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Departamento de Pruebas Nacionales
Noviembre 2004




Fecha: ________________________________

_________________ _________________ _________________

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- Para resolver la prueba, usted debe contar con un folleto que contiene 80 ítemes de
selección, un bolígrafo de tinta negra o azul, corrector líquido blanco y una hoja para


1. Verifique que el folleto esté bien compaginado y que contenga los 80 ítemes de
selección. En caso de encontrar alguna anomalía, notifíquela inmediatamente al
delegado de aula; de lo contrario, el estudiante asume la responsabilidad sobre
los problemas que se pudieran suscitar por esta causa.

2. Lea cuidadosamente cada ítem.

3. Si lo desea, puede usar el espacio al lado de cada ítem, para escribir cualquier
anotación que le ayude a encontrar la respuesta. Sin embargo, lo que se califica son
las respuestas seleccionadas y marcadas en la hoja para respuestas.

4. De las cuatro posibilidades de respuesta: A), B), C) y D), que presenta cada ítem,
solamente una es correcta. Cada respuesta debe basarse en la información que
proveen los textos o ilustraciones.

5. Una vez que haya revisado todas las opciones y esté seguro o segura de su elección,
rellene completamente el círculo correspondiente, tal como se indica en el ejemplo.


6. Si necesita rectificar la respuesta, utilice corrector líquido blanco; rellene con bolígrafo
de tinta negra o azul el círculo correspondiente a la nueva opción seleccionada. Anote
en la parte destinada para observaciones de la hoja para respuestas: “La respuesta del
ítem Nº ___ es la opción ____”. Debe firmar al final de todas las observaciones.

7. Ningún ítem debe aparecer sin respuesta o con más de una respuesta.



9. Las imágenes y textos utilizados en esta prueba son tomados del material disponible y
recursos afines para la enseñanza del Inglés.

Para efectos de determinar el puntaje obtenido, solamente se

tomará en cuenta lo consignado en la hoja para respuestas.

Read the text and choose the correct alternative to complete each idea.


1. When you sit down to eat, use a napkin to clean your mouth if necessary.
2. Clean your hands on the tablecloth or your clothes.
3. Put only small pieces of food into your mouth.
4. Eat big pieces of food. You’ll finish faster.
5. Eat with your mouth closed.
6. Don’t close your mouth when you chew.

1) Suggestions with the numbers _________ are good table manners.

A) 1 and 2
B) 1 and 3
C) 3 and 4
D) 2 and 5

2) Recommendation Nº 6 is considered ______________ in Costa Rica.

A) gracious
B) impolite
C) decent
D) funny
Read the recipes and choose the correct answer for each question.

Recipe Nº 1: Recipe Nº 2 : Recipe Nº 3:

Thyme Vinegar Red-Wine Vinegar Creamy Coriander
with Chili Potatoes
½ cup fresh thyme
leaves 3 bay leaves 3 cups small firm potatoes
4 cups natural vinegar 4 stems thyme cooked
(with no additives) or 3 small hot red chilis, 1/3 cup chopped fresh
banana vinegar from fresh or dried (whole) coriander
the market 1 tsp. black pepper 1 cup sour cream
(whole) 1 tsp salt
Place all together in a 4 cups red-wine vinegar 1 tbsp butter
small jar. Close well and
Carefully wash a bottle of Heat butter and add
let stand for at least one
wine with hot water and coriander and salt. Peel
week. It spices up
soda, rinse well. Put all cooked potatoes and slice
salads, and besides, it’s
ingredients into the bottle, in round pieces. Add
a nice present.
close and let stand for at butter and stir in sour
least two weeks. This cream. Can be served
vinegar spices up tomato with beef, sausages or
or green salads with broccoli.
avocado and much more.

3) Which recipe requires to heat up elements during the process?

A) Nº 1 and Nº 2
B) Nº 1 and Nº 3
C) Nº 2 and Nº 3
D) Nº 1 exclusively
4) What is the name of the recipe that goes well with meat?

A) Bay Leaves
B) Thyme Vinegar
C) Creamy Coriander Potatoes
D) Red-Wine Vinegar with Chili

5) How much time do vinegars need to marinate before using them?

