 de septiembre de 1985, que alcanz una magnitud de 8.1 (MW).2 El
epicentro se localiz en el Ocano Pacfico mexicano, cercano a la desembocadura del
ro Balsas en la costa del estado de Michoacn, y a 15 kilmetros de profundidad bajo la
corteza terrestre.3
El sismo afect en la zona centro, sur y occidente de Mxico, en particular el Distrito
Federal, en donde se percibi a las 07:19 hora local. Ha sido el ms significativo y
mortfero de la historia escrita de dicho pas y su capital,5 y super en intensidad y daos
al registrado en 1957, que hasta entonces haba sido el ms notable en la ciudad.2 La
rplica acontecida un da despus, la noche del 20 de septiembre de 1985, tambin tuvo
gran repercusin para la capital al colapsar estructuras reblandecidas un da antes.

The 1985 Mexico City earthquake was occurred at 7:17:47 local time (UTC-6), 4 on
Thursday September 19, 1985 quake, which had a magnitude of 8.1 (MW) .2 The
epicenter was located in Mexican Pacific Ocean, near the mouth of the Balsas river on the
coast of the state of Michoacan, and 15 kilometers beneath the crust terrestre.3 The quake
struck in the central, southern and western Mexico, including Mexico City, where they felt
at 07:19 local time. It has been the most significant and deadly of the written history of this
country and its capital, 5 and surpassed in intensity and damage than in 1957, which until
then had been the most noticeable in the ciudad.2 The replica which occurred a day later,
the night of September 20, 1985, also had great impact to the capital to collapse structures
softened the day before.

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