A) Less than one week

B) More than one year
C) One week or more
D) Up to one year

6) Which recipes are used to spice up other dishes?

A) Nº 1 and Nº 2
B) Nº 1 and Nº 3
C) Nº 2 and Nº 3
D) Nº 3 exclusively

7) Which ingredients do recipes N° 1 and 2 have in common?

A) Banana vinegar
B) Hot red pepper
C) Black pepper
D) Thyme

8) What kind of vinegar does the second recipe need? _______________ vinegar.

A) Red-wine
B) Banana
C) Natural
D) Black
Read the text and choose the correct option to answer each question.

The Feast of Epiphany

9) What is the main mystery about the
O Three Wise Men?
ne important day connected to __________________.
Christmas, is the Feast of the
Epiphany. This is a Greek word A) Who they really were
meaning “manifestation”, and it
B) The Greek manifestation
describes the presentation of the
Infant Jesus to the Three Wise C) Which presents they gave Jesus
Men. They, in their turn, presented D) The meaning of the word
to him with gifts of gold, “Epiphany”
frankincense and myrrh. Nobody
knows who these three “wise men”,
“kings”, or “magi” really were, or
where they came from; but for
hundreds of years they have been
called Melchior, Caspar and
The Feast of Epiphany is the 6th of 10) Based on the Italian legend, who told
January. At one time, this was the the Wise Men where the stable was?
date of Christmas Day itself. Now it ______.
is the twelfth day of the whole
Christmas season, which starts on
December 25. In some countries, A) American people
Epiphany is still a big event. In B) European people
Italy, for instance, they remember a C) A good witch
kindly witch called Befana, who was D) Children
supposed to have helped the Three
Wise Men find their way to the
stable to see Jesus. In many
European countries, people, mainly
children, get gifts on Epiphany Day
and not on Christmas Day as
happens in most American
societies. 11) When was Christmas celebrated in the

A) Nobody knows
B) On January the sixth
C) On January the twelfth
Choose the alternative that answers each question correctly according to the text.

YOUR COSTA RICA VACATION 12) Which locations will the trip include?
All it takes is a toll-free call! ______________________________.

A) Rivers and theaters

After 20 years in Costa Rica, Tico Times B) Monuments and hotels
fishing columnist Jerry Ruhlow and his C) The rainforest and big cities
staff at Costa Rica Outdoors know the D) Fishing zones and volcanoes
territory as well as any and better than
most. Our Travel Division will plan a trip
designed for your special interests and 13) Where will the organizers wait for the future
travelers? _______________________ .
budget… including, but not limited to,
fishing on either coast or on inland waters, A) At the coast
hotels, white water rafting, volcanoes, B) At the airport
jungle river, rainforest trips and more. C) In the rainforest
D) In the jungle river
We will meet you at the airport on your
arrival, and we will see you off on
departure. There are no “packages” on
14) What will the real purpose of this trip be?
the shelf. Every trip is customized to your _________________________________ .
schedule, interests and budget, and we
can be reached by telephone 24 hours a A) To see Costa Rican tourist attractions
day while you are in the country if you B) Answering questions on emergencies
have questions or an emergency. C) To spend 20 years in Costa Rica
D) Meeting people at the airport

15) What will the trip include for sure?


A) Hotels and emergency telephone lines

B) Tour packages and rigid budgets
C) No communication means
D) Fixed schedules
Read the text and choose the correct option to answer each question.

LANKESTER BOTANICAL GARDEN 16) What is the main attraction of

Lankester Botanical Garden? The

A) drive from San José

B) delightful visitors
C) orchid collection
D) rustic collection

17) What kinds of scenery is it possible to

find in Lankester Garden?

A) Greenhouses and a butterfly

B) Natural and British tunnels.
C) Tropical forests and snow.
D) Rustic bridges and peaks.

18) When do people visit Lankester

Visitors, especially those from northern Botanical Garden?
climes, will be delighted by the Lankester
Botanical Garden, located about a half- A) Only from February to May
hour’s drive from San José. B) From 3:30 p.m. to 9 a.m.
Although the ground back home might be C) On any day of the week.
blanketed by snow, at Lankester it is D) Only during spring.
always spring, and orchids bloom all year
around. In the garden’s trees and
greenhouses, about 800 of Costa Rica’s 19) Who is in charge of Lankester
1,400 species of orchids thrive, along Botanical Garden?
with a spectacular collection of showy,
native bromeliads, bamboo, heliconias, A) The University of Costa Rica.
palms and cacti. Peak blooming season B) Charles H. Lankester.
for the orchid is from February to May, C) British naturalists.
but visitors are assured of finding D) Tour Guides.
blossoms any month of the year. Well-
tended air trails wind through natural
tunnels of bamboo, across rustic bridges,
lead to a small butterfly park and a stand
of secondary tropical forest. The garden
was originally founded by British
naturalist Charles H. Lankester, and it is
maintained today by the University of
Costa Rica. Guided tours are given daily
from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Read the text and choose the correct option to complete each idea.

Tour 1 Tour 2 Tour 3 Tour 4

Go riding and hiking Go sailing and wind- Explore castles from Sleep at a typical inn
in the Black surfing at the long ago, and have a and go shopping at
Mountains, and Llandgfedd medieval feast at the Abergavenny
camping at Brecon Reservoir, and Caldicot Castle. Market.
Beacons National canoeing on the You’ll remember the Visit museums to see
Park. beautiful River Wye. days of King Arthur! ancient artifacts.
Sleep under the stars You’ll never want to
when the weather is return to dry land!

20) The tour that includes lodging is 21) Tour Nº _________ evokes times of
tour Nº _________. royalty.

A) 1 A) 1
B) 2 B) 2
C) 3 C) 3
D) 4 D) 4

22) In tour Nº _________ you have the 23) For lovers of aquatic activities,
chance to visit stores. tour Nº _________ is the best.

A) 1 A) 1
B) 2 B) 2
C) 3 C) 3
D) 4 D) 4

24) If you like nature, sports and the open air, you should take tour Nº _________.

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Read the text and choose the correct option to complete each idea.

What is Anthrax?
Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by the spore-
forming bacterium bacillus anthacis. There are three main types
of anthrax: coetaneous, respiratory, and intestinal. This rod-
shaped microbe grows in soil, where it can be ingested by
sheep, cows, horses and goats. Anthrax most commonly
occurs in warm-blooded animals, and can also infect humans.
Anthrax spores can be produced in a dry form (for biological
warfare) which may be stored and ground into particles. When
inhaled by humans, these particles cause respiratory failure and death within a week.
Transmission to humans normally occurs through contact with infected animals but can
also occur through breathing air that contains the spores of the bacillus. The disease is
usually restricted to individuals who handle hides of animals (farmers, butchers, and
veterinarians) or sort wool.

25) Anthrax mostly affects the _______________________________.

A) bacterium and bacilli

B) microbes and spores
C) blood, intestines and eyes
D) intestines and the respiratory system

26) The contagion of anthrax in humans occurs ________________________________.

A) by the contact with other infected beings

B) by having a severe respiratory failure for a week
C) through breathing close to any farmer or butcher
D) when people inhale air free of spores of the bacilli

27) Some animals get infected when they ________________________________.

A) are seen by a veterinarian

B) breathe next to any butcher
C) are inhaled by infected humans
D) ingest the microbe from the ground
Read the text and choose the correct option to complete each idea.

Hurricanes Benefit Caribbean

The Caribbean coast revealed a few secrets during an epic
October. Undergoing a phenomenon that seems to happen
every few years, a Caribbean hurricane on a distant side of
this sea sucked all the humidity away, leaving cloudless
blue skies and sea as flat as mercury.
The resulting rush of high-pressure air to the low-pressure
center of the hurricane also causes massive rains on the
Pacific slope of mountain ranges, as moisture-laden air
rises to rush over high peaks of Costa Rica towards the
hurricane. During disaster conditions of extremely heavy
rains on the Pacific, the south Caribbean sees the weather
become as nice as it ever gets, with a fresh, dry breeze
blowing down from the Talamancas.

28) An atmospheric phenomenon is taking humidity away from the


A) Costa Rican Pacific

B) Costa Rican Caribbean
C) Pacific mountain ranges
D) distant side of the Caribbean sea

29) A very distant hurricane has caused strong rains in the ________________________.

A) Caribbean coasts
B) south Caribbean zones
C) all high peaks of Costa Rica
D) Pacific side of the mountains

30) Two weather conditions for the south Caribbean are _________________________.

A) cool with blue skies

B) humid with hurricanes
C) cool with massive rains
D) cloudless and heavy rains
Read the text and choose the correct option to answer each question.
31) How does a democratic country control the
SCOPES AND LIMITS OF limits of power? By __________________.
A) avoiding the limits of authority
B) violating the limits of the Congress
When we talk about powers, duties,
privileges, and boundaries, we use the C) writing a Constitution which limits the
term scope and limits. By scope we
mean how far the authority extends, or D) declaring war with the president’s
how much authority can be exercised.
By boundaries we mean the limits set
up to make sure that authority is not
32) Which government entity authorizes the
President to spend taxes? __________.
In democratic countries, even the
president must honor the scope and A) Some judges
limits of the position. He or she has the B) The Congress
power and the duty to enforce the law. C) The President himself
The president, however, has limits on D) People who abuse power
his power. The president; for instance,
cannot declare war, that is the job of
Congress. The president does not 33) Why does the Constitution give certain
positions more power? Because some
spend taxpayer’s money without the
positions ________________________.
approval of Congress.
The people who wrote the Constitution A) require power to fulfill their duties
wanted to make sure that the B) require the abuse of power
president, members of the Congress, C) must misuse authority
and judges would have enough power D) have unlimited power
to carry out their duties. They were
also concerned about the abuse of
power. The Constitution limits the 34) Who has the power, in a democratic society,
of declaring war on another country?
power of all branches of government.
A) The Congress of that nation.
B) The President of a democratic country.
C) The people who wrote the Constitution.
D) People who are concerned about the
abuse of power.
Read the text and choose the correct option to answer each question.

MICROCHIPS 35) What was the first hit in the world of


A) The invention of silicon

B) The creation of microchips
C) The development of mini-
D) To make transistors of water
and silicon

In 1960, the world of electronics saw 36) What is the importance of ROM
the first success in developing memory chips? They
miniature transistors on the surface ____________________.
of a thin slice of silicon. As years
passed, such mini-transistors A) store information
became microchips. B) turn off the power
Among the different types of C) erase video games
microchips are MEMORY, which D) have random access
stores data, and PROCESSING,
which works with the data. Of the
two basic memory chips, read-only 37) Which memory microchip is capable
memory (ROM) usually holds of adding or eliminating information?
information that makes a device,
such as computers or video games, A) The RAM ones.
work properly. The other, random- B) The ROM ones.
access memory (RAM), can be C) Regular transistors.
erased or added to, and when the D) Miniature transistors.
power is turned off it disappears.
RAM chips are used in computers
38) What was the original objective of
and programmable calculators, so
creating microchips? To use them
they can store a lot of data for brief
in ____________________________.
Microchips are hidden away in
A) satellites
almost all modern electrical
B) computers
equipment, from televisions and cars
C) programmable calculators
D) almost all modern televisions
to the satellites for which the chips
were first developed.
Read the text and choose the correct option to complete each idea.

Anthony Durán Kimberly Evans

Telephone Operator Physical Therapist

As a directory assistance operator, I In my job, I mainly work with athletes who

give out hundreds of telephone have sports injuries. Sometimes the
numbers every day. I sort of like talking athletes are famous, and that’s always
to people all day. I earn around $20,000 exciting. My salary is good - $38,000 a
a year. But I don’t feel very secure, year – and I always have a lot of patients.
because a lot of operators are losing Doctors are too busy to do physical
their jobs because of automation. therapy these days, and they’re happy to
Computers do everything these days, give the work to specialists like me.
so, I’m studying to be a computer
programmer at night school.

39) One problem that Anthony faces is that


A) he can be fired at night school

B) his company is buying computers
C) he is studying for a secure position
D) he does not have a chance to study
40) Kimberly’s salary is ____________ Anthony’s.

A) as low as
B) as high as
C) lower than
D) higher than

41) Anthony studies in a night school, because he


A) wants to become computer programmer

B) wants to be a therapist
C) earns $ 30,000 a year
D) is losing automation

42) Kimberly thinks that doctors ________________________________________.

A) have plenty of time

B) hate famous athletes
C) don’t like to deal with therapists
D) don’t have time to give the patients therapy
Read the text and choose the correct alternative to complete each idea.

Child Labor Increasing, Say Experts 43) Working children’s salaries are ________
By Tim Rogers the minimum permitted by law.

A) higher than
B) as high as
C) lower than
D) as low as

44) The government’s plan to eradicate and

protect working children has _________.
They represent the youngest and
most vulnerable sector of Costa A) been scheduled for next month
Rica’s labor force, yet they work long B) worked adequately
hours on the fringe of the law and C) been inadequate
receive salaries that are just a D) been successful
fraction of the minimum wage.
Although the problem has always
existed here, rights leaders this week
expressed concern that the number
45) Regarding this problem, rights leaders think
of children involved in both the that next governments should
formal and informal economy is _______________________________.
growing, despite the government’s
A) eradicate adolescents
efforts to implement a national action
plan to eradicate child labor and B) give more work to the youngest
protect adolescent workers. To make C) implement a successful national plan
matters worse, the four-year action D) pay the working children a minimum
plan is scheduled to end next month, wage
and many are worried that the
situation will continue to snowball
unless the next administration takes
serious steps to intervene.
Read the text and choose the correct option to complete each idea.


Derived from Greek, xenophobia means fear or hatred of strangers and foreigners. It
is a disease that afflicts many Americans. You can detect it in the speeches of
politicians who demand that we guard the borders and expel unwanted immigrants.
What an irony that some of these politicians as well as the Americans who first settled
in the United States, were also immigrants.
The United States is schizophrenic on immigration. The country wants our labor, but
it doesn’t want our lives. It seeks our expertise, while the country turns up its nose at
our “smelly” food and dark faces.

46) A xenophobic individual is a person who _____________________________.

A) hates politicians
B) doesn’t want to live
C) rejects foreign people
D) wants to demand guards of the borders

47) Some ____________ send xenophobic messages when talking publicly.

A) politicians
B) strangers
C) Greeks
D) guards

48) The author of the article considers xenophobia an irony that some Americans

A) do not want immigrants

B) seek for smelly food
C) derive from Greek
D) have dusky faces
Read this text. Choose the appropriate option to complete each sentence.


Computers have gradually revolutionized our lives. In the future, we will

see many more changes and a faster rate. The postal system will virtually
disappear due to e-mail use. Communications will be done through the
computer. Libraries will become obsolete, information will be obtained via
network. Computer physicians will be the new doctors and perform
medical examinations to diagnose and recommend the most efficient
Teachers too will be replaced by learning machines, and children won’t
have to go to school anymore. Students will interact with their classmates
by computer. Many of these technologies are already in use. For many
years, airline companies have been training their pilots on simulators.
Computers have become part of our daily lives, and some people cannot
live without them. They become addicted to the screen and to the
multitude of video games and simulations that the computer provides.

49) The use of computers has _________________________.

A) made libraries disappear

B) made doctors quit
C) changed our lives
D) become obsolete

50) People will continue communicating by ______________________.

A) learning machines
B) electronic mail
C) video games
D) train
51) In the medical field, computers will be in charge of _________________________.

A) examining the addiction of the computers

B) substituting patients for machines
C) the most inefficient treatments
D) diagnoses and treatments

52) One disadvantage of using computers will be that ____________________ .

A) they will make communication faster

B) doctors will give worse diagnosis
C) a lot of libraries will be overused
D) users can become addicted

53) The expression, “Computers have become part of our daily lives” means that

A) people never use them

B) people use them everyday
C) people occasionally use them
D) only skillful people can use computers

54) The text talks about the technology which ___________________________.

A) people used, are using and will use in the future

B) will make the kids go to school more often
C) teachers will change
D) libraries will replace
Read this article. Choose the appropriate option to answer each question.

55) When will the theatre performance start? It

will start ________________.
A) in three weeks
Don’t tell your friends the ending… B) on Tuesday night
The Little Theatre Group presents C) on Saturday night
“The Mysterious Mr. Love” by Caroline D) on Sunday evening
Leach. Mr. Love presents himself as
a gentlemanly diplomat. In fact, he’s a
fortune hunter, until he meets
Adelaide Pinchen and the unexpected
happens. 56) How long will the show run? It will run for
Don’t miss this romantic thriller! _____________________.
Opening night will be Tuesday Dec.
27 at the Blanche Brown Theatre in A) two days
Bello Horizonte, and the show will run B) three days
for 3 weekends. Friday and Saturday C) three weekends
evenings at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday at D) just two weekends
2:30 p.m.
Tickets are 2,500 colones ($6) for
adults and 1100 colones ($2.50) for
students. For reservations, leave a
message at 289-3910.
57) How much are tickets for students?
_________________________ dollars.

A) One thousand and one hundred

B) Two and a half
C) One hundred
D) Six
Read the text below. Choose the appropriate option to complete each sentence.

ENCEPHALITIS 58) People can acquire encephalitis by

Viral encephalitis is a disease
transmitted by mosquitoes from A) a bird bite
infected small animals, usually B) a mosquito bite
birds and rodents, to humans. C) mosquito repellents
This disease causes D) a serious headache
inflammation of the brain. The
risk of getting this disease is
higher during the warm months 59) The risk of getting encephalitis increases when
when birds and mosquitoes ________________________.
reproduce. Although most
A) people may have headache
people infected with viral
B) people protect their skin
encephalitis have mild or no
C) people have high fever
symptoms, serious cases can
D) mosquitoes reproduce
cause headaches, high fever,
convulsions, coma and even
death. Symptoms appear 4 to 15
days after being bitten. No 60) Serious cases of encephalitis may
treatment is available for this ____________________________.
disease. During the mosquito
A) start by human transmission
season, people should take the
B) cause no symptoms
following precautions: wear
C) have treatment
protective clothing at dusk and
D) provoke death
sunset, apply mosquito repellent
to the skin, keep doors and
windows closed, and use
mosquito netting to cover 61) A way to prevent a mosquito bite is to
sleeping infants.
A) take a headache treatment
B) apply mosquito repellent
C) avoid mosquito netting
D) keep windows open
Read the ad. Choose the best alternative to complete each sentence.


Do you want to meet interesting people?

Do you speak several languages?

An international airline needs full-time flight

attendants with or without experience.


62) If a person wants to take this job, 63) A requirement to get this job is to
he/she will have to work _________. _____________________________.

A) in an office A) demand a good salary

B) in a school B) speak several languages
C) on a plane C) have previous experience
D) on a train D) meet interesting people in advance

64) One of the benefits this occupation 65) This job offers _______________________.
offers is that you ______________.
A) free air tickets
A) can travel around the world B) only two benefits
B) have no vacation periods C) four months vacation
C) can’t practice languages D) the chance of meeting boring people
D) earn a low salary
Read the article. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences.


The beautiful building that houses the Museum of Costa Rican Art was for forty years the
terminal of Costa Rica’s First International Airport. It immediately became known as LA
SABANA AIRPORT, as it was located in the now extensive Metropolitan Park by the same
name. The design of the building was executed by the engineer and architect, José María
Barrantes. The work of leveling and draining the land that would support the traffic of
airplanes was directed by Max Efinger. Though by the
initiative of the President of the Republic, León Cortés
Castro, Barrantes designed a terminal similar to that of
Guatemala’s La Aurora Airport. The project was approved in
1937. The construction, costing more than 1.5 million
colones, was directed by the engineer Luis Paulino Jiménez
Montealegre. The work of remodeling to adapt the building to
the needs of a museum began in November of 1978.
Nowadays, the Museum exhibits the most representative
collection of Costa Rican Art, from the end of the nineteenth
century to the present. The works are exhibited
chronologically, by themes in the gallery.

66) The museum was an airport for 67) The design of the airport came from
___________ years. _______________________.

A) 4 A) Max Efinger
B) 14 B) León Cortés
C) 40 C) José Ma. Barrantes
D) 400 D) Luis Paulino Jiménez

68) The museum organized the exhibition according to ___________________________.

A) periods of time and themes

B) the cost of the works
C) textures and colors
D) themes only
Read the article. Choose the best alternative to complete each sentence.


The World Trade Organization is starting to listen to environmentalists

who accuse it of ruining the environment. The WTO´s olive branch is a
report on the environmental effects of international trade. For the first
time, the WTO admits that international trade can harm the
environment. Green Groups and voters have only recently mobilized
against international trade. The WTO committee on international trade
and the environment has avoided these controversial issues.
Environmentalists are now preparing for the WTO´s Seattle Summit.
Most want to reform the trading system not to abolish it. But poorer
countries are almost all hostile. They fear that environmental issues will
be used by rich countries as an excuse to adopt protectionist policies.
Green groups want countries to evaluate the environmental impact of
the World Trading System, and also want the WTO to be more
transparent, accountable and accessible to environmental groups.

69) Environmentalists are complaining about ________________________________.

A) the benefits of trade on the environment

B) the World Trade Organization
C) the environment itself
D) Green Groups
70) The environmentalists want to _______________ the international trading system.

A) abolish
B) be the only member of
C) make some changes in
D) adopt harmful policies on

71) Green Groups want _________________________________.

A) themselves to be more accessible to suggestions

B) the WTO to mobilize against the environment
C) transparency from the WTO
D) to excuse the WTO

72) The article shows that the international trading system _____________________.

A) was not responding to the environmentalists requests

B) works according to what the environment needs
C) was exclusively developed by environmentalists
D) is responding to voters’ needs
Read the text. Choose the alternative to answer the questions.


Medford is a well-known soccer player and an outstanding

professional in this field. He started his career as a member of
the Sagrada Familia Team, in the southern sector of San José.
Then he went on to play with the Saprissa Team. He has played
in different countries. His fans admire him very much. He has
participated in two World Cup events. His achievements as a
player have given Costa Rica glorious moments. Ticos never
forget the goal against Sweden that gave the National Selection
the opportunity to pass to the second round in Italy 90. As a
player, he was spontaneous and creative, and made things
happen. Medford has lived sublime moments in the field.
Against the Mexican Team, in Azteca Stadium, he participated
with great success. His goal for Costa Rica won the game. He is
not an active player anymore. However, he became the trainer
of Saprissa Team. Many of his fans support Medford strongly
for making Saprissa advance to another national championship.
73) With what team did Medford play at the beginning of his career? With __________.

A) Saprissa
B) Sagrada Familia
C) Mexico Selection
D) National Selection

74) What outstanding traits did Medford have as a player? He was _______________.

A) lazy and quick

B) creative and slow
C) spontaneous and selfish
D) spontaneous and creative

75) What important achievements has Medford accomplished? He_________________.

A) is not famous
B) decided to retire
C) played without interest
D) participated in two World Cups

76) What happened in Azteca Stadium? Medford ______________________.

A) made Costa Rica lose the game

B) made Costa Rica win the match
C) left the game
D) didn’t play
Read the text. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.


Easter A Sunday in For Christians, this is a religious holiday. It is also a day

March or April when many people buy chocolate eggs and bunnies
and have Easter egg hunts outdoors.

Earth Day April 22 This is a day when people think about protecting the
Earth. People give speeches about saving the

Secretaries’ April 26 When secretaries come to work, their bosses give them
Day cards and flowers.

Mother’s 2nd Sunday People honor their mothers by giving them cards and
Day in May gifts, and having a family gathering.

Father’s Day 3er Sunday People honor their fathers by giving them presents and
in June cards.

Labor Day 1st Monday People honor workers and have picnics with relatives
in September and friends.

Hanukkah First weeks of During this religious festival, Jewish families light
December candles and give each other gifts.

Christmas December 25 For Christians, this is a religious holiday. It is also a day

when friends and families exchange gifts around a
Christmas tree.

77) _____________________ is a religious holiday.

A) Secretaries’ Day
B) Labor Day
C) Hanukkah
D) Earth Day
78) On __________________, people give gifts.

A) Easter
B) Earth Day
C) Labor Day
D) Mother’s Day

79) On Earth Day, there are speeches about _________________.

A) family ties
B) Christians
C) pollution
D) holidays

80) Society dedicates Dad a special day on _________________.

A) the first Monday in September

B) any Sunday in March or April
C) the second Sunday in May
D) the third Sunday in June
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Departamento de Pruebas Nacionales
Prueba de Bachillerato – Noviembre 2004

